HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlan, Tentative ODOT 8/21/2009 (2) PLANT LIST COMMON NAME Western Red Cedar ....,.. ... BiiiLeafJvtiiPJe . 'White)Uder' '. .... .. nm........ ........ Red' A ide,"" ...... . ..... .... ..... ........... ...... Oregon Ash Nootk'a'Rose' . . . . . .~.. ....... ..........0 ......""...... Creeping Oregon Grape ". '.' ", .Vjn~..MC1P!f!. .... ~~r!C?~!~r. ~~, Oregon Grape PLANT TYPE Bare root 2.4-3m ht (8-10t ht.) 1 1/2 in. Caliper #1 Container #1 Container 4 in. Pot Bare Rootl 12-18 in. ht. #1 Container #3 Container ,." ,. ,. .... Boston Ivy Riverbank Lupine ... .. ,~.1<?'!J!!!.. ~,~t;!g~. ......... .... ... . Tuftec!..Hal~grass Cofumubia rush . .............. ............................. ...... . Common Rush .... ,..... pipe,...r.wv....."..'...'.. ........ ... Plant Cuttings, Large 1.2m (4j .... .",..,.",...h.. .. ... . ........ ........ #1 Container SEED MIX LIS I Ct:JlV71111ON NAME PLANT TYPE SPA.CJNG SPACING j BOTA.N.1CAL NAME TEMPORARY SEEDING : 'Brotnus carinatus .. . . , .. C8lifonlia Brome .~~A ft!.ENT, ~~~I:). !I!!~..t!:! ~ ..~~,~fl~ ..~r~~ ~, ~I!~~. .~~~~~.. ; Bromus carinatus California Brome ~ ..... ....." ... .........,. .... ... . . ... .... .... .... .. . ...... .. ... .... : Bromus sitchensis Sitks Brome ........ .. ..... ...................... ................ ..................... ......... .........".............................."......................... :~l:rf1Jus 'llauc.us ... . .. ~!!!e..~jl<i~.,.. ..... " i ~!ymus trach~a.u.!l!s . Sf~1J!!.~~ '"~~~~~~~ss iFestuca roement Roemers Fescue .~1fNJ!4N~NT SE~!'... !JII..~"~~}'~,~.l!Jl!'!....~~~~ -: .~~~P .S:/~~~",. )A:.9!?~tis exa~~t~ .~.. . ~ , ,~pi~f! Bentg!E!ss .. j I?~l!~ ..~arinatus . .. . ." ..."........,....".... .~!.~~~~lJi.~...~~f:!!!!e.. i. ~schafY1psia caespitosa S/~~~r. Ha~'Jl.fass ~ Festuca roemeni Roemers Fescue ": Hordeum brachyantherum c'. ."" "v." A4eadow Barley ~~Aft!ENT SEED M..~#3~,~~IF,~.f!..~.~.!l~'!fl.!!..~r~.~.~ntle ~./ope~ , ! Aster subspicatus {)()uf!J~s. Aster ; Bromus csnnatus California Brome ., ~. Ca~~~~!.a lejc~~J!'!i.i ,'. .!?!E~~.." ... w.... ie/arkia p,urpurea ., .. f..,!rp/f?..~~d..f!~ja : Da!1t~on!f! cf!/ffomica , ,f!!l!t<?.r.nia..q~~~ra~s .w :.~schaf!1P~!a c~~~pi~~~a .!J!!~~~..Ii~!r~~~~. . ~ lElymus ~l~ucus.. . . , , . . ... ...... . .. ~J.t!!...~iI~rye. . 1 Et~~phyllu.'!1.lanf!.!~'!! .9!efJ~!!, St!I!~f!!ne ... . Festuca roement Roemers Fescue ..' 'C.... ............. " ........................................... ........". j Lupinus rivularis Rivetbank Lupine WETLAND SEED MIX !A~~~is 'exara~~ ~ .. ..... .,'" ,,~pi~e B~!.:~g~~~~. .., , :.~~kmanis .~yziQ~cl'!l!.~. ..., ....,.. ~~~~~~~~..?~~g~g~.~~...... ~ Camassia leichtlinii Csmas ... . ...... ..... ... .......,.. .... . .. .. ......................... ......... ................................................ .................... ......................................................................................... ................ ......... ..................................................................................... ...... .........~...... ........... ................................................... ................ . ..1. ~~ex ,~bnuptf!J. '. ....... . "',' ... '...... .'......... ~J<?~~.. ~~t!9~.... . : Danthonia caliromica .. ,9~Jif.t?rnia...~tf!~8:~, ", :,Pt!~9.~!!?P~~~...9..~~~P!.~9~~....,........".....,..................,..,..".,............. .!~~~~..~~!.~~~.~~......,.,",.,.."..".....,... ."..".".,.."...............................................................................,..,.",..,.,.,.....,.., .........,.."...,."",.,." ,...,.,.,."."..". .,...,............ ....: .fJJ~C?,~aris ..P~Just~!~ .... . . .... ....... .. . .... ,..........., .. ....M"",'." ,9!f!!3!P!.'39....~P!.~.~ ..~~~c~~........ . . ... .."............. ~ Glyceria occldentalis .. "'.' .. ..,. .~~!~rl? ~t1!1i!g~.~~.., . ..~...,t.k~ij~?!...!?~~~!.jy~r.!:~~~~~..................................................,..........~~~C?~.~.~tJ..~y.................................................................................................................................................... ..... ......,..... : Juncus ens/fo/ius Sword/eaf Rush .. . .... .. ......... .. ...... ................... . ......... ....v..'-............................. ................'-................................. ..... ..... ......... Plaglo~otfJtys figur~.~~~. .. ' .. .f!o..pcom, ..':~~~., . Tellima grandifJora Fringecup WILDFLOWER SEED MIX . . . ..... ... .... .-. ......... ............ ;Achillea millefo/ium White Yanow jAquilegia formosa Western Red Columbine ; ASter subspicatus .... P!?1!9..Jas .~st~r. .. .~,:.~~mus.caiiii8ius California Brome i Camassls"lefchijliili .......,......................................,.....,..........., ............., 'caiiias' '......................., .........,....... ............... ..... .............,..,... ............... .,. ,...... ......,..,.......... ............ .... ....,...... ..,.......... ..... .... ......... .............. ... . ........, , .., ....... , . ........ ...................... ...... ..... ..... .............. .......... . ....... ... ... . ........ ... ............... ...................... ...... ................ ..... ............. ............ : C/arl}ia purpurea p'~rpJ~ ~~etia . : E!!~pl}Yi.(f!1!! fanafunl 'n' Oregon Sunshine : Festuca roemeiiY"..................................................... ..... ,.. ....................... 'i?oeme-ts'..Fesc.u:e..'................. .... ... .............................. ......... ...., .............. ...................... ......... ......, ........ ............. .....,. . .........,...,........ ......,......... . .... . ...... . ......................... .......... ......v........ ............. .. .................... .. .................. .... . ......................... .... ..................... . ............ .......... ................ ......... . ,/<?f!Jeria m~C?r~l?th.a . ..' .,.~ n ,., Pfa!ri~ ,~t!I!,es!.!!J~s . ... : L.t!PJn.~~..P~~yp!.!Y!1.~~....,.. .... .. .. .. ...... .,. ............................... .~a..~y.~~~~~q.~~P!.I?~....... ..... ............. .............. ................................... ..................... ....... ... ... ..... ....... ................. ..,..., ............... ........ .... ... . : Lupinus rivularis Riverbank Lupine fI!~ TER Q~~,LI!.~ ~EED l4~w. ", ..... .^.., " .. H A'"~ "" ., : Bromus carinatus .~ California Brome . ..... ... ., ......... ..... ..... ...... .... ......... ........ ..............~.............. ....... ........." ",..... ..... .,. ................... .............. .............. .. . ...... ..... . De~f?i!.~'!?P.s..i.~..~aespito$~ . ..................... ... .. Tu[~~~ ,~~~q~~[;~. j Hordeum brachyantherum lv1eado\lI Barley Trees~ mixed at average ,15# o.c, thoughout planting areas. Groundcovers.. average 3 ft, o. c. thoughout planting areas. Shrubs, average 3 ft. o.c. thoughout planting areas. ...." .. " " ,.,0 .. as shown THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCATION Z~\OBDP - Willomette River Bridge\CAD\ 31-JUL Y -2009 1 O~ 00 A" M" 1t= O~EGO~ )E)A~T~E~TOFTRANSPOR-A-ON n - """\. xC CAMERON · McCARTHY ~V.l GILBER T &:, SCHEIBE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS LLP Tel 541 485.7385 Fax 54l 485.1389 officeG cmpla.com 1-5: W . .AMETTE ~ VE~: B ~ )GE - BU ~).E 220 PACIFIC :HIGHWAY LANE COUNTY Design Team Leader - Justin Lanphear Designed By - Justin Lanphear Drafted By Kell y Densmore9 Lauren Worlandp Joson Koch SHEET NO. .A ~ )SCA)E ).A f ) .A ~T . ST D BM~ R AUG 2 1 2009 _o~ 3A ~;:~ ~~20oq- 6ld- rRE~S()eMl ~...{Vll<?r, 51 IE 1t.illJr ODol- I--5 ~~ ~ p~ 2- \ D~.;;L1 ~ ACTUAL TOP OF ROOT FLARE Remove any extra soil placed on top of buttress roots during nursery digging EARTHEN BERM 3" height Same area as Plant Pit Important note: Root Crown 3" maximum above finish grade FINISH GRADE ~ NOTES PLANT PIT 3 x Diameter of Root Ball . Trees planted too deeply will not be accepted. . Remove burlap from top of root ball. ...!I, 'r- or 36" minimum (Whichever is greater) TREE PLANTING - B&B or Container At Seeded Area ACTUAL TOP OF . ROOT FLARE Remove any extra soil placed on top of root flare during digging. Set top of root flare at eXisting grade. Construct water basin- 100mm minimum depth. BROWSE PROTECTOR with stake MULCH 6" thick Same area as Plant Pit FINISH GRADE TOPSOIL (Or Native Soil, per Drawings) BACKFILL Topsoil, Tamp in TOPSOIL Compacted NTS TREE STAKES Stake as specified. Parallel and plumb. Do not pierce root ball. Stain as specified. MULCH Hold mulch away from trunk TREE TIES One tie per stake, fastened to stake. See specifications BACKFill. Amended and conditioned soil, tamped in COMPOST EROSION CONTROL BLANKET at seeded areas (or mulch, per drawings) / /'" COMPOST EROSION CONTROL BLANKET Where indicated CUT FINISH GRADE 1:5 H:1V maximum FINISH GRADE 1:5 H:1V maximum '" 12" ~ . 'f /l , rootball " ~ to- 12" · diameter. · / Fill . EXISTING SLOPE , . I .45 m bench where existing slopes exceed 3H:1V TREE PLANTING On S O)eS THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCATION Z~\OBDP - Wlllomette River Brrdge\CAD\ NTS TREE SEEDLING MULCH 4" thick. Hold mulch away from stem ~ I I ............~........ ,. ......, ....... ......, .... ...~ .............................. ................................ .' ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... . ......, iii~1I i- Specified Fertilizer If any BROWSE PROTECTOR 4 x 30 Inches with stake Place root collar above grade. NATIVE SOIL BACKFILL Firmly Pack Soil Around Seedling. Do not bend or break roots. No "J" or "L" roots. SHRUB PLANTING - Bare Root or Seedl'ng NTS MULCH 4" thick Hold mulch away from plant stem BACKFILL Amended and conditioned soil, tamped in SUBGRADE - ~\ 14" diameter mulch circle in seeded areas NOTES . Shrubs planted too deeply will not be accepted. BROWSE PROTECTOR See Specifications Set plant above finish grade Do not set plant more than 1 inch above finish grade. PERMANENT SEEDING (Or mulch, per Drawings) FINISH GRADE TOPSOIL (Or Native Soil, per Drawings) .. l' NTS SHRUB PLANTING - B&B or Container 31-JUL Y-2009 10~OO AcMc 7r' 0 ~EGO ~)EPART "'ENT OF TRANSPOR-A- ON C CAMERON · McCARTHY GILBERT &SCHEIBE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS LLP Tel 54) 485-1385 Fax 541 485.1389 officec cmplLCOm 1-5: W . LAMETTEt VE~: B ~ )GE - BU ~ ).E 220 PACIFIC :HIGHWAY LANE COUNTY Design Team Leader - Justin Lanphear Designed By - Justin Lanphear Drafted By Kell y Densmore!, Lauren Worl and!, Jason Koch SHEET NO. PRE-SUB MITrAL f?:C'l).. AUG 2 1 200~1 - U ~ 3 3 .A ~ lSCA)E -).A ~ ) .A ~T ~~G lET AILS File No. Insert 75-80% of total cutting length into soil. Tamp ground firmly after installation to eliminate air pockets. Cut top square for easier installation. Protect top from splitting. Insert cutting with buds (2-3) pointing up. Clump and scatter plants so that average planting density is equivalent to grid spacing. Typical D.C. (On Center) planting grid . FINISH GRADE ~ .. - Distance from edge of paving is ( min.1/2 the specified a.c. spacing unless otherwise noted. , r- O)(j) c:-- .- ...J 0...... as c: Q.as 00 - .0. {)(1) .(1) 000 .' ~ . EDGE OF PAVING Cut end to a point for easier installation \t I "/ - , I Trim off branches with clean cuts. ~'" Randomly mix plant species. Offset plants to avoid straight rows. Note: Cut live cuttings in 2011-4011 lengths, from %"-2" diameter stock within 20 miles of site. Perform cutting and installation within 24 hours. Keep cuttings cool and moist prior to installation. . SHRUB ROOT BALL HANDOM PlANflNG PAil ERN (1\ NTSe PLANT CUTTING INSTAllATION NTS TRIANGLE SPACING NTS IMPERVIOUS SURFACE Flow --....... < PROPOSED TREE Fraxinus latifolia WATER QUALITY SEEDING \ Length .... .... TOPSOIL , 1"d;/ oo~ ~OWdi~:itt/~o / / /'/ / / /~/ / ; / / . . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , , , , , ~ , /////// //////////////// ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ , , , ~ , ~ ~ , ~ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , , ~ ~ , ~ , , ~ , , ~ , ~ ~ , ~ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , , ~ ~ , ~ ~ , ~ , , ~ , ~ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ , , ~ , , ~ , , ~ ~ ~ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / , , ~ /" ~" ~ ~ ~ ~.' ~ '- ..c:' ...., -c ~, ( . Clump Plant Spacing Average of 3' o.c. Co ,- Spacing ... .... Between Clumps 3 To 8 Plants Per Clump ~ .t.. r OREGO ~ lEPART .ENT OF TRANSPOR- A- ON ~ 5' -0" NTS C CAMERON · McCARTHY GILBERT &SCHEIBE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS LLP Tel 541 485-7385 Fax 541 485.1389 officcGcmplLCOm t-Il II::R S I'RIP -andsca.Je (7\ NTSe CLUMP PLAN liNG PA'I Il::RN 1-5: w-. .AMETTE ~ VE~: a ~ )GE - au ~).E 220 PACIFIC :HIGHWAY LANE COUNTY Design Team Leader - \.Justin Lanphear Designed By - Justin Lanphear Drafted By - Kell y Densmore, Lauren Worl and, Joson Koch SHEET NO. -.A ~ )SCA)E ).A ~ ) .A ~T ~G )ET AILS PRE.SU8MiITAL ,~EiPO ~ 3 C AUG2 1 2009 THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCATION Z~\OBDP - Willomette River Bridge\CAD\ 31-JUL Y-2009 10~00 AcMe File No. CHECK DAM See Civil Drawings for details regarding height and spacing. . GROUNDCOVERS 6 Rows. 4 inch pots @ 18" triangular spacing. See Planting Scheme for species and dispersal guidelines LARGE SHRUB Cornus sericea See Planting Scheme for dispersal guidelines SMALL TREE: ~ Acer circinatum See Planting Scheme for dispersal guidelines. SHRUB Mahonia nervosa See Planting Scheme for dispersal guidelines MULCH Compost Yard debris, 2" depth. 1" \ SHRUB Rosa nutkana See Planting Scheme for dispersal guidelines. 1" L,~ , ) \ TOP SOIL 18" depth @ bottom 6" depth @ side slopes \JOT ::8: Width Width '" Varies, Varies, l' , , " Width Varies '~ 4' ~ . Install tree stakes and ties as shown in Deciduous Tree Detail. . Stormwater Treatment Facility Landscape guidelines per 100 Sq. Ft.: . 2 large shrubs. 1 small tree (#3 container) . 6 shrubs (#1 container) . Groundcover.(4" pots): 1 per 18 inches, triangular spacing . Trees: Approximately 1 every 30 ft on center ~, 8' VEGEATED SWALE PLANTING SECTION . Y Jlca GROUNDCOVERS 4 inch pots @ 18" triangular spacing. See Planting Scheme for species and dispersal guidelines < LARGE SHRUB Cornus sericea See Planting Scheme for dispersal guidelines SMALL TREE: Acer circinatum See Planting Scheme for dispersal guidelines. SHRUB Mahonia nervosa See Planting Scheme for dispersal guidelines 1" \ SHRUB Rosa nutkana See Planting Scheme for dispersal guidelines. MULCH Compost Yard debris, 2" depth. l , " ~ \ TOP SOIL 18" depth @ bottom 6" depth @ side slopes \JO-=8: 20' 24' " " . Install tree stakes and ties as shown in Deciduous Tree Detail. . Stormwater Treatment Facility Landscape guidelines per 100 Sq. Ft.: . 2 large shrubs 1 small tree (#3 container) . 6 shrubs (#1 container) . Groundcover (4" pots): 1 per 18 inches, triangular spacing . Trees: Approximately 1 every 30 ft on center ~, " RAINGARDEN I EXTENDED DRY DETENTION POND PLANTING SECTION · NTS Y pica THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCATION Z~\OBDP - Willomette River Bridge\CAD\ 31-JULY-2009 10~00 AaMc -J 12' .t.. Min. 5' o.c. spacing between 12"-18" . Bare Root Shrubs ~ land No. 1 Container Vines ~ Plant only Mahonia nervosa (in proximity to P arthenocissus tricuspidata. Plant larger shrubs at a minimum of 5' o.c. spacing from Parthenocissus ~ricuspidata plantings. P lantbed Edge Varies See Planting Plan . ...... / /1 ~'A~ '\ + I ~ .~ ,f .',L 3' 3' 18' SOUNDWALL MAHONIA NERVOSA VINES, NO.1 CONTAINER Parthenocissus tricuspidata SHRUBS, BARE ROOT, 12"-18" See plant legend for species type and dispersal. NOTES . See specifications. . Shrubs planted too deeply will not be accepted. SOUNDWALL PLANTING - . Y Jlca (3 NTS\:.?3D Using only specified groundcover planting within 3'-6' of existing any path. , 3'-6' " - PATH " , TRANSITION ZONE PLANTING - . Y JICa NTS 7r= OREGO ~ lEPA ~T ~ENT OF TRANSPORTA- ON C CAMERON · McCARTHY GILBERT &SCHEIBE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS LLP Tel 541 485-7385 Fax 541 485-7389 offiCCG cmpla.com 1-5: W .LAMETTE ~ VE~: B t )GE - BU ~).E 220 PACIFIC :HIGHWAY LANE COUNTY Design Team Leader - Justin Lanphear Designed By - Justin Lanphear Drafted By - Kell y Densmore9 Lauren Worlandp Jason Koch SHEET .A ~ )SC~)E ).A ',DR- SUOiRr"?A; n"C'D NO. ) .A U ~G )ET AIL" c" ().VI! 'f'\~!C:: 0 . 3 ) AUG 2 1 2009 - a File No. (j) "."- \,: '."..". \: "." :,,> "- \,: \,: '\ \,: \,: ~ '\ \,: \,:' \,:\,:\,: '\ \,: \,:\,: '\ \,: ~ ,~\.:" ~~"..". 0~" Woodland Repair 1: . Area: 4,118 . Topsoil: None . Planting mix to consist of: -Native seedling trees, bore plants, and groundcovers root Plant species list: Seedlino Trees. Deciduous (4.461 Sa. Ft.) Acer circinatum . Shrubs. Bore Root, 12//-18// Cornus sericea Corylus cornuta* Holodiscus discolor Mahonia aquifolium Oemleria cerasiformis Physocarpus capitatus Rosa nutkana Rubus parviflorus Sambucus caerulea* Symphoricarpos albus Spiraea douglasii Groundcovers Care x obnupta** Deschampsia caespitosa** Mahonia nervosa** POlystichum munitum** . **Transition Zone plants. (For detail, see LO.3D) . Irrigation: Hand-water @ '\ J ~ .-/ Install Transition Zone plants within 3'-6' adjacent to 011 paths. (For detail, see Sheet LO.3D) 0)" Woodland Repair 1: . Area: 817 . Topsoil: None . Planting mix to consist of: -Existing vegetation < -::y ::> _A \J ~~~- , JZ ~~ '~_""''''''''''''''''''h'_''~'--=-'''''_''''~ JII \ /;/ 7 / '" ) -...-.......-..... ,t . ~. ,i; \ . .' ,r.!i) ~/. \. /,; . -NOT USED ~ NOT USED EUGENE LAND ~ EUGENE LAND USE ONLY USE ONLY JII } Distribute trees randomly throughout area within tree cloud at overage of 15' o.c. spacing. Plant species with asterisk (*) singly. Plant all other species in clumps of 3-8, at average of 3' o.c. spacing. Distribute single plants and clumps randomly throughout area Distribute randomly )> at overo~e of 31 o.c. spacIng throughout area. **Denotes species to be used in Transition Zones. - L.~.J. .. I IV/' ! 1 I " J ! THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCATION Z~\08DP - Willomette River Bridge\CAD\ -:z ~ r-'~ ( / \ I "~'J(,~:', ) \ I '":J: , f'-'~ F.'~ " ' ~ ., \ .;~.~~. ,~~~~ I I ..-~i;~ ~\\: ~ -.;,(~~t;~ "~(i1;~ , It' ~,1 If#'" :1f: iW,: '''''':1J"t: .~~- /~r,~/~1., l." -}.~'f{ '.<~ : ,~, I '~~.~. l-f,',(f-' \ \ .~;". ;i\<f/ /~ >~.:;~~~, /5 ':}h .~ (..-;; ".1. '\ \ ,. ~}>~(t>~;;: " '\1';: ',~ / ~ ~ ,,~+ -," \ \ \:.\'~<k'*~~ ,f;\:~ /" ~.}.f.- .,' / , ?~ : ./t..{.! . J.~: ** \ \ ;i?!--;~; .. ~'<~~:i.\"''\.'l "$(t,~~(~t _^, ) , ,...... ,:'~~.::-.., ~ ... .. - \ \ ;~~~---:jr' ~,~~ \ \ ...,1 ,i)i {#l-'~.'1-.... r . ,-"....... '~.... \ ........ .... I '... ................ : ,/~ '.... , ............ ............ 4111111..r.... ".~.r'.,-.)_.,' I I ....... , ........... "' ." .. , I ./' ',,_...., 4IIIIII..r... "'(.....,....~.'~' . 1'/<"'1) ~'...... "' _" ( ,~ < r) ~. r ~.{>v~l) /~ / .............. ,................, (("V-"k, \. ':.~~\ } ,k.~" t: /' /' ~(/..,....' "- . . (~. ~ ,..r:;..'\...~ ,"V, )/'....1' , ." """,,-r::::<;-:-q\ -, ...., ......... ~";-/ . -.. ~ /.-.J' J, \ /\ .J' ,X/'''' v~ ' ...../ ." t( ~ <:: < >- . ,r-"J'"\.,/ /.... \j,.x'....'... '": ~X""",;-r; \" " / ~-^~:"--l ......... ''''~...r ........A.....l...r ..' \:~~~t""' (JV\j ~ / / [rj~ /.,J"v€~~-v-> (~.,,-)j, /' /, "... ;-,"'i) /.0-'"). " -Y,'/ 'Y;~ ~. / ~ :j (~+r.f;l) {i"~~':: . (\--..,,~ty' ~t{ /' / / l '/' Ct.:~{~ A">"\"i ",J.J !' < ,..t..l l..J / / ~'/ ,il' ...../ . (,~" ' 'l '1 A.I . I ~.'S~~~<!' (J-""-:.; / . t':!;? ~ // // ~ cC,y:-\ (~~--Q r ( 4- ~ IA..F , , ()> 1f~~-."" 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" /./ ~ ,._.,..t:~{!~~?~ ,f v '("vI . / , ....4../. :-' (,i~1 . · /' / ,IV" ,"'-' :1 / :" < (~:) . s / I ["r '\.,,~'; l,.~ . I I ~_.) ,! /'V'') ! / r ') " I ;.:~.<:,/' J {_t >~ i ! / (1 j I ! J '.A.J J I. r..l.v~ r < '.., ..../ '-.AJ /"V-" 1t= OREGON)E 'AR- "EN- 0 : -RANSPOR-A-ION 0' 25' 50' 100' 200' C CAMERON · McCARTHY GILBERT &SCHEIBE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS LLP Tel 541 485.7385 S 160 East Broadway Fax 541 485.7389 Eu,ene, OR 91401 officeocmasla.com 1-5: WILLAMETTE RIVE~: BRIDGE - BU ~ )LE 220 PACIFIC :HIGHWAY LANE COUNTY Design Team Leader - Justin Lanphear Designed By - Justin Lanphear Drafted By - Kell y Densmores> Lauren Worl ands> Jason Koch SHEET NO. .A ~ )SCA)E PLA ~ S ) t ~G: E .) - ~O tT .1' (W . .AMA .ANE )At () _3'00 File No. 31-JUL Y-2009 10~OO AcMe AUG2 1 2009 \\ \ \ \ \ , , '{ ; , \ \\ \\ ;-././././,/ ~~/ ~ \ \ \ \ \ , \ \ k\ ~, '~\ I ~ o \ ?~ ~\ 7\ 7- / e I 1110 \ > J o ) ~ ....J Cl \ > B \ OLVI '-~ o \ ~ J o \ ..., ~ R ~~\ ~ J o \ ~ \? 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Topsoil: 6" · Area Prep Method: F · At embankments and slopes 1V:2H or steeper . Seedina Permanent Seeding #2 with Compost Erosion Control Blanket (1) Filter Strip Stormwater Treatment Planting · Area: 1,270 Sq. Ft. · Topsoil: 18// · Area Prep Method: G · Planting mix to consist of: -Native small shrubs, and Seeding . Plant species list: B&B Trees. 1 1/2/1 Fraxinus latifolia col. Deciduous } Distribute trees evenly at 30/ o.c. spacing throughout area. Do not plant trees within 20/ of light poles. rmm'l lLm_mrJ c\''V'r.-:-'')' .;..,&'?\."") t. .;p ;... '" ( ~h~\..ik...f '1,~, ,:l"~"~\j r'~'~:~2 't'" ,,/;., -0 See din a Seed with Water' Quality Seed Mix o %"'~"'~"'~"""" x,.".........".,....".....,.........,...,..,.......,......,....,.,.......,.....,.........". "" ..",..., '....... '.'...,. ..'..,..'. X:?S:," , ,.......,.... ...,......,. ...."...... .......,.,.. .'...z.x CD ~;4~,1) '.~~I) ",l-'/-l f_(_.~)~]...\ /''V'" .. 1-~ Existing Wetland - No Work Zone · Riparian Forest Planting acceptable within existing wetland · Plant quantities, species and spacing provided under Riparian Forest planting scheme. 7r= 0 ~EGO ~ )EPART v1ENT OF TRANSPOR- A-ON / =-y :> _A \1 C CAMERON · McCARTHY '\ 'J GILBERT &SCHEIBE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS LLP Tel 541 485.1385 Pax 541 485.1389 offiCCG cmasla.com L3110 L3.2 ......,. .... ~....~......:..............;"........_..-......_....".,',.. .. -.. z- I ! /Ii I ! I !! THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCATION Z~\OBDP - Willomette River Bridge\CAD\ 0' 25' 50' 100' 200' 31-JUL Y-2009 10~00 AaMa 1-5: w- .~AMETTE ~-VE~: B t )GE - BU ~).E 220 PACIFIC :HIGHWAY LANE COUNTY Design Team Leader - Justin Lanphear Designed By - Justin Lanphear Drafted By - Kelly Densmore!, Lauren Worland, Jason Koch SHEET NO. .A ~DSCA)E )LA ~ S ) ~ ~G-:E ~) - SOUT i aM " R~'~ a ,. File No. CD I II II II II II I I II II II II II I I II II II II II I General Planting 1 - Soundwal/: · Area: 3,800 Sq. Ft. · Topsoil: 12" · Area Prep Method: A · Planting mix to consist of: -Native seedling trees, container plants, groundcovers and non-native vines @(j) . Plant species list: Seedlino Trees" Decid./Everareen Acer circinatum "' Acer macrophyllum Alnus rhombifolia Fraxinus latifolia ThuJ-a plicata _.. /~ r- I~-l L:#. .< /1 r'o C -....-...-....-....-....-....-....-....-....-...-....-...,-...-...._....~_...._............-8-................_..........._..........._....,......, /~ [:," .............-............-........,..-..........-...... /~ ,..,. -.............---......u......_nu......_.........._ A {:." ..., .-.....'.......-............-.............-...... /\ C -...........-...........---...........--............- ,.l:\ r- !.:.-. .......-............---............----..............--............ I~\ '............-............---.............. (2200 So. Ft.) Distribute trees '- randomly throughout r area within tree cloud at average of 15' o.c. spacing. ._n /~ I~" ..~ ~.~ ~ .,...-. A t.: ....-..'-...