HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, DRC PLANNER 11/3/2009 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - 0' 'LOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE 1/~ ~~TRIBUllONDATENovember3,2009 V ,'3r RECEIVED Current Planning Staff: G. Karp, J. Donovan, Liz Miller~M. Metzge9 Lissa Davis, L. Pauly, Tara Jones, Andy Limbird, Dave Reesor, Stc." nop.,ns, Molly Markarian NOV ) "Matt Stouder, Engineering - Public Works Department 3 2009 Brian Barnett, Traffic EngineerlPE, Public Works Department (agenda only 2/02) "Jon Driscoll, Transportation Planning Engineer, Public Works Department "Gilbert Gordon, Deputy Fire Marshall, Fire & Life Safety Department Melissa Fechtel, Fire Agenda only "Ronni Price, Planner, W1l1amalane Park and Recreation District *Tamara Johnson, Springfield Utility Board (Electric) "Bart McKee, Springfield Utility Board (Water) Jack Foster, Springfield Utility Board (Energy Conservation) Amy Chinilz, Springfield Utility Board (Drinking Water) Jim Henry, Central Lane Communications 911 (Subdivisions, Street name changes) Dave White, U.S.P.S. (Growth Mgml. Coordinator) Dave Shore, Northwest Natural Gas (needs full packets for Partitions/Subdivisions) "Celia Barry, Lane County Transportation Thomas Jeffreys, Emerald People's Utility District (EPUD) Lane County Land Management [Urban Transition Zone] George Ehlers, Lane County Sanitarian [Urban Transition Zone] (if applicable) Tim Hanely, Rainbow Water District(" only if in the North Spfld area) (If applicable) Ralph Johnston, Lane Regional Air Pollution Authority (if applicable) Dale Ledyard, Operations Chief, McKenzie Fire District (if applicable) Tom Henerty, Comcas! Cable (if applicable) Debbie Crampton, EWEB (electric) ("If in Glenwood) Dick HelgesonlMel Damewood, EWES (water) ("'f in Glenwood) Steve Moe, Glenwood Water District ("If In Glenwood) Bill Grile - Development Services Director (agenda) John T amulonis; Economic & Community Development Manager "Dave Puent, Building Official (agenda) Lisa Hopper, Building Services Representative (agenda) " Greg Ferschweiler, Keith Miyata, Brian Conlon,' PW Dept. "Craig Fitzgerald, Maintenance PW Dept George Walker, Environmental Works Dept., (agenda only) Deanna Buckem, Engineering Assistant, Public Works Dept. (agenda) Police Chief, Jerry Smijh, Police Department (agenda) *Will Mueller, LID Norm Palmer, Quest Corporation (agenda Dennis Nuuanu Santos, ODOT, State Highway Division (agenda) Jeff DeFranco, Springfield School District (agenda) William Lewis, Financial Services, Springfield School District (agenda) . Susan Palmer, Reporter, Eugene Register-Guard (agenda) INCLUDE WEEKLY LAND USE INFO Joe Leahy, City Attomey Dennis Emst, City Surveyor .' ~ \7 v V -.:7 17 v ~. ~ ...JL:. "7 -.:7 -;;7 -1L ~ v "2 ...JL ~ v ~ By: })Rc f1uM I fJJ gf? ~ (agenda) (agenda) A request for land use action, as described on the attached agenda, has been received by the Development Services Office. Specific concems. of your divisionldepartmenVagency should be addressed. If you have comments or requirements of this proposal, please send them in wriling to the assigned planner @ Development Services Department, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 974n. If your written comments. are not received by Friday, November 13, 2009 specific concems of your divisionldepartmenVagency will not be addressed unless you attend the meeting on November 17, 2009. The Development Review Commillee holds staff review meetings on Tuesday@ 8:00 -10:00 a.m. You should also plan to attend the staff meeting on Tuesday if you have specific concems so that the Planning representative can discuss them prior to meeting with the applicant. If the Planner feels ij is necessary for you to participate in the public meetings he/she will let you know on Tuesday. " will receive a full packet - AGENDA DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET Gonference Room 615 . Staff Review: November .17, 2009 @ 8:00 - 10:00 a.m. 1. SITE TENTATIVE #DRC2009-00040 OR OEPT OF TRANSPORTATION 8:00 - 9:00 a.m. Assessor's Map: 17-03-33-14 TL 600 Assessor's Map: 17-03-33-41 TL 101 Assessor's Map: 17"03-33-44 TL 100,200,300,2500,2600 Address: 3100 Franklin, 1-5 Milepost 192.18 -193.00 Existing Use: ODOT 1-5 R-O-W, Parks and Open Space Applicant submitted plans for construction of Phase II of the 1-5 Willamette River Bridge replacement. Planner: Mark Metzger 2. WILLAMETTEGREENWAY/DISC USE #SHR2009~00003 OR OEPT OF TRANSPORTATION Assessor's Map: 17-03-33-14 TL 600 . 9:00-10:00 a.m. Assessor's Map: 17-03-33-41 TL 101 Assessor's Map: 17-03-33-44 TL 100,200,300,2500,2600 Address: 3100 Franklin, 1-5 Milepost 192.18 -193.00 Existing Use: OOOT 1-5 R-O-W, Parks and Open Space Applicant submitted plans for construction of Phase II of the 1-5 Willamette River Bridge replacement within the Willamette Greenway. Planner: Mark Metzger 3. FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DIS1" #SHR2009-00004 OR OEPT OF TRANSPORTATION . ' Assessor's Map: 17-03.-33-14 TL 600 9:00'-10:00 a.m. Assessor's Map: 17~03-33-41 TL 101 Assessor's Map: 17-03-33-44 TL 100,200,300,2500,2600. Address: 3100 Franklin, 1-5 Milepost 192.18 -193.00 Existing Use: OOOT 1-5 R-O-W, Parks and Open Space Applicant submitted plans for construction of Phase II of the 1-5 Willamette River Bridge replacement within the Floodplain Overlay District. Planner: Mark Metzger 1 OCT 2 J 2009 City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street ~pringfield, OR 97477 Site Plan Review Date Received: Original Submittal Appl" . n Type (Applicant: check one) Site Plan Review Pre-Submittal: 0 Site Plan Review Submittal: [8J . -. Major Site Plan Modification Pre-Submittal: Ma or Site Plan Modification Submittal: Applicant Name: GeoffCrook Company: IAddress: IAPPlicant's Rep.: Icompany: IAddress: IProperty Owner: Icompany: I Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) (503) 986-4445 (503) 986-4469 680 Cottage Street NE, Salem OR 97301-2412 Colin McArthur. AlCP Phone: (541) 485-7385 Fax: (541) 485-7389 Cameron McCarthy Gilbert & Scheibe 160 East Broadway. Eugene OR 97401 - Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) Phone: (503) 986-4445 Fax: (503) 986-4469 Maior Proiects Branch idress: 680 Co~age Slfeet~. Salem O~ 97301-2412 IASSESSOR'S MAP NO: Multiple (see Table 2-1) ITAX LOT NOeS): Multiple (see Table 2-1) I Property Address: Interstate 5 (Pacific Highway I); Milepost 192.18 - 193.00 ISize of Property: 27,7 Acres 12<:] Square Feet D ! Proposed Name of proi~ct: Willamette )liver IVjdge Pbase I ,~~" I Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, piease attach your proposal description to this application. Proposal: Phase II construction for lbe 1-5 Willamette River Bridge Proiect I Existing Use: ODOT 1-5 ROW; Parks and Open Space INew Impervious Surface Coveraqe (Includinq Bldq. Gross Floor Area): 7.540 sf Si natures: Please si nand rint our name and date in the.a riate box on the next ... A..._ Associated ADDlications: Signs: I Pre-Sub Case No.: 'V '('t. '2.6~ - ffi:Q..1.. Date: Reviewed by: I Case No.: ~ --o.."\:,q - 6l5t> 40 . Date: I D /1- 1/0'1 . Reviewed by: ~VI- ;,..PPlication Fee: $ Lj~~~m~ '2-1l."Jo Postage Fee: $ /Lo Ltqq'). . 0 . ,-:--..; ", ,,( . OJECT NUMBER: ,Rj 2P'tlGQ - 60bS ) TOTAL FEES: Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian Original Submittal 1 of 10 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP DRC2009-00040 Interstate Highway, Transportation Corri~or. 3100 Franklin, 1-5; Milepost 192.18 -193.~0 SITE Map 17-03-33-14 Tax Lot 600; Map 17-03-33-41 TL 101; Map 17-03-33-44 TL 100,200,300,2500 . 2600 North t Date Received:, OCT 2 3 2009 original Submittal ,Ji:~ -J-; -//:'>.] (!-.j tb r~1 (. '-! "/ ./ ~ATEDSWALE / ~T-",,:F~ ".., lR 1H JU ~:-""'~-'"::_-;'--""::;:- --.- -- -- ~~!mi!t~ffi~~ll .. ,~~ p:1-~~ Q5j~, ~ --,-" :L'VeoErATEDSWALE ' .' -" ~ ~~,:PI- \,~,'~'",,:L~l-LW I II" ~_Fdv ~ j---i-W ~ ~ ~ ,~2., V /-,"; ,-,c--! H )" , } I-!iBRDGEsmut:T1JRES ! I". Nc:JrHaJrd..-:l~c.-CIrIIII~ '--J -- ~ ",- .r~,2 ___ __.1 I J i i.2"::~d::< I ' \ I j-f'-L / /- ._~--.,- n:~"~'.TIlAAK~1H ,,' -:: .'. -1 . r.-'~.. I I ' I : ! ~-I~, ~,. ; 1, c:ANOECNW.WAtLllNER~ ---+-. '-----.J C.~21/'_" I 'I I 1'1 Il II ~-"''''''I--' "{-' t' " ,. ~ ,;.., h r ,I / . L~CO<<:RETEPA1H~I----' i_ < L __~WIfft..OMIf . , --,- 1/<-',__1 nil ICI\~MI'A-=i- , r- ::'~WALLC! L' , +!C--' I I.! , .~ ~ ,~, I, I r ....L...___ I PERWIHENl'A$PIW..TPAlli 1_ . ,r~RoId~ :-~ 1._ r=-PJ .1 !__~TEOIocsc ~ /r~ Z/~/ ~tt '- PE~,""NENTlWU(""lH : /. ;Z ."1. f'.... ~'I ,~"..,~ . ',./'..jA., .;rJ ' I ) J~~:m~........RW~ p.l'-'l~:-"'-"'-ru_,,-. ' ;1 F I I"" /", \/ '.V'''''':Y I /~ < - ~,""::":"~ ":~;7't l _-"'--g/! -CON11t'<CTORI'.CCESSPCfif~".rf l~_ It ...~p~""" \ 1"/ -:-..... ",,- "'-tU _'-':. 1 \ .., ~ J ""'.~~' -~, "'"~I I I "., " '/;!:...... ", -;-_~ '{ _.n.J_",-<~' I - - ~ - -/- ~-~ -t - - - -~h ~ ~~l'"no-no_no_~\ ~~=~, T~~:10332'1~ \'~l .,\ f:::::~~a= t:t::~~= "1' ~"l~ TaLOl.l1033314OOMO T..l.Gl'1TU3332~ . '{.' '':''.. "f...1.m'\~14OOJOO T...ltU'1~~100 VICINllYIMP l r-TlrITl--rTl T OREGONDEPARIIIEHTOfTllANSl'ORTA11O/t ~~t~;;7~fM "I_I' WILUMETTE RIVER IIRlltGE . BUNDLE 220 PACIFIC :HIGHWAY LANECOlRlTY - -- I r OVERALL InE PUN I ~, o~.o T.xtol',7'0333<<tC10l1 Tulol,,1tl3334100101 Tul.Clt.,1033340400200 ~:l:::n~= rt:l<lol.170333ol02800 T..L.oI.1......_..'" T..LCJt'1_............, TlllCl.oI"l11J3032(l(l:!O 0' 125'250' 1""- 500' tODD' J",,~ ~f ceived:' f'ltello. THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCATION Z:\08DP - WTllomette Rlv!lt" 8rldlJ8\CAO\ 19-0CT-20091O,QOA.M. OCT 2 3 2009 Original.Submittal 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHA5E II , WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION . 1.0 PROJECT INFORMATION Applicant's Request: .Phase II construction for the 1-5 Wil.lamette River Bridge Project Property Owner: Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) 680 Cottage St. NE Salem, OR 97301-2412 503.986.4445 Willamalane Park and Recreation DistriCt 250 S. 32nd St. Springfield, OR 97478 541. 736.4544 Applicant: Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) 680 Cottage St. N E Salem, OR 97301-2412 503.986.4445 Applicant's Representative: Colin McArthur, AICP Cameron McCarthy Gilbert & Scheibe 160 E Broadway, Eugene OR 97401 541.485.7385 colinlalcml'sla.com Project Name: 1-5 Willamette River Bridge Project - Phase II ODOT 1-5 right-of-way Multiple Tax Lots (see Table 2-1) Interstate 5 (Pacific Highway I) Milepost 192.18 - 193.00 27.7 acres (1,208,285 square feet) ODOT 1-5 right-of-way Parks and Open Space Date Received: Subject Property: Location: Development Area: 'f., ?, Plan Designation: Zoning: ODOT '-5 right-of-way PLO - Public Land & Open Space OCT 2 3 2009 Overlay Zoning: N/A Original Submittal Refinement Plan: N/A Associated Applications: PRE 2009-00022; LRP 2009-00005; SHR 2008-00009; SHR 2009-0000 I; DRC 2009-00007; LRP 2003-0012; PRE 2008- 00077 CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22. 2009 I-S WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION This page intentionally left blank. Date Received: OCT 2 3 2009 Original Submittal CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22, 2009 . 2 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT f'NG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION 2.0 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL 2.1 Introduction , . The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) ("the Applicant") requests approval for Phase II construction of the Interstate 5 (1-5) Willamette River Bridge Project (Project, Proposal). The Project replaces the decommissioned Willamette River and Canoe Canal bridges and detour bridges with new bridges. The existing 1-5 Willamette River Bridge is located within both the cities . of Eugene and Springfield, with the decommissioned bridge center line constituting the boundary line separating the two cities. The Applicant proposes to locate the replacement bridge in essentially the same location as the existing 1-5 bridge. . Demonstration of compliance with applicable land use regulations of both jurisdictions is required. The Project site is comprised of state-owned right-of-way (ROW), state-owned property, railroad ROW, and city-owned property. The majority of the Project site is within state-owned ROW associated with 1-5, the Willamette River corridor, and Franklin Boulevard. Parcels within the Project site (discussed below) and within Eugene and Springfield jurisdiction are identified in Table 2-1. Within Eugene jurisdiction, temporary and permanent Phase II work is proposed on three parcels; Tax Lot No. 500 (Map No. 17-03-32-11), Tax Lot No. 800 (Map No. 17-03-33-14), and Tax Lot No. 100 (Map No. 17-03-33-41). Temporary or permanent improvements are not proposed on any of the remaining parcels identified in Table 2-1 within Eugene jurisdiction. These parcels are included for reference purposes because they will be utilized for construction access during the Project. Within Springfield jurisdiction, temporary and permanent Phase II work is proposed on three parcels; Tax Lot No. 101 (Map No. 17-03-33-41) and Tax Lot No's. 100 and 2600 (Map No. 17-03- 33-44). Temporary or permanent improvements are not proposed on the remaining parcel identified in table 2-.1 within Springfield jurisdiction. This parcel is included for reference purposes because it will be utilized for construction access during the Project. Table 2-1. Phase I Project Site Parcels within Eugene and Springfield s.,sessor's Map No., T~x Lot No. Jurisdiction 17-03-28-30 01501 Eu.ene '1;],}Dj;32~i~~.r~"lM OOSOO~ i:i=ne~~ .. ,~.._. .."......... ::~f~ ,,.., ..,,""""""''''''''''''''' .00800' ..W .. ." .,.-"""""""___ '.7=3;33;'1:0"""'''''''''''';'-'''''''1 ~ Eii8ne"""",=",~"",!! 17-03-33-21 00102 Eu.ene 17-03-33-21 00121 Eu.ene 17-03-33.21 00122 I Eu.ene 17-03-33-21 100123 IEu.ene 17-03-33-21 100129 IEu.ene 17-03-33-21 100131 I Eu.ene 17-03-33-24 100100 IEu.ene 17lO3f33.~J~OOIOOB~j~ !l103#33;;:;tIW~~11lOIOI~~~li1Q~~ 111Ojlj3j!B~IOOfOO~I~ela~ "7~3m~.<a~102600~Dn"""eJd:w:t'Wiiit 17-03-33-44 102500 ISprin~eld' Date Received: OCT 2 3 2009 Original Submittal , CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22. 2009 3 I-S WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN . REVIEW (SPR). & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION The Proposal complies with all applicable Springfield Development Code (SDC) criteria listed in SDC 3.3-325, SDC 5.9-120, SDC 5.17-125, and SDC 3.3-420 and the submittal requirements listed on the Type III Willamett'e Greenway Overlay District Development, the Type III Discretionary Use, the Type II Site Plan Review,. and the Type I Floodplain Overlay District Development forms. The attached materials and enclosed findings demonstrate that the proposal is also consistent with applicable policies contained. in the Metro Plan and other relevant refinement plans. 2.2 Purpose and Need The purpose of the Project is to improve safety and maintain connectivity and mobility for all users of 1-5 over the Willamette River in the Eugene/Springfield Metropolitan Area. 1-5 is a major . transportation artery and the only freeway that traverses the entire length of the west coast from Mexico to Canada. Regional economies depend on the reliable use of it in the Eugene/Springfield area. The Project replaces the decommissioned Willamette River and Canoe Canal bridges and temporary detour bridges with permanent bridges to accommodate current and future traffic volumes. The project proposes two new bridges that will carry traffic in one direction each, northbound (NB) and southbound (SB). The Project is part of the Oregon Transportation Investment Act (OTIA) III State Bridge Delivery Program, which involves the repair and replacement of more than 300 bridges statewide over a ten year period. The Project is the largest in the $1.3 billion OTIA III Program. The current estimated completion date for the Project is December 12, 2012. 2.3 Summary of Proposal The proposed Project consists of the following main components: . Demolition of the decommissioned Willamette River Bridge, Canoe Canal Bridge, and detour bridges (salvaged portions of the bridges will be recycled or reused as much as feasible); " Construction of replacement bridges; " Reconstruction of the roadway near the bridges including the Franklin Blvd. on- and off- ramps; and . Construction of park bicycle and pedestrian path improvements to preserve and enhanc~ . public access along the river: -g. > The new bridges will be constructed in essentially the same location as the existing bridges; . (1) including relatively minor shifts of alignment, as well as minor changes to the Franklin Boulevar~ ramps. The new bridges will be designed with enough width to eventually carry up to six lane~f traffic (three in each direction) to meet the projected traffic needs for the next 20 years. "* However, upon Project completion, the new bridges will be striped to carry two lanes in eacho direction, matching the current 1-5 configuration in this area. en = = "" ro (T) - - "" .E .- .0 U :> C) en ro .~ Scheduling, construction, and permitting for the Project is occurring in two phases (Phase I and Phase II) to allow for adequate time to finalize project components including final design of the replacement bridges, final design of compensatory mitigation and site restoration plans (including final landscaping plans), final design of negotiated park improvements, and final stormwater design. .CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22, 2009 4 1-5 WILLAMETIE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II WILLAMETIE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR). & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION On February 18,2009, the Springfield Planning Commission granted Willamette Greenway Overlay District Development and Discretionary Use approvals of the Applicant's request to commence Phase I work, which includes temporary improvements within city-owned property and , permanent improvements within state-owned ROW. On April 25, the City of Springfield granted Site Plan Review approval and on April 14, 2009 the City of Springfield granted Floodplain Overlay District Development approval for Phase I work. This concurrent Willamette Greenway Overlay District Development (WG): Discretionary Use (DU), Site Plan Review (SPR), and Floodplain Overlay District Development (FP) application involves Phase II work only. Proposed work occurring within ODOT (state-owned) ROW is provided for informational purposes to allow the reader a comprehensive understanding of the Proposal and work planned. 2.4 Overview of Project Phases Phase II activities, the subject of this application, involve the following components: Outside of ODOT ROW Bicycle/pedestrian path imp~ovements * . L;lndscaping, revegetation, restoration, and mitigation . Stormwater management facilities Within ODOT ROW * Construction of new bridges and miscellaneous structures * Construction of roadway approaches and reconstruction of NB off-ra":lp * Demolition of detour bridges . Removal of temporary work bridges * Bicycle/pedestrian path improvements Date Received: * Landscaping, revegetation, restoration, and mitigation * Stormwater management facilities and site utilities OCT 2 3 2009 . Aesthetic enhancements Original Submittal Phase I activities involve the following components and were permitted separately from Phase II through WG 08-4, SDR 08-7: Outside of ODOT ROW J ..' r .1 . Development of temporary construction staging areas and access routes * Construction of temporary bicycle/pedestrian paths in the Whilamut Natural Area and Eastgate Woodlands * Temporary reconfiguration of bicycle/pedestrian paths in the Eastgate Woodlands * Construction of a temporary bicycle/pedestrian path along the south side of the Willamette River * Associated site utilities and stormwater treatment facilities CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22, 2009 5 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION * Temporary landscaping and revegetation Within ODOT ROW * Construction of temporary work bridges (in-water) . . Installation of cofferdams to enclose the new bridg~ sub-structure (in-water) * Demolition of the decommissioned Willamette River Bridge (in-water) * Construction of new bridge sub-structures (in-water) . * Construction of temporary and permanent bicycle/pedestrian paths * Reconstruction of the Franklin Blvd. 5B 1-5 on-ramp * 1-5 mainline work including temporary widening, erosion control measures, earthwork, and paving Date Received: OCT 2 3 2009 Original Submittal CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22, 2009 6 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU). SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION 3.0 PROJECT BACKGROUND 3.1 Project Origin In 2002, during an inspection of the existing 1-5 Willamette River Bridge, it was found to have major structural problems that threatened the stability and safety of the bridge, including cracks in the supporting structures. I Based on the inspection analysis, weight limits were placed on the. bridge that required a 200-mile detour for heavy haul trucks. To eliminate the 200-mile detour for heavy haul trucks and improve traffic mobility, a temporary detour bridge was built in 2004 and the existing Willamette River and Canoe Canal bridges were taken. ouf of service (decommissioned). The detour bridges over the Willamette River and Canoe Canal carry both the NB and SB lanes on a single bridge. All traffic is now using' the temporary detour bridge. The detour bridge does not meet current seismic standards and the construction methods used to build the bridge only met environmental requirements as they apply to temporary, not permanent, bridges. The detour bridge has a design life of approximately 10 years. The decommissioned Willamette River Bridge (constructed in 1962) cannot feasibly be repaired or widened to accommodate the traffic flow and vehicle capacity demands that are projected 20 years . in the future. ODOT estimates that it would cost roughly $50 million to repair the decommissioned bridge to keep it in service for 20 more years. Those repairs would not widen . the bridge. The decommissioned bridge also does not meet current design standards. It was designed using bridge standards that are no longer appropriate for the size of longer and heavier, modern freight trucks. In addition, the bridge has substandard shoulders that do not provide enough room for disabled vehicles to move completely out of the travellan~s, creating a safety problem. 3.2 Budget and Funding Source I The I-S Willamette River Bridge project is part of the Oregon Transportation OTIA III State Bridge Delivery Program, which involves the repair and replacement of more than 300 bridges statewide over a 10 year period. The 1-5 Willamette River Bridge project is the largest in the $1.3 billion OTlA III program. The project is funded at $180 million, which includes preliminary engineering and design, ROW acquisition (if needed), demolition, road work, structures, ties to the existing transportation system, and all construction and inspection. Of the overall budget, approximately $70 million is designated just for the bridge structures crossing the river, railroad, and Fra~klin Boulevard, and Canoe Canal. This includes approximately $10 million designated for additional bridge aesthetics. The Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient, Transportation Equity Act: A Lega~y for Users, a federal transportation funding package, will provide $30 million for this Project supplementing the $150 million from state sources. The OTlA III program emphasizes using local subcontractors and material suppliers; therefore, a substantial portion of the project cost is expected to be spent in the Eugene/Springfield area over a four year period. Date Received: I The inspe.ction resulted in a sufficiency rating of 20 o~ a 100 point scale. A bridge qualifie~ for re~C;tnkJ f,QOOg from the Federal Highway Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Funding Program if it has a sufficiency rating below 50. I Original Submittal I CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22, 2009 7 I.S WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW.(SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION 3.3 Planning Context In 2003, Lane County and the Cities of Eugene and Springfield approved a Metro Plan amendment and an exception to Statewide Planning Goal 15 (Willamette River Greenway) authorizing construction of the temporary detour bridge and its removal following completion of the permanent replacement bridges. The exception was adopted to Metro Plan text, Policy No. 13, Chapter III, Section D.2 The detour bridge is located entirely within the jurisdictional boundaries of the City of Springfield. In 2008, Lane County and the Cities of Eugene and Springfield and Lane County approved a Metro Plan amendment and an exception to Goal 15 authorizing the construction of the permanent replacement bridges and removal of the decommissioned and detour bridges. The exception was adopted to Metro Plan text, Policy No. II, Chapter II.. Section D.3 The Eugene ordinance also amended the Willakenzie Area Plan text for portions of paragraph one in the Willamette Greenway section to provide an exception for, U[r]eplacement or expansion of the 1-5 Willamette River Bridge and its approaches.'" On December 2, 2008, the Applicant requested concurrent Willamette.Greenway Overlay District Development and Discretionary Use approvals by the City of Springfield for Phase I of the Project including: temporary construction work such as staging areas, work bridges and roads; bicycle path relocation; permanent bridge substructures; Franklin Blvd. southbound on-ramp work; utilities; and bridge demolition. Approvals for Site Plan Review and Floodplain Overlay Distri~t Development were subsequently submitted to the City of Springfield. On February 18,2009, the Springfield Planning Commission granted Willamette Greenway Overlay District Development and Discretionary Use approvals of the Applicant's request. On April 2S, 2009 the City of Springfield granted Site Plan Review approval and on April 14, 2009 the City of Springfield granted Floodplain Overlay District Development approval for Phase I work. On April 25, 2009, a development agreement for Phase I work was executed between the Applicant and the City of Springfield, which contains the conditions of approval and additional requirements.s The development agreement is included as Appendix K. On September I, 2009, the joint planning commission of the cities of Eugene and Springfield and Lane County unanimously approved a Metro Plan amendment and an exception to Goal IS authorizing the construction of a bike path viaduct beneath thel-S bridges, along the south bank of the Willamette River. The exception is proposed to be adopted to Metro Plan text, Policy No. II, Chapter III, Section D.6 The proposed Metro.Plan amendment is pending final action. . Date Received: on 2 3 2009 2 Springfield File LRP 2003-0012. 0"\.':;.1.,. .:,_:. :<i.~J._._.... . 3 Eugene Ordinance No. 20414 and 2041S; Springfield Ordinance No. 6227; ana Lane County Ordinance No. PA 1247. · Eugene File MA 07-3 and RA 08-1. 5 Willamette Greenway and. Standards Review Performance Agreement (WG 08-4/SDR 08-7) 6 Springfield File No. LRP2009-0000S. Eugene File No. MA 09-4. Lane County File No. PA09-S472 CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22, 2009 . 8 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II " WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION The City of Springfield requires a pre-submittal meeting held in advance of Site Plan Review permit application. The required pre-submittal meeting was held with Springfield staff on September II, 2009.7 . 