HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1986-9-15 .. RESlDtitrIAl.. APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 Job Location: 305 ;J~('clc,-,,-~ /7 0 3 ;2 (0 I ~ / T= Lot H IJ I.;:;. IS ASDe8GOl'C Map II Subdivision: I~ I2A cJ tJtL1~ 9:: 05 N~yCtJ1J',/'ui cyJ ~~~ tf -/~ - i~ valul45/J11/ ~OO fa.IIP). lY/iULO-I1 }O?!_ v v It is the responDibiLity of ths permit holder to see that atZ inopections are made at the proper tims, that each ~880 is l'Oadabtfl from tluJ stroot, and that the permit caPd is located at the fPOnt of the property. tBuit.ding Diuicior: approved pla~ shall remain or: thE. Building Sits at aU times. PROCSDURE FOR INSPECTION RE9UEST:CALL 726-3769 (pccordsl'J state your City designated job "or, job addrc8 J s. of in3poc~icn l'aqucotcd Q1';d t....Joen you win be J'eady for inspection, Contracto1'S or O/Jners nt:me and p number. Requesto 1'OOOil.:(l 01'0 7:00 a::'l lJ.'iZL be made th(; same dc;y, requests made afta- 7: 00 a'7J L>i1.l ba mado tho next :.>orki Q.mer: Address: CitlJ: n n n n Nm.1 Addi ticn Remodel ,'-lobi lo Homa DatG of Application {,.'ontractors Genera l Plumbing Electrical () f.leohar.ie,z "j/ t1J ;'.J112 I Y ~onstruction Lender r:?t?(nJ1:.....P? T",<::"~r"I:":r.,."q O SITE INSPECTION: To be made after excavation, but prior to set up of forms. D . UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAl. & MECHANICAL: To be made before any work is aovcred. o FOOTING ~ FOUND.1TION: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms arB erected, but prior to pouring cencretG' W-.'DSRGROUND PLUMBING. SEWER. W.1TE& DRAINAGE: To be maie prior to fil- .Ur.g trenches, .:::J ~ UNDERFWOR PLU/.fBING & MECHANICAL: To be mada prior to inGtaUation of floor insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to insta~Lation of floor insulation or decking. ROUCH PLl/UBIllC. ELECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No work is to be cOL'ered .until these inspections have beer. made and approved. FIREPLACE: Prior to placir.g facing materials and befors framing in spec- tio1:. --, FRAf~ING: Must be l'equBDted aftel' .--J approval of rough pZwr.bing, eZectri- cal .I mechanical.. AU roofing bracing & chimneys, eta. 11r.J.st be . completod. No wrk is to be C011- .... cealed until thiD inspection has . bG~n made and approved. :::J CJ =:J Phone: 1L/t> "'cee;Pt ~ p, r;, r; 0 f( ;;;L \J IL ~~t\~q' ~~ ,/ t~ cU- OK- Siqr.ed: Data: Cc- q-(5 -51 fc, .~ 73-08' Zip: Address Your City DeGigr.atcd Job Numb€l' 10: O INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after al1. insulation lV'.d " required vapor barriers are in place . but before any lath, !lYpSW7l boa:rd or LXlll. covering is appUed, and before any insulation io concealed. DRYWALL INSPfXTION: Tc be mad. after aU drywlZ is in place, but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel location, botuI beams, grouting or verticals in accordance lJith U. B. C. Section ~415' WOODSTOVE..: After installation is ccmplet€d. o D CURB & APPRCACH APRON: Afte'f' forms are erected but pl'ior to pouring concrete. Lisc.1I Phone D SIDEWALK & DRII'EWAY: For .all con- crete paving within street right- .of-wcy, to be made after all exca- vating acmplete & form Wl'k & sub. base materiaL in plaae. E:r:vircs gIoOto~~ D D FENCE: When compll>.te --.Provide gates or movable sections through P.U.E. --- ~I"'GS ~ San~etJer ~app6d ~t p~op&rt-:i li1:6 ~ Septi~ tank ~~~d and fitle~ with gra~6l I Final - ({hen above ita:ns are completed ---1 and when demolition is complete or 8tru~- ture mov6d and prcr.tis6s cleaned up. I Mobi le Hemos =:J Blocking GDUi Sst-up =:J P~W7lbing connections -- scwar and uator ---, Electrical Connection - 8locking~ Bet-up .