-...'-...._...._...._..._...._..._...._,..._..._...._...._...~..._..... ~ ,j''V".>- ' - h<..~ >< ~,..; -........--......--.........-........--... A f.~~" .....................---...........-........--.........-.........-..-...."......... 14 '. " /, ......- - \.-> /'.. -........--............-........--........--........--......... J4 E ........... .........-........-........--...........-........-.... /:.\ l~.::' : '.' I II II )11 II ....~......._........_.....~........_........ ..., A E..... ...,... ........ ..........-.........-A E.' .........-........-........-........_.... :.' II I 11111' II II I .11 'l~I~~~ ....--...!I!!I!!!!P_-_ ~:~:: .~R~~~-~!.~:~. I ~..!~..!.~.~!;!~!~!~~~~~!!!~!~r:rlllllllll 11'(1" II .-1 "III'~I~ : .. ......:...... ......................... ~ ..ll~~ II II KJ4.. ~'~:=-~.~~,=.~.~. .1 ~ ~ ~ ~ U ~ n ~ j ~ ~ ~ tt ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ j ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ j ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ 1 ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ j ~ j ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ j ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ j ~ 1 ~ j ~ ~ j j ~ ~ ~ ~ 7? j n 1 - ...-. .. '...... . " . '. '.' - . . . . . . . .' .~......:..... : . , ..:......::........ -".. ............. -------------- J :E Shrubs" Bare Root" 12/1-18/1 Cornus sericea ~ Mahonia aquifolium Phi/ade/phus /ewissii ,--, Physocarpus capitatus / Rosa nutkana Spiraea douglasii Symphoricarpos albus --./ ::..--- ...:::::::::~~ ...~~ ..-=:::-. m..=~' ~..-. .-....... "."...:~.. _.:~. ..~~. ~......<..... "'- ............................. :E -'''- '-..- -'''- -....- .....:='- -=::.:- -~:::::::."" -:::::::::.... _:.~.:=.... ..~.. _.....~ ..=.. ~':.'.~ .....;"--.......::::'''- Plant species in clumps of 3-8, at average of 3' o.c. spacing_ Distribute clumps randomly throughout area - - - - - - - - - - ..... - .1:. .L - - - ~. - . - ... ...... -........ -.......... .........-........-.. "-.. . ..........--. '-,0-.,. ._....... __ _...... ... --........- ..........- ...- ... ~...,.,., ...........~ .-...... -.......... -.-........---- ...................... 3'~" -...-.~.. :.:= =:. .=-:. :::::::= .~.= :...........: .-:=-"'- '-..- ::.:......._ .::=:: =:= .::~".-:"'_ :::..._ :.::........... =--= ::.:= .~..:. .:::::::.:...-:- =- ;.~.. -...- ..~.. -...- -,....- -................. ..............- ... Plant two at average of 15' } O.c. spacing, between pairs, along the edge of soundwall. Groundcovers } . . Mahonia nervosa DIstrIbute randomly at average of 3/ o.c. spacing throughout area. Vines" Bare Root. =#= 1 cont. Parthenocissus tricuspidata '" ~ -...""'""'- -"- '- -..-...... ~....-. ...........- "-.. -.. ---'" ..... ..-................ .........""'""-" "''''''''''- ... -"'- -"'- "-... ... .............._ ......n................ """"""""- "-...... ........- "n. -.......... -"'- u.... ........................ ..........- ... ..-..~ -......... -"'- --....-........ ---........ ...................." -.....- @ .. . <0> .. .. .. '" '.' <0> .. . . . . . . . . . . ......... .......... . . . . . . . . . It . . . . . . . . Ii . . . . . . . . . , . . . . .. . . Ii .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rough Grass - Gentle Slopes: . Area: 9200 Sq. Ft. · Topsoil: None . Area Prep Method: D Seedino: Seed with Permanent Seedmix =#= 1 < ~Y:J _A \j 7i o ~EGO ~ lEPART ~ENT OF TRANSPOR"'A"'ON 0' 25' 50' 200' C CAMERON · McCARTHY GILBERT & SCHEIBE LANDSCAPB ARCHITBCTS LLP Tol 541 485.1385 Fax 541 485.138~ officc@cmpla.com 'L3l!O 'l~.J. 1-5: W . .AMETTE ~ VE~: a t )GE - au ~).E 220 PACIFIC :HIGHWAY LANE COUNTY 100' Design Team Leader - Justin Lanphear Designed By - Justin Lanphear Drafted By - Kell y Densmare9 Lauryn Warl andp Jason Koch SHEET NO. /I~I .. :z:. -IIA ~ )SCA)E ).A ~ RE(~JD AUG2 1 2009 _ 3 D 2 THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCATION Z~\OBDP - Willomette River Bridge\CAD\ 31-JUL Y-2009 10~00 AcMc File No. ""'-- (j) f' o ~N l~l)~~l'J'!~t[Jjltim ~jJ~ ~~,];l:~ ~1 ~ ~ ~11 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~: ~ . . I' ~<4 ~.~ ;<: ,,;r.::. . . . ."'~~{~ . . .~~~~.. ~...~~~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'?'~~~~ "M . .~4 0 . .~ ........ ~~..l~' . . . . . . . . . . . '.;ff" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 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J..~''':';r.J.\. 1~.;.:'~'.{:'l.1,.....,._ /''r~ >.~V <::y :)_A\J 7t= OREGO ~ )EPART~ENT OF TRANSPOR-A-:- ON 0' 50' 200' CAMBRON · McCARTHY GILBBRT &SCHBIBB LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS LLP Tel 541 485-1385 Fax 541 485-1389 officcCll cmpla.com 160 East Broadway Eusene, OR 97401 ,..--...... L3.0 l~._1. 1-5: W . .AMETTE ..~ VE~: a ~ )GE au ~ ).E 220 -L3112 .........,. c... PACIFIC :HIGHWAY LANE COUNTY ~..,.:::-::....::.:....h.... y, .~~.\, _,1 NOT USED EUGENE LAND USE ONLY 25' 100' Design Team Leader Justin Lanphear Designed By Justin Lanphear Drafted By Kell y Densmore, Lauren Worl and, Jason Koch SHEET NO. ~-~ r, // / ! Vi I :: j f ! ff - -z: .A ~ )SCA )E ) .A.~ PRE..SU l\ll1TIAl R EC:' 0 AUG 2 1 2009 _3a3 THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCA TION z~ \OBDP Willomette River Bri dge \CAD\ 31-JUL Y -2009 1 O~ 00 AcMc File No. -- PL AN / 1NG SCHf /!/f for Sheet L3.3 CD 111111111111 111111111111 111111111111 @~ 0mM o + + + + + + + + + .+++++++++ + + + + + + + + + .+++++++++ + + + + + + + + + .+++++++++ + + + + + + + + + . . . . . . . . .. General Planting 1 - Soundwall: · Area: 1110 Sq. Ft. · Topsoil: 12" · Planting mix to consist of: -Native and non-native container and vines . General Planting 2: · Area: 5,421 Sq. Ft. · Topsoil: None · Planting mix to consist of: -Native seedling trees, bare live cuttings, and Seeding Plant species list: Deciduous trees 1 Acer macrophyllum Alnus rhombifolia Fraxinus latifolia root plants, tubelings, General Planting 3: · Area: 10,370 Sq. Ft. · Topsoil: 12" · Planting mix to consist of: -Native seedling trees, bare root plants, tubelings, live cuttings and seeding Riparian Planting: · Area: 7115 Sq. Ft. · Topsoil: 12" · Planting mix to consist of: -Native seedling trees, bare root plants, tubelings, groundcovers, and Seeding plants . Plant species list: Seedlina Trees. Decid./Everareen (600 Sq. Ft.) Acer macrophyllum ~ Distribute trees Alnu~ rh?mbifolia )> randomly throughout Thuja pllcata -/ area within tree cloud at average of 15' o.c. spacing. 1/2" col. (1.662 Sq. Ft.). -.... Distribute trees randomly >- throughout area within tree cloud -/ at average of 3D' o.c. spacing. . Plant species list: Deciduous trees 1 1/2" col. (4.580 Sq. Ft.) Acer macrophyllum* ~ Distribute trees randomly Alnus rhombifolia* throughout area within tree cloud Fraxinus latifolia* )> at average of 301 O.c. spacing. Do not plant species with asterisk (*) within 30' of overhead power lines. (4.580 Sa. Ft.) -./ · Plant species list: Seedlino Trees. Deciduous (2565 Sa. Ft.) Acer circinatum ~ Distribute trees Acer macrophyllum randomly throughout Alnus rhombifolia >- area within tree cloud Fraxinus latifolia at average of 15' o.c. Populus trichocarpa --/ spacing. j Plant species in clumps of 3-8, at average of 3' o.c. spacing. Distribute clumps randomly throughout area. Seedlina Trees. Decid./Everqreen (1.662 SQ. Ft.) Acer macrophyllum } Distribute trees ran domly Acer circinatum throughout area within Fraxinus latifolia tree cloud at average of 15' o.c. spacing. Shrubs. Bare Root. 12"-18~ Amelanchier alnifolia* Cornus sericea Corylus cornuta* Holodiscus discolor Oemleria cerasif ormis Philadelphus lewisii Physocarpus capitatus Rosa nutkana Rubus parviflorus Sambucus cerulea* Symphoricarpos albus Spiraea douglasii Seedlina TreftS. Decid./Everareen Acer circinatum ~ Acer macrophyllum* Alnus rhombifolia* Fraxinus latifolia* Distribute trees randomly throughout area within tree >- cloud at average of J 51 o.c. spacing. Do not plant species with asterisk (*) within 30' of overhead power lines. Shrubs. Bare Root. 12"-18"\ Amelanchier alnifolia* Cornus sericea Oemleria cerasiformis Physocarpus capitatus Rosa nutkana Rubus parviflorus Sambucus cerulea* Symphoricarpos albus Spiraea douglasii Plant species with asterisk (*) singly. )> Plant all other species in clumps of 3-8, at average of 31 o.c. spacing. Distribute single plants and clumps randomly throughout area Shrubs. Bare Root. 12//-18// Cornus sericea Mahonia aquifolium Philadelphus lewissii Physocarpus capitatus Rosa nutkana Spiraea douglasl? Symphoricarpos albus ~ Vines, Bare Root. =11= 1 cont. Parthenocissus tricuspidata Plant two at average of 15' o.c. } spacing, between pairs, along the edge of soundwall. Plant species with asterisk (*) singly. Plant all other species in clumps of 3-8, at average of 3' o.c. spacing. Distribute single plants and clumps randomly throughout area. Deciduous Trees. # 1 cont., Fraxinus latifolia* Quercus garryana* -./ J , Install cuttings randomly at )> wettest areas at an average of 10' o.c. sapcing. ...../ Shrubs. Bare Root. 12"-18'~ Amelanchier alnifolia* Cornus sericea Corylus cornuta* Holodiscus discolor Oemleria cerasiformis Philadelphus lewisii Physocarpus capitatus Rosa nutkana Rubus parviflorus Sambucus cerulea* Symphoricarpos albus Spiraea douglasii ) J Groundcovers. =11= 1 cont.. Mahon/a nervosa } Distribute randomly at overage of 3' o.c. spacing throughout area. J Plant species with asterisk (*) singly. Plant all other species in clumps of 3-8, at average of 3' o.c. spacing. Distribute single plants and clumps randomly throughout area } Distribute randomly at average of 6' o.c. spacing throughout area. Plant Cuttinas . Larae (4') Cornus sericea Salix lucida ssp.lasiandra Salix scouleriana Tubelino Plants Lupinus rivularis Plant Cuttinas . Laroe (4') Cornus sericea Salix lucida ssp.lasiandra Salix scouleriana - Install cuttings randomly at >- wettest areas at an average of 10' o.c. sapcing. ..../ Groundcovers. 4" DotS. Polystichum munitum } Distribute randomly at average of 3' o.c. spacing throughout area. Groundcovers: =11= 1 cont.:, Mahonia nervosa } Distribute randomly at average of 3' o.c. spacing throughout area. Seedina. Wetland Seeding Plant Cuttinas . Larae (4') Cornus sericea Salix lucida ssp.lasiandra Salix scouleriana - Install cuttings randomly at >- wettest areas at an average of 10' o.c. sapcing. ...../ Groundcovers: =11= 1 cant!!.. Mahonia nervosa } Distribute randomly at average of 3' o.c. spacing throughout area. 0' 25' 50' 100' 200' 7; 0 ~EGO ~ lEPART\1ENT OF TRANSPOR-A- ON n - ~ CAMERON · McCARTHY GILBERT &SCHEIBE - LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS LLP Tel 541 485.1385 S 160 East Broadway Pax 541 485.1389 Euaene, OR 9740J officc@cmpJa.com 1-5: W-.LAMETTE ~ VE~: Bt-)GE - BU~).E 220 PACIFIC :HIGHWAY LANE COUNTY Design Team Leader - Justin Lanphear Designed By - Justin Lanphear Drafted By - Kell y Densmore9 Lauren Worl and, Jason Koch A ~ )SCA)E ') A ~ PRE.SJ3V1ITI'Al --. · AUG2 1 2009 SHEET NO. _3~ 3A THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCATION Z~\OBDP - WIllomette RIver BrIdge\CAD\ 31-JUL Y-2009 10~00 AaMa File No. H" PLAN/ING SCHf/dt for Sheet L3.3 @ @ o ~ 0;:: IJ;:; 0;:; 0;:; IJ;:; 0- ~.. .. .. .. .. ..' OnO~O~O~O~O~O l' ~. .. ~. .. .. ..,; 0;:0;:0:::0;:0:::0:::0_ Vegetated Swale Stormwater Treatment Planting . Area: 19,980 Sq. Ft. . Topsoil: 12// Planting mix to consist of: -Native seedling trees, container plants and groundcovers Plant species list: Deciduous Trees 1 1/2" cal 15 Fraxinus latifolia* } Distribute trees at 301 o.c,. spacing 15 Amelanchier alnifolia throughout area. Do not plant species with asterisk (*; within 30/ of overhead power lines. #3 Shrubs 25 Acer circinatum 1. Plant every 10' on average. 