HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 21 Planning Commission Appointment AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: Meeting Type: Department: Staff Contact: S P R I N G FIE L D Staff Phone No: C I T Y C 0 U N C I L Estimated Time: ITEM TITLE: PLANNING COMMISSION APPOINTMENT June 18, 2007 Regular Session ~ Developmen(~ic~J\ ~ Mark Metzger U V\: V~ 726-3775 5 Minutes ACTION REQUESTED: Ratify appointment of Ms. Terri A. Leezer, Mr. Eric Smith and Ms. Sheri E. Moore to serve a four-year tenn on the Springfield Planning Commission. ISSUE STATEMENT: The seven member Planning Commission has three vacancies as a result of Mr. Steve Moe completing his second 4-year tenn on June 5, 2007; Mr. David Cole completing his first 4-year tenn on June 2, 2007 and declining consideration for reappointment; and Ms. Gayle Decker completing her first 4-year tenn on June 2, 2007 also declining consideration for reappointment. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Application of Terri Leezer 2. Application of Eric Smith 3. Application of Sheri Moore 4. Planning Commission Roster DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: The City received six applications for the three vacancies during a one month recruitment process. Ms. Terri Leezer resides at 555 16th Street and is employed by Ad Pro Northwest at 659 "A" Street, Springfield; Mr. Eric Smith resides at 1351 Lawnridge Avenue and is the owner of Aquila & Priscillas at 18743 Pioneer Parkway, Springfield; and Ms. Sheri Moore resides at 1955 16th Street and is a retired School Teacher from Marcola School District. TheCouncil interviewed Ms. Leezer, Mr. Smith and Ms. Moore on May 29,2007. Fonnal ratification by the Council must occur during a Regular Session. ., It' . APPLICA TJON RECTI ,MAY 14 2007 City Manager's Office 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 (541) 726-3700 fora City of Springfield Citizen Advisory ~oard / Commission / Committee Please print or type: Board I Commission I Committee applying for: "y ust be completed for each board I commission I committee) Name:~&rV"i First ,t{. le-&2$r-' Middle initial Last Home address: .555 I?fl. S'+rc..v-+j SO Ii f"'!J+,c--ld q717i Street ' ity. . Zip Day phone: 5t../(- 74-1- 77/1 Evening phone:$(//-,;(c(L)- 'f?SS? Do you live within the Springfield city limits? . @Yes q If yes, how long? I ';I" . 0 No q If no, do you live inside Springfield's urban growth boundary? . , DYes 0 No Ward number'(city residents only): .2 Are you a Springfield property owner? [g"Yes o No Are you a Springfield business owner? [7JYes' o No Are you a registered voter? [t1Yes o No Occupation: S~ I.f [;.rT.f 1C>'y/A Place of employment: ,il,/"{ P,n Xj'Jr-/./" uN..d Business address: &'51 A 5-/-re.el S-,or'It1C!+ield. 01( Cf7c;77 ; v .~ . Education: Corqpl e:f d 14.J( (Over, please) Attachment 1-1 ~:fd APPLlCA nON for a City of Springfield Citizen Advisory Board I Commissiqn / Committee Page 2 Please print or type: 1,What experience! training! qualifications do you have for this particular board! commission / committee? I htlVe,' 5t(,c-('e/:.~~)/l. .(1 11.. al'.'l-ts. 6- (})dr of -U /5" ,j,.v.f":~c! C/ftaAbc:r Grot?JJ-ft.r:~. 3. Briefly describe your involvement in relevant community groups and activities, (Lack of previous involvement will not necessarily disqualify you from consideration,) ~-fr~I'j-G~_Ar;{ ('J,atnh[,r Gr-Cb-+-!/T - C:;- (!)CZI',.. 5(!r'/ VI c.tteJd ('),a ,ttIoe.r [;,.11.. e..C.;;,,+;/IC/ -604.rti ..J 4. What community topics concern youthat relate to this board / commission! committee? Why do you want to become a member? . . r d b n.Y'..c,TI'C.,! ... Tn hve...- ht.<..5ill.i'~S;-".5 :3 r iJ"url-A. 5, Most boards! commissions! committees meet monthly. Subcommittees may meet more frequently. Meetings generally last one and one-half hours. It is highly recommended you attend a meeting before submitting the application. Check the times when you could attend meetings, []}-Early morning (6:30-8:30 am) o Noontime (noon-1 :30 pm) o Late afternoon (4-6 pm) g-- Evenings 6, How did you hear about this vacancy? o Newspaper ad 0 Newspaper article 0 Radjof1\l o Board! commission! committee member o Mail notice 0 Word of mouth GJ Other Sid L..~ i k' "./1 Mal,{ 1)(- , ....J :t .a uk (\'fl,.1A.