HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlan, Tentative ODOT 10/23/2009 (2) LEGEND NOTI::S -----'-- PHAS = 2L=M TS (=)OOOT =wi FEMA FLOODWAY = =MA 100-1- IFLOODP..A N WILLAME I IE GREENWAY BOUNDARY GOAL 5 RIPARIAN CORRIDOR ' BOUNDARY (IWR) Eugene only TOP OF BANK See Note 5. IWRCONSERV ATION SETBACK 30UNOARY Eugene only 1. Survey information from survey developed in 2008, )y: OSEC Consulting Engineers 920 Country Clu) ~d., Suite 1003 Eugene, OR 97401 T: 541-683-6090 F: 541-683-6576 Survey: August- ~ovem Jer 2008 _ FDVt ,_ FDVY _ FDVY _ _FLP.FLP.FLP.FLP.FLP - . 'vIG. 'vIG. 'vIG .''vIG. 'vIG. --/'vI~/'vI~/'vI~/'vI~/'vI~ 2. Willamette Greenway Boundary information derived, .- from GIS data provided by OBDP/HDR. 3. City of Eugene Goal 5 Riparian Boundary derived from GIS data provided by OB )P/I-DR. CSB -CSB -CSB -CSB -CSB ' 4. FEMA Floodway/Flood Plain information provided )y 03 =C Consulting Engineers. .~ ~ ORDINARY HIGH WATER MARK (OHW) ORD ~ARY LOW WAT =R _INE (OLW) Eugene only (E) OVERHEAD ELECTRIC PRO =>>OSED TR =ES Treecoud indicates Wlere trees are to be planted. Tree species are based on underlying hatch 7. Protect all existing trees and plant materia s to remain inc uding lim )s, trunks, roots and roots wit ,in Critical ~oot Zone. Cut no imbs or roots argerthan 2 inches in diameter without approva of =ngineer. 5. To) of High Bank derived from combination of survey contours anc aerial ,photogra )hy. - OL \J - OL \J - OL \J - OL \J ......n......................... /\ E" - ..._._#.....................nnu.........._............ 6. For proposed and existing 1-ft and 5-ft contouJ;r information, refer to Grading Plans. (2) rV3 ('..... ~\~.!/.. \..0' ~~~ (=) T~=ES 5" OBH or greater shown 8. =inishgrade refers to top of native soil (where f\~, topsoil wil be placed) or conditioned and am~d~d topsoi. Mulch is in addition. () ~ :--<>- ~ () (E) UTILITY TOWER ~----~~ ?Jf/IP' \ ~~ \ t' ~~ ~ ~~-----~,.~/ (E) WETLAND ACOElDSL CONCURRED NOT LISTED GOAL 5 RESOURCES =>>EDESTRIAN C RCULA TION 9. Plant quantities are shown for Contractor's convenience only. Contractor is responsible to provide 100% coverage of areas. shown on drawings, at spacing shown on plant list. 10. Shru )S and ground covers planted too deep y wi I not be accepted. See Details. (E) ABB ~=V A TION FO ~ =x STING PROPOSED 1-5 BRIDGE STRUCTURE See Elevation 11. Provide Mulch at shrubs: a. n mu c led )Iant beds: Wood c lip mulc las detailed. b. In seeded )Iant beds: Wood chip mulch as detai ed. . STORM DRA "AGE NLET See Storm 'Drainage and Utilities Pans 12. Repair, in kind to match existing, all disturbed areas within existing landscapes that are not shown on drawings. )€ K ",)( PROPOSED FENCE NO WORK AREA 13. Prune all new plant materials as directed by Engineer. 14. Hand-water or ot ,erwise ensure survival of all plantings w lere no irrigation is shown. THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCATION Z~\OBDP - Willamette River Bridge\CAD\ 19-0.CT -2009 10~00 AoMo IRRIGATION CO'NCEPT NARRAIIVE A ) antings and seeded area wi )e native. Seeded areas will be non-irrigated. Seeded areas will be seeded during Marc, 1 t ,roug 1 May 15 and Septem )er 1 t ,roug 1 October 31, unless Contractor is able to assure seeded areaswil be regu arly watered. All native plantings are required to be watered an average of 1-inch of water once every 2 weeks during first year of establishment. A,temporary irrigation system connected to EWEB water will be provided for all planted areas south of Willamette River. North of Wi II a mette River, watering will be provided in one of three ways: 15. Install browse )rotectors at a deciduous trees. nsta browse protectors at all Cornus sericea and Corylus cornuta within 30 feet of streams and open waterways, Canoe Canal, or Willamette River. 16. Install Matting: -As c irected for erosion/sediment control. 17. Comply with all standards in American'Standards for Nursery Stock, latest edition. 18. Seed all disturbed areas not shown on drawings as directed by Engineer. . 1. Temporary a Jove ground irrigation system connected to either EWE 3 or SUB service extension. 2. Temporary above-ground irrigation system connected to temporary )um) utilizing water from either Willamette River and/or Canoe Canal. This will require Temporary Water-Use License to be obtained from Oregon State Water Resource Department. 3. ,Temporary pump connected to temporary pump utilizing water from either Willamette River and/or Canoe Cana will be used to )rovide water to be manllaf; y app ied. T lis wi require Tem )orary Water-Use Ljcense to be obtained from Oregon' State Water Resc)1]rce Department. &BTElie ..285 '..() , \,. \) (,<{\~ \ ()~ ~~\~ \c}r~~\()~ ~ S ~<(\; ~-uc' ()' ~ S~ c,\~"\ ",-UcJv c,()~ ()~ tr~\) ~ ()~ 7.-7.- \,. ~' \() ~() ~:\:~ 1 ~.~~. ;. '. ... . r ::lU ~ ')R(2ooQ- 000'+0 S~'PlaJl\ I~ ObCl .I~5 Wttl~ I)~ of:l-" P ~ T OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPOR-ATION C CAMERON · McCARTHY GILBERT & SCHEIBE LANDSCAPB ARCHITBCTS LLP Tol 541 485.1385 S 160 East Broadway Fax 541 485-1389 Eupae. OR. 97401 officc0 cmpla.com 1-5: WILLAMETTE RIVER: BR DGE - BU ~DLE 220 PACIFIC :HIGHWAY LANE COUNTY Design Team Leader - Justin Lanphear Designed By - Justin Lanphear Drafted By - Kell y Densmorep Lauren Worl and, Jason Koch .ANDSCAPE PLAN NOTES AND .EGEND SHEET NO. _Oa3 File No. 2 3 Ph J~ Original SubmlttaL..._. CONIFER TREE~ SEEDLING ..fCalocedrus...d8ciiii8fiS.......................................................................................CBiifomla..incense..Ced8T. CONIFER TREE~ 6 it Ht 'lCalocedniS .decuirens -~~,-~ SEEDLING TREES, DECIDUOUS ]~~~~~rciiiatum. ..'<N ' ,VI1le ^1Sple ..~~~!~,'!!.!?X~!!!{~~rr!.......,,,.....,,.....,,....,,.,,~..,,..........,,.,,,,..."."................."..."......~!fl".~~!.t..~P!.!...w.........."........,," ~Alnus thombifolia , White Alder ~lAlnii$Nbra.' .., ,', 'c~'~"'''~'YW<",. ,'"'''~'-'''..'Ri3dAtder ,--.,,~ "^r-Flaxinus lafito/fa ~-_...~~~...'''''OIegon Ash .' .popiiriis"iiicliiiCiiiPa...^..'~.........,,_................."'....................."............".......... 13JackCoUoiiViiOij'''............,.... . ~'iueicus'gai,yaria ' ,,' ..... ,,<,~"..... ., 'OiegonWhileOalt DECIDUOUS TREE, 1112 in. Caliper ...t"..'......................................................'.........................,........,,-.....-...................."".................. ..............................................,.....'w"..."..,......."... Acer macrophyHum ,Big Leaf Maple ,,' Ainus/hombifo/fa ' " ,.''''~''''''' . ''''^''''WhiteA:tcJer'''''' c' ~..,."",'" ~~Alnus .rubra'~~V"wv.yw WN\~~V#A~W~. v ~"-R'ed A1der~ ... FiiiXliiijs."jiiijfOlia...................~"........."...."......"..........'"'''''''''''''''''''' .......... .O;egon.Ash....."".........,_........~"..., DECIDUOUS TREE, #1 Container ::lA~~f.:f.ij~~~y!!.~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~::!~~(~P!.~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~A/nus rhombifolia White Alder "..Fraxiiiii$"jaillolja.................w,....".w.,...,.....m...~.'.........,.......,."...........-...................... '.OiigoH"lf$h"..'._.~^...."...ww..,......., ."~.Qii8rous.ii8iiiiina...."............................................................................................ .Oiejion..Wiifte;..oak.................. GROUNDCOVERS~ 4- POT . . Carexobnupta"" ,,<,< .. , , , ^ ..' Western Columbini:t~~"""w, :: ~H?iinc-i-iiii[!!ijE~=::=:==:==::=:===:::==:~=-=:::= '" .KiShonls..nervoss..................................................................................................... .iiOiiinflov.e,..".................................... Maliii11hemum JaCemosa...~.~.~~"-,...".""~"-"~wesiem fJeiiJOvHue ~.. ".Polystlch'iifii.muiiitiim..."......~~.".. ............................ ................ .W8sjem.Bulfi;ici.ip-.......~...... 'TTelJima grandi/Iora """ ww"v , , Fosmffoi;;'"'' , , GROUNDCOVERS~ #1 CONTAINER ..A.quiJ8gi"s.i:;;;.;;Jsa'ww...........",.."...._.."'..."'^.........,.w...,..................,.......,...........Wsstem..COluiiiiJiiiii'....'.....,.... >Iris teMX ' ' W oregonlrfS '...Mahonfa~neoosa ~~~...~.,,~'" ,..~ .~.. '^ciiiepjHiMahoira~"'''~w .....RaniinciilUs..ocoldimfiifis................."...""................."..................................Westei1tBuftiTcUpw...........". ...7.....'.;.'-'... ,.., . ",', .',. ... ..'......., ..,'. , ,. .... ,', .,'..',.'.~.....Y\.....~.....~~.". ,'......~ ~ Tisle/la cotdifoJia .. Foamflo'MJr ..~...................................................,................................................................................................................................................................................ ~ ThalictfUm occidentale Westem A4eadow-rue SHRUBSt Bare Roo~ 12.18 in. Nt ::l~!jji!}~~~~iif!!.~?r.ii!!..~:~=:~:::::~:=::~:=::=~:~::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::~::~::~~~!~~~:~~fYj#~~!"iji..~ ~ Cory/us comuts ' Beaked Hazelnut ., -coiiiiis.$eiicea"...'..~.......,..............M.,..w,..^"...,.,............,.,......,..,..........................,.,....,.......,. ''RiiiJ~''i5S1er'''ljiiiiViOiiii.....~.......... ~,~~~~::=.:::,'==,::,=:::,'===:==,=:=,-=~~===:===:_: .t~:d~~h:s~~ets'W!.!...................................,..........:.......................................~~W.bZWge;.................................. J.l~~~~pjj~::~!e~~!~~:......::....::..::..:....::::~:~.:..::..:..:..::::....:....:..::........:,...........:....::....:....:....~.................e~!.~~...f!J~!~~~.......~.........:.....~..............~.... Rhododendron macrophyl/um ,Big Leaf Rhododendron "'Rosa nutkana ., , . << Nootka"'" ROS8~~~ ... iliubus.iiaiViiiOrus................................................................................................... .Ti7lmbiilbeny................................... .., ,.Sa"ib.Uiiiis'ceiillei."...'..._..............~..."........~..............................."""........ .131"ii8~Eliiiiif:i8iiY."......................... ='spi,-!ea~ dOugJasil ' .....=< ,^..".w,,,, ,_..,.._..~...~ poug~~!.~piraea" ,',~' ~Symphocarpus a/bus . Common SnoKberty .SHRUBS.. #1 CONTAINER ..r................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ~Junjperus communis . Common Juniper 'lKAahonlawneiVOsa.......'.^'.,...~........,..,..........".............^.....'..............................'......'.....ciiijjJjjg.Ma1iii11a...................... ... i~osa.niiikana............................................................................................................. .NiiOt"iis..Rose................................... SHRUS$f 1#3 CONTAJ~.R .TAcefc"iiiiiiiatiiiii..............-................-.."."......."..".......'......................""............# .Vln8:Mai:ii8....."...................~.....".".... ]f~mtis$eifc&a ^~~. ' ,'^'<.""~NN' ,..w..='R~;,osliFbogv.ood ,."..""~ ~Mahonia aquifolium OregonGJtlpe TUSSLING PLANt 4tt19'~AL CONTAINER .liupiiiiis..,iViiiaiis........................................................................................................siresmbank."Lupfne................ PLANT CUTTINGS.. LARGE ..1'....................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................ ~ Comus s&ric&a RedosierDogv,.ood .1poiiiiiiis..tiiohOca1Ps......................................^.........................OV'.w..,w...w.....,... 'slBiiitcoftiiniOOd'.................... Plant Cuttings~ Large (4' '<<"Sa/ix' iucliia'lasiandra ' ,"~' '" . ,...""",.... , " Pacific Willow ., , "v. ..~.SajiX.scoiiieiiana.....................................................................................................Scoyiets...Wjjjow......................... WETLAND, BAm:; !fOOT =r~!ex d&Vsyana '~,.._y...~~...-- ~~ , ."w~~..,~.~~,y.~...~ pewey ~~dge : 2-!!. S~~ding Catex obnupta Slough Sedge 2'() Seeding ..rDesciiamii$ia"cMspilosa............................................................................fiiiterrFiair.Gra$$......,~"......... .......,........................""2::rseei(jJiiig.........."..".....".......... as shown on drawings =,1~~~~~~=~:=:=:::==::=:'=:====~~~====~=:::==::=}is~:=== ~ PlsqiobothtYS figuratu$ · Flagrant Popcom FJO'M1( 2'() Seeding PLAN I LIST iSOTANICALNAME ~ COMMONNAMIi PLANTTYPIi Bare r()ot~ 8-10 It hI. ~~ 'CafifomtiJncensi"CediiF 6 ft. Ht. Seedling 1 1/2 in. Caliper #1 Container #1 Container #1 Container Bari# Roots 18-24 in. ht. #1 Container #1 Container Tubeling Plantsf (10 in j) SEED MIX LIST SPACING ~ ,BOTANICAL NAIIJE 'l::MPORARY SEEDING i Bromus~carinatus ""~""'~....v~~"^"'= eaiiiOmlaBrome' ^""..,,"~.. ,.^.....W^."'"...__.."..._~,.~ PERMANENT SEED MIX #1, Rough Grass - Gentle Slopes "~rBromus carinatus ~.v~ 'California Brome vvrSromus s7ichensi;w",,~,w- ~,,~.~...,~~ Silk a Brame ~"~.....w_~._..~,,,..~_~,,~.... ~,,,,,,-,,'''''^'''-~'- , ..~y.~"...-..", ~,...........v.......,.~ -,^Yov.-. .........., .. .'v..........."'..............."..v............ '~Efymus trschycauJus Slender Wheatgrass , jFestLica roemerii~~ RoemetsFescue - PERMANENT ~EED MIX #2s Rough Grass- Steep S/ope$ lAgrostiS exarata ~ ^spike Bentgrass '-''fSremus carinatus _.w .._. California Braine~~'~~"~~" ,~_."..~w .,.'.'.'J5eachampsiitcaespiiosa~~~..w., " .~,.,,,,,..~'~M^~V.,,"',,,<< 'Sieiiiei'Hafrgrass ' . , ".,.'.,," '.,.'<<<<" .~,."._"',w".~,,,.,.'~<<,'<<.. , ~ ' , ' " ~w~...m^~~~v, ^J.E!~~ucs ~~~!!f6'!!_..~~~.. ,,^~y.~_~ Roem~fs Fescue I JHordeum brachyantherum fv1eadowBarley .!!!~~.~~!!!....~f!..~!;!..!!!!..~.~s....~~..~~~~.:..~<!.~f~...~~~~.:...~~~~..~!~~..........................................................................................................-................................................................................................ "v,I,!:!,~!~~"~~!!.,~l!!.'?~!~~,.v.."........",'..N....,...m.....',m...mmm,'.w.wN",w.''''..m..'.v.',',.......N.'.f!!!f:!fl!~~,,~~~~,"...'.'...."',.'.'.'.......'...,.",.'.'.."....,., ,.,.w....~.w,'..,',',.........WM.'.'......,',..,.'.", ...,'......w,....".'....,'..".W''-N'. ....~ '.'..."...,...'.w.'m,'...'.'.',.',..w..w.w..,..'..'.'.'.',..w,'.'.',',.'.'..'.'.',....'.",...'.w,.,.',.w,',,m,".w.... ~Bromus carinatus California Brame ~l9!P..a~~~!~?!!~<<~tlji1J..?::::::::::::=::~~:::==:::=:.,.M"""~~:~::~~:::==:g~!E!~,..."."...,."<<.^=",,.^',....,,y^~.,:~:::=::::: ,~.<<""'~::::::::::~~:::::::=~:.,....,:::::::~::~::~~"...~.'..'"m~''~:===~~t,'~''''W''.'..N~'''..W,...w"w~''~,<<'''.,~~~::~:::~~~::::::=- ~ Clarida purpurea Purple' Godetia ..~, _, ~"".~.~~ '........=' ~,_ M .~ ."...~~ ,,,^" ~".,,"" IDanthonia califomica , california 08tgmss :~ b&ch8mJisia caesPltosa .., ,,,_,,.w y 'TUii8cJ Hairgrass~W^.~".~".W^.., w.._~~~.~n~w~,,_w .........., o:y:"...,_',......"".., . : "'.:".;"""".....:'"....""....v,..:"..."'....,.:...;...:......,....:................~.."v....:......<\,.......,;""""....,....................:,.:.....;...;.....,..'...o;..<...:........:..........-;..'..".....,.:...:...:""^~ #........(4..<................'.....,;;" .,' :, ',.....::..'..............."'.:...:....v....:...o::...'...:............<...:...:...~....v...\..