75 Cornus sericea Do not plant in swale bottom. - # 1 cont. Shrubs Plant 2 Rosa nutkana and 4 Mahonia 400 Rosa ?utkana 1. nervosa every 100 Sq. Ft.. Plant Rosa 800 Mahonla nervosa, nutkana on upper portion of swale ....; slopes. Do not plant in swale bottom. Groundcovers. 4" Dots 2.775 Deschampsia caesPitosa} 2,775 Juncus ensifolius ,.. ......... .. . . . .. .. . . . " .......... ......... ,. .......... ......... '" ............. ......... ... .............. ......... '" .............. ......... '" .............. Rough Gross Seed - Gentle Slopes: . Area: 71,304 Sq. Ft. . Topsoil: None . Area Prep Method: D . Plant species list: Deciduous trees 1 1/2/1 Acer macrophyllum Alnus rhombifolia Fraxinus latifolia Plant 50% of swale with Deschampsia caespitosa and Juncus ensifolius. Fully plant swale bottom at 18"0.c. max. Disperse remaining plants in clumps of 3-5 throughout remaining swale area. col. (1.070 Sa. Ft.) } Distribute trees randomly throughout area within tree cloud at overage of 301 o.c. spacing. Seedina Permanent Seeding # 1 THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCATION Z~\OBDP - Willomette River Bridge\CAD\ (j) @ ~ y ? ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~.~ ~~ ~~ .~ ,~----r.L. ~ Rough Gross Seed - Steep Slopes: . Area: 148,070 Sq. Ft. . Topsoil: 6" . Area Prep Method: F . At embankments and slopes IV:2H or steeper . Compost Erosion Blanket . Plant species list: Seedlina Trees. Deciduous Acer circinatum \ Acer macrophyllum Alnus rhombifolia Fraxinus latifolia Quercus garryana -.-/ (2.951 Sa. Ft.) Distribute trees '- randomly throughout r area within tree cloud at average of 15/ o.c. spacing. Seedino Permanent Seeding =#=2 with Compost Erosion Control Blanket. io, '''1:>:'>io, '''1:>:'>io, '''1:>:'>'10, '" {1:>..1:>~1:>..1:>~1:>..1:>~1:> "'1:> '/1:> "'"j., '/io, "'"1:> '/io, "''10, 1:>1:>1:>1:>1:>(1:>';1:>1:>1:>';1:>~ t1:>t1:>t~t1:>t1:>t1:>t'; Pork Lands - Gentle Slopes . Area: 10,790 Sq. Ft. . Topsoil: None · Area Prep Method: D . Seedino. Seed with Permanent Seed Mix =#=3 0' 25' 50' 100' 200' 31-JUL Y-2009 10~OO AcM" 7i 0 ~EGO ~ lE )ART t1E ~T OF TRANSPOR-A- ON C CAMERON · McCARTHY GILBERT &SCHEIBE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS LLP Tel 54l 485-7385 Fax 541 485.7389 officc@cm.sla.com 1-5: W . .AMETTE ~ VE~: B t )GE - BU ~).E 220 PACIFIC :HIGHWA Y LANE COUNTY Design Team Leader - Justin Lanphear Designed By - Justin Lanphear Drafted By - Kell y Densmorep Lauren Warlandp Jason Koch -.A -~ lSCA)E -) ~A ~~ SHEET NO. 8 ,v1lITA l AUG 2 1 2009 _3~ 3 3 File No. THIS ([) ,(~~&,,' \ \ \ \t~" t:~~,.\{.. <-~ \\ ~ ff ~F~ ,.r',- '" '--.,~~- "l") \ !'(;.w,.,{);. .,.. ) '-'~"'''j''''' 'tSe:'~o/j'- . : Ci';"!.~''''i. '~ ' - '~. ~ I -,.,f' ,v'" , < '-... -r',- ~\r~) . \ '-,,-,,' ;.. ,-~?iiti ( .~. ~ . ~'Wv-., \ '"., r ,- ,~(>:~~$~ 15 , ..~.".'.: rf"~~> r ....J--",j. \ "..k~ ,. J~ i ~ \.;j , 7"'~':'~'~'j.J' ..:,,;f- .'-,,-, 'c~'< ~~r' ,<:-",":j '''''''..J \ \ I .).. ~ t: ,&"\1 }- ...~. '\ (;::.~')- }-~.' ~ '-.\ ~ . ''',. 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A~ ~ - - - - - - -- - EUGENE - CD - @ o ~ t .&~ ~ .&~ ~ .& -~ ~ ~~ f'f ,7 ~ "? "? "? ? -~'-7 ,&~ ~ A~ ~ ~ r A~ ~ A~ ~ .&~ ~ ~ ~~ A~ ~ ~ r A~ ~ .&~ ~ ;;j ~ .&~ ~ A~ ~ .&~ ~ A~ ~ A~ ~ A~ ~ A~ ~ A~ ~ ~~ ,~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ;~ ,~ " ~~ ,~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ,~ ~~ ~~ ,~ ~~ I~ he Af A~ ~ ~ 6$ A~.&~.&~ h~ ~~ h~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ,~ ;1 A_~ ~~ ,e ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~7 ~ ~ :,.. ~ ~ ~...~ ? /. ~ "? ~ ~ ~,&~ ,.~ }. ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ I"'''y-'; ~J"........::&~ ~~ {'~~ ~~, ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ r r ~ ? r ~~ 1...'~~--4~...,,~;~-~~...,,~~,....... ~~ : ~ ~~ f ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~1 ~~ ~~ ~~ 1~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ;.: /. ;.: ~ ~ ~ 1:.' /.. J /. !.: ,. ~ ~ - ~ \ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h ~ ~p ~a ( ~~ #'f ~~ r r ~' ~~ ~f r: ~~ ~~ r r r 1I"'~-"~"'"",...(' #' ~",-...~ ~ ? 1 ;~ ~,..-- ~ ~7~.. ~ h~ ~~ h~ ~~ -A\!.:..-_._.t-'" ~f \ ~~ A~ ". ~~\ i r ~ Jo;'; _Jlr.......f"1,....~,..'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ #' 7 ~" ~ ... ... t'\ <" I~ , '- '" ..., f ~ ~.. ~ ~ ~ ::&~ p' A~ ~1 ~,,; ~~ ., ~f ~~ ~~~ l ( ~ 1....1....4""'... 1 ~ , ~1 ......1\ I " ".. /. r ~ r, ~ , , ~ -;'. "'- ;~... ;~ - ,,~,.~ A~ h'7 h~ ~:, z~...... ' ...~~""_... ~ ~- ~ ~ ~ ,;f "? '- 1~ \ .::&~ /~~:1 ...........'-~ ~ ~ ~ }. ~~ h~ ~ ..&~ ~ ~ r A~ ~ A~ ~ A~ ~ ~~ A~ ~ }. r ~ r A~ ~ A~ ~ ~~ ~ "9 h~ ~ 1~ ~~ A~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ At f..... , ..... ~f : : : : : : : : : ~f / ~ :~ : ~ : : .. . ~(. . ~ @ r.", (.~ "', (-+ ,{ \..."j.J <~y ::> _ A\J 7, o ~EGO ~ lEPART .,ENT OF TRANSPOR-A- ON 'L3~Q 'l~._1. CAMERON · McCARTHY GILBERT &SCHEIBE LANDSCAPB ARCHITBCTS LLP Tel 541 485-7385 Fax 541 485-7389 officc@cmasla.com 160 East Broadway EUlene, OR 97401 1-5: W . .AMETTE ~ VE~: B t )GE PACIFIC :HIGHWAY BU ~ ).E 220 LANE COUNTY ~ ~l..~ L3.3 ".- ,.--. ----- ---- ,~, ..,.,--i.:::~.~.-- J ,~, ,'. '/1// --- ~ _.......?-'W,^v~'.~.NN~~ ~J) ""w~;;;;;::=: ~~~~ ~'" '., W4 I.,' .~ 1I . YJ ~rr A NOT USED EUGENE LAND USE ONLY ) .A ~ ~'7"..':':"-:::-.....'~~ ............. Design Team Leader Justin Lanphear Designed By Justin Lanphear Drafted By Kell y Densmore\> Lauren Worlandp Joson Koch ~~ 50' lOa' 200' 0' 25' aM L R~C'd AUG2 1 2009 SHEET NO. :z:- .. .A ~DSCA )E - ., IJj .I I 1/ I ~ If II I f _3aL. IS THE FILE File No. NAME LOCATION z~ \OBDP Wlllomette River Bri dge \CAD\ 31-JUL Y-2009 10~00 AoMo PLAN/ING SCHf/;ff for Sheet L3.4 CD .~ o General Planting 3: · Area: 16,130 Sq. Ft. · Topsoil: 12// · Planting mix to consist of: -Native B&B trees, seedling trees, bare root plants, tubelings, live cuttings and Seeding Tree species list (Tree Cloud Area: 13,760 Sq. Ft.): Deciduous trees 1 1/2// cal. Distribute trees randomly Acer macrophyllum* } throughout area within tree Alnus rhombifolia* cloud at average of 30' o.c. Fraxinus latifolia* spacing. Do not plant species with asterisk (*) within 30/ of overhead power lines. . Seedling Trees. Decid./Everareen_ Acer circinatum ~ Acer macrophyllum* Alnus rhombifolia* Fraxinus latifolio* >- Oeciduous Trees. =11= 1 cont. Fraxinus latifolia* Quercus garryana* ---./ Shrubs. Bare Root. 12"-18/~ Amelanchier alnifolia* Cornus sericea Corylus cornuta* Holodiscus discolor Oemleria cerasiformis Philadelphus lewisii Physocarpus capitatus Rosa nutkana Rubus parviflorus Sambucus caerulea* Symphoricarpos albus ) Spiraea douglasii Distribute trees randomly throughout area within tree cloud at average of 15/ o.c. spacing. Do not plant species with asterisk (*) within 30/ of overhead power lines. Plant species with asterisk (*) singly. Plant all other species in clumps of 3-8, at average of 31 o.c. spacing. Distribute single plants and clumps randomly throughout area Plant species list: Plant Cuttinos . Laroe (41) Cornus sericea """' Install cuttings randomly at Salix lasiandra > wettest areas at an average Salix scouleriana .J of 10/ o.c. sapcing. Groundcovers. =11= 1 Cont. Mahonia nervosa } Distribute randomly at average of 31 o.c. spacing throughout area. (]) @~. General Planting #4 · Area: 9000 Sq. Ft. ~ . . . . . . . . .+++++++++ + + + + + + + + + .+++++++++ + + + + + + + + + .+++++++++ + + + +'+'+'+'+'+L Riparian Planting: · Area: 29,470 Sq. Ft. · Topsoil: 12// · Planting mix to consist of: -Native seedling trees, bare root plants, tubelings, cuttings, groundcovers, and Seeding . Tree species list (Tree Cloud Area: 4850 Sq. Ft.J: Seedlina Trees. Deciduous Acer circinatum , Acer macrophyllum Alnus rhombifolia Fraxinus latifolia Populus trichocarpa Distribute trees randomly throughout area within >- tree cloud at average of 15/ o.c. spacing. --/ \ Shrubs. Bare Root. 12//-18//. Amelanchier alnifolia* Cornus sericea Physocarpus capitatus Sambucus cerulea* Spiraea douglasii Plant species with asterisk (*) singly. Plant all other species in clumps of 3-8, at average of 3/ o.c. spacing. Distribute single plants and clumps randomly throughout area. )> / Tubelina Plants } Distribute randomly at average of Lupinus rivularis 6/ o.c. spacing throughout area. plant Cuttinos . Larqe (4'J, Cornus sericea Salix lucida ssp. lasiandra Salix scouleriana - Install cuttings randomly >- at wettest areas at an average of 31 o.c. sapcing. -/ Groundcovers. 4// Dot Polystichum munitum } Distribute randomly at average of 3/ o.c. spacing throughout area. Seedino Wetland Seeding 2;~~"'.~:' ::;:::i ;~! "~~,~ ~: Pond Bottom Planting · Area: 1,260 Sq. Ft. · Topsoil: 12// · Plant species list: Groundcovers. Wetland Bare Root Juncus ensifolius }Distribute randomly at average of Carex obnupta 31 o.c. spacing throughout area. See din 0 Wetland Seeding THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCATION Z~\08DP - Willomette River Bridge\CAD\ @~~ (j) ~ Stream Restoration (Bottom) · Area: 4,370 · Topsoil: 12// · Planting mix to consist of: -Native seedling trees, bare root plants, tubelings, cuttings groundcovers, and Seeding Rearing Pond (Side Slopes) · Area: 2,835 Sq. Ft. · Topsoil: 12// · Planting mix to consist of: -Native seedling trees, bare root plants, tubelings, groundcovers, and Seeding . Plant species list: . Plant species list: Seedlino Trees. Deciduous Acer circinatum ~ Alnus rubra Fraxinus latifolia Plant species with asterisk Shrubs. Bare Root. 12//-18//.' (*) singly. Plant all other Amelanchier alnifolia* species in clumps of 3-8, Cornus sericea fat average of 3/ o.c. Sambucus caerulea* spacing. Distribute single Spiraea douglasi; plants and clumps randomly throughout area. } Distribute randomly at average of 91 o.c. spacing throughout area. (1810 So. Ft.) Distribute trees randomly )>. throughout area within tree cloud -/ at average of 15/ o.c. spacing. Tubelino Plants Lupinus rivularis Shrubs. Bare Root. 12// - 18//. Cornus sericea , Oemleria cerasiformis Distribute randomly at Physocarpus capitatus >- average of 3' o.c. spacing Rosa nutkana throughout area. Rubus parviflorus Spiraea douglasii ---./ plant Cuttinqs . Laroe (4/) Salix lasiandra }. Install cuttings randomly at Salix scouleriana wettest areas at an average of 3/ o.c. sapcing. Tubelina Plants Lupinus rivularis } Distribute randomly at average of 61 o.c. spacing throughout area. (;roundcovers. 4//Dots Polystichum munitum Juncus ensifolius } Distribute randomly at average of 3/ o.c. spacing throughout area. Plant Cuttinas . Laroe (41). Cornus sericea """' Install cuttings randomly at Salix lucida lasiandra > wettest areas at an average Salix scouleriana -/ of 31 o.c. sapcing. Seedinq Seed with Wetland Seeding (Jroundcovers. Wetland Bare Root. Carex obnupta ~ Deschampsia caespitosa Distribute randomly at Juncus ensifolius >- average of 3/ o.c. spacing Plagiobothrys figuratus throughout area. @~. Existing Wetland - No Work Zone · Riparian Forest Planting acceptable within existing wetland · Plant quantities, species and spacing provided under Riparian Forest planting scheme. J Seedina Wetland Seeding A' 25' 50' laO' 7r OREGO.~ lEPART v1ENT OF TRANSPORT AT ON C CAMERON · McCARTHY GILBERT &SCHEIBE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS LLP Tel 54l 485.7385 Fax 541 485.7389 officcGl cmpla.com 1-5: W- .LAMETTE ~-VE~: B t )GE - BU ~).E 220 PACIFIC :HIGHWA Y LANE COUNTY 200' Design Team Leader - Justin Lanphear Designed By - Justin Lanphear Drafted By - Kell y Densmore9 Lauren Warland9 Jason Koch SHEET ) A fRE-SUBMIT'AI. REC'D NO. .A ~ )SCA 'E. AUG 2 12009 _ 3 ~ L A 31 JULY 2009 10~00 AaMa File NQ._ PL AN lING SCHI-./I/E for Sheet L3.4 @ @ h '", 1:> ?-}, ''''1:>?- h '''' 1:> ?- h '''' ;1:>1-,1:>;1:>1-,1:>;1:>1-,1:>;1:> "1:> "1:> "1-, "1, "1, "i-, "i-, 1:>1:>1:>1:>1:>'1:>'1:>'1:>'1:>' f1:>t1:>f1:>t1:>f1:>t1:>f1:> Pork Lands - Gentle Slopes . Area: 35,090 Sq. Ft. . Topsoil: None . Plant species list: Deciduous Trees. # 1 Acer macrophyllum Alnus rhombifolia Fraxinus latifolia Quercus garryana )> @ cont. (2645 Sa. Ft.) \ ~ ~ v ... ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~p ~ ~ ~ <~ i~. .!~ Rough Gross Seed - Steep Slopes: . Area: 111,860 Sq. Ft. . Topsoil: 6// . Area Prep Method: F . At embankments and slopes lV:2H or steeper . Compost Erosion Blanket . Plant species list: Seedlina Trees. Deciduous (2.951 Sa. Ft.) Acer circinatum Acer macrpphyllum Alnus rhombifolia Fraxinus latifolia Quercus garryana Seedina Permanent Seeding #2 with Compost Erosion Control Blanket Filter Strip Stormwater Treatment Planting . Area: 1,775 Sq. Ft. . Topsoil: 18// . Area Prep Method: G . Planting mix to consist of: -Native small shrubs, and Seeding . Plant species list: Deciduous trees. 1 1/2 Fraxinus latifolia } Distribute trees at 30/ o.c. spacing throughout Seedino area. Wetland Seeding THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCATION Z~\OBDP - Willomette River Bridge\CAD\ Deciduous trees 1 1/2// col. Acer macrophyllum Alnus rhombifolia Fraxinus latifolia J Seedino_ Seed with Permanent Seed Mix #3 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . << ......... . . . . . . . . . << . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . << . . . . . . . . . '-'-' .-........... Rough Gross Seed - Gentle Slopes: . Area: 65,160 Sq. Ft. . Topsoil: None . Plant species list: Deciduous trees 1 1/2// Acer macrophyllum Alnus rhombifolia Fraxinus latifolia Distribute trees randomly throughout area within tree cloud at overage of 30/ O.c. spacing. (j]) cal. (4160 Sa. Ft.J. ~ Distribute trees randomly >- throughout area within tree cloud at average of --/ 30/ O.C. spacing. Seedina Permanent Seeding =#= 1 @ I I I I I 1-1-1-1-1- -1-1-1-1-1 1-:-1-:-1-:-1-:-1-:- @ ~YyYyYyYyYy~ Jl.uYuYuYuYu~ Riparian Forest: · Area: 30,115 Sq. Ft. · Topsoil: None · Area Prep Method: B · Planting mix to consist of: -Native seedling trees, bare root plants, container trees, tubelings, groundcovers, and Seeding Stream Restoration (Side Slopes) Total Area: 7,980 · Topsoil: 12// Top of Bank Areas · Area Prep Method: G Shrubs. Bore Root. 12// - 18// Cornus sericea - Plant @ Bottom of side slope Oemleria cerasiformis - Plant @ Top of bank areas Physocarpus capitatus - Plant @ Top of bank areas Rosa nutkana - Plant evenly @ top of bank areas and bottom of side slopes Rubus parviflorus - Plant evenly @ top of bank areas and bottom of side slopes Spiraea douglasii - Plant @ bottom of side slopes . Tree species list (Tree Cloud Area: 24,500 Sq. Ft.): Deciduous trees 1 1/2/1 cal. Acer macrophy//um } Distribute trees randomly Alnus rhombifolia throughout area within Fraxinus latifolia tree cloud at average of 30/ o.c. spacing. Deciduous Trees. # 1 Acer macrophyllum Alnus rhombifolia Fraxinus latifolia Quercus garryana cont. '\ Tubelina Plants Lupinus rivularis - Distribute randomly at average of 91 o.c. spacing throughout area at bottom of side slope )> Distribute trees randomly throughout area within tree cloud at average of 15/ o.c. spacing. plant Cuttinas . Laroe (4/~ Cornus sericea Salix lasiandra Salix scouleriana Seedlina Trees. Deciduous Acer circinatum Alnus rhombifolia Fraxinus latifolia Populus frichocarpa Quercus garryana ~ Install cuttings between >- each geogrid lift at a .J spacing of 61 o.c. ./ " Shrubs. Bare Root. 12//-18// Amelanchier alnifolia* Mahonia aquif olium Rosa nutkana Rubus parviflorus Symphoricarpos albus (Jroundcovers. 4/1 Pot Polystichum munitum - Distribute randomly at average of 31 O.c. spacing throughout area. Plant species with asterisk (*) singly. Plant all other "-- species in Clumps of 3-8, ( at average of 3' D.C. spacing. Distribute single / plants and clumps randomly throughout area Groundcovers. # 1 Cont. Aqueligia formosa** Ranunculus occidentalis** Thalictrum occidentale** Tiarella trifoliata** ~ Plant in clumps of 5-10 at an average spacing of >- 2' D.C. Distribute clumps randomly thourghout area. ** Denotes species to be used in Transition Zones. J · ** Transition Zone Plants. (for detail, see sht GN-3B) 7r= OREGO~ )EPART "'ENT OF TRANSPORTA- ON 0' 25' 50' 100' 200' C CAMERON · McCARTHY GILBERT &SCHEIBE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS LLP Tel 54l 485-7385 Pax 541 485-1389 officeGcmpla.eom 1-5: W iI .AMETTE ~ VE~: B ~ )GE - BU ~).E 220 PACIFIC :HIGHWAY LANE COUNTY Design Team Leader - Justin Lanphear Designed By - Justin Lanphear Drafted By - Kell y Densmore!, Lauren Worlandp Joson Koch .A ~ )SCA)E )-.AN 3vl! l !~EC'D S~~~T AUG2 1 2009 _ 3 ~ L. 3 31-JUL Y-2009 10~00 AcMe File No. 1-tJ -._-~ __...m..m.l..mmmm\mmmm t (=.=J...=m=~m~.-:mm:: ~\ t -<~ -........... .~. ............ \ >- \ ~ \ ~ \ L... 1\ ...........\.... .................., .................... .... ........................................................................ 11.-\ \ ~~ I' I i I..... ...... /....\ : .., L- /\ j ............................,............,.......,.............,... ,1-1 1. -- )(, ,-~ ........ ........, ........-.... .-.-.-...... -....L._....._, ..... II .... D - - - - -- \ . .. ~~ 11... ,.,.....(. "''''\., ~ l ( < '.., ~ \..A )~ - ~I'\ / _ Cl M /".~:<'~ /. \ / - Cll'\ / . r-;Y f.~'X~" ~ (~:t+" ~{~~< /"'y7.. \ -.e Z-l ~(..""...~ ~< C. .J..~! a/ ~ i! l"~ ; ,:1 ~ . - < ~YJ _A \ L3.2 ......,.s- -L3.0 -l~.J. \ \..-., \~~ L3.3 ........................... LAND USE ONLY Ii iff j f I ! f I ! ~ .. z THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCATION Z~\OBDP - Willomette River Bridge\CAD\ PI ANI ING SCHF/;/F .~ ~~ General Planting #4 - Groundcover . Area: 1500 Sq. Ft. · Topsoil: 12'/ · Area Prep. Method: A · Planting mix to consist of: -Native groundcovers General Planting #4 - Large shrub layer · Area: 5500 Sq. Ft. · Topsoil: 12// · Area Prep. Method: A Planting mix to consist of: -Native seedling trees, bare root plants, and cuttings. . Plant species list: Tubelina Plants Lupinus rivularis . } Distribute randomly at average of 6' o.c. spacing throughout area. Tree species list (Tree Cloud Seedlina Trees. Deciduous. Acer macrophyllum Alnus rhombifolia Fraxinus latifolia Area: 1655 Sq. Ft.): Distribute trees randomly throughout area within tree cloud at average of 15/ o.c. spacing. ~ Groundcovers. # 1 cont.} Distribute randomly at average of Mahonia nervosa 3' o.c. spacing throughout area. > -/ . Plant species list: \ Shrubs. Bare Root. 12// - 18//. Cornus sericea Corylus cornuta* Holodiscus discolor Oemleria cerasiformis Philadelphus lewisii Physocarpus capitatus Rhododendron macrophyllum Sambucus cae rule 0* Spiraea douglasii Plant species with asterisk (*) singly. Plant all other )>species in clumps of 3-8, at average of 3' o.c. spacing. Distribute single plants and clumps randomly throughout area ... .,. ... .,. ... ... .,. ... ... .,. ... r- + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ~+4+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.: J General Planting #4 - Medium shrub layer · Area: 2000 Sq. Ft. · Topsoil: 12// . Area Prep. Method: A Planting mix to consist of: -Native seedling trees, bare root plants and Seeding Plant Cuttinos . Laroe (4/). Cornus sericea ~ Install cuttings randomly at Salix lasiandra >- wettest areas at an average Salix scouleriana..../ of 10' o.c. sapcing. . Plant species list: ~ Shrubs. Bare Root. 12//-18// Rosa nutkana Rubus parvif/orus Symphoricarpos albus Plant species in clumps of >-- 3-8, at average of 3' D.C. spacing. Distribute clumps randomly throughout area ~ 7t= OREGO~ )E)A~T.E~TO:TRANSPOR-A-ON 0' 15' 30' 60' 120' C CAMERON · McCARTHY GILBERT &SCHEIBE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS LLP Tel 541 485.7385 Pax 541 485.1389 officc@cm.sla.com 1-5: W ..AMETTE ~ VE~: B~ )GE - BU~).E 220 PACIFIC :HIGHWAY LANE COUNTY Design Team Leader - Justin Lanphear Designed By - Justin Lanphear Drafted By - Kell y Densmore9 Lauren Worl and, Jason Koch 3MfITAt RECID S~~~T AUG2 1 2009 _ 3 ~ [ C -.A ~-)SCA)E -).A ~ 31-JUL Y-2009 10~00 AcMc File No. IqJ I I I I , I I I I II}) '~., e 'Y-).., ~ 1~, I ./< I I i / I / i I i I i I I I i I I I i I I I I / ...~.._.! ~~ ~~ ~ ~~' ~~ . f' ;., .,' ~ ..k. . A1i!I}' I ' . "Y < @"" ~ '.,'J .A rr"";... t....-....J ",fW'" / ~ ;, .$, ': ~~~ ~ .... '..' .~~ ._ ~~_1tJ~~~~ ~'l~~ ..~, ~~ c\;:.) !' '<../ j............... r ~ I:.{~t~*.) _-~ ( ..... ....~j;~- ~;""~r.7 ~.n\'\<.:\'1 ',' -- -- \A ..---- _.1}\"tC. . ..."..,.,..........""'... \/ \?' \\r" '\ I I I ,""'....../.~....... /~/..v-....r_r...."...y... (' f --...- r"" " 'r'.l,. .,~ ..' J;~~~J--~-~ lJI v'.. ; i l i l i l I "",--- "'" .--~ ...,..-~..,.-. ( ~ / / pi .~~ ...,,,..."""'" ,.,..,...".".,..- .--'" c. .... ~,,,,,,.... ~...- ...,.".,.."".".. .-' /.-'- .......--' -..-' ",/",,,, ....--. /.-",,, .~.....""'- .-/ ",r ,/ ,J'- I b. J.' ( / .1".1".1" I /,/.1" .1"/ / // /'/ , .",.,_..,.. 'r ( .'7...- J./ ~ /Y r j~\ /' ~:::~,.,.../ ,~f.:;~~""., / .1"/' / "_" ".~P~~~-.:::.:.;-;;,:,f.:r~-::=-::;.:;==,:=::;;-:;;=:~,,::'==_~k;t::~,~;?~fJ=~=':"~~,,"7f'tJ---',":-k)~,,=~'''=~,, L.., m __ ' .. '7:" , ~ p/ ,.,. II -...,- ...-.-......-........-. 1S.?i S -'-1 '. 5"......,...........::........ ......- ~, JL.~ ./ \v~. I 1 . /j/ .1"/' ~i). /'// II ! /' h ///.... If r/ff' l! --.,.------_/~.//.-_.-/.-_--. ..' /.,/..-///././/.-/. ;... ~.....' , /iv'R 'J~ !<- ..... /WR.".I CSl1 I ...... CS't' -- - - /,f .//. /.1" ..1" /./'/ .. v' ". v' \./ , , (".-........-...'...l i i ! ; ; L._......_.....J I , r I ! ; i 1 , .....-...'-....) ~; Ii I II I U L..,..._......_.......1 n.... 7; OREGO ~ lEPART ~E ~T OF TRANSPOR~A~ ON <=-y J _A \J ~ ~ .."re 'A_( /~ NOT USED EUGENE LAND USE ONLY z 0' 50' 200' CAMERON · McCARTHY GILBERT &SCHEIBE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS LLP Tel 541 485-7385 Fax 541 485-1389 office@ctDl51a.com 160 East Broadway EUlene, OR 9740J ...:...-:z...:,:;..~................. l3~Q -l~.J 1-5: W . .AMETTE ~ VE~: B ~ )GE BU ~ ).E 220 PACIFIC :HIGHWA Y LANE COUNTY L3.2 ...."""'. .... -- 25' 100' Design Team Leader Justin Lanphear Designed By Justin Lanphear Drafted By Kell y Densmorep Lauren Worlandp Jason Koch SHEET NO. .A ~DSCA)E -).A -~ PRE..SU8M:~. AUG2 1 2009 _3a5 -........................ -- I ! V/ If l ! ! THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCA TION Z~ \OBDP Wlllomette River Bridge\CAD\ 31-JUL Y-2009 10~00 AaMa File No. PLAN/ING SCHF/!/f- for Sheet L3.5 b -L - - ~1.. -*:. . t;;'\ .-. . :-f::: 0J . .: ::~ .-. 0~. 0;:;0;:;0;:;0;:;0;:;0;:;0 U .. I. .. .. .. .. o~o~o~o~o~o~o 1..1 .. .. .. .. .. .. 0;:0:::0;:0;:0;:0;:0 Q) CD I II II II II II I I II II II II II I I II II II II II I Vegetated Swale Stormwater Treatment Planting . Area: 6,630 Sq. Ft. . Topsoil: 12// . Planting mix to consist of: -Native seedling trees, bore root plants, tubelings, groundcovers, and seeding Plant species list: Deciduous Trees 1 1/2" col. 8 Populus trichocarpa Detention Pond Planting (Side slopes) . Area: 43,700 Sq. Ft. . Topsoil: None . Plantmix to consist of: Planting mix to consist of: -Native seedling trees, bore root plants, tubelings, groundcovers, and seeding General Planting 1 - Soundwall: · Area: 10,340 Sq. Ft. · Planting mix to consist of: -Native and non-native container plants and vines · Plant species list: Seedlina Trees. Decid./Everoreen (5650 So. Ft.). Acer circinatum ,Distribute trees Acer macrophyllum randomly throughout Alnus rhombifolia >- area within tree cloud Fraxinus latifolia at overage of 151 o.c. ThuJ'a plicata --/ spacing. General Planting 2: · Area: 34,240 Sq. Ft. · Topsoil: None · Planting mix to consist of: -Native seedling trees, bare root plants, tubelings, live cuttings, and seeding Plant species list: Seedlino Trees. Decid./Evergreen (1560 Acer circinatum ~ Alnus rhombifolia Fraxinus latifolia ThuJ'a plicata . Sa. Ft.) . Plant species list: Seedlino Trees, Deciduous Acer circinatum ~ Alnus rubra Fraxinus latifolia Distribute trees >- randomly throughout area within tree cloud at average of 151 O.c. spacing. . (11,670 Sa. Ft.) Distribute trees randomly >- throughout area within tree cloud at overage of 151 o.c. spacing. Shrubs. Deciduous, #3 Cont. 33 Acer circinatum 1 Plant every 10' on average. 