3.4 Public Involvement Efforts The Applicant recognizes the need for citizen participation in all phases of this project. Public outreach and involvement for the Project have included: project information provided to the public through newsletters and project website; public open house meetings to provide project information and solicit public input; briefings to neighborhood and civic groups and local elected bodies; and meetings of the project's Citizens Advisory Group (CAG). The CAG functions in an advisory role and provides recommendations to the Project Development Team (PDT). The PDT consists of ten members that include representatives from ODOT, Federal Highway Administration (FHW A), the Cities of Eugene and Springfield, Lane County, and the CAG. Public opportunities to ask questions and provide input on the Project have been provided by the Applicant through the project website, at open houses, by mail, and by direct contact with ODOT staff. Public involvement activities to date are summarized below: . Environmental Assessment (EA) open houses in Eugene and Springfield January 31, 2008, . CAG meeting June 17, 2008 * CAG meeting July 15, 2008 . Stakeholder newsletter mailed week of July 21, 2008 * Design KickofffType Selection public meeting ~nd self-guided tour event held July 26, 2008 . CAG meeting August 5, 2008 * ODOT outreach to local. public officials and media to announce type selection: week of September 8, 2008 . Joint CAG and PDT meeting October 14,2008 * Joint CAG and PDT meeting October 30, 2008 . Joint CAG and PDT design theme discussion workshop November 20, 2008 . CAG meeting December 2, 2008 . PDT meeting December 5, 2008 . Public open houses in Eugene and Springfield February 9, 2009 * CAG meeting January 28, 2009 * PDT meeting January 30, 2009 . Public Hearing in Springfield February 18, 2009 (SHR 2008-0009) Date Received: * Design workshop February 21, 2009 OCT 2 3 2009 Original Submittal . 7 PRE 2009-00022. CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22, 2009 9 if I-S WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT ~ PHASE II WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP).APPLlCATION * Design workshop February 28, 2009 * CAG meeting March II, 2009 * . PDT meeting March 13, 2009 * Public Hearing in Eugene March 18,2009 (yVG 08-4, SDR 08-7) * Sound wall meeting with the Laurel Hill Valley Citizens neighborhood association April 7, 2009 * CAG meeting April 15, 2009. * PDT meeting and April 17, 2009 * Bicycle-pedestrian in-park outreach April 17 and April 18, 2009 * Presentations to Lane County Board of Commissioners (April 28, 2009) and Springfield City Council (May 4, 2009) * News release for construction kick-off distributed May 6, 2009 * Presentation to Harlow Neighbors May 13, 2009 . Construction Update mailed to stakeholders May 15, 2009 * Presentation to Springfield Mohawk Lions May 29, 2009 . Affected property owners in Laurel Hill Valley surveyed and support sound wall installation, June 2009 * News release for updated construction schedule distributed June 8, 2009 * Joint CAG and PDT meeting June 17, 2009 * Presentation to Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee July 9, 2009 * Presentation to Springfield Mohawk Rotary Club July 15, 2009 Joint CAG and PDT meeting August 2009. * Current project information posted to project website, www.willamettebridl!e.or~ Date Received: OCT 2 3 2009 Orini!"!al Submittal CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22. 2009 10 I-S WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU). SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION 4.0 DETAILED PROJECT DESCRIPTION 4.1 Project Overview The 1-5 Willamette River Bridge Project proposes to replace both the decommissioned bridge and the.temporary detour bridge across the Willamette River, Franklin Boulevard, and the Union Pacific railroad tracks with two new parallel bridges (one NB and one SB). In addition, the existing bridges across the Canoe. Canal will be removed and replaced with new bridges. . The new crossing will be composed of two bridges over the Willamette River: one dedicated to carrying NB traffic and the other carrying SB traffic. The new bridges will be wider than the decommissioned bridge to accommodate additional travel lanes in the future, Additional travel lanes are not proposed as pari of this Project and the new bridge will be striped to match the existing travel lanes at both the north and south ends (I.e., two lanes in each direction). There would be. a slight shift in the alignment of 1-5; however the vast majority of all roadway and bridge improvements will remain within the existing ODOT ROW. The shift in alignment for the new Willamette River bridges will require the replacement of the decommissioned and temporary detour Canoe Canal bridges. Therefore, the existing 1-5 crossing of the Canoe Canal north 'of the Willamette River will also be replaced by a pair of new bridges. The new bridges will be constructed in the same general location as the existing bridges. As noted above, the new bridge location will require some minor shifts of alignment, as well as reconstruction of portions of the NB and SB on/off ramps to Franklin Boulevard. . The new bridges will be higher than the decommissioned-bridge to provide more clearance over Franklin Boulevard, which will provide flexibility to local jurisdictions for future improvements to the Franklin Boulevard corridor, as well as meet current vertical clearance requirements for state highways and railroads. Although there are no specific plans for future improvements to Franklin Boulevard, the proposed clearances would allow the addition of turning or through lanes, sidewalks or , bicycle/pedestrian paths, transit lanes, aesthetic treatments, or other improvements. For the purpose of this request, the new bridges over the Willamette River and the Canoe Canal will be considered the same facility. These bridges will meet current safety and design standards for all travel needs typical on this section of '.5. Traffic volumes will not change as a result of the proposed bridge replacement. No additional lanes or permanent speed zone changes are planned, although the new bridges will be designed to accommodate future traffic needs. I' . 4.2 Bridge Type The Project is the subject of a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) environmental assessment (EA) which identifies proposed measures that avoid, minimize, and/or mitigate environmental impacts. During the NEPA process, alternative conceptual bridge designs were developed that involved varying numbers of piers and footing locations. To minimize the bridges' footprints as much as feaSible within the Willamette River and its associated riparian area, the EA includes two footing options (Option A and Option B) for the replacement bridges. Both options include one footing location in the center of the river channel and two footing locations on or near the north and south banks of the river. The EA thereby established that no more than three bents would be constructed within or near the river channel. Date Received: OCT 2 3 2009 CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22, 2009 Original Submittal II 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT rNG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION The footing locations in the EA established an important parameter for the design of the replacement bridges, but several different bridge types could meet this requirement. The Applicant's design team conducted a comprehensive evaluation of possible alternatives. Seven main span alternatives were investigated. These alternatives were compared based on their performance on goals established by ODOT, th~ OTIA III State Bridge Delivery Program, and a Citizen Advisory Group (CAG) convened for the project. A concrete deck arch bridge type was ultimately selected based on its comparative impact, cost, aesthetic appeal, and ease of maintenance, among other factors. The concrete deck arch can be designed with a true or tied arch .support system. The Applicant initially envisioned a true arch, which is a demanding bridge type in terms of the lateral load to be resisted by foundation elements. Geotechnical analysis of the project area indicates that the foundation bedrock is adequate to support a true arch or tied arch system. A tied arch, however, is substantially more complex to construct requiring a longer duration of temporary impacts in the Willamette River. After reviewing the relative impact on the Willamette River from these two alternatives, as well as other differentiating factors, the Applicant selected the true arch system for the bridges. The se.lection of this design represents a significant reduction in. the duration of temporary impacts that will be placed below the Willamette River Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM). 4.3 Bridge Design As noted above, the proposed replacement bridge will be constructed within the same general horizontal alignment as the existing decommissioned bridge, as illustrated on Sheet OS 1.0 Overall Site Plan (Exhibit C). From the 1-5 approach on either side of the river, the proposed bridge splits into separate NB and SB structures. The configuration of each structure is nearly identical. The proposed concrete deck arch structure over the Willamette River will span 806 feet and will be supported by four bents (piers, footings, sub-structures) founded on drilled shafts." Bent I is located approximately 200 feet north of the OHWM and Bent 2 is located approximately 100 feet north of the OHWM. Bent 3 is located near the center of the river channel, approximately 270 feet from the northern OHWM. Bent 4 is located at the southern OHWM boundary. Additional bents (Bents 5-10) are located south of the Willamette River and will support the structure as it spans approximately 1,000 feet over Franklin Boulevard and the Union Pacific Railroad ROW. Bent locations are illustrated in the enclosed Plan Set (Exhibit C). Bent locations were established and activities necessary to construct the sub-structure were authorized through the prior approved Phase I application ry.tG 08-4, SDR 08-7) and are included herein for context. The bents and arch ribs have been designed to maximize hydraulic efficiency and minimize effects to the aquatic environment. The proposed replacement bridges have a larger hydraulic opening than the existing decommissioned bridge and include a reduction of the bent area below the water surface elevation of the Willamette River. The reduction in hardened surfaces in the river channel will improve flow dynamics, minimize hydraulic drag and scour, and result in an overall Date Received: OCT 2 3 2009 · The Applicant notes that Bent I is the approach span connecting the 1-5 roadway to the deck arc.h stru. rture. \JrfgIP";:, :)Utlmlttal CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22, 2009 12 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRiDGE PROJECT - PHASE II WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT 0NG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU). SITE PLAN. .. REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION environmental improvement at the river crossing. New bridge sub-structures will occupy 1.8% of the 709-foot active channel width and less than 4% of the streambed width: ' The proposed 1-5 replacement bridge over Canoe Canal is a single structure. I The superstructure will be supported by two driven steel pile end bents. The new alignment wilf shift slightly west of the existing alignment and will fully span the Canoe Canal OHWM elevation. ,. Demolition of the existing bridge (Phase I) and construction .of the new bridge will result in permanent removal of fill in the Willamette River. Where existing footings and columns are removed, the structures will be cut to at least three feet below the substrate surface, and the holes in the streambed will be filled with clean, native substrates that match the surrounding streambed materials. In areas where the footings and columns are surrounded by bedrock, the structures will be cut flush with the bedrock substrate surface to minimize additional impacts from bedrock excavation. The Project will result in a net loss of structure and non-native fill below the Willamette River OHWM. Therefore, an increase in overall habitat fun.ction, and reduction in fish passage impediments is expected following completion of the Project. 4.4 Phase II Work The Proposal,involves Phase II construction activities, as described below, and identified by applicable jurisdiction (Eugene or Springfield). Phase I of the Project, the subject of a prior approved WG and SDR application (VVG 08-4, SDR, 08-7), involves only: development of construction access routes and staging areas; removal of the decommissionea Willamette River Bridge, including construction of a temporary work bridge; construction of new bridge sub- structures; installation of cofferdams to enclose the new bridge sub-structure; reconstruction of 1-5 SB on-ramp; and reconfiguration and construction of bicycle and pedestrian path improvements to maintain public access along the river. Following is a detailed summary of Phase II activities: Willamette River Bridge The Proposal involves construction of a new crossing over the Willamette River. The new crossing will be composed of two bridges; one dedicated to carrying NB traffic and the other .carrying SB traffic. The new bridges will be constructed in the same general location as the existing bridges. The new bridges will be slightly higher (approximately 5-feet) than the decommissioned. bridge to provide more clearance over Franklin Boulevard as well as m.eet current vertical . clearance requirements for state .highways and railroads. . The configuration of each proposed structure is nearly identical. The proposed bridge structures are 1,760 feet long (SB) and 1,985 feet long (NB). The proposed bridges will each be approximately 67.5 feet wide. The bridges are composed of three structure'types from north to south: a cast-in-place concrete girder span (approach span); two concrete deck arch spans oVl!r the Willamette River (VVillamette River Bridge); arid several spans of cast-in-plac,e concrete box girders over Franklin Boulevard, UPRR, and the NB exit ramp from 1-5 to Franklin Boulevard (approach . pate Received: , Fish Passage Plan; Bridge 08329. Highwayl over Willamette River 0Nillamette River Bridge). r-P.~l ~rJce2Q~irard, Inc.. February 4, 2009. Original Submittal CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22,2009 13 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II . WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION spans). As noted above, the arches are configured in two spans, with 390 feet for the north span and 416 feet for the south span. The bridges will be s.upported by three bents founded on drilled shafts. Bent locations were established through the prior approved Phase 1 application (WG 08-4, SDR 08-7). . The concrete deck arch bridge type proposed is aesthetically classic. Modern engineering and construction techniques enable concrete deck arches to be built with slender arch. ribs and without bracing, making them more sleek and uncluttered in appearance. Slenderness provides added aesthetic appeal due in part to an implicit understanding by the public that such structures, although light and graceful, are also strong and durable. This understanding has evolved by the incremental increases of noteworthy structures in the built environment that have trended toward slenderness. The deck arch design employs a relatively lightweight floor system for concrete. The proposed arch ribs are slender in profile view, but deeper perpendicular to their axis. This appearance reinforces their role. aesthetically as the supporting elements of the spans.'O. The new NB and SB bridges will be constructed in two stages over a four-year period. Stage I . (2009-20 II) involves demolition of the decommissioned bridge (Phase I), construction of the SB bridge, and demolition of the detour bridge. Stage 2 (2011-2012) involves construction of the NB bridge, removal of temporary work bridges, falsework, and cofferdams, and associated site restoration and mitigation. Approach Spans The Proposal involves construction of several approach spans to connect the proposed concrete deck arch bridge to the 1-5 roadway. On the north side of the Willamette River, a single concrete girder span will connect the 1-5 roadway to the concrete deck arch bridge. On the' south side of the Willamette River, seven concrete girder spans will be elevated over Franklin Boulevard, UPRR, and the NB exit ramp from 1-5 to Franklin Boulevard, to connect the concrete deck arch bridge to the 1-5 roadway. The approach spans use a deck and girder system that appears visually similar to the arch spans. This thematic consistency leads to a clear appearance of the whole structure. Canoe Canal Bridge The Proposal involves replacement of the Canoe Canal crossing. The proposed bridge is a single structure, 180 feet long by 140.5 feet wide at the northern end and 146.5 feet wide at the southern end. The-structure will be supported on driven steel pile e.nd bents. The new alig!1menf will shift slightly west of the existing alignment and will fully span the Canoe Canal. The proposed project ~i11 not affect hydraulics through the bridge opening. Demolitionof Detour Bridge The Proposal involves demolition of the Detour Bridge. Demolition of the decommissioned bridge is a component of the Phase I approval. The Applicant's contractor will remove the detour bridge . in 20 II following the completion of the SB bridge. Once completed, the SB bridge will maintain both directions of traffic until the NB bridge is completed. The removal of in-water components of Date Received: 10 Final Design Acceptance Package Report. 1-5: Willamew. River Bridge - Bundle 220 Lane cQ~J, b.:l,g6~~!bBEC Consulting Engineers. December 17, 2008. Original Submittal CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22, 2009 14 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II . WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETlON~RY USE (DU), SITE PLAN . REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVElOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION ' the detour bridge will occur during the ODFW established in-water work Reriod (IWWP). II The detour bridge has six bents within the Willamette River. Prior to removal of the bents in the Willamette River, the Applicant's contractor will install precast concrete ba~riers upstream and downstream and a U-shaped floating turbidity curtain downstream ofthe work area to deflect flows and trap sediment. " 'I 1-5 NB Off-Ramp (NB Exit Ramp to Franklin Boul~vard) , The Proposal involves reconstruction of the NB Exit Ramp (off-ramp) to Franklin Boulevard. Reconstruction of the SB On-Ramp to 1-5 is a component of the Phase I approval. The NB off- ramp will be reconstructed horizontally and vertically in generally the same location, with minor shifts in alignment, from the Riverview Street intersection to its departure from 1-5 (approximately 1,900 feet). The reconstruction will consist of a single-lane ramp with a 16-foot travel lane. Miscellaneous Structures Several miscellaneous structures, including soundwalls and retaining walls,.ar~ required in support of the replacement of the Willamette River Bridge. Following is a brief description of each , . structure, including location and applicable jurisdictiqnal boundaries. , Northbound Soundwall #2//24 (Anderson Lane Subdivision) The Proposal includes a soundwall along 1-5 NB, west of the Anderson Lane '.Subdivision in Spririgfield. As illustrated on Sheet A4.0A Retaining Wall Elevations and Sections (Exhibit C), the soundwall is 720 feet long and nominally 16 to 17 feet in height. The soundwall is located entirely within state-owned ROWand within Springfield. A small segment of the sOl!ndwall, roughly 34 feet, extends into the Willamette Greenway.. " Southbound Soundwall #21130 (Laurel Hill Subdivision) The Proposal includes a soundwall along 1-5 SB, east of the Laurel Hill subdivision in Eugene. The soundwall is 1800 feet long and nominally 12 to 16 feet high. The soundwall height varies in along its length, in-line with 1-5. The soundwall is located in Eugene, outside WG and fWR boundaries, and entirely within state-owned ROW. The soundwall is detailed in the Phase I submittal. Retaining Wall #2//25 (Canae Canol) The Proposal includes a retaining wall along the sout~ embankment of the C~noe Canal Bridge and the east embankment of the 1-5 mainline. As illustrated on Sheet A4.0A Retaining Wall Elevations and Sections (Exhibit C), the wall is 536 fe~t long and 3 to 6 feet high. The r~taining wall is located in Eugene and Springfield, within the WG boundary, outside fWR boundaries; and entirely within state-owned ROW. ' .. Retaining Wall #2/127 (Between NB Off-ramp and the 1-5 Mainline) :1 The Proposal includes a retaining wall along the sout~abutment of the Willat)'lette River Bridge to provide grade separation between the finish grade for NB 1-5 and the NB off-"ramp, as the ramp drops below the bridge south abutment. As illustrated on Sheet A4.0A Retaining Wall Elevations and Sections (Exhibit C), the wall is 645 feet long and a maximum height at th"e south abutme~t of 'I , " In-water work periods (IWWP) for the Project are as follows: pile driving activities are all~wed fr'?ffi:~PftlI to Ap,rild, 30 and from July I to October 31; non-pile driving activities are allowed from June I to October ita~. .ecelve - CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22, 2009 ocr 'Ji 'JnnC! 15 Original Submittal 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE 11 WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION. 24 feet, reducing to approximately 15 feet at the south end. The wall is located in Eugene and Springfield, outside the WG boundary, and entirely within state-owned ROW. Retoining Wall #21128 (Along the Temporary Fill Slope) The Proposal includes a retaining wall located roughly five feet from the east ROW boundary of I- S, adjacent to the NB off-ramp. As illustrated on Sheet A4.0 Retaining Wall Elevations and Sections (Exhibit C),the proposed wall is 350 feet long and nominally 6 to 12 feet high. The purpose of the retaining wall is to contain the proposed finished grade and restore/remove an existing embankment. The wall is located in Springfield, outside the WG boundary, and entirely within state-owned ROW.. , Retoining Wall #21129 (Along Side af NB Off-ramp) The Proposal includes a retaining wall to protect the unnamed tributary associated with Glenwood Slough drainage that parallels the NB ramp alignment and continues through an existing pipe culvert flowing northward. As illustrated on Sheet A4.0 Retaining Wall Elevations and Sections (Exhibit C), the proposed wall is 415 feet long and 6 to 12 feet high. The wall is located in Springfield, outside the WG boundary, and entirely within state-owned ROW. Retaining wall studied as part of the Hydraulics Report. Th.e conclusion was that the wall will not cause any impacts or increased flooding. Stairway and StePPing Stones (Eastgote Waad/ands) The Proposal includes a stairway, composed of gravel and concrete, and an enhancement area, consisting of basalt boulders and concrete stepping stones organized in a grid pattern, located in the Eastgate Woodlands. The stairway is proposed to provide an access route from the bark path underneath North Walnut Bridge to the surface of the. bridge. The stepping stones are proposed as an aesthetic enhancement. The stairway and stepping stones are located in Springfield, within the WG boundary. Pedestrian Bridge at Restored Stream Channel The .Proposal includes two pedestrian bridges crossing the restored stream channel on the south side of the Willamette River. The northern bridge includes two spans and forms the beginning of the proposed Millrace Ruins Path. The southern bridge is a single span and will serve the reconstructed South Bank Path, located on the south side of Franklin Boulevard. As illustrated on Sheet A7.0 Elevations (Exhibit C), the pedestrian bridges are approximately 116. feet long and 16 feet wide. The bridges are located in Eugene, within the WG boundary, partly within IWG boundaries, and entirely within state-owned ROW. Bicycle/Pedestrian Path and Trail Improvements As part of the project, permanent improvements to the overall path and trail system in the Projllct d' area are proposed. Following is a brief description of each improvement, includinp&J!iti~iIVe . applicable jurisdictional boundaries. :; OCT 2 3 2009 North Walnut Path The existing North Walnut Path will be slightly realigned and reconstructed IlZitJrrjinaa€>e~!~.." This improvement includes reconstruction of the connecting segment between North Walnut Path and Knickerbocker Pedestrian Bridge. The proposed asphalt path is 12 feet wide. The path is CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22, 2009 16 " I-S WILLAMETTE,RIVER BRiDGE PROJECT - PHASE II .~ WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETlON~RY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION within Eugene and Springfield, within WG and IWR boundaries, and within b,oth parkland and state- owned ROW. North Walnut Path to Canoe Conal Path . , j The improvement includes reconstruction ofthe north-south connector betWeen North Walnut Path and Canoe Canal Path, located west of the 1-5 ~ridge, The reconstruction will follow generally, the same alignment as the existing path. T~e proposed concrete path is 12 feet wide, The path is within Eugene, within the WG boundary, partly within IWR boundaries, and entirely . , . within state-owned ROW, Canoe Canal Path The existing path beneath the Canoe Canal Bridge will be realigned to straighten it out and improve sight distance and safety for path users, Th~.proposed path realignment moves the path from its present location between the south edge ohhe Canoe Canal and the existing south intermediate bent to a location between the the new bridge end bents. The' proposed concrete . 'I path is 12 feet wide. The path is within Eugene and ~pringfield, within WG and IWR boundaries, and entirely within state-owned ROW. ' North Bank Trail The existing path along the North Bank will be realigned and reconstructed at its eastern terminus with North Walnut Path. The proposed concrete path is 12 feet wide. The path is within Eugene, . within the WG boundary, partly within IWR boundaries, and within the Whilamut Natural Area. , Millrace Ruins Path :: The Proposal involves a proposed path along the north side of Franklin Boulevard, extending east from Knickerbocker Pedestrian Bridge. The proposed path will involve botH pier~based and fill- based segments within the Project area and will be 16 feet wide. The path y;,i11 include a span crossing the restored stream channel. . The path is within Eugene, within WG and IWR boundaries, . , and entirely within state-owned ROW. "" South Bank Path " The existing south bank path will be realigned and r~constructed. The path extends east from Knickerbocker Pedestrian Bridge and accesses the s~uth side of Franklin Boulevard. . The proposed asphalt path is 12 feet wide, The path is within Eugehe and Springfield, within the WG boundary, partly within IWR boundaries, and entirely within state-owned ROW. " , . Pre's Trail (Whilamut Nawral Area) ". The Proposal involves extensive improvements to Pre's Trail within the Project area, An existing segment along the north bank of the Willamette River and the segment extending under Canoe Canal Bridge will be realigned and reconstructed. The proposed bark trail is 10 feet wide. The trail is within Eugene and Springfield, within WG boundaries, partly within fV':IR boundaries, and . t " , both within parkland and state-owned ROW. Date Received: OCT 2 3 2009 I Original Submittal , CMGS "-.: FINAL SUBMITTAL I O{tob'er22, 2009 17 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION Pre's Trail (Eastgate Woodlands) The existing asphalt path under the North Walnut Bridge in the Eastgate Woodlands will be removed and replaced with a bark trail, connecting to Pre's Trail. The proposed bark trail is 8 feet wide. The trail is within Springfield and within the WG boundary. Stormwater Management The Proposal involves stormwater management facilities designed to treat pollutants from the roadway, bridge surfaces, and other impervious surfaces. The Project will construct 3.53 acres of net new impervious area at the bridge and Franklin Boulevard interchange. This additional impervious area will be treated with the existing 14.39 impervious acres, for a 17.92-acre impervious area. The Project site is naturally divided .into two hydrologic sections (north and south) by the Willamette River. The proposed storm sewer and stormwater management systems for the Project provide capture, conveyance, treatment and detention/retention of site runoff as required by the ODOT Stormwater Management Program and by DEQ, NMFS, and the City of Eugene and the City of Springfield stormwater regulations. The proposed system provides capture and conveyance of runoff and directs runoff into stormwater management facilities consisting of vegetated swales, filter strips, and bio-retention ponds, all with soil amendments. These facilities provide treatment of roadway, bridge, and path runoff, and address total maximum daily load (TMDl) constituents listed for the receiving waters. Proposed stormwater facilities are detailed in the Stormwater Management Report (Exhibit D) and illustrated on Sheets CO.2, CO.2A, C2.0-C2.6 Stormwater and Utilities Plan (Exhibit C). Proposed drainage facilities for the Willamette River Bridge are a combination of storm sewer and stormwater management facilities. North of the bridge, inlets located within the shoulders of the roadway are proposed to capture runoff from the.bridge and roadway. No deck drains are proposed on the Canoe Canal Bridge, and one deck drain is proposed on the Willamette River Bridge. Runoff from the bridges is conveyed in the shoulder and collected by the one deck drain on the Willamette River Bridge and the inlets located at the end of the bridges. In addition to the permanent stormwater facilities installed during the Project, a number of temporary storm sewer facilities will be installed during the staged construction of the roadway and bridge elements. Temporary storm facilities are indicated in the Applicant's Construction Site Management Plan (CSMP - Eugene only) and land Drainage and Alteration Permit (lDAP - , Springfield only) and are not shown on the attached Plan Set (Exhibit B). The temporary storm sewer facilities are designed to the 10-year storm event and will consist of inlets, pipes, scuppered barrier runs, and gutters hung on the bridges. In order to minimize the number of temporary installations, permanent facilities are installed where possible to serve the temporary conditions. Utilities The Proposal involves the relocation of site utilities. In the proposed design, storm sewer and stormwater management facilities are located to prevent conflicts with existing utilities where possible. However, in cases where conflicts are unavoidable, utilities will be relocated to alleviate conflicts. Utility relocations are illustrated on Sheets C2.0-C2.6 Stormwa1ff~ ~g~ ~~Q . . OCT 2. 