HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 14 Award of Contract for Engineering Surveying and Photogrammetry for Gateway/Beltline Intersection Project - P20474 Meeting Date: Meeting Type: Department: Staff Contact: Staff Phone No: Estimated Time: June 18, 2007 Regular Meeting Public WorksQ/tA Tom Boyatt 'W ' 747-1354 Consent Calendar AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL ITEM TITLE: AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR ENGINEERING SURVEYlNG AND PHOTOGRAMMETRY FOR GA TEW A Y IBEL TUNE INTERSECTION PROJECT - P204 7 4 ACTION REQUESTED: ISSUE STATEMENT: ATTACHMENTS: AUTHORIZE I NOT AUTHORIZE the City Manager to execute a contract in the amount not to exceed $92,621 with CH2M HILL, Inc" for engineering survey and photogrammetry work for the Gateway/Beltline Intersection project. Additional aerial photography, photogrammetry and engineering survey work is needed to establish an accurate base map to complete 30% design of proposed improvements at the intersection, Additional traffic modeling, alternative analysis and design work are being conducted under a separate contract. Attachment A: Independent Contractor agreement with CH2M HILL, Inc. DISCUSSIONI FINANCIAL IMPACT: The City currently has a Professional. Services Contract with CH2MHill in the amount of $566,000 to: L Refine the Gateway/Beltline project to a point where it can move forward for construction ($275,890), and 2, Complete a Facility Plan for the Franklin Boulevard Corridor in Glenwood, including concept consideration for the FranklinlMc Vay intersection ($290,110). At the June 4th Work Session, staff discussed with Council proposed changes to the current contract and explained the need to enter into this second contract for work necessary to refme Gateway/Beltline roadway design, The current GatewaylBeltline project involves refining the 2002 Environmental Assessment design alternative for GatewaylBeltline and nearby roadways and intersections, in preparation for construction, Current contracted amount with CH2MHill for this work is $275,890. This amount is intended to pay for stakeholder and public involvement, design refmement, traffic analysis, agency meetings and briefings, and project management activity. This new contract with CH2MHill, selected under the Architectural and Engineering Related Services exemption, for $92,621 will provide aerial photogrammetry, right-of-way retracement and control surveys in the project area. This work will provide an accurate, detailed base map to serve the project design, Information currently available from other agencies and published surveys covers much ofthe project area, but is not adequate for the east and north portions of the project. The detailed project design base model is needed in order to design improvements for the GatewaylBeltline project. In the interests of project scheduling it is recommended to pursue the design model at this time, The increased cost can be covered by capital funds that will be available to the project in federal fiscal year 2008. Project funds are currently budgeted from annexation agreement sources. At the June 4th Work Session Council directed staff to proceed with this strategy and present the contract attached for Council approval. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT (Type 3: For Personal Services Contracts Requiring Professional Liability Insurance) Dated: May 18, 2007 Parties: City of Springfield 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 ("CITY") and CH2M HILL ("Independent Contractor") Additional Independent Contractor Information: A. Type of Entity: B. Address: C. Telephone: D. Fax No: E. SSN or Fed. 1.0. No: F. Professional License(s) No: G. Oregon Agency Issuing License: H. Foreign Contractor DYes ~ No (Foreign means not domiciled in or registered to do business in Oregon) See Exhibit B(11). o Sole Proprietorship o Partners 0 Limited Liability Company [gI Corporation 200 Hawthorne Avenue, SE, Salem, OR 97301 (503) 378-0661 (503) 378-0665 CITY Account Number(s) To Be Charged (Include Percentages): Percentage i 100% I Account Number 1420-62261-850151 j In consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, the parties agree to the following terms, provisions and conditions: 1. Payment by CITY. CITY shall pay Independent Contractor according to the sum and schedule described on Attachment "1" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Hourly billing . rates may be increased annually on January 1st, based on Contractor's standards adopted rates. If City does not agree to adopted rate increases, rate increases may be negotiated based on the most. recent twelve month average of either the national Consumer Price Index (CPI) or the Engineering News Record Construction Cost Index for the Northwest Region, upon agreement by both parties. 2. Services to be Performed by Independent Contractor. Independent Contractor shall perform the services described on Attachment 1. 3. Term. This Agreement is effective as of the date first set forth above and shall continue until Julv 1. 2009 , unless earlier terminated in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement or by mutual consent of the parties. Independent Contractor Agreement for Personal Services Type 3 ATTACHMENT A Page 1 OF 21 4. Independent Contractor Status. By its execution of this Agreement, Independent Contractor certifies its status as an "Independent Contractor" as that term is used under the laws of the State of Oregon, and that all performance of any labor or services required to be performed by Independent Contractor under the terms of this Agreement shall be performed in accordance with the standards set forth in ORS 670.600, and as more specifically set forth on Exhibit" A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 5. Conformance with Oregon Public Contracts Law (ORS Chapter 279). Independent Contractor shall comply with all applicable provisions of Oregon law for public contracts, inCluding, but not limited to ORS 279B.220, ORS 279B.225, ORS 279B.230, and ORS 279B.235, and as more fully set forth on Exhibits "A" and "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 6. Work Performed. The work to be performed by Independent Contractor includes services generally performed by Independent Contractor in his!herlits usual line of business. 