~.......;...:. v'...-....'^..~/'...'...""'V......................O\'.._.....;.,.....:.........'......,...;.,.:;..""'......................:...:......w"... - '.........-~..<..(...,;."..:....:.,.:...........\,..:...c..,. _......v~.,:y:...:...:......'\..:...:y;y)y<...:..w..v.,.,:'I.'....;"':..-.y.....,..w.............,. """......:...:..,......,........"...."'.. Efymus glauc1Js Blue Wildrye ~ ,.v.w~W^"~,,, ,"". w~'^='~,,' "W< ''^''''^'' _,~!!!!phyl!!!Il?..lanatulJ1 .~''''^..~___.'"^'''''''' ~ ..C!~ol!,,~un~~!!1~~..~,....~....^... ,~__~~ ]Festuca foemen1 " .'"",.""" ,Roemets Fescue J Lupiflus .rivuliiiils....'.^...'.......'."..."..."'.."'.'..<<...'.."..<<.^"..'",..'''w..~''''''''.'''''''''''''''kiveib~i:i'iik'''..[u"iiinew.'''...<<'''''."v"..'''' '....'...,<<,....'w,..... ' ...."."'...,...,..,,.. ""''''''',...'~.w.,..,,,...,,'''...~''''''''w,',. ..",'<<"-.....""'..."',""'<<.."."'<<"'.'~.,.".'..,"'...,,,.,.,,,,.....'...,,..."...." WETLAND SEED MIX .~J.~~~t~~"!!~[~~~.",.,."........,.".".~,,.,..<<~:~~~~~~"",....<<.,',...'.~"m""..v,w<<<<",. ~~i!E!~~!t!tgr~~!""", '..<<"..,,~_ .""~="'''_''~''''''''''~=~=~''''''''''<<<<~'''''''V''V.Wv"M'<'~,<<w,,#w.,.., ~""""""'<'<"""""'~M"""~==~""'''',""'''''''''' ~ ~Beckmanjs syzigachne American Sloughgra$$ _.s~ ' "^ ~~, W~.~~~ "~"""",,^= _..~....~~=.~w ~ Gamassia leicht/inti camas .........(r......."'.. .""""^'^..y.,y.,y.Iy,...................~.."oIV>o... "'- ~"'^"^"^"'~..................., .v.v...................,.........,.....,.VY'!N'.IIN'_, , ..";L~l!..'!.,!?~!!'YE.!~",<....,.",...,.....,.,<<.,,,,,,,,.,^,.,,.....,,,...., .",..,<<",....",~",,,,,,,MA'.. ,~!!!:!!:!fl~"<~!~!"'M_'<<""""''''''''"'''''''''''''' """~,..",,,,,,,,,,,,,~,,,...,,,." . ,..,.'."',',,<<..''''<<<<.M.;....'''''v"h~'....'<<''''M''...'',....,,.^ "<<<<<,"'..""'"..','"..'.,",',','""~,','".,<<,,,,..,",..,'<<".,.''''..,..'.".~.','.", lOanthonia califomica California Oatgrass . t Deschampsia caespitosa Tttted Hairgrassw~"", ,~~,,_v~ ..jgt~!!!1~..e~!~,!I1~.......""..,"~,..".~~~",.."."<.,..,,..,'",~,...". . , _:. ~9:~e!~~~pl~!N~!i~!..",..w "',....v....,,"',,"" -'.<<~""......~~.....,..~w,=::"."v''',..~~~w,~<<~w,~".,..^''., ~~:~"~~~w ,.,'<<""~~=~:~~~~~~~==~~~,..".:==: I Glyceria occidentaiia Western Mannagrass ~ ......... .",^",,^"~ .... , -No 'W^~!:Iordeum !!!~chya~~he~1!! ~ '""'""~ ,~ad01!~?,/ey .~_ ._~~~,~_..,~_""_..,,,..,,~_ ~w ,,~... ."...,,_.~ lJuncus ensifolius SfNOrdleaf Rush .."""'r-:...,.......I..w,"'.."...- . '; , . ,-\,v......"-..:v.:""........:.......;..,.-.......<y:...:................"..<........,,...."'............y.....,..............4......Jvi.....'.,.{\M,............,.............<<"'..............y;............:""....:..........".., :.......:..<'1...\-'.........:"'....:..<....:........:........"".".:,,:........ . . . . " > .... .....<<~.........:...~w...:..v..,..<<'\, v..:.........:<<..,::..w;..."..,...^.~........;....::...:...:.......;.,.:...;...:'\,..:...;............~....:.........:....:...:........;..~v::...:..WM...;.,.:....:.,.:........:....;..,,,...:..................;.......,...;...:........ '.....-.<,.:..........,.;..,..:\. . .......:........:......".:,.............:,...,....."'......"'................:..................:....:....:.....,.."'.".:......,..:...'....,.;... ,^v<~!:lagiobothrys figuratus ~'" '" ^f:.opcom FJt:?yverN.,w. ~......'^w....~",.w.."^'w.w^ } Tel/lms grand/flora Fringecup , WILDFLOWER SEED MIX ...'I.~........~..............""'.................'I............."" ,......................................................., .J~~!!~~~J!!.!.!.~~!.f?!.~l!~.....................................................................................'fY.~!~~...Y..~~~y~................................................................................................................................................................'................................................................................................ ~Aquilegia formosa, ",..," , ., ,,' ... , " '" ' " . Western RedCOJumbine !Bromus carinatus california Breme 1 Camiissia leichtJlnii ""'''---~, Camas iEriophylJum lanatum , Oregon Sunshine , '~Festuca foemenj~".v~ ........w~_~^..."....m~ ,~ Roemer's Fe$cue-.~-~'_.m' .~....._-~ .".;'I.....$............:V<...,....:....:-..:....:-...............:...;...:O..:...:.."....:.......:...:.......W/JI.'.'''''...<<......o:..o:....,...,...,o..o:..."...y:..,...:;..o:........:...:....y:...:....:...:..-:...<...:..;;...:.......;...-:............;,..................."..,.:....-.M.......:..w-'...:..... .v':.."....:..w-.<~(y.....v!o.<.......::..<.,..;...:....:.......('I..'\..\",{............>(..., . ..,.:""......,'1.".......:........:....,<-. ....,..,...::......"""',01.............:....."..,......"'.:....:......."..:.................::""'.....".....:.."^*',,........,'1........:""....:...:....:....:'1.... . . r........:...."'.....,<...:...::...:.......::....... .V'....;..,....:-.......:....:.."....'\,..<<WM.:.........;..,..:....:.........~.................-........,...:v..."-"............~v....y'...:....:...:.,.:..,.:..........'....::........:...- J Koeleria ma.9.!:.~ntha ~'" Prairie Junegra~~~ .~Lupjnus polyphyJJus Many Leaved Lupine ~ ' ..........' .......,..............~^............."^""'^"... ....~.......J'...............y.............y....^... ...~......"^V\I'.'.. ............""""..........,..............."H'o......... " .........,......,.".",.............VH.............'.NVI. JLupinus r/vulansRiverbank Lupine WA TER QUALITY SEED MIX ~ Bromus carinatus~"~w "^~'~-" ~caljfoinjaBtome ,', ~ '~~"~~"^", ~w,""...w~...~........,...,"'..^'~''"'''"'~w~_'''_.~_w.''w ~"...u~.~..^w"^....._....^'~W_~v_....,'" w, _~~~.. ~,.._.~~...~"'~. .~~~w~..-'WW^..,~ '~~ ..J.~~~1!!!PE~1~. ca~~eL~f1,~~,.,',','.N>M"',.'M"".'m..V#MuVM"'W..W "T!!ttfJt!.liajrg~~~, '. ,., ',', '.,' ","" ".",. ",'. " , ' .' , , , , " " ." ""'".,' . ' "., i Hordeum brachyantherum' Allei.iij'(j;;,; .Bailey ..."..., v,.............,...... ....~..w.."..,..."......"'......,...~..."".....".."......,....,......~...,'<<..,..,,'....v,.,,,,,,.'.............. ",...,.,...",...,._.,..~"'"..,.....,...~."',, . ..v..'...'."'..,.".,,.,.,.'~.' 'COl'lnJ4D/ll NAifIIE PLANTTVPE SPACWG , Trees, mixed at average 15~ o. c. throughout planting aleas. as shoVln on. drawings. I as shoVln on. drawings. I as shown on drawings as shown on drawing . ...~. ,flY K. SIlB T tj ~,OBE, OON! , t..#,'Y THIS IS THE FILENAME LOCA TIONZ~ \OBDP - Willamette River Bridge\CAD\ 19-0CT -2009 10: 00 AcMc r OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTA-ION R' CAMERON. McCARTHY _ GILBERT & SCHEIBE LANDSCAPE AkCBITECTS LLP Tol 541 485.1385 S 160 Bast Broadway Pax 54l 485.1389 Buame, OR 91401 officooCD1JSla.com 1-5: WILLAMETTE RIVER: BR DGE - BU 4D.E 220 PACIFIC :HIGHWAY LANE COUNTY Design Team Leader - Justin Lanphear Designed By - Justin Lanphear Drafted By - Kell y Densmore, Lauren Worl and9 Jason Koch SHEET NO. .ANDSCAPE PLAN PLANT LIST _o~ 3A File No. 3 2 Original Submittal ACTUAL TOP OF ROOT FLARE Remove any extra soil placed on top of buttress roots during nursery digging EARTHEN BERM - 3" height Same area as ,Plant Pit Important note: Root Crown 3" maximum above finish grade FINISH GRADE ~ NOTES . Trees planted too deeply will not be accepted. . Remove,burlapfrom top of root ball. PLANT PIT 3 x Diameter of Root Ball or 36" minimum (Whichever is greater) r ~ TREE PLANTING - B&B or Container A'~: Seeded Area ACTUAL TOP OF . ROOT FLARE Remove any extra soil placed 'on top of root flare durin9 digging. Set top of root flare' at eXisting grace. Construct water basin- 100mm minimum depth. BROWSE PROTECTOR with stake MULCH 6" thick Same area as Plant Pit FINISH GRADE TOPSOIL (Or Native Soil, per Drawings) BACKFILL Topsoil, Tamp in TOPSOIL Compacted NTS TREE STAKES Stake as specified. Parallel and plumb. Do not pierce root ball. Stain as specified. MULCH Hold mulch away from trunk TREE TIES One tie per stake, fastened to stake. See specifications BACKFILL' Amended and conditioned soil, tamped in COMPOST EROSION CONTROL BLANKET at seeded areas (or mulch, per drawings) /' /' COMPOST EROSION CONTROL BLANKET Where indicated CUT FINISH GRADE 1:5 H:1V maximum FINISH GRADE 1:5 H:1V maximum ... ~" , /l 12" ~ . rootball , ~ 12" 1- '1 diameter. {- FILL - EXISTING SLOPE /' " I .45 m bench where existing slopes exceed 3H:1V -TREE PLANTING On s opes THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCATIONZ~\OBDP - Willamette River Bridge\CAD\ NTS TREE SEEDLING MULCH 4" thick. Hold mulch away from stem I I --:::::::::::::::::::::::~~:::~:::::::::.. \Jj.......... ........... ......... .................................. ................................. .............................. .............................. ......".......................... I ..... . Specified Fertilizer If any BROWSE PROTECTOR 4 x 30 Inches with stake Place root collar above grade. NATIVE SOIL BACKFILL Firmly Pack Soil Around Seedling. Do not bend or break roots. No "J" or "L" roots. SHRUB PLANTING - Bare Root or Seedling r-3\ NTS~ MULCH 4" thick Hold mulch away from plant stem BACKFILL Amended and conditioned soil, tamped in SUBGRADE - ~ ~. NOTES . Shrubs planted too deeply will not be accepted. ...!~ 14" diameter mulch circle in seeded areas BROWSE PROTECTOR See Specifications Set plant above finish grade Do not set plant more than 1 inch above finish grade. PERMANENT SEEDING (Or mulch, per Drawings) FINISH GRADE TOPSOIL (Or Native Soil, per Drawings) '\ (4'\ NTS~ SHRUB PLANTING - B&B or Container , t.\.~: :<. . 19-0CT -2009 10~00 AcMe r OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPOR-ATION C CAMERON · McCARTHY GILBBRT &SCHBIBB LANDSCAPB ARCHITBCTS LLP Tol 541 485-7385 S' 160 East Broadway Fax 541 485-7389 BUSene, OR. 91401 offico0 cmasla.com 1-5: WILLAMETTE RIVER: BR DGE - BU ~D.E 220 PACIFIC :HIGHWAY LANE COUNTY Design Team Leader - Justin Lanphear Designed By - Justin Lanphear Drafted By - Kell y Densmore, Lauren Worl and, Jason Koch SHEET NO. .ANDSCAPE PLAN PLA ~TING D.ET AILS Date Received: _o~ 3 3 OCT 3 2009 File No. Original Submittal . Clump and scatter plants so that average planting density is equivalent to grid spacing. Typical D.C. (On Center) planting grid / Cut top square' for easier installation. Protect top from splitting. Insert cutting with buds (2-3) pointing up. ~ I FINISH GRADE ~ .. I au; c.- .- --I ~..... c.C en..!!! .n.. 00) .0) 0(1) ~ . o 61 .q ~ ~6 ~ l?~iA l?1}/ ~ . , <'18/ + - Distance from edge of paving is (, min.1/2 the specified O.C. spacing unless otherwise noted. !... I I . h i~: , IJ~_ "\/ L I .v- I + , , . ....- - / /' -.. ( . , \.. / ,-- / " / ,,(. /) ( )', \ ./ ~ '""" - -.. " ( . \ "- J '- / Insert ' 75-80% of total cutting length into soil. Tamp ground firmly after installation to eliminate air pockets. ... EDGE OF PAVING O. O. . \ ,-\/ \ I \' . . ,/' .I /' " I , - \ . '.\ I I :'\ \ ~ ../ .I ,- I " , - . \ ~ I / " \ ,/ , - I \ \ J '- + /' -.. Cut end to a point for easier installation . Trim off branches with clean cuts. .~ ,.; '-"'" . Randomly mix plant species. Offset plants to avoid straight rows. Note: Cut live cuttings in 20"-40" lengths, from %"...2" diameter stock within 20 miles of site. Perform cutting and installation within 24 hours. Keep cuttings cool and moist prior to installation. SHRUB ROOT BALL + RANDOM PLANTING PATTERN (1\ NTSe PLANT CUTTING INSTALLATION 2 NTS ( LO.3C TRIANGLE SPACING ~ NTS~ PROPOSED TREE Fraxinuslatifolia ...\ ~ ~ :>L\ ~I WATER QUALITY SEEDING ~ TOPSOil <: IMPERVIOUS SURFACE '\ Flow - ~ length ..... ... ( Clump Plant Spacing Average of 3' o.c. , ,111~/_jf~i~\:li~P~o / / / / / /~~~/ /~ /. , , , -' . ' ,f!ifI1f1' "'" ~ , , , , , , , , , , " " " " " /////// ///////////////, ,""'" """"""'" //////////////////////, ~ ~ ~""""""""""" ~~ x~~x~'~ ,~ ,~ ,~ ,~ ,~,~,~ ,~,~ ,~ ,~,~ ,~ ,~,~,~ ,~,~ ,~ ,; ,; " ~ -~ X.J< xXx~"""""""" " , , '~' "i1 < 'X X )( X X X X X ; A (^ ~ A ,/.. ../ x ( /,..L.. / / / / / / / / / /, / / / x x x: x X )( X x x x x x x xx }l., x X nx ;, ~- ... ~ ')(. 'x~- " " , , , , , , ~xxxx xXx'X..x.~ xxx:~'xx~-1 I -2S)I'., '~')(.x'X..x.~x~xx')(.x .x. ~ ~.x.2! y v v 4.2S.X)C~X""Xx..Xx x 0?-x x x x'X..x. h ~ ~)(XX~xxxx . . )Y .'\ ~~ 3 To 8 Plants Per Clump ~ .c' ...... -C ~, . Spacing ~ ..... Between Clumps .,... 5'-0" ~ r OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTA-ION -#( ~ C CAMBRON · McCARTHY GILBERT &SCHEIBE LANDSCAPB ARCHITECTS LLP Tol 541 485.7385 S 160 Bast Dr0a4way Fax 541 485.7389 Eupae, OR 9'1401 offico0 cmpla.com FILTER STRIP LandscaJe (4 NTS \:O.3C CLUMP PLANTING PATTERN (5\ NTS~ - ~ST~~ . ~ a8~, _ '.() _ · "~f~ !ooif . ~~. ~IlBER~ .~ ,O~OON \) (J:.\<V'< o~ ~~\~ \c}r~ -'\\ a~ ~ s ~~\" ~'0~ c), ~ s~ ~\-'\"\ ;'0s<V ~o~ a'?) ~~\) ~ a~ '2-'2- 'v ~ ~ \C) ~C) 1-5: WILLAMEllE RIVER:BR DGE - BU ~D.E 220 PACIFIC :HIGHWAY LANE COUNTY Design Team Leader - Justin Lanphear Designed By - Justin Lanphear Drafted By - Kell y Densmorep Lauren Worl andl' Jason Koch SHEET NO. .ANDSCAPE PLAN PLA ~TING DEl AILS Date Received: _o~ 3C ., ~~;~', , THIS IS THE FILENAME LOCA TIONZ~ \OBDP - Willomette River Bridge \CAD\ 19-0CT-2009 10~OO AaMa OCT 2 3 2009 File No. Original Submittal CHECK DAM See Civil Drawings for details regarding height and spacing. . GROUNDCOVERS 6 Rows. 4 inch,pots @ 18" triangular spacing. See Planting Scheme for species and dispersal guidelines . LARGE SHRUB Cornus sericea See Planting Scheme for dispersal guidelines SMALL TREE: ...... Acer circinatum See Planting Scheme for dispersal guidelines. . SHRUB Mahonia nervosa See Planting Scheme for dispersal guidelines - MULCH Compost Yard debris, 2" depth. 1" \ SHRUB Rosa nutkana See Planting Scheme for dispersal guidelines. 1" ~. ) \ TOPSOIL 18" depth @ bottom 6" depth,@ side slopes \JOT ::8: Width Width , Varies, Varies, , , , , , Width Varies '~ 4' .~ . Install tree stakes and ties as shown in Deciduous Tree Detail. . Stormwater Treatment Facility landscape guidelines per 100 Sq. Ft.: . 2 large shrubs I small tree (#3 container) . 6 shrubs (#1 container) . Groundcover( 4" pots): 1 per 18 inches. triangular spacing . Trees: Approximately 1 every 30 ft on center ~ 8' VEGETATED SWALE PLANTING SECTION f1\ NTS ~o.~ TYJica - GROUNDCOVERS 4 inch pots @18" triangular spacing. See Planting Scheme for species and dispersal guidelines < . LARGE SHRUB Cornus sericea See Planting Scheme for dispersal guidelines SMALL TREE: Acer circinatum See Planting Scheme for dispersal guidelines. -SHRUB Mahonia nervosa See Planting Scheme for dispersal guidelines 1" \ SHRUB Rosa nutkana See Planting Scheme for dispersal guidelines. MULCH Compost Yard debris, 2" depth. ~ \ TOP SOIL 18" depth @ bottom 6" depth @ side slopes \jO--- -::8: 20' 24' ~ '1' Using only specified groundcover planting within 3'-6' of existing any path. , 3'-6' , . PATH " , TRANSITION ZONE PLANTING . y JICa NTS PROPOSED TREE Fraxinus latifolia WATER QUALITY SEEDING TOPSOIL ~ -< IMPERVIOUS SURFACE Flow --.... '\ , ~ (X) ...