{.'{ . .., b:;k/ . Applicant's ~nature .5" - /.:.!(J 7 Date Q Returr>1 this application to the City Manager's Office, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 97477 For more information please call the City Manager's Office at 726-3700 Attachment 1-2 "' Printed on recycled paper \~ Questions forPlanning Commission Applicants 1. What is your personal interest in applying for the position? Both my home and my business are in Springfield. I am very passionate about Springfield and care about Springfield's present and future. 2. What do you see in Springfield's future and how can you, as a Planning Commissioner, help to realize that future? I see Springfield being a nationally known destination. A place where people come to visit and look to relocate. A Convention Center that allows National and International conventions to be held, Something for everyone. . Expanding our boundaries to include the outlying areas. 3, Describe your experience in working as a member of a group that makes decisions. . I have worked with the Springfield Chamber Greeters for seven years and on many committees that have made numerous improvements in the Springfield area. Currently as co-chair we are working to bring the National Ambassadors Convention to Springfield, As a business owner I work with different businesses both locally and nationally, to assist them in achieve their marketing goals, 4. Describe how you would balance the need for economic development with neighborhood preservation or environmental value, After careful research to balance the needs of the community I would then see how the development Will impact the area and how it will affect the future of Springfield. 5. When a proposed development conflicts with an adapted plan or the Development Code, how would you, as a Planning Commissioner, resolve the conflicts? I would carefully review all of the documents involved and research to see if there have been any similar conflicts to see if a precedence has been set. I would then weigh the needs of the community to se~ if we need to go in a different direction. 6, Do you have any specific ideas for changes that should be made in any of our adopted planning or development review documents or in how we review development proposals in Springfield? In my opinion as I have never dealt with the actual documents I can only address the planning. My thoughts are: Springfield needs to have a family friendly downtown, we need a convention center to further our business growth, we need to become a destination with room for families to grow. 7. Can you commit the time necessary to be an effective Planning Commissioner? This means about tow meetings monthly with several hours of preparation time for each meeting, plus occasional joint meetings, Yes. Attachment 1-3 ;. ". APPLICA TJON fora City of Springfield Citizen Advisory Board / Commission / Committee RECTI MAY 15 2007 City Manager's Office. 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 .(541) 726-3700 Please print or type: Board I Commission 1 Committee applying for: ~l-4NN {,J G, c..O^,\M. I .s S /0"/ (A separate application must be completed for each board I commission I committee) Evening phone: ~ <) M f T J-/ Last A V ~_ 5rJ ~F{... j? 1'1- '-/1--:;' c~ I. z~ ~/~- 3~Oo Name: f R..l L- First ~ Middle initial . Home address: I 3 :) ( . . Street Day phone: r a..f t-{ - I f-OO L A w tV ((. \ a c., IE. Do you live within the Springfield city limits? ~ Yes q Jf yes, how long? 1- Y' G:-AR..~ o No qlf no, do you live inside Springfield's urban growth boundary? DVes o No Ward number (city residents only): Are you a Springfield property owner? r3.. Yes o No Are you a Springfield business owner? e1 Yes o No Are you a registered voter? JZ9. Yes ONo Occupation: R.~s T A..J'l...AN r O""NF,.~ Business address: I g ~ .s p ( 0,.) G-fJ- Place of employment: A G.ut'-~ I ~ c. fRfSl.,Ll-t...-ti I Education: ----A~I ?