HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Miscellaneous 1985-4-2 . · LoJ11 - INVOICE FORM - OREGON HOME DEMONSTRATION PROG~AM DATE: J"'J(J" I~PJE ~. J TO: Oregon Department of Energy Room 102, Labor and Industries Building Salem, OR 97310 Attention: Fiscal Office SUBJECT: Oregon Home Demostration Program Application No. 21, GREETI NGS: We are hereby requesting payment for our work on the subject project pursuant to your letter of Payment for completing Inspection Checklist...................$ Payment for ~ additional site visits @ $30/visit.....$ 20.00 ~~ ~~ Total owing for our work on the subject project......$ Please mail payment to: GIrt t')1= :;M<.'~FIE.Lr, - EidWI"- w~~. . Jurisdictlon ~2S N. 5I!!. %T' . Street Address ':;;Of'all ~~I\ 0p~1'Y..) ~q~41/7' ~ State .~ I .' . Attention: &l1L..l>~ ~~~~- (plea,Vstnj' -- \~r-<='I 'I J)IYI~IDA.) STll.UC-rUAkL 1J..)~&;-""[llR Title A.PIl 2, Iq~S Date r, '"'." JP/krh/1850I(dl)/5/25/84 ,. " . INSPECTION CHECKLIST TheollGON HOME. QlWJTY. ~ EFFlOfNCY AND CXlMfOfT .. , ,. I INSTRUCTIONS] TO BUILDER *Z17 MAX6;ON On the following pages you will find the checklists that need to be filled out as part of your contract responsibilities under the program. It is your responsibility to get the indicated inspections at the appropriate times. You need to get an inspector's initial and date for each item indicated. Your inspection checklist is unique to your project. If lost, contact OOOE as soon.as possible so we can provide you a,copy. We have indicated by means of a box I~hich items need inspection. Not all items will pertain to your house.- If you think there is a mistake, don't cuss, call us.' If the local juriSdiction is not going to be the agency doing any particular inspection you need to let us know so that we can get an independent inspector on line and ready for your notification. If there are questions contact us as soon as possible. TO INSPECTOR(S) The items indicated with a box 10 in the left most column need inspection by a duly appointed fnspector. The approved plans and project specifications should be on site. Some items will require them as a reference. Please indicate by a check I~on the right hand side when an item meets the requirement(s) for this design. We also ask that you initial and date the item so that we know who did the inspection and at what point it was done. In cases where it's appropriate ditto marks or an arrow can save you some initials and dates but remember to make it clear who did what and when. If an item is not completed don't initial it. If you have a comment use the spaces marked .other" or the back of the . forms. If you have a question call the OOOE. On the last page is a place to indicate what your initial stands for and for what agency you work. Please remember to fill it in. It is the only way we will have to know who actually performed the inspection. TO THE BUILDER AND INSPECTOR(S), "'~ Thank you both for your cooperation. The success of the program and the accuracy of the results depends a lot on what happens in the field. JP/jz l633I(Fl) 04/20/84 . ~TheOfEGONHOME' QUo\UlY. El'8GY EF~ AND CDMfORT INSPECTION CHECKLIST BUILDING INFORMATION Site Location: (;';2} V ~;,~ City/Zip: 6f'F--IN~,FI.r-:'L-;i./ Building Identificatlon Number: 217 IlnsulatlOn Levels: I Initial/date Idf- Wall s above grade i nsul ated to approved nomi nal val ue(s)............ a J'~ tj;oj8J I-I - Walls below grade insulated to approved nominal value(s)............[] I~- Slab insulation installed per approved plans........................[.]tt;::..... I/q!h~ ~- Floor/Stem w.all i nsul at ion installed per approved pl ans.;........... [,}.e~ " ~ Roof/Ceiling insulated to approved nominal value(s).................[tL~.~-z :5!~6S' ! I - Other: [] - LJ Ilnfil trat ion/Moisture: I I-I - Below grade wall moisture barrier per approved plans................[] I~- Slab floor moi~ture barri:r per approved plans......................[1-~~ IK - Cr awl space mo 1 sture barner per approved pl ans. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. [-]dt' z::-. ~- Crawl space ventilation...........................................,,['3'tft!Nl I_I - Roof/Ceiling ventilation............................................e] I~- [I - ~.{,/t;.r ., ., Infiltration Package A - Max. 1 perm vapor barrier in/on walls.............................[~~7,1 ~O/85 - Max. 1 perm vapor barr i er i n/ on floor............................. [.]- JLn<if4../~ (d.,fl~&.;\ - Max. 1 perm vapor barrier in/on ceiling if attic space above......fi~/~/~~~/~- - Max. .5 perm vapor barrier if vaulted ceil ing..................... ..[] ;. - Framed openings around doors and windows caulked or sealed........[Lo]....(.:Cr.* 3/~8'.S Exterior wall sole plates caulked or sealed.......................[c]/~1/')/fjJ - Plumbing, electrical. and other penetrations to exterior or unconditional space(s) sealed or caulked..........................[)&..M( I..i!