- 5'-0" ~ -#( FILTER STRIP _andscaJe NTS 7r OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION , : RRY K GllBER ~ \) . (,<(\~\;\()~ ~~\~ \ctr>-~ ~\o~ <.. S ~((\; ~'Uc ()' ~ S" c\~'\ ,,'Us~ c()~ 0'1 tr>-~ \) <.. o~ 7.,7., \., ~' \() ~\) 1-5: WILLAMETTE RIVER: BR DGE PACIFIC :HIGHWAY LANE COUNTY BU~DLE 220 . Install tree stakes and ties as shown in Deciduous Tree Detail. . . Stormwater Treatment Facility landscape guidelines per 100 Sq. Ft: . 2 large shrubs I small tree (#3 container) . 6 shrubs (#1' container) . Groundcover (4" pots ):1 per 18 inches. triangular spacing . Trees: Approximately 1 every 30ft on center ~, " . Y JICa THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCATION Z~ \OBDP - Will ometteRiver Bridge\CAD\ 19-0CT -2009 10~00 AcMe Design Team Leader - Justin Lanphear Designed By - Justin Lanphear Drafted By - Kell y Densmorep Lauren Worl and, Jason Koch SHEET NO. .ANDSCAPE PLAN PLA ~TING DET AILS _o~ 3) File No. OCT 2 3 Original Submittal Plant speoies list: Seedlina Trees. Deciduous (4..461 Sa. Ft.) Acer circinatum -l.:.~.~ L3.3 ~-1. _---I =-~--~~--'=:' '-~::;:~?~~MS::::".": =' r'\~.:~~.=~~'~,,, . :f. ~ rcr ~;~ 5 ~""=--...........--::.:. . :1r=........ -~ " 1,1' \ 4"~' (/ ~~ L · , "......, '''',11\. ~jitfJlIl. _~' /:. ,9. - NUl USED ~', NOT USED EUGENE LAND ~ EUGENE LAND USE ONLY USE ONLY J 1/1 THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCATION Z~ \OBDP - Willomette River Bridge \CAD\ CD ~\: ,,~x'~\~,,~' ~~ ,,~\:~'\~~~ ~~~~~~'~~\:" Woodland Repair 1: . Area:, 4,118 . Topsoil: 12/1 . Planting. mix to consist of: -Native seedling trees, bare root plants, and groundcovers . $hrub~ Bare Root 12/1-18/1 Cornus sericea - '\ Corylus cornuta* Holodiscus discolor Mahonia aquifolium Oemleria cerasiformis Physocarpus capitatus Rosa nutkana Rubus parviflorus Sambucus caerulea* Symphoricarpos albus Spiraea douglasii r;roundcovers. Care x obnupta** Deschampsia caespitosa** Mahonia nervosa** POlystichum munitum** ) . **Transition Zone plants_ (For detail, see LO.3D) . Irrigation: Hand-water @ Install Tr~nsition Zone plants within 3/-6' adJ-acent to all paths_ (For detaill1 see Sheet LO.3D) < =y :> _A \j . .0) '11/'1'1'1'1'1' 1'111'1/1'1'1" ',//1,',',1,1,',',',',',',',1 '1'1'1'1'1'11"1',',',',',11 !I!I!'!I!I!I!I!I!I!I!I!I!I!I. Filter Strip Storm water Treatment Faoility Planting . Area: 817 . Topsoil: None . Planting mix to consist of: -Native B&B trees ad seeding Plant speoies list: Deciduous trees. 1 1/2/1 col. (4.461 Sa. Ft.J, Fraxinus lotifolia . } Distribute trees randomly throughout area within tree cloud at average of 15/ 0.0. spacing. Seedina Seed with Water Quality Seed Mix Plant speoies with asterisk (*J singly. Plant all other species in clumps of 3-8, at average of 3' 0.0. spacing. Distribute single plants and clumps randomly throughout area , Distribute randomly )> at avera~e of 3' o.c. spacIng -' throughout area. **Denotes speoies to be used in Transition Zones. - L~It.1. . :z: . I ~J!': ...).., 1 . }< ; i ~~ \, ~& ~. ~~ rrf~) i-r'~).. ( ~) (, +cQ) \J.~ ,..r--,....~.... I ~ ..Ja... I 't --~- :-.) ~ ,..y..... .,...t >, '- ... }--< --.... 4lIIII..... '1 ~; ",,-- ~".......v r!"""}., 4lIIII..... ( .( "" ~rJ '" " "" , '-''-. rv.... /",: ~'" ( J. ;>\._ ,.1 r.J~.,( ;v~;.<~ ~~~s?) ~.) r: I) \.. 1 ,,,,.r l~."\'.."", r: ') '-'{...",/ /.V"\. r: I') "\....-'\..)'...J {!1i'V"}~ ..."., , . \.,' ...~ "'"' ': ~'...': ^5 '''>1.1, r OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPOR-A-ION C CAMBRON · McCARTHY GILBBRT &SCHBIBB LANDSCAPB ARCHITBCTS LLP Tol 541 485.7385 S 160 East Broadway Fax 541 .U5.7389 Eupno, OR 97401 officcocmaala.com 1-5: WILLAMETTE RIVER: BR DGE - au ~D.E 220 PACIFIC :HIGHWAY LANE COUNTY 0' 25' 50' 100' 200' Design Team Leader - ~ustin Lanphear Designed By ..- Justi~\\. Lanphear Drafted By - Kell y Densmo'~e5' LadF~n Worl and, Jason Koch SHEET NO. .ANDSCAPE Pl'AN SPR NG :IE .) - NORTH'(W L .AMAL.ANE PARK) _3'aO File No. 19-0CT -2009 1 O~ 00 Aa Ma 2 Original Subrnittai_ I ~ o \ ..,.~ ~\ "7 / -6 I /110 \ d ) ~ -l CJ \ ~ o \ OL \oJ '-~ {:1 \ cl \ ..., ~ R ~~\ ~ .J o \ ~ t? < =-y -:J _A \ -L3IlQ \ Qt:!"'\) c: .t. ~ \.- ~~'WJi88Sl'WJi88Sl~~~--~~1 I I \ , , , I , \ , , , I , ~I , \ I \ I \ , , i " I I ' I ' I I I I I ~1 I" ~ I , ,~~ \ ( , , , \ ,~ \', , \ I \ ' \ \ \ i i \ I " \ I \ 0\( , \ I \ I \ , \ , , , I \ I , I \ I \ ~ , , "J I , I I I I J ~~~lISS"HI!-~~, I I " r I ,I I I \ \ , I , I I I I I I , I I I ....?: ,.....r--..ft...........----, ~ .'1 1..") rJ ................. ......: , @ @ CD ~ , ' //"\ I..=h~ L~l _---1-... .I.J~ \ I '---",p . '.. ,./.l'- "" .,.,...., ~ r=--"~ ..v~ ;;.. ~;::.:., ,~",,~P.,p<....., -.... :,~,~.._..w,_~='=..~ ~::~--i..~\~=~::,=... 'Ir-...;;;:"~~j ---~-r-~......3\ \ NOT USED ~ NOT USED EUGENE LAND ~ EUGENE LAND USE ONLY USE ONLY rYi \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ~ \ \ \ / \ "'~' \// ~ \ ~~- \ \ \ {\. b \ t \ \ \ "7.J, .\ \ \ \~ rr"l., ~..ft...~..._. l ~ \ \ ....A...P ; .. ~ \\ r #.... ' r + < \ ..., ~q,:< \, \ (... (' t" 'k.... \ \.f" r. 1-) \ \tsz \\ .;~ \ ;....< \\ ..., '\',.J'j.(V).. \ t.. ~ "+'..5 \ \ ..'^../ l \ ,'''v',\ (' . ~U.\ t.,'.... < .. .. ~~\ 't \\\ ,-~ \\\ \.~< \< ~...)'" \ ~ \ \) ~ \\\ \ ; .-....... \ \ \ f -V~-)" \ \~ '. ; ... ; """'"\ ~'. 'I ~ ~,.J" ~(' '\ ...... ..\,v~.r.r.~ ~A~~ \; \'1 ~-,.' .~-k' " .... 'rl \.{~ r~.j \:.., \0 \ AI. \ ( ~) (I~",\".1 \ 'l <01 ~ ,.f/,"<~ ~.~ ,0) 'I. iV} f ! I ! THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCA TION Z~ \OBDP - Will omette River Bridge\CAD\ .. :z: CD @ . . . . :.::. . '. :. Rough Grass Seed - Gentle Slopes: . Area: 13,400 ,Sq. Ft. . Topsoil: 12// . Area Prep Method: D . $eedina Permanent Seeding =IF 1 $' $' $' ~J ~~ ~~ ~1 ~~ ~~ ~~ ,~ _..J....- .~ ~L Rough Grass Seed - Steep Slopes: . Area: 6,670 Sq. Ft. . Topsoil: 6// . Area Prep Method: F . At embankments and slopes 1V:2H or steeper . Seedino. Permanent Seeding #2 with Compost Erosion Control Blanket 0~ Existing Wetland - No Work Zone · Riparian Forest Planting acceptable within existing wetland . Plant quantities, species and spacing provided under Riparion Forest planting scheme. .' 0' 25' 50' 100' 200' \ \ \ \ \ \ r('l., \ } -*-. ; ....: . '-ft~).) \ '(\:..1 : .... . 19-0CT -2009 10~OO AaMa r OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION C CAMBRON · McCARTHY GILBERT & SCHEIBE LANDSCAPB ARCHITBCTS LLP Tel 541 485.7385 S 160 East Broadway Fax 541 485.7389 Eupne. OR 97401 officeocmpla.com 1-5: WILLA METTE RIVER: BR DGE - 'BU ~D.E 220 PACIFIC :HIGHWAY LANE COUNTY Design Team Leader - Justin Lanphear Designed By - Justin Lanphear Drafted By - Kell y Densmorep Lauren Worlandp Jason Koch . rl~. . SHEET NO. .ANDSCAPE PLAN SPR-NGFIELD - SOUTH _3a. Date File No. 2 3 Original Submittat-..".~H- CD I II II II IItt I I II lilt II II I I II II II II II I , ... General Planting 1 - Soundwall: · Area: 3,800 Sq. Ft. · Topsoil: 12// · Area Prep Method: A · Planting mix to consist of: -Native seedling tree.s, container plants, groundcovers and non-native vines @ CD . Plant species list: Seedlina Trees. Decid./Everareen (2200 Sa. Ft.~ Acer circinatum ~ Distribute trees Acer maorophyllum '- randomly throughout Alnus rhombifolia r area within tree Fraxinus latifolia cloud at average of ThuJ.a plicata ....../ 15/ o.c. spacing. Shrubs. Bare Root. 12//-18// Cornus sericea ~ Mahonia aquifolium Philadelphus lewissii '- Physocarpus capitatus r Rosa nutkana Spiraea douglasii Symphoricarpos albus / -. A /.~ :.,...- _...._..._~._..._.._...._.__....-..._...._...- I!.~ L.. -...-....-...-....-...-....-...-...-....----...-...-...-...-...-@-..._........... ~ .......~...."._..~......._..........._..~........ A /.n ............. t.... ..........-...........-..........-..... l~~ ,..... l.~..: -......-.....-...............-.....-.. ........_ 1\ h l::......._..~........_.........., .-............-....... I~\ E.. _..........-.........._...~......._...........- /\ f.::- /.., (.... .......-....-.......-............-...... .....~.. A E' ..............-.........-..-................ .... A ,.. f...... ......-.......-...-..._U.._U..._hh_...._...._...._....._... Ii ,.t-{ ....-.-.--.-. ~.~........... /_.. , t.: _._..;~~_._-----__.___.__.__..~___ C3 --....~.' {', -....-..... \..,..,_r" ~ ......_......._.~...._."....- A l:':' _.~...._......._.....~._........_........_........ A M '1-0.__ j.--:: __H. t.... ....-........-........-........-........ A I.:'" _........_........_~.....- ........-........-.... /'\ t.:.' ...._........_......._......._......._........_.... /, , ..-- "., .. --..---- ~.-........~l .,. ....... ". ,...:_~.------.. Plant species in clumps of 3-8, at average of 3' .. o.c. spacing. Distribute clumps randomly throughout area .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. - - - - - .u _..._ _..._ " -....-..... .-......-. . -...- _..~ -......- -....- .... .. _.: _...~ -'''- ,'-"~ .-"': '::::.= :::::::...-: ':::.-. :........- ,=: ::::= .," ..~.. -.....- .-..- , ---- ........- . .-- ...~ -.....- <. '- -.....-. . Groundcovers . . Mahonia nervosa}, DIstrIbute randomly at average of 3/ o.c. spacing throughout area. ......-- --..... -..- -'.'- ,;. .::::.:::.:.= ~ .. -.....-- , .. -..- -.....- ...~.:::--...-._,_1~.",,,........,., "'"". ,,' -- .... _..=~.._'. -.. ..-.. ..... -...- -.-.. _....w- :?;:: ....- ... ...-..- ... -... -.....-.. _..=.~~ -. . ......-..-. .. -...- -..- .~.. I., _....._ .........:.::.=--- _=~~ __= ..,_ ....-........ -.._~..._... ..- -... ..-...-.. u__.. -=::~: _::=.. "__... -:::._ _=..._ .=...._ .....:.~ ---::.::.=::-- -...... .::..-.............. --.- ..::::.:.~ ... @ .. ..... ..... '" .. ... . . . . . .' . . . .. ... ..... t......... ... ..... . . . . . . .. . . ... ..... .......... ... ..... ,.......... ... ..... .......... ... ..... .......'... . ,. Rough Grass - Gentle Slopes: . Area: 9200 Sq. Ft. . Topsoil: None . Area Prep Method: D SeedinG: Seed with Permanent Seedmix #1 < =-y J _A \ T OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPOR-ATION 200' C CAMBRON · McCARTHY GILBERT & SCHBIBE LANDSCAPB ARCBITBCTS LLP Tol 541 485.7385 S 160 East Broadway Fax 54J 485.138' Eqone. OR 91401 officooCDlJ8la.c:om L31!O tAftaY K GIlJ. ~ .... ~ ,~N ' ORB,..UV, ........ .' ,~1 . ..' .".. 1-5: WILLAMETTE RIVER: BR DGE - au ~D .E220 PACIFIC :HIGHWAY LANE COUNTY 0' 25' 50' 100' Design Team Leader - Justin Lanphear Designed By - Justin Lanphear Drafted By - Kell y Densmorep Lauren Worl and, Jason Koch SHEET NO. r-. z: .ANDSCAPE PLAN _3a2 THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCATION Z~ \OBDP - Willamette River Bridge \CAD\ 19-0CT-2009 10~00 ADMll File No. OCT 3 2009 Original submittal, @ A'~"."'~:" '~j~ -::'-i'...:~~,..~. -.-...::.::::::::: ~=.....- -...- -~.... -...- "-.. , , , ~ ~ ..,...----"':i:--~ -""..-- ___ - -...- -... 4~ A~ ~~ A~ ,:$ AJ t~ ~~ ;r ~-r~~__~"" '~-:::I- ., ~ ., ~ y ? ? Y Y y ? ? J" ~___ _ ~~ ~~ ~~ e ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~j ~f ~~ r ,~r- ~ -;:;;:;:- _~-::--- ~-~ ~~ ~~ ~~ #~ ~~ ~~ ~~< ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ,j ~~. ~~ ~~ ~~ ~f.---t ~f ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~j ~~ ~~ ~j ~j ~~,~~, ~j ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~.; ~j ~~ ~f ~~ ~.~ ~~ ~~ ~~,~, ~~ ~, ~~ ~~ f~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~j ~~ ~f ~~ ~~ ;1 ~~ ~~ J ....-j ..j'-.........,,\ @ (j) ......-.-............... ...............(! ............ _......~ '\ I < < ,~_..^, ~ j . ......-......................... ...........-::.::".:::::.. ::~::<: :: I ...- ..-. -...- .. -...... _'U"_ _......_ SPRINGFIELD I =UG ='J 1 ---- ~^ ... '..-.. _...~ -"'- -.......... ..~.. -"-- ..-" -",.-.. ...-.--' -"- ---""-' -~ ~.-"..... -~.- _._rtI"'" ....-..--. --- ~ _ _~;-J I... -~--;""f-::::':"'? ::::-=:. '.. ~J ~~ ~j ~J ~~ ~~ (]) ~~ y ~ ~! ~ ~7 .t~ ~ h~ ~ ~J ~~ ~ ~ fJ ~~ ~~ . ~j .-- I I I ! I :........................".."...,"""''''''''''7.'''''.'0 ! I I ; i ! / / / I ! , , ! I / / I / / I I I I / I ---~... 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TK'.!) \.1"'~Y\ OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION CAMERON · McCARTHY GILBERT &SCHBIBB LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS LLP Tol 541 485.1385 Fax 541 485.138' officooC1DJSla.com ' 160 East Broadway EupII.O, OR 97401 1-5: WILLAMETTE RIVER: BR DGE au ~D.E 220 PACIFIC :HIGHW A Y LANE COUNTY Design Team Leader Justin Lanphear Designed By Justin Lanphear Drafted By Kell y Densmorep Lauren Worl andp Jason Koch SHEET NO. .ANDSCAPE PLAN _3a3 File No. OCT 2 3 2009 Original Submittal PLAN / ING SCHf-/!/E for Sheet L3.3 CD I II II II II II I I II II II II II I I II II II II II I General Planting 1 -_ Soundwall: . Area: 1110 Sq. Ft. · Topsoil: 12// . Planting mix to consist of: -Native and non-native container plants and vines · Plant species list: SeedlinG Trees. Decid./EverGreen (600 Sa. Ft.) Acer macrophyllum ~ Distribute trees Alnus rhombifolia >randomly throughout Thuj.aplicata .J area within tree cloud at average of 15' o.c. . spacl ng. Shrubs. Bare Root. 12// -18// Cornus sericea ~ Mahonia aquifolium Philadelphus lewissii Physocarpus capitatus Rosa nutkana Spiraea douglasii Symphoricarpos albus J )> Plant species in clumps of 3-8,. at average of 3'0.c. spacing. Distribute clumps randomly throughout area. r;;roundcovers. =11=1 cont.. }, Distribute randomly at average of Mahonia nervosa 3' o.c. spacing throughout orea. @~ General Planting 2: · Area: 5,421 Sq. Ft. · Topsoil: None · Planting mix to consist of: -Native seedling trees, bare live cuttings, and Seeding Plant species list: . Deciduous trees 1 Acer macrophyllum Alnus rhombifolia Fraxinus latifolia root plants, tubelings, . 1/2// col. (1.662 Sa. Ft.J, ~ Distribute trees randomly > throughout area within tree cloud .J at average of 30' o.c. spacing. . $eedlinG Trees. Decid./EverGreen (1.66250. Ft.) A,cer macrophyllum } Distribute,. trees r,andomlY Acer circinatum throughout area within Fraxinus latifolia tree oloud at average of 15'0.c. spacing. Shrubs. Bare Root. 12//-18'~ Amelanchier alnifolia* Cornus sericea Corylus cornuta* Holodiscus discolor Oemleria cerasiformis Philadelphus lewisii Physocarpus capitatus Rosa nutkana Rubus parviflorus Sambucus cerulea* Symphoricarpos albus Spiraea douglasii ) 'Plant species with asterisk (*) singly. Plant all other. species in clumps of 3-8, at average of 3' o.c. spacing. Distribute single plants and clumps randomly throughout area. Plant Cuttinas . LarGe (4')_ Cornus sericea Salix lucida ssp.lasiandra Salix scouleriana ~ Install cuttings randomly at >- wettest areas at an average -/ of 10' o.c. ,sapcing. Groundcovers: =11= 1 cont.: Mahonia nervosa } Distribute randomly at average of 3' o.c. spacing throughout area. THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCATION Z~ \OBDP - Willomette River Bridge \CAD\ . c,<(\~\"'~()~ ~<<--\~ \Ctr'\ '\\()~ ~ S 'X <( \,.. <<--'0 C 0' ~ S*' C\'\'\ ".'0S~ C()~ ()~ .tr~\) ~ () <<-- 7.-7.