7. Tax duties and Liabilities. Independent Contractor shall be responsible for all federal, state and local taxes, if any, applicable to any payments received pursuant to this Agreement, including but not limited to income tax, payroll tax, social security and self':'employment tax. CITY shall not withhold, pay, or in any other manner be responsible for payment of any taxes on behalf of Independent Contractor. 8. Reimbursement Of Expenses. Independent Contrc;lctor shall not be entitled to reimbursement by CITY for any expenses incurred by Independent Contractor unless otherwise agreed in writing. 9. Materials and Supplies. Independent Contractor shall supply all materials and supplies needed to perform the services required unless otherwise agreed in writing. 10. No Authority To Bind CITY. Independent Contractor shall have no authority to enter into contracts on behalf of CITY, it's officers, agents and employees. This Agreement shall not create a partnership or joint venture of any sort between the parties. 11. Federal Employment Status. In the event payment made pursuant to this Agreement is to be charged against federal funds, Independent Contractor hereby certifies that it is not currently employed by the Federal Government and the amount charged does not exceed Independent Contractor's normal charge for the type of services provided. 12. Indemnification and Hold Harmless. The Contractor shall assume all responsibilities for the work, and bear all losses and damages directly or indirectly resulting to the Contractor, the City, or to others on account of the character or performance of the work, unforeseen difficulties, accidents, or any other cause whatsoever. The Contractor shall assume defense of, indemnify and save harmless the City, its officials, agents, and employees from all claims, liability, loss, damage and injury of every kind, nature aild description, directly or indirectly resulting from activities in the performance of the Contract, the ownership, maintenance or use of motor vehicles in connection therewith, or the acts, omissions, operations, or conduct of the Contractor or any Subcontractor under the Contract or any way arising out of the Contract, irrespective of wheher any act, omission or conduct of the City connected with the Contract is a condition or contributory cause of the claim, liability loss, d~age or injury and irrespective or whether act, omission, or conduct of the Contractor or Subcontractor is merelya condition rather than a cause of a claim, liability, loss damage or injury. The Contractor shall not be liable for nor be required to defend or indemnify, the City relative to claims for damage or damages resulting solely from acts or omissions of the City, its officials, agents or employees. 13.1nsurance. 13.1 General Insurance. The Contractor shall maintain in force for the duration of this agreement a Commercial General Liability insurance policy written on an occurrence basis withlimits not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 in the aggregate. Automobile Liability (owned, norrowned and Independent Contractor Agreement for Personal Services Type 3 ATTACHMENT A Page 2 OF 21 hired) insurance with limits not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence shall be maintained. The City, its employees, officials and agents will be named as an Additional Insureds where operations are being conducted related to this contract, on the General Liability policy as respects to work or services perfo~ed under this agreement to the extent that the death or bodily injury to persons or damage to property arises out of the fault of the Contractor or the fault of the Contractor's agents, representatives or subcontractors. The City's Additional Insured status shall apply to the premises, products and completed operations hazards as defined by the Insurance Service Office (ISO). This insurance will be primary over any insurance the City may carry on its own. If the City requires Professional Liability coverage, the City's Risk Manager must approve the terms, conditions and limits, 13.2 Professional Liability. Independent Contractor shall maintain in force during the duration of this Agreement (and, if it is a claims made policy, for a year following completion of the project) a professional liability policy with limits and insurance company to be approved by the City Risk Manager. 13.3 Workers' Compensation. Independent Contractor shall provide and maintain workers' compensation coverage for its employees, officers, agents, or partners, as required by applicable workers' compensation laws. 13.4 Evidence of Coverage. Evidence of the required coverages issued by a company satisfactory to the City shall be provided to the City by way of a certificate of insurance before any work or services commence. A 30-day notice of cancellation or material change in coverage clause shall be included, It is the Contractor's obligation to provide the 30 days notice ifnot done so by the Contractor's insurance company(s). Failure to maintain the proper insurance shall be grounds for immediate termination of this contract. 13.5 Equipment and Material Independent Contractor shall be responsible for any loss, damage, or destruction of its own property, equipment, and materials used in conjunction with the work. 13.6 Exception or Waivers. Any exception or waiver of these requirements shall be subject to review and approval from the CITY's Risk Manager. 