33 Cornus sericea Do not plant inswale bottom. .../ Shrubs, # 1 cont. Plant 2 Rosa nutkana and 4 Mahonia 67 Rosa nutkana "I nervosa every 100 Sq. Ft.. Plant 132 Mahonia nervosa ). Rosa nutkana on upper portion of -J swale slopes. Do not plant in swale Groundcovers, 4// ,DotS. bottom. 850 Deschampsia caespitosa 1 Plant 50% of swale with 850 Juncus ensifolius Carex obnupta and Juncus -J patens. Fully plant swale bottom at 18" o.c. max. Disperse remaining plants in clumps of 3-5 throughout remaining swale area. Shrubs. Bare Root. 12// - 18// Cornus sericea ~ Mahonia aquifolium Philadelphus lewissii \...... Physocarpus capitatus f Rosa nutkana Spiraea douglasii Symphoricarpos albus .-/ ..J Shrubs. Bare Root. 21-31 Corylus cornuta* Holodiscus discolor Sambucus cerulea* Symphoricarpos albus -/ Plant species in clumps of 3-8, at overage of 31 o.c. spacing. Distribute clumps randomly throughout area '\ Shrubs. Bore Root. 21-31. Sambucus caerulea* Symphoricarpos albus Plant species with asterisk (*) singly. Plant all other species in clumps of 3-8, at average of 31 O.c. spacing. Distribute single plants and clumps randomly throughout area '\ Plant species with asterisk (*) singly. Plant all other species in clumps of 3-8, at average of 31 o.c. spacing. Distribute single plants and clumps randomly throughout area Shrubs, Bore Root. 12"-18// Cornus sericea Oemleria cerasiformis Physocarpus capitatus Rosa nutkana Rubus parviflorus Spiraea douglasii j Shrubs. Bare Root. 12//-18//. Amelanchier alnifolia* Cornus sericea Oemleria cerasiformis Philadelphus lewisii Physocarpus capitatus Rosa nutkana Rubus parviflorus Spiraea douglasii Vines. Bore Root. # 1 cont. Parthenocissus tricuspidata Plant two at overage of 15' o.c. } spacing, between pairs, along the edge of soundwall. DotS. } Distribute randomly at overage of 31 o.c. spacing throughout area. / Groundcovers. 4// Mahonia nervosa ~ Plant Cuttinos . Laroe (4') Cornus sericea ~ Install cuttings randomly at Salix lasiandra >- wettest areas at on overage Salix scouleriana -/ of 31 O.c. sapcing. Plant Cuttinas . Laroe (41) Cornus sericea Salix lucid a ssp. lasiandra Salix scouleriana Groundcovers. Wetland Bare Root Carex obnupta Deschampsia caespitosa Juncus ensifolius Juncus nevadensis Plagiobothrys figuratus ~ Install cuttings randomly at >- wettest areas at an average of 10' o.c. sapcing. .../ , Distribute randomly at >- average of 3' o.C. spacing throughout area. (Jroundcovers. 4 liDO t5:. Mahonia nervo5a } Distribute randomly at average of 31 O.c. spacing throughout area. J Seedina Wetland Seeding 1-5: W . .AMETTE ~ VE~: B ~ )GE - BU-~).E 220 PACIFIC :HIGHWAY LANE COUNTY Design Team Leader - Justin Lanphear Designed By - Justin Lanphear Drafted By - Kell y Densmare9 Lauren Warl and, Jason Koch SHEET PRE-SUBMrJA,.RE(:'D NO. .A ~DSCA >E) .A ~ AUG 2 1 2009 _ 3 ~ 5 A 200' 100' 0' 25' 50' File No. 31-JUL Y-2009 10~00 AoMo THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCATION Z~\OBDP - Willomette River BrTdge\CAD\ PL AN / ING SCHF/!/1- for Sheet L3.5 @ @ ~ ~ ~ . . ~ ~ ~ . .+++++++++ + + + + + + + + + .+++++++++ + + + + + + + + + .+++++++++ ~ + + ++++ + + Riparian Planting: · Area: 17,000 Sq. Ft. · Topsoil: 12// · Planting mix to consist of: -Native seedling trees, bare root plants, tubelings, groundcovers, and seeding . Plant species list: Seedlina Trees. Deciduous (4320 Sa. Ft.) Acer circinatum } Alnus rhombifolia Distribu.te. trees randomly throughout Populus trichocarpa area wIthIn tree cloud at overage of 15' o.c. spacing. Shrubs. Bore Root. 2'-3' Sambucus cerulea* Symphoricarpos albus CD @ ::cc~::L ~ . .roL liifltlfY. :~:r:<: . cetcc @ \ Shrubs. Bore Root. 12"-18// Amelanchier alnifolia* Cornus sericea Oemleria cerasiformis Physocarpus capitatus Rosa nutkana Rubus parviflorus Spiraea douglasii Plant species with asterisk (*) singly. ~ Plant all other species in clumps of 3-8, at average of 31 o.c. spacing. Distribute single plants and clumps randomly throughout area iIfl~~~L"'L . Rearing Pond (Side slopes) . Area: 2,520 Sq. Ft. · Topsoil: 1211 · Planting mix to consist of: -Native seedling trees, bore root plants, tubelings, groundcovers, and Seeding . Plant species list: Shrubs. Bare Root. 1211-18// Cornus sericea ~ Oemleria cerasiformis Physocarpus capitatus Rosa nutkana Rubus parviflorus Spiraea douglash. / Plant Cuttinas. Laroe (41) Cornus sericea Salix lucida ssp. lasiandra Salix scouleriana "' Install cuttings randomly at >- wettest areas at an overage of 101 o.c. sapcing. .../ Distribute randomly at >- average of 3' o.c. spacing throughout area. --1 Tubelina Plants. L upinus rivularis } Distribute randomly at overage of 6' o.c. spacing throughout area. Groundcovers. 41' Dot. Polystichum munitum } Distribute randomly at average of 31 o.c. spacing throughout area. Plant Cuttinas. Larae (41) Cornus sericea ~ Salix lasiandra Salix scouleriana Install cuttings randomly at >- wettest areas at an overage .../ of 31 o.c. sapcing. Bare Root: ~ Distribute randomly at >- overage of 31 o.c. spacing throughout area. Groundcovers. Wetland Carex obnupta Deschampsia caespitosa Juncus ensif olius Plagiobothrys figuratus J Seeding Wetland Seeding ? ~t ~t .&~ ~ v {/ ~t ~~ ~ . ~ ~7 ~7 ----....t..L- . ~ See din 0 Wetland Seeding @ :::~tt\~:?:'~i ;\J. 'f~~: Pond Bottom · Area: 6,550 Sq. Ft. . Topsoil: 1211 . Planting mix to consist of: -Native groundcovers and seeding · Plant species list: Groundcovers. Wetland Bare Root. Carex obnupta Juncus ensifolius @ f -k ~ Rough Grass Seed - Steep Slopes: . Area: 28,680 Sq. Ft. . Topsoil: 6// . At embankments and slopes 1V:2H or steeper . Compost Erosion Blanket . Seedino Seed with permanent Seeding #2 with Compost Erosion Control Blanket Seedina Wetland Seeding ~ @ Stream Restoration (Bottom) · Area: 4,430 Sq. Ft. · Topsoil: 121' · Plantmix to consist of: -Native seedling trees, bare root plants, tubelings, groundcovers, and seeding · Plant species list: Shrubs. Bare Root. 21-31 Sambucus cae rule 0* Plant species with asterisk ~ (*) singly. Plant all other species in clumps of 3-8, at Shrubs. Bare Root. 12//-18" "- overage of 31 o.c. spacing. Amelanchier alnifolia* r Distribute single plants and Cornus sericea clumps randomly throughout Spiraea douglasii J area. Do not plant in pools. Tubelino Plants Lupinus rivularis } Distribute randomly at overage of 61 o.c. spacing throughout area. Do not plant in pools. Plant Cuttinas. Laroe (41) Salix lasiandra } Salix scouleriana Groundcovers. 4//00ts: Polystichum munitum Install cuttings randomly at wettest areas at an overage of 31 o.c. sapcing. Do not plant in pools. } Distribute randomly at overage of 31 o.c. spacing throughout area. Do not plant in pools. Seedina Wetland Seeding ... ... .. ... .. .. .. .. ... . . . . . . . . . ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... ......... ~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~i Rough Grass Seed - Gentle Slopes: · Area: 27,730 Sq. Ft. · Topsoil: None · See din a Permanent Seeding =# 1 , ,I " I' " I' II ,I " I' ',1"11,11111,1"1' ',1"1'111111,1,11' , , I , , . I , I . , , , . I , , . I Wetland Seed . Area: 21,220 Sq. Ft. . Native Plant species list: $eedino Wetland Seeding @~ No Work Zone THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCATION Z~\08DP - Willomette River Bridge\CAD\ A' 25' 50' lOa' 200' 31-JUL Y-2009 10~00 AcMc JYYYYYYYYYY) JYvYvYvYvM Stream Restoration (Side Slopes) · Area: 2,630 Sq. Ft. · Topsoil: 12//, top of bonk areas only · Plantmix to consist of: -Native seedling trees, bore root plants, tubelings, groundcovers, and seeding · Plant species list: $hrubs. Bare Root. 21-31 Sambucus caerulea* '\ Shrubs. Bore Root. 12"- 18" Cornus sericea Spiraea douglasii Rubus parviflorus Rosa nutkana Oem Ie ria cerasiformis Physocarpus capitatus Plant species in clumps of 3-8, at average of 31 o.c. ~ spacing. Distribute f clumps randomly throughout area. Do not plant in pools. / Tubelino Plants. L upinus rivularis } Distribute randomly at overage of 61 o.c. spacing throughout area. Do not plant in pools Plant Cuttinas. Laroe (41) Cornus sericea I Plant cuttings between Salix lasiandra >- each geogrid at 0 Salix scouleriana -/ spacing of 61 o.c. Groundcovers. 4" DotS: Polystichum munitum } Distribute randomly at overage of 31 o.c. spacing throughout area. Do not plant in pools. 7i o REGO ~ -)EPA ~T ~ENT OF TRANSPOR- A-ON C CAMERON · McCARTHY GILBERT &SCHEIBE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS LLP Tel 54l 485.7385 Fax 541 485.7389 officoGcmaslLCom 1-5: W . .AMETTE ~ VE~: B ~ )GE - BU ~).E 220 PACIFIC :HIGHWAY LANE COUNTY Design Team Leader - Justin Lanphear Designed By - Justin Lanphear Drafted By - Kell y Densmore9 Lauren Worl and, Jason Koch PRE..SU 3MTTA L .A ~ lSCA)E ).A ~ AUG2 1 2009 SHEET NO. _3D 5 3 File No. ,........................,....,. ..., ...".........."...,....,. ..., ....,.,..... ....... ......,.,'...,., ,...,...,....",...,.... "",- .4 .;.-~., ',..."......,...,.... ..., ...,....",.......... ", '''''''''''''''''''''''' V............." "',-""",..."" i.) 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THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCA TION Z~ \OBDP Willomette River Sri dge \CAD\ 31-JUL Y -2009 10~00 AaMa File No. PLAN/ING SCHf/!/f for sheet L3.6 (j) General Planting 1 - Soundwall: · Area: 6,590 Sq. Ft. · Irrigation · Planting mix to consist of: -Native and non-native container plants and vines · Plant species list: Seedlina Trees. Decid./Everareen (3045 SQ. Ft.) Acer circinatum ~ Distribute trees Acer macrophyllum randomly throughout Alnus rhombifolia )> area within tree cloud Fraxinus latifolia at average of 151 o.c. ThuJ.a plicata J spacing. Shrubs. Bare Root. 12"- 18" Cornus sericea Mahonia aquifolium Philadelphus lewissii Physocarpus capitatus Rosa nutkana Spiraea douglasii Symphoricarpos albus \ Plant species in clumps of 3-8, at overage of 31 o.c. spacing. Distribute clumps randomly throughout area >- J Vines. Bare Root. =11= 1 cont. Parthenocissus tricuspidata Plant two at average of 151 o.c. } spacing, between pairs, along the edge of soundwall. Groundcovers. 4"Dots Mahonia nervosa } Distribute randomly at overage of 31 o.c. spacing throughout area. *See Sheet GN-5C for planting plan guideline. @ l~TTTTT~: Rough Grass Seed - Gentle . Area: 54,550 Sq. Ft. · Topsoil: None . Area Prep Method: D . Plant species list: Deciduous trees 1 Acer macrophyllum Alnus rhombifolia Fraxinus latifolia Slopes: 1/2" col. (2310 Sa. Ft.) ~ Distribute trees >- randomly throughout .J area within tree cloud at average of 301 o.c. spacing. Seedina Permanent Seeding =11= 1 THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCATION Z~\OBDP - Willomette River Bridge\CAD\ G) (J) o;::c;::o;::c;:;o;:;c;:;c' 'o'u~u~u~u~u~u~ n n n n n n II u. I u" LJ II U II U II U 'c' o,.,c,.,o,.,c,.,o....c,., , Vegetated Swale Stormwater Treatment Planting . Area: 10,200 Sq. Ft. · Topsoil: 1211 . Planting mix to consist of: -Native seedling trees, bare root plants, tubelings, groundcovers, and seeding . Plant species list: Shrubs. Deciduous. #3 cont. 25 Acer circinatum } Plant every 101 on average. 75 Cornus sericea Do not plant inswale bottom. Shrubs. =11= 1 cont. Plant 2 Cornus sericea and 4 Rosa 100 Rosa nutkana 1 nutkana every 100 Sq. Ft.. Plant Rosa 400 Mahonia nervosa nutkana on upper portion of swale .J slopes. Do not plant in swale bottom. Groundcovers. 4" DotS. 0 . 1300 Deschampsia caespitosa 1. Plant 50% of swale wdh 1300 Juncus ensifolius Carex obnupta and Juncus .J patens. Fully plant swale bottom at 18"0.c. max. Disperse remaining plants in clumps of 3-5 throughout remaining swale area. ~X::,"" .......'c......c. "., .... ...,.... .....,.. 