- \, ~' \0 ~C) @~ @ General Planting 3: . Area: 10,370 Sq. Ft. · Topsoil: 12// · Planting mix to consist of: -Native seedling trees, bare root plants, tubelings, live cuttings and seeding · Plant species list: Deciduous trees 1 1/2// cal.. (4.580 Sa. Ft.) Acermacrophyllum* ~ Distribute trees randomly Alnus rhombifolia* throughout area within tree cloud Fraxinus latifolia* >- at average of 3D' O.c. spacing. Do not plant species with --./ asterisk (*)within 3D' of overhead power lines. Seedlina Trees. Decid./EverGreen (4.580 SQ. Ft.) Acer circinatum , Acer macrophyllum* Distribute trees randomly Alnus rhombifolia* throughout area within tree Fraxinus latifoliO* >- cloud at average of 15' O.c. spacing. Do not plant OeciduousT rees. =11= 1 cont. species with asterisk (*) Fraxinus lat;folia* within 30' of overhead Quercus garryana* J power lines. $hrubs. Bare Root. 12/1-18'~ Amelanchier alnifolia* Cornus sericea Corylus cornuta* Holodiscus discolor Oemleria cerasiformis Philadelphus lewisii Physocarpus capitatus Rosa nutkana Rubus parviflorus Sambucus cerulea* Symphoricarpos albus ) Spiraea douglasii Plant species with asterisk (*) singly. Plant all other species in clumps of 3-8, at average of 3' 0.0. spacing. Distribute single plants and clumps randomly throughout area Plant Cuttings " Larae(4') Cornus sericea Salix luoida ssp.lasiandra Salix scouleriana ~ Install cuttings randomly at >- wettest areas at an average of 10' o.c. sap cin g. -/ (Jroundcovers: =11= 1 'cont. Mahonia nervosa } Distribute randomly at average of 3' o.c. spacing throughout area. 0' 25' 50' 100' 200' 19-0CT-2009 10~00 AoMo . . . . . . . . . .+++++++++ + + + + + + + + + ,+++++++++ + + + + + + + + + .+++++++++ +,+ +-+-+-+'+'+'+L Riparian Planting: · Area: 7115 Sq. Ft. · Topsoil: 12/1 · Planting mix to consist of: -Native seedling trees, bare root plants, tubelings, groundcovers, and Seeding · Plant species list: Seedlina Trees. Deciduous (2565 Sa. Ft.) Acer circinatum 'Distribute trees Acer macrophyllum randomly throughout Alnus rhombifolia >- area within tree cloud Fraxinus latifolia at average of 15' o.c. Populus trichocarpa .J spacing. Shrubs. Bare Root. 12"- 18"\ Amelanchier alnifolia* Cornus sericea Oemleria cerasiformis Physocarpus capitatus Rosa nutkana Rubus parviflorus Sambucus cerulea* Symphoricarpos albus Spiraea douglasii Plant species with asterisk (*) singly. >- Plant all 0 th er species in clumps of 3-8, at average of 3' o.c. spacing. Distribute single plants and clumps randomly throughout area ../ Tubelino Plants. Lupinus rivularis } Distribute randomly at average of 61 o.c. spacing throughout area. Plant Cuttinas . Laroe (4') Cornus sericea ' Install cuttings randomly at Populus trichocarpa wettest areas at an average of Salix lucida ssp.!asiandra >- 10' o.c. sapcing. Do not install Salix scouleriana Populus trichocarpa within J 30-ft of overhead powerlines, bridge deok, or roadway. } Distribute randomly at average of 3' o.c. spacing throughout area. (Jroundcovers. 4// Dots Polystichum munitum Seedino Wetland Seeding 7r OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTA10N C CAMERON · McCARTHY GILBERT & SCHEIBE LANDSCAPB ARCHITBCTS LLP Tol 541 485-7385 S 160 East Broadway Fax 541 485-138' EUlone, OR 97401 officoocmasla.com 1-5: WILLAMETTE RIVER: BR DGE - BUND.E 220 PACIFIC :HIGHW A Y LANE COUNTY Design Team Leader - Justin Lanphear Designed By - Justin Lanphear Drafted By - Kell y DensmoreI' Lauren Worl andp Jason Koch SHEET NO. .ANDSCAPE PLAN _ 3~ 3 A Date Received: OCT 2 3 File No. Original Submittal_ PLAN/LNG SCHI- /41- for Sheet L3.3 @ @ 0;:;0;:;0;:;0;:;0;:;0;:;0 t. . . ..... . . . oUo:::ol.IOUo OnO ~.. ..~.. o 01.101.10"'0""0'"'0 _""' n .... t:1.=.", ~ Vegetated Swale Storm water Treatment Planting . Area: 19,980 Sq. Ft. . Topsoil: 12// Planting mix to consist of: -Native seedling trees, container plants and groundcovers Plant species list: Deciduous Trees 1 1/2" cal 15 Fraxinus latifOlia,,* } ,Distribute. trees at 30' 0.0., spaoing 15 Amelanchier alnifolia throughout area. Do not plant species with asterisk (*J within 30/ of overhead power lines. #3 Shrubs 25 Acer" 'circinatum } Plant every 10/ on overage. 75 Corn us sericea " Do not plant in swale bottom. # 1 cont. Shrubs, Plant 2 Rosa nutkana and 4 Mahonia 400 Rosa ?utkana 1 nervosa every 100 Sq. Ft.. Plant Rosa 800 Mahonla nervosa' nutkana on upper portion of swale - slopes. Do not plant in, swale' bottom. Groundcovers. 4" Dots 2,775 Desohampsia oaesPitosa}. 2,775 Juncus ensifolius Plant 50% of swale with Deschompsia caespitosa and Juncus ensifolius. Fully plant swale bottom at 18"0.c. max. Disperse remaining plants in clumps of 3-5 throughout remaining swale area. ... "'...... ...... .. .. .... ; HH~ HHH H ~ ......,. ...... ,. . Rough Grass Seed -GenNe Srope& . Area: 71,304 Sq. Ft. . Topsoil: None . Area Prep Method: D . Plant species list: Deciduous trees 1 1/2" Acer macrophyllum Alnus rhombifolia Fraxinus lotifolia Seedino Perm,anent Seeding # 1 col. (1.070 Sa. Ft.) } Distribute trees . randomly throughout area within tree cloud at average of 30/ o.c. spacing. THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCA TION Z~ \OBDP - Will omette River Bridge \CAD\ CD @ ~ ~ v ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~j ~ ~ ~ ~ ~J --d.....- . ~ ---..-J....- ~ Rough Grass Seed - Steep Slopes: . Area: 148,070 Sq. Ft. . Topsoil: 6" . Area Prep Method: F . At embankments and slopes lV:2H or steeper . Compost Erosion Blanket . Plant species . list: Seedlina Trees. Deciduous (2.951 Sq. Ft.J. Acer circinatum ~ Acer maorophy/lum Distribute trees Alnus rhombifolia )> randomly throughout Fraxinus latifolia area Within tree Querous garryana -/ oloud at average of 15/ o.c. spacing. Seedlno Permanent Seeding #2 with Compost Erosion Control Blanket. 1> \.>.., \.>~ \.>~ \.>~ '>'~ \.>~ \.> 1>~'~~~1>~~~1>~~1;, 1;, 1> 1;, 1> 1;, 1> 1;- 1>1>1>1>1>1>1>1>1>1>1>1>1>.., 1>1;-1>1>~1;-1>1>1.>1>1>1>1.>' i.. i., t.. i.. t.. i., ~ Park Lands - Gentle Slopes . Area: 10,790 Sq. Ft. . Topsoil: None . Area Prep Method: D . See din a Seed with Permanent Seed Mix #3 @~, Slope Paving . Potential Aesthetic Enhancement Opportunity . See Special Note, Sheet LO.2A . 0' 25' 50' !Oot- . r.ARAY KGiLBERt S \::;1 100' 200' 19 - 0 C T - 2 0 0 9 1 O~ 00 A Q M Q r OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION C CAMBRON · McCARTHY GILBERT & SCHEIBE LANDSCAPB ARCHITECTS LLP Tol S4148S-138S S 160 Bast Broadway Pax S41 48S.1389 EUI~ OR 97401 officoocmpla.com 1-5: WILLAMETTE RIVER: BRIDGE - BU ~DLE 220 PACIFIC :HIGHW A Y LANE COUNTY Design Team Leader - Justin Lanphear Designed By - Justin Lanphear Drafted By - Kell y Densmorep Lauren Worl andp Jason Koch SHEET NO. .ANDSCAPE PLAN _3~ 3 3 File No. OCT 2 3 Original Submittal S =>>RINGFI = _D - - - EUG = \IE (j) .).. ~ l... e Q) , . ":::> a: .).. ~ ~ ~ -t- <D , ~ -- ....... s , @ ~ ~1 (' ~.'l ~ 'utfi \ i \ b-, ." \ \ ,') A")~ \ \ \'/i \ @ ~ -.-rt 1\--- A \ \ \ \ .... :~..... . ~,,.. ....:::.:.::.:.::.:.::.:......:.:: ................... . .~......-.. : : : : : : : : : : : : :.: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :": : : : : : : : : : :.2; : -. : . . . . . . . . . . . . : : : : : : : : : : :.: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : .' . . . .' Ito . .. -- : :::::::::: : : .: : : : : : : : . : : ~.:.~~~: . . '. .'. .' ~ '. .'. .... ......... .' ~...-:"""~:,:':':':'::: . : .: . : . : . : . : . : . : '. : . :. : .: :.' ~~ . . . . . . . . . : . : . : . : . : . . . . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . =",:~~p. I,ll" . . : . : . : *, : : . : . : . : . : . : . : . . . : . : . : . : . : .~. . : ve : ..-:..~.....;.....,~. : . : . : . : . . . . : . : : : : : : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : .: '. 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"."'''.U... ._............. ........_ ......._ ......-.............. ...........- ......-.. CD - - (~) ....j €J o (~\ .,~ - - - - - .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - -...... ................. ............... ltSO- ltSO_ ltS9_ 0 (' t'\ .-.... -...... ...........- .-.-.... as~.~..!~.? ~-!S~..~_ aso..~ [S.:l.~..aso ... (1 ...,J , \../ --aSD- as "aso...-asO-';"i'So .....- -...... ............. ........_ ...._.... _...... ............. ........_ ...._.... _..... ,............. ........_ ...._.... :. : - ISO - aso - as:) _ q~~ _ w ...:=:.::::;:' .:::::::::::' .......,"",.. ~-~-~-~- ' ISO_ 8'SO- IS3_ 8'S3- ISO_ aso~ .~. @ : 'r-----------------.----_______,_____,__ \ ....7 . ...--.- "-"- ......-...- ~..., '. 'l". "~'l ~ ~. ~... 'r.. '~r ,_..."" -::.':: ~.,..:~ .' : ~ ......~ '"< ,..;"/ (~!-~~)..~. r .... ) ',,< ' ,) ......r-.~"I <:-y ::> _A \J r OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ~~ 0' 25' 50' lOa' 200' C CAMBRON · McCARTHY GILBERT & SCHEIBE LANDSCAPB ARCHITBCTS LLP To1 541 485.1385 Fax 541 485.1389 offjccocmpta.eom ~....:.:.."":'r.'...~.~~.......u_.~.............. 'L3,Q - L..~.J. ~ ',-"it srr.,,'E1t,' 285 ~<' ~. . . , ~ ~RRY K Gll8ER tj OREOO,N N fi . ~~ 1-5: WILLAMETTE RIVER: BR DGE - BU ~D.E 220 PACIFIC :HIGHW A Y LANE COUNTY ............---- Design Team Leader - Justin Lanphear Designed By - Justin Lanphear Drafted By - Kell y Densmore9 Lauren Warl and, Jason Koch SHEET NO. . ~~..~ ~ :z: .ANDSCAPE PLAN _3aL, llf Date Received: THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCATION Z~ \OSDP Willomette River Sri dge \CAD\ 19~OCT -2009 1 O~ 00 Ao Mo OCT 3 2009 File No. Original subn1itta~ PLANI"ING SCHE/I/F for Sheet L 3.4 Q)~ Q) General Planting 3: · Area: 16,130 Sq. Ft. · Topsoil: 12" · Planting mix to consist of: -Native B&B trees, seedling trees, bare root plants, tubelings, live cuttings and Seeding Tree species list (Tree Cloud Area: 13,760 Sq. Ft.): Deciduous trees 1 1/2" col. Distribute trees randomly Acer macrophyllum* } throughout area within tree Alnus rhombifolia* ' , cloud at overage of 30' o.c. Fraxinus latifolia* spacing. Do not plant species with asterisk (*) within 3D' of overhead power lines. . Seedlina Trees. Decid./Everareen. Acer circinatum "" Acer macrophyllum* Alnus rhombifolia* Fraxinus latifolia* >- Deciduous Trees. =IF 1 cont. Fraxinus latifolia* Quercus garryana* ~ Shrubs. Bare Root. 12/1~ 18"\ Amelanchier alnifolia* Cornus sericea Corylus cornuta* Holodiscus discolor Oemleria cerasiformis Philadelphus lewisii Physocarpus capitatus Rosa nutkana Rubus parviflorus Sambucus caerulea* Symphoricarpos albus ) Spiraea douglasii Plant species list: Plant Cuttinos . Laroe Cornus sericea ~ Salix lasiandra Salix scouleriana Distribute trees randomly throughout area within tree cloud at average of 15' D.C. spacing. Do not plant species with asterisk (*) within 30' of overhead power lines. Plant species with asterisk (*) singly. Plant all other species in Clumps of 3-8, at overage of 3l o.c. spacing. Distribute single plants and clumps randomly throughout area (4') Install cuttings randomly at >- wettest areas at an average .J of la' o.c. sapcing. ({) Groundcovers. =IF 1 Cont. Mahonia nervosa } Distribute randomly at average of 3' o.c. spacing throughout ,area. @~ General Planting #4 · Area: 9000 Sq. Ft. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ y y y + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Riparian Planting: · Area: 29,470 Sq. Ft. · Topsoil: 12" · Planting mix to consist of: -Native seedling trees, bore root plants, tubelings, cuttings, groundcovers, and Seeding . Tree, species list (Tree Cloud Area: 4850 Sq. Ft.): Seedlina Trees. Deciduous~ Acer circinatum ~ Acer macrophyllum Alnus rhombifolia Fraxinus latifolia Populus trichocarpa Distribute trees randomly throughout area within > tree cloud at average of 15' o.c. spacing. J ~ Shrubs. Bare Root. 12"-18" Amelanchier alnifolia* "-- Cornus sericea r Physocarpus capitotus Sambucus cerulea* Spiraea douglasii J Plant species with asterisk (*) singly. Plant all other species in Clumps of 3-8, at average of 3' o.c. spaCing. Distribute single plants and clumps randomly throughout area. Tubelina Plants } Distribute randomly at average of Lupinus rivularis 6' o.c. spacing throughout area. Plant Cuttinas . Laroe (4') Cornus sericea Salix lucida ssp. lasiandra Sali xscouleriana ~ Install cuttings randomly >- at wettest areas at an .J average of 3' o.c. sapcing. Groundcovers. 4" Dot Polystichum munitum } Distribute randomly at average of 3' D.C. spacing throughout area. Seedino Wetland Seeding ~~~}~~i}1f1~ ri~~~: Pon"d Bottom Planting . Area: 1,260 Sq. Ft. . Topsoil: 12" · Plant species list: Groundcovers. Wetland Bare Root Juncus ensifolius }Distribute randomly at average of Carex obnupta 3' D.C. spacing throughout area. Seedino Wetland Seeding THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCATION Z~\OBDP - Willomette River Bridge\CAD\ @~~ (j) az-..~ ~.,,~~~.L'~'. Stream Restoration (Bottom) · Area: 4,370 · Topsoil: 12// · Planting mix to consist of: -Native seedling trees, bare root plants, tubelings, cuttings groundcovers, and Seeding Rearmg Pond (Side Smpes) · Area: 2,835 Sq. Ft. · TopSOil: 12" . Planting mix to consist of: -Native seedling trees, bare root plants, tubelings, groundcovers, and Seeding Plant species list: Seedlina Trees. Deciduous Acer circinatum l Alnus rubra ~ Fraxinus latifolia .J . Plant species list: . Plant species with asterisk Shrubs. Bare Root. 12//-18""\ (*J singly. Plant all other Amelanchier alnifolia* species in clumps of 3-8, Corn us se rice a jot average of 3' o.c. Sambucus caerulea* spacing. Distribute single Spiraea douglasii plants and clumps randomly throughout area. }Distribute randomly at average of 9' o.c. spacing throughout area. Plant Cuttinos . Laroe (4') Salix lasiandra }. Install, cuttings randomly at Salix scouleriana wettest areas at an average of 3' o.c. sapcing. (1810 SQ. Ft.) Distribute trees randomly throughout area within tree cloud at average of 15' o.c. spacing. Tubelino Plants.. Lupinus rivularis Shrubs. Bare Root. 12"-18" Cornus sericea ~ Oemleria cerasiformis Distribute randomly at Physocarpus capitatus )> average of 3/ o.c. spacing Rosa nutkana throughout area. Rubus parviflorus Spiraea douglasii ~ Tubelino Plants ,Lupinus rivularis } Distribute randomly at average of 6' o.c. spacing throughout area. Groundcovers., 4/1DOts Polystichum mun/tum Juncus ensifolius } Distribute randomly at average of 3' o.c. spacing throughout area. Plant Cuttinas . Laroe (4'2 Cornus sericea ~ Install cuttings randomly at Salix lucida lasiandra >- wettest areas at an average Salix scouleriana .J of 3' o.c. sapcing. Seedino Seed with Wetland Seeding Groundcovers. Wetland Bare Root ~ @ >QQ<X>OO,~.:://"""".- ~~~- Carex obnupta Deschampsia caespitosa Juncus ensifolius Plagiobothrys figuratus Distribute randomly at > overage of 3' o.c. spacing throughout area. Existing Wetland - No Work Zone · Riparian Forest Planting acceptable within existing wetland · Plant quantities, species and spacing provided under Riparian Forest planting scheme. J Seedino Wetland Seeding 7r OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPOR-~ION C CAMBRON · McCARTHY GILBBRT & SCHBIBB LANDSCAPB ARCHITBCTS LLP Tel 541 485.1385 S 160 East Broadway Pax 541 485-138' Buacme, OIl 97.cGJ officooCDll8la.com ~ ~",. .~' . 