14. Termination. The performance of work under this Agreement may be terminated by CITY, in whole or in part, whenever for any reason CITY shall determine that such termination is in the best interest of CITY. Any such termination shall be effected by delivery to the Independent Contractor of a Notice of Termination specifying the extent to which performance of the work under the Agreement is terminated and the date on which such termination is effective. Upon delivery to the Independent Contractor of a Notice of Termination under this paragraph, the Independent Contractor and CITY shall, by agreement, make an appropriate written modification to this Agreement governing completion of portions of the independent Contractor's work and payment therefore by CITY. 15.Rights In Data. All original written material, including programs, card decks, tapes, listings, and other documentation originated and prepared for CITY pursuant to this Agreement, shall become exclusively the property of CITY. The ideas, concepts, know-how, or techniques developed during the course of this Agreement by Independent Contractor personnel can by used by either party in any way it may deem appropriate. Material already in Independent Contractor's possession, independently developed by Independent Contractor outside the scope of this Agreement, or rightfully obtained by Independent Contractor from third parties, shall belong Independent Contractor. This agreement shall not preclude Independent Contractor from developing materials which are competitive, irrespective of their similarity to materials which might be delivered to CITY pursuant to this Agreement. Independent Contractor shall not, however, use any written materials developed under this Agreement in developing materials for others, except as provided in this section. 16.Confidentiality. ~uring the course of performance hereunder, Independent Contractor or its agent, employees, or contractors, may receive confidential information. Independent Contractor agrees to use its best efforts to maintain the confidentiality of such information and to inform each agent and employee performing services of the confidentiality obligation that pertains to such information. Independent Contractor Agreement for Personal Services Type 3 ATTACHMENT A PAGE 3 OF 21 Agreement, and any transferee or subcontractor shall be considered the agent of Independent Contractor. Independent Contractor shall remain liable as between the original parties to this Agreement as if no such assignment had occurred. 18.Successors In Interest. The provisions of this Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the parties to this Agreement and their respective successors and assigns. 19.Compliance With All Government Regulations. Independent Contractor shall comply with all Federal, State and local laws, codes, regulations and ordinances applicable to the work performed under this Agreement. Failure to comply with such requirements shall constitute a breach of contract and shall be grounds for termination of this Agreement. Damages or costs resulting from noncompliance shall be the sole responsibility of Independent Contractor. 20.Attorney Fees. In the event a lawsuit of any kind is instituted on behalf of CITY to enforce any provision of this Agreement, Independent Contractor shall pay such additional sums as the Court may adjudge reasonable for attorney fees plus all costs and disbursements at trial and on any appeal. . 21.Force Majeure. Neither party to this Agreement shall be held responsible for delay or default caused by fire, riot, acts of God and/or war which is beyond that party's reasonable control. CITY may terminate this Agreement upon written notice after determining such delay or default will unreasonably prevent successful performance of the Agreement. 22.Assistance Regarding Patent And Copyright Infringement. In the event of any claim or suit against CITY on account of any alleged patent or copyright infringement arising out of the performance of this Agreement or out of the use of any material furnished or work or services performed hereunder, Independent Contractor shall defend CITY against any such suit or claim and hold CITY harmless from any and all expenses, court costs, and attorney's fees in connection with such claim or suit. 23.Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is declared by a court to be illegal or in conflict with any law, the validity of the remaining terms and provisions shall not be affected; and the rights and obligations of the parties shall be construed and enforced as if the Agreement did not contain the particular provision held to be invalid.' 24.Access To Records. CITY and its duly authorized representatives shall have access to books, documents, papers and records of Independent Contractor which are directly pertinent to this Agreement for the purpose of making audit, examination, excerpts and transcripts. 25.Waiver. Failure of CITY to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver or relinquishment by CITY of the right to such performance in the future nor of the right to enforce any other provision of this Agreement. 26.Amendments. The terms of this Agreement shall not be waived, altered, modified, supplemented or amended in any manner whatsoever, without prior written approval of CITY, No modification of this Agreement shall bind either party unless reduced to writing and subscribed by both parties, or ordered by a Court. 27.Nondiscrimination. Independent Contractor shall comply with all applicable requirements of Federal and State civil rights and rehabilitation statutes, rules and regulations. 28.Dual Payment. Independent Contractor shall not be compensated for work performed under this contract from any CITY agency other than the agency which is a party to this contract. 29.Remedies. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Oregon, and any litigation arising out of this Agreement shall be conducted in the courts of the State of Oregon, County of Lane. Independent Contractor Agreement for Personal Services Type 3 ATTACHMENT A PAGE 4 OF 21 3D.Entire Agreement. This Agreement signed by both parties is the parties' final and entire Agreement and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous oral or written communications between the parties, their agents and representatives. There are no representations, promises, terms, conditions or obligations other than those contained herein. 