HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1982-11-22 ./ .. RESllfNTlAL" APP~ICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 Job [,oo=.io",921 110 rflt,>"1 r/1 ~ ,4'/0 , A...s.o"" .I'ap.j I 1 ~ 6 3 - ;). (. - f.- 2-0'f3:J.' Taz [,ot # S"bdiv-:sicn:j tIt II)q ALl\. 2 'It;{.,. 11dJif/lJY7 7{. /3t!a/J f/fJnl SPRINGFIELD , " . " -;-_,-,e": .r?~<I t4. /l; rfi.p .1'4. 1'1 , Adtb-esdlJ.1 A/r,,,.fj,r/~p. /It! {!. "cie;;'1;m....JfiB.lc1 D~ r1 ~~tJ /?? Ph""e, 7'1(;, -';;''-1/)1 Zip: 97 '177 n DescI"';be flark: \ \n ;:iticn "TeNt OowtJ. AND ~AY 01{ 8lf:LD I'Jl ~(q Pl~I:..(', l1>-.~\l, I!),,-k li"I\TL","t(?~ I\~D Remade! ~'i.\"t Fj(l..~ 13I:l}l. \ N 11",,~q y",,~ l:)~~ ~I':\i'[) ~2 '~:~:::!:::iC~Q l PI'1 ;'0 C~ U:lV~ \ \?v~:e ~t ~~~ ~ ~'ont:rcc:;ors Addres3 ~'7 \.'."'~Cl',d( General Plwnbing t'rUh \\6l\ln!t.. Wl&~v . Rcoeioo.' (j)c;cx.Jd- ,--v()JJJJ ~lf Siqr.~d: Date: , Lise.;! E:::::>ircs latMJlI.1. Phon, (OIbCJ-~I~~ ~(\)'7l/~ l Electrical I Ntlchar.:ic::Z CO"8t~~c~ian ~~nder ..",.,.. ......... It is :hB respmcibiti:y of" th8 fe~t hol.der to 868 that alZ inapeecions are ~ada at :he proper timc, t.t..at ~ch ddrflss is reaiab:. from tits street, and thar; the pcrr:n:t c:z:ttd is t..xa::ed at the [1"Cn.t of the property. ..3ui!.di.....g in:}i::io:,: c:p~l'Ot;ed ;:l.cn sr..d~ remain on tho 5~i.Zdi11f1 S~t~ c;t an times. ?:?OCEDURE POR INSPECTION REOUE"ST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City desigr.::ted job nw;;ber" job adi.rcss" type of ir.3=,ea::icn l'aquestcd a~d w~en you wi~~ be ~eady for ir~pcction, Contractors 01' ~~e~s r~~e cr~ ~hone ~~cr. Requests recei~.d bafer.' 7:00 ~ :.,..Ul. os ~de the scr.:e dcy, requests mc.ae aft~ 7:()O a':! lJin ba r.r:r.de the nc:::t :.JOI'k.ing day. ~d~~lo~ t?Eu:ruiro"d rnsr:',,~tic"'~ O <:"......~ .../52-,......."'/' T' , ...1.1...':'. .:...._'.J.: 0012 maae ezcav~ti~n, ~u; prier to Be; forms. o Your City.Desigr~tcd Job Number I~: afteI' up of U .J.ii5ULATIONIVAPOR EARRI2il D1SFE:C'!'ICtl: To be made after azz. in.s-.J.l.~ti:Jn a:-.d rea~iI'ed vewOl" barr-iers are in DZace but cefore ~y lath, gypsum bcdrd or wall cover--:'ng is cppUed, c:r.d belore any inaulation is concealed. UNDE.~S[,AE ?L{J,'.fEI.'IG_ ELEC':'RIC,\!. ~ ,'..'ECP';';lIC~i,: To ba tr.c.d~ oe[ore any work is ~o"Jcred.. o FOOTINC ~ FOU,','OATIO.'l: To be made 0 DR'!WALL INSP=CTIO:V: Te oe r.'Ju!.e after :~enches are e:c~~ated and :;;er ~ll. ~d~alL is .in place, forms are 8rec:ac, but prier to cu.t pnor to c;ny tap1-rtg. pourir.g c.:nc~e;.;:. l U.\'O!RG.:::OfJ.','O p::.r./!.[2[;''-;C. SE:I2R. :J.1TER. 'YASO~RY: S:~el locatio~, b07't~ ~. . oeaJ:1.., grou....ng or uert't.ca ls ...n DRAINAGE: :"0 be rr.a::e pr-~er' :0 j.../,- accordance '..)"'~th U.B.C. Section Ur.g crer.cr.8z. 241&. UNDERF'LOOR !'Lu.'