HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1984-8-22 . .. RESIDENTIAL" APPI.I:,'S:IO.'I/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Spl"';r.qfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-J75J Job !.cc~:i:)1f." ~q1 nLuJ.I,A",,,J..) \ID~~~4~ - ()\\nrY ') l1.~CR rf 1)u.Ju~ ~ ~97 t1.L~ (\ j~uJO ; 1 .t.~"SqorJ' :!:7? * SfJbdi:r.:3'icPl: ~'P'IoIr: " ~IJS3: C~t"1: G;~, n Ac,:~:ien nR~.l n .'!cb";Z..'?cr.:3 Tc!.at /I Pr.ane: '7(J(r569,S' tt'7 c,t n Zip: DSBCzP';be ""ork: o~_ sr:-~ t.ft.>-c-."p .AI ,\~" 'i-'2Z'~' Cat., of .Ii'plica:icn ./J~ J Value .,!; c/ tHJ Ac.d."eS3 ~":r-::c:or8 Centlral PltonOirtg El.actrical ...,.=har.ic.: 1 .- ~ C01L8t,.....lC~:m l.crtdll,. ........ 4l f){.,~lfZ0 Rc.:e~;: 'Ii Q Sic;r.2d: Date: ~ }j'ZZ-"6'1 G:'3C..' ~irC8 Phone ::" I: t... ~M re'PQncibiZi.:y of' eM pfln:Ti: i1cld.uo to tlftS :hat alZ inDp.cticns are r:tads at :h. ?l"OpU :i.I1I1;1 that: =cis ::ddrsSB is r.......:....: f'T"C7Tf eluJ stretlt. end that the permi: card i. l...x3ted at the frent of eh8 property. .~li.i!.di~.g jivi,:io!": C?F'o::ed ;;LC::n sr..::::l. l'er.ta-:'n on th.t Bu~tdiJ1f1 $:.t::; at aLl' tim.s. f'.~O~!J!J?~ Fon ;....S?!~!~l/ n!~resr.:CALL 726-3769 (rccordsrJ state you:r City de:Ji{p".at~d J'ob nur:-.bero~ job ad.:i."css~ type of i~p(l::~icn rosques~cd a....,d :J.':en you ;.ri.LL oe ready fol' i"..3pcct-::07l~ Cont:raetcl'S 01" G\Jne:-s ~e .::nd phor:.e nu.~cr. .'!equ~3;s reca1.r;cd 1;llfcroe 7:00 c:: :.'iH b.1ft:Jae the samll &:i~ requu:s .~cde efta' 7:00 a:1f rJiH ba made t.w nc=t :JOrkiJ1; da-:i' '" .' 1';"" City. C.sigr.ated Job Numb.,. Is: ~l/ 0& 0 h :11l'("'!n:"~rI_ r..,,"""'.~...4:~' D S-r [7~;J-'--"-''''', T b . J.~_ .~. :..... ~J... .0 e maC.e &::::av":l::',jn~ ,jut pM.cr t: :Ul: J":.1rms. o at:'"' U? of cr.tD~.~Sr.A3 ?~l':J9I:IC_ ~[ZC':'.~IC,:!. ~ .'5CH);14-.;.U,: 70 be maGQ befortl eny IJOric is ,:ovc:'ed. o ~r:;G ~ F'OU:!D,1TI=.'I: To b. r.ace at~~r :l'BncItOl'S are 2.:cct1at.zd e,..d fC"r.:ls c.re .reet~d, but pr{..,r :.0 pouri.".g C~7lCre:.o:. CJ ~~;:::;C.~!r.:D ?:'l/:.r'J~.::'j. S::-.,/-::R. :t.I:."!.~ DRA,;-:I,;,t;Z: Io (;e r.n~:e i':-';or :0 ,j'i.i.- Lir.g :rf1r.Cr.48. o lJ.'lC~.T:!::.cc.q P':.U.',Sr::C .'~C:!).N[t;,;,:.: ':0 ;,e nz%C1I ;;~r ;.0 Ln.n..:iz.:zt~o" of ['Locr ~,..tIllw;t::c" or tUci<ir.g. Ms:' _,VI!) 3~~N: To be r.:aCc pr-;"r to Ln.a:aL;":;~n 0;" [1.001' ::,...s~Za:ior. or doc<~... CJ o _':m'~;: ?:.~~~!...'c. !'r.~~_~:~~!:. ~ .'E:C.1- ~~;~)~: 10 'JO~~ ~a :0 jc co~er~c ~:hCS4 ir.s=,ec:icr.s ;,,,::vOJ =eer. r.tCJ:i. =r~ =;,;r'rJe::!.. F:_-:::::?!.A';~: _~OI':O ?7..t:::.,..g ."c.::-;,."'! m.c:Ul'1.4Ld ar.d :'cj'orll ir=rir.g i.nep~c- tim:. o ::J t!'