31. Waiver of Consequential Damanges. In no way shall Contractor, its affiliated corporations, officers, employees, or any of its subcontrators be liable for any incidental, indirect, special, punitive, economic or consequential damanges, including but not limited to loss of revenue or profits, suffered or incurred by the City, or any of its agents, including other contractors engaged at the project site, as a result of this Agreement or Contractor's performance or non-performance of services pursuant to this Agreement, Limitations of liability apply whether the liability is claimed to arise in contract, tort (including negligence), strict liability or otherwise. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have executed this Agreement to be effective the date first set forth above. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD: CH2M HILL, Inc. By: Name: By: Name: Title: Title: Date: Date: r;\i:'. Hf.\:il,(f::ll"l il. r:p~;'R'f!\iF[; l!lbl;tr...r,..\..I <;;0.11. , ..""" - A~~~V1~ l~,~ DATE: J,p---=Jl=--O 1 _ OFFICE OF CITY r\TTORNtY Reviewed by City Contract Officer ~h.w~c- bl'VO? Independent Contractor Agreement for Personal Services Type 3 ATTACHMENT A PAGE 5 OF 21 Attachment 1 City of Springfield Gateway/Beltline Intersection Project Task 1.0 Surveying & Mapping Contrac~or shall provide labor, equipment and materials to produce new orthophotographs for the Project Vicinity and a digital terrain model (DTM) and base map for the Project Area to be used for [mal design and contract plan preparation. Project Vicinity is shown in Exhibit A-I, Project Area is shown in Exhibit A-2. Contractor is in possession of a DrM and base map produced for a portion of the Project Area by the Oregon Department of Transportation; Geometronics Unit titled "1-5 at Beltline (Eugene), Aerial Photo Symbol 01-003" (ODOT Model), A copy of the title block is shown in Exhibit A-3, The ODOr Model shall be the basis for the DTM and base map for the Project Area that Contractor develops under this scope of work. Contractor shall control, infill and update the ODOr model and map by executing the following tasks: Survey Control and Confidence Points, Photogrammetry, Project Area Digital Terrain Model and,Base Map, Utility Mapping, and Right of Way Review and Update. Upon separate Notice to Proceed, Contractor shall execute the Contingency rasks of mapping at locations of up to two new roadway alignments. This would include photo mapping, confidence points, supplemental ground surveying, utility mapping, ROW resolution, and Monument Recovery and Retracement Survey. All work performed for the Contingency Task will use the same approaches described in Task 1.3 for DTM and base map. Task 1.1 Survey Control & Confidence Points ODOr developed the existing ODOT Model in preparation for improvements to the Interstate-5 / Beltline Road interchange. The ODOT Model was developed by using aerial photographs collected by helicopter flight methods which yield accuracy that meets ODOT digital terrain model and base map standards for use in fmal design and contract plan preparation. ODOT did not complete any other ground surveying to supplement the mapping in the Gateway/Beltline Intersection project area, Contractor shall complete confidence point checks on the ODOT Model. Confidence points will be collected and reviewed per ODOT Confidence Point standards, Survey control and coordinate system will be based on this existing ODOr mapping control which has been provide to Contractor by ODOr, Survey control shall be checked and established using a combination ofGPS (Static and RTK), Total Station traversing, and Digital levels. All control work shall be adjusted and reviewed to meet ODOT quality standards for DrM and Base Maps used in [mal design and contract plan preparation. Contractor shall prepare a brief technical memorandum describing the status of the existing ODor Survey Control and to what degree it can be utilized for this work. The ATTACHMENT A PAGE 6 OF 21 memorandum must also include a review of confidence points and a summary of mapping accuracies that will be used for project design, as well as a discussion of difference between ODOT survey datum and Springfield datum in the project area, and any adjustment that must be made to reconcile them. Assumptions . Field markers for the ODOT survey control network can be located and the control network remains intact. . Contractor shall set no ROW monuments or property comers. Oeliverables: . Technical memorandum describing . Status of the existing ODOT Survey Control . Review of confidence points and summary of mapping accUracies for design use. Task 1.2 Photogrammetry and Photomapping Contractor shall obtain new color aerial photographs with a calibrated aerial film camera, Aerial photographs in the Project Vicinity will be at 1" = 850' for use in upgrading City of Springfield GIS mapping. Aerial photographs in the area shown in Exhibit A-4 along Beltline Road and Game Farm Road East will be at a scale of 1 "=170' to support design level mapping. The contractor will set photo reference targets and survey their locations in datum used by City of Springfield, Contractor shall adjust aerial photographs for topographic relief, lens distortion and camera tilt to create orthophotgraphs for GIS and project mapping, Contractor shall produce two independent and unrelated products under this task: · New orthorphotos to update City's ortho imagery tiling grid, . New orthophotos of the area shown in Exhibit A-4 adequate to develop the mapping described in Task 1.3, Assumptions . Agency will provide existing DTM used for their orthophoto tiling grid shown in Exhibit C to help insure that new imagery matches existing. · The orthophotos for the area shown in Exhibit A -4 are interim products and need not be delivered to City, ATTACHMENT A PAGE 7 OF 21 Deliverables . One electronic set of orthphotographs for City's orthoimagery tiling grid numbers C02, C03, C04, D02, D03, and D04 at 0.5' pixel. City's Ortho Imagery Tiling Grid is shown in Exhibit C, Task 1.3 Digital Terrain Model and Base Map Contractor shall create a digital terrain model and base map for the Project Area shown in Exhibit A-2 by