'It' 1-5: WILLAMETTE RIVER: BR DGE - BU~D.E 220 PACIFIC :HIGHWAY LANE COUNTY 0' 25' 50' 100' 2,00' Design Team Leader - Justin Lanphear Designed By - Justin Lanphear Drafted By - Kell y Densmore51 Lauren Worl and, Jason Koch SHEET NO. LANDSCAPE PLAN _3~ LA Date Received: 19 OCT 2009 1 O~ 00 Aa Ma 3 2009 File No. Original Subrnittai PL ANI ING SCHI- II/I- for Sheet L3.4 @ @ @ 1> 9'1> 9'1> 9'1> 1>'1> ')o-'f:> 1>'1>')0- i.,1;.'f:>'f:>1>1;.'f:>1;.~1;.'f:>1;.i.,1;. '1>1;.1;.1>1>'f;>'f:>~1>'f;>'f:>'1> 1}. 'f:> 1}. 1;.171}. 1> 1}. 1>1;. 'f:>1;.1> 1}.'f:> 1> 1;.1;.-1> 1> 1>1;.- j-, '\., '\.. '\., '\.. '\.. '\.. Park Lands - Gentle Slopes . Area: 35,090 Sq. Ft. . Topsoil: None . Plant species list: Deciduous Trees. =11=1 Acer macrophyllum Alnus rhombifolia Fraxinus latifo/ia Quercus garryana ~ Distribute trees randomly throughout area within tree cloud at average of ,30/ o.c. spacing. cont. (2645 Sq. Ft.) '\ Deciduous trees 1 1/2// col. Acer macrophyllum Alnus rhombifolia Fraxinus latifolia / col. (4160 Sq. Ft.) ~ Distribute trees randomly >- throughout area within tree cloud at average of .J 30/ o.c. spacing. @ THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCATION ,Z~\OBDP - Willamette River Bridge\CAD\ Seedina Seed with Permanent Seed Mix #3 ... ... . '" .. .. .. ... .... t... ..... ~ ~~~H~ ~~~~H~~~~ : :::::: :::::::::~ Rough Grass Seed - Genffe Smpe~ . Area: 65; 160 Sq. Ft. . Topsoil: None . Plant species list: Deciduous trees 1 1/2l1 Acermacrophyaum Alnus rhombifolia Fraxinus latifolia Seedino. Permanent Seeding =11= 1 v v v ~~ ~~ ~J ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ , ,~. . ~~ ~ I ~1. ~~ Rough Grass Seed - Steep Slopes: . Area: 111,860 Sq. Ft. . Topsoil: 6/1 . Area Prep Method: F . At embankments and slopes IV:2H or steeper . Compost Erosion Blanket . Plant species list: Seedlina Trees. Deciduous (2.951 So. Ft.) Acer circinatum Acer macrpphy/lum Alnus rhombifolia Fraxinus latifolia Quercus garryana Seedina. Permanent Seeding =11=2 with Compost Erosion Control Blanket I I I I I 1-1-1-1-1- -1--1-1-1-1 1-1-:-1-:-1-:-1-: fi?J\ 'YIYIYIYIYI~ @ J Y Y Y Y Y JYuYuYuYuYu @~~ Riparian Forest: · Area: 30,115 Sq. Ft. · Topsoil: None · Area Prep Method: B · Planting mix to consist of: -Native seedling trees, bare root plants, container trees, tubelings, groundcovers, and Seeding Stream Restoration (Side Slopes) Total Area: 7,980 . 'Topsoil: 12/1 Top of Bank Areas . Area Prep Method: G Shrubs. Bare Root. 12/1-18// Corn us se rice a - Plant @ Bottom of side slope Oemleria cerasiformis - Plant @ Top of bank areas Physocarpus capitatus - Plant @ Top of bank areas Rosa nutkana - Plant evenly @ top of bank areas and bottom of side Slopes Rubus parviflorus - Plant evenly @ top of bank areas and bottom of side slopes Spiraea douglasii - Plant @ bottom of side slopes · Tree species list (Tree Cloud Area: 24,500 Sq. Ft.): Deciduous trees 1 1/2// col. A'cer macrophyllum } Distribute trees randomly Alnus rhombifolia throughout area within Fraxinus latifolia . tree cloud at average of 30/ o.c. spacing. Deciduous Trees. #J Acer macrophyllum Alnus rhombifolia Fraxinus latifolia Quercus garryana con t.. . \ Seedlinf] Trees. Deciduous Acer circinatum Alnus rhombifolia Fraxinus lot/folia Populus trichocarpa Quercus garryana . / "\ Shrubs. Bare Root. 12"-18" Amelanchier alnifolia* Mahonia aquifolium Rosa nutkana Rubus parviflorus' Symphoricarpos albus Groundcovers. #1 Cont. Aqueligia formosa** Ranunculus occidentalis** Thalictrum occidentale** Tiarella trifo/iata** . ** Transition Zone Plants. (for detail, see sht GN-3B) Rip Rap Total Area: 6,200 Sq. Ft. . 21-41 River Boulder @>- @~ )> Distribute trees randomly throughout area within tree cloud at average of 15' o.c. spacing. Tubelina Plants Lupinus rivularis - Distribute randomly at average of 9' o.c. spacing throughout area at bottom of side slope Plant Cuttinas . Laroe (4') Cornus sericea ~ Install cuttings between Salix lasiandra > each geogrid lift at a Salix scouleriana spacing of 61 o.c. .../ Plant species with asterisk (*) singly. Plant all other "- species in clumpq.of 3-8, r at average of 3' o.c. . spacing. Distribute single plants and clumps randomly throughout area Groundcovers. 4" Pot Polystichum munitum - Distribute randomly at average of 31 o.c. spacing throughout area. / Plant in clumps of 5-10 at an average spacing of >- 2' D.C. Distribute clumps randomly fhourghout area. ** Denotes species to be used in Transition Zones. ~ J 0' 25' 50' 100' 200' 19-0CT-2009 10~00 AoMo Low Gradient Channel Toto/ Area: 240 Sq. Ft. . Bar Run River Stone Slope Paving . Potential Aesthetic Enhancement Opportunity . See Special Note, Sheet LO.2A r OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION C CAMBRON · McCARTHY GILBBRT &; SCHBIBB LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS LLP Tol 541485.7385 S 160 East Broadway Fax 54l 485-7389 Euaene. OR 9740) officoocmpla.com 1-5: WIL LAMETTE RIVER: BR DGE - BU ~DLE 220 PACIFIC :HIGHWAY LANE COUNTY Design Team Leader - Justin Lanphear Designed By - Justin Lanphear Drafted By - Kell y Densmorep Lauren Worl andp Jason Koch SHEET NO. .ANDSCAPE PLAN Date Received: _3~ L. 3 OCT 3 2009 File No. Original Subrnittai_ ,d.- / / / / I I / v, I V / X" / / / I / I I II I l -{/ I I \"' I I I / I / I / II / I / <~ I / ----..-..--z;.-..-..-..-..-..-..-.. ~ '../ (,......,--.-..- '.;r ..------1 :/ I' _.......... II 1---....---- / _...--....--.--;r I '-1 ......_____.. / (:, /" I /G'Xt'1 / /1/~" / / ; ....),;(./ \' A//.' 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I I': A' I' # . 6 /' r ;"3~ p.~'> , '...-.....-.......':,:.1" ..:..1 y ~ f , ".r-r--., '\--~/ /// . #1 #' ( (~\.., ../ I J I' #' ~ h. ~,/ -ctY I r--....--d \ .__... ,/ , ,/ ,I 14 i iiI' ..1 I-J ". L....,,_...._....J ....-- ! d , / -- -- /n . z. 0, 2 5', 50' 200' r OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPOR-ATION ~. C CAM _ G IL l':~~ &: rtH:AERTHY' LANDSCAPB AR.CHITBC I B E TS LLP S 160 East Broad Tol 541 485-1385 , Euaou.e, OR. 97:I Fax 541 485.1389 officcocmpla.com 1-5: WILLAMETTERIVER' BR DGE : - BU 4DLE 220 PACIFIC ;HIGHWAY LANE COUNTY <~y ::> _A \j -:-:--"............... L3tlO , '=.:i.J. L3.2 .... ...,. ... ,.x \:. ....~........ . .. 1'''- ......... .,;::::>0<....... ....~.. ..f ' ----I ~ II \ A . 'II , .' 'l' I. _ li NOT USED NOT USED- EUGENE LAND ............ EUGENE LAND USE ONLY USE ONLY .pi /17 Drafted Design Team Leader - Ju t9 Designed By _ oJ . S In Lanphear B . ustm Lanphear y - Kell y Densmore p Lauren Worl andp Jason Koch SHEET NO. 1 O~OO Ao Mo .ANDSCAPE PLAN Date Received: OCT 2 3 2009 _305 THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCA TION z~ \OBDP Willomette River Bridge \CAD\ 19-0CT -2009 File No. Original Submittal. PL AN / INGSCH FI!/I- for Sheet L3.5- .'.. CD Q) 111111111111 I II I I I I I I I II III II II II II I .. o;:;c;:;c;:;c;:;c;:;c;:;o o ~ ii ~ ~D ~ i:i ~ i:i ~ D w .. .. .. .. .. .. O:::D:::D:::O:::D:::O:::O Generm Pronfing 1 - Soundwmb · Area: 10,340 Sq. Ft. · Planting mix to consist of: -Native and non-native container plants and vines Plant species list: Seedlin(j Trees. Decid./Everareen (5650 Sa. Ft.) Acer circinatum ,Distribute trees Acer macrophyllum randomly throughout Alnus rhombifolia >- area within tree cloud Fraxinus latifolia at average of 151 o.c. ThuJ.a plicata --/ spacing. Vegetated Swale Storm water Treatment Planting . Area: 6,630 Sq. Ft. . Topsoil: 1211 . Planting mix to consist of: -Native seedling trees, bare root plants, tubelings, groundcovers, and seeding Plant species list: Deciduous Trees 1 1/21/ col. 8 Populus trichocarpa . Shrubs. Bare . Roo t. 121/-181/ Cornus sericea '\ Mahonia aquifolium Philadelphus lewissii Physocarpus capitatus Rosa nutkana Spiraea douglasii Symphoricarpos albus Plant species in clumps of 3-8, at average of 3' o.c. spacing. Distribute clumps randomly throughout area >- J (Jroundcovers. 41/ Dots } Distribute randomly at Mahonia nervosa average of 3' o.c. spacing throughout area. @.~ General Planting 2: · Area: 34,240 Sq. Ft. . Topsoil: None · Planting mix to consist of: -Native seedling trees, bare root plants, tubellngs, live cuttings, and seeding Plant species list: Seedlinq Trees. Decid./Everareen (1560 Sa. Acer cirolnatum ~ Alnus rhomblfolia Fraxinus latlfolia Thuja plicata . Ft.) Shrubs. Bare Root. 21-31 Corylus cornuta* Holodiscus discolor Sambucus cerulea* Symphoricarpos albus Shrubs. Bare Root. 121/-18/1 Amelanchier alnlfolia* Cornus sericeQ Oemleria cerasiformis Philadelphus lewisii Physocarpus capitatus Rosa nutkana Rubus parviflorus Spiraea douglasil Distribute trees >- randomly throughout area within tree cloud at average of 151 o.c. . spacl ng. --/ '\ Plant species with asterisk (*) singly. Plant all other species in clumps of 3-8, at average of 3' o.c. spacing. Distribute single plants and clumps randomly throughout area J Plant Cuttinas . Laroe (4') Cornus sericea Salix lucida ssp. lasiandra Sallx scouleriana ~ Install cuttings randomly at >- wettest areas at an average of 101 o.c. sapclng. -/ Groundcovers. 4l/Dots: Mahonia nervosa } Distribute randomly at overage of 31 o.c. spacing throughout area. . Shrubs. Deciduous. #3 Cont. 33 Acer circinatum } Plant every 10' on average. 33 Cornus sericea Do not plant inswale bottom. Plant 2 Rosa nutkana and 4 Mahonia Shrubs. #1 cont. l nervosa every 100 Sq. Ft.. Plant 67 Rosa nutkana > Rosa nutkana on upper portion of 132 Mahonia nervosa ~ swale slopes. Do not plant in swale Groundcovers. 4" Dots bottom. . . 850 Deschampsta caespitosa "\ Plant 50% of swale with 850 Junous ensifolius ,Carex obnupta and Junous .J patens. Fully plant swale bottom at 181/0.0. max. Disperse remaining plants in clumps of 3-5 throughout remaining swale area. THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCATION Z~ \OBDP - Willomette River Bridge \CAD\ Detention Pond Planting (Side slopes) . Area: 43,700 Sq., Ft. . Topsoil: None . Plantmix to consist of: Planting mix to oonsist of: -Native seedling trees, bare root plants, tubelings, groundcovers, and seeding (j) .~ ~:~: @ . . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . + + + + + + + + + + + + ... + + + + + ,+++++......++ ... ... + + ... ... ... ... ... . + ++ ... ... + ... ... ... ! ... ... ... ... ",,+.+..... Riparian Planting: · Area: 17,000 Sq. Ft. · Topsoil: 12/1 · Planting mix to consist of: -Native seedling trees, bare root plants, tubelings, groundoovers, and seeding . Plant species list: Seedlina Trees. Deciduous (4320 Sa. Ft.) Acer oircinatum } . . ' Alnus rhombifolia Distribute trees r~nd?mly Populus trichocarpa throughout area Within tree. cloud at average of 151 0.0. spaolng. Shrubs. Bare Root. 21-3' Sambucus oerulea* Symphorlcarpos albus Plant species list: Seedlina Trees. DeciduQus Acer circinatum ' Alnus rubra Fraxlnus latifolia . (11.670 Sa. Ft.) Distribute trees randomly ).. throughout area within tree oloud -/ at average of 15' o.c. spacing. '\ Shrubs. Bare Root. 2'-31 Sambucus caerulea* Symphoncarpos mbus \ Plant. species with asterisk (*)singly. Plant all other speoies in clumps of' 3-8, at average of 31 0.0. spaoing. Distribute single plants and clumps randomly throughout area J Shrubs. Bare Root. 12/1-18// Cornus serioea Oemleria ceraslformis Physocarpus capitatus Rosa nutkana Rubus parviflorus Spiraea douglasii Shrubs. Bare Root. 12/1-18/1 Amelanohier alnifolia* Cornus sericea Oemleria cerasiformis Physocarpus capitatus Rosa nutkana Rubus parviflorus Spiraea douglasii Plant species with asterisk (*) singly. >- Plant all other species In clumps of 3-8, at average of 3/ O.C. spacing. Distribute single plants and olumps randomly throughout area >- / plant Cuttinas . Laroe (4') Cornus serioea ~ Install cuttings randomly at Salix lasiandra >- wettest areas at an average Sallx sooLlleriana of 3' o.c. sapclng. -/ f;roundcovers. Wetland Bare Root Carex obnupta Deschampsla caespltosa Junous ensifolius Junousnevadensis Plagiobothrys figuratus Seedina Wetland Seeding 0' 25' 50' 100' Plant Cuttinas. Laroe (41) Cornus sericea Salix lucida ssp. lasiandra Salix soouleriana , Install outtlngs randomly at > wettest areas at an overage of 101 0.0. sapoing. --' , Groundoovers. 4/1 Dot Polystichummunitum } Distribute randomly at overage of 31 o.c. spacing throughout area. Distribute randomly at )> average of 3' o.c. spacing throughout area. Seedina Wetland Seeding J r OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 200' C CAMERON · McCARTHY GILBERT & SCHEIBE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS LLP Tel 5.1 .85.1385 S 160 Bast Broadway Fax 5.. 485.1389 Euaene, OR 91401 office 0 cmasla.com 1-5= WILLAMETTE RIVER: BRIDGE - BU ~D.E 220 PACIFIC ;HIGHWAY LANE COUNTY Design Team Leader - Justin Lanphear Designed By - Justin Lanphear Drafted By - Kell y Densmorep Lauren Worl and, Jason Koch SHEET NO. 19 OCT 2009 10~00 AoMo .ANDSCAPE PLAN _3~ 5A , ,1 F i/e No. 3 2 Original Submittal.. PL ANI ING SCHt/!/F for Sheet L3.5 @ (f) @ ~ 11 ~ ~~ ~~ ~f ~~ ~f ,J ~ ~ ,--t~ ..~ ..~ ~-~ Rough Grass Seed -SteepSlopes: . Area: 28,680 Sq. Ft. . Topsoil: 6/1 . At embankments and slopes 1V:2H or steeper . Compost Erosion Blanket . Seedinq. Seed with permanent Seeding #2 with Compost Erosion Control Blanket f.m"." .cuccccccccd~1cuu~ I"lL:..; . Rearing Pond (Side slopes) . Area: 2,520 Sq. Ft. . Topsoil: 12// . Planting mix to consist of: -Native seedling trees, bare root plants, tubelings, groundcovers, and Seeding . Plant species list: Shrubs. Bare Root. 12"-18" Cornus sericea ~ Oemleria cerasiformis Physocarpus capitatus Rosa nutkana Rubus parviflorus Spiraea douglasii ~ :~y~y~y~y~y~ , .v. .v. .V. ,V, .V..... Stream Restoration (Side Slopes) · Area: 2,630 Sq. Ft. · Topsoil: 12", top of bank areas only · Plantmix to consist of: -Native seedling trees, bare root plants, tubelings, groundcovers, and seeding Plant species list: Shrubs. Bare Root. 2/-3/ Sambucus caerulea* @.. Stream Restoration (Bottom) · Area: 975 Sq. Ft. . Topsoil: 12/1 · Plantmix to consist of: -Native seedling trees, .bare root plants, tubelings, groundcovers, and seeding Plant species list: . Shrubs. Bare Root. 21-31 Sambucus caerulea* Plant species with asterisk , (*J singly. Plant all other species in clumps of 3-8, Shrubs. Bare Root. 12"-18" '- at average of 3/ o.c. Amelanchier alnifolia* r spacing. Distribute single Cornus sericea plants and clumps Spiraea douglasii J randomly throughout area. Do not plant in pools. } Distribute randomly at average of 6/ o.c. spacing throughout area. Do not plant in pools. Plant Cuttinas. Laroe (41) Install cuttings randomly Salix lasiandra } at wettest areas at an Salix seouleriana average of 31 o.c. sapcing. Do not plant in pools. Tubelina Plants Lupinus rivularis Groundcovers. 4 I/DOts: Polystichum munitum } Distribute randomly at average of 31 o.c. spacing throughout area. Do not plant in pools. Distribute randomly >- at average of 31 o.c. spacing throughout area., .J Tubelina Plants. Lupinus rivularis } Distribute randomly at average of 61 o.c. spacing throughout area. Seedina Wetland Seeding @ .. .. ... .. w '" '" ... .. ......... ......... ......... ......... .......... ......... ........... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .......... . ~ .. ... Plant Cuttinqs. Laroe (4/) Cornussericea '""' Install cuttings randomly at Salix lasiandra >- wettest areas at an Salix scouleriana .../ average of 31 o.c. sapcing. Bare Root: ~ Distribute randomly at >- average of 31 o.c. spacing throughout area. Groundcovers. Wetland Carex obnupta Deschampsia caespitosa Juncus ensifolius Plagiobothrys figuratus J Rough Grass Seed - Gen~e S0pe~ . Area: 27,730 Sq. Ft. . Topsoil: None . Seedina, Permanent Seeding #1 @ ',111,1,1,1,1,1,1,' 1"""""1',1"11 1,//1111'1'11,'1'11 I,' . , , I , , , , . 1 , I. I . I Seedina Wetland Seeding ~~~r~~~~;i::1~~ ~~~~: Pond Bottom . Area: 6,550 Sq. Ft. . Topsoil: 12/1 . Planting mix to consist of: -Native groundcovers and seeding' . Plant species list: Groundcovers. Wetland Bare Root Carex obnupta Juncus ensifolius Seedina Wetland Seeding Wetland Seed . Area: 21,220 Sq. Ft. . Native Plant species list: Seedina. Wetland Seeding @~ No Work Zone . ~ ~~x~y.~x t;v~y~ Y 0 X0XOY!.J tp 6 ;;--:--:--:'-:v:--:":--",;: ~ :9~9~9~~~~~~~~~~~~~9 WaterS Mitigation Stream Restoration Total Area: 10,400 sq. ft. . T opsoi I: 12" . Area Prep Method: G . Erosion Control' Matting . Plantmix to consist of: . -Native bare root plants, tubelings, groundeovers . Plant species list: Plant species in clumps of 3-8, at average of 3/ o.c. "- spacing. Distribute (clumps randomly throughout area. Do not plant in pools. Shrubs. Bare Root. 12/1-18//. Cornus sericea Spiraea douglasii Rubus parviflorus Rosa nutkana Oemleria cerasiformis Physocarpus capitatus Tubelina Plants Lupinus rivularis Plant Cuttinas. Large Cornus sericea Salix lasiandra Salix seouleriana J Tree species list (Tree Cloud Area: 1,550 sq.ft. Seedlina trees. Deciduous. '""' Acer circinatum Fraxinus latifolia Alnus rubra Populus trichocarpa Distribute randomly throughout > area within tree cloud at an average of 20-ft D.C. ..../ Shrubs. Bare Root. 12"-18// Cornus sericea - Plant @ Bottom of side slope Oemleria cerasiformis - Plant@ Top of bank areas Physocorpus capitatus - Plant @ Top of bank areas Rosa nutkana - Plant evenly @ top of bonk areas and bottom of side slopes Rubus parviflorus - Plant evenly @ top of bank areas and bottom of side slopes Spiraea douglasii - Plant @ bottom of side slopes '""' Distribute plants according to designated >- areas. Plant species on clumps of 3-8 at average .J spacing of 4-ft o.c. } Distribute randomly at average of 6/ o.c. spacing throughout area. Do not plant in pools (4/). '""' Plant cuttings between > each geogrid at a -' spacing of 6/ o.c. 200' Groundcovers. 4" DotS: POlystichum munitum } Distribute randomly at average of 31 o.c. spacing throughout area. Do not plant in pools. Tubelina Plants Lupinus rivularis - Distribute randomly spaCing throughout area. plant Cuttinas . Laroe (41) Cornus sericea '""' Install cuttings at a Salix lasiandra >- spacing of 6/ o.c. Salix scouleriana' ..../ Triangle-spaced. fJroundcovers. 4" DotS: Polystichum munitum - Distribute randomly at average of 31 o.c. spacing throughout area. tfn ~<r~r~[~{'a6B"~ :' \:!:..V ~~' ~ ~M~,' , . . ~< .!." "!.~ . .~r ~~ '" ,'" ODOT Maintenance Access . Gravel T OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION C CAMBRON · McCARTHY GILBERT ct SCHEIBE LANDSCAPB ARCHITECTS LL~ Tel 541 485.7385 S 160 East Br0a4way Pax 541 48S-7389 Eupa~ OR 91401 officcocmp1a.com @).~~ Rip Rap Total Area: XX sf . 2/-41 River Boulder @- Low Gradient Channel Total Area: 4,960 Sq. Ft. . Bar Run River Stone 0' 25' 50' 100' THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCATION Z~\OBDP - Willomette River Bridge\CAD\ 19 -0 C T - 2 0 0 9 , 1 0 ~ 00 A a M a 1-5: WILLAMETTE RIVER: BR DGE- BU ~DLE 220 PACIFIC :HIGHWAY LANE COUNTY Design Team Leader - Justin Lanphear Designed By - Justin Lanphear Drafted By - Kell y Densmorep Lauren Worl and, Jason Koch SHEET NO. .ANDSCAPE PLAN Date Received: _3~ 5 3 File No. Original Subinittai THIS <::y ~:i..~ ~"'4..~......~~~............"." IS THE L3.3 .r:----l-'--"-~---=:~,,~::::::.:'.....~i~;.. ,'. -;:;3 ..,..... .=-.~ -..:...~:,.:~::~~ .. ~.~~~~:~:.=- ,> J3C ==.N..~..L\ .;.;.:;;;.;~:~;;;:;:==~ ,.",.... . ...,..w.wm...w,w.,w...uu.'.mw.'..w.wu.w,... ..........~_'~.....::~,:..~ ",... 1j.------, ~ 1. b rrr ~~.._. .._._._...,'''-=~-,...._-- ._-.~ K \ A l ~ 7 / I . '.ii ~ .i rr.1;;1. ,~t{ ;/. NOT USED ~.~, NOT USED EUGENE LAND EUGENE LAND USE ONLY USE ONLY iji- /11 Willamette River Bridge\CAD\ :>_A\ FILE NAME " // fj '" ,--,~ ~ ~~~ \\'\ " ~~ " ~,~ ~ ,...~, -, ?\\ I \~~, I \,. ,~-, \, ,., " '""" I \..... "~{~ I \ ;", I ", ''', \ , '\\ , ".~ \ .~ \ ~, \ ~" \ ~~A" / _._._...,~.,' _ ~ ,~~~~~" ~f#IJ' ",__ fJ\ ! ',' "....-.. -..:-e!lIt......... -f __.._ .. -ii# ~,___ \::!.J ,~ ; \- F- '. .~...~ ~~ I \, \. .l u:>,.. _---. C ::;a____.___---.'.p~;a~--=- }-:.~_ ',_,_, ,.~~.,~ ......\..-- ' .ll.l....-==-_. --..-..-...-., __~~_Jv ---~"'_'~'-'\..,\."'''I',. ~~-__~ ~~ilI81~1888fo""--- ~- ~'~~.,~~~~~ ,., .,,,- ~~~~,~~-- ~~__ ~... ..: ~ ~ ~..... :~.(.: ~~ . .1'Co ::.. 'L,,;-- <E\<. ...~-<~ .:.......~ ::-'.1 ~~ =...r-r . '~<<,i{ ~" ~r~ " :;,{'7t-.. " . 7f1j ",~ "'#~ ~/. ,~... I .~... ,....",."'" --,.",." ----- ...-- y~ ~ #.,.~~ _-' n\-t<.: '\ ,--,' ~ ...- ".....,------ --- --- """""~.,.. ..,.,.,...".,""'" ---. "'-... ....... ...... ...... .....,""..... ............ 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(i r! ~-_. ;:...-_:~..._.- A ~ --- --- l...... l: .__..~--. ~ --- ..,..--- ~ '~ -~ - ..,....,.. ,./ .""",.,,. f....... /' Y \,.,.. f>.. ...... . .... //"" ...' ..-..-..-..-.-.-.-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-....-....-....-....-"..",../..""......, .." ,," /.." 'C'" ~/ Y' \,...... P-. , : ,,/ .",.",,, t- --_.._..._.._.._______.._....._...__..____._/// /'. *""'" ------- r OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1::3.0 , l3.J. . . ~TEli~ 285 ~ CAMBRON · McCARTHY GILBERT &SCHEIBE LANDSCAPB ARCHITECTS LLP Tol 541 485.7385 160 East Broadway Fax 541 485.738' EUlene, OR 97401 officoocmpla.com 1-5: WILLAMETTE RIVER: BR DGE - BU ~D.E 220' PACIFIC :HIGHW A Y LANE COUNTY _3'06 Design Team Leader - Justin Lanphear Designed By - Justin Lanphear Drafted By - Kell y Densmorep Lauren Worl andp Jason Koch SHEET NO. 100' 200' 0' 25' 50' .ANDSCAPE PLAN p, i Date Received: l' File No. LOCA TION z: \OBDP 19-0CT -2009 1 O~ 00 AcMe Original Submitted PL ANI ING SCHf II/f. for sheet L3.6 CD @ General Planting 1 - Soundwall: · Area: 6,590 Sq. Ft. · Irrigation · Planting mix to consist of: -Native and non-native container plants and . vines · Plant species list: Seedlina Trees. Decid./Everareen (3045 So. Ft.) Acer circinatum ,Distribute trees Acer macrophyllum randomly throughout Alnus rhombifolia >- area within tree cloud Fraxinus latifolia at average of 151 o.c. ThuJ.a plicata J spacing. Shrubs. Bare Root. 12"-18" Cornus sericea Mahonia aquifolium Philadelphus lewissii Physocarpus capitatus Rosanutkana Spiraea douglasii Symphoricarpos albus , Plant species in clumps of 3-8, at average of 31 o.c. spacing. Distribute clumps randomly throughout area THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCATION Z~\OBDP - WillometteRiver Bridge\CAD\ )> J (Jroundcovers. 4//Dots Mahonia nervosa } Distribute randomly at average of 310.c. spacing throughout area. *See Sheet GN-5C for planting plan guideline. ~~~~.~~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. ................... ................... . . . . . . . *oe . Rough Grass Seed - Gentle . Area: 54,550 Sq. Ft. · Topsoil: None . Area Prep Method: D . Plant species list: Deciduous trees 1 Acer macrophyllum Alnus rhombifolia Fraxinus latifolia Slopes: 1/2" col. (2310 Sa. Ft.) I Distribute trees >- randomly throughout -J area within tree cloud at average of 301 o.c. spacing. Seedina Permanent Seeding # 1- @ 0;:;0;'::0;:;0;;0;;0-0 L' ., , . . . . a;:;. c:::c:::c:::c:::c:::c:::c [. .. .. . . .. .. .. !?~O~C~O~O~D~D Vegetated Swale Stormwater Treatment Planting · Area: 10,200 Sq. Ft. . Topsoil: 12" . Planting mix to consist of: . -Native seedling trees, bare root, plants, tubelings, groundcovers, and seeding . Plant species list: Shrubs. Deciduous. #3 cont. 25 Acer circinatum 1 Plant every 10/ on average. 75 Cornus sericea Do not plant inswale bottom. -' Shrubs. # 1 cont. Plant 2 Cornus sericea and 4 Rosa 100 Rosa nutkana 1 nutkana every 100 Sq. Ft.. Plant Rosa 400 Mahonia nervosOj nutkana on upper portion of swale slopes. Do not plant in swale bottom. Groundcovers. 411 DotS. 1300 Deschampsia caespitosa 1 1300 Juncus ensif olius -' Plant 50% of swale with Carex obnupta and Juncus patens. Fully plant swale bottom at l8"o.c. max. Disperse remaining plants in clumps of 3-5 throughout remaining swale area. 0~ Existing Wetland - No Work Zone @ $I " 11 ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ J' ~ ~ ~j ....d.... ~ ~ ~ ~ J ~ Rough Grass Seed - Steep Slopes: . Area: 27,850 ,Sq. Ft. . Topsoil: 6" . At embankments and slopes IV:2H or steeper . Compost Erosion Blanket . Seedina Seed with perf'fJanent Seeding #2 with Compost Erosion Control Blanket 19-0CT ~2009 1 O~ 00 Aa Me \) ~<(\<v\< ()~ r<<<--\~ \Ctr'\ '\\O~ . <.. S 'X (( \" <<-- '-0C Cy, ~ S" C\'\'\ ;,'-0S<V C()~ O~ tr~ \) <.. () <<-- 7.-7.- ~ -<' \() '~()\ r OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION C. CAMBRON. McCAR.THY- GILBBRT ctSCHBIBB LANDSCAPB ARCHITBCTS LLP Tel 541 485-7385 S 160 East Broadway Fax 541 485-7389 Ev.pno, OR 91401 officcoCtnpla.com 1-5: WILLAMETTE RIVER: BR DGE - BU ~D.E 220 PACIFIC :HIGHW A Y LANE COUNTY Design Team Leader - Justin Lanphear Designed By - Justin Lanphear Drafted By - Kell y Densmorep Lauren Worl andp Jason Koch SHEET NO. .ANDSCAPE PLAN Date Received: _3~ 6A 9 File No. Original Subrraittai. ---- { Ben t 3 EI. 487.55 Hgl? jJo/iJl 1/#/0# PAC/F/C I?A/LI?OAO PI?OTECT/!/E FE/tIC/#G Pole/Joo/ Aes/I?eoc E/JI?t7/Jceme/J/ Opporll//J//y See Spec/ol #o/e, SI?&el L o.2A fJ//LLAJlETTE I?/I/EI? B/?/!JGE I?A/L/IJIG Po/e/JlIo/ Aes/IJe!;c E/JIJo/Jce/Tle/J/ Oppor/I//J//y See Spec/ol ;Vo/~ SlJee/ L o.2A Span 2 Span 4 Span 5 Span 6 Span 7 /1I/L L Alfie / / E I?/!/EI? BI?/OGE I?A/L /#G Polenoo/ Ae$/IJellc EnIJ(lOCeIllBo/ Oppor/I//J//y See Spec/ol /1Io/~ Sl?eel L o.2A f Bent 8 { Bent 9 { Bent 10 Span 8 Span 9 EI. 478.26 . ... ..... ... - ..-. ~_J__~~~~~~~~~~::~~~~~__________~_____ ~ :.-. .--= - -~_~_~_'_~4. .-~-.~-~~-~~_r--r_-:--:-Jr:-r.',~~~-::~-------~~-!""~.,~,'-~-i -, . . - - - - - .: V ..--------------~----------------------= ~----- ~ /'" ..-~= =:..------ - ...-- ~ .- -~:::-~'"'..:;;;:-.:.;,- --- ~_.. ,-. ....- - --.... ~ --.... """--' , I - I ..- --;::...:-::.7"''''-----.. .. -- - ->--&f--..--...... u D II ---- II'" W W I/P/?I?' ;VB E%li' Romp EI. 477.54 Span 1 ~- r ~\,- Span 3 \ { Bent 4i Bent 5 { Bent fl Bent 7 f Bent 1{ Bent 2 "'~ , ffl//o/lJette I1'lver J ;Vorl/J Boof' Tro/l I I I I 1 I LJ LIt/f)GE AltCII L/GIIT//lIG PO/Bollol AesllJeoc E/JIJo/Jceme/JIOppor/l/o//y See Spec/O'/ #o/~ S/Jee/ L o.2A .... ..... ... ... .. . ... ... ... ..... ..... ... .. ;,.r - -;a. "lIl::. :c. -:=. I 1 ~~:~.~r); -------' r - \' ":" .~- r-" \ ~ .... '--- '01' - - -. -=,--./..-r Fro/Jf'/iiJ BII/O: Fh'A#AL/1JI 8L!/!J. I/EII/CI/LAI? I/;VOEI?PASS Pole/JI/o/ Aes/I?ellc E/JI?t7/Jce/lle/J/ Oppor/I//J//y See Spec/ol lJIo/&, Sl?ee/ L o.2A ;///LLI?ACE !//AOI/CT Pole/JI/o/ Aesll?ellc E/Jl?o/Jceme/J/ Oppor/I//J//y See Spec/ol /Vote, SIJee/ L o.2A OVERALL ELEVATION View faces east NTS c;g I I { path ~ CJ ~ I CJ "- ------------- -.... ........ .......... ........................... "........ ....... ... ......... ....... :::. .Jx ,,'" -'~'--i/ Ld r9 I I - WlLLAMETTE RI VER BRIDGE RAILING Potential Aesthetic Enhancement Opportunity See Special Notel Sheet LO.2A SLOPE PA VlNG Potential Aesthetic Enhancement Opportunity See Special Notel Sheet LD.2A { Bent 1 { Bent 2 Symm. { Arch { Bent 3 Symm. abou t { Arch EI. 487.55 High poin { Bent 4 { Bent 5 -::560 :- 540 ~520 ......... ~ ~500 =-. 4' on .~ ov ~ ~460 ....... ......, ~ ~ 440 ~~ 420 ~400 -~380 =-360 EI. 477.54 PP 24 X o.50~ driven piles Extg. Extg. Extg. __', ~_'.... '.w. ...~.;:...~',,:-=:"'... J"" "" ."...!'I,Ii.\~l'CI\r;,liflilUri;iiW5"a rR;~7--i;;~-;iH-;;~\ r-- ---------3--t-;;b-:;--;~~b------------l l~'!.--f!.'}f!-E~r~\'_ J mount rail, typo l I I, ",' - - . -- -., -. . - ~ I ~ ~ ,"~.... "r -------- ---------- -- - ----~s+ L::..t---------.... ':;........ ---- - .,..., "".,"" -..-_---------- -..1'. "-",,," I :~"...",...".,.". - ..-..,..,,--~"'- ~ ,.,/ ".."./ .,..,.,...,-- ~ , ",'" f ~",....-?,? '-.J ,-----------------~/ ~'1 /~ -- 16 -0 , J l_~<:~:._r:..~'!!."2?__________i________!.____~J:, A{/~~ .A ' ~L~/I.,...., ........ l ~, , ......:........... ~ tr--=r-...J I I Ld r; I I L.J Typical minimum clearance en velopes for path @ for (NB) and near arch rib face - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.- - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - -- -- - - - - - -.. - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - ---- ;:":o;;..1Fa'----;,::5:.".-.." -'-:1\,~~~'PX J!_'~":J,.;..;;......Zl_ ' ':~.. ,',':I:''';~''':'.a: A.. ~~7.'.~'~'_'';';~"4 '~l' . , . "(" .. '-';,..'-:.~ ..~ 8'-2'1 dia. dr/7led shaftsl Bents 2-4 ground @ 401 d. / ground @ 'LS11' Line ground @ 281 It. MILLRACE VIADUCT Potential Aesthetic Enhancemen t Opportunity See Special Notel Sheet LD.2A ELEV A --- ON View faces east I I' . 0' 25' 50' ,0 100~ Note: Elevations are based on the North American Vertical Datuml 1988. BRIDGE ARCH LIGHTING Potential Aesthetic Enhancement Opportunity. See Special Note, Sheet LO.2A ___-/10'-0" tall protective "t.S1" 1.In6 {/J. /4.1'1,8 : 71 fencing w/splash I " , : boards ,--- I 67-1 out-out deck I _ , I , ~- I I I , 1 '-6 t'41 I I 64'-0" roadway I ',y '-6 t'~" rail i~. ~ i ';;;{. ';~::" "I,' ';:;;:" . - fu:;;;~:ne for fU~:;:idenmg f R : ! 1 ;~6" Type "F" rail, typo I : ~ I 6'-0" j : i~: I.~ It.. LQ(:?1"hr~.QA h/~ --i ' :'. I "., 1 ()) 4C ~. "'Y'" '-"P' \ - .,. ,~ I ~ Slope JIfJTItJ. ". , ,. .' ,., ....,... !tl.'::,." I I ~" I ~ l- ~ .... ...... ..t.......'.:......... ..... ... oi .........~...... ._-, ~, 1 1 : ;::4~ L I ' ..,.l ....~.......... .1.'.....;........... (''::'" ,...~-.1f.... ," ", cfiiI' ~____I .1....1-,:-:+-'.,. . . ,...;,/,..~. .~,..~...........-"....,..d. ,.~.:.., ,,' .....,. ,.....:'.. . .. ' '.'. ;: ~ ~_.~..:J...~:.~.('..:~. ? ':~:'. :r ~l .:j () '} 0'/ ," r\oo,. Q.. ... <:::t '.:', , n 'J:" I ", . ':'" ~. 1 -0 ~ .0. ... . -.-, ~f . .\!* .* . .. .:. . o. . -- .-; r; i'~" ,~: '.t .'. :.~ i .i'oare near ~I ci ,',';',' 's "',<:=>, .1 ~:'1 " ~' ~t~, J" ",' '?'~J, . . ~'. W'.' "Om," "," 1" .fdents 7 & 10 ':....f5 :'~~,:;,. ~ Ii;:; i' '" .' .x ",",' U1-F r~'r' " ,. '~'''f;;J... . ,~. .~ . " '.' -IV,hw', ... -. ~ ~ ~ I . ./ "'- tIIId IIfIfItIlatlon bf1IH "- Dn11n hal4 fJP. ... .