.f9nlG .; NE:':.9A;vICAL: 0 ':iOODS'!'O'IE.: Aftar instaUation ~8 To ee maCa prier :0 -::n~H;c:l.z..:zt-:'on of cc.-:rpZ.e:€d. {'loor insui.::::;ion or decking. D o o o P'JST AND 3EAU: To ao tr.cdc pl'iOl' :0 instal.l...:tion of iZoor in.n.l.ation or' deoki"" CURS & APPROACH AP.~N: Afte~ forms ::::2"e cl'ec-ced but prior to po"..,I.ring ~n.::reta. SIDEWALX& DRITlF;f';A?: For aU ccn- cre-ce paving with~n street right- of-wc.y" to be mc:.de after' al! e=cc- uatina ccr.rol.ate & to~ !.:Ol'k & :uiJ~ base ;;',c,terial in pla~e. D o RO'JGH pu/.'~e!:lG. ?r.EC'i'.f?!CA[. ~ V~c.:l- ANICAL: ::0 -';01';': "':'3 :0 .;C cOl:area. until thcsa :"~~ec;~or.s ~-V~ ,;een made ~~ ~p1',~~d. FI_:::::?LACZ: Prior:o ?i.cc-:.r.g fc.C""~ng mc:tBMaZ,s ar.d :'oj"o1'6 f1'a::rir.g insp6c- t:ior.. o o o .>':'"E:N!:E:: ither. comp ZGte -- Provide gatas or ,~vable' sections thl'CUgh P.U.E. F'F1.4.'~I;'It;: ,'.fu.st,;e '!'6c;ue:Jted alteI' approv~i ~f r'ough ;Zur.~ir~. ~lect~- caZ & :;;ecr.anica.'E.. Al.~ rooj:.r.g bracing ~ cni.nncys, Bt~. .~~St ~e . cOmr?Zetcd. . .'/0 ~l'~ is to. b.e con.- . ceal.t:Jd ur.ttl. :;h-:'3 -:.n80eC:-:'on ;-~8 'been mad~ end ap?~~ed. o D~NOLITION OR ;'.:OV::; 3!:I!.Dli.'CS :=J Sanittll"',.J se".Je1' capped :::t ~~PLr-t:,. line ~ Sopti~ tank p:-.:::pcd ax f:.nad ;.,"ie:h ;r::.:;s! --, Final - {{hen aXve .;.te.'7:s arc cc:~rot6<:ed ---l and ~hen =e~li:;ior: is c~?tete or s~~~~. tur-e ~ved ar~ ?r~..~3es ~le~ned u~. .vobi l.e Ec:;;es :J :J Blocking and Sa:-~p Plur.~ir~ connec;iGr.s -- s~er cr.d ~:er ---, Electrical Ccnr.Bc~ion ~ Slocking, se~.~~ --.J and pi-WIlbing connections r.r"':0'3t =B C?Pr-::::ed os;o1'c requesting ~lea=r-icaL inspectio~ ., 'o"e.'o " 3u-''''::,..c --.J .... - ~.. ';1 ..I,.;.;.~ ~ ] Fi~l - Aft~l' ;::1'Cr.BSJ etc. are c~Fla=cd. skir:-:.ng, dec;"...s" o FI,'/A[. p!'{j,~!3I.'IG All pI'ojac: cor.ditions, ~uc~ a8 :he ~ns:aLla:ion of street :raes, ~c~!a:~~~ ~f :~ required t..anCsccpir.g, etc., .7lUSt be sa.t~sf""(!d bo:fore the 3UI!.OI:;G FI....AL .:an be 1'3q"J.3S:..zC. 0, ~O, CJ [] FI:/A[' :.!E(;P.A.'IICAL o PINAL BUILDINC: The F~ncl auitding !r:s?ection .'":Ust be requeatea ::::4;81' -cr.i1 Piro.a.l ?L:.J.:~biT'.q ElectricaL, and Necr~icci Ins?ecciona have been ~ade ar~ apprcued. FINAL 2!.Ec:'RIC";':' .AL~ NANHCL2S AND CLE:,,'lOUTS NUS';' 3c AC:ESSIELE. ADJ!..'S';;':t::r TO 32 :.~1iiE :!T ;','0 ::S':' T::J (;I':J I :J..."a of 2 I JOB I 1:~a: No,n~5lo~LAR_CESS I [,ot Sq. Ft;. ~ Jf La: ~~erag~ ! ,OJ of 5tor-:.es lrocat Haigh: I Tcpogl'C?hy 1'""/ ..~. ,~k:in I 1~~C2 I SQ,FTC I ! I ! :..zr:..='l't I, 1.-lC~eS3~r'J I I l'OT,H:. ~'ALur IS,D.e, ! 1.5:: 11X:':"U.o;) ?uiZding Pem:--;: State SUZ'c:h:I::"ge ~o~L ~r.a."'ge3 , 1:,,'1 I Fi,',:;-:;ures iResidentia! (1 beth) I Sanit.::l'"-/ Sewer 1:Jc.:t€..'" I PlWfl~ng Perd. t State Su:rcr~e Tetal Charaes I :l'~N I R.:?s. Sa. fta. IN~/E%tend Circuits Temporary Sez-uictl Ele~t~cal Pe~t St::.te Sur::harae TotaL C'fltlr'ces I ""':.