updating the ODOT Model. Areas requiring updating include locations where development has occurred since 2002 and Beltline Road between Hutton Way and Game Farm Road, Contractor shall use DTM created in Task 1.2 for.the area shown in Exhibit A-4, Contractor shall obtain supplemental ground topographic survey in obscured photo mapping areas, areas that need more details and design hard surface match areas. This data must be incorporated along with aerial photo mapping to create the updated DTM and base map, Contractor shall collect confidence points, as required by ODOT "Route Surveying Procedures Manual" during the field surveying, Contractor shall obtain locations for utilities that may be impacted by construction of this project within the Project Area defined in Exhibit A-2 on Beltline Road, Gateway Street, Kruse Street, and Hutton Way and areas outside of these streets where construction is anticipated, Contractor shall gather the field data necessary to show utility locations in the base mapping within public ROW or construction areas for the roadway design. Contractor shall request underground utilities to be marked in the field (known as "field locates") within the immediate project area, as identified above. Contractor shall use the statewide "One-call" utility notification system and submit a "pre-survey" locate request. All utility operators with buried facilities subscribe to the One-call system (OUNC-Oregon Utility Notification Center). When surveying marked lines and describing the line data points, Contractor shall record in the field notes the utility ownership, All non-tangent markings shall be tied, i,e. survey shots must be of sufficient frequency to accurately record each facility's alignment and deviation, It is assumed that no potholing of underground utilities will be performed. Contractor shall measure and record invert elevations of sanitary and storm sewer manholes, and inlets (or catch basins) within public ROW. Contractor shall take elevations on rims of manholes and inlets as well as the top of all exposed pipes, Contractor shall obtain invert elevations of culverts and document these in the field notes along with a sketch, description (type, size, and condition), and location of all pipes. Contractor is not expected to clean out any debris from the inlets, manholes and culverts. Contractor shall make field sketches of manhole/inlet showing connecting pipe configurations. Contractor shall note the pipe size on the Base Map. Contractor shall ATTACHMENT A PAGE 8 OF 21 measure and record utility facility structures (e, g, concrete pads, top slab of vaults, pump station housing, barrier screens or fenced enclosures). Utility ties must not be used as part of the DTM modeling unless depicting actual ground elevation, Contractor shall gather topographic data for this project by techniques consistent with preparing a DTM and National Mapping Standards Accuracies, A combination of survey data at break lines, features, and spot locations must be used to develop the DIM model. The topographic survey is made to establish the configuration of the ground and the location of natural and man made objects. Contractor shall create a DIM within an InRoads file, The updated DTM shall depict the actual surface shape. Once the new DTM and base maps have been compiled, Contractor shall produce electronic orthoimagery and certain electronic base map products to the standards established by City of Springfield Public Works Department according to the Exhibit B "City's Layering Conventions," Exhibit C "City's Ortho Imagery Tiling Grid" and Exhibit D "City's Horizontal.and Vertical Datum." Exhibits B, C and D herein referred to as City Standards, Assumptions . The ODOT Model is complete, accurate and only requires updating where development has occurred since 2002 and Beltline Road between Hutton Way and Game Farm Road. . The ODOT Model does not include utility drainage feature information. Oeliverables . Combined Microstation (,dgn) design file and InRoads DTM file for the Planimetrics and Surface at a scale of l" = 20' with 1 foot contours for the Project Area defmed in Exhibit A-2 that meets ODOT standards for use in fmal design and contract plan preparation, . Combined AutoDesk (,dwg) drawing file and LandXML DTM file for the Planimetrics, survey work and Surface at a scale of 1" = 20' with 1 foot contours for the Project Area defined in Exhibit A-2 that meets City Standards for use by engineers at the City of Springfield, Specific deliverables include: . Drawing file of combined base map of full topography including 1- foot contours and spot elevations expressed on the City's vertical datum, see Exhibit B and Exhibit D, . Drawing file of combined DTM data including mass points and categorized 3D breaklines, see Exhibit B and Exhibit D. . LandXML export file of combined DTM including surfaces (TIN), point groups, break lines and project boundary(s), · High resolution orthoimagery of the project areas shown in Exhibit A-4 . Confidence Report and ASCn file of confidence points, ATTACHMENT A PAGE 9 OF 21 Task 1.4 Right-of-Way Review and Update ROW in the Project Area has been defmed in a series of maps submitted to the Lane County Surveyors Office and recorded as CS File No. 37684. The cover page of this document is shown in Exhibit A-5, titled "Centerline Resolution, Monument Recovery and Control Survey, Interstate 5 at Beltline Interchange, Study and Design," and dated August 20, 2002 (OBEC Survey), Contractor shall review this survey and perform work necessary to update it for changes since it was submitted. Some new monuments are anticipated, Contractor shall complete fieldwork for new monuments and file a Monument Recovery and Retracement Survey with Lane County Surveyor. Contractor shall provide all labor, equipment, and materials to perform a Monument Recovery and Retracement Survey to be filed with Lane County Surveyor office. Contractor shall document in this survey the monuments located in field and the resolution of roads per found monuments. Contractor shall also document the establishment and setting of survey