-oN ~ STAre.. . (Over, please) Attachment 2-1 ~~ APPLlCA nON for a. City of Springfield Citizen Advisory Board / Commission / Committee. Page 2 Please print or type: 1, What experience / training / qualifications do you have for this particular board / commission / committee? <;; eE. A 7 T Au-/JE V 2. '{Vhat specific contribution do you hope to make? ~Ec ATTA<"'H~ }/ 3. Briefly describe your involvement in relevant community groups and activities, (Lack of pre:,ious involvement will not necessarily disqualify you from consideration,) \ ~ I'" t:;~ - ATTAU1'&}/ 4, What community t0pics concern you that relate to this board / commission / committee? Why do you want to become a member? .st~ ATT~G-,t..J.6p 5, Most boards / commissions / committees meet monthly, Subcommittees may meet more frequently. Meetings generally last one and one-half hours~ It is highly recommended you attend a meeting before submitting the application. Check the times when you could attend meetings, . o Early morning (6:30-8:30 am) 0 Noontime (noon-1:30 pm) 0 Late afternoon (4-6 pm) Q(Evenings 6. How did you hear about this vacancy? o Newspaper ad 0 Newspaper article 0 Radio/TV 0 Mail notice 0\Word of mouth o Board / co ission I committee member 0 Other c:::> Returfil this apPI\~ ion to the City Manager's Office, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 97477 n please call the City Manager's Office at 726-3700 vi .In .4 I I 0 :Lcro t- Date . "..... Printed on recycled paper ~I Attachment 2-2 Eric T. Smith (541) 515-3400 Planning Commission Application, Page 2 1. The experience I bring to the planning commission is one of a business owner who has opened many new business ventures in the past 10 years. I not only have experience in my own ventures, I experienced a lot ofthe planning and implementing process as the manager in charge of opening several Starbucks Coffee stores (in Oregon and in the Washington, D.C. area) as well as working with Outback Steakhouse to open new sites (in Arizona and Washington, D.C. area). I also have worked with the city during the permit stage in the construction of new business as well. My career has given me the opportunity to interact with a couple different city planning offices. In addition to my business background, I have experience in landscape design. I am passionate about physical aesthetics as they pertain to the physical geography in the area I live. 2. I am hoping to contribute the passion I have as a member of the generation that will inherit the results of the decisions the planning commission makes today. I also offer the commission a keen interest in and love of the landscape and geography of our city. My contribution to the commission will also be a Springfield business owner's perspective - not only as one who desires a great business environment, but also with the city's landscape and geography as well. My work in landscape design will help balance a growth focused Metro General Plan with thought to the appearance of our city's layout and design. 3. Since living in Springfield, my involvement in community activities has been related primarily to the physical landscape of Oregon. I have coordinated a 60 person team in conjunction with the SOL V beach clean-up organization in Florence. I have also led a team as we worked with Eugene Parks and Open Space to renovate trials in the Spencer Butte Park. 4. I grew up in Tempe, Arizona. I have seen what a true urban sprawl looks like. I now live in the most beautiful area in the U.S. and I want to be a part of helping it grow responsibly. I am really excited about living in Springfield, raising my children in Springfield, and retiring in Springfield - I want to see it grow and prosper! I believe that taking control of our own growth bOlUldary and enforcing high standards in the new real estate development, as well as re-development is paramolUlt for our future success. I want to be an active member in seeing this come about and leave a real legacy for our next generation, Attachment 2-3 Questions for Planning Commission Applicants 5 EE.6 .ATrACII t=-]7 1. What is your personal interest in applying for the position? 2. What do you see in Springfield's future and how can you, as a Planning Commissioner, help to realize that future? 3. Describe your experience in working as a member, of a group that makes decisions. 4. Describe how you would balance the need for economic development with neighborhood preservation or environmental values. 5. When a proposed development conflicts with an adopted plan or the Development Code, how would you, as a Planning Commissioner, resOlve the conflicts? . 