--J and plumbing connootions 17r..lst co approvBd before requesting electrical inspectio~ =:J Acaessol"':i Building ---, Pinal - After p~rchos, skirting, docks, ---1 stc. arB ccmplotcd. D ,', All project conditions, ouch as the installation of stroot tl'oes. ca~lation of the required landscc.pir:g, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be rsquoBtad., ::J FIliAL PLUf.lBlIIG ::J FINAL MECHANICAL ::J FINAL ELECTRICAL ::J o FINAL BUILDING: The FinaL Bu.ilding InspectiOll must bo roqueDted aftor tho Final Plwnbing Electrical, and Mechar-ical Inspectiono luwo bean made and approved. .... AM.r,' MANHOLES AND CLEANOUT8.1flJ8T BE ACCESSIBLE.. ADJUST!fEllT TO BE M1DE AT NO COST TO CITY I Page 1 of 2 NO.C/d) loSS SOLAR _ESS I JOB I Zona: Lot Sq. Ft.. ~ Dr lot CDverag~ .II of Storios Total Height Topography OCCUDanCl! Grou,,: ITEM I Main I GcIoane I Carool't WTTJPE Interior Corner Panha7uUe Cut-do-saa SQ.FTG I X Value I I I I ilccessol'lJ' TOTA!; VAWE Is.D.c. 1.5 :r: evct.uc} Building Permit State Surcha:t'go Total f;}Jaroges lITEM I Fixtures I Residential 11 bath) I Sanitary Sewel' I Water I I NO. I I I I I I I I I I I Plumbing Permit State Surcr..arge Total Charaes I 17'El.' I Res. Sa. rta. I Naw/Extend Circui ts I Temporary Service I 1110. I I I EZeatrical Permit State SlU'~harae Total C1UJ.rces I ITEM I NO. I PEE I Furnacn ETU' S I I I Exhaus~ Hood I I I Vent Fan I I I Woods to"e I I I 'P~_~I I Permit I:wuanca Mechanical Permit State Surcha:rae Total CIJarcrnn -- ENCROACHMENT -- ISec-.J.rit'q DtJD03it I Storage I I Maintenance I Parmi. t I Total CharrrCB lCUl'b<:ut I Sidewa lk 1.C'cn::e I Else trica 1, Laba Z I MobiIe Home I I I TOTA!; AMOUNT DUE:' /5. (Po FEE CHARGE FEE:: CHARGE CIIARCE ~ b ~.... lS .~O . roo 15.60 I I I 3~1 ~ ...:.!:!c i... REQ.- . . L~COG~ Type/Cor.st: BedJ"ooms: I I Enerau Sources I I Heat II II II II II TilDe I Lot Faces - I Sethacks . I P.L. House Caraqe Access. INorth lEast ISou th "'est Water .tlp.atp..'I" Range Firevlaca Wood:;tove Fees Building Value & Permit This permit ifJ granted on the express condition that the sdid construction s1~llJ in all reopactsJ conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of SpringfieldJ including the Zoning Crdinanc6J regulating the construction and use of buildingsJ and m~y be Ducpended 0'1" revoked at cr.y time upon vic- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. , Iplan ~n~ck Fp.~: Date Paid: . /Recdpt H: I Signed: I I I Plumbing Permit I I I I , ' No perr:on shall. constl'UctJ instaZ!J alter or change any new or existing plumbing or drainage system in whole or in partJ unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's licenseJ except that a pereon may do plwnbing work to property which is ownedJ leased 01' operahd by the appli- cant. Electrical Permit Where State Law requires t}o.at the electrical, work be done by an Electrical, ContractorJ the electrical portion of this permit shall r~t be valid until the labeZ has been signed by the EZectroical Contractor. I I, Mechanical Permit Pum Exam'Lner uar;e I I I, I I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for permit~ and do hereby certify that all ir:fo'r'mation hereon is tf>Ue and COl'1'DCt~ and I further certify that any ar.d all work perfornled shall. be do~B in accor- dance with the Ordinances of the City of SpringfiD1.d~ and th& La:..Js of tho State of Oregon pertaining to the work described he'l"ein~ and that NO OCCU- PANCY will be made of any structura without pal'mission of the Building Di- visi~n. I further certify that cmly contractors and e:rrpz.;,ye68 who are i7! compliance with ORS "701.055 witt be used on this project .. . . ~a,dJLP~. Signad - q- \S.~~b Date