control for this project in the survey, This survey must meet the requirements of ORS 209,150 for documentation of existing monuments before development. Contractor shall provide a resolution of property lines and ROW (Right -of- W ay) lines within the project area. Contractor shall complete this task by reviewing the OBEC filed survey and locating other existing surveys filed with Lane County Surveyor office, Contractor shall review found records and identify monuments, Contractor shall search for noted monuments and tie (locate) the ones found. The found monuments must be used for resolution of property lines and ROW lines, Surveys and deeds must be used to check and calculate lines, The preliminary property lines and ROW lines must be referenced to the basemap drawing. Assumptions . Contractor will.not resolve boundary issues or set_ any boundary or ROW monuments, . The OBEC Monument and Recovery Survey is complete and accurate and will not require revision except for changes where new construction has occurred, . Fewer than 6 new monuments will be needed in order to complete and file a Monument Recovery Survey with Lane County Surveyor. Oeliverables . Electronic Microstation CADD Files (* ,dgn) for the Property Lines and ROW lines at a scale of 1" = 20' . . . Filed Monument Recovery Survey with Lane County Surveyor office. ATTACHMENT A PAGE 10 OF 21 Contingency Task Task 1.5 Mapping New Roadway Alignments J Upon separate written Notice to Proceed, Contractor shall provide DTM and base mapping for up to two proposed new roadway alignments. Currently, the potential new alignments being considered are: 1) extension of Maple Island Road between Beltline Road and Game Farm Road East and 2) the extension of Intemational Way to St Joseph Place, However, actual new alignments to be developed (if any) will be identified during project development (under a separate contract). The extent of new mapping under this task will be up to 2500 feet long and 200 feet wide, Contractor shall use the aerial photographs obtained in Task 1.2 supplemented with mapping, utilities, and confidence point checks defmed in Task 1.1, Task 1.3 and Task 1.4 to develop the DTM and base maps for the new roadway alignments to the standard described in Task 1.3. If this Contingency Task is authorized, Contractor shall extend ODOT's existing survey control up to 1 mile to include the new alignment areas. If this ~ontingency Task is authorized, Contractor shall defme additional ROWand file a Monument Recovery and Retracement Survey, Assumptions . The OBEC Monument and Recovery Survey is complete and accurate and will not require revision except for changes where new construction has occurred. . Fewer than 6 new monuments will be needed in order to complete and file a Monument Recovery Survey with Lane County Surveyor. Oeliverables For the new alignment areas: . Combined Electronic Microstation CADD Files (* ,dgn) for the Planimetrics and Surface at a scale of 1" = 20' with 1 foot contours, . Combined DTM in Bentley InRoads. . Confidence Report and ASCII file of confidence points . Electronic Microstation CADD Files (* .dgn) for the Monument Recovery and Retracement Survey, . Filed Survey with Lane County Surveyor office, ATTACHMENT A PAGE 11 OF 21 Exhibit A-1 Project Vicinity ATTACHMENT A PAGE 12 OF 21 ATTACHMENT A PAGE 13 OF 21 ca Q) '- <( ..... u Q) .~ o '- c.. N I <( ..... .- .c .- J: >< W ttJ ~ ~ 1-3 G1 1-3 trl ~ f--I () ,j:>. ;:r: 8:: o trl hJ Z 1-3 ~ ~ GEOMETRONICS tel: (503)986-3103 fax: (503}986-3548 1- 5 at Be/t/lne (Eugene) LANE COUNTY AERIAL PHOTO SYMBOL: 01-003 1:600 PHOTOS FLOWN: AUGUST 11,2001 1:2500 and 1:8000 PHOTOS FLOWN: AUGUST 6~2001 and JULY 25,1999 Compiled from aerial photography on the BC- 3 Stereoplotters by Kerry Williams, Zdenek Vymazaf. Wade Ansell~ and David King w/th data from Region 2 survey crew from Fe6ruary, 2003. NAD-83(91) COORDINATES NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM OF 1929 Note: Coordtnates used on this mGp Gre on a Local Datum Plane which represents true ground distances. Bearings are Oregon State Grid South Zone. To convert LDP coordinates to Oregon State Grid South Zone multiply LDP coordinates by 1.0000012.2 . Exhibit A-3 OOOT Model ro >' >' 1-3 GJ 1-3 M >' f-' () U1 ::r:: 3: o M M:j ~ N >' f-' E.xhibit A-4 Beltline Segment N l \ \ '.,118- , ~ I :: I .. I '..2'~ ~t"', ~ 17 I;; f t~ ! ~ l I I ....QL:.. i:'B Exhibit A-5 "~COP;D OF SUR'o'ty Si:C. 15, TJ13., R 3',\'., W.t.I. !lEC. ie. T.l75., FI 3W, W,M. SEC. ~t, f,173., R ,,1/" W.M. SEC. 22, T~17S., R 3"."~1 'lI'i.'.~.'. SEC. ~;. T 175.. R ;f.hL VJ.M, SEC. 28, TVB., R 2.1\'" ......M, LANE COW.'n', OREGON ~ ~ fi ;; I ! ! !lL- , i ~1;~~1,?'ki~;:F;'~~~;; I 1"Ol/,:'!:U:"."....;I. . , ..~~:;;~~~\_:~~J)..--= :.~t:!~'"r '\- ,. - "';r.;::;--., J!'..:n::.m:..l 1 ~j:~,~ ! _,",.-l i . )...cI.~~!: f "" . t:~...~ )J.;;'.tAl. :>>.zrcw,: ~1"h,:~Z:~t. . '1!:..~ .~'9Al -.;,:'~ .l"t~II"'U "". -!-.- . ",[ <<"~f'Y .Ir<o'.i'l~ 'JI'I'U "'~lf,.}~J~'.1. ."IIII"'J..,..6' <. W ~HF H 11100 ~-~ r.r:i>.1p.nl N:.llft'O;" (j~".(-:;''''~A w-~. J.i4H~I.! I ~',:, fo'!-~F.P.ltC;:~ ':'-..", ~fr"E.'r NErFoe r ';t;w:! 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".-..,.j0l1 ~"'"u,... ..bo.1-.w..', t,~ ~~ Resolution I Monument Survey ATTACHMENT A PAGE 16 OF 21 EXHIBIT B CITY'S LA YEIuNG CONVENTIONS B.l.a City of Springfield Planimetric Layering Convention: OSYM MISC LN 0.000 Continuous TITLEBLOCK LAYERS OSYM MISC TXT 0.000 Continuous TITLEBLOCK LAYERS OSYM VIC.MAP~2DOo-PROJooEXT LN Continuous TJTLEBLOCK LAYERS OSYM VIC-MAP-CURREN; -SHEET LN red) Continuous TITLEBLOCK LAYERS OSYM VIC-MAP-MAPSHEET -GRIO 251 Continuous TITLEBLOCK LAYERS OSYM VIG-MAP-RIVERS LN Continuous TITLEBLOCK LAYERS OSYM VlC-MAP.STREET LN white} 0.002 ContinuDus TITLEBLOCK LAYERS OT~ BND-SHEET LN Continuous TITLEBLOCK LAYERS OTBX BND-VIEWPORT LN Continuous TITLEBLOCK LAYERS OTBX BND-VlEWPORT TXT white} Continuous TtTLEBLOCK LAYERS DTBX TITLE--BLOCK LN 0.000 Continuous TITLEBLOCK LAYERS OTBX TITLE-BLOCK TXT 0.000 Continuous TtTLEBLOCK LAYERS 1 BLO BUILDING LN-EXT.OSA 20 0.012 Continuous BUILDING 1 BLD BUILDING-DIV LN-EJcr-OSA 20 0.008 DIVISION BUILDING DIVISION UNE 1BLD BUILDING-ELV BLK-EXT.DSA 22 0.008 Continuous BUILDING ROOF ELEVATION 1BLD COURTYARD LN-EJcr-OSA 20 0.012 Continuous COURTYARD INSIDE BUILDING POLYGON 1 BLD DAM LN-EXT-OSA Continuous DAM 1BLD DECK LN-EXT.DSA ContinUDUS DECK 1 BLD DOCK LN-EXT .DSA ContinuDus DOCK 1 BLO GREENHOUSE LN-EXT -OSA 20 0.008 ContinuDus GREENHOUSE 1BLD HNUMBER TXT-EJcr-OSA 20 Continuous PLACE NAMES 1 BLD MBLHOME LN-EXT .DSA 20 0.010 Continuous MOBIL HOME . 