'Cc .c...., c'.... ...... c.... ....c. .............. ................. ....., ..~.. .... Existing Wetland - No Work Zone 31-JUL Y-2009 10~OO AcMc 7t= OREGO~ )EPA~T.ENTOFTRANSPOR-A-ON C CAMBRON · McCARTHY GILBERT &SCHEIBE LANDSCAPB ARCHITBCTS LLP Tel 54) 485.1385 Fax 541 485.1389 officcGcmssla.com 1-5: W .LAMETTE -~ VE~: a ~ )GE - au ~).E 220 PACIFIC :HIGHWAY LANE COUNTY Design Team Leader - Justin Lanphear Designed By - Justin Lanphear Drafted By - Kell y Densmore9 Lauren Worl and, Jason Koch PRE.SUBVITIAl b S~~~T .A ~ )SCA)E =) -.A ~ AUG2 12009 _3~ 6A File No. r-" I -4 --7 <~'.' m_ 1 Liz ,.. f / ..214 . .' 'U!V[Ofl P/c\{CIFIC RAILF?OAD PROTECl l~/E FEr/elf-IG .,.' ;< ' ~AlILLAI'I1ETT/: RIVER BRIDGF RAILltJG . t0otentla! Aesthetic Enhancement ODPorfutllfY7 ., .' .'. " 7- ~ Potential Aesthetic Enhancement Opportunify\ n.487.55 See Special Note, Sheet LO.2A' .! rVVI~LA!V!ET/ E, R!VER BRIDGE RAILI!vG See Specio/ Note, Sheet LO.2A \ 'Hl~7h ()In+ "'\ :. / . . Poient/ol Aestnetlc Enhancement Opportunity (j; Bent 1 r;; Bent 2; (j; Bent J \, , ~ '. P , f ff Bent 4 FE Bent 5 r;: Bent 6 r~' Bent 7 .' .', 6: Bent 8 . '.:ll? Benl-L () I See r?pec1a./ Note, Sheet LO.2A ..... {..w J_ \, '! -I"L '. " '.' '.,~ .' . 't:. ZJ .! Be n t 10 II 'I ~ \ · .. .' . ' ~ I iT I . . ' . I T' ;,~ ...,1 J. . \ ...;, . I '.\ i Sj}on 1 i Sj)CD 2 ~ \ S'pon ,3 ' I Span 1- I Span 5' ! .Span 6 i .Span l '! / Span 8 i Span 9 i ['10 "'178~26 ~ ~ ~'......,....... , ~ -+- ~ ' . . .,...,... I "T ..,...l ~: ! .. . ___".' u.---' .._ _u_ m m. u_Jm.p....--.u, .'m \ m_U-:_._._ ; ~ - U'.' -:-:-;\-u_u--L,,:-:--~u-:tu~:-- "," ;m:.~:m_t::.u_-Lm"7-'--" .., .._ ,~:, i (/ ,.,fJJ!l!7~t~~~fen..(~'~.?_j -_.._. L ! 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':di. .., . a t1. ..-1 r) ea, t". /.'!r.~J" r ~D1.r /Jrt;f:,) .___)1 .. . ,tdJI;~jf,J,01! I I. J l..J~r...j .. ..', ,\. \ \ \ \ \ "\ c:: i PJ lD[:J' I") A' -1 r~ I r. v.L- ,1..J-tL t r\ \i J.. Ii t;;J jO:'Qrnn,.t [71. i A.Cl rj-b'o}- :rr::..rll...nn[~t::)rr)CJn f l/"\ t:" /""r./." Kif I Q /i'/ I l,. I l.,~J i !! <,Jl HI\:;F(.)I. J ! ~~ ~ I tj' tw.. 1.., /. U d .J.....A .. I,.j. .J \ .J1.7 1..:1 ~:l1 1 ,.A} \! ) ~Y See Spec/of Note, Sheet LO.2A " ,', ,"'. . , ' . '. ...' .'.'.'..'..'. ' ,..'. ".. . .... . ., . .. ' , , , ., ; <, , ,.' . . , ,;,' , " ; , ',,' '" ": , " '. .' . .., ' ..'.."..... ...',... ...'. .................' :- 560 - t::"AI? :::- .....) L/ V :::"'t::?r4 _ ,-,1~V :....'~--. () () - tf-... - c:: 1"."(,);" :::-......Jv .,:: it............ - /10 I~ :::- ..} ~. v - 4.1"';~ :::- .bV. r-, -.. C) _ o~ "f,..;.. tJ :~ ~,$J -- LJ ..". -- 440 - A 0,"':' =- -r-c,. tl . . '. '; zO/q ~.~l ~)l) W '<.6'" r, '\ w.....J 't;/ {Vote: E'I!n,\lA,i',:n,'), .c." 0' e p./?.....erl !..... v, U V Q , /..^', J Vy':"; U' V'ertlcCf/ D(jl{Jrfi~ 1988. on tlTe IVorth IArnericaff f''' -) r """ 7' '-" J om I' ~ 1'("\[1'>"1'-:- r f. tG [jl~\ 1. Lib"!::.. jj.t\ -..;,IFf L liQ}7 J 1 rV J l'Jo[en 11(jI,jA esJI:el/c;f:-nl1(]{'JcsrneniOpPf(!)rfufi ltJ See Speclo/ Note, Sheet L O.2A . "....,' ... . ',' , . : ,; ...'. '.',. ELEVATION View faces east I 0' . 25' 50' 10 lODe {}:~V l~~J/~ r)/~f: f ;:~[t; /?/i't ll.f:?(}AJ) l')f?~')r}:"{:~:T I$./f' l~'F}.tf:~ fiV(; :C-r:t ~~;r(t it;! A :i./~}:~i1'tl(; F l~t;(H}(:t#~:~~~f~ f (){)j;~;t't ~::;it -/ See Special Note. Sheet L Q..2A , , > . y,. i:.f1(Jge '-~':!'t(,ll1"~~' LIrle' if ~." r;:df I::!.. 'd'-"" ~. 1.'~::;:,~J$;t~:;~;.~~ .r\ I 0': I:~' L't' N ,t -;- "oN'.. . .~,,' :....~..-::.. ,.."':. "'..) ..., t ..' . r-:,../' f ~:J ~~.. d.~~'"". //. ~ ,,-' /... / 21 g " ....S:'. l::S~,'''' ~('/.:> ..-/..$ r"/"~ ./ .~~,...:.,;.;- 6 i"~.- .t~;:Ji' (;{if-)'jiJ! (1't..:.\{,k -~,~._. .'--.,-.^v_. '--{ . , ... '. //- ~~7::;;~rA;/i";;:~7~,;::e%~~f ~;:;~~;N .~ l}P, ;r//././ ',", See Special Note. s~eet L.02A "1 ~ 1" , ,;" '--............, ",,,,' ' , , ti.- ,,.'t.~o~..,,, ~r.' I .""- .' .'....v""-"'..,.,'~ .". ..~,_,,__,.., " I'./"./' ~ ~...; ...(./: w? ~ ~7':~:~~L~L: ~:::::: ....// .! ".~,', ' , "'./'(jT'- ~?/ ;h:;i_.n:'f ~';~'J'K I '-,,--..... '.' _ w~..."'......"'..'""-~..w._..,,'"'.,.:-:;:.r<:.~-:.mmm '_mmm~"#".<~,,",,,.," - :;~,~? ....... vv >. "'" . ..'.......'.'.' . /~_"<< ...;,'-: J~-_~~ .,...,.~----~~~"'~.~. .,' ~-:~----~~~~- f -d ;- J rufX= can') . . ! .' ,. ,"-:;.,;: ' ',. . ,'.' :J ; ! ! < / . ,., 'l: ~'.,' , . , .'" W : : : i 'D! Hiount roff, T/,;<), . " , . . !' ;..:::< ..' . ..' (" ;..~ ; ; ,y/ ..' I _'!iL.'7. P.b~~ i ! ..' "'-':~"" ...... ","'. ; ...Y.,'~,.., >":.i*":...)-: 1 < -:>; ~ ""~~'." ",', I,,> ", ,,' ".,.',,< ,,' '/.. ",<,,, .'" .. .,.. ""~"~""";..,,,.,,"'," ' ,,_ ...1...1 f~:::':'~, . ,.'., .'. ," , ,... ' .., .,. , ",. ,.. . :".... <-', '.'~..' '.... j, ,..;;", ,:,." .:f.. . ,.'..... ......r ,d:"', < ,." ,..:J.,~ ":, -:"~ r-','~:::-:': r. " . .,' 1. <,,' .~, J^;/:~ ..; '.E ;. '. ,:.:.< "..:,.. .... Ii' ..' ,'. . f.,. ,', . - ':~'l :',~:>>;" ; ';"', ' " " y" ;:.,. " '. '." </ ." , . ,. .~ ),.:' . ::;,::'" . ',,/" '.,;.... ~ ". ,,"~~~ ':...'-......"..' ..."... ...." '........_,.." . . b{, , " . . .' :,. .' -', . ~ " ' , '.'" '. /'~: . : ',;' ; :' ' , '..' . ;. ',," ..... ........, \. . ., " '"., ....._-,-<~.....-...~-_. ::,,; (': ":.: ' ,,~ .. ; "" . .,,' ." " , " : . '. ' ;:s .'.>.:: . :::\1 .~~ '.., t)ree;(f,<;/ r [(jor beam : ' . <";,?,"" ,,' '. ~~. L IS i--.---- .,,"-=" ___.___~ '" mm. ..,....,.-!.:r::'C.!1Ec.,,,,_.,,,.,.... ....m_......_..m"'m_....._"'._"'...~ f: iN.. :.;f;lJbi .::: )'~ ;' ,u._ !JeOO) ., r o ~EGON DEPAR'" ~EN- 0 : "'RANSPOR-ATIO ~ i:;?1/" f::i,^ 1'(J{f!j~1'(:J/{ , /._{y~ .12"~D" tt}t!.:r(:.'J::Jt~;f; i.:1:~:C ll.;.'";r?:..,,,: ~~~o .r;lrJf;h(oqrt:, (yp. ^', 1 1 ,.SfO{;-.tj j/(lt}~/; ; \ .:::...... ....,....,--~~.... -.."'......: ., . . ' ~'(.o '... :,<, . '.'.0:-' .. .1>7;::>' >> . :~. ,'" N . .x " : .' '.~~)' '.: ... "1f{;'1' .:.,~> 1. It: .I 'i (~.....;.~) r-\ // ~~ i \.. ) /.i '_wim/ . .' ..>, 'ilk.., . j u .~~::. .., .' . ,~,"',"',.<"""/.-i'", . · J __ ,__ .* ~. ,/,/',.;./..s.",' '" . _ \: ' .::..--:.:.-= , .? ":" .,.. \"\\ ::/ ' . '." ..' :,. <.'<"'>m~ ;'f' /.: Y, ~......,.:-~ ty" ~~ /~{Y..::,f3S5 r2f?{'! ~{~'l?f;}{Jti&n' tYJtes ~/~ '..)O~ 1~v-:J;...~ . 11:1: <= ~>'0 ,.,.. c CAMERON · McCARTHY GILDER T & SCHEIBE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS LLP Tel 541 485.1385 160 East Broadway Pax 541 485.1389 EUlme. OR 97401 offieeoCD1ssla.com . ~ ' . ~. ". ~ .~~~.". ; .').' : i",: Y ~ ,. '~~'~;~j s r............... \. ) '.._.........-"-"~~~ ( "\ ) !/__C;1i' :;, ,-.........................."'................... 6"~6'li: '-'. /.'IP. j4 6-" - typ, \()~ \C~'\ '\\()~ <]<(\, ~'0C ~ S'\ .-'0S<V c()\ ()~ ~~\) C()~ ~ \ \" ~ '\ C) ~C) -5: W . .AMETTE ~ VE-~: BR I )GE - au ~ ).E 220 : ,,~.... ';';,: " ,"f.'//'/:""/'C. "}'" . , t ~ rlOt"'e t?,i;:(ft 6<elitS" { f~ I! 5 ~./:/:~D .$'f),O(;'(;:S' fj;:j 1{)J,,^ 71f.e. ..:) .. 5.5..........0~l ! "~; <j,'>; ~i~i PACIFIC HIGHWA Y LANE COUNTY r- 8' 10 16/~ Design T earn Leader - OBEe Designed By - OBEC Drafted By - CMGS/OBEC (};!~1r h:J1'~~l ",'N ", .: ... ..<.,...........~ SECTION (SPAN 8 SHOWN) View faces north I 0' 4' 8' I 16' f3\ e TYPICAL SECTION View faces north I 0' il 4' -~O IT I BOU ~ ) W . .AMETTE -t VE ~ B ~ )1(lE E .EV AT 0 ~S A~) SECTIOIRt 3MrrA~ REGl- aO A S ) ~ ~ G -I EL ) AUG 2 1 2009 SHEET NO. THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCA TION Z~ \OBDP Willomette River Bri dge \CAD\ 31-JUL Y -2009 10~00 AcMc F i/e No. Note: Elevations are based on the North American Vertical Datum, 1988. . CANOE CANAL PATH RAIL Potential Aesthetic Enhancement Opportunity See Special Note, Sheet L 0.2A - 480 - - - - - - - 470 - - - - - - - - - 460 - ""- - - Q.) - - ~ - - - 450 - - - c:: - - - ~ - - - 440 - c:: - - - <) - - ;::: - - - 430 ~ - - :::.. - ~ - - - - lJJ - - 420 - - - - - - - - - 410 - - - - - - - - - 400 - EI. 464.35 Rail transition, see Dwg. RD550 (typ.) (f Bent 1 3'-6/1 Type /lF/I rail, see Dwg. BR290 for details .------ I ~ I. . - ---------------- - '- ~. "Exp -Slope paving. See I ~. - D BR115 120 I wg. ......... . " 1 I ~ - Bark _/ .......... 2 ~~. . a.H.W _Path ~ _--- " "EI 422 O~ --- " '__.. . I _---- - "I -- ---- Patterson Slough "---:;-- ,,/ I' ------.- cone. channel lining. . Slope pavmg. Remove to EI. 425.0 See Dwg. BR 115 Pedestrian Rail. See Dwg. BR246 - PP 24 x 0.500 CANOE CANAL SLOPE PAVING Potential Aesthetic Enhancement Opportunity See Special Note, Sheet L 0.2A See Structure No. 21125. CANOE CANAL PATH RAIL Potential Aesthetic Enhancement Opportunity See Special Note, Sheet L 0.2A -CANOE CANAL SLOPE PAVING Potential Aesthetic Enhancement Opportunity See Special Note, Sheet L 0.2A -Patterson Slough conc. channel lining. Remove to EI. 427.00 ELEVATION View faces east I . i 0' 10' 20' I~ 40'~ Finish Grade For Intermediate ~~ Extend top and bottom rail as shown. Prepare for "Typical Rail Splice" as shown below ....:.. 12'-ON HMAC Path - Granular Wall Backf ill 8'-0" (typical panel length) - Splice (top rail - continuous) . '- Splice 1- Typical rail end (also see detail below) 2JI(' typo 4'-0" afr.-afr. ?! Splice top and bottom rails at .see Note (Typical 6" anchor posts -I location to form typical panel. Rail Splice Detal/J, 'typ: (I{ See Detail" " See Typ Rail Splice (this sheetJ I.\., , I Precast Cone. Block Gravity Retaining Wall /lpll/1 Lin~ I I. .......t"-. f\. Il\"l ) ~ I ~ See Detail "C"\ See Detail "B" Bottom rail between pOS1 - - Finish Grade >-- 6"" AI/n. NOTE: Path rail subject to revision based on potential aesthetic enhancements. See Special Note, Sheet LO.2A. . Aggregate Leveling Pad Nom. Camp. Thkn. - 12" 7t= 0 ~EGON DEPAR-.E ~- 0 : -RANSPOR-ATIO ~ CANOE CA 'JAL PATH RAIL Elevation I 0' l' 2' ,rv 4'~ PRE-CAST CONCRETE BLOCK Rt: I AINING WALL (3\ Section NTS ~ C CAMERON · McCARTHY GILBERT &SCHEIBE LANDSCAPB ARCHITECTS LLP Tel 541 485.1385 Fax 541 485.7389 officeoCD1pla.com -5: W . .AMETTE ~ VE~: B ~ )GE - BU ~ ).E 220 PACIFIC :HIGHWAY LANE COUNTY Design Team Leader - TYLI Designed By - TYLI Drafted By- CMGS/TYLI THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCATION Z~\OBDP - Willomette River Brrdge\CAD\ 31-JUL Y-2009 10~00 AcMc SHEET CA ~OE CA ~A. B ~ DGE A ~) U ~ )E ~ ) ASS NO. E .EV A T 0 ~S A~) SECT 0 ~S: S ) ~ ~G: E.) SEGM E fIPRE..sVSMiTTAl REC~ 2 ~ 0 A File No. AUG2 1 009 ~ ~__~_J~i~1a'< .....-----. Fininsh Grade 1/4"-0 Aggregate 6x8 Concrete Block \ Po General Notes: Stair Slope Rise: 5" Run: 18" II II II II .. n\ I u 1/2" dia x 2' Rod I u @ 1'-6" etrs. . Existing Ground Line ..... -=-" Po / 1/4/1-0 Aggregate Concrete - 6" wide concrete skirting cast against existing ground --- .---- ,,-- STAIRWAY Section I 0' 0.5' l' 1fJ) 2/~ BASALT BOULDER ROW . Set behind/uphill ot N. Walnut Bridge support arches . Medium (18/1-24/1) to Large (24/1-30/1) sizes ./ SOFT PATH SOt- / PATH 8-tt width BRIDGE SUPPORT ARCHES STEPPING STONES / / i / ,,/ ,/ BASALT BOULDERS . Placed assortment . Medium (18/1-24") to Large (24/1- 30/1) sizes . 1/4" crushed rock infi/! 1 ! I 30' I I I I I I l I 25' 20' I I ! ! ! I ! ! ! ! I 15' 10' ~ -5' ./ 0' ,/' '/ j i SECTION I PERSPECTIVE VIEW @ ~~, STEPPING STONES . 24/1 Precast concrete . 1/4" Crushed rock inti/! . Space between stepp; ng stones: 3-4/1 +/- 7i o qEGON DEPAR- ~EN- 0 : -RANSPOR-ATIO ~ ~/AIRS 10' 10 20/~ STAIRWAY Plan view . l' I(A~.~ 4/~ C CAMERON · McCARTHY GILBERT &SCHEIBE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS LLP Tel 541 485.7385 Fax 541 485.7389 office 0 Clnssla.com ) ,~ ,~ ,~ ~.... ~~, / / ./ / J J ! I '~', ''-....., " OHW .....'''-......, ',. --5: W . .AMETTE ~ VE~: B t )GE - au ~).E 220 PACIFIC :HIGHWA Y LANE COUNTY / ./ ,/ // /,./////,0/// ""', j" ~-" "" . . i Design Team Leader - CMGS/TYLI Designed By CMGS/TYLI Drafted By - CMGS/TYLI ,/....., 5' 1 0' 2' EA8TGA TE WOO ).A ~ )8: ~O~Ti WA.