...4.!!!.'It;: NU3: ~e reC".J..l3:<ld a;"~~1' C'i'?rclJ~!. of r:nl!;n i'Zw:-,i,i.,..g, .lZee:r-::. o:zZ & "::6cio.ani.:al. AL!. roo:"-::rJ:] b~~r..g & C;timn':!l3, ,t-=. r.r".lat !J. ccmoZ.l:cd. ::0 -""'r< ';s :0 O. ::'CPI- . cec!.Jd tott::, :hi/J inst'BC~C11 ;..aa . b~~ ma..::~ c:n.d c.PP,.."I.,'ed. . O I!lSULA'!':!O.v/VILPO_~ EA,IVU::R I.'!S?=CTIOU: To be r.:a:is aft41" an ir.suL.::t:i"n lr'.a - required vapor 1;a:!"!"'ier3 are in p lacs Cut cslors any l.a;h. ~psur.J beard or r.ntz. covering ::8 appli.ed~ and befor6 any ir..r..tZation ~8 conceaLed. o DR~'/AU. n,sp~C'!:!a,'l: Tc b. r.r:zde after all. c:::z...d!..laLl is in pZace~ but prior to any taping. .\fASO."I.:?Y: Stasl Zccation.. Jxmd beam:;, grou:il1g or ve1"'ticc:!s in a.c:ord. 1Ji:h U. B. C. Ssctian 24H ODS!'OY::: After instaLlation is ac'71pLoil:.d. ~ DS....'CLI':IO...' OR .~."Qv=; 3!JILD!il'jS :::J Scn1.:az..i se..Jar :a:;;?cc. ::t rn:.opQ'~' Zi~s ~ S.pti.: tctk y...,?::i ar.d f-::ll~ rJi:h ~w:~: ::J E'~z. - :num ci...-ve ite=:s are c~l.Qtt:d ar~ whsn d~l~~ior. is complete or s~=~ ture r.-.alJea C1'Id pr~388 ::ltlaTl4ld up. Noo-iZe iic:-r.es ~ az.ocking and SJt..:.tp .=:J Pl.wr.bing C'07m~C:~ st:Jtn' aN! wa~.r --, Elac:ric:::.!. Ccnr.eae-.:on - B1.ocJcir.g, 88~.U? -.J cutd pl.:m:Ding C.7.'lr.Qc:.:ona m:.:.st ':8 cppr~T:~::' beforc request~r4 s!.c:ri::al ir~?ee:i~ ~ Ac.:'essor:,' 3uit.::ing ::J Ft1'UL - t.ft~r.:~~i:es, 81dr:::r.g~ da:;y..s, et.:. arQ c::~q;",.8:.d. o ,-' PI"'" ~r'''.",r''G ~ ....01 ._lJ..~~.. .:=: ~[.,., '~""""r" ..kd' .='r:I:" ,-......;Jt. ..Ion.. ALL projea: aar:.di:~"s. JUC~ CJ :he {ns:aLla:~cn of street =re~s. :~~!a;~" of ~he required ~cnd:;cC?ir..;,:;tc.. :r.ust :,e sati.s;"iad ;;o:lore :i-.. 3l/r!=I::r; f!::,U. :oan :,e r3CjUB8tcd. :=J fr:lAL rzz::.r:I:,;,' :=J o ::O::IAl. 3:JI:':Jn'c: The FinaL SuiLdi,1".t} Ir.S;:I6c:i.on -:'..I8t be requeaud =.~.:<it' :hJ f:.n::L ?!tir.':oi'V r!~CtricaL. and NBC~~i.C~Z Ir.s?ec:i~n3 ;~a ces" mad~ a,..~ approlJ~i. o o Cl.'t?9 ~ APPRCACP. AP.C!':N: Af;.:" fU/"!ns :re erected but ?rU:Jr to pcuring .:on.=r6ttl. SIO="tlALX d 'Rr.TW."!: FC'r all ccn- creta paving IJithi.n street righ:- of-I.JC.:J~ eo be made at:.2r aL~ Uca- vatir.g ccmpleta :1 lom tJOrJc & ~uD- bass m::;:eriaL t" pla:s. 'A':': .'.f'::,'P.C:'ZS I.ND Ct=ANCff:S .'fUS:." 9& AC:!SS:El.r. .4~ji..'S7.'~:.": -:0 3= ,',!.1C! :~:' .':0 ::sr ':"'J CI':! o o .r:-::Ncr: When co:npl..tB -- P"rovid~ gat;; or ,~abl. sections through P.U.E. o ,,--. ! of 2 I I Job Number: x-Y'ofoo (p Zone: Occzmanc.u Gr. LOT TYPE Lot Sq. Ftg. % ;)f lot CoveI'ag~ 1# of Stones , : Total Height ~ l'opograe:hy !ITEM I i:.k2in I 1 Cc.raae !caroort I AccessorlJ I I SQ.FTG TOTAL VALUE I IS'O,c. (Vc.L.UC) 1. S :r: Buildir.g Permit State