3 2009 CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22, 2009 Original :SUOmltla! I~ . r 1-5 WllLAMETTE RIVER BRiDGE PROJECT - PHASE II WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & flOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION Two major utility relocations are required due to proposed stormwater management work on the Project. A 16-inch gas line owned by Williams Gas will be relocated due to the construction of a stormwater pond between the NB and SB ramps. The gas main currently passes directly under the pond bottom, and will be relocated completely outside the stormwater pond. Construction of the stormwater pond will also require that facilities owned by Eugene Water and Electric Board (EWEB) be relocated. The EWEB facilities, a buried three phase electric line and a fiber optic line sharing the same trench, will be relocated by placing them adjacentto the existing facility alignment and in a deeper trench to maintain adequate cover. Additional facilities to be relocated as part of the Project include two EWEB water lines: a 16 inch waterline between the NB Off-ramp and UPRR tracks has been relocated to avoid construction of new bridge piers; and, a 24 inch waterline between the UPRR track and the Willamette River will be relocated to avoid stream restoration. In addition, a Qwest underground fiber optic cable located along the bike path between UPRR tracks and the Willamette River and a Comcast underground fiber optic cable located on the north side of Franklin Boulevard may be relocated as part of the Project. Site Restoration The Project will result in a maximum of approximately 27.9 acres of temporary ground disturbance and vegetation removal due to grading, staging, and construction access. All :temporary disturbed areas within the Project area will be returned to pre-construction conditions and planted per Sheets LO.3-LO.3D, L3.0-L3.6 Landscape Plan (Exhibit C). Within ODOT ROW, site restoration consists of slope stabilization and erosi~n control through planting, seeding, and bioengineered stream bank structures. Areas disturbed by the Project within the Whilamut Natural Area (Eugene) will be converted from disturbed grassland into native upland prairie. Site restoration within the Whilamut Natural Area will also include converting disturbed grassland into native riparian forest. Disturbed riparian forest within the Eastgate Woodlands (Springfield) will be returned to pre-existing conditions. Native species will be used throughout the Project with the exception of smilllareas adjacent to soundwalls and within medians where native-analog plantings with particular aesthetic and functional qualities will be incorporated. Native plantings will be installed in areas of less than 2: I slopes and in areas throughout ODOT ROW where visual buffers are deemed necessary. . Native grass and forb mixes are proposed to restore environmental functions, such as noxious weed control, water quality, habitat preservation, and erosion control. All temporarily disturbed wetlands will be seeded with Wetland seeding mix. All disturbed areas on the north and south banks of the Willamette River will be restored with the Riparian Plant mix. Several seed mixes will be used exclusively within the Whilamut Natural Area and Eastgate Woodlands per City of Eugene and City of Springfield requirements. Native species will be used exclusively within the park and all riparian areas. Compensatory Mitigation The Applicant has purchased 0.05 credits at the West Eugene Wetland Mitigation Bank to compensate for the permanent loss of a small amount of wetland area and function. Compensatory mitigation for temporary and permanent waters impacts includes planting and establishment of a 1.9-acre riparian forest with the Whilamut Natural Area and I-acre of stre~m . Date Received: OCT 2 3 2009 CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22, 2009 19 Original Submittal 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHA5E II WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DI5TRICT'oEVELOPMENT (WG), DI5CRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION and associated riparian area restoration in the concrete-lined unnamed tributary of the Willamette River, located south of the river. The Project will improve fish passage by conducting mitigation to restore the unnamed tributary. The restoration of the creek's lower reach involves replacing the overflow channel's concrete lined banks with natural stream material (gravel, cobbles and boulders), planting native riparian vegetation along the fringe of the creek's lower. reach, replacing two failed culverts under the pedestrian path with a new full-spanning bridge structure, and plugging the culvert under Franklin Boulevard so that the water is directed down the restored channel. The upland area along the southern tributary will be widened and flattened to create a wider floodplain and facilitate development of a forested/scrub-shrub riparian fringe. Pool and riffle areas will be interspersed at appropriate locations along the channel. Additional water mitigation will be accomplished by reducing the number of footings currently associated with the detour and decommissioned bridges within the Willamette River, which equals a 0.03-acre net reduction of artificial structures. Aesthetic Enhancements The Proposal.involves a number of proposed aesthetic enhancements within the Project area. Since Project inception, the CAG and PDT have provided significant input to ODOT on aesthetic enhancement opportunities. A subset of these members developed an overall theme for the Project - "Whilamut Passage" - incorporating elements of different places, users, images and languages to guide design and establish an enduring identity for the area surrounding the bridge. The development of the.WhilamutPassage theme was followed by a sequence of design workshops with local professionals aimed at creating a palette of aesthetic enhancement opportunities. The potential opportunities are planned to be designed and detailed by local design/artist teams during construction of the Project and are therefore included as concepts in the Proposal. Following is a summary of aesthetic enhancement concepts. '-5 Median Sculpture(s) This item consists of sculptural art piece(s) located within the 1-5 median on the nor:th side of the Willamette River, between the Canoe Canal Bridge and the Willamette River Bridge. The proposed median sculpture(s) are located within ODOT ROWand mostly within Springfield; maximum length 420-feet, maximum height 3D-feet. and maximum width, 20-feet. Wi/lomette River and Canoe Canol Bridge Railings The proposed Willamette River Bridges will include one of two railing types; a three-tube open railing or solid concrete barrier with tubular top railing. The proposed CanoeCanl Bridge will include a solid concrete railing. Enhancements to the railing may include color choices. railing, insets, and/or textures. Northbound Soundwa/l Moterials Material choices for the proposed NB soundwall may include. use of surface-mounted or applied durable materials. Date Received: OCT 2 3 2009 CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22, 2009 Original Submittal 20 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II , WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG). DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION Canoe Conal Underpass Improvements Improvements proposed at Canoe Canal consist of a multi-use path, railing adjacent to Canoe Canal, and retaining wall. Path railing types under consideration consist of metal, wood, stone, or concrete material choices. Path surfaces under consideration consist of ADA-accessible textural pavers, tiles, painted accents, and/or decorative features embedded within pavement. The retaining wall may include texture, surface-mounted, or applied durable materials. Slope Pavements at Canoe Conal and Willamette Rjver Bridge The slope embankments underneath the Canoe Canal Bridgeand Willamette River Bridges will be paved. Aesthetic enhancements include alternative pavement materials, decorative features embedded within pavement, textural enhancemenuo paving, and color selection. North Bonk Path Enhancements Aesthetic enhancements to the reconstructed North Bank Path include ADA-accessible textural pavers, tiles, painted accents, and/or decorative features embedded within the pavement. North Bonk Interpretive Area Aesthetic enhancements along the reconstructed North Bank Path include an interpretive kiosk dedicated to the Confederated Tribes of Grande Ronde, enhanced native upland prairie plantings, and additional native plantirigs including native bulbs. The enhancements proposed are within the Whilamut Natural Area and state-owned ROW. North Bonk Forest-Meadow Transition Zone This aesthetic enhancement involves a forest-meadow transition zone, consisting of native planting, in the Whilamut Natural Area. Union Pacific Railroad Protection Fence Proposed along the Union Pacific Railroad tracks, this protection fence includes material choices consisting of chainlink, ornamental iron, or artistic-design panels. The proposed fence may be extended along the entire length of the approach spans for continuity. The proposed fence is located entirely within state-owned ROW. Willcimette Rjver Bridge Arch Ughting Aesthetic enhancements to the Willamette River Bridge involve low-level fiber optic rope lighting along arch ribs. The single color lighting output will be no more than an average maintained luminance of 0.9 foot-candle at grade. Proposed lighting design will comply vyith "dark sky" requirements. Glenwood Trailhead This enhancement involves a proposed asphalt parking area with several parking spaces and an interpretive kiosk. The trailhead is located within state-owned ROW, in Springfield, and within .the WG boundary. The Kiosk shall be no more than a-feet tall and 16-square feet per face in surface , . area.' Date Received: I OCT 2 3 2009 Original Submittal CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22, 2009 21 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT rNG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION South Bank Millrace and Streom Restoration Interpretive Area This enhancement involves an interpretive area adjacent to the historic millrace ruins and the proposed stream restoration of the unnamed tributary on the south side of the Willamette River. The area is located within state-owned ROW, in Eugene jurisdiction, and within the WG boundary. South Bonk Bicycle/Pedestrian Path Proposed path surfaces under consideration include textural, embedded, or painted aesthetic enhancements. The path shall maintain ADA-accessibility. 4.5 Duration and Sequence of Construction Construction is planned to take up to four years. Construction began in June 2009 and is proposed to continue through 2012. The Applicant requests approval for Phase II work described herein through December 12. 2012. Demolition of the existing bridges and construction of the new facilities will require four summers of in-water work (IWW). which is only allowed from April I to April 30 and June I to October 31. The proposed southbound bridge will be constructed while the existing detour bridge is in use. Due to the large Willamette River channel width, temporary work bridges are required during demolition and construction. As established in Phase I, The first temporary work bridge will be constructed during the 2009 IWW period. Two additional work/containment bridge configurations will be constructed during the 20 I 0 IWW period. Removal of the work/containment bridge configurations will occur during the 20 II and 2012 IWW periods. The actual sequence of construction for Phase II work has not been determined, but a likely sequence is as follows: * Construction of temporary work access: staging areas, and work bridges (Phase I) . Removal of decommissioned bridges (Phase I) * Construction of new SB bridges and connecting roadway (Phase II) Temporarily route both directions of 1-5 traffic on the new SB bridges (Phase II) * Removal of detour bridge and construction of temporary work bridge (Phase II) * Construction of new NB bridges and connecting roadway (Phase II) * Construction of stormwater facilities (Phase II) * Construction of bicycle and pedestrian path improvements (Phase II) * Removal of work bridges, staging, and access areas (Phase II) * Site restoration and enhancement of the Project area (Phase II) Date Received: OCT 1 3 2009 Original Submittal Traffic will be maintained on 1-5, Franklin Boulevard, the railroad, and the bicycle/pedestrian paths throughout construction. The Applicant will implement a Traffic Control Plan (TCP) for paths and trails; will coordinate with Eugene POS on path and trail closures; and will provide advance public notice of path and trail closures. Some short.term road closures may be required. but these would. be limited to a few hours or occur on weekend days. Road closures may affect Franklin Boulevard, however any potential closure of Franklin Boulevard would also occur on a weekend. A continuous route across ODOT ROW for the bicycle/pedestrian pathways will be maintained on CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22, 2009 22 I-S WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION ( I both the .north side and south side of the river duril)g construction, althoug~ there will be occasions .when the contractor will have to control bicycle and pedestrian traffic on the paths via f1agger control with a maximum allowed delay of 20: minutes. / I , . 4.6 Overview of Proposed Mitigation .Measures, The Applicant seeks to preserve scenic, aesthetic, historic, and environmental resources throughout the proposed Project. The National Enyironmental Policy Act (('JEPA) environmental assessment (EA) prepared for the Project identifies proposed measures that avoid, minimize, and/or mitigate environmental impacts.'2 In response to the EA, FHW A iss~ed a "finding of no significant effect" (FONSI) letter for the proposed project on November 25; 2008. Construction activities will follow the best management practices designed to minimize impacts to resources. Such practices include, but are not limited to, dust, noise, and erosion control. To avoid, minimize, and/or mitigate the impacts of this Project, the Applicant proposes the folloy.,ing general measures, among others: . Meet OTIA III Environmental Performance Standards (EPS) in order to meet the requirements of the programmatic environmental permits that apply to the statewide bridge program. (EPS for the Project were included in the Phase I applicatiqn). * Continue public involvement through construction * Plan traffic management to keep all travel modes open and safe during1construction * Limit work hours I * Limit project noise Install soundwalls and stormwater management facilities . Restore and .enhance affected areas Specific mitigation measures are described in Sectio~ 6 and illustrated in the 'attached Plan Set (Exhibit C).. . I \ .'1 , I Date Received: I OGT 2 3 2009 . Original Submittal i 12 I-S Willamette River Bridge Environmental Assessment. Federal Highway Administration lnd ODOT. January 2008. , , CMGS . FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22, 2009 23 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT(FP) APPLICATION This page intentionally left blank. . Date Received: OCT 2 3 2009 Original Submittal CMGS . FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22, 2009 24 " -. I-S WILLAMETTERIVER BRiDGE PROJECT - PHASE II, . .1 WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOp~ENT(WG), DISCRETlONJ}RY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION .., 5.0 SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 5.1 Willamette Greenway Overlay District Development .Submittal Requirements :1 : I) Submitted Concurrently This Proposal is a concurrent request for WillamettlJ Greenway Overlay Di~trict Development Discretionary Use, Site Plan Review,and Floodplain Overl~y District Development approval. ' 2) Application Fee. The required filing fee of $3,417.40 is enclosed with the final submittal., 3) WG Overlay. District Development Application Form The WG Overlay District Development ApplicationForm isenclo~ed herei~. 4) Deed Deeds are included as Exhibit A. 5) Preliminary Title Report Preliminary title reports are included as Exhibit B. 6) Narrative Written narrative explaining the proposal is provided as part of final applica~ion submittal. Findings of compliance with applicable criteria in SDC 3.3c330 and SDC 5.9-120 are provided in Section 6. , . I 'l , 7) Plot Plan The Plan Set, including the Site Plan (Plot Plan), is provided as Exhibit C. (a) Top of Bank The Willamette River top of bank is shown on Sheets LO.2-LO.2A, L2.0-L2.6 ~ite Plan (Exhibit C). (b) High and Low Waterli~es I The Willamette River ordinary high and low water lines are shown on the p~oject Vicinity Map located on Sheet T 1.0 Cover (Exhibit C) and on Sheets LO.2-LO.2A, L2.0-L2.~ Site Plan (Exhibit C). (c) Proposed Setback Line I The subject properties have established Greenway Setback lines. This requi~ement does not apply ! . Date Received: OCT 2 3 2009 CMGS FINAL SUBMllTAL I Ociober 22,2009 , . . Original Submittal 2S I 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION' . (d) Greenway Overlay Boundary . . The Greenway Overlay Boundary is shown on the project Vicinity Map located on Sheet T 1.0 Cover (Exhibit C)and on Sheets LO.2"LO.2A, L2.0"L2.6 Site Plan(Exhibit C). S.2 Discretionary.Use Submittal Requirements I) Submitted Concurrently This Proposal is a concurrent request for Willamette <;;reenway Overlay District Development Discretionary Use, Site Plan Review, and Floodplain Overlay District Development approval.. 2) Application Fee The required filing fee of $3,417.40 is enclosed with the final.submittal. 3) Discretionary Use. Application Form The Discretionary Use Application Form is enclosed herein. 4) Deed Deeds are included as Exhibit A. 5) Preliminary Title Report Preliminary title reports are included as Exhibit B. 6) Associated Site Plan (Reduced to 8 V," x II") The Plan Set, including the Site Plan (Plot Plan), is provided as Exhibit C. A reduced copy of the Site Plan is also enclosed. 7) Narrative Written narrative explaining the proposal is provided as part of final application submittal. Findings of compliance with applicable criteria inSDC 3.3-330 and SDC 5.9-120 are provided in Section 6. 5.3 Site Plan Review Submittal Requirements Date Received: I) Application Fee The required filing fee of $4,593.10 is enclosed with the final submittal. 2) Site Plan Review ApplicationForm . OC1 2 3 2009 Original submittal This Site Plan Review application form is included in the submittal. CMGS FINAL SUBMITIAL I October 22, 2009 26 / ~ 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II .i WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELoPMENT (FP) APPLICATION 3) Narrative Written narrative explaining the proposal is provided as part of final application submittal. Findings of compliance with applicable criteria in SDC 5.16-125 are provided in Sectibn 6. Ii I 4) Deed Deeds are included as Exhibit A 5) Preliminary Title Report Preliminary title reports are included as Exhibit B. 6) Reduced Copy ofthe Site Plan (8Y2'! x II") A red~ced copy of the Site Plan is included in the submittal. 7) Right-of-Way Approach Permit Application I, The Project does not involve new access onto a state highway. The standard does not apply. I 8) Stormwater Management System Study and Scoping Sheets. , The Stormwater Management Report and completed scoping sheets are included as Exhibit D. 1 :1 9) Traffic Impact Study The Project does not involve a Variance request or proposed uses that would generate 500 or more vehicle trips per day, as specified in SDC 4.2-lp5 A(4.)(a.) and (b.). A:Traffic Management Plan (TMP) that describes measures that will be put in place for the constru4tion of the project, as well as to minimize disruptions to motorists, the freight industry and communitie~, without compromising public or worker safety, or the quality of work being performed is included in Exhibit G. Traffic Impact Studies for Franklin Boulexard and the I-S Ramps are also included in Exhibit G. I O)Plan Set The Plan Set for the Project is included as Exhibit c.: (a) Site Assessment of Existing Conditions 'I I. Prepared by an Oregon's Lid!nsed Landscape Arc~itect or Engineer Existing conditions are illustrated on Sheets GO.I, G i .0-G:I.6 Site Assessment of Existing Conditions (Exhibit C). The sheets were prepared by Landscape Architects with Cameron McCarthy Gilbert & Scheibe (CMGS) and Engineers with OBEt Consulting ~ngineers. , " 2. Vicinity Map A Project Vicinity Map is included on Sheet T 1.0 CC;lVer (Exhibit C). Date Received: CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22,2009 1 ,I briainal 8uhmittpl -, - I OCT 2 3 2009 27 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT 0NG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION 3. Name, location and dimensions of all existing site features including buildings, curb cuts, trees and impervious surface areas. For existing structures to r,emain, indicate present use, size, setbacks from property lines, and distance between buildings . Name, location, and dimensions of existing site features are illustrated on Sheets GO.I, G I.O-G 1.6 Site Assessment of Existing Conditions (Exhibit C). The only existing structures within the project site are the detour bridge, decommissioned bridge, and canoe canal bridge. The decommissioned bridge is proposed to be removed .in Phase I. The detour bridge and canoe canal bridge are proposed to be removed in Phase II. 4. Name, location, dimensions, direction of flow and top of bank of all watercourses and required riparian setback that are shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map on file in the Development Services Department Within the project site, the Willamette River is listed as a WQLW. The required riparian setback is shown on Sheets GO.I, G I.O-G 1.6 Site Assessment of Existing Conditions (Exhibit C). Name, location, dimensions, and direction of flow of the Willamette River are shown on Sheets GO.I, G I.O-G 1.6 Site Assessment of Existing Conditions (Exhibit C). S. I OO-year floodplain and f100dway boundaries on the site, as specified in the latest adopted FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps or FEMA approved Letter of Map Amendment or Letter of Map Revision The I OO-year floodplain and f100dway boundaries are shown on Sheets GO.I, G I.O-G 1.6 Site Assessment of Existing Conditions (Exhibit C). 6. The Time of Travel Zones, as specified in SDe 3.3-200 and delineated on the Wellhead Protection Areas Map on file in the Development Services Depa.rtment The project site is not within a designated Time of Travel Zone, as specified in SDC 3.3-200, This standard does not apply. 7. Physical features including, but not limited to trees 5" in diameter or greater when measured 4 V2 feet above the ground, significant clusters of trees and shrubs, riparian areas, wetlands and rock outcroppings Physical features, including clusters of trees and shrubs, riparian areas, and wetlands are shown on Sheets GO.I, G I.O-G 1.6 Site Assessment of Existing Conditions (Exhibit C). Trees 5" in diameter or greater are shown on Sheets LO.1. LI.O-LI.6, LI.9A-LI.9C Tree Preservation and Removal Plan. (Exhibit C). The Phase II project site does not contain any rock outcroppings. Within the vicinity of the Project, Judkins Point is a significant Metro-wide rock outcropping; however t.his physical feature is located outside the project area and entirely within Eugene jurisdiction. . Date Received: OCT 2 3 2009 CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22, 2009 Original Submittal 28 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE' PROJECT - PHAS~ II ': WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT(WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION I 8. Soil tYpes and water table information as mapped and specified in the Soils Survey of Lane County.',A Geotechnical Report prepared by an Engineer must be submitted co~currently if the Soils Survey indicates the proposed development ~rea has unstable soils and/or a high water table Ii Soil types and water table information are noted on .Sheets GO.I, G I.O-G 1.6' Site Assessment of Existing Conditions (Exhibit C). Preliminary geotechnical analysis for the Prbject has been prepared and is available upon request. The project site is not known to be affected by unstable soils and/or a high water table. ,I (b) Site Plan . ;: I I. Prepared by an Oregon licensed Architect, Landscape Architect, or 'I Engineer 'I The Site plan is included as Sheets LO.2-L2.A. L2.0-L2.6 Site Plan (Exhibit C).J The sheets are prepared by Landscape Architects with Cameron McCarthy Gilbert & Scheibe (CMGS), 2. Proposed buildings: location,::dimensions, size (gross floor area applicable to the parking requirement for the proposed use(s)), setbacks from property lines;' and'distance between buildings. .1 No buildings are proposed. This standard does not apply. 'I 3. Location and height of existing or proposed fences, walls, outdoor , equipment, storage, trash rec:eptacles, and signs: I Existing fences, walls, trash receptacles, and signs are shown on Sheets GO.I;I G I.O-G lA, & G If Site Assessment of Existing Conditions (Exhibit C). Proposed fences, walls, ~nd signs are shown on Sheets LO.2-LO.2A, L2.0-L2.6 Site Plan (Exhibit C). Phase II does not propose new permanent outdoor equipment, storage, or trash receptacles. :: , .. 'I . 