6. Do you have any specific ideas for changes that should be made in any of our adopted planning or development review documents or in how we review development proposals in Springfield? 7. Can you commit the time necessary to be an effective Planning Commissioner? This means about two meetings monthly with several hours of preparation time for each meeting, plus occasional joint meetings. Attachment 2-4 Eric T. Smith (541) 515-3400 Questions for Planning Commission Applicants 1. My personal interest in applying for the Springfield Planning Commission comes from a strong personal desire to see Springfield grow in a beautiful way. I want to see us grow responsibly with landscape integrity and keep our city a true gem in the Pacific Northwest. For years I have been interested in the development of real estate and through involvement with the planning commission, I will have the opportunity to evaluate the development of our city hands-on. My interest also stems from being an owner of my own home, a rental property, and a business all here in Springfield, as well as raising children here in Springfield. I have lived in several areas of the United States and in cities of all sizes, and I chose to settle here and raise a family here because I love the incredible things Springfield has to offer. 2. I see our city growing considerably in the next 15 years. I want to help facilitate that as a business owner as well as a landscape designer. I want to see our city grow with the grace of a well planned and executed plan. 3. My experience in working as a member of a group making decisions has been challenging and rewarding. I have been in groups deciding how to create a vision for a church. I have also led groups deciding how to excite the staffs of 16 restaurants' employees about the next promotion. I am a patient man and value each member's view. I believe we only see in part and need a group of people to see something clearly. 4. To balance the need of economic development and maintain environmental values we need to place a value on the physical geography of our city. As new development is proposed we keep a strict standard of landscape material and maintenance in each proposed new development. Again design is the most important factor in finding balance in growth versus preservation. 5. To resolve any conflicts regarding proposed development plans with existing plans I would like to get as much input from the comm~ty as possible. I would also like to use as many experts in the field as possible to explain the pros and cons of each plan. After reviewing the facts moving forward with the commission would be the [mal move. 6. I do not have any specific ideas for changes to the adopted planning or development review docwnents as this time. 7. I can commit the time necessary to be an effective Planning Commissioner. I am really looking forward to helping shape our city for the future. Bi-weekly meetings and preparation will not be a problem. It would be an honor to serve our city, to give 20 hours a month is not too much to ask. Attachment 2-5 APPLICA TJON fora City of Springfield Citizen AdYisory Board / Commission! Committee RECD MAY 15 2007 City Manager's Office - 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 (541) 726-3700 . Please print or type: ustbe completed for each board I commission I com_mittee) Home address: /q 55- E Middle initial / h 'v-L S!te1 f ft!o tJ t e. Last Name: ::S/'er< First Street :2P'^'jlifU Evening phone: 5t/( - 6Sc.j- 0 I cP V . q7L/77 Zip Day phone: 54/- 7c(1- ;2 :5 o? Do you live within the Springfield city limits? 0' Yes e:> If yes, how long? ;22 :J''-s. o Noe:> If no, do you live inside Springfield's urban growth boundary? DYes D No Ward number (city residents only): 3 Are you a Springfield property owner? (Zl Yes' D No Are you a Springfield business owner? DYes Rl No Are you a registered voter? ~ Yes D No . Occupation: & 6'r-e) *u (l~r Place of employment tJn \ f i'iflo yj a'i- jflat2f ' . f . . 5c' Do / ~Ii (s ~I ( Business address: Education U r7,<uer5" of Orejo'1, !Jia i-/-e.r o-r ,5r'/e/lC!2- Oe00Q cJ (Over, please) Attachment 3-1 ~~ APPLlCA nON for a City of Springfield Citizen Advisory Board.l Commission / Committee Page 2 . Please print or type: 2. What specific contribution do you hope to make? --.