S/n'charge Total Chazogea lITEM ' NO.' FEE I Fiztzaoes IResidentiaL (1 bath) I Sani tary Sewer' .1 I Water' I PLumbing Pem t State Szaocr.arge Total Chc.l'aes lITEM NO. I FEE I I I I Res. Sa. fta. N~/E:r:tend Cir'aui ts Temporary Service Ele::trical Permit State SW"~harae Total Charces lITEM NO. I FEE I F'u1>n::.ce ETU'S I I E::haust Hood I I Vent Fan I I Woodsto:Je ., I I I Permit Issuance Me~hanic:zl Perrrrit State Surcharae Tota l CharfJ{!f; I ENCROACHNENT -- I Sec-"cl'i tu Deoosi t I Storage I Naintena~e I Permit Total Charaes I Cw'bcut I Sidewalk I Pen:!e I Electrical Label I MobiZe H;;me I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:-' Interior Corner Panhandle Cu l-de-saa x Value C/IARGE CHARGE C!!ARCE I I )S,o-O I I /~, O--U I I .to l) I )5. ro 0 I ,g 75. G D I, Referer.ce ~umbers: L-COC .ij: I Lot Faces - I I P.L. INcrth ,lEast ISou th Ifiest T;;pe/Cor.st: _I Access. I I I Bedrooms: Enerml Sources TilDe Heat fvater Yp.atep Range Fireplace Woodstove Setbacks House Carage ..- Fees Building Value & Permit This psrrrr~t is granted on the express condition that the said constl'"Uction' shaZl~ in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, incLuding the Zoning Ordinance, regulating the construction and UGe of buildings, and ma.y be suspended or revoked at c:ny time upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordir.ances. I I I, !PZan Check Fee: IVate Paid: IRecdpt #: I Signed: Plumbing Permit No person DhaZl construct, install, aUer or change any new 01' existing plumbing or d:l'ainage syste:n in whole or in part, unless such person is tr.e legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except that a person may do plwnbing work to property which is O1Jned, leased 01' operated by the appli- 'oont. I I, Electrical Permit Where State La:LJ roequires tr.at the eZectrical WOI'k be done by an Ele~trical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shaH roOt be valid until. the Zabel has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. , Mechanical Permit , I I I I, I Plan E::z:ctm,ner uar;e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application fol' permit, and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any ar.d a'Ll work. perfomred shall be done in ac~or- dance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and th~ La:.Js of the State of Oreg.:;n p~rtaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY IVizt be rode of any structure without parmission of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that o':1ly contractors ar.d mrpl.:Jyees who are in c~~pliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project ~-<<dr ./J ~/ ei-:J:J-PY' . Sig-;.gd ~ Date .