4~ Location, dimensions, and nu'mber of typical, com'pact and disabled parking spaces including aisle,S, wheel bumpers, directional signs, and striping ,. 1 Proposed parking spaces, associated with the Glenw~od Trailhead, are shoJn on Sheets LO.2- LO.2A, L2.0-L2.6 Site Plan (Exhibit C).; I r . S. Dimensions of the development area, as well as ar;ea and percentage of the site proposed for buildings, structures, park'ng and vehicular areas, sidewalks, patios, and other impervious surfaces I Dimensions of the development area are shown on Sheets T 1.0 Cover (Exhibit C). A tabulation of site coverage; including structures, vehicular areas, and other impervious surfaces is included on Sheet T 1.0 Cover (Exhibit C). " , Date Received: OCT 2 3 2009 CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22, 2009 Original Submittal , a 29 I-S WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICTDEVELOPMENT C'NG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION 6. Observance of solar access requirements as specified in the applicable zoning district . Phase II of the Project does not involve fences or structures that would otherwise affect solar. access requirements. This standard does not apply. '\ 7. On-site loading areas and vehicular and pedestrian circulation The proposed contractor staging area will be utilized for loading and un-loading of materials necessary for construction, as illustrated on Sheets LO.2-LO.2A, L2.0-L2.6 Site Plan (Exhibit C). Vehicular and pedestrian circulation is shown on Sheets LO.2-LO.2A, L2.0-L2.6 Site Plan (Exhibit C). 8. Access to streets, alleys, and properties to be served, including the location and dimensions of existing and proposed curb cuts and curb cuts proposed to be closed Access routes to the project site are shown on Sheets LO.2-LO.2A, L2.0-L2.6 Site Plan (Exhibit C). Existing curb cuts along'Franklin Boulevard in the vicinity of the project area are shown on Sheets GO.I, G I.O-G 1.6 Site Assessment of Exiting Conditions (Exhibit C). No new curb cuts or curb cuts to be closed are proposed. . 9. Location, type, and number of bicycle parking spaces The project site does not contain any existing bicycle parking spaces and no new bicycle parking spaces are proposed. This standard does not apply. .., I O. Location of existing and proposed transit facilities Existing transit facilities along Franklin Boulevard are shown on Sheets LO.2-LO.2A, L2.0-L2.6 Site Plan (Exhibit C). No transit facilities are proposed. II. Area and dimensions of all property to be conveyed, dedicated, or reserved for common open spaces, recreational areas, and other similar public and semi-public uses The Project does not involve the conveyance, dedication, or reservation of common open spaces, . recreation areas, or other similar uses. This standard does not apply. 12. Phased Development Plan - where applicable The Pr9jeC~ Phasing Plan is illustrated on Sheet OS 1.0 Overall Site Plan (Exhibit Sate Received: (c) Improvement and Public Utilities Plan OCT 2 3 2009 .. I. Prepared by an Oregon licensed Civil Engineer Original Submittal . Improvements and utilities are shown on Sheets CO.2, CO.2A, C2.0-C2.6 Stormwater arid Utilities Plan (Exhibit C). The sheets are prepared by Engineers with OBEC Consulting Engineers. CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22, 2009 . 30 ,~ ~/ 1-5 WILLAMITTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II , WILLAMITTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION 2. Location and width of all existing and proposed easements Existing and proposed easements are shown on Sheets GO.I ,G I.O-G 1.6 Site' Assessment of Existing Conditiops (Exhibit C). . 3. Location, widths (of paving and right"of-way), and names of all existing and proposed streets,alleys, dedications or other right-of- ways within or adjacent to the proposed develop"':'ent, including ownership and maintenance status, if applicable. Location, width, and names of existing streets and other right-of-w;:J.Ys are sll'own on Sheets GO.I, G I.O-G 1.6 Site Assessment of Existing Conditions (Exhibit C). The Project involves the acquisition of additional right-of-way from Lane County Waste Management. The proje!=t does not involve new streets. 4. Location and type of existing and proposed streeflighting . Existing street lighting along Franklin Boulevard is shown on Sheets GO.I, G kO-G 1.6 Site Assessment of Existing Conditions (Exhibit C). No new street lighting is proposed in .Phase II. Proposed lighting along the south path reconfiguration is .shown on Sheets LO.2-LO.2A, L2.0-L2.6 Site Plan (Exhibit C). , 5. Location of.existing and required traffic control devices, fire hydrants, power poles, transformers, neighborhood mailbox units, and similar public facilities . . Existing public facilities are shown on Sheets GO.I, G I.O-G 1.6 Site Assessment of Existing Conditions (Exhibit C). Proposed public facilities are shown on Sheets LO.2-LO.2A. L2.0-L2.6 Site Plan (Exhibit C). 6. Location, width, and construction material of all existing and proposed sidewalks, sidewalk ramps, pedestrian access ways, and trails The location, width, and construction material of existing sidewalks, paths, and trails are shown on Sheets GO.I, G I.O-G 1.6 Site Assessment of Existing Conditions (Exhibit C). Proposed temporary and permanent paths and trails are shown on Sheets LO.2-LO.2A, L2.0-L2.6 Site Plan (Exhibit C). 7. Location and size of existing and proposed utilities on and adjacent to the site including sanitary sewer mains, stormwater management systems, water mains, power, gas, telephone, and cable TV. Indicate the proposed connection points Existing and proposed utilities are shown on Sheets GO.I, G I.O-G 1.6 Site Assessment of Existing Conditions (Exhibit C). Phase II of the Project involves the extension of power to supply lighting along the south bank path re.location. ., Date Received: (d) Grading, Paving, & Stormwater Management Plan OCT 2 3 2009 CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22, 2009 unglnal ",UDrrllm~1 "' I-S WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION ';.roO I. Prepared by an Oregon licensed Civil Engineer The Grading Plan is included as Sheets CO. I, C 1.0-C 1.6 Grading Plan (Exhibit C). paving is shown on Sheets LO.2-LO.2A, L2.0-L2.6 Site Plan (Exhibit C). Stormwater management facilities are shown on Sheets CO.2, CO.2A, C2.0-C2.6 Stormwater and Utilities Plan (Exhibit C). The sheets are prepared by Engineers with OBEC Consulting Engineers. . 2. Planting plan prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect The Planting Plan is included as Sheet LO.3-LOJD. L3.0-L3.6A Landscape Plan (Exhibit C). The sheet is prepared by a Landscape Architect with CMGS. .-. 3. Roof drainage patterns and discharge locations The project site does not contain any buildings and no buildings are proposed. This standard does not apply. 4. Pervious and impervious area drainage'patterns Pervious and impervious area drainage patterns are shown on, Sheets CO. I, C I.O-C 1.6 Grading Plan (Exhibit C) and described in the Stormwater Management Report (Exhibit D). 5. The size and location of stormwater management systems components, including but not limited to: drain lines, catch basins, dry wells and/or detention ponds; storinwater quality measures; and natural drainageways to be retained Size and location of existing and proposed stormwater management systems are shown on Sheets CO.2, CO.2A. C2.0-C2.6 Stormwater and Utilities Plan (Exhibit C) and described in the Stcirmwater Management Report (Exhibit D). 6. Existing and proposed spot elevations and contours lines drawn at I foot intervals (for land with a slope over 10 percent, the contour lines may be at 5 foot intervals) Existing and proposes spot elevations and contour lines are. shown on Sheets CO. I, C I.O-C 1.6 GradingPlan (Exhibit C). . 7. Amount of proposed cut and fill The amount of proposed cut and fill is noted on Sheets CO. I , C I.O-C 1.6 Grading Plan (Exhibit C). . Date Received: (e) Landscape Plan . I. Drawn by a Landscape Ar.chitect OCT 2 3 2009 The Landscape Plan is included as Sheet LO.3-LOJD, L3.0-L3.6A Lalitr~~IP-la",~~;' q Thp sheet is prepared by Landscape Architects with Cameron McCarthy Gilbert & Scheibe (CMGS). CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22, 2009 32 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU); SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION .' 2. Location and dimensions of landscaping and open space areas to . include calculation of landscape coverage . Location and dimensions of proposed landscape areas are shown on Sheet LO.3-LO.3D, L3.0-L3.6A Landscape Plan (Exhibit C). A calculation of existing and proposed landscape coverage in included .on SheetTI.O Cover (Exhibit C). 3. Screening in accordance with SDC 4.4-110 Landscape screening in accordance with SDC 4.4-110 is not required .or proposed. This standard does not apply. . 4.. Written description, including specifications, of the permanent irrigation system The Project does not include a permanent irrigation system. This standard does not apply. :) S. Location and type of street trees The location and type of existing street trees is shown on Sheets GO.I, G I.O-G 1.6 Site Assessment of Existing Conditions (Exhibit C). Nonew street trees are proposed. 6. List in chart form the proposed types of landscape materials (trees, shrubs, ground cover). Include in the chart genus,species, common name, quantity, size, spacing, and method of planting Proposed types of landscape materials,. including genus, species, common name, quantity, size, spacing, and method of planting, is shown on Sheets LO.3-LO.3D, L3.0'L3.6A Landscape Plan (Exhibit C). . (I) ArchitecturalPlans I. Exterior elevations of all buildings and structures proposed for the development site, including height No buildings are proposed. Elevations of the bridges, including height, are shown on Sheets A I.OA, A2.0-A-A4.0A Elevations, Sections, Enlargements (Exhibit C). I 2. Conceptual floor plans Date Received: No buildings are proposed. This standard does not apply. OCT 2 3 2009 (g) On-Site Lighting Plan Original Submitt:>1 I. Location, orientation, and maximum height of exterior light fixtures, both free standing and attached I Location, orientai:i~n, and height of proposed lighting is shown on Sheets EO',I , E 1.0, EI.2 Lighting . Plan (Exhibit C). . CMGS . FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22, 2009 33 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II WILLAMETTEGREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION 2. . Type and extent of shielding, including cut-off angles, and type of illumination, wattage, and luminous area Type and'extent of shielding is indicated on Sheets EO.I, E 1.0, EI.2 Lighting Plan (Exhibit C). 3. Photometric test report for each light source Photometric test reports for light sources are shown on Sheets EO.I, E 1.0, E 1.2 Lighting Plan (Exhibit C): II )Additional Materials That May be Required (h) Where a multi-family development is proposed, any additional materials to demonstrate compliance with SDC 3.2-240 . The Project does not involve multi-family development. This standard does not apply. (i) Riparian Area Protection Report for properties located within 150 feet of the top of bank of any Water Quality Limited Watercourses (WQl W) or within 100 feet of the top of bank of any direct tributaries of WQlW The project site is located within 150 of the top of bank of the Willamette River, a WQL W. A Riparian Area Protection Report is included as Exhibit F. (j) A Geotechnical Report prepared by an engineer must be submitted concurrently if there are unstable soils and/or a high water table present Preliminary geotechnical analysis for the Project has been prepared and is available upon request. The project site is not known to be affected by unstable soils and/or a high water table. (k) Where the development area is within an overlay district, address the additional standards ofthe overlay district The project site is within the Willamette Greenway and Floodplain Overlay Districts. Applicable standards in the overlay districts are addressed in Section 6. (I) If five or more trees are proposed to be removed, a Tree Felling Permit as specified in SDC 5.19-100 No trees within Springfield jurisdiction are proposed for removal in Phase II of the Project. A Tree Felling Permit is not required. Trees removed during Phase I are not shown on the Plan Set (Exhibit C); reference the Phase I application for tree removal within state-owned ROW. This standard does not apply. . . (m)A wetland delineation approved by the Oregon Division of State lands must be submitted concu'7rently where there is a wetland on.th~ R e., 'ed'. rty' uale ec " . prope '.. Wetland Delineation Reports and letter of concurrence from ODSL are included as ExhiQCI. 2 3 2009 CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22, 2009 0.:-:--' C:"bmittal 34 I-S WllLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG). DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION (n) Any required federal or state permit must be submi~ed concurrently or evidence the permit application has been submitted for review The Project has obtained required ODSl and ACOE removal-fill permits for impacts to wetlands and waters of the state. The permits are inCluded in Exhibit E. (0) Where any grading, filling or excavating is proposed with the . development, a land and Drainage Alteration permit must be submitted prior to development The Applicant will submit a land and Drainage Alte~tion permit (lDAP) application prior to development. (p) Where applicable, any Discretionary Use or Variance. as specified in SDC 5.9-100 and 5.21-100 The Project is subject to Discretionary Use criteria, which are addressed in Section 6. (q) An Annexation application, as specified in SDC 5.7-100, where a development is proposed outside of the city limits but within the City's urban service area and can be served by sanitary sewer . The Project does not involve annexation. This standard does not apply. 5.4 Floodplain Overlay District Development Submittal Requirements I) Submitted Concurrently This Proposal is a concurrent request for Willamette Greenway Overlay District Development Discretionary Use, Site Plan Review, and Floodplain Overlay District Development approval. 2) Application Fee The required filing fee of $1,319.85 is included with the final submittal. 3) Floodplain Development Application Form This Floodplain Development application form is included in the submittal. 4) Deed Deeds are included as Exhibit A. 5) Narrative Written narrative explaining the proposal is provided as part of final application submittal. Findings of compliance with applicable criteria in SDC 3.3-420 are provided in Section 6Date Received: OCT 2 3 2009 Original Submittal CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22, 2009 3S .".. I-S WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT ..: PHASE II WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU). SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION 6) Three (3) copies of plot plan Exhibit C is included as the required plot plan. The Sheets containing the name, location and dimensions of all existing and proposed structures, fill,. material storage and drainage facilities are submitted herewith. As required, the Sheets indicate the base flood elevation and elevation relative to mean sea level~ 7) Certifica~ion by an Oregon licensed Engineer or Architect As required by this standard and the review standards established in SDC 3.3-41 SB.6.b and 3.3- 420B.2.a.iii, the applicant has submitted a statement from the project engineer certifying that the design and methods of construction proposed in Phase II conform to accepted standards and practice for meeting the provisions of this subsection. The engineer's certification is included herewith as Exhibit H. 8) Description The Project does not involve the alteration or relocation of a watercourse. The extent of Phase II construction activities are included above in the project narrative. Date Received: OCT 2 3 2009 Original Submittal CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22, 2009 36 -~. , ,) 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION 6.0 APPROVAL CRITERIA AND STANDARDS. 6.1 Willamette Greenway Overlay District Development Standards (SDC 3.3-330) Statewide Planning Goal IS, Willamette River Greenway, provides that: "The qualities of the Willamette River shall be protected, conserved, enhanced and maintained consistent with the lawful uses present on December 6, 1974. Intensification of uses, changes in use or developments may be permitted after this date only when they are. consistent with the Willamette Greenway Statute, this Goal and [other standards]." . The Applicant has demonstrated that the Project is consistent with the Willahlette Greenway Statute and Goal 15 through an approved Metro Plan amendment, including an exception to Goal 15, by' Lane County and the Cities of Eugene and Springfield. IJ Regarding "other standards" SDC 3.3-300, Willamette River Greenway Permits, provides that: "SDC 3.3-305 Purpose:. The Willamette Greenway (WG) Overlay District is established to protect and preserve natural scenic, historic, and recreational qualities of lands along the Willamette River." (SDC 3.3-305) . "SDC 3.3-310 Applicability: The WG Overlay District applies to all lands which are within 150 feet of the ordinary low water line on the channel of the Willamette River, or are adjacent to the river and are publicly owned for park and recreation purposes." (SDC 3.3- 310) "SDC 3.3-320 Permitted and Discretionary Uses: Uses allowed in the WG Overly District are the same as those in the underlying zoning districts. Anv chan~e or intensification of use. or construction that has si~nificant visual imoact shall reauire Discretionarv Use Aooroval." (Emphasis added). Because the proposed project will have a "significant visual impact," the project requires Discretionary Use approval. . The Discretionary Use approval criteria are addressed below in Section 6.2. In addition to Discretionary Use criteria specified in Section 5.9-120, projects located in the Willamette Greenway Overlay District shall also meet the standards specified in Section 3.3-325. SDC 3.3-325 Greenway Setback: A Greenway Setback Line is established to protect, maintain, preserve and enhance the natural, scenic, historic and recreational qualities of the Willamette Greenway. Only water-dependant or water-related uses are permitted between the Willamette River and the Greenway Setback Line. The Greenway Overlay District shall substitute ' temporarily as the Greenway Setback Line for all properties within the Overlay District that do not have an established Setback Line * * *. Date Received: Il Ordinance No 6227 . OCT 2 3 2009 Original Submittal CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22, 2009 37 ~- 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG). DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION In the context of the statewide coastal goals (Goals 16-19), the Oregon Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC) has determined that bridges and bridge approach ramps on . piles are water-related or water-dependant uses. However, bridges and bridge approach ramps on fill are not considered to be water-dependant or water-related uses. I. The Metro Plan's Willamette Greenway policies. require a goal exception to locate a non-water dependant transportation facility within the Greenway setback. IS In 2008, Lane County and the cities of Springfield and Eugene approved a Metro Plan amendment and an exception to Goal 15 authorizing the construction ofthe permanent replacement bridges on fill within the Willamette Greenway. . Phase II of the Project involves: construction of replacement Willamette River and Canoe Canal bridges; removal of the existing temporary detour bridge; removal of temporary work bridges; and, improvement and/or replacement of multi-use paths, interpretive signage, stormwater facilities, natural area restoration and associated landscaping and utility improvements. Temporary construction staging areas and access routes will be restored to pre-construction conditions at the completion of the project and will not require permanent fill. Construction of temporary work bridges and staging areas will require temporary fill, however all temporary fill will be removed prior to the completion of the project and the .affected areas will be restored to their pre- construction condition. Demolition of the existing bridge was permitted as part of Phase I and does not require fill. The existing network of multi-use paths and trails along the Willamette River are water-related uses. Based on these findings, the Project is allowed in the Greenway Setback. The City of Springfield has adopted Greenway setback lines for both the north and south side of the river that extend from the Springfield/Eugene jurisdictional boundary line (the 1-5 bridge centerline) eastward past the detour bridge. . On the north side, the setback extends northward well beyond the bank of the river and includes the Eastgate Woodlands. On the south side, it extends southward a short distance from the river bank. Established Greenway setback lines are shown on Sheet T 1.0 Cover (Exhibit C) and on Sheets LO.2-LO.2A, L2.0-L2.6 Site Plans (Exhibit C). These findings together with the site plans submitted herewith demonstrate that this criterion is satisfied. . A. Local, regional and State recreational needs shall be provided for consistent with the carrying capacity of the land. The possibility that public recreation use might disturb adjacent property shall be considered and minimized to the greatest extent p.ossible. Existing lands devoted to recreation within the Project area include the Whilamut Natural Area of Alton Baker Park and the Eastgate Woodlands. Within the Project area, the North Bank Trail extends along the northern border of the Willamette River though the Whilamut Natural Area and the Eastgate Woodlands. The southeast loop of Pre's Trail is located within the Whilamut Natural Area with an extension to the Eastgate Woodlands. There are additional connecting paths located I. 1-5 Willamette River Bridge Project Land Use Approvals Memorandum. Bridge Delivery Partners. April 2007. . 15 Metro Plan, Chapter III, Section D, Policy II. Draft Memorandum prepared for Oregon Date Received: OCT 2. 3 2009 CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22, 2009 38 OriQinal Submittal -.. , I I-S WILLAMETTE RIVER BRiDGE PROJECT - PHASE II WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION throughout the Whilamut Natural Area, on the Knickerbocker Bridge, and along Franklin Boulevard. As part of the Project, the Applicant proposes to conduct minor reconstruction and improvement of the path and trail system in the Eastgate Woodlands. The improvements are proposed to facilitate bicycle and pedestrian movements through the project area during and following construction. The improvements have been developed in coordination with the Willamalane Park and Recreation District (WPRD) and the Whilamut Natural Area Citizen's Planning Committee (CPC). The Applicant has coordinated extensively with WPRD regarding potential impacts and mitigation measures within and the Eastgate Woodlands. Based on this coordination, a comprehensive program of mitigation measures has been proposed by the Applicant. These mitigation measures are detailed in the Phase I approval and incorporated by reference herein. Except for minor reconfiguration of bicycle and pedestrian paths, no new public recreation uses are proposed as part of this project. These activities have been carefully coordinated with the Whilamut Natural Area CPC and will have a negligible effect on adjacent properties during construction. The applicant notes that to the extent the Willamette River is used for recreational fishing and boating purposes, Phase II construction activities will improve river conditions overall. Specifically, th!l proposed bridges will each have two piers in the main channel of the river. By comparison, the decommissioned bridge has five piers in the water, and the detour bridge has six - a total of II piers. The net reduction of piers in the water will increase the hydraulic opening, improve fish passage, and reduce in-stream work and associated environmental impacts during the proposed construction as well as during future bridge maintenance. From both aesthetic and navigation safety perspectives, this project will provide improved recreational benefits to those using the river. These findings together with the Plan Set (Exhibit C) and documentation submitted herewith demonstrate that this criterion has been met to the greatest extent practicable. B. Adequate public access to the river shall be provided. Within the Project area, the North Bank Trail.extends along the northern border of the Willamette River though the Whilamut Natural Area and the Eastgate Woodlands. The southeast loop of Pre's Trail is located within the Whilamut Natural Area with an extension to the Eastgate Woodlands. There are additional connecting paths throughout the Whilamut Natural Area, on the Knickerbocker Bridge, and along Franklin Boulevard. . As proposed and approved in the Applicant's Phase I applications, construction activities and staging locations have impacted the existing network of multi-use (bicycle and pedestrian) paths and walking/jogging trails extending along the north side of the Willamette River. In order to continue . to provide for public access along the river between the communities of Eugene and Springfield during Phase II construction, the Applicant will maintain all temporary paved and soft paths proposed in Phase I to route traffic around and through the Project site for the duration of . construction. At the conclusion of Phase II bridge construction activities, the paths will be . Date Received: OCT 2 3 2009 CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22, 2009 .original Submilt"I 39 c I-S WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION restored to their original locations prior to construction or reconfigured to locations agreed upon by Eugene POS and WPRD. ... The applicant's Phase I Proposal, as approved, also included construction of a reconfigured, temporary bicycle/pedestrian path along the south side of the Willamette River. Within the state- owned ROW on the south side of the Willamette River, the Proposal includes a new multi-use path along the north side of Franklin Boulevard (Millrace Ruins Path) and an improved South Bank Path along the south side of Franklin Boulevard, as illustrated on Sheet L2.4 Site Plan (Exhibit C). The new Millrace Ruins Path will extend east from the Knickerbocker Pedestrian Bridge, along the north side of Franklin Boulevard. Although the path is proposed to extend outside of the Project area, only the portion within the Project area is included in the Proposal. The proposed path is the subject of a pending Metro Plan Amendment application. I. The existing South Bank Path along the south side of Franklin Boulevard will be realigned and reconstructed. The path extends east from Knickerbocker Pedestrian Bridge and accesses the south side of Franklin Boulevard. Paths and trails will, to the maximum extent practicable, be kept opem, safe, and useable during Phase II construction. A continuous route across state-owned right of way for the bicycle/pedestrian pathways will be kept open and accessible at all times along the north side, and to the extent practicable, along the south side of the river during construction. Pedestrian and bicycle traffic will be detoured around the construction site work areas immediately adjacent 1-5 and along the Willamette River and rerouted on new temporary and permanent alignments. To minimize disruptions, the Applicant will implement a Traffic Control Plan (TCP) for paths and trails; will coordinate with WPRD on path and trail closures; and will provide advance public notice of path and trail closures. These findings together with the Plan Set and documentation submitted herewith demonstrate that this criterion has been met to the greatest extent practicable. C. Significant fish and wildlife habitats shall be protected. The Metro Plan Natural Assets and Constraints Working Paper identifies the Willamette River