HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 18 Establishing Liens for Public Improvements to Serve West I Street, from Water Street to Kelly Boulevard and Vicinity AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: June 18,2007 Meeting Type: Regular Department: Finance Staff Contact: Bob Duey~ Staff Phone No: 726-3740 Estimated Time: 10 Minutes SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL ITEM TITLE: ESTABLISIllNG LIENS FOR PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS TO SERVE WEST I STREET, FROM WATER STREET TO KELLY BOULEVARD AND VICINITY. . ACTION REQUESTED: 1) Hold a public hearing on establishing liens for public improvements to serve West I Street, from Water Street to Kelly Boulevard and vicinity. 2)Adopt/not adopt the following ordinance: AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING LIENS FOR INSTALLATION OF PAVING, CURBS AND GUTTERS, SIDEWALKS, STORM DRAINAGE, STREET LIGHTS, AND STREET TREES, FOR WEST I STREET, FROM WATER STREET TO KELLY BOULEVARD AND VICINITY, PROJECT P20340, IN THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. ISSUE STATEMENT: The City has completed a local improvement project for West I Street, from Water Street to Kelly Boulevard and vicinity. The Council is requested to adopt the ordinance assessing the properties for this project in the amount of $36,430.43. The ordinance contains an emergency clause that makes it effective immediately upon adoption. The emergency clause is being used because we would like to enter the liens on the City docket as soon as possible. ATTACHMENTS: No.1 - Council Briefing Memorandum No.2 - Vicinity Map No.3 - Ordinance DISCUSSION/FINANCIAL IMPACT: See attached Briefing Memorandum. MEMORANDUM City of Springfield Date: To: From: June 18, 2007 Gino Grimaldi, City Manager Bob Duey, Finance Director1?"D Mary Smith, Accounting Technician 'l't(j ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING LIENS FOR INSTALLATION OF PAVING, CURBS AND GUTTERS, SIDEWALKS, STORM DRAINAGE, STREET LIGHTS AND STREET TREES FOR WEST I STREET, FROM WATER STREET TO KELLY BOULEVARD AND VICINITY. Subject: ISSUE: The City received a petition in March 2002 from the benefiting property owners requesting that the City improve West I Street from Water Street to Kelly Boulevard and vicinity. A neighborhood meeting was held on June 6, 2006. A public hearing was held on July 17, 2006, for the purpose of hearing views for or against the construction. BACKGROUND: The assessment of the cost of public improvements such as street paving and sidewalk installation to the adjacent benefiting properties ina local improvement district is allowed and governed by statues (ORS 223.205-650) and the City Code (3.004 to 3.156). The City Engineer's report was adopted by Ordinance No. 6180 on July 17, 2006. The City Engineer's report estimated the total cost of the project as $249,000, with $110,000 to be assessed to the property owners less an amount to be paid by CDBG funds for qualifying homeowners, and $139,000.00 to be paid by City funds. The project was completed and was accepted by resolution of the Council on March 19, 2007. The final project costs totaled $249,620.85. The final asse!)sable portion of the project totaled $109,444.70, of which $36,430.43 is to be assessed to the property owners and $73,014.27 was paid by a Block Grant. Property owners who qualified because of their family size and income level receiced a discount on the assessment. Three property owners received a 100% discount, two property owners received an 83% discount, and five property owners received a 33% discount. The City portion of the project totaled $140,176.15, of which $10,000.00 was paid by the Storm Drainage Capital Fund and $130,176.15 was paid by the Street Capital Fund. The next step in the assessment process is for the City Council to adopt the attached assessment ordinance. This ordinance allows the City to enter the assessments on its lien docket and begin billing the property owners. The property owners have the option of paying the assessment in.full within 10 days, signing a Bancroft application to make payments over a period of ten years, or making a partial payment and signing a Bancroft application to make payments on the balance over a ten year period. RECOMMENDED ACTION: The Council is requested to adopt the attached ordinance levying assessment liens for the cost of the improvements for West I Street, from Water Street to Kelly Boulevard and vicinity, Project P20340, in the amount of $36,430.43. Attachment 1 ~~~ . . 6. . ,:00 ,...- \\ITOO. n.." ~\ \. "J" STREET D . 1\\... l 130 -o:.,"OZOO I __~ iGA ~ rt rt III o ;y !:l CD ::l rt N "H" . STREET . 26 ,.'1'..".... "~5 ~ 6 J ;s o \j.) ~ ? ~ C1> ~ I-t C/) ~ ~ ~ W C/) ,:f a s .