HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Compliance Report 2009-10-26 Ocl 26 09 09:07a Amy 541-383-1525 p3 -.--- - fro r'i14~"f;/NNlej3'~Jf'ill(6J:I::4.ejJIJ~'''''~ . . DEVElDPMENTSERVICESDEPARThlENT . k:. 225 fiFTH STREET SPRINGfiELD, DR 97477 PHONE (541)726-3753 fAX (541)726-3689 www.ci.springfJeJd.or.us .'> HIGH-EFFICIENCY LIGHTING SYSTEMS OREGON RESIDENTIAL SPECIALTY CODE (ORSC) Permil No.: cot.;... lOOO Site Addre.ss: "['23>3. \t-i Jurisdiction .5 P\Z-1,tJ41=\.t='-,di>j o v .r-->(.l,-vT' CfL Subdh'ision/Lot. ". Q li ,r--J A-L-"( andlor . .., Map and Tax Lot:' ~T ~ '7 By my signature lidciw, I certify that a minimum of 0 fifty (50) percent, "\?"sevehty-five (75) percent, of the p erman.:mtly installed lighting fixtures in the above mentioned building have been installed with compact or linear fluorescent, or a lighting source that has a minimum efficacy of 40 lumens per input walt. (Oregon Residential Specialty Code NII07,2)1 '.. Check the 75% b~x if the. additional measure selectedto comply with ORSC NllOl.l and Table NllO 1.1 (2) requires.75% oflighting fixtures to have energy efficient lamps, .'. "I: .... . ~ ,IJ . ,Signed:, .~. . . -/;;:;i/~ . . ~'~ner{GeneraJ Contractor/Authorized Agent 'Print . J . ~ ' Name: """"^-~ \: 1~.WCGI:' Date: to/?.-u 10 <1 t Contractor's CCB # \ -, (P' 0 l (p Expiration Date:.' f5 -4 -t \ ORSC Section NIJ07,2. High-Efficiency Lighting Systems. A minimum of fifty (50) percent of the permanently instaUed ';hting fixtures, seventy-five (75%) percent, iftbe selected additional energy code measures in the Table N11OI.l(2) requires eater lighting effIciency, s.hall be .instaUed with compact or linear fluorescent, or a lighting source that has "a minim)lIIl efficacy of : lumens per input watt. Screw-in compact fluorescent lamps cornpJy with this require"ment. !e Bull~ing official shaH be-notified in 'M'iting at.the final insTIection that a minimum of the required percentage of the ;maneDtly instaUe.d lighting fixtures ar~ compact or linear fluorescent, or a. mici"IUUIl efficacy of 40 lumens per input watt. ~igh.Efficjenc:y Inter.doc