Greenway in Figure J I and identifies the Willamette River as a fish spawning river. According to ODFW, two salmonid populations listed under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) are documented as occurring within the reach of the Willamette River that flows through the project area: * Upper Willamette River spring Chinook (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and Critical Habitat- federally threatened (FT) Columbia River bull trout (Sa/velinus confluentus) Distinct Population Segment (DPS) and ~ritical Habitat - FT Construction activities will require in-water work and are anticipated to require four in-water work periods. Temporary effects from in-water work will include construction or removal of piling/piers, which involves site preparation, pile driving, dewatering and isolation, and rewatering once work is complete. Work area isolation will require fish capture and release operations in the Willamette River, which could affect. both listed and non-listed fish species. All fish capture and Date Received: " Springfield File No. LRP2009-0000S. Eugene File No. MA 09-4. Lane County File No. PA09-S472 Original Submittal 40 OCT 2 3 2009 CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22, 2009 -'" , .J 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT ~ PHASE II .. WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION release operations will be conducted by experienced biologists following guidelines established by ODFW and NMFS. A species. list provided by ORNHIC indicated that there are no federal- or state-listed ESA terrestrial wildlife species known to reside within the project area. There are reports of sensitive or species of concern terrestrial wildlife within two miles of the project area; however there is habitat that would support only one of these sensitive species in the project area (I.e., the northwestern pond turtle). There is a great blue heron rookery (which may have become inactive) along,the Canoe Canal located about 800 feet east of the project area. Eugene POS and WPRD staff have noted the ephemeral ponds located throughout the Whilamut Natural Area of Alton Baker Park provide habitat for amphibian species. Western meadowlark nesting habitat has been documented in the vicinity of the meadow immediately northwest of the project area. Toavoid fish and wildlife species and minimize temporary impacts from construction activities, all applicable OTIA III State Bridge Delivery Program EPS will be followed. Project EPS are included in the Phase I application. The Applicant proposed additional mitigation measures also identified in the Phase I approval and incorporated by reference herein. . These findings together with the Plan Set and documentation submitted herewith demonstrate that . this standard has been met to the greatest extent practicable. D. Identified scenic qualities and view-points shall be preserved. The proposed Project is located within ODOT's 1-5 right-of-way in essentially the same location as the decommissioned bridge. The decommissioned bridge is not considered a scenic resource. Upon completion, the Project will significantly reduce the amount of structures, specifically piers, within the Willamette River which will open up views of the river from surrounding vantage points (I.e. the views from Alton Baker Park and the Eastgate Woodlands) and the river itself. The new bridges will have one pier near the center of the Willamette River and one on or near the south bank of the river to support the bridge structures. By comparison, the deco!f1missioned bridge has five piers in the water, and the .detour bridge has six, for a total of II piers. The new bridges will provide a substantial net reduction in piers and visibility and vividness of the surrounding landforms and vegetation will be enhan.ced over the existing conditions. As such, the project will have a positive effect on scenic qualities and viewpoints. These findings together with the Plan Set and documentation submitted herewith demonstrate that this standard has been met to the greatest extent practicable. E. The maintenance of public safety and protection of public and private property, especially from vandalism and trespass shall be.provided for, to the maximum extent practicable. Paths and trails within the Project site will, to the maximum extent practicable, be kept open, safe, and useable during construction. A continuous route across state-owned right-of-way for the. bicycle/pedestrian pathways will be kept open and accessible at all times on the north side, and to the extent practicable, the south side of the river during construction. Ped~1!1;(n l?neq:,re~cled: (lrT , 1 ?Onq CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22, 2009 41 Original Submittal ,.. 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION traffic will be detoured around the construction site work areas immediately adjacent 1-5 and along the Willamette River and rerouted on new temporary and permanent alignments. To minimize disruptions, the Applicant will implement TCPs for paths and trails; will coordinate with WPRD, EPOS and CPC on path and trail closures; and will provide advance public notice of path and trail c1osu.res. These findings together with the Plan Set and documentation submitted herewith demonstrate that this standard has been met to the greatest extent practicable. F. The natural vegetative fringe along the river shall be enhanced and protected to the maximum extent practicable. To minimize impacts to riparian vegetation during construction and operational activities the project will continue coordination with resource agencies (federal, state, and local) and implement OTIA III EPS, obtain regulatory permits (DSL Removal-Fill, USACE Section 404), provide site restoration and compensatory mitigation, and identify additional opportunities.to minimize disturbances and enhance restoration. To minimize the extent of direct and indirect impacts to riparian vegetation, additional mitigation measures will be. Proposed mitigation .measures are identified in Section 4 and the Phase I application, and incorporated by reference herein. The Applicant has entered into formal agreements with WPRD regarding mitigation and conservation measures that will be executed during and following construction. Additional landscape mitigation measures included in the Proposal consist of: removal of invasive plants; replanting with native understory plants in riparian areas near the project; planting native. vegetation to reestablish a riparian forest in other areas; and restoration of areas disturbed by the project to pre-construction conditions. Impacts to riparian areas during Project construction are unavoidable. The Project is designed to avoid and minimize impacts as much as feasible. Prior to completion of Phase II construction, landscape and open spaces areas will be replanted and/or restored to pre-construction conditions or better. The Project will result in a net increase of landscape areas, open space, and vegetation and will provide the maximum possible amount of landscape area and open space following completion, as illustrated on Sheets LO.3-LO.3D, L3.0-L3.6A Landscape Plan (Exhibit C). . These findings together with the Plan Set and documentation submitted herewith demonstrate that this standard has been met to the greatest extent practicable. Date Received: . OCT 2. 3 2009 CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22, 2009 Original Submitt?I 42 --, - .~" 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT 0fVG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION G. The location of known aggregate deposits shall be considered. Aggregate extraction may be permitted outside the Greenway Setback Area subject to compliance with State law, the underlying zoning district and conditions' of approval designed to minimize adverse effects on water quality, fish and wildlife, vegetation, bank stabilization, stream flow, visual quality, quiet and safety and to guarantee reclamation. . The Project will have no effect on existing locations of aggregate deposits. . The Project proposed to replace the existing 1-5 bridges in' essentially the same location. The Project does not involve aggregate extraction. The standard does not apply. H. Developments shall be directed away from the river to the greatest possible degree; provided, however, lands committed to urban uses shall be permitted to continue as urban uses, including port, public, industrial, commercial and residential uses, uses pertaining to navigational requirements, water and land access needs and related facilities. The Project site is located on land committed to an urban use. Statewide Planning Goal 15, Section K(2) defines "lands committed to urban use" in part. as "those lands upon which the economic, . developmental and locational.factors have, when considered together, made the use of the property for other then urban purposes inappropriate." The Project site is physically developed with an interstate highway which will 'be active in its present location for the foreseeable future. Under numerous interpretations of LCDC Goal 12 (Transportation), state highways are considered "urban uses." Multi-use pathways are also considered "urban uses" as they serve a transportation function. Accordingly, the. proposed Project is an "urban use", is on land "committed" to "urban uses", and can continue as an "urban use" through development of the replacement bridges and associated infrastructure. These findings together with the Plan Set and documentation submitted herewith demonstrate that this standard has been met to the greatest extent practicable. Date Received: OCT 2 3 2009 Original Submittal CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22, 2009 43 r r 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION . 6.2 DISCRETIONARY USE The Applicant notes that the City of Springfield has al ready reviewed and approved the Project and Phase I construction activities associated therewith as a Discretionary Use. Because Phase II simply permits the completion of Project construction as outlined in the applicant's Phase I submittal, reconsideration of the use here is in some respects redundant. Even so, the Applicant provides findings of fact demonstrating compliance with all applicable discretionary use standards for Phase II below. To the extent that the Phase I Discretionary Use approval serves as justification to approve this application request, said justification is incorporated herein by reference. SDC 5.9-120 Criteria: A Discretionary Use may be approved only ifthe Planning Commission or Hearings Official finds that the proposal conforms with the Site Plan Review approval criteria specified in Section 5.17-125, where applicable, and the following approval criteria: The Project is subject to Site Plan Review. The Applicant's Site Plan Review application, submitted . concurrently herewith, demonstrates that the proposal conforms to all applicable approval criteria specified in Section 5.17-125. A. The proposed use conforms with applicable: I. Provisions ofthe Metro Plan; Pages 111-0-4 and 5 of the Metro Plan set out the Willamette Greenway.policies. Many of these policies are directed to local governments rather than to individual property owners or to the use of individual properties. Of the remaining policies, only two (presented below in italics) are potentially relevant to the subject request: Policy 0.5: New development that locates along river corridors and waterways shall be limited to uses that are compatible with the natural, scenic, and environmental qualities of those water features. This policy has limited applicability to this proposal. Technically speaking, the proposed project is new 'development' due to the magnitude and duration of construction activities necessary to carry out the work. However, in essence the project proposed to replace the existing decommissioned bridges with new bridges in roughly the same location. The new bridges will be slightly wider and built to modern construction and safety standards. The Project may correctly be categorized as 'replacement' rather than new 'development'. Demonstration that the proposed use is compatible with the natural, scenic, and environmental qualities of the Willamette River is found in the current use. Policy 0.11: The taking of an exception shall be required if a nonwater.-dependent transportation facility requires placing of fill within the WiIlamette River greenway setback. On July 21, 2008, the Springfield City Council, together with the City of Eugene and Lane County, adopted Ordinance No. 6227 amending the Metro Plan text including an exception to Goal 15 for the 1-5 Willamette Bridge Project. The Ordinance specifically amended the t~e~~.vihdf OCT 2. 3 2009 CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22. 2009 44 Original Submittal 1-5 WILLAMETIE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II ~ILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY. DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION the Metro Plan for the "purposes of removing and replacing the decommissioned 1-5 bridge, the temporary detour bridge and the Canoe Canal bridge with two new parallei"bridges * * *." This exception was found to comply with the statutory requirements governing the Greenway. Ordinance No. 6i27 specifically amended the text of Policy D.II of the Metro Plan as follows: "An exception to Statewide Planning Goal 15 Willamette River Greenway was approved for Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) for purposes of removing and replacing the decommissioned 1-5 bridge, the temporary detour bridge and the Canoe Canal bridge with two new parallel bridges (one southbound and one northbound) within the 1-5 right-of-way crossing the Wil/amette River and Canoe Canal and within the Wil/amette River Greenway Setback line. The exception authorizes construction and later removal of one or more temporary work bridges, demolition of the decommissioned 1-5 Wil/amette River Bridge, Canoe Canal Bridge, and detour bridges; construction of the two replacement bridges; reconstruction of the roadway approaches to the bridges (1-5 and ramps); rehabilitation of the project area;. and completion of any required mitigation of project impacts. In association with these tasks, the exception further authorizes within the Wil/amette River Greenway Setback line the addition and removal of fill within ODOT right-of-way and removal of fill within a temporary slope easement east of 1-5. This exception satisfies the criteria of Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 660-004-0022(6), Wil/amette Greenway, and the exception requirements of OAR 660-004-0020 Goal 2 Part lI(c) for a 'reasons' exception and pursuant to OAR 660-004-0015, is hereby adopted as an amendment to the Metro Plan text, Policy 0.11, Chapter III, Section D." The adopted Metro Plan text allows: I. The intensification of use and development proposed by the bridge replacement project and associated multi-use path and park facility improvements; 2. The siting of non water-dependent or water-related uses within the Greenway setback line; and 3. The placing of fill for a non water-dependent transportation facility within the Greenway setback line. On September I, 2009, the joint planning commissiCln of Springfield, Eugene",and Lane County unanimously approved a proposed ordinance to amend the Metro Plan text including an exception to Goal 15 for the construction of a proposed bicycle/pedestrian structure (South Bank Viaduct) beneath the Willamette River 1-5 Bridges. The viaduct will allow the future development of a riverfront path on the south side of the Willamette River, connecting Eugene and Springfield through Glenwood. The proposed ordinance specifically amends the text of Policy D.II of the Metro Plan for the "construction of the of the bike path viaduct including the fill and removal necessary to build.the structure." The proposed Metro Plan amendment and Goal 15 exception is pending final action by the home jurisdiction, the City of Springfield. The proposed ordinance amends the text of Policy D.II of the Metro Plan as follows: .' "An exception to,Statewide Planning Goal 15 Wil/amette River Greenway was approved by the cities of Eugene and Springfield and by Lane County authorizing construction of a bike path viaduct beneath the 1-5 bridges, along the south bank of the Wil/amette River. The eKeutio/1-(Juthocizes uare r-.ecelved: CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22, 2009 DEi l. j ZUU9 45 r,\~:_:__j r......_. ~.... . 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II WILL.AMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT fWG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SiTE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION construction of the bike path viaduct including the fill and removal of fill necessary. to build the structure. The exception satisfies the criteria of Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) 660-004- 0022(6) Willomette Greenway and the exception requirements of OAR 660-004-0020 Goal 2, Part If (c) for a 'reasons' exception. Pursuant to OAR 660-004-00 I 5, this exception is hereby adopted as an amendment to the Metro Plan text, Policy 0.1/, ChaPter III, Section D." Regarding the above policy, the Applicant has conducted extensive environmental investigation and documentation to plan, design, and execute the Project in a manner that is compatible with the natural, scenic, and environmental qualities of the Willamette River. As described elsewhere in this application and the applications submitted concurrently herewith, the proposed use has been designed and sited to minimize impacts on resources to the greatest extent possible. As a whole the proposal is consistent. with the applicable Willamette Greenway policies set out in the Metro Plan. These findings together with the Plan Set (Exhibit C) and documentation submitted herewith demonstrate that this standard has been met to the greatest extent practicable. 2. Refinement plans; The Project site is not located within an area subject to an adopted refinement plan. This standard does not apply. 3. Plan District standards; The Project is proposed on land within the PLO - Public Land & Open Space zoning district and within ODOT's 1-5 right-of-way. Low impact public facilities are permitted outright as secondary uses in the PLO district. The Proposal involves reconfiguration of bicycle and pedestrian paths in the Eastgate Woodlands, within the PLO district. SDC 6.1 ~ II 0 defines low impact public facilities as "[a]ny public or semi-public facility that has minimal olfactory, visual or auditory impacts which is permitted subject to the design standards of this Code." Bicycle and pedestrian facilities by their nature meet the stated definition of low impact public facilities. The Proposal complies with PLO district standards. Further demonstration of compliance with applicable standards is found in the Applicant's Site Plan Review application for the Project, submitted concurrently herewith. These findings together with the Plan Set (Exhibit C) and documentation submitted herewith demonstrate that this standard has been met to the greatest extent practicable. 4. Conceptual Development Plans, or The Project is not within an area subject to an approved conceptual development plan. This standard does not apply. 5. Specific Development Standards in this Code; The Project is located partially on land within the PLO district. SDC 4.7-203 sets out specific development standards for the PLO district. The specific development standards apply to: a) access on arterial or collector streets; b). stadiums, swimming pools and other major noise generators; c) community and regional parks; d) special uses; e) RV parks a~at~'Plff~g1v~in nrr ? ~ ?nnQ CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22. 2009 46 nri";t"l:-I 9> ~h~i~~;-'JI , \....-1 I-S WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II WILLAMETTEGREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION regional parks; f) elementary and middle schools; g) wellness centers; and, h) pedestrian amenities for public bui,ldings in mixed uses Metro Plan land use designations. I, The Proposal does not involve uses subject to specific development standards as noted above. This standard does not apply. B. The site under consideration is suitable for the proposed use, considering: I. The location, size, design and operating characteristics ofthe use (operating characteristics include but are not limited to parking, traffic, noise, vibration, emissions, light, glare, odor, dust, visibility, safety, and aesthetic considerations, where applicable); As part of Discretionary Use approval for the deto'ur bridge, the City determined that this criterion would be met if the application met the standards for an exception authorizing non-water dependant or non-water related uses within the Greenway. On July 21, 2008, the Springfield City Council, together with the City of Eugene and Lane County, adopted Ordinance No 6227 amending the Metro Plan text including an exception to Goal 15 for the 1-5 Willamette Bridge Project. The adopted metro plan text allows "[t]h'~ siting cif non water- dependent or water-related uses within the Greenway setback line." The Project has been granted an exception authorizing non-water dependent or non-water related uses within the Greenway. This standard is satisfied. . 2. Adequate and safe circulation exists for vehicular access to and from the proposed site, and on-site circulation and emergency response as well as pedestrian, bicycle and transit circulation; Construction access to the project site will be provided from state-owned property adjacent to Jenkins Drive, extending south from Franklin Boulevard. As part of Phase I work, the Applicant proposed to construct a temporary access route extending from this property to access the south side of the project site. Besides Franklin Boulevard, no other streets or roads within Springfield will be impacted by Phase II work and the Proposal will not impact on-site vehicular circulation or , emergency response. Judkins Road, a Lane County facility, was closed permanently as part of the Project. , Intermittent staging/closures wi,ll be required on 1-5 and local roadways duri,!g construction. Closures and traffic control wi,ll be required to provide movement of construction equipment and traffic in/out construction sites, as well as during demolition of several existing bridge spans. Pedestrian and bike traffic will be detoured around the construction site work areas immediately adjacent 1-5 and along the Wi,llamette River and rerouted on new temporary and permanent alignments. Paths and trails will, to the maximum extent practicable, be kept open, safe, and useable during construction. A continuous route across state-owned right-of-way for the bicycle/pedestrian pathways will be kept open and accEOssible at all times on both the north side, a~~~~red: practicable, the south side of the river during construction. OCT 2 3 2009 CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22, 2009 Orininal Submittal , 47 I-S WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (yVG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION A Traffic 'Management Plan (TMP) will be implemented to provide the details behind the development of Traffic Control Plan (TCP) and other measures that will be put in place for the construction of the Project, as well. as to minimize disruptions to motorists, emergency response, the freight industry, and communities, without compromising public or worker safety, or the quality of work being performed. These findings together with the documentation submitted herewith demonstrate that this standard has been met to the greatest extent practicable, 3. The natural and physical features of the site, including but not limited .to, riparian areas, regulated wetlands, natural stormwater management/drainage areas and wooded areas shall be adequately considered in .the project design; North of the Willamette River, Springfield has .designated the Whilamut Natural Area as a significant Goal 5 resource. On the south side of the river, Springfield has established 75 foot riparian setbacks along the Willamette River to comply with federal the Clean Water Act and. Endangered Species Act: The Metro Plan Natural Assets and Constraints Working Paper identifies the Willamette River Greenway in Figure J I and identifies the Willamette River as a fish spawning river. According to ODFW, two salmonid populations listed under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) are documented as occurring within the reach of the Willamette River that flows through the project area: * Upper Willamette River spring Chinook (Oncorhynchus tshowytscha) and Critical Habitat- federally threatened (FT) . Columbia River bull trout (Sa/velinus confluentus) Distinct Population Segment (DPS) and Critical Habitat - FT Construction activities will require in-water work and are anticipated to require four in-water work periods. Temporary effects from in-water work will include construction or removal of piling/piers, which involves site preparation, pile driving, dewatering and isolation, and rewatering once work is complete. Work area isolation will require fish capture and release operations in the Willamette River, which could affect both listed and non-listed fish species. All fish capture and release operations will be conducted by experienced biologists following guidelines established by ODFW and NMFS. A species list provided by ORNHIC indicated that there are no federal- or state-listed ESA terrestrial wildlife species known to reside within the project area. There are reports of sensitive or species of concern terrestrial wildlife within two miles of the project area; however there is habitat that would support only one of these sensitive species in the project area (I.e., the northwestern pond turtle). There is a great blue heron rookery (which may have become inactive) along the Canoe Canal located about 800 feet east of the project area. Eugene POS and WPRD staff have noted the ephemeral ponds located throughout the Whilamut Natural Area of Alton Baker Park provide habitat for amphibian species. Western meadowlark nesting habitat has been documented in the vicinity of the meadow immediately northwest of the project area. Date Received: OCT 2 3 2009 CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22. 2009 ungmal "UDmmal '0 , ./ 1-5 WILLAMITTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II WILLAMITTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION To avoid fish and wildlife species and ~inimize temporary impacts from construction activities, all applicable OTIA III State Bridge Delivery Program EPS will be implemented to reduce the extent of direct and indirect impacts to fish and wildlife species. The Applicanfs Riparian Area Protection Report (Exhibit F) addresses the proposed riparian area protection and restoration methods relative to the Project. The Project has been designed to minimize impacts to areas currently within the riparian protection area associated with the project site. The majority of impacts will occur in areas that are currently degraded, contain little vegetation, and are dominated by non-native vegetation. The short-term impacts to the riparian corridor, including tree removal and ground disturbance, .will be mitigated using the proposed methods described in the submittal materials. These methods will restore and improve riparian area functions by assisting the maintenance of temperature, channel stability, .f1ood storage and groundwater recharge, decreasing sedimentation, and increasing wildlife habitat by removing invasive species and increasing native vegetation. To minimize the impacts to riparian vegetation during construction and operational activities the project will continue coordination with resource agencies (federal, state, and local) and implement OTIA III EPS, comply with regulatory permits (DSL Removal-Fill, USACE Section 404), provide site restoration and compensatory mitigation, and identify additional opportunities to minimize disturbances. . The Appliq.nt proposes additional mitigation measures identified in the Phase I approval and incorporated by reference herein. The City of Springfield Local and National Wetlands Inventory (LWI) identifies wetlands within the project site associated with Canoe Canal. The Applicant has. conducted detailed wetland delineations of the project site, which are included as Exhibit E. As shown on Sheets LO:2-LO.2A, L2.0-L2.6 Site Plan (Exhibit C), Phase II development will result in permanent impacts to designated wetlands. The applicant will mitigate these permanent wetland impacts throlJgh the purchase of credits in an approved off-site wetland mitigation bank. The applicant has purchased. 