/e,.r - Gaskets installed at all electric outlets....................... ..[Lo].d'~?>1 '3/U/M' - Damper installed on woodstove and fireplace installations.........["J . .. . Dampers installed on all exhaust fans.............................~]~~ 3~~eJ" Infil tration Package B - Max. 0.1 perm continuous vapor barrier installed per plans........[] - Framed openings around doors and windows caulked or sealed........[] Exterior wall sole plates caulked or sealed.......................[] - Plumbing, electrical, and other penetrations to exterior or unconditioned space(s) sealed or caulked..........................[] Gaskets installed at all electric outlets.........................[] - Damper installed on woodstove and fireplace .installations.........[] - Dampers installed on all exhaust fans........:......~...............[] D - Infiltration Package C: - All ; terns in Pack age B above.. 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 . . . . . . . ." . . . . . . . . . . . [] ~ - Windows are as in approved plans and specs........................[] I~ - Other: ~P'J. Of' P-'-NeR6<( ~DA lfoJ'7fr.:.:::.::nON [] . "-:=/' u-r' .{ Cf~":.(..lj.-=7f-..../,;.J~y1a:: ../..,~- L-:J"R~ 1/15,/1;,) . . I -1- . INSPECTION CHECKLIST Z.i' .TheOaGON liOME> ()l.W1TY. EN9ICY EFFlClw:Y AND CClMfOrr .. Building Identification Number: leons truct ioilfea fures: I Initial/date CI - Walls "Advanced Framing" - Studs at 24" o.c.........,..................................... ..[] - Single Top plate(s)..............................................[] - I nsul a ted headers",.....,....................................... [] - No extra studs at corners and wall intersections.................[] - Electric~ wiring allows for full insulation value in cavity.....[] I-I - \,a11s, Otller: f] .LJ plate line........rq/~~ ed................ [!.]"'ft~ [] [l II ,/.. s ,/ 1Q7~ Roof framing allows for full insulation value at i~ No recessed lighting fixtures ....,_",.'" C ',_,_"_ I-I - Other: IA1r to A1r Heat txchanqer: I I~ Outside conditioned air is delivered to at least two places.,~...[] I~S' - Supply and return registers located so as not to short cycle..... H[] I; - A humidistat control is provi~ed.........:....-.-....................[] NOJ..lC fi!ot-',tJetJ 1,;,.,- Cond~nsat~ 1S adeq~ately..Pro'{lded,f~r~.:.....:..........:..........[] /'v_ //"'.,1",... 111(- Outs1de nr 1nlet 1s(locatea to m1n1m1ze poss1ble contamlnates.....[Ld'vt-0 //,OJ I~- All ducts ,located in' unheated space are insulated to minimum R7....[] k:~ Ducts are"sloped such that condensate drains appropriately....... ..[] I;;;:r - Filters for system are appropriately placed to protect heat ~.'" excllange surfaces.",.:,...",................,.:..................[J I-+-' - Backdnft dampers are lrlstalled on ducts to outslde................[] Ideat Pumps: I !:::1,- Installed heat pump is as approved................................ .[] . . 1<< - Dead Band between heating and cool ing set points is not less than . -. 10 degress F....,..............,...................................[-y~&"t:;h J- :l/::z.S"/.lS' IGeneral Heatinq Requirements: I !~All ducts and plenums insulated to minilll11um Rll....................[>Y.s,h-s;h,4'.tht ~- Some method is Pl'ovided to partially restrict or shut off heating to each space, floor, or zone......................................[~/3/".~.r~ I-I - Other: [] tJ IlJoors: I iff"'- Manufacturer (s) per approved dJ' ! .-1?~........................ [Ll/~ ~17/'i:,j ~ Weatherstripping in place and functional...........................[-l-R~:# ~/":"r/t.J" ~. - Nominal sizes per approved plans...................................[>]..I~/>1 ~ 51;::5 U - Other: [J .LJ -2- .. . . 'TheOREGON HOME. QUI,lITY. ENERGY EfflOw::Y AND COMfORT . INSPECTION CHECKLIST Building Identification Number: "2. 17 IWindows: I Initial/date I~ Manufacturer(s) per approved plans and specs.......................~]~~ (19/~r :Q'i Typ~( s) o~ model (s) as approved.................................... [.ltftt-J"'? I' ,ff- Nomlnal Slzes as per approved plans and specs......................D. ;-1 - Other: \ll"..M.~"~ k:"; L fi.A~ v~..._-;- /"J""~,"~ "l'I/_.A-tL-;~ r.:,j...,:~"", .,..,If:-"'. JJ. J;-":. [~];tI~I/o/~J - 0,....."7"'..:.. a=-i...,~......._r /I~.:~ ,i...~ 1.i!;;.S:- "LJI;;".I%:/,e\! lJ - ..... " 'So I ar -Des i qn F eafu-res:1 '-I - Building orientation is as shown on plans..........................[] ,'-I - Designated solar glazing is within 45 degress of true south........[] 1-' - Designated solar glazing is not tinted glass.......................[] iJ - Thermal mass as characterized below is present: [] LJ LJ LJ I:' - Fans or other items listed below are in place: !J - Other: [] l] L] r] [ J LJ IOther Items Unique To This Desiqn:.1 I-I - I-I 1-' - I-I - IJ- [] l] LJ l] .LJ 4.-r //1l/7Y7 7\JJI)LJ;, L. ;\,( co.,' r:; 1 I I Aqency I 1 .I /" ~I! "',>==- <-'W.<!''V4 ::::/el',j I' 1 .I I , / I , / I , INSPECTOR DESIGNATIONS Init ial Name JGM: jf /04 77F /04/18/84 -3-