<: "> I I ~~~i , ..l t:: " i -&i. i I i S web spaces @ 10'-73AG".t = I 6#1 1- b.f-(r -..J - typ, 54'-0" UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD PROTECl1VE FENCING Potential AtJ$thetle Enhant:Bf1'Ient Opportunity S. SpsdtJ/ NDte, Shest Lo.a MUAME I II:. HIlER BRIDGE RAIUNG PDtentld AtI$th6tic EnhfJnctlll'ltJl'lt OppDrlunlty Sse SptJCIOl Not. SIt_t LO-a 't$1" line I { struetu,. i I I R7'-.IJ'I2N ol!i-out deck ./ I 64'-0" ~oadwqy ~c ~ 1'-8 ~" ~'~'-O" 12'-0" 12'!-0" 12'-0" t4'-0" ". 1'-8 *" . rail -.. shoulder lane I lace future Icne shoulder::- ~..; rail 6'-0" II r; .. ~ for (uture wldening : =r- I ... _L -, 3-tube curb '- - <:=> I r , ! 1[, mount roil, typo I $/. - zJ . . . . . '. . ~I .'."...,,;-. . . I -'. ...::.,,;-.:J,~! l.c~ . ". ~l,.... ....... .'...4 .....4 ......4. 4'".. .,~ - ~ ....... ........ '_ ~ ?~.:.. .l"'~:k ~:~~:::.:..~:J::...:.r.:;~::...).t ;'-., ": : :-..::..: :: ~::':'. ~. ...;.:....:. ':':' ~ r":" . .....:. ..... r ~.' .' . ..' ., . .' . 'r '.1..1..., ~- .. .... 'f.)::::{:~l~:/?{:J ~ y ./ ..... ... '. . .... . . .. ,.' . ,.' . ... i "': ..: :.:;;?;:~f<~S' I, " ~L :;"/t : ;';.:\ ~~ ..I ~ !l":';:"."'J.:.,,,':":;'::. '-Precast Door beam I 23-6 !3'-6-, ~ ..... 47'-0" typ, -1- - - i { T-/Jt1fJm € T-btJfJ1Tl r OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECT ON (SPAN 8 SHOWN) View faces north ~ II I, 0' ,4' 8' 10 16/~ J .~ CAMERON · McCARTHY _ GILBERT & SCHEIBB , LANDSCAPE AR.CHITECTS LLP Tel 54l 485-1385 S 160 East .r_way .Fax 54) 485-1389 Eusene. OR 97401 officoocmasla.c:om 1-5= WIL .AMETTE RIVER: BR DGE - BUND.E 220 PACIFIC :HIGHWAY LANE COUNTY 5'-6 ~/; typ, - deck' . - overhang Design Team Leader - OBEe Designed By - OSEe Drafted By - CMGS/OBEC I . 0' 4' 8' ,0 16/~ TYPICAL SECTION View faces north SOUTHBOUND WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE ELEVATIONS AND SECT ONS.~ EUGENE AND SPR NGFIE.D ~. SHEET NO. Date Recei~.a . THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCA TION Z: \OBDP - Willamette River Bridge \CAD\ 22-0CT -2009 10~OO AoMo File No. ;~ Original Submittal. OJ .------ . . - ---------------- . CANOE CANAL PATH RAIL Potential Aesthetic Enhancement Opportunity See Special Note, Sheet L O.2A - 480 - - - - - - - 470 - - - - - - - - - 460 - -t- - - CD - - CD La- '= 450 - - c:: - .........= - 440 c:: - - o=- =.:::= 430 ~ - - - - GJ - - - - - 420 - - - - - - - - - 410 - - - - - - - - - 400 - EI. 459.85 Rail transition, see Dwg. RD550 (typ.) rt. Bent t 3/-6// Type //F'/ rail, see Dwg. BR290 for details -pp 24 x 0.500 . . -- - . -- --- '- --- . ----- Slope paving. See Dwg. BR1t5 Wall. CANOE CANAL SLOPE PAVING Potential Aesthetic Enhancement Opportunity See Special Note, Sheet LO.2A Note: Elevations are based on the North American Vertical Datum, 1988. CANOE CANAL PATH RAIL, Potential Aesthetic Enhancement Opportunity See Special Note, Sheet LO.2A CANOE CANAL SLOPE PAVING Potential Aesthetic Enhancement Opportunity See Special Note, Sheet LO.2A -Patterson Slough conc. channel lining. Remove to EI. 427.00 ground //LS1// line ground =LEVATION View faces east I ' 0' 10' 20' 10 40/~ Till"- . -f.{' . 11- .- ~see Detail "C"\S8e Detail "8''- ..Bottom roil between ~ ,><, :,<",.y,),';',.';., '/,:~):;;' ,;'c,' .,' ',: ;;";;,,,:> '" . '" ',.,; ." ,'.,' '(i/}"'" . , ',' , ') ;:-f'\\}'p~"", """":;: ':1 <~, :ti~-':;~~-,,>"x: ,."..., ;-,/ '.....,'. ;\,s.j~t}.',., .d>:' '..'. , '( .x. ; '()i!;Z,:;:,''';,., ,. .... '.. ",.!,..f' ." ',<',y,,,,'H 'i;;;; ,.:H 'ii":; 'J;b ;-,i::';rA,":<)0.ti.~,,: " , ~:. ::i; ""'>"i";:' ;. :::;';.~, :..,) ',' :';'[;i:. " < - ~.;'(, _ .',. ,>:,;.:.:..; ", "...,'.., . ..;"';.,.'.)...D:;{:, ,);):---.:;:.:;;\~:j "',',"<> ',.' . , ,~-,..,,: ~',: ,:;/:"",'.; " - :'''' 'c'.. ;:<'{;Ji; F', ':" '> , ,:;::s-.:t....;,:-.:;;",~ ~~ ~(;:,;,':'::,.: " . ';",;,:,;.,':' 'i. 'i"",,;':::',:~,;:;, . . ..}(;i;)' . ~ii i " ~ . "'CY;WI;"'" '", , .,..;. ,i. 2;S >",. ;~';i.;ii;&,1. '\ t'i . ,,;)jj;i!:,. .<, ,;: ". "." ..,' ;:..:, . '1-_ ' , '.'J' '....~; !]1!..: 't'/llJltta,l!/ . .'~,s. . . .' y~\ '!,':h:'< t~~:, ..; '.;'>: ,,,,' ~ ,,, ~.! :?:'; '. 1.. ':.' fl~i t . >:;,'j ;;", ::~: ',,1' ~. 3~".':" Il ,~. . ;, 'III. ii"gii !}i?",,;; ,. '. .'... ",,", .". .. La,.... _\ij,,~..,_.. '., ,., ,.". '. ,. . . ... ,~ . JIL ' . ,,,,; .-. j;~"~k{<~ '" . . oJ' .:,; '{. ." J~;'S~:,:t':' ......:;':., , ,.' '," ' 'Y",.'i" :f:';?' " '.,,; ",c, . "'("i~,1i}!;?;;... ' ,is., .'L' .i..... '2,'"',,, '.;.'g> ' ... .,. '.i'>"I. . < ""':;;;"- t')".+'i;':~,,:; ,~~:...-. ,. ,N"",,_., .'._~ ".D,,",i':,j ~t;\... :,;;5,::'::''.''.; 1!;:i~'((gri3}!';' ..' .. ' " ' 'Ct'. '~<':"'(<:'~',yYf~{ f':'''.:7'' H" '; '1111'" :".. W.':':~:'~d .:.. ..' ""?~h.t ; '.. .>" ,',g"",,,"., WI/," '" .....o~." iii '" ,; g.. , .. .' , .' .,,;;.:,... . ,~;;.; ,,'.. " - "" .~.:~.~~.,~~ ", ,.,'.' 'C ',' ;''.~:''" '! , 'v:"-. .:h,,>-! " "?;.,;',,)/ .,..' ".-"".., .. .'l'lIiIC::;" " . , . .. 'i' .,.... .......;-'i ,y ,;.; ,;:eii~)i'f~~., ... .....' ,'" _,y ..~: r~.~ .':{.: ~"i~j'"',~ai . " , _;_~'" ?;;~;s '<',L\S? .",.;:.>':: ,Hi ',:';'. ~ 'v (;: "" .: \;;.,: ,,'/'" ',~r,:~; . ".:.'" ',-,.':.;, ~~(jiWgl!~r;' ,d " . ".' , ,.. ...... ,',fl. ."i/ . ." " ,.., ,'. v ' . '" ,,. "'. :..- "'>" , " .< " \ ";', '.' .', . -<" ,~ , .; " - , .,;:;:../<<l:,)},; .... - ~- 'i '" ,,^ " .'., '"." "".'. ,:41.<<. f '~1-' -': :,~.,,~ ~,,' <'..', .~ /~, ''l " ~ i ,t, ",< ~;&,;:,~,114;,,;t~: i:.:.-:': ,'~> ...', .. . '>ii,,. . ,.. ;'1 .,' !" ;," . "". "., ,..Ai"...,,'li- - "i;1'.'(".1&' ...." .... Jl\;\l\!~0;JlS % ,.....,.i! \;"',;.;. .... " ;!;':., . . '" '::.,~' " '{:\~;i' ;j~;fm:tt';l~";', ' '.' ,'~ ' ". . ;;:w,';fe@i}.<:} ~\,.: .;:~;;;; ,.....;t,,: '... ~~~'~ij~!~~ Splice 8'-0" (typical panel 18ngfh) =- (top rail - continuous) S ,. {Jllce r Typical rail end (also S88 d8tail below) 4'-0" ctr. -etr. r Splice top and bottom rails of -1-" chor. Bfs -t location to form typical panel. ,6. an po I( See Detail "A!f See Typ Rail Splice (this Sh88t) typo FA I . . ~ )If . '" / " SLOPE PAVING PRE-CAST BLOCK ALTERNATE Plan From OOOT Standard Drawing #BR115 NTS~ $(' type *see Not8 lTypiooT - Roil Splice Detail) for l..D.tJ;J:JJ1edigfe frJ.nf1l~ I Ext8nd top and bottom roil os shown. Prepare I for "Typical Roil Splice" I as shown btJlow ____ _1_-.. r OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION GC CAMERON · McCARTHY _ GILBERT & SCHEIBE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS LLP Tel 541 485-7385 S 160 East BrQ8.~lI"'.1 Fax 541 485-1389 Eugene. OR 97401 officcccmssla.com NO II::: Path rail subject to revision based on potential aesthetic enhancements. See Special Note, Sheet LO.2A. CANOE CANAL PATH RA L Elevation From ODOT Standard Drawing #BR246 I 0' l' 2' 10 4/~ SLOPE PAVING CAST-IN-PLACE AL TERNA I t: Plan (3\ From OuU I Standard Drawing#BR115 NTS ~ ~~t~ PHOfEs B~IN~ ~~71lPEr \r q v-zdt % OREGa~ @s ~418ER 3\'rc c:v,CJ .I'IN t\~~ ~Ell~ EXPIRES: 12-31-2009 1-5: WI . __AMETTE RIVER: BR DGE - BUND.E 220 PACIFIC :HIGHWAY LANE COUNTY Design Team Leader - OBEC Designed By - OSEC Drafted By - CMGS/OBEC CANOE CA ~A. BR DGE AND UNDE ~PASS ELEV A TIONS AND SECT ONS: EUGENE & S)R NGFIELD SEGMENT SHEET NO. A2aO THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCA TION Z: \OBDP - Willamette River Bridge\CAD\ 22-0CT -2009 10:00 AoMe File No. OCT 2 3 2009 Original Submittai_ .....---"...... ,Q, ,ell. .c~ 1/4"-0 Aggregate 6x8 Conorete Block \ - Existing Ground Line ,Q, ~ ~~-- ---~ ~ ~l . ---; ....-- . ....--. I :\ L u 1/2" dia x 2' Rod @ 1'-6" ctrs. Pi. ,0 20'~ 1/411-0 Aggregate Concrete 611 wide concrete skirting. cast against existing ground STAIRWAY Section I \ 0' Oa 5' l' 2~@ / ,/ 501-/ PATH - 5' /~ BASALT BOULDER ROW- . Set behind/uphill of N. Walnut Bridge support arches . Medium (18/1-24/1) to Large (24"-30/1) sizes // : ;! / Ii j'i; : ~ ~/' l i ! i i I ~!: ' i SOFT PATH '-L 8-ft width ~ / /. BASAL T BOULDERS ~ I · Placed assortment / / . Medium (18"-24") to Large ~ (24/1-30/1) sizes \ . 1/4" crushed rock infi" ~, STEPPING STONES . 24" Precast concrete . 1/4" Crushed rock infill . Space between stepping stones: 3-4" +/- BRIDGE SUPPORT ~ ARCHES BASAL T BOULDERS = -; STEPPING STONES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,', -5' 30' 25' 20' 15' 10' 5' 0' SECT ON I =>ERSPECT V = VI =W @ r 0 ~EGON OEPA ~TMENT OF TRA ~S )ORTATION ~ . '-........ / STAIRS G C CAMERON · McCARTHY _ GILBERT &SCHEIBE , LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS LLP Tel 541 485.7385 160 Bast Broadway Fax 541 485.7389 S Eugene, OR 97401 office 0 CUlasla.com - ~ I ~OHW . ~ _4P\STEli~ ~ 285 ~ ~~. l-t.~" BE .S ~.... .,,0, REOO",."H".Elj . . . !j ~, 1-5= WI. .AMETTE ~IVER: B ~ )GE - BU ~-).E 220 PACIFIC :HIGHWA Y LANE COUNTY / ~. I~ . I '~, i,/ tit I . ! ! ; Design T earn Leader - CMGS/TYLI Designed By - CMGS/TYLI Drafted By - CMGS/TYLI CONCE ~T SKETCH Plan view \ 0' 5' 10' STAIRWAY ,Plan view I 0' l' 2' 4"@ EASTGA TE WOO )LA ~ )S; ~O~Ti WAL~UT B~)GE U~)E~)ASS A~D STA ~WAY CO~CE)TS: S ) ~ ~G: E .D SHEET NOo A3aO File No. THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCATION Z~\OBDP - Willamette River Bridge\CAD\ 22-0CT-2009 10~OO AaMa 2 3 2 Original Submittal. '"'- - (I)' (1)= LL- C;:- ....-.. - C;: 0- ...... - '"'- - tl- ::::.. (I) - GJ= 500 480 460 440 420 Begin wall "FN1" 200+88.00 25'-0" Left "5P28" 0+00.00 EI. 457.07 End Wall "FN1" 204+38.95 25'-0" Left //SP28// 2+86.5 EI. 463.84 -- 286'-6" (measured along wall control line) Pile spacing @ 6'-0" ctrs .... 5to. 1+05.00 Sta. 1+50.00 Sta. 2+27.00 " / E~._~:.O_ ___L~/. .4!.~1", ___ ___.__.. !~~~~.89 '.___.___ + Bottom of ~al; / "\5ta. 2+86.5 / c EI. 456.30 . Finish~d grade. outside face 6'-0" ..-. -- Top of COPin~ 5ta. 0+60.00 Top ~ ~all, . .~'" ,/~/. ~~:., - . - , ,~,-" ... .... "'11 II1II \ 5;a. ,. 0~0;.0~.5ta. ~+ ~4.00 EI. 444.39 EI. 444.39 RETAINING WALL #21128 Elevation Springfield only. - '"'- - (I) _ (I) _ L1-- C;: - ....-.. - C;: o - ...... - '"'- - tl - ::::.. (I) - GJ= .480 .460 440 420 400 -- : . ' .\ '<.:~ ,. Begin Wall "FN 1" 193+80.00 25'-0// Left "5P29// 0+00.00 EI. 450.33 Pile Spacing 5'-0" oc Pile Space I 8'-0" max ... I L. ~ Sta. 0+00 EI. 434.00 RI:: lAIN NG WALL #21129 Elevation Springfield only. 12'-0" ...;;;..... 'Joint with ~// elastomeric bearing pad "',.' ::- :'~' '.': : : ..... :, 4-#5 bars x (iT ~ '-- cont. @ 18"ctrs. ~ I ~ IV) I .... .. - 4'-6" ....... ..... lo0oi ..-- ...... \ 6' x 6' box culvert (BR # 06898AJ Retain and protect Rt::IAININGWALL #21129 Section NTS@ THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCA TION Z~ \OBDP - Willamette River Bridge\CAD\ ~ 0' 10' 20' 10 40' ~ Pile Spacing 6'-0// oc -'-"- '-" 5to. 2+06.88 / EI. 448.88 - 5ta. 2+ 37.88 -- """ / EI. 444.08 ___ I , ~ ___, _J' I_, - _.,~ ,_, ........... ;...-. _" .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. ...' .. II .. .. .. I ... ... I --- \ \ 25'-0" TYP ...... ~Fence Coping / '" ~ ~ ~'" - Limits of Backfill ) ~ Slope Varies - - - \ -~- Existing Groundline Bottom of lagging to be 2/ below ground line l Il~ Depth / / / / /- Limits of Excavation TBD RI:: I AINING WALL #21129 Section 22-0CT-2009 10~00 AcMe ....... , .\- /'-- ,,-,--,/ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~.. 5ta. 3+27.88/ EI. 434.00 1 II I 0' 10' 20' NTS@ Wall Control Line "FN 1" ff - 25'-0" (typ.) / - I I Coping r- ~~ - -' .....--1 ------- " " --. / ,.~ / Existing Groundline "- Bottom of logging to be 2' below ground line -~- Depth _ TBD. / ~ "'" ""'."'" "', - Limits of Baokfill ~ / / / /, - Limits of Exoavation RETAINING WALL #21128 Section NTS~ End Wall "FN 1" 197+00 18'-3" Left "SP29" 3+27.88 EI. 444.5 10 40' ~ 7r OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION G.C CA,MER.ON · McCAR.THY _VJ.. GILBER.T & SCHEIBE G LANDSCAPE AR.CHITECTS LLP Tel 541 485.7385 S 160, East BroaauQJ Fax 541 485.7~89 Bugene,. OR. 97401 officeocmasla.com 1-5: WI. .AMETTERIVER: BRDGE -BUNDLE 220 PACIFIC :HIGHWAY LANE COUNTY Design Team Leader - TYLI Designed By - TYLI Drafted By - CMGS/TYLI SHEET NO.. ~ETA N NG W A . . ELEVATIONS AND SECT ONS: SPR NGF ELD A4aO File No. 2 3 2 Original Submittal NORTHBOUND SOUNDNALL \ Potential aesthetic enhancement opportunity 720' Nominal \ "H" = 17' tYPe (measured along Wall Control Line) __ "H" = 16' tYPe _ ...... ~ I - \ -. Elev. 457.52 - ~~ ~~ .J.;~e;.of 4~~;f9 ___-_l.____-___-_------------~---_:_----------------- _______-;-_;-____-;___1 _;-__~_of :!Loll \) ~t ~l wJ ~ ! ~'1 1 J JQ 1 J_l, ~l, _J J_l_l_l_t J_l_~_tj_l ~~_~, ~_J_ ~ _~_~J_J_l_ ~ _~J ~_ ~ _~_~ J_A_l_J _1_. w J ~ ~. 43S:::- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - t-A,Do -c Access Doorway Access Doorway ~ r- 420 - ccess orway LUr -410 Begin Wall I/LNt" 656+75 Note: _ Elevations are bas6d on too North American - Vertical Datum, 1988. NORTHBOUND SOUNDWALL #21124 Elevation Springfield only. Elevations shown are based on - the North Atn8rioon Vertical Datum (NAVD 88J. 666'-1" (measured along wall con~ 374'-5" (DP#3) .. __ .~ Bridge "LW5"1+76.00 "L W5"1 +91.2.6 EI.477 .26 EI. 466.70 I .Corner. typical per monufacturer's dtfSign · Begin wall "LWS'" 0+39.00 42'-0" "L51" Righi' . 500 EI. 479.2.7 Corner. type per mfg. design "LW5" 0+88.7!:i EI. 480.37 EI. 469.86 ......= ~~ .480 "LW5" 4+13.47 Vertical storm drain pipe in MSEbackfill. EI. 471.88 5ee drainage plans (End wall, DP#3) for size and type ,(Extg. "LW5" 1+04.00 c::;- ..... = ~=-- .4608q...... ~. . 6~t~ ~ ~ ~- ~ C... ~"'C~ to GJ . . 440 ~ ~ ,0'.... ~ oi ~ to ~ <:> l\1 ~ <0 CJ) - ~~ ~ C... to ~ · . ~"1 t\J......o ~ s. '1^ ~ 0 of. <0 O'i ~ 0) ~O) y. 0) ;;:liii ..., I.... ,0 of. <o,~ ~ ~Ct) 0) O'i - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 6 0 .... .... .... .... .... .420 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c c <::> <::> <::> ~ ;;:liii s. ~ ~ ~ _ ~ ;;:liii 3rt ~ ~ ~ -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~- ~ . '- ~ ~ (!)...... ~tii' ~~ .. I ~,.: ., 'f tt)" ~ C:~ of. ? ~ ft) i~ of. ...... ... tt) ~...... l\I . ~ o~ ~ ~~ .... I": 3t ~ ;....1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ lU ~ ~~~ of. cq ~ ......<.\J(!) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ l&J "'- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ~. " ~ ~ ~ @ RI:: lAIN NG WALL #21126 Elevation Springfield and Eugene. Phase 1 installed. I 20' 40' I 0' I 80' Begin Wall (DP#4J --- EI. 460.52. (Finish Gr J 326'-7" (measured along "LWS" Line) ::::.- -500 ......= CD - CD - .480 li:= ~ c:- ,460 .0 = .;::- ~- ~ .440 l&J:....- . ~ NB Bridge = "LN 1" Line Corner pt. . EI. 458.12. Step-up EI. 471.62 EI. 458.12 (Finish grade (outside f0C8) r Extg. ground lIne End Wall (DP#4J EI. 467.00 .42.0 , '~:om of W:II. \ E;. - :z1 nominal. 5ee note\ EI. 460.48 Elevations shown ore based on the North American Vertical . Datum (NAVD 88). RI:: IAINING WALL #21127 Elevation Springfield and Eugene. @ I 0' / 'I 20' 40' I 80' -480 ......... ~ ::470 -460 ~ :'450 &fev. ~--440 1 :'430 1lJ --420 E/ev. 88(Jin Gravity Wall "P11" 110+26.01 9.5' :t Right End Gravity Wall "P11" 112+58.36 9.5' :t Right ~ ~ .... ----- r \ f;:} ~ (B088). L :l" Front fOO8 of ,,~ ~.. 7/ fSubgrade) Proposed wall pane.{ -----.." ""-~ ""-, X\(:~:!-, ' gn'OUnd line J ""- '\. /:'~/ + . '\. ""- / ':' '.: General backfl " ," ., '" :.~ / I ~{,.~:J/---Min 12" open graded ~ :- ~ f./ aggregafe(Spec. 02630.11) 7/, - f[!