-' I' ,JUe nC1d (, {JuiJ!;c pJ()('a-h'o,I7.' T PnJOJ 5 o-f Q1J.1-f!,'c te50 !u~ld/7 ~!:"'iJ . tm6!M13. . 3. Briefly describe your involvement in relevant community groups and activities. (Lack of previous involvement will not necessarily disqualify you from consideration.) ~)orlE.- 4. What community topics cQncern you that relate to this board I commission I committee? become a member? t""J1 I '11 7(', oJ. Why do you want to o I l Uh e ~'175 f is (fl1fl'C/ I'd' " (j 5. Most boards I commissions I committees meet monthly. Subcommittees may meet more frequently. Meetings generally last one and one-half hours, It is highly recommended you attend a meeting before submitting the application. Check the times when you could attend meetings. . . o Early morning (6:30-8:30 am) 0 Noontime (noon-1 :30 pm) 0 Late afternoon (4-6 pm) 0' Evenings 6. How did you hear about this vacancy? o Newspaper ad EJ Newspaper article 0 Radio!TV 0 Mall notice 0 Word of mouth o Board 19 mmission I committee member .C& Other ell ;;:(7(11 Br:,1Ct:JMJ 5- /;2'-Q,7 Date q Returr.l this application to the City Manager's Office, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 97477 For more information please call the City Manager's Office at 726-3700 Attachment 3-2 Printed on recycled paper ~ \1 Questions for Planning Commission Applicants 1, What is your personal interest in applying for the position? 2. What do you see in Springfield's future and how can you, as a Planning Commissioner, help to realize that future? 3. Describe your experience in working as a member of a group that makes decisions. 4. .Descrtbe how you would balance the need for economic development with neighborhood preservation or environmental values. 5. When a proposed development conflicts with an adopted plan or the DevelopmentCode, how would you, as a Planning Commissioner, resolve' the conflicts? 6. Do you have any specific ideas for changes that should be made in any of our adopted planning or development review documents or in how we review development proposals in Springfield? 7. . Can you commit the time necessary to be an effective Plqnning Commissioner? This means about two meetings monthly with several hours of preparation time for each meeting, plus occasional joint meetings. Attachment 3-3 PLANNING COMMISSION QUESTIONS FOR APPLICANTS Sheri Moore 1. I have recently retired from teaching and now have some time to volunteer. I am very impressed with the direction Springfield is heading. I am proud to be a member of the community and would like to .do whatever I can to help Springfield continue to improve. 6. No. 7, Yes. Attachment 3-4 City of Springfield Planning Commission PUBLIC MAILING ADDRESS PHONE APPOINTMENT RE- EXPIRATION DATE APPOINTMENT DATE DATE Steve Moe Home: 726-7613 5/01/1999 6/05/2003 6/05/2007 3698 Franklin Boulevard PO Box 847 Springfield, Oregon 97477 intercitv@aol.com Bill Carpenter Vice-Chair Home: 726-6286 4/20/1998 5/4/2004 . 5/4/2008 680 T Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 wcarpenter@igc.orq Frank Cross Chair ' Home: 521-2909 5/4/2004 5/4/2008 2580 D Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 westcross@comcast.net Lee Beyer Home: 746-5889 4/16/2001 1 0/2/2006 1 0/2/2010 951 US" Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 leelbeyer@comcast.net Johnny Kirschenmann Home: 726-0798 2/5/2007 2/5/2011 1159 S. 68th Street Springfield, Oregon 97478 johnnyk@rexius;com Gayle Decker Home: 747-0462 6/02/2003 6/02/2007 415 6ih Street Springfield, Oregon 97478 qirenedecker@comcast.net David Cole Home: 741-0444 6/02/2003 6/02/2007 PO Box 70142 (mailing add.) Eugene, Oregon 97401 1336 Madoc St. (residence) Springfield, Oregon 97477 stoneaqeegineer@msn.com Note: Springfield Planning Commissioners serve four-year terms. Two members may reside outside the Springfield City limits and two members may be employed in real estate. None of the current Planning Commission resides outside the City limits and none of the Planning Commissioners work in Real Estate. CONTACTS: SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT. Bill Grile, Development Services Director 726-3671 Greg Mott, Planning Manager, Planning Commission Liaison 726-3774 Brenda Jones, Planning Secretary 726-3610 Edited 217/2007 bj Attachment 4-1