1BLD TANK LN.EXT-OSA 0.000 Continuous TANK 1ELV G-INDX LN-EXT.DSA Continuous INDEX CONTOUR 110' CONTOURS 1ELV c-INDX-CL LN-EXT-OSA Continuous CUP LINE UNDER TEXT/BUILDINGS 1ELV c-INDXO LN.EXT-OSA CONDASH INDEX OBSCURED AREA/ DASHED CONTOUR 1 EL V c-INOxo.cL LN-EXT .DSA Continuous CUP LINE UNDER TEXT/BUILDINGS 1 EL V c-INDXDDP LN-EXT-OSA CONDASHDEPR INDEX OBSCURED AREA/DASHED BOTIOM OF DEPR 1 EL V c-INDXDDP-CL LN-EXT -OSA 0.000 Continuous CUP LINE UNDER TEXTIBUILDINGS 1ELV c-INDXDP LN-EXT.DSA CONDEPR INDEX BOTIOM OF DEPRESSION CONTOUR 1ELV c-INDXDP-CL LIl-EXT-DSA Continuous CUP LINE UNDER TEnIBUILDINGS 1ELV c-INDXLBL TXT.EXT-OSA Continuous INDEX CONTOUR LABELS 1 EL V G-INTRM LN.EXT-OSA 0.000 Continuous INTERMEDIATE CONTOUR '2' CONTOURSl 1 EL V C-INlRM-Cl LN-EXT ..oSA Continuous CUP LINE UNDER TEn/BUILDINGS 1 EL V c-INTRMD LN-EXT.DSA 0.000 CONDASH INTERM. OBSCURED AREAlDASHEO CONTOUR 1 EL V c-INTRMD-CL LN-EXT-OSA 0.000 Continuous CUP LINE UNOER TEXT/BUILDINGS 1 EL V c-INTRMDDP LN-EXT -OSA 0.000 CONDASHDEPR INTERM. OBSCURED AREAlDASHED BOTTOM OF DEPR 1ELV c-INTRMDDP-CL LN-EXT-OSA Continuous CUP LINE UNOER TEn/BUILDINGS 1 EL V c-INTRMDP LN-EXT-OSA 0.000 CONDEPR INTERM. BOTIOM OF DEPRESSION CONTOUR 1 EL V c-INTRMDP-CL LN-EXT -OSA 0.000 ContinuDus CUP LINE UNDER TEXT/BUILDINGS 1ELV c-INTRMLBL TXT-EXT-OSA 0.000 Continuous INTERMEDIATE CONTOUR LABEL 1ELV G-SPOTEL BlK-EXT-DSA Continuous SPOT ELEVATION AS BLOCK & TEn 1HDR CULVERT LIl-EXT-OSA 0.012 Continuous CULVERT HEADWALL AND APPROX. CROSSING 1 HDR DITCH LN-EXT-OSA WATER CONSTRUCTED WATERWAYIDITCH 1 HDR ISLAND LN-EXT -OSA WATER ISLAND SHORE LINE 1HDR LAKE LN-EXT-DSA WATER LAKE SHORE LINE 1 HDR MARSH BLK.EXT-OSA 0.008 WATER MARSH SYMBOL 1 HDR MARSH LN-EXT -DSA 0.008 WATER MARSH BOUNDARY 1 HDR RIVER LN.EXT-OSA WATER STREAMS AND RIVERS 1 HDR RIVER TXT -EXT.DSA Continuous STREAM AND RIVER NAMES 1 HDR STREAM LN-EXT-DSA 0.012 WATER NATURAL DRAINISEASONAl WATERWAY 1MIS AIRFIELD LN-EXT-DSA PAVED AIRFIELD PAVEMENT 1 MIS BRIDGE LN.EXT-OSA 0.012 Continuous BRIDGES NOT PART OF ROAD SYSTEM 1 MIS DESCRIPTIVE LN-EXT -DSA DIVISION BOUNDARY /LABELS FOR MISC. FEATURES 1 MIS DESCRIPTIVE TXT -EXT-OSA 0.008 Continuous MISC. TEXT LABELS 1 MIS FENCE LN-EXT-OSA FENCE UNE FENCE LINE 1 MIS HANDICAPH BLK.EXT-OSA Continuous TEXT "H" FOR INDICATING SIDEWALK RAMP 1 Mts POLE-MISC BLK-EXT .DSII 0.010 Continuous MISC. NON-UTILITY POLES / POSTS 1MIS POOL LN-EXT-DSA Continuous SWIMMING POOL 1 MIS.SIGN.BLK-EXT-OSA Continuous ~~~F~~L;I~c;.:'~~':~~~~L VI 1 STR TRAF-SIGNAL-ARM LN-EXT-OSA RED 0.160 Continuous 1 MIS SPORTAELD LN-EXT -DSA 0.008 DIVISION SPORT RELDITRACK BOUNDARY 1MIS SUBSTATION BLK-EX'T..oSA 0.008 Continuous SUBSTATION 1 MIS UNDCONST TXT -EXT-OSA Continuous UNDER CONSTRUCTION TEXT 1 MIS WAU LN.EXT-OSA WAU FREE STANDING WALl 1 RRD RAILROAD LN-EXT..oSA 252 RAILROAD RAILROAD 1 SRV GRND-CNTR BLK-EXT -OSA Continuous GROUND CONTROL POINT BLOCKfTFXTl 1 SRV MAPSHEET -GRID LN.EXT-OSA white\ Continuous STATE PLANE GRID TICK 1 SRV MAPSHEET -GRID TXT -EXT -DSA white) Continuous STATE PLANE GRID TICK LABELS 1 SRV MAPSHEET -TILE LN-EXT .DSA white) Continuous MAPSHEET TILE LINES 1STR AUEY-GRAVEL LN.EXT-DSA 0.012 GRAVEL GRAVEL ALlEY 1STR ALLEY-PAVED LN-EXT-DSA PAVED PAVED AlLEY 1STR BARRIER LN-EXT-DSA Continuous CONCRETE TRAFFIC BARRIER 1 STR BRIOGE LN-EXT -DSA Continuous ROADWAY BRIDGE 1 STR CURBED-MISC LN-EXT-OSA 0.004 Continuous MISC. CURBfNOT EOGE OF ROADIDWYl 1 STR DRIVE-CURBED LN-EXT-OSA 0.004 Continuous CURBED DRIVEWAYS 1STR DRIVE-GRAVEL LN-EXT.DSA GRVOWY GRAVEL DRIVEWAY 1STR DRIVE-GRAVEL-AREA PID-EXT-OSA 8 GRAVEL GRAVEL DWY POLYGON POINT 1STR DRlVE-PAVED LN-EXT-OSA 0.008 PAVDWY PAVED DRIVEWAYS 1STR DRIVE-PAVED-AREA PID-EXT-OSA 0.008 Continuous PAVED/CURBED DWY POLYGON POINT 1 STR GUARDRAIL LN-EXT -OSA GRAIL GUARDRAIL 1STR OBSCURED-PAVED-AREA LN.EXT-OSA 8 0.008 Continuous POLYGON CLOSURE UNE FOR MISC. PAVED AREAS 1 STR OVERPASS LN-EXT-OSA 0.012 Continuous OVERAPASS 1STR PAD-PAVEo-ASPH LN-EXT-OSA 0.000 Continuous ASPHALT PADIMISC. PAVED SURFACE 1STR PAD-PAVED-CONC LN-EXT-OSA 0.000 Continuous CONCRETE PAD 1 STR PARK-CURBED LN-EXT-DSA 0.004 Continuous CURBED PARKING 1STR PARK.GRAVEL LN-EXT-OSA 0.000 GRVDWY GRAVEL PARKING 1STR PARK-GRAVEL-AREA P1D-EXT-OSA Continuous GRAVEL PARKING POLYGON POINT 1STR PARK-PAVED LN-EXT-OSA 0.004 PAVOWY PAVED PARKING 1STR PARK-PAVEo.AREA PID-EXT.DSA Continuous PAVED/CURBED PARKING POLYGON POINT 1 STR RETWALL LN-EXT-OSA RETWALL RETAINING WAU 1 STR ROAO-CURBED LN-EXT-OSA Continuous CURBED ROADS 1STR ROAD-GRAVEL LN-EJcr-DSA GRAVEL GRAVEL ROADS 1STR ROAD-GRAVEL-AREA PID-EXT-OSA Continuous POLYGON POINT FOR GRAVEL ROADS 1STR ROAD-NAME TXT-EXT-DSA 0.007 Continuous ROAD NAME TEXT 1 STR ROAD-PA VED LN-EJcr-OSA PAVED PAVED ROADS 1STR ROAD-PAVEO-AREA LN-EXT.DSA 8 Continuous POLYGON CLOSURE LINE FOR ROADS 1STR ROAD-PAVED-AREA PID-EXT.DSA Continuous POL YGOIl POINT FOR PAVEDICURBED ROADS 1STR SmE-PATH LN-EXT-OSA Continuous SIDEWALK I NOT PART OF STREET SYSTEM 1STR SIDE-TRAIL IN-EXT-DSA TRAIL TRAIL 1STR SIDEWALK LN-EXT-DSA 0.000 Continuous SIDEWALK PART OF STREET SYSTEM 1 STR SIDEWAlK-AREA PID-EXT-OSA Continuous SIDEWALK POLYGON POINT 1STR TRAF-SIGNAL BLK-EXT-DSA 0.008 Continuous TRAFFIC SIGNAL POLE May 07 ATTACHMENT A PAGE 17 OF 21 EXIDBIT B CITY'S LAYERING CONVENTIONS B.1.b City of Springfield Planimetric Layering Convention (continued): 1UTL PIPE L1N-EXT-DSA 0.012 Continuous UNDERGROUND PIPES 1 UTL PIPE ncr -EXT -DSA PIPE TEXT SUCH AS INVERT DEPTH SIZE MATERIAL ETC. 1UT MH ncr-EXT-DSA MH TEXT SUCH AS RIM ELEV 1 UTL PWRPOLE BLK-EXT -DSA 0.010 Continuous POWERlUTILITY POLE WITH STREET LIGHT 1 UTL STLlGHT BLK-EXT -DSA 0.010 Continuous STREET LIGHT 1 UTL STLlGHT -PWR BLK-EXT -DSA 0.010 Continuous POWER/UTILITY POLE 1UTL TRANS-TWR BLK-EXT-DSA 0.010 Continuous TRANSMISSION TOWER 1UTL UTIL-llNID BLK-EXT-DSA 0.010 Continuous UNIDENTIFIED UTILITY 1 VEG TREE BLK-EXT -DSA 0.000 Continuous SINGLE TREE 1 VEG TREE LN-EXT -DSA 0.000 Continuous VEGETATION LINE 1VEG TREE ncr -EXT -DSA 0.000 Continuous VEGETATION TEXT BRUSHITREESI B.2, City of Springfield DTM Layering Convention: . . ,",.." ! '" ~.., .