~~.-'. ~ J" perf. pipe ~(~^ ~,~. r~~ · ,.'..,,:'.'~' ..... '. ...,..:..:".'...' Cone. IfNfJling :dd:" ',' '. . . ". ' . . \,' " , -- - :~~; Inextensible reinforcements Compact Embankment per Spec. 00330.43fbJ type Excavation pay limits End Wall "LNt" 663+95 I 0' 20' 40' j 0,~OA 80/~ Wall control I~~ 5'-0" min "LS1" Lin~ - See detail; X - See roadway details ..... -.... Standard Coping I I . c::. e ~ <:) ,I l\I ,I '/ / / ~~ ~~~ Reinforced soil RI:: I AINING WALL #21126 & #21127 Section Springfield and Eugene. NTS@ Gravity Retaining Wall (see dwg. BR72.0J ~ HpIIH Li1l9"... \ (1) Finish grade ~~~\ ~ .65 " o(~ S\O~ r Existing Ground/ins 431.86 , E/sv. 435.08 Elev. ~ev. 434.73 -............:.... ~ / 429.03/ / // ""'"\ Elev. Finish Grade.-./' Elev. 429.36 431J}3 429~8 Flni8hgrade~ Ii91IJ. E1evlllions ore bosed on the North AmeritX/n VerficollJotum. 1988. OVERALL ELEVATION (Wall #21125) Springfield and Eugene. (6'\ I \ A4.0A, 100' "---/ PRECAST CONCRETE BLOCK GRAVITY WALL (Wall #21125) Section Springfield and Eugene. NTS@ ~ '. 0' 25' 50' THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCA TION Z~ \OBDP - Will amette River Bridge \CAD\ 12.'-0" ConcrefePafh Granular, Wall Baokfill ~1 1 ~ / 2 cu. ft. of gravel drain , material wrapped in ~L 'L . drainogfl geotextlla 'Pour against undisturbed material 2" diaD weep holes at 10'-0" otrs. 22-0CT -2009 10~00 AoMo ~ Northbound soundwall. Potential , aesthetic enhancement opertunity 5'-0" I Varies j\ - I min. - I 66'-6" max. J RIW--l " ~ ~II Control Line ! Precast cone l. I wall pan~..~ "LN1" Line I I 1 ~ Pilaster~1 :!. ! ~ 11'1 ,~ I ~ .i I ~ ~ I:/" I ~ ~ I t ~ e J. ?~ ., OJ ~ I: 3'-()" "'C:::i ~ -. ~~t J. min., "o(~ I .I ,// ...... ~ 7 ... .:/. ~ ~ .....--.-..----. ""'(:: ~ c::. ,-I-. . ~ . g) ~ \o.~ .. J '.. ?~~~ ~:: I ....: , ..-;; ~ CD '. 'I- .;::: -Q, . I . --s .'. CD .' . ....1. .-.: .. .:1. ..... ...r'.. .:.: .:.:f ..,:..: . ..~, . . ~ . ~ " ~ ~ , 3'-0" dia. N,O, RTHBOUND SOUNDWALL #21124 f2\ Section NTS ~ Springfield only. r OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION G~ CAMER.ON · McCARTHY _ GILBER.T & SCHEIBE , LANDSCAPE ~R.CHITECTS LLP Tel 541 485-7385 S 160 East Broa;IIoI"J Fax 541 485-7389 Bugcn~ Oil 97401 officcCllcmgsla.com 1-5: WIL .AMETTE RIVER: BR DGE - BUNDLE 220 PACIFIC :HIGHWAY LANE COUNTY Design Team Leader - TYLI Designed By - TYLI Drafted By - CMGS/TYLI ~ETA N NGWA.. ELEVATIONS AND SECT ONS: EUGENE AND SPR NGF ELD File No. "'l .1 Original Submittal SHEET NOo AL,~ OA Existing Grade ~ Precast cone. lagging / -- SoldIer PlIe (steel H-PlIJ' Inextensib/e reinforcements Excavation pay limits ,,""""" Reinforced soil ~ "''''' '" ~ TYPICAL WALL SECTION (SHORT) South Bank Wal #1 and #2 RI:: lAIN NG WALLS #1 AND #2 Springfield and Eugene. ~ Cl:l ~ ~ (\J .- .::s; -E "'g<D<D e~~ ~ ~ --- --c::o 8.~ \t- o- -.....: ~o~ ~'~ ~ ~ NLS1N Line \ 5/-0N ,J:- TYP - 51. Facing anchorage per Varies proprietary supplier J ~ " ---------.. / ~. I .',.. "~ i{~~~' ~ ~1 12" ':/::~ ~ -i/- /.. fi~~ ~:;~::a!:~r:8N Perf / behind wall · Pipe l --- .......elL "TSW" 0+00.00 LS1 372+94.91 15 r- 490 CD ... ll:. ~ 480 .~ ~ ~; 470 .Q : +:::: ~~ 460 liJr ;..... 450 Beqin Wall _ / "TSW" 0+10.00 , "LSl" 373+04.91 43.00' Rt. EI. 464..,15 / -Top of Wall '\EI. 455.50 \ EI. 456.83 '7'SW" 1+ 10.00 Rl:: IAINING WALL #21290 ELEVATION & SECTION Eugene Only NTS@ ~ Full height precast facing panel (pattern to be determined), assumed 6N thickness I . ~c:: ~.- . MSE ~ ~ Reinforcing ~ ~ ~ Et/ .. X g. Ground ::r:: , 5/-0N "'- ---- EI. 460.79 '7'SW" 2.+10.00 THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCA TION Z~ \OBDP - Will amette River Bridge\CAD\ Existing Grode / PedestrIan rall. see BR246 See S. Bank Wall #1 for detall~ 8" perf. "P2.10" Line ;r Finish Grade , J- / PedestrIan rall. see BR246 "P2.1a" Line ~ Finish Gradel 12'-0" ~ / S. Bank Wall #2 HMAC Path y______ CopIng ..... . _ ~// -., ~Front face of I 8" rf. · "'~~J /' 'wall pane/ pe . PfPe-~:~.~;~, :t: ,\..':. ~ 1'-0" ::::::.... . ,,~^' x"",\. '. (typ.) --I ~- /J'.??:..:.',::'..: .::::~ \eonc. I~ pad. typo ExIstIng Grade Min 12." open graded aggregate (Spec. 02.630.11 J 12/-ON HMJ 'C Path 1'-01/ (typ.J - l Min 12" open graded aggregate (Spec. 02630~11) Inextensibte reinforcements Excavation pay limits '" "" "" ~ Reinforced soil ~"" """"~- TYPICAL WALL SECTION (TALL) South 3ank Wall #1 and #2 / I Finish Ground/ine /TSW# Wall control fina _________ ft. 43/-0N TYP Bottom of Wall EI. 478.2.4 Begin Wall nP21a" 214+18.00 9.5' :t Left 197'-0" :t End Wall (m80sured along wall control line) "P21a" 216+15.00 St~. 214+44.07 Sta. 215+17.91 Sta. 215+78.87 9.5' :t Left EI. 456.49 EI. 443.99 . 'EI. 457.57 Sta. 214+78.03 Sta. 215+37.04 EI. 456.49 EI.449.97 :r:: . Existing Grade ;- 480 ......:.. ~ ~ 470 la... .~ c:::. L 460 ...... ; 450 c:::. ~ .0 ~440 .;:: ;. ~ ~ 430 ......... ~ laj ~ 420 Sta. 215+78.8? EI. 448.90 Existing Ground Existing Ground EI. 452.74 / EI. 448.56 EI. 444.26 " EI. 437.31 __ ,/ Sta. 214+51.0~' Sta. 214+57.80 EI. 438.96 EI. 443.68 - NTS@ \ II " 0' 15' 30' ,0,' 60/~ SOUTH BANK WALL #1 Elevation Begin MSE Wall NP21aN 214+58.30 9.5/ + Rlghf Elev. 445.84 Top of wall End MSE Wall NP21aN 215+45.00 9.5/ + Right Elev. 450.16 Top of wall .... 861_8~1I + (measured along wall control line) 551_0~1I 311-7~1I ~480 ~ 470 t-460 ~ 450 ~ ~ 440 ~ 430 L. 420 ~ - --- -- 'Elev. 439.74 Btm. of wall Elev. Btm. Elev. 435.36 Btm. of wall Existing Ground SOUTH BANK WALL #1 AND #2 Elevation ,0 60/~ I l I, 0' 15' 30' Rt:1 AINING WALLS #1 AND #2 Springfield and Eugene. r OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION NTS@ G- -~c CAMERON · McCARTHY _' GILBERT &SCHEIBE LANDSCAPE AIlCHITECTS LLP Tel 541 485.1385 160 Bast Broadway Fax 541 485-1389 S Buaen~ OIl' 91401 otficoocmssla.com End Wall "TSW" 5+16.78 "LSl" 378+11.69 41.31' Right EI. 478.24 '7'SW" 5+15.1 "LS1" 378+10.01 43.00 Rt. E/. 476.70 / "TSW" 4+55.00 Et. 466.86 ''TSW'' 4+10.00 ~ EI. 469.70, \ EI. 469.70 . ''TSW'' 5+15.10 22-0CT -2009 10~00 AcMa -5: ,W .LAMETTE RVER: BR DGE - BUNDLE 220 PACIFIC :HIGHWAY LANE COUNTY Design T earn Leader - TYLI Designed By - TYLI Drafted By - CMGS/TYLI SHEET NO. RETAINING WA.. ELEV A TONS AND SECT ONS: EUGENE AND S )RINGFIELD Date Received: ~ AL.~03 File No. ~ u Original Submitta._ <~ ~ ) 16// high pressure gas main ,-I \ / ~~r! \ ,..s ~ \ / '?< ,-I ~ ~/ Proposed bike path / / "'--... ''-~~ " ", ".".. / II ,"" I '// I - ...'''~~ J / ~}l>/ - . -to Slope catch lines L- / / / / / ...., .&ii -~ --~ JURISDICTIONAL WATER RESTORATION (FN1 STREAM RESTO RAT ON) Plan view I, 50' I~ 100/~ I 0' l 25' THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCA TION Z: \OBDP - Will amette River Bridge \CAD\ ~\ ~ \\ 440 445 = Er'- of Mill RtItXI wolls (SI1tJt1en vropped soil 6ft I O'8r _ v~ ""\\ os needtA to preserve Inte.".lty \~ t1f mill I a wolls ~ - -12.5'. 12.5'- = Ex/g. ground--' ~ \ ____........... ,/ r' ~ -" ~ r / Soli 11ft wol/s- -.J ", ~ "5IN-ar ~ .A A (For detoi/s, ---. ~~~ ___ - \~-;r ,. 8ht. GJ-7J ,~ -vor.-;::- rr-oflle Grode Y t\J Profile GrCK/I ~ (i (JW gradJ A . I lFIDOd p/oneJ I I , I 51. 0' , , ''Sfhs'' 440 435 ---------- 430 __----- A.A J J A J .A I " , -Soli 11ft wolls 435 425 415 430 42D 425 415 -50 -30 40 . 50 -20 -1 0 0 1 0 20 STA. HSTR-W5" 2+38.8 TO STA. HSTR-W5" 4+05 -40 30 lOW GRADIENT CHANNEL @ RESTORED S I t<EAM CHAN \tEL @ I J.O 20' I 0' . 5' I 10' 440 445 435 : Edge of Mill R<<J8 WOIIS~fShorten rtropped 8011 11ft ,1fJYf!(' , - tJ8 MJBd~ d to pr8861'Ve InttJl',Jrlty usrj..s" of mill I <<>> walls -./ ------ - Var. - ... Yare - _____ ~ J ---------- - ~n -4'tol25' -4'10125' /'" ~ 4 A J - Exfg. ground-?""" '-- - )0-. _ ----............. 12.5' 12.5' /" \~ A I I , 'lo.. 'lo..~ J;......s- ~ _______ ~\~ jJA L I Soli 11ft wol1B---1 ~" ~~6~,' , ............. -5011 11ft wolls (For dfJr7l1s" --. ~ t\J rPr(Jfi!e Grode / ' see 8bt. GJ-7J ,~" !51. 0% I tHIgh grodJ , I f ~.-.... .I' Il"""""'II .I It~~ , .~l..--'''~:==::,;~~.~ EX()(JVafiOll imlt8 ~ \ t '-1' to ~' strtKJlllb<</ rock 425 440 ~ 415 425 430 G~ ~- "'\ LARGE WOODY DEBRIS ~ \ Root wads ""' 42D 415 415 -50 -40 -20 -1 0 0 1 0 20 -STA. HSTR-W5H 0+80 TO STA. HSTR-W5H 1+50 HSTR-W5H 1+50 TO "STR-W5H 2+38.8 40 50 -30 30 I 0' 11 \ 25' 50' 1rJ) 1001~ I 10' HIGH GRADIENT CHANNE _ @ ~ESTOR::D STREAM CHANNEL. I~ 20/~ \ 0' ,I 5' (). !-"f'>'f-('~ "I" oj:; \:;:1"':;:~ ':~ ':',c,;: :'., y.!/.>':' '}-:::;:!.'?' .",' :" ",;;;.;-'t1"" ',: i:,;:'::',':"," "-x',' ' 't:,.,,'i":Y,;, ~REGOW \ "., .:','.' "';:' :,'.:r ".,',' --' J",,;, ."}" ",,~;?:,;';;,.; .,,'i, (<c.,..., }/:F';;;fi.'~q\i', '-', ',,! ,,~,~,,-.r~. ~ ',' ~435, fi' , ':",. < ~ ,~, ,;C <,:;" ,\i);;I: , .: .i:')):'; .,:;:-':u....:. '.".,,', ..<~r ' ) .-~. ';;"" . ",.: ,,':',-i V'u, n..<:b'o :"~!-'~ j; .'...., ,"iC":' ..'f,......) '.. ,f', :Ni}!;i,':L'~~;f! ", ';.; ',' ".": '".),..-; ':' '''.' '--:'.. :.'... . .;, :.,..,'C:"';','::;ff,:.z..;";"f" ,''';:- ~;.,f: .:0.';' ~:': .', " ~Y10 '\";) ..tl :-; ":',", r . it) "': ,i', ..,;,;,.:;.:;,.: ,-y.,) ::' ,0 ;", 0'; i:, : i",', :'j:;;: ..:", Y3j~::,~. ',<' ':: ~ ' ~" ' " ..,.::}': . ,;,: .-,:;;,::(. :;', ;f"':;:: " ,.'; i'..' ,,'::'::,;t;;<' , ,,' . 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"," JURISDICTIONAL WATER RESTORAT ON (FN1 S I KEAM RESTORATION) Section view , 5' l 10' 1fJ:\ 20/~ I 0' r OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1-5: WILLAMETTE RIVER: BRIDGE - BUNDLE 220 PACIFIC :HIGHWAY LANE COUNTY , " .., , ' "2""'1 '?'}',' ",' "''''::i'::i:':'<i' :"!,;:,';..!.:.<,,'.< t' "~i':"":""':"""'l' ,:,:J~':: ' , . , ","'. ':- :,e- 'k;',i.['t. ;:. " ..' ' ;: '~:.'>:>,., i" " ,', . ,,', ' :~:,/:;~ " " <: ,'" " :.;;, "::. .~~,;~~:. ';,: ,)'/i: :'. \::;(::~i""':'!-' ~ ~Y';'",;:/,,;<~ ;~,;~,J ":' ',' .',: ,:;/,';'i.:!:';" ;~ . " ;, , ,:: ,:;;,::'":)',:,, ,.." :':-:, ;.,,'; ..... 0 :;';';;\Ji '::.. <'i;';::;: 'f; "'" ::.':::' .' \.:.:;,~"";,',,i:' ',; ..,'.',;. ",;.">',, ", ""'''' :,<:,.,;": " ....-.: --':;:'. .... :: :-,.', '} ".,~,',.:,;;;:!: ;,:i "'Co .' ',; '.- ' :U;)i>";, ,.' ;' ," , , .-.. .::\: "(~;;:;:':::~ ""'i'" "':,',;:,c:,{'2~:3;{i:'.:';':i.',," ': ," ,J~,.:,::'" :' " " ," \.' ..,,:,:;:,'j.;; ",',' ,:,>;;; .:i<::,C",' i, . 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' " .' .t,;::Z:' /""':::;'iDF" Design Team Leader - OBEC Designed By - OBEC Drafted By - CMGS/OBEC JU ~ SO CTIONAL WATER RESTORAT ON (FN1 STREAM R .=STORA TON) Section view SHEET NO. I~ 20/~ WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE ELEV A liONS AND SECTIONS: EUQENSat' R~~~~~~tIELD i 5' I 0' A5aO 10' 22-0CT-2009 10~00 AaMa OCT 2 3 2009 File No. Original Submittal, EI. 439,36 "High point \ \(f Bent 2 (f Bent 3 I ~Rail continues along retaining wall ___......... ___ _---~., .....,__ I -J<- Prop. ret. ........ _ _ __......... - -....=- - - - - - - - wall Pin _ Pin Exp. ' . .. . /"- Extg. ""------PP 24 x 0.500 4 -0 dla. , graoe Drilled shaft "tr3r- 460 Q);" lL. ~. 450 c:: ""-<: c: ~ 440 0: ;:::- ~ ~ 430 Q): LiJ r 420 EI. 438.21 \ f. Bent 1 --. Exp. PP 24 x 0.500 M LLRACE RUNS 3CYC _ElPEDES It< AN 3RIDGE Elevation Eugene Only PBdeslritlfl roil. 888 Dwg. BR246 ,for dfJtolls ]~LLLL\\ I ,. I steBl Me ,10 x 8.4 Concrete Stolrs/Londlng Ri88 = 7" Run = 11" CHANNEL RESTORA T ON BICYC _E/PEDESI K AN BRIDGE Elevation Eugene Only. Refoining WoJl 4'-S" x 4'-6" x 6" CXJtICr8h1, londlng pod MILLRACE RUINSSTA RWAY Elevations Springfield Only Begin Wall "P20" 23+72.44 8.5' :t Left -480 ....... .. I~ L 470 ...... ~ 460 c::: i. ....... ~ 450 8r44O =;:: ~ g ~ 430 ~ ~ ltj ~ 420 RETAINING WALL #3 Elevations Eugene and Springfield EI. 438.79 I 0' 15' " 30' ~ 60' PtKJestrlon roll. see Dwg. 8R246 for deto1/8- V"P20" Line I . I ",/ ",'" ",'" -",'" ,. 12'-0" i" r -- --I i' , , . ----- ... HMA~ Pofh ",- I " I ,." "-- S. Bonk P2.0 Wall #2. Note: Elevations are based on the North American Vertical Datum, 1988. -' j t;;;;;1 r_____. --"- ,," "," ",'" ,," ::;::-- S. Bonk P2.0 Wall #t - Ground line ........{ 4'-6H K -;~-:snJ concrete lallding pod I 0' 4' 8' ,fD 16' ~ 3 328/-04// :t (measured along wall control line) End Wall Np20" 27+00.50 8.5' ::t Left EI. 450.12 r Precast ()(Jno. logging ~ "EI. 433.37 - 480 - - - - - - - 470 - . - - - - - - - - 460 - "i- . - - (() - - l:: - - - - 450 - - - c::: - - - ~ - - - 440 - c::: - - - .0 - - .;:: - - 430 ~ ;- - - - ~ - - - 420 - - - - - - - - - 410 - - - - - - - - - 400 ;- E/. 439.53 Ext8f1ng Gr~,/,/ - _ ~ '- SoId1ttr Pile (Steel H-PI/eJ /' /' ", I(t\ 80'~ RETAINING WALL #3 & #4- Section Eugene and Springfield , 0' 20' 40' 329/-7// :t (measured along wall control line) Existing 'Ground Sta. 24+74.22 EI. 444.50 Sta. 26+75.63 EI. 452.63 I End Wall - "P20" 27+01.36 8.5' :t Left EI. 452.53 I ~480 ....... i. ~ r:~ c::: i. ....... ~ 450 8t44O =;:: L ~, ~ 430 I.l.i ~ 420 Begin Wall Np20" 23+71.11 8.5' ::t Left sta. 24+16.57 EI. 440.37 440.60 " EI. 434.25/ - Sta. 24+ 16.57 EI. 434.25 -- Finish Grade RI:: IAINING WALL #4- Elevations Eugene and Springfield Sta. 25+09.35 'EI. 445.10 Sta. 25+59.60 447.68 --- ---- -- - - --- -- - ---- --- "EI. 444.91 sta. 25+ 35.o~ -EI. 436.59 Sta. 26+05.0~ Sta. 26+ 70.o~ EI. 438.46 . EI. 441.66 , 0' 20' 40' 80'@ THIS IS THE FILE NAME lOCATIONZ: \OBDP - Wlllamette RIver Bridge \CAD\ 22-0CT -2009 10:00 AcMe I 0' 4 8' -..- ~ PedestrIan roll, see Dwg. BR246 for details rt Bent 1 1 ~~-- . , ~~ Extg. 1 22// -- - Rail - .; '- - E/. 445.04 High PoInt rt Bent 2 Roil continues along ~r---- retaining wall Pin TT u~ .pp 24 x 0.500 ground @ //P21o// line 8/ -ON -- '~ //P21aN Lin~ 2.0% ,~ ~ "I ~ ~ II 0' 10~ 20' I .tJ) 40'~ ~ Opening I SIo. "P2O" 2.5+08.98 8' :t . Left Sta. 26+ 77.44 Sta. 24+60.00 Sta. 26+05.00 EI.449.41 El 440 83 \ sta. 25, +50,.00, '" EI. 445.66 L Finish Grade,' EI. 440.37" .. EI. 443.03 \ n ~." _ 1... ------ .......... ----- ---- ~ ......-. - ~/. 422.71/----\-'----\Sta.~4+50.02 --l:isf;ng Groun~---\sta. 24+30.97 _ Sta. 24+08.86 \ El 426 85 Et. 431.28 . Ei 42~71 · · Sta. 24+31.73 EI. 424.76 -----, /' ExistIng Grodi~ /'/' PlJdeslrltlfl roll. setJ BR246 ~ · /",P2O" LIne -Coping,/ /' Flnl8h Grode~ ~ /' /' 12'-0" ,'" Coping r - HMAC. Palh - . ~ ~! j I.. , """--- S. Ban/( P2D won #4 s. Ban/( P2D Wolf #3 -...... . _ /' .... "'-StIIdM Pile. (SIeIII H-Pt/eJ '- Pr<<X18f cone. logging- ~ ; " , , 8/-0// 1 22// - - Ran :t2// HMAC Deck- 2.0% _ / ~pedestrian Rail (typ.J ~ ~ .; ... - .. ... ; ~ 48" Precast Prestressed Box Beam (typ.J 4 Beams @ 4/-0// = 16/ -0// - TYPICAL DECK (Millrace Ruins and Channel Restoration Bridge) Section Eugene Only. r OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Ifj;\ 8'~ I 0' I 4' 1-5= WILLAMETTE RIVER: BRIDGE - BUND.E 220 PACIFIC :HIGHWAY LANE COUNTY il 2' G~' C CAMERON · McCARTHY _ GILBERT" SCHEIBE , LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS LLP Tel 54l 485-7385 , S 160 East, Broa':u""j' Fax 54l 485.7389 Bugene. OR 97401 officeocmgsla.com Design Team Leader - TYLI Designed By - TYLI Drafted By - CMGS/TYLI M-L .RACE VIA )UCT & S. BANK BR DGES ELEVATIONS AND SEC-IONS: EUGENE ANDSPRNGF E .D Fi/~ No. 1rJ) 16'~ g Original Submittal SHEET NO. A7aO