~UT Bt )GE U~)E~)ASS A ~O 8TA ~WAY. CO ~CE )T"~ U:?M 8 ) ~ N G -I E . ) ~. .;-v ~, SHEET NOo CONCEPT SKETCH Plan view 1 0' R:CI&3 D 0 THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCATION Z~\OBDP - Willomette River Bridge\CAD\ 31-JUL Y -2009 10~OO AcMe File No. fkJgMJlltJl1 . '",', ,',,", " , .,' . ".' iIFN.l~'2(J()t88aOJ 2"~~4~1.e.ft ... EXi$fi~ggtoPt1d ! IElfNtltlQQs$no'llll afe~,Of} , theNorlhAin8tlC(lnVertlool : CkJtum tNAVD29J. RETAINING WALL #21128 Elevation Springfield only. I I ' 0' 25' 50' ,0 lOa' ~ ~'5QO -':. ~. -.', ~..' ,...180 '~~ = 14:.._ - .C;;: - ........ . - .c:', ,'460 .~: = 't%,' -- .~ - ~.:> 4.J. - 4-40 .- - ~420 86qi~ Walt '.. ....,. .,.,., ""FNJi;',1-92f:48~,l(l ..2,::5"i~BI!~1;Left" , ,~-.Y4 ..... .-. . . ~" ------L, Birri/ibgrooe. fill~a: :: ~~~'-"~~~'~'~~<.~~,. ! . . -0" . . - , . ~':T' ;-;.~">'~'~:~.<-"--^"~;_"~-=-'_.~, .~.",_. .'.+~.::'.~;~,~~~~~~ ~.~.~.:.~:.-.;.~~.l: "~' ~' . ' , . 1"'"-:-.,. ._ .~.: ~...:.: ~'. ....,.. ." . - ,', . ,',- .- .' , .'. . . ".' .'.,'. '. ...'.,.,'.,'. . ..~.'.;~.".-.,'.-." .,..-."...::...-;..:.., :._..~,......i...;.'/ :".:;" .:..~~' ',.'.:. . - ,', .~. ," ," '. . .' . '.,., '. "1 ....., ........ .' ~~ee l1et(1i1i~it "" , E~l6't;l;ig{'rl1]:t~tJ~gt!fi4fJ~::.(#!t~!.i4~,rg~ .~~~.~...-...~ V{<J/lcfJrtlt:Ji1.llne: ... ...~ 'I:&:llf'.#: L'. · 4;elf;:1 .... . 1Ile.~ 27'~4#"'(typ.) , ,. .........,........ .... ... .......ff..... e()~~(J't RI:: I AINING WALL #21129 Elevation Springfield only. I I 0' 25' 50' ,0 lOa' ~ ...... , ,..."Ji")- . "l"I :~~,*ll1:1<' ...... .., jl ....'.......'..it... .. ., .. l}' . E.#g.'~ff)U1!l(j,~." Front f/tlaJ of fIItlltPlll1sl. .w' Y'/~' E:~(;fNotl()n 'X<:~~~x* )..~j<>~",~....~.'\ RETAINING WALL #21128 & #21129 Section NTS@ THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCATION Z~\OBDP - Willomette River Bridge\CAD\ 31-JUL Y-2009 10~00 AoMo ~....iEr.444::~i) .,?E':a. '. ...~~ 7t= OREGON DEPART .EN- 0 : -RANSPOR-ATIO ~ C CAMERON · McCARTHY GILBERT "SCHEIBE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS LLP Tel 541 485.7385 S 160 East Broadway Fax 541 485.7389 Busmo, OR 97401 officeoCDlpla.com - -5: W . JlAMETTE ~IVE~: BR )GE - BU ~D.E 220 PACIFIC :HIGHWA Y LANE COUNTY Design Team Leader - TYLI Designed By - TYLI Drafted By - CMGS/TYLI SHEET ~ETA ~ ~G WALL NO. E .EVA T 0 ~S A ~) SECT cftB5UBvl, IDA L: D 0 S ) ~ NG :IEL ) AUG 2 1 2009 File No. \ . Northbound soundwall. Potential aesthetio enhanC8ment opertunity \ i:- 470 . Elev. 451.39 \ I.&:. - 460 I Top of wall i~~. 1 ! 1 1 1 1 j I ~A~11} 1 ! ! 1 ! ~! laJ- "- . 410 &Jgjn Wall "LN1" 656+75 "H" = 17' type 720' NomInal (measured along Wall Control Line) ! ! I ~ALll} 1111111 !~A~ O1orway Note: EItNOtlons are bos8d on th8 North AmtJrioan Vertioaf Datum. 1988. NORTHBOUND SOUNDWALL #21124 Elevation Springfield only. ~ - 386'-(}" (EWA #3) .. ~ 3t ~ BegIn wall sto. HLWS" 0+27.3 _ 500 42'-D" HLSIH Rlg,,- .... =- Corner, type ptJf mfg. dNl(Jn l ~ 480 EI. 475.50 I \ ~I BrIdge sta. HLWSH 10+96..50 sttl. HLWS"1+76JJO ~: mj sta. HLWS"1+8/'.5 V6rllool storm draIn pIpe In EI. 416.95 MSE bookflll. See drolnoge Sfo. HLWS" l+04JJO EI. 466~70 plans for size ond type ~ - c:: ;;;... .... = ~- 460 .s!= ~~ 440 Extg. ground Ii / FInIsh grode (outsIde foceJ-i .5to. HLWS" 0+99~ EI. 454.14 - 420 Corner, typloal ptJf monuf. dtJ8lgn sto. NLWS" 1+76.lJO EI. +fO.67 "Minimum below fInIsh grode End Wall i'LN 1" 663+95' ~ Northbound 80lJ ndwall. Potentlol O&8fhetlc enhoncemtmt opertun/ty I 5'-()" I Varl88 . n I mIn. I 66'-6H mox: I R~ ..b. ~/I Contrcl LIne ! PrfllXlSf __1 l 1 I WOII, pon~ . ~. I HLNIH Llne~ PIIC18fer~ ~. 1 I I ~ -s 1'.J I I I GS~I J 1 I 1 ...... I '1' I ~ I ~-'. ... I 2~ I 11 I ~; I:l I ~ ~ I t 13'-0" "t) _ .j, . ~~l:l. I mIn. ~_ -",0 O{{,~p !lo-- j'- &.~~;4~.'~:--~--- - --~ ?~ ~ '0 IS :: II ...: ... IS~~ '... ~ .... "a.e . I :. ~ - e. ;'.:..t:...: : ,:~r,,',':: ':...~.J<:..: 3'-0" dlo. - "H" = 16' type EI8V. 457.52- TOD of wall \ ~ '" I 0' 25' 50' 10 100'~ NORTHBOUND SOUNDWALL #21124 S t. I I I ec Ion 0' 4' 8' Springfield only. 645'-6H (fTltKl8tJred olon(/ wall OfJIIfrol line) - "LSIH L/~ See detailt; 1 , .., I I ~ r ! r ~.:;;.~- - -fB086. L '- :1------ S .:..-..: :.-..: .:. - - - - - r, ~ . ...,/. ~~'!fI!if!1"r pr~, )t - groulICl IIno :,.~./ +- !t 7- --Mln 12" open groded 0/ aggregate (Speo. 02630.IIJ ~,..,L. --8" perf. pIpe - sto. HLWSH 4+13.43 EI. 475.01 (End woll, fWA#3J sta. HLWSH 4+13.49 EI. 462.76 Elwaflons shown ore bo88d on the North AmerIcan VfJI110al Dotum (NAVD 88), .No1'8: The lx1ttom of wall will be stepped 08 determIned by fhe woll monufodurer ptJf thelr subtnltfed and rtNlewfJd flnol dtJ8l~n. Rt: I AINING WALL #21126 Elevation Springfield and Eugene. Begin Pr8COsf Cone. Block Gravity Wall _End Pr8COst Cone. Block Gravity WoJ/ "Pl,1" 110+20.35 "Pl,1" 112+86.44 Begin Soldier Pile Wall 9.5 :t RIght 9.5 :t Right ."LN1" 672+80.80 266' :t 100' :t Left (measured along Wall Control Line) -- -480 ..... ~ ~ :-470 -460 c:.. ...... -450 c:: .. -2 -440 1=-430 ~ . laJ - 420 EI8V. 437.50 lOp of wolf Elev. 437.50 1:1 AAn 00 Tan of Wall\c....lev. -rrv. " TOp of wai Elev. 434.9~ J Top of wall ~ ...... l ~ r:.:: _ _ _ _ fllnlllrrlf "'EI6v. 428.54 Btm. of wall Elev. 432.42 ;;::- OVERALL ELEVATION Springfield and Eugene. v.,., ~ Ex1I1tIfIfJ SnuldOne Ffnfsh gradll~ /:.~-- /'rtJptJMJ SrrJund J /af1(JIfIfJ LIne ,r- StJkJItJr P11tI (Steel H-PIIeJ 1/ / /1 ExrxIIr1tIon SECTION Soldier Pile Rt:: I AINING WALL #21125 Springfield and Eugene. NTS@ SECTION Precast Concrete Block Gravity Wall Finish Grode (near face) WolI OfJIItrol line--.......... x - - r Bridge sta. NL WS" 4+8534 sta. "LWS" 4+93.44 EI. 472.45 CopIng -l End wall Sfo. "LWS" 7+01.78 98'- to" Left HLSI" Front fClO8 af wall {XJfIfIf __ General bockfl\ ~-= :t:: ground line J Cone. Iwellng pod, lnextenslble r8lnforOlJment~ 1'-0" -- - (typJ [/ / /1 ExOtNatlon pay limits ~ "'" "'" "'" ~ RelnforOfld 8011 r- il l 0' 25' 50' 1r:f\,.',.QA,. 100'~ Rt:1 AINING WALL #21126 Section Springfield and Eugene. 536' :t (measured along Wall Control LIne) _ End Wall "LN1" 678+16.53 103' :t Left Elev. 446.00 Top of wall - Top of wall ~ Existing Groundllne Precast Cone. Wall Loggl r. .' I I PrBOOSf Cone. Block Gr(Nlfy RtJtalnlng Wall "Ptt" LI~ t2'-o" HJIAC IWh THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCATION Z~\OBDP - Willomette River Bridge\CAD\ Drilled pier, depth to be determi Coordinote ConstructIon with North Abutment of Wlllamette River Brld 111 10 0' 25' 50' 100'~ Finish grade Pr(J()(}Sf Cone. Block Gr(Nify RtJtolnlng Wol Gronular Wall 6" Bockflll Nln. "Pit" L'~ 12'-0" HIIAC PrIth Ffnlsh Gradll> I Aggregate Leveling Pod Nom. Como. Thkn. - 12" NTS@ Aggregate L6Vsl1ng Pod Nom. Comp. Thkn. - 12" SECTIO \j f8\ Precast Concrete Block Gravity Wall, Tall NTS~ 31-JUL Y-2009 10~00 AoMo 10 16'~ NTS~ 7i OREGON DEPAR- ~EN- 0 : -RANSPOR-ATIO ~ C CAMERON · McCARTHY GILBERT & SCHEIBE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS LLP Tel 541 485-1385 Fax 541 485.7389 officeoC1nl8la.com 1-5: WILLAMETTE ~ VE~: BR )GE - BU ~ ).E 220 PACIFIC :HIGHWA Y LANE COUNTY Design Team Leader - TYLI Designed By - TYLI Drafted By - CMGS/TYLI SHEET ~ETA ~ ~G WALL NO. E .EV A T 0 ~SA ~)) SECT ON.S.:sUBM,. . ~'O L . 0 A EUGE ~E AN) S ~ ~G E:r AUG 2 12009 Aa File No. Bealn MSE Wall "P210" 214+58.30 9.5' :t Right Elev. 445.84 -TOp of wall E/ev. 441.56 81m. of wall End MSE Wall "P210" 215+45.00 86'-8~" :t 9.5' :t Right - (meosured along - Elev. 450.16 wall contro/linel / Top of wall J: J: 55'-04" 31'-74" BegIn Wall "P210" 214+18.00 9.5' :t Left 197'-0" :t End Wall (measured along wall control line) "P2.10" 216+15.00 Sto. 2.14+44.07 sto. 215+17.91 Sto. 2.15+78.87 9.5' :t Left \'. 456.49 E/. 443.99 . C:I. 457.57 Sto. 214+78.03 Sto. 215+37.04 E/. 456.49 / ,. 449.97 / E/. 452.74 ~/. 444.2.6 ~ - '~ .,;0..- / EI. 448.56 EI. 437.31"'" ./ - -480 .....- ~ [""470 -460 c:. ...... -450 ~--44O j~430 ijj -420 - :--- ~ E/ev. 439.74 81m. of wall -480 .....- ~-:-470 -460 c: . ...... -450 a · 440 ~- I ~430 liJ - 42.0 Sto. 2.14+51.0S( Sto. 214+57.80 E/. 438.96 c/. 443.68 Sto. 215+78.8r c./. 448.90 Existing Ground Existing Ground Existing Ground SOUTH BANK WALL #2 Elevation J . 0' 25' 50' 10 100'~ SOUTH BANK WALL #1 Elevation I Ii 0' 25' 50' I~ 100' ~ S. Bank Wall #1 for detai/~ . . r Pedestrian rail, S88 BR246 "P21a" Line ,- Finish Gradel 12'-01/ _ ~,., S. Bonk Wall #2, HMAC Path. Coping ! " ,~. ,_. -V///L Front face of I "j' rf. · '\ ~ . / wall panel . pe · Plpe~~~, " ::t: ':.":. ~ I ~~,>:,..: .:.?f.~c. I~ pad, typo Existing Grade Inextensible reinforcements Existing Grade Existing Grode ~ Precast cono. lagging.--/' - / Pedestrian rail, S88 BR246 "P21a/l Line ,- Finish Gradel 12'-01/ _, rS' Bank Wall #2, HMAC Path J/-------- Coping 'l'//-L ~Front face of ~. ~. /I perf.. · ~ ~~,,/. . /' wall panel PIPe~,\~~: ::t: ~",""} ~ Min 12" open . . graded aggregate Inextensible reinforcements (Spec. 02630.11) . Existing Grade Soldier Pile {St881 H-PileJ / 1'-0/1 (typJ - I Min 12./1 open graded aggregate (Spec. 02630.11 J EXlXNation pay limits Reinforced soil ~ ~~~ ~~~~"\ Excavation pay limits Reinforced soil ,,~~' ~ ~ ~~ ~ TYPICAL WALL SECTION (SHORT) South Bank Wall #2 NTS@ TYP.ICAL WALL SECTION South Bank Wall #1 NTS .~ / Pedestrian rail. S88 BR246 Existing Grade 1'-0/1 (typ.J --I S68 S. Bank Wall #1 for detai/~ ::t: 8/1 perf. . Existing Grode 7i OREGON DEPAR- ~.EN- 0: -RANSPOR-ATIO ~ Min 12/1 open graded aggregate (Spec. 02630.11) TYPICAL WALL SECTION (TALL) South Bank Wall #2 NTS@ C CAMERON u McCARTHY GILBERT &SCHEIBE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS LLP Tel 541 485-7385 Fax 541 485.7389 offic:eoCDlssla.eom Excavation pay limits ~ ~ ~' Reinforced soil ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -5: WI . .AMETTE ~ VE~: BR )GE - BU ~ ).E 220 PACIFIC :HIGHWAY LANE COUNTY Design Team Leader - TYLI Designed By - TYLI Drafted By - CMGS/TYLI RI:: I AINING WALLS #1 AND #2 Springfield and Eugene. SHEET ~ETA ~ ~G WALL , ,. ! , NO. E .EV AT 0 ~S . AD SECT 10 ~i~t:.SU3Mi'rrAL ~IEC'D 0-3 EUGE ~E AN) S) ~ ~G. E . ) AUG 1 20cA z, ~ THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCATION Z~\OBDP - Willomette River Bridge\CAD\ 31-JUL Y-2009 10~00 AcMc File No. J. ~ "-r Pin P 24 x O.500~- 451.54 EI. 453.88 EI. 453.21 High Point Bent 5 [ Bent rt Bent 3 Pedestrian rail, see Cf Bent 4 Dwg. BR246 for detail Bent 1 Pin -- Pin I i Pin - -' Pin Pin _J Pin-- Pin Pin -- Pin 4'-0" dia. drilled shafts, ...----- Bents 2 thru 6 ::::::>..- 0..... 0.... ~~ --- -- 0.... ~- -- ~ ::::::>..- ~ Extg. ground @ IP21a" line MILLRACE VIADUCT Elevation I 0' 10' 20' ,0 40/~ -..- - ' 480 - = , 470 EI. 439.53 Pedestrian rail, see Dwg. BR246 for details EI. 445.04 High Point [ Bent 2 Ra~ connnues a0ng retaining wall - -t-... = - 460 (1)= (1)~ LL = - 450 c::~ ..........= =-440 c:: .c:: 0-;.. :.:::= t) ~ . 430 ::::.. .~ (1);;;;.. --- lJJ; -420 rt Bent 1 .Illlll ~ ~Pin " Pin ..- - ~ -PP 24 x 0.500 8'-0/' 8'-0" -- Rail -- - - Rail . Extg. ground @ "p21 a" line "P21a" Lin~ . # ~ I ~ ~ I ~ :t2." HMAC Deck /pedestrian Roil (typ.) 2.0% _" / ' '"~~ '" ~ - . 410 2..0% -.:: 400 Note: Elevations are based on the North American Vertical Datum, 1988. ~ , ~ , ~ ~ . " I ~4811 Precast Prestressed Box Beam (typJ 4 Beams @ 4'-0" = 16'-01/ - - GLENWOOD SLOUGH BRIDGE Elevation I 0' 10' 20' ir:i;\ 40/~ TYPICAL DECK Section I II l 0' 2' 4' ,(i) 8/~ 7i OREGON DEPAR- .EN- 0 : -RANSPORTATIO ~ C CAMERON · McCARTHY GILDER T & SCHEIBE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS LLP Tel 541 485-7385 S 160 East Broadway Fax 541 485.7389 EUlme, OR 97401 officeocmpla.com .-5: W . .AMETTE -~ VE~: BR )GE - BU ~).E 220 PACIFIC :HIGHWA Y LANE COUNTY Design Team Leader - TYLI Designed By - TYLI Drafted By - CMGS/TYLI M .. ~ACE V A-lUCT & S. BA ~ < E .EV A T 0 ~S A ~) SECT 0 ~ EUGE ~E AN l S) ~~G : E . l SHEET ~~~fuAl R:C'D NO. AUG 1 2001 A 7 a 0 THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCATION Z~\OBDP - Willomette River Bridge\CAD\ 31-JULY-2009 10~00 AoMo File No.