~ I ?:lrn.::ce ETU'S I E::haust Hood I Vent Fan I . I iI::;odsto:;e Perrdt Issuance Me::r.anic:;l permit State Su.rcht:r!Ie '!'''~r.:Z crtn''1t:!g I ,va, i I I I i .va, 1 I I I "ie,; I I I I -- :;:lC:~:;AC:::X'E:!7 -- 10 '. n '. lve~~~~~u ~2~C3~~ I Storaqe I ,'~"':nte?tC7'~e 10 '. .C:rm'!... I I C'tu".?C'.l:t IS~l~ I ?noe I ElolCtl'ica l. ] ,!,facile H::me Total C"rtCr"'](]S L6eZ I :'OTAL ANOU.'lT DUE:" CC::'J.::arlC:J C1'O"J.;': LOT T'!PS Ir:terior Corner Pathandle C".Jl-de-sac x {'aLue I ~~ I. I C(OO I ...~{I? I q.!J~ ,. eliARC!: I ;;':"1;" CHARGE I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I. I I I I I j I 'i3~ I CHARGE I I I I P:::~e 2 . L-COG~ I I I I I I I I I J R EQ,- r.:.;oeICor..st:: .3.zdr.,or.:s: I wt F~ces - I I P.!.. IIlO!"~h lEast South I~.st I 1 ~nercru Sour~es I I Seat II II II : I T~-ce Setbacks Hou.se I Carace Access. :iate!':!P.G:::!'f' Ran;a Fi"l'eoi.ace Wcoaato::e Faes Building Value & Permit This permit ia gMnted on the e--pl'ess ~ondi.tion that the adid. C'onstt"...tc;:on shatZ, in aZl respects, conform to the ardinar.ce ~dopted ay the City of Sprir.q.f~eZd, indud~ng the Zoning Cl'd~nance, req'...tl.c.til~g tne ccr:str:lcticn arn ~ae of buildings, and m:::y b~ $uspenaed or revokec at cr.y t~we ~;or. vie- lation of ar..y ?r:Jvisior.s of sa:.a Ordir..ances. I Plan Check Fee: . IVete ?a~d: I Reodpt #, IS.;g"ed, Plumbing Permit lIo person ehalt constro..tCt. instal!, a!ter or change any new or e=i.s:ing plumbing ::;1' drainage system in ~hoZe or in part. unless such person is tr~ legal possessor of ~ valid plumber's license. e=cept tr~t a pe~son ,T.ay do plur.:bing ~ork to property which is OlJr'.ed. leased or operated by the appli- cant. I I. I I I I I I I. Electrical Permi t Where State LaLJ requires tr.at the elect:rical work be done by an Eleatrical Contractor, tM electrical portion of this ?ermit shall roOt be valid until the Label has been. signed by the Electrical ~ontractor. Mechanical Permit Pi-an Z::;c;:nl1er uao;a I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA!.[INED ;.ie compl.atad =?plicatio71 [or permit. c:nd do hereby certify that all. in;o~ation hereon is true and cor~cct, and I f...tr~her certifY that any ar~ all ~ork perfo~ed shall b9 done in ac=or- dance :.rith the Ordin::nces of the City of Sprin.giicU:1, and th.: U:..;S al th.3 Stat>! of Oreg.:m p~rt.::.ining to the wor.ic d.esC!""~bcd her-ein., cr.c. :ha: NO OCC!1- PJ.!lCY UJiLZ be rrn:ie of any atruct"ura witr..out permission of the Euildir:g Di- vision. I further- ~ertif~ tr~t o~ly C'ontra~tora ar~ ~l~yees who are in co~pZiance with CRS 701.055 will be used en this projsct .Y"~YfAU- Date I