~ C1> t:::: '"< to o g. C1> < a 8. -< ..... o fi f. ORDINANCE NO. (Special) AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING LIENS FOR INSTALLATION OF PAVING, CURBS AND GUTTERS, srDEW ALKS, STORM DRAINAGE, STREET LIGHTS, AND STREET TREES, FOR WEST I STREET FROM WATER STREET TO KELLY BOULEVARD AND VICINITY, PROJECT #P20340, IN THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: In accordance with Section 3.004 of the Springfield Municipal Code, an engineer's report, for street improvements to serve West I Street from Water Street to Kelly Boulevard and vicinity, Project #P20340, was accepted by the Common Council of the City of Springfield as Ordinance No. 6180 on June 17,2006, and filed in the office of the Finance Director on May 24,2007, for the total area more particularly described in Exhibit "A", attached, and is by reference hereto incorporated herein and made a part of this ordinance. Owners of benefited property and all interested persons were invited to appear at a public hearing on June 18,2007. Section 2: The total cost of the improvement construction, based upon the contract awarded, was . $249,620.86. The City will pay, as its share of said construction, the sum of$213,190.43. The remaining balance of $36,430.43 is hereby assessed against the property benefited by the improvement and in the reputed ownership of persons named as follows: (See Exhibit "A") Section 3: The council hereby declares the assessments set forth to be liens upon the property and orders the Finance Director to enter the liens in the City lien docket to be collected in accordance with existing statutory provisions governing assessments for City improvements, The lien docket entry shall include a complete legal description of the property assessed, the name ofthe reputed owner or owners, the amount of the assessment, and the number of this authorizing ordinance. Section 4: It is hereby found and determined by the Common Council, that matters pertaining to public improvements, and assessments therefore, are matters affecting the public health, safety and welfare, and that an emergency therefore exists, and that this ordinance shall therefore take effect immediately upon its passage by the Council and approval by the Mayor. ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Spri~gfield by a vote of against this 18th day ofJ une 2007. in favor and APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Springfield this . day of ,2007, Attest: Mayor City Recorder Attachment 3-1 Ordinance No. EXHIBIT A PROJECT No. -20340 West I Street Improvement Project From Kelly Blvd to Water Street Clay D. Parker 244 W. I Street Springfield, OR 97477 $ 5,954.82 On: 244 W. I Street Thattract of land described in a deed from Linda L. Shaw to Clay Parker, recorded for public record August 27,2001 at Reception No. 2001-055684, Lane County Deeds and Records, Lane County, Oregon, being more completely described as follows: Beginning at a point on the South line of Lot 6 in Block 6 of Emerald Heights Addition to Springfield, as platted and recorded at Page 14 of Volume 4, Lane County Plat Records, 65 feet East of the Southwest corner thereof; thence North 10. 56' West 101.84 feet to the North line of Lot 5; thence East 65 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 5; thence South 10.56' East 101.84 feet to the Southeast corner of Lot 6; thence West 65 feet to the place of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. TL: 17 -03-34-11-02400 David A. & Kristine L. Nicholas 88608 Ermi Bee Rd. Springfield, OR 97478 $ 5,954.82 On: 1001 Laura Street That tract of land described in a deed from Cheryl L. Carnes to David A. Nicholas and Kristine. L. Nicholas, recorded for public record March 30, 2007 at Reception No. 2007- 021606, Lane County Deeds and Records, Lane County, Oregon, being more completely described as follows: Lot 5 and 6, Emerald Heights Addition to Springfield, as platted and recorded in Book 4, Page 14, Lane County Plat Records, in the City of Springfield, Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPT: Beginning at a point on the South line of Lot 6, Block 6, Emerald Heights Addition to Springfield, as platted and recorded in Book 4, Page 14, Lane County Plat Records, which is East 65 feet from the Southwest corner thereof; thence North 10. 56' West 101.84 feet to the North line of Lot 5, thence East 65 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 5, thence South 10. 56' East 101.84 feet to the Southeast corner of Lot 6; thence West 65 feet to the place of beginning, commonly known as 1001 and 1003 Laura Att~chment 3-2 Street, In Springfield, Oregon. TL: 17 -03-34-11-02600 Sherri Brown 1274 W. 4th Ave. . Eugene, OR. 97402 $ 2,556.95 On: 220 W. I Street That tract of land described in a deed from Elsie Atkins and James Atkins to Sherri Brown, recorded for public record August 28, 2006, Lane County Deeds and Records, Lane County, Oregon, being more particularly described as follows: Lot 7, Block 6, Emerald Heights Addition to Springfield, as platted and recorded in Book 4, Page 14, Lane County, Oregon. . TL 17-03-34-11-02700 Velda Arnaud 12920 Street Springfield OR. 97477 $ 4,617.28 Carl Sakari 310 W. I Street Springfield, OR. 97477 On: 310 W. I Street That tract of land described in a deed from Velda Arnaud, Carl Sakari and Estella M. Southmayd to Vleda Arnuad and Carl Sakari, recorded for public record June 29,2001, Lane County Deeds and Records, Lane County, Oregon, being more completely described as follows: (' Lot 3, Block 7 of Emerald Heights Addition to Springfield, as platted and recorded in Book 4, Page 14, Lane County, Oregon, Plat Records in Lane County, Oregon. TL: 17 -03-34-11-03400 Donald W. Pike and Lillian Pike P. O. Box 2251 Redmond, OR. 97756 $ 2,347.74 On: 243 W. I Street That tract of land described in a deed from James J. Neil and Cassandra P. Neil to Donald W. Pike and Lillian Pike, recorded for public record August 21, 2003, Lane County Deeds and Records, in Lane County, Oregon, being more particularly described as follows: . Attachment 3-3 Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 1, Block 10 of Emerald Heights Addition to Springfield, as platted and recorded in Book 4, Page 14, Lane County Plat Records; thence West, along the North line of said Lot, 101 feet; thence Southeasterly, parallel with the East line of said Lot to the South line of said Lot; thence East, along the South line, 101 feet to the Southeast corner thereof; thence Northwesterly, along the East line of said Lot, to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. TL: 17-03-34-11'-04500 Kenneth Alan Wilson 965 Kelly Blvd. Springfield, OR 97477 $ 9,776.90 On: 955 Kelly Blvd. That tract of land described in a deed from Kim Wilson-Spellman to Kenneth Alan Wilson, recorded for public record July 2,1992 on Reel 1772R at Reception No. 92- 36590, Land County Deeds and Records, Lane County, OregQn, being more particularly described as follows: . Lot 1, Block 10, Emerald Heights Addition to Springfield, as platted and recorded in Book 4, Page 14, Lane County Plat Records, in Lane County, Oregon. TL: 17 -03-34-11-4501 Danny Lee Cook 207 W. I Street Springfield, OR. 97477 $ 00.00 On: 207 W. I Street That tract of land described in a deed from Danny Lee Cook, Claiming Successor of Regina H. Flynn estate to Danny Lee Cook, recorded for public record October 17, 2006 Lane County Deeds and Records, Lane County, Oregon, being more completely described as follows: Lot 12, Block 10, Emerald Heights Addition to Springfield, as platted and recorded at Page 14 of Volume 4, Lane County, Oregon plat record, in Lane County, Oregon. TL: 17 -03-34-11-05500 Sean Thomas McGann and Claudia McGann P. O. Box 10691 Eugene, OR. 97440 $ 5,221.92 On: 151 W. I Street This tract of land described in a deed from Sean Thomas McGann to Sean Thomas McGann ahd Claudia McGann, recorded for public record May 1, 2006, atReception ,i\ttqch1]lent 3~~4 No. 2006-09962, Lane County Deeds and Records, Lane County, Oregon, being more completely described as follows: The East 57.0 feet of Lot 5 and the East Half of Lot 6, Block 5, Emerald Heights Addition to.Springfield, as platted and recorded in Book 4, Page 14, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPT the West 8.0 feet of said east half of Lot 6, Block 5, Emerald Heights Addition to Springfield, as platted and recorded in Book 4, Page 14, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Lane County, Oregon. TL: 17 -03-35-22-08600 Jose Guadalupe Camarena and Kimberly Ann Camarena $ 00.00 161 W. I Street Springfield, Or. 97477 On: 161 W. I Street That tract of land described in a deed from Jose Camarena and Kimberly Camarena to Jose Guadalupe Camarena and Kimberly Ann Camarena, Husband and Wife, recorded for public record March 30, 2006 at Reception No. 2006-021597, Lane County Deeds and Records, Lane County, Oregon, being more completely described as follows: The West 8 feet of the East one-half of Lot 6, Block 5, and the West one-half of Ldt 6, Block 5, Emerald Heights Addition to Springfield, as platted and recorded in Book 4, Page 14, Lane County Plat Records, in Lane County, Oregon. TL: 17 -03-35-22-08700 Susan Goodyear 995 Water Street Springfield, OR. 97478 $ 00.00 On: 995 Water Street That tract of land described in a deed from Frank Morris to Susan Goodyear, ,recorded for public record April 8, 1999 at Reception No. 99-031485, Land County Deeds and Records, Lane County, Oregon, being more completely described as follows: Lot 1, Block 11 of Emerald Heights Addition to Springfield, as platted and recorded in Volume 4 Page 14, Lane County Plat Records, in Lane County, Oregon. TL: 17 -03-35-22-08800 :A t ta,ch~.ent 3-:-5