~ " 0 I I 0.000 Continuous I . I I T . OTM' 1 DTM-HARDBRK LN-EXT -DSA 253 0.008 Continuous OTM HARD BREAKLINES 1 DTM-SOFTBRK LN-EXT -DSA 252 0.008 CONDASH DTM SOFT BREAKLlNES 1DTM-SPOTELV PT-EXT-DSA 253 0.008 Continuous DTM SPOT ELEVATIONS 1DTM-RANDOM PT -EXT-DSA 252 0.008 Continuous OTM Su;;;;temental 3D mass---;;-ointsJrandom noints 1 DTM-OBSCURE LN-EXT -OSA 252 0.008 CON DASH DTM 2D~ine boun~del;neati;J;;- obscure areas J dashed contour areas 1DTM-BUILDING LN-EXT-DSA 30 0.008 Continuous DTM BUILDING GUTTER 10TM-BUILDING-DIV LN-EXT-DSA 32 0.008 OIVISION DTM BUILDING DIVISION LINE 1 DTM-MBLHOME LN-EXT -DSA 30 0.008 Continuous DTM MOBILE HOME 1DTM-RR-TRESSLE LN-EXT-DSA 253 0.008 Continuous DTM RAILROAD TRESSLE 1DTM-BRIDGE LN-EXT -DSA 253 0.008 Continuous OTM BRIDGE ROADWAY BRIDGESI 1DTM-OVERPASS LN-EXT-DSA 253 0.008 Continuous DTM OVERPASS 1 DTM-GREENHOUSE LN-EXT-DSA 32 0.008 Continuous DTM GREENHOUSE 1DTM-MAPSHEET-TlLE LN-EXT-DSA 252 0.008 Continuous DTM MAPSHEET TILE LINES MAPSHEET BOUNDARYl Note: Layer names need to be consistent with those listed above. Color, line weight and line type can vary from values listed above, May 07 ATTACHMENT A PAGE 18 OF 21 . EXHIBIT C CITY'S ORTHO IMAGERY TILING GRID Source: http://www.ci.soringfjeld.or.us/pubworks/GIS Web oag.e/Images/img std map maosheetgrid.pdf Contact the City for an ESRI or Autodesk file of the grid (Phone: 541-726-4645), May 07 ATTACHMENT A PAGE 19 OF 21 EXIDBIT D CITY'S HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL DATUM C.1. Horizontal Datum: Oregon South Zone, tl!AD 83/91, International Feet Co2. Vertical Datum: NA VD88 C.3. For Coordinate conversion parameters from previous Springfield Datum please see conversion factors below: Source: Jon Driscoll, PLS, EIT Surveyor City of Springfield, Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR .97478 (541) 726-3679 jdriscoll@ci.springfield.or.us CA. For Coordinate conversion parameters from previous Regional Datum please contact the City. Standardized coordinate conversion factors are available upon request May 07 ATTACHMENT A PAGE 20 OF 21 Exhibit E Fee Proposal GatewaylBeltline Intersction Project 6/812007 Survey Survey Project CADD projed Design Design Senior Senior Assistant I Total TOTAL City of Springfield Manager I Manager Manager Manager I 5urveyorK Surveyor! Surveyorl Surveyorl Office/ Labor T etal Labor' LABOR & Gateway Survey & Mapping Gray / Brooks / Thatcher Hurliman ong Stalls Casalegno Green Diane Hours Dollars Expenses EXPENSES $~~6.46 $~30.24 $97.57 $99.30 $78.66 $74.63 $53.14 $49.93 $71.94 Task 1 Survey Control & Confidence Point Research 4 4 4 $1,233 Control 2 4 10 5 5 $1,837 Confidence Points 4 12 20 10 10 $3 988 Survey Vehicle Mileaoe ($0.74 per mile or $44 per day) 155 Survey Total Station Eouipment 555 Comouter ($1.75thr) 165 Health & Safely 6 Per Diem (@ $95.00/manldav) 570 Survey Supplies 75 ',,,,..'>.' .. Total Hours .. 0 " 10 .... ,0 .' 4 , 20 ..... 301d' ,15 ' ,..15 " '.,0 94 ,. , .'."," ". Task 1 Total ., > I. , ." .'.. ."..' ',.... ,. I'." ".'. >' .... " ., .... $7,058 $1.526' $8;584 Task 2 Photogrammetrv and Photomapping Research of GPS Control 2 8 $1,055 Setting & Controllino of targets for GIS photo (4) 2 4 10 5 5 $1,919 Setting & Controllino of taroets for new mappin~ (10) 4 4 20 10 10 6 $3,873 Survey Vehicle Mileaoe ($0.74 per mile or $44 per day) 155 Survey Total Station Equipment 370 Computer ($1.75/hr) 158 Health & Safety 26 GPS Equipment 550 Per Diem (@ $95.00Imanlday) 570 Survey Supplies . 75 Photo Mappin 9,000 ..' ,. Total Hours 0 ... ..8 , 0 " 16 .., .", '0 ..,,', 30 ~15. 15 -6 ".90 ."",.'. ..,." ...,...". ..,. ., Task 2 Total ,. ..... .,..... ,'".>." ',' " ..".., '>,. ..,',., . '., !.'>' $6,847 I> $10904., ., ,.$17,751 Task 3 Digital Terrain Model and Base Map Maooino East of Hulton St 4 12 $1,465 Utilities for ODOT Mappino 9 8 8 45 22 23 6 $8,689 Utilities for East of Hulton St 3 4 8 15 8 7 $3 304 Suppiemental Update Mapping of ODOT map 48 4 20 20 10 10 $10,208 Survey Vehicle Mileaoe ($0.74 per mile or $44 per daY) 414 Survey Total Station Eouipment 1,480 Computer ($1.75Ihr) 515 Pei Diem (@ $95.00Imanlday) 1,520 Survey Supplies 200 Outside Services - Private Utilities Locate 1,575 '..".,,,,.,,,,.... Total Hours 48 ., 201,,,.,,' .. .12 ,.,. 0 48 ..,' 80 40 40 6 294.. ".", ,."" .. """ ,', ,. Task 3 Total ... '..' '..' '..'. ,., .>.' , --:- ~ $23;666 '...,,'$5704 '$29 370, Task 4 ROW Review and Update Research 2 8 8 4 $1958 Located Monuments 8 16 16 40 20 20 $8,908 Recoverv Survey 2 8 32 $3,558 Survey Vehicle Mileaoe ($0.74 per mile or $44 per day) 202 Survey Total Station Equipment 740 Computer ($1.75Ihr) 322 Health & Safety 0 GPS Equipment 275 Per Diem (11lJ $95.00Imanlday1 760 Survey Supplies 100 Survey Filing Fee 150 Flagging Per Day 1,160 ~ ,,'.. Total Hours 0 12 32 o .. 56 .40 ...... 20 20 4 184 ,. . ',.'.", ".>,...",., ",' Task 4 Total ..:c . , $14,424 $3,709 $18,133 , TOTAL HOURS 48 50 44 20 124 180 90 90 16 662 $51,995 $21,843 $73,838 TOTAl LABOR/EXPENSES I A1ionments Control 1 4 5 2 3 4 $1,362 Supplemental Ground Mapping 2 8 10 5 5 $2,151 Utilities 3 4 8 15 8 7 $3,304 ROW 4 4 8 20 10 10 $4,064 Survey Vehicle Mileaoe ($0.74 per mile or $44 per day) 259 Survey Total Station Eouipment 925 Computer ($1.75thr) 263 Health & Safel10 0 Per Diem (11lJ $95.00Imanldav) 950 Survey Supolies 125 Survey Filino Fee 0 Flaggino Per Da 580 Photo Maopin 4800 Dutside Services 0 ".',.>.>, ...,..........,. ..... , Total.Hours 0 10 8 '0 28 50 25 25 4 150 ""...,'..', ...... Task 5 Total . ... . $10,881 $7,902 $18,783' TOTAl BASE AND CONTINGENCY 812 $92,621 ATTACHMENT A GatewaySurveyFEE-sdr -060807 PAGE 21 OF 21