0.05 credits at the West Eugene Wetland Mitigation Bank as compensatory mitigation for permanent wetland impacts. Compensatory mitigation for temporary and permanent waters impacts includes planting and establishment of a 1.907.acre riparian forest within the northwest quadrant of the river crossing and .I.026-acre of stream and associated riparian area restoration in the concrete lined 'unnamed tributary of the Willamette River (Waters 4) in the southwest quadrant of the river crossing. Additional waters mitigation will be accomplished by reducing the number of bent footings currently associated with the detour and decommissioned bridges within the Willamette River (0.027-acre net reduction in bent area). Wetland impacts described herein are based on the entire project (Phase I and Phase II). At Project completion, disturbed wetland vegetation and hydrology will be reestablished (for temporary impacts) or mitigated (for permanent impacts), as illustrated Sheets LO.3-LO.3D, L3.0-L3.6A Landscape Plan (Exhibit C). . , As illustrated on Sheets LO.2-LO.2A, L2.0-L2;6 Site Plan (Exhibit C) and Sheets CO. I , C 1.0-C 1.6 Grading Plan (Exhibit C), the Project will not alter natural drainageways that serve a stormwater . treatment function or affect existing stormwater treatment facilities. The Pr~ject involves reconfiguration of bicycle and pedestrian paths in the Eastgate Woodlands and south of Franklin Boule~ard. The paths will be paved and will require new stormwater trea~a~ef~~t!:CSi~dd: deSCribed below. . , . OCT 2 3 2009 CMGS FINAL SUBMITIAL I October 22, 2009 vnYln61 ;:'UUlTrllla' :9 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION North of the Willamette River in Springfield the proposed path is located approximate.lyl80 feet from Canoe Canal and 200 feet from the Willamette River. Runoff from the path flows overland . and is infiltrated prior to reaching either Canoe Canal or the Willamette River. This path currently receives stormwater treatment from the combination of the existing vegetation and infiltration. The proposed path will be treated by overland flow and infiltration using the existing vegetation and ground surrounding the path, as illustrated on Sheets CO.2, CO.2A, C2.0-C2.6 Stormwater and Utilities Plan (Exhibit C). South of the Willaniette River runoff from the existing path flows overland to an unnamed tributary associated with Glenwood SI()ugh and then flows into the Willamette River. This path receives water quality treatment via sheet flow through existing vegetation. A segment of the path, from the existing Willamette River Bridge to the end of the proposed relocation, currently receives no stormwater treatment. Runoff from this' section of the path flows directly into either the concrete-lined channel associated with the unnamed tributary or into a path-side ditch and is conveyed to the Willamette River. . The proposed path will be treated via construction of a 5-foot vegetated filter strip, as illustrated on Sheets CO.2, CO.2A,.C2.0-C2.6 Stormwater and Utilities Plan (Exhibit C); Within the project site, the Eastgate Woodlands are primarily forested and contain extensive wooded areas. Trees are. also found within the ODOT 1-5 ROW. As described in the Applicant's Environmental Assessment (EA), the Project has been designed to minimize impacts to trees and wooded areas. The Project will not result in any tree removal within the Eastgate Woodlands. The Applicant proposes extensive tree preserlation and protection activities, as illustrated on Sheets LO.1. L 1.0-L 1.6, L1.9A-LI.9C Tree Preserlation and Removal Plan (Exhibit C), to preserle and protect wooded areas not affected by'the proposed construction activities. Furthermore, the Applicant's proposed restoration activities, as illustrated Sheets LO.3-LO.3D, L3.0-L3.6A Landscape Plan (Exhibit C), will enhance wooded areas and restore areas impacted by construction to pre- construction conditions following the completion of work. These findings together with the Plan Set (Exhibit C) and documentation submitted herewith demonstrate that this standard has been met to the greatest extent practicable. 4. Adequate public facilities and services are available, including but not limited to, utilities, streets, storm drainage facilities, sanitary sewer and other public infrastructure. The Project does not involve the extension of public utilities or expansion of existing storm drainage facilities. Streets in the vicinity of the project site are adequate to serle construction access requirements. This standard is satisfied. C. Any adverse effects of the proposed use on adjacent properties and on the public can be mitigated through the: I. Application of other Code standards (including, but not limited to: buffering from less intensive uses and,increased setbacks); Date Received:. OCT 2 3 2009 CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22, 2009 Ongmal ::;uomlUa1 50 j 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT-PHASE II . ., WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (lNG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION , Phase II work outside of ODOT's 1-5 ROW is subjecno development sta~dards in SDC Chapter 4. A comprehensive review for compliance with development code standards will occur at the time of construction permit submittal. The Applicant's Site Plan Review andlFloodplain Overlay District Development applications for t,he Project, submitted herewith, provide further demonstration of compliance with development standards subject to Phase.lll. work. These' findings together with the Plan Set (Exhibit C) and documentation submitted herewith demonstrate. that this standard is met.' 2. Site Plan Review approval conditions, where applicable; Site Plan Review is required for the Project. The City can impose approval conditions as they deem necessary. This standard is satisfied. 3. Other approval conditions that may be required by the Approval Authority; and/or .j Through this application and concurrent Site Plan Review and Floodplain Overlay District Development applications, the City can impose approval conditions as they deem necessary. This standard'is satisfied. . ., 4. A proposal by the applicant that meets or exceeds the cited Code standards and/or approval conditions. This Proposal documents extensive mitigation measures proposed by the ARplicant, as described in Section 4. Those measures together with the findings, Plan Set (Exhibit C), and documentation submitted herewith demonstrate that the Proposal meets and exceeds applitable Code standards. The Project is not subject to any existing approval conditions. This standard, is satisfied. ., D. Applicable Discretionary Use criteria in other Sections of this Code: , ., I. Wireless telecommunications systems facilities requiring Discretionary Use approval are exempt from Sub~ections A.-C., above but shall comply with the approval criteria specified in Section 4.3-145. The Project does not involve a wireless telecommunications systems facility.: This standard does not. apply. . 2. Alternative design standards for multifamily devel,opment are exempt from Subsections A.-C., above but shall comply ,!"ith the approval criteria specified in Section 3.2-245. The Project does not involve multifamily development. This standard does riot apply. 3. Fences requiring Discretionary Use approval are exempt from Subsections A.-C., above but shall comply with t~~RPW~~S\'ii~~a . specified in Section 4.4-11 5C.. .' ! OCT. 2 3 2009 CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22, 2009 I Ori(1in.,,1 8, ,i,mitt,,1 "'- ,I . - "-- 51 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & flOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION The Project does not involve fences. requiring Discretionary Use approval. This standard does .not apply. 4. The siting of public elementary, middle and high ~chools requiring Discretionary Use approval is exempt from Subsections A.-C., above but shall comply with the approval criteria specified in Section 4.7- 195. The Project does not involve public elementary, middle, or high schools. This standard does not . apply. Date Received: OCT 2 3 2009 Original Submittal CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22, 2009 S2 cj '. 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETlON~RY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION .1 I 6.3 Site Plan Review Approval Criteria (SDC 5.17-125) The enclosed findings apply to Phase II work as described earlier in this Prqposal. , A. The zoning is consistent with the Metro Plan diagram, arid/or the applicable Refinement Plan diagram, Plan District map, and Conce~tual Development Plan. ! Policy B.18: Encourage the development of transportation facilities, which would improve access to industrial and commercial areas and improve freight movement capabilities by implementing the pq/icies and projectsfn the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area Transpo'1ation Plan (TransPlan) and the Eugene Airport Master Plan.! Replacing the decommissioned 1-5 Willamette River Bridge with two new bridges will maintain access, mobility, and freight movement capabilities that the decommissioned ,bridge and temporary detour bridge have provided. By ensuring that mobility is maintained alorig t,re Interstate highway system through Eugene-and Springfield, the replacement bridges will provide"convenient access to industrial' and commercial areas on connecting roads. Reconstructing the bridges to modern design I standards is identified as Project 150 in TransPlan. ., . Environmental Resources Element , . Metro Plan policies CIS, CI6 and CI7 identify the applicable wetland, significant wilc;llife habitat and significant riparian corridor maps that shall be used to identify said resources for notice and protection. This Proposal is a concurrent Willamette Greenway Overlay Di~trict Develop~ent, Discretionary Use, and Floodplain Overlay District Development applicationl The criteria of approval for'stated applications in addressed by the Applicant in Section 6. ' . . d The Metro Plan Natural Assets and Constraints Working Paper identifies thE; Willamette River Greenway in Figure J I and identifies the Willamette River as a fish spawning Hver. According to ODFW, two salmonid populations listed under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) are. documented as occurring within the reach of the Willamette River that flows through the,! project area; Upper Willamette River spring Chinook (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and Columbia River bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus). North of theWillamette River, Springfield has desig~ated the Whilamut Natural Area as a significant GoalS resource. On the south side of the river, Springfield has ~tablisb.ed 75 J.oot . uate Kecei\led: 1 ! gt-T "i J ....~"... CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22, 2009 ,- ~ ...uuJ 53 Oriaimil S!lhmift",1 :.0;.. 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG). DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION riparian setbacks along the Willamette River to comply with federal the Clean Water Act and Endangered Species Act. A species list provided by ORNHIC indicated that there are no federal~ or state-listed ESA terrestrial wildlife species known to reside within the project area. There is a great blue heron rookery (which may have become inactive) along the Canoe Canal located about 800 feet east of the project area. Eugene POS and WPRD staff have noted the ephemeral ponds located throughout the Whilamut Natural Area of Alton Baker Park provide habitat for amphibian species. Western meadowlark nesting habitat has been documented in the vicinity of the meadow immediately northwest of the project area. To avoid fish and wildlife species and minimize temporary impacts from construction activities, all applicable OTlA III State Bridge Delivery Program EPS will be. implemented to reduce the extent of direct and indirect impacts to fish and wildlife species. Construction activities will require in-water work and are anticipated to require four in-water work periods. Temporary effects from in-water work will include construction or removal of piling/piers, which involves site preparation, pile driving, dewatering and isolation, and rewatering once work is complete. .Work area isolation will require fish capture and release operations in the Willamette River, which could affect both listed and non-listed fish species. All fish capture and release operations will be conducted by experienced biologists following guidelines established by ODFW and NMFS. As shown on Sheets LO.2-LO.2A, L2.0-L2:6 Site Plan (Exhibit q, Phase II development will result in permanent impacts to designated wetlands. The Applicant proposes to mitigate these permanent wetland impacts through the purchase of credits in an approved off-site wetland mitigation bank. Specifically, the Applicant has purchased O.OS credits at the West Eugene Wetland Mitigation Bank as compensatory mitigation for permanent wetland impacts. Compensatory mitigation for temporary and permanent waters impacts includes planting and establishment of a 1.907 -acre riparian forest within the northwest quadrant of the river crossing and 1.026-acre of stream and associated riparian area restoration in the concrete lined unnamed tributary of the Willamette River (Waters 4) in the..southwest quadrant of the river crossing. Additional waters. mitigation will be accomplished by reducing the number of bent footings currently associated with the detour and decommissioned bridges within the Willamette River (0.027-acre net reduction in bent area). Site restoration within the Project area is designed to restore all areas disturbed during construction of the Project. The objectives of site restoration for the Project are to prevent erosion, to provide stream bank stabilization, to improve water quality, to improve native plant species composition, to improve fish and wildlife habitat, and to provide aesthetically pleasing vegetation composition within key Project areas. All'wetlands temporarily impacted by'the Project will be restored and enhanced, as illustrated on SheetS'LO.3-LO.3D, L3.0-L3.6A Landscape Plan (Exhibit C). Metro Plan policies C.22, C.23 and C.24address noise and appropriate noise mitigation measures for the design of new highway facilities. For the Project, it is predicted that changes in noise levels will range from a reduction of I dBA to an increase of 3 dBA over existing conditions. Changes in noise levels are anticipated due to minor changes in roadway alignment, adjustments in noise shielding through construction of new soundwalls (discussed further below) and increases in traffic . Date Received: CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22, 2009 OCT ? 3 2009 54 ~ , 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II I WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLlCATIQN not associated with the Project. The January 2008 Environmental AssessmeMt concluded that no substantial noise level increases (i.e., an increase of 10 dBA over existing levels) would result from , the Project. These findings demonstrate that no noise mitigation measures, beyond those already proposed, are needed as part of this application request.. ~ . The Applicant notes that two soundwalls are identified in the original projeci: requirements and are defined within the Agency report titled 1-5 Willamette River Bridge Projea Bundle 220, Noise Technical Report, dated January 2008 (copy available on request). Within Springfield's jurisdictional boundary, the applicant proposes to construct a northbound soundwall on the north side of the Willamette River, as .illustrated on Shee~ LO.2-LO.2A, L2.0-L2.6 Site Plan (Exhibit C). The soundwall will mitigate noise impacts on residential development located in the adjacent An,derson Lane Subdivision. Policy C.30: Except as othelWise allowed according to Federal Eme~gency Management Agency (FEMA) regulations, development shall be prohibited in ~oodways if it coulq result in an increased ~ood level. The-~oodway is the channel of a river or other water course 0I1d the adjacent land area that must be reserved to discharge a om~-percent-chance ~ood in any given year. . -I The 1-5 Willamette River Bridge is located witliin a FEMA designated regulatory floodway and floodplain. Therefore, the design of the replacement bridge must satisfy the~regulations set forth. in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). The NFIP requires that any m,odifications that cause a rise in the Base Flood Elevations (BFEs, which corresponds to water surface elevations associated with the II OO-year flood event) must be approved by FEMA. The proposed structure satisfies the requirements of the NFIP and will not cause a rise in BFEs; therefore FEMA approval is not required. The no-rise condition is also a requirement of ODOT for any bridge replacement. . 1 proJect. ' In planning the Project, two pier location scenarios were considered (Proposed Option A and Proposed Option B) as shown in the Environmental Assessment for the project. The Phase I construction approval. permitted the construction of bridge sub-structures (piers) which conform to Option A. For the Environmental Assessment (EA). the hydraulic conditions of the 1-5 Willamette River Bridge Project were analyzed using the U.S. Army Corp ofiEngineers' HEC-RAS . model: Natural, existing, and proposed conditions (with pier locations Options A and B) were modeled: Con'servative assumptions regarding pier size were used for this modeling. The Applicant has conducted detailed hydraulic analysis for the Project confirming that, at the conclusion of Phase" construction activities, the Project will result in no net rise of the base flood elevation. The hydraulic analysis is a component of the Applicant's Floodplain Overlay District Development application and included in the submittal as Section, 6.4. The FP application i~ subject to review and approval by the City of Springfield and is submitted concurrently herewith. Acting as the local authority to implement FEMA regulations, the City of Springfield's review oflthe Project for compliance with the development standards at SDC 3.3-420 will provide assurance that the above ., criterion is satisfied. . Date Received: ocr l 3 2009 Original Submittal , CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22, 2009 55 I-S WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT 0NG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION As detailed in the applicant's approved Phase I Floodplain Overlay District Development permit application,17 temporary f100dway encroachments are needed to facilitate construction of the replacement bridge. Exhibit J; 1-5 Willamette River Bridge FEMA Cross Sections, .shows that Phase 1\ coristruction activities will result in a net decrease in floodplain elevations as compared . , with the pre ,project condition. Given (I) the temporary nature of the Phase I floodplain impacts, (2) that the Phase I impacts, as approved,are .necessary to achieve the net decrease in floodplain elevation resulting from the Phase II construction activities proposed herein, and (3) that the project.engineer has demonstrated .and certified that Phase II construction activities will result in a net decrease in floodplain elevations compared to the pre project condition, the Project meets the intent of Policy C.30. . Policy C.31: When development is allowed to occur in the floodway or floodway fringe, local regulations shall control such development in order to minimize the potential danger to life and property. Within the UGB, development should result in in-(llIing of partially developed land. Outside the UGB, areas affected by the floodway and floodway fringe. shall be protected for their agricultural and sand and gravel resource values, .their open space and recreational potential, and their value to water resources. The proposed replacement bridges are located within the Urban Growth Boundaries of Eugene and Springfield. Portions of the Project area consist of developed urban lands and portions of the Project area consist of non-urban areas. Both Eugene and Springfield have adopted ordinances regulating construction within floodplains and f1oodways. The following permit(s), submitted herewith, demonstrate compliaf)ce with those sections of the Springfield ordinance regulating development in the f100dway or floodplain: A Type I Floodplain Overlay District Development permit will be obtained from the City of Springfield for all Phase II construction activities occurring in designated floodplain. or f100dway boundaries within Springfield. The project wiU comply with approval conditions imposed during the permitting process. Willamette River Greenwav. . River Corridors. and Waterwavs Element Policy 0.5: New development that locates along river corridors and waterways shall be limited to uses that are compatible with the natural, scenic, and environmental qualities of those water features. . This policy has limited applicability to this proposal. Technically speaking, the Project is new 'development' due to the magnitude and duration of construction activities necessary to carry out the work. The Project is not a change of 'use'. In essence, the Project proposes to replace the existing decommissioned bridge and detour bridge with new bridges in roughly the same location. The new bridges will be slightly wider and built to modern construction and safety standards. The Project may correctly be categorized as 'replacement' rather than new 'development'. Demonstration that the proposed use is compatible with the natural, scenic, and environmental qualities ofthe Willamette River is found in the current use. Date Received: 17 SHR 2009-0000 I. City of Springfield. OCT 1 3 2009 CMGS Original Submittal FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22, 2009 56 .../ 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II " WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVElOPMENT rNG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT. (FP) APPLICATION On July 21, 2008, the Springfield City Council, together with the City of Eugene and Lane County, adopted Ordinance No 6227 amending the Metro Plan text including an exception to Goal 15 for the 1-5 Willamette Bridge Project. The Ordinance specifically amended the ~ext of Policy 0.11 of the Metro Plan for the "purposes of removing and replacing the decommissioned 1-5 bridge, the temporary detour bridge and the Canoe Canal bridge with two new parallei' bridges * * *." This exception was found to comply with the statutory requirements governing the Greenway. In regards to the above policy, the Applicant has conducted extensive environmental investigation and documentation'to plan, design, and execute the Project in a manner that is compatible with the natural, scenic, and environmental qualities of the Willamette River. As described elsewhere in this application, the proposed use has been designed and sited to minimize impacts on resources to the greatest extent possible. The mitigation strategies and findings from the Ap~licant's Environm~ntal Assessment are incorporated by reference herein: I, Policy 0.11: The taking of an exceptian shall be required 'if a nonwater-dependent transportation fl!. cility requires placing of fill within th~ Willamette River Greenway setback. , . As noted above, on July 21, 2008, the Springfield City Council, together with th~ City of Eugene and Lane County, adopted Ordinance No 6227 amending the Metro Plan teh including an exception to Goal 15 for the 1-5 Willamette Bridge Project. The Ordinance' specifically amended the text of Policy 0.11 of the Metro Plan as follows: "An exception to Statewide Planning Goal 151Willamette River Greenway was approved for Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) for purposes of removing and replacing the decommissioned 1-5 bridge, the temporary detour bridge and the Canoe Canal bridge with two new parallel bridges (one southbound and one northbound) within the 1-5 right-of-way crossing the Willamette River and Canoe Canal and within the Willamette River. Greenway Setback line. The exception authorizes construaion and later removal of one or more temporary work bridges, demolition of the decommissioned 1-5 Willamette River Bridge, Canoe Canal Bridge, and detour bridges; construction of the two replacement bridges; reconstruaion of the"roodway approaches to . I the bridges (1-5 and ramps); rehabilitation of the projea area; and completion of any required mitigation of projea impacts. In as~ociation with these tasks, the exception further authorizes . within the Willamette River Greenway Setback line the addition and removal offill within ODOr right-of-way and removal of fill within a temporary ~/ope easement .east of/-5. This exception satisfies the criteria of Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 660-004-0022(6), Willamette Greenwoy, . and the exception requirements of OAR 660-004-0020 Goal 2 Part lI(c) for a 'reasons' exception and pursuant to OAR 660-004-0015, is hereby adopted as an amendment to the Metro Plan text, Policy 0.11, Chapter III, Section D. ,,' The adopted metro plan text allows: I. The intensification of use and development proposed by the bridge replacement projea and associated multi-use path and park facility improvements; :1 2. The.siting of non water-dependent or water-related uses within the Greenway setback line; and , 3. The placing of fill for a non water-dependent transportatiol! facility within th{j GreelJway, setbp.!;k . line.. " ate KE'Cel~""d. CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22. 2009 OCT 2 3 2nn9 57 Original SubmittGlI 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II. WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT 0NG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (sPR). & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT(FP) APPLICATION . . On September 1,2009, the joint planning commission of Springfield, Eugene, and Lane County unanimously approved a proposed ordinance to amend the Metro Plan text including an exception to Goal 15 for the construction of a proposed bicycle/pedestrian structure (South Bank' Viaduct) beneath the Willamette River 1-5 Bridges. The viaduct will allow the future development of a riverfront path on the south side of the Willamette River, connecting Eugene and Springfield . through Glenwood. The proposed ordinance specifically amends the text of Policy D.II of the Metro Plan for the "construction of the of the bike path viaduct including the fill and removal necessary to build the structure." The proposed Metro Plan amendment and Goal 15 exception is pending final action by the home jurisdiction, the City of Springfield. , The proposed ordinance amends the text of Policy D.II. of the Metro Plan as follows: "An exception to Statewide Planning Goal 15 Willamette River Greenway was approved by the cities of Eugene and Springfield and by Lane County authorizing construaion of a bike path viadua beneath the 1-5 bridges, along the south bank of the Willamette River. The exception authorizes construaion of the bike path viadua including the fill and removal offill necessary to build the struau,re. The exception satisfies the criteria of Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) 660-004- 0022(6) Willamette Greenway and the exception requirements of OAR 660-004-0020 Goal 2, Part II (c) for a 'reasons' exception. Pursuant to OAR 660-004-0015, this exception is hereby adopted as an amendment to the Metro Plan text, Policy 0.11, Chapter III, Seaion D." As a whole the proposal is consistent with the applicable Willamette Greenway policies set out in .the Metro Plan. This criterion is satisfied. Environmental Desif'n Element Policy E4: Public and private facilities shall be designed and located in a manner that preserves and enhances desirable features of local and neighborhood areas. and promotes their sense of identity. The Applicant notes that public participation and involvement has occurred throughout the planning, design and development process in accordance with Statewide Planning Goal I and ODOT administrative rules. As part of the Project, ODOT established a Community Advisory Group (CAG) composed of representatives of local neighborhood associations, parks departments (Eugene and Willamalane), the Citizen Planning Committee for the Whilamut Natural Area, chambers of commerce, and the University of Oregon that has been involved in the development of the project with continued involvement during selection of the bridge type. its design, and construction. In addition to the aesthetic elements of the bridge itself, the Project also includes a number of riparian area, pedestrian and bicycle path, and alternative mode infrastructure enhancements as well as natural and historic restoration activities including but not limited to: . Restoration and enhancement of the unnamed tributary associated with Glenwood Slough on the south side of the Willamette River (Phase II) Development of a South Bank Interpretive Area including an informational kiosk (Phase II) * Permanent extensions of the multi-use paths. including the Canoe Canal Path, on the north and south sides of the river (Phase II) Date Received: OCT ? 3 2il09 CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22, 2009 Orininal Submittal 58 I-S WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II, . WILLAMEITE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION *. Extensive landscaping and riparian area restoration within th~ greenway (Phase II) In addition to the enhancements described generallY above, a subset of the CAG has developed on overall theme, identified as the "Whilamut Passage,":: intended to establish an enduring identity for the area surrounding the bridge. The theme uses different places, uses, images, and language to integrate and reflect aesthetic enhancements in the project. Subsequent to development of the Whilamut Passage theme, the Applicant has facilitated a sequence of design workshops to generate a palette of potential aesthetic enhancement opportunities. The aesthetic enhancements are listed in Section 4.4 and incorporated by reference herein. The Applicant is currently in the process of refining the list and identifying the artists, craftspeop,!e and subcontractors needed to create the enhancements. The proposed projects will preserve and enhance the existing features of the environment immediately surrounding the '-5 Bridg~. In addition, the Brjdg~ itself will preserve and enhance desirable features of the local area and prcilnote a sense of identity: These improvements, together with the Bridge, will.contribute to and promote the area's identity ':as a primary gateway between ,'Eugene and Springfield. , ' . , F. f 0: Protect and manage existing and future trdnsportation infrastructure. . \, ,: The 1-5 Willainette River Bridge Project replaces a structurally deficient bridge with tWo new permanent bridges built to accommodate anticipated future traffic volumes, freight loads and natural hazard events (e.g. floods, earthquakes, etc.), The project contributes to the long-term resiliency of the interstate transportation network ahd ensures local access to essential goods and services during an emergency. This bridge replacem.~nt reflects an effort to manage and protect the 1-5 corridor, an essential part of the region and state's existing transportation infrastructure. , . , P~licy F./4: Address the mobility and safety need~ of motorists, transportation users, bicyclists, pedestrians, and the needs of emergency vehicle~ when planning and constructing roadway system improvements. 1-5 across the Willamette River is an existing trarisportation facility identified in TransPlan and the Oregon Highway Plan (OHP). Because the originall.~5 bridge is structurally deficient and had to be decommissioned, a new permanent bridge is needed, to address the safety a(ld mobility needs of ~. , motorists and facilitate efficient movement of emergency vehicles between the north and south sections of Eugene and Springfield. The new permanent replacement bridges can and will be designed 'to meet applicable state and federal safety and mobility standards. The temporary detour bridge cannot accommodate the safety needs of motorists because it does n~t meet current seismic s~ndards and the construction methods used to build it only met environmental requirements as they applied to temporary, not permanent, structures. , In regard to the mobility and safety needs of bicyclists and pedestrians, construction activities and staging locations will impact the existing network of .lnulti-use (bicycle and pedestrian) paths , . extending along the north and south sides of the Willamette River. This Proposal involves a comprehensive program to reconstruct and improve paths and trails affected by the project to ensure that necessary and adequate public access will be provided along both sides of the Willamette River at the completion of the Project. The findings from SDC 3.3-3.25 D. a.re incorporated by reference herein. Qate Received: OCT 2 3 20n9 CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL O,tober 22. 2009 . Original Submittal I:Q.. 11 C' 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU). SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION Paths and trails will, to the maximum extent practicable, be kept open, safe, and useable during construction. To minimize disruptions to paths and emergency access routes, the Applicant will implement a Traffic Control Plan (TCP); will coordinate with WPRDon path and trail closures; and will provide advance public notice of path and trail closures. Policy F.15: Motor vehicle level of service policy: a) Use motor vehicle level of service stondords to maintain acceptable and reliable performance on the roadway system. These standards shall be used for: (I) .Identifying capacity deficiencies on the roadway system. ' (2) Evaluating the impacts on roadways of amendments to tronsportation plans, acknowledged comprehensive plans and fand-use regulations, pursuant to the TPR (OAR 660-012-0060). . (3) Evaluating. development applications for consistency with. the/and-use regulations of the applicable local government jurisdiction. b) Acceptable and reliable performance is defined by the following levels of service under peak hour troffic conditions: LOS E within Eugene's Centrol Area Tronsportation Study (CATS) area and LOS D elsewhere. c) Performance standards from the OHP shall be applied on state facilities in the Eugene-Springfield metropolitan area, This Proposal is intended to implement the prior Metro Plan Amendment decision which ensures that mobility is maintained over the planning period. The 1-5 Willamette River replacement bridges will be striped to provide two travel lanes in each direction, consistent with current striping . patterns. The bridges will be built to accommodate future restriping to three travel lanes in each direction when the adjacent sections of 1-5 are widened to three lan.es in each direction. TransPlan projects 150 and 260 provide for the future widening of 1-5 from four to six travel lanes north and south of the Willamette River. Because the 1-5 Willamette River Bridge is already recognized in TransPlan, there is no need to amend the plan. These findings address the. consistency ofthe needed plan amendments with applicable Metro Plan requirements and land use regulations. Other applicable land use regulations are addressed in the findings contained herein, The 1999 Oregon Highway Plan (OHP) classifies 1-5 as an "interstate highway" - its highest category of state highway - and identifies it as a major freight route. As an interstate highway, 1-5 provides connections to major cities, regions of the state, and other states. Within the Eugene- Springfield metropolitan area, it also provides connections for regional"trips. As ODOT representatives testified during the Metro PI~n Amendment process, the bridge will be striped with two travel lanes to meet existing ODOT volume to capacity performance standards.. The additional travel lane will meet ODOT volume to capacity performance standards in the future. F.16: Promote or develop a regional. roadway system that meets the combined needs for travel through, within and outside the region. 1-5 is a state facility that serves both statewide and regional transportation needs as defined in the TPR. . Specifically, the highway meets the needs for movement of people and goods (I) b!'!twe~n Date Recelvea~ CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22, 2009 XT 2 2 21]92 60 . _ ~ I ...... .'-.....;~".....I ~, , 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II . . WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOP~ENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELoPMENT (FP) APPLICATION' and through regions ofthe state and between states~ (state need), and (2) between and through communities and accessibility to regional destinations within a metropolitan area (regional need). As such, it is an integral element of the Eugene-Springfield metropolitan area's regional roadway system. Indeed, it is likely the principal arterial serving the combined. needs for travel through, within', and outside the region. Replacing the existing structurally deficient bridge with two new bridges promotes the maintenance and continuation of the regional roadway system serving the combined needs for travel through, within, and outside the region. F.29: Support reasonable and reliable travel times for freight/goods movement in the Eugene- II Springfield region.' . Connecting 1-5 north and south of the WiliametteRiver via a new, structurally safe bridge crossing is essential to ensuring that reasonable and reliable travel times for moving freight and goods in the region are maintained. Without the connection, tens of thousands of vehicles daily would be required to seek alternative means for crossing the river, clogging capacity and causing conge'stion and delay throughout Eugene and Springfield. Existing roadways lack sufficient capacity to accommodate the existing 49,000 daily vehicle trips ?r the 73,000 daily vehicle trips anticipated on the 1-5 Willamette River Bridge by 2030. . These findings together with the Plan Set (Exhibit C) and supporting documentation submitted herewith' demonstrate that the proposed Project is consistent with the Metro Plan.. B. Capacity' requirements of public an~ private facilities, including but not limited to, water and electricity; sariitary sewer and stormwater management facilities; and streets a'nd traffic safety controls shall not be exceeded and the public improvem~nts shall be available to serve the site at the time of development, unless oth:erwise provided for by this. Code and other applicable regulations. The Public Works Director .or a utility provider shall determine capacity issues. , Ji. , The proposed Project is needed to address significant structural,problems w.ith the existing 1-5 Bridge. The existing bridge was decommissioned in 2004 after ODOT found substantial structural problems including cracks in the supporting structures. Built in 1962, the existing bridge was designed using bridge standards that are no longer sufficient for the size of modern freight trucks. Replacement of the 1-5 Willamette River Bridge is needed to meet state and federal safety and. mobility policies and to ensure that future vehicle and freight capacity along the 1-5 corridor is not compromised. The overall goal of the Project is to replace the existing bridge over the Willamette River, Franklin Boulevard, UPRR tracks, 1-5 NB exit ~o Franklin Boulevard, and bicycle/pedestrian facilities such that freight mobility is unrestricted and! the Oregon economy is stim~lated. , .. I. With respect to capacity concerns at the local level, ~he City of Springfield will be impacted primarily by traffic control and mobility constraints during construction of th~ Project. Specifically, periodic closure to Franklin Boulevard will occasionally eliminate all public and private transportation movements between Springfield and Eugene through the project area. Said closures will be needed to facHitate the deconstruction of the, existing bridge spans and movement of equipment into and out of the area. It is assumed at this time that only short-term closures will be needed on Franklin Boulevard, the NB off-ramp to Franklin Boulevard, and SB on-ljUJIjl, tool-5. The . uare KeC61Ved: CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22,2009 O,..T ^ . l~ ..... i. J u'6-l' nr'jnir't~l ~"h.-.-ti4,....r 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVEL9PMENT (FP) APPLICATION . removal of the existing bridges will require two-day closures of Franklin Boulevard. The NB off- ramp and SB on~ramp is a partial interchange serving to connect 1-5 traffic south of the.Willamette. River to and from Franklin Boulevard west of 1-5. Access for all other movementS can be served by the full movement interchange at Glenwo()d Bo.ulevard.. The Franklin and Glenwood ramps are spaced about 1,200 feet apart, and are connected with a continuous auxiliary lane in each direction. Based on movement capabilities and the limited distance between interchanges, the Glenwood interchange is a functional alternate .route during construction. The Project does not involve a Variance request or proposed uses "that would generate 500 or more vehicle trips per day, as specified in SDC 4.2~ I 05 A(4.)(a.) and (b.). The Applicant will implement a Traffic Management Plan (TMP) to provide the details behind the development of Traffic Control Plans (TCPs) and other measures that will be put in pla'ce for the construction, as well as to minimize disruptions to motorists, the freight industry and communities, without compromising public or worker safety, or the quality of work being performed. Local roadway capacity will be impacted by the Project, but only on a periodic and temporary basis. Further, the TMP and TCPs will demonstrate that all adverse impacts on the local transportation ne.twork will be mitigated to the extent possible through advance notice of the closures, signage and local detour routes around the construction area. ' In addition to the bridge facility, local bike and pedestrian capacity will be increased through this project. Specifically, permanent reconfigured multi-purpose paths are proposed on both the north and south sides of the river. These paths will remain open during the duration of construction and improve existing and/or increase alternative mode access in the vicinity of the 1-5 Bridge. Once operational, the Project will not generate additional use ofJacilities and will not result in an !. exceeded capacity of 1-5 or any other public facilities. These findings together with the Plan Set (Exhibit C) and supporting documentation submitted herewith demonstrate that this criterion is satisfied. . C. The proposed development shall comply with all applicable public and private design and construction standards contained in this Code and other applicable regulations. SDC 4.2-105 Public Streets No new streets are proposed and no existing local streets will be impacted by the proposed development. Judkins Road, a Lane County facility, was permanent closed as part of the Project. The Project will conform to the ODOT Highway Design Manual, 2003 (English) and AASHTO 2002 Roadside Design Guide. All construction plans and associated documents will be prepared in accordance with the ODOT Oregon Standard Specifications for Construction, 2008; and the ODOT Bridge Design and Drafting Manual (BOOM). Because all public automobile transportation facilities will be constructed within state-owned ROW, local street standards do not apply. These findings together with the Plan Set and supporting documentation submitted herewith .demoristrate that this standard is met. SDC 4.2-110 Private Streets Date Received: OCT 2 3 20n9 . CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22, 2009 Origin,,1 Submittal 62 I-S WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II WllLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION " The Project does not involve private streets as part of Phase" development. This standard does not apply. SDC 4.2-11 5 Block Length No new local streets are proposed as part of Phase II development.. This standard does not apply. SDC 4.2-120 Site Access and Driveways No new. lots or parcels are proposed. As a result, no new permanent access points or driveways are needed or proposed. The Applicant notes the irj1provements to existing 1-5 access ramps ' shown on Sheets LO.2-LO.2A, L2.0-L2.6 Site Plan (Ex~ibit C) have been designed and shall be constructed in accordance with ODOT policies, procedures and design guidelines'. These findings demonstrate that this standard does not apply. SDC 4.2-125 Intersections No new intersections are proposed as part of Phase II development. This standard does not ;11 . apply. SDC 4.2-1 30 Vision Clearance No new local streets will be constructed as part of ~hase II development. apply. I This standard does not SDC 4.2-135 Sidewalks No new sidewalks will be constructed as part of Phase II development. This standard does not apply. . SDC 4.2-140 Street Trees No new local streets will be installed as part of Phase II development. This'sundard does not apply. SDC 4.2-145 Street Lighting No new streets will be constructed as part of Phase II development. Therefore, this standard does not apply. The Applicant notes that a segment of the existing lighting along the access ramps between Frankliri Boulevard and Riverview Street will be removed in Phase II, as part of the proposed redesign and reconfiguration of the ramps .to connect with the new bridge approaches. Proposed replacement lighting is. show on Sheets EO.~I, EI.O, EI.2 Lighting Plan (Exhibit C). Further, the applicant notes that temporary multi~use path an~ construction lighting has been installed during Phase I and permanent lighting will be installed during Phase II where necessary to ensure public safety and provide secure contractor mobiliza~ion and staging areas. Proposed lighting is designed in compliance with SDC design and constru,ction standards and other applicable regulations. Standards review of proposed temporary lighting is provided under S~Ct4..5.-below_ ~ oa~'e-KeCeIVed: CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22, 2009' OCT 2 3 20U9 63 . Original Submittal 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION SDC 4.2-150 Bikeways Within the Project area, the North Bank Trail extends" along the northern border of the Willamette River though the Whilamut Natural Area and the Eastgate Woodlands. The southeast . loop .of Pre's Trail is located within the Whilamut Natural Area with an extension to the Eastgate Woodlands. There are additional connecting paths throughoutthe Whilamut Natural Area, on the Knickerbocker Bridge, and along Franklin Boulevard. As part of Phase I construction and mobilization activities, the Applicant has constructed both temporary paved and soft paths to route traffic around and through the Project site. As shown on the applicant's site plans, Phase II proposes either (I) restoration of all impacted paths to their original, pre-construction locations or (2) reconfiguration to locations agreed upon by Eugene pas, WPRD, and Springfield. As part of Phase II construction, the applicant proposes the following specific multi-use path. improvements: * On the north side of the river, the existing asphalt bicycle and pedestrian path located east of the Canoe Canal bridge will be converted to bark (Sheet L2.0Site Plan) * Construction of a new 12-foot wide concrete path on the south side of the Canoe Canal connecting the Woodlands Trail to Canoe Canal path (Sheet L2.3 Site Plan) * Reconstruction of North Walnut Path, a 12-foot wide asphalt path on the north side of the Willamette River connecting Eastgate Woodlands to Alton Baker Park underneath the Willamette River Bridge (Sheet L2.4Site Plan) * Construction of a new 16-foot wide elevated path (Millrace Ruins Path) on the south side of the Willamette River connecting Knickerbocker Pedestrian Bridge to the Glenwood riverfront (Sheet L2.5 Site Plan) * Reconstruction of a 12-foot wide asphalt path on the south side of the Willamette River, connecting the Knickerbocker Pedestrian Bridge to Springfield and the south side of Franklin. . Boulevard (Sheet L2.5 Site Plan) . . Paths and trails will, to the maximum extent practicable, be kept open, safe, and useable during Phase II construction.. A continuous route across state-owned right of way for the bicycle/pedestrian pathways will be kept open and accessible at all times on both the north side, and to the extent practicable, the south side of the river during construction. Pedestrian and bicycle traffic will be detoured around the construction site work areas immediately adjacent 1-5 and along the Willamette River and ,rerouted on new temporary and permanent alignments. Detour routes may be subject to short-term closures during Project construction, at which times f1aggers will be utilized to direct pedestrians/bicyclists safely through the construction zone. All temporary paths will be removed at the conclusion of construction; all existing bicycle and pedestrian facilities will be restored to their pre-construction condition at th.e conclusion of construction. " To minimize disruptions, the Applicant will implement a Traffic Control Plan (TCP) for paths and trails; will coordinate with WPRD and the CPC on path and trail closures; and will provide advance public notice. of path and trail closures. Date Received: OCT 2 3 2009 CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22, 2009 Original Submittal 64 I-S WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION The Applicant netes that lecal bike and. pedestrian capacity will be increased significantly as a result .of this Preject. All bicycle and pedestrian facilities have been designed using.!WPRD and City .of Springfield typical sections, per directien frem the nispective agencies. As neted above, the Applicant is in ongoing coerdinatien with representatives from WPRD, CPC, City .of Springfield Public Werks, and other affected agencies te ensure that alllecal, regienal and statewide transpertatien policies, procedures and standards are being satisfied. I' , These findings tegether with the Plan Set and supperting decumentatien submitted herewith demonstrate that this criterien has been satisfied. SDC 4.2" I 55 Pedestrian Trails Te the extent that pedestrian trails include multi use paths, Phase II censtruction activities and staging locations will impact the existing netwerk of multi-use (bicycle and pedestrian) paths within the preject beundary. The findings contained in SC 4.2-150 abeve pertain te multi-use (bicycle and pedestrian) paths. Said findings are incorporated herein by reference as preof that this criterien is met. T o the extent that the existing and proposed '\'ulti-use path impacts are located en .or within city .owned parks prePE1rty, no new public trail easeTents or rights-ef-way are required. In addition, as part .of Phase II constructien, the applicant propeses the fellewing specific pedestrian (running) trail imprevements: * A new 8-feet wide bark trail located within th~ Eastgate Woedlands on the south side .of the Canoe Canal cennecting te Pre's Trail in Alten Baker Park (Sheets L2.0 and L2.3 Site Plan) !, I , These findings tegether with the Plan Set and supperting decumentatien submitted herewith demenstrate that this standard is satisfied." ' SDC 4.2-160 Accessways Because ne new parcels .or lets will be created as part of this Prepesal, ne new accessways will be censtructed .or required as part of constructien activities. Therefore, this st~ndard does net apply. SDC 4.3-105 Sanitary Sewers The preposed Phase II imprevementsare non-ecc~pied transpertation structures and associated facilities. The Preject does not involve the extensien, expansien .or cennection to existing public sanitary sewer facilities. Therefere, this standard d~es not apply. SDC 4.3-110 Stermwater Management All stormwater management fer this project (Phase'i I and Phase II) is designed te meet the OTIA III Envirenmental Performance Standards (EPS). To meet the geals of the EPS, water quality and quantity facilities will follow the guidelines established in the 2008 ODOTStormwater Management Initiative supplemented with the guidelines from the local jurisdictions .of the Cities of Eugene and Springfield, which the project will also need to satisfy. ODOT stormwater standards are described further belew.' .' Date Received: OCT 2 3 2009 CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22;2009 I Original Submittal 6S 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION The 2008 ODOT Stormwater Management Initiative guidelines require all stormwater runoff to be .treated for water quality and water quantity only when runoff from the new impervious surface increases flow by 0.5 cfs. The ODOT Stormwater Management Initiative divides the state into nine climate zones for stormwater treatment. The WRB site is in climate zone 2, which requires 50 percent of the two-year, 24-hour dl!ration storm to be treated for water quality. For water quantity treatment, the ODOT 5tormwater Management Initiative guidelines providean exception for water quantity treatment if the dis.charge directly outfalls into a large body of water, in this case the Willamette. River, or it is shown by hydraulic calculations that the geomorphic channel conditions are not changed by the net effects of the increased runoff. The City of Springfield has adopted, in the interim, the stormwater management guidelines from the City of Portland eureau of Environmental Services and Washington County Clean Water Services. The City of Springfield accepts stormwater management plans to be designed using either guideline. The City of Springfield also uses 0.5 cfs as the threshold for water quantity flow control. The new ODOT and DEQ requirements for contributing drainage area will be followed fonhe amount of stormwater runoff to be treated. The new guidelines apply to stormwater flowing into the project from ODOT right-of-way that is hydraulically.connected to the project. The additional contributing drainage areas that are required to meet the new directive include 1-5 from the end of the defined project up to.the Glenwood overpass; Franklin Boulevard from the crest vertical curve just west of the Franklin Boulevard overpass bridge to the end of the bridge; and the 1-5 NB off- ramp from the intersection of Riverview Drive to the Eugene city limits. The Best Management Practices (BMPs) selected for stormwater management on this project include bios lopes, grassy swale with amended soils, bio-infiltration swales, and dry detention ponds. All of the BMPs selected provide a high effectiveness for the removal of sediments, nutrients, and heavy metals both dissolved and particulates; and provide moderate effectiveness for removal of hydrocarbons and polyaromatic hydrocarbons. Stormwater management facilities included in Phase II, including the location and the type of BMP's selected to meet the EPS, are discussed in the Stormwater Management Report (Exhibit D). In the northernmost 900 feet of the project, there is no increasEl in impervious area; therefore, only water quality is required to meet the EP5. Bioslopes on both the NB and SB lanes were chosen for these areas because of the limited right-of-way.. The northern 700 feet, up to and including the Canoe Canal Bridge, will utilize bio-infiltration swales to provide water quality a,nd ,quantity. The bio-infiltration swales will have an overflow system that will discharge into Canoe Canal. A bio-retention pond, in between the northbound off-ramp and southbound on-ramp, is not a required stormwater management facility, but was included as part the design to alleviate potential stormwwater impacts to the UPRR culvert. Phase II stormwater management improvements fall into three main categories: (I) mechanical systems, (2) BMP's (engineered vegetative systems), and (3) overland flow/filtration systems. Specific improvements proposed under each of these categories are summarized below: Mechanical Systems The applicant's Phase II Storm Drainage and Utilities Plan shows stormwater inlets, including rim and invert elevations, for all catch basins located within the NB and SB .lanes of 1~5, including those proposed on the new bridge. The technical evaluation ofthe location, type an~-PAsoc~~bL CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22. 2009 OC-! 2 3 29g9 66 i...h..;....,.."'..1 c. .h........4-~....1 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION basin is documented in the applicant's Stormwater Management Report (Exhibit D). All underground stormwater pipe locations and sizes are also shown, on the Sheets CO.2, CO.2A, C2.0- C2.6 Storm Drainage and Utilities Plan (Exhibit C). These mechanical systems are needed to , collect and convey surface water runoff generated from impervious highway'surfaces in accordance with the 2008 ODOT Stormwater Management Initiative guidelines described above. Where , , practical, runoff is conveyed to and treated with the .,BMP's described below; . BMP's (engineered vegetative systems) The applicant's Phase II Sheets CO.2, CO.2A, C2.0-C2.6 Storm Drainage and Utilities Plan (Exhibit . 1 C) show the locations of all stormwater BMP facilities as follows: * An" approximately 200-foot long vegetated swale located on the east side of the highway north of Canoe Canal (Sheet C2.3 Storm Drainage and Utilities Plan) " ,; . , . An' approximately IOO-foot long vegetated sw~le located on the east side ohhe highway south of Franklin Boulevard (Sheet. C 2.4 Storr\, Drainage and Utilities .Plan) , , * An"approximately 200-foot long vegetated swale located on the east side of the highway south of the northbound off-ramp (Sheet C 2.5 Storm Drainage and Utilities Plan) I Overland Flow/Filtration Systems All Phase II multi-use path stormwater treatment will be addressed through the use of filter strips along proposed permanent bike path reconfiguratioris (in accordance with the City of Springfield's Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manu~I). The location of s.aidfiltration systems are illustrated on Sheets CO.2, CO.2A, C2.0-C2.6 Stormwater and Utility Plan (Exhibit C). North of the river, in the Eastgate Woodlands, path reconfigurations will be treated by overland flow and infiltration using existing vegetation and soil adjacent to the path (Springfield). These findings together with the Plan Set and documentation submitted herewith demonstrate that this standard is met. SDC 4.3-115 Water Quality Protection The Willamette River is the receiving water for the Project area. The Willar;nette River in the vicinity ohhe Project is. listed on the DEQ 303(d) List (Section 303[d] ohhe CWA) of water bodies that do not meet water quality standards. The Willamette River is listed for temperature, arsenic, chlorophyll a, dioxin, dissolved oxygen, E. coli, fecal coliform, manganese, mercury, and iron. Phase II construction activities will include vegetation removal and. soil dist~rbance, which could lead to erosion and increased sedimentation to wetlands and waterways, resulting in water quality impacts. Additionally, there is the potential for releases of hazardous materials and wastes such as oil, grease, and fuels used for construction equipmef11: or releases of products (concrete, silicants, etc.) which, if entered wetlands or waterways, would result in decreased water quality. Phase II:' construction activities will require in-wate~ work. Direct impacts associated with in- water work include construction or removal of piers which involves site preparation, pile driving, dewatering and isolation, and rewatering once work is complete. There is tsgt1i~~~~~ OCT 2 1 ?mlll CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October22,2009 67 Origil'1~1 Submittal I-S WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT rNG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION materials to drop into waterway during demolition and new construction. Increased turbidity associated with in-water work should be minimal because the new and temporary piers for the work bridges would be drilled or driven into bedrock. There may be a slight increase of turbidity during rewatering of the isolation area from pulling isolation structure(s). This slight increase would be expected to be within allowable limits, which is an increase of up to 10 percent over natural background turbidity 100 feet downstream of the fill point. Potential temporary impacts to water quality during construction will be mitigated through use of standard Best Management Practices (BMPs) and erosion control measures. These measures will follow the ODOT Erosion Control Manual (ODOT 2005) and Oregon Standard Specifications (ODOT 2008). The Applicant's Land Drainage and Alteration Permit (LDAP), detailing erosion and sediment control measures to be used during construction, was approved for Phase I. construction and the Applicant will gain approval for Phase II construction. A Pollution and Erosion Control Plan (PECP) will be implemented prior to construction by the Applicant's contractor to minimize or avoid project effects to water quality. The Project also adheres to the conditions of the CW A 40 I Water Quality Certification issued for the USACE Section 404 permit. These findings together with the Plan Set and documentation submitted herewith demonstrate that this standard is met. SDC 4.3-117 Natural Resource Protection Areas During Phase II construction, temporary and permanent impacts to site features including parks, open space, and natural resource protection areas are unavoidable. The uses proposed in Phase II are allowed in natural resource areas per SDC 4.3-117(E)(2) subsections (m),(n) and (0). In accordance with SDC 4.3-117(K), the proposed transportation facilities and structures will replace existing facilities and will be located within existing state-owned ROW to the greatest extent practicable. . North of the Willamette River, Springfield has designated the Whilamut Natural Area as a significant Goal 5 resource. On the south side of the river, Springfield has established 75 foot riparian setbacks along the Willamette River to comply with federal the Clean Water Act and Endangered Species Act. The Metro Plan Natural Assets and Constraints Working Paper identifies the Willamette River Greenway in Figure J land identifies the WillametteRiver as a fish spawning river. Endangered Species According to ODFW, two salmonid populations listed under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) are documented as occurring within the reach of the Willamette River that flows through the project area: Upper Willamette River spring Chinook (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and Critical Habitat - federally threatened (FT) . Columbia River bull trout (Solvelinus con~uentus) Distirict Population Segment (DPS) and Critical Habitat.,. FT Date Received: OCT 2 3 2009 CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22, 2009 Vi I.YIfli:ll ;;)UOrmllal--4o . , I-S WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION Construction activities will require in-water work and are anticipated to require four in-water work periods. Temporary effects from in-water work will include construction or removal of piling/piers, which involves site preparation, pile driving, dewatering and isolation, and rewatering once work is complete. Work area isolation will require fish capture and release operations in the Willamette River, which would affect both listed and non-listed fish species. All fish capture and release operations will be conducted by experienced biologists following guidelines established by ODFW and NMFS. A species list provided by ORNHIC indicated that there are no federal- or state-listed ESA terrestrial wildlife species known to reside within the project area. There are reports of sensitive or species of concern terrestrial wildlife within two miles of the project area; however there is habitat that would support only one of these sensitive species in the project area (i.e., the northwestern pond turtle). There is 'a great blue heron rookery (which may have become inactive) along the Canoe Canal located about 800 feet east of the project area. Eugene POS and WPRD staff have noted the ephemeral ponds located throughout the Whilamut Natural Area of Alton Baker Park provide habitat for amphibian species. Western meadowlark nesting habitat has been documented in the vicinity of the meadow immediately northwest of the project area. To avoid fish and wildlife species and minimize temporary impacts from construction activities, the Applicant has implement a Fish Passage Plan (FPP) and all applicable OTIA III State Bridge Delivery Program EPS have been followed for Phase I and will continue during Phase II to reduce the extent of direct and indirect impacts to fish and wildlife species. To minimize the impacts to riparian vegetation during construction and operational activities the project will continue coordination with resource agencies (federal, state, and local) and implement OTIA III EPS, obtain regulatory permits (DSL Removal-Fill, USACE Section 404), provide site restoration and compensatory mitigation, and identify additional opportunities to minimize disturbances. The applicant's Phase I Willamette Greenway Permit and Discretionary Use application sections Section 5.6, 5.7, and 5.8 propose additional mitigation measures which are incorporated herein by reference. Vegetation and Habitat Vegetation and habitat types within the Project area are generally associated with urban development or natural/open space areas. The urban developed areas include residential, commercial, and transportation (roadways and ,railroads) that have been planted with landscaping. The open space areas include a combination of forested and emergent wetlands, upland forest (mixed deciduous-coniferous type), mixed deciduous-coniferous riparian, and grassland type habitats that are predominantly managed grass areas within the 1.5 corridor. These natural/open . space areas are vegetated with a predominance of native species, although disturbance has allowed encroachment of invasive species. Some of the most common identified invasive species known to occur within the project area include: Himalayan blackberry (Rubus armeniacus); Scotch broom (Cytisus scoparius); Pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium); Tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea); Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum); English ivy (Hedera helix); Reed canarygrass (Pha/aris arundinacea); European birch (Betula pendufa); and False brome (Brachypodium'sy/vaticum). Date Received: oen 3 2{]n9 .CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22, 2009 Orig~nai Subtl1itta) 69 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION No federal or state Endangered Species Act (ESA)-listed plant species or plant habitats have been identified within the project area. North of the Willamette River, Springfield has designated the Whilamut Natural Area as a significant GoalS resource. On the south side of the river, Springfield has established 75 foot riparian setbacks along the. Willamette River to comply with federal the Clean Water Act and Endangered Species Act. Eugene POS and WPRD staff have noted the ephemeral ponds located throughout the Whilamut Natural Area of Alton Baker Park provide habitat for amphibian species. Western meadowlark nesting habitat has been documented in the vicinity of the meadow immediately northwest of the project area. As shown on Sheets LO.2-LO.2A, L2.0-L2.6 Site Plan (Exhibit q, Phase II development will result in permanent impacts to designated wetlands. The Applicant proposes to mitigate these permanent wetland impacts through the purchase of credits in an approved off-site wetland mitigation bank Specifically. the Applicant has purchased 0.05 credits at the West Eugene Wetland Mitigation Bank as compensatory mitigation for permanent wetland impacts. Compensatory mitigation for temporary and permanent waters impacts includes planting and establishment of a 1.907-acre riparian forest within the northwest quadrant of the river crossing and 1.026-acre of stream and associated riparian area restoration in the concrete lined unnamed tributary of the Willamette River (Waters 4) in the southwest quadrant of the river crossing. Additional waters mitigation will be accomplished by reducing the number of bent footings currently associated with the detour and decommissioned bridges within the Willamette River (0.027-acre net reduction in bent area). Site restoration within the Project area is designed to restore all areas disturbed during construction of the Project. The objectives of site restoration for the Project are to prevent erosion, to provide streambank stabilization, to improve water quality, to improve native plant species composition. to improve fish and wildlife habitat, and to provide aesthetically pleasing vegetation composition within key Project areas. All wetlands temporarily impacted by the Project will be restored and enhanced, as illustrated on Sheets LO.3-LO.3D, L3.0-L3.6A Landscape Plan (Exhibit C). Water Bodies The project area includes 13 bodies of water: the Willamette River (and MillRace). Canoe Canal (Patterson Slough), Augusta Creek/Laurel Valley Creek, and several unnamed streams and roadside ditches; eight of which are located within the City of Eugene limits and three of the waterways connect/flow to waterways. within City of Springfield limits. As noted above, the Applicant proposes restoration of the concrete lined unnamed tributary of the Willamette River (Waters 4) in the southwest quadrant of the river crossing. Additional waters mitigation will be accomplished by reducing the number of bent footings currently associated with the detour and decommissioned bridges within the Willamette River (0.027 -acre net reduction in bent area). The findings contained under SDC 4.3-115 above are incorporated herein by reference as further proof that this standard is met. Date Received: OCT 2 3 2009 Fourteen wetlands have been identified and delineated within the project area. Wetland delineation reports for the Project area are included as Exhibit E. . A total of 110y~~~b3y.~~n Wetlands CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22, 2009 70 I-S WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT ry.tG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVE[OPMENT (FP) APPLICATION located within the City of Eugene (one of which is located in both the Cities! of Eugene and Springfield). The remaining three wetlands are located within 'the city limits of Springfield. The wetlands;include emergent, shrub-scrub, and forested wetland types. The proposed Phase II activities will have impacts on wetland and water resources within the project site from the construction of the replacement Willamette River Bridges, the removal of the existing temporary .detour bridge and removal of the temporary work bridge, plus associated construction activities such as clearing, grading, excavation, and the construction and use of staging areas, and hauling routes. In addition, Phase II activities will include the restoration, reconstruction and associated improvements to landscaping, drainage features and multi-use pathways illustrated in the applicant's Site Plans. i . . . . l Approximately 0.03 acre of wetlands and 0.08 acre of waters will be tempor,arily disturbed during construction activities. Temporary disturbances will, include vegetation removal, excavation/fill associated with temporary work bridges, removal of the decommissioned brfidge, and creation and use of construction staging. areas. Approximately 0.04 acre of wetlands and 0.45 acre of waters will be permanently impacted with implementation of the proposed Project. Wetland impacts described herein are based on the entire project (Phase I and Phase II). 1;he Applicant proposes to mitigate these permanent wetland impacts through the purchase of credits in an approved off- site wetland mitigation bank. Specifically, the Applic~nt has purchased 0.05 credits at the West Eugene Wetland Mitigation Bank as compensatory mitigation for permanent ,Wetland impacts. .concurrence was received from DSL and USACE for compensatory migration to wetlands. At the conclusion of major construction activities, a~y wetland vegetation a~d hydrology disturbed during Phases I or II will .be reestablished. Wetlan~s temporarily impacted during construction (including areas occupied by temporary work bridge~, staging areas, and the decommissioned and detour btidge locations) will be restored to pre-existing conditions following the completion of work. I(is anticipated the wetlands will return to a functioning state within five years. Vegetation plantings"associated with site restoration will be made in accordance with SDC.4.3-11](M) and will increase the number of native plant and tree seed banks, which could improve localized genetic diversity 'and minimize distances necessary for plant pollination. The project may eradicate some noxious weeds through vegetative and seed bank removal. Additional Mitigation Actiyities To minimize the impacts to vegetation and habitat during construction and operational activities the project will continue coordination with resource agencies (federal, state; and local) and implement OTIA III EPS, obtain regulatory permits (DSL Removal-Fill, USAd,E Section 404), provide site restoration and compensatory mitigation, and identify additional opportunities to minimize disturbances to vegetation and habitat: Th~ Applicant has conducted extensive. coordination with ODFW to minimize habitat disturbance and has obtained all required regulatory permits. To avoid ,and minimize impacts of vegetatio,n removal and replacerT]ent, in accordance. with SC 4.3-117(M), additional mitigation measures will be implemented to reduce the extent of direct and indirect impacts to habitat. These include: * Minimize effect~to natural stream and floodplain by keeping the work aref)~i(gim'Ceived: smallest footprint needed. .. ., OCT 2 3 2009 CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October,22,2009 , Ot;Olna! Suhm~tt3' 71 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (yVG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN . REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION * Implement a plan to prevent construction debris from dropping into the Willamette River and to remove materials that may drop with' a minimum disturbance to aquatic habitat. * Prepare site restoration plans for upland, wetland, and streambank areas to include native plant species and noxious weed abatementtechniques, and use large wood and rock as components of streambed protection treatments. * Flag boundaries of clearing. limits and sensitive areas to be avoided during construction. * Coordinate with WPRD, Eugene POS, and the Citizen Planning Committee (CPC) regarding sensitive areasin the Whilamut Natural Area of Alton Baker Park, which should be avoided during construction. . Restore and revegetate disturbed areas using native plant species and noxious weed abatement techniques. Disturbed areas will be restored to the same or better condition than before construction. * Where practical, revegetate riparian areas beneath new bridges with native plants appropriate for limited light conditions. . Employ a five-year, post-construction monitoring and maintenance plan for site restoration areas. * The Applicant.will provide training for the contractor staff and construction inspectors regarding sensitive species in the project area. If Northwestern pond turtles or other sensitive species are encountered during construction, they will be relocated by qualified personnel to an appropriate area outside of the project construction area. * The contractor will implement the Noxious Weed Management Plan and clean vehicles and equipment to prevent,tracking and spread of noxious weed seeds. The Applicant has entered into formal agreements with the WPRD and Eugene POS regarding the mitigation and conservation measures that will be executed during and following construction. In addition to the above noted mitigation measures, the Applicant proposes the following measures: 5 Plant the area immediately west of 1-5 in the Whilamut Natural Area with native vegetation to extend the riparian forest to the area between the Willamette River and the Canoe Canal. 6 Remove invasive plant species from the riparian forest area immediately west of 1-5 and south of the Canoe Canal. D. Plan and implement the above enhancement measures incoordination with Eugene POS and the Citizen Planning Committee for the Whilamut Natural Area. These areas will be monitored and maintained by the Applicant for one year. These findings together with the Plim Set and documentation submitted herewith demonstrate that this standard is met. " .....iI. Date Recerlleu. SDC 4.3-1 20 Utility Provider Coordination OCT 2 3 20n9 original Submittpl CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22, 2009 72 I-S WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION . No above ground utilities .are proposed as part of Phase II development. Therefore, this standard does not apply. The Applicant notes that .the location and flow line elevations of existing public water, wastewater, stormwater and electrical lines are shown on Sheets CO.2, CO.2A, C2.0-C2.6 . Stormwater and Utilities Plan (Exhibit C). The Applicant's contractor will coordinate with utility providers regarding any utility extension and relocation (above or below ground). SDC 4.3-125 Underground Place.ment of Utilities . The Proposal involves the relocation of site utilities. In the proposed design; storm sewer and stormwater management facilities are located to prevent conflicts. with existing utilities where possible. However, in cases where conflicts are unavoidable, utilities will be relocated to alleviate conflicts, as illustrated on Sheets CO.2, CO.2A, C2.0-C2.6 Stormwater and Utilities Plan (Exhibit C). Two major utility relocations are required due to proposed stormwater management work on the Project. A 16-inch gas line owned by Williams Gas will be relocated due to the construction of a . stormwater pond between the NB and SB ramps. The gas main currently p~ss!,!s directly under the pond bottom, and will be relocated completely outside the stormwater pond. Construction of the stormwater pond will also require that facilities owned by EWEB be relocated. The EWEB facilities, a buried.three phase electric line and a fiber optic line sharing the same trench, will be relocated by placing them adjacent to the existing facility alignment and in a deeper trench to maintain adequate cover. Additional facilities to be. relocated as part ofthe Project include two EWEB water lines: a 16 inch waterline between the NB Off-ramp and UPRRtracks has been relocated to avoid construction of new bridge piers; and, a 24 inch waterline' between the UPRR track and the Willamette River will be relocated to avoid stream restoration. In addition, a Qwest underground fiber optic cable located along the bike path between UPRR tracks and the Willamette River and a Com cast underground fiber optic cable located on the north side of Franklin Boulevard may be relocated as part of the Project. The Applicant has and will continue to coordinate with utility providers regarding relocations. SDC 4.4-1 30 Water Service and Fire Protection. The proposed Phase II improvements are non"occupied transportation structures and associated facilities. Existing fire hydrants are shown on Sheets CO.2, CO'2A' C2.0-C2.6' Stormwater and Utilities Plan (Exhibit C). As part of Phase I approval, a condition of approval required the Applicant install a fire hydrant at the construction staging area south of Franklin Boulevard. The Project does not involve the development or construction of any new facilities requiring new water service or fire protection. Therefore, this standard does not apply. SDC 4.3- f35 Major Electrical Power Transmission Lines The proposed Phase'lI improvements are non:occupied transportation structures and associated facilities. The Project does not require increased electrical power capacity or ne.....~~oierll!Je<i..-tf:it~d: power transmission lines. Therefore, this standard does not apply. SDC 4.3-140 Public Easements No new public utility easements are proposed or required as part of Phase l1>e~iisth1c-tR)RittaL_. activities as no new public utilities are proposed. All watercourses and riparian areas included in OCT n 2009 CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22, 2009 73 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION the Phase II construction boundary are located on public lands or are otherwise covered by existing public easement. None of the proposed improvements will limit the City of Springfield's ability to maintain existing watercourse or riparian areas. This standard is met. SDC 4.3-145 Wireless Telecommunications Systems Facilities No new wireless telecommunications system facilities will be constructed as part Phase II development. Therefore, this standard does not apply. SDC 4.4-105 Landscaping Location, species and size of existing vegetation is indicted on Sheets GO.I, G 1.0-G 1.6 Site Assessment of Existing Conditions (Exhibit C). Riparian vegetation is 'also shown on Sheets GO.I, G 1.0-G 1.6 Site Assessment. of Existing Conditions (Exhibit C). Landscaping proposed for Phase II is shown on Sheet LO.3-LO:3D, L3.0-L3.6A Landscape Plan (Exhibit C). Phase II landscaping, as shown on the Landscape Plan, meets all City of Springfield Planting Standards contained in SC 4.4- 10S(I). Landscaping for the purposes of site restoration within the Project area is designed to restore all areas disturbed during construction of the Project. The objectives of site restoration for the Project are to prevent erosion, to provide streambank stabilization, to improve water quality, to improve native plant species' composition, to improve fish and wildlife habitat, and to provide aesthetically pleasing vegetation composition within key Project areas. These findings together with the Plan Set and documentation submitted herewith demonstrate that this standard is met. SDC 4.4-110 Screening None of the uses proposed in Phase II require screening per SC 4.4-11 O(a). Therefore, this standard does not apply. SDC 4.4-115 Fences No permanent fences are proposed as part of Phase II development. Therefore, this standard does not apply. SDC 4.5-110 Illumination and Height Phase II construction activities involve temporary public multi-use path and construction staging area lighting as needed to ensure the safety and security of the public. All proposed lighting meets the exception criteria contained in SC 4.5-1 05(C)(3). The applicant proposes to construct permanent highway and multi-use path lighting to ensure the safety and security for all applicable transportation modes. Sheeu EO.I, E 1.0, E 1.2 Lighting Plan (Exhibit C) show the location of all permanent lighting. Light fixture details demonstrating compliance with minimum glare shielding is . presented on Sheets EO.I, E 1.0, E 1.2 Lighting Plan (Exhibit C). SDC 4.6-100 Vehicle Parking, Loading and Bicycle Parking Standards Date Received: OCT 2 3 2009 CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22, 2009 Original Submittal 74 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR). & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVElOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION Phase II. involves the construction of a trailhead parking area inGlenwood, 'as illustrated on Sheet L2.4 Site Plan (Exhibit C). The parking area is designed to serve the proposed Millrace Ruins Path and the extensive riverfront path .network. The proposed parking area is designed in accordance with applicable Springfield development standards. l'his standard is met. SDC 4.7-100 Specific Development Standards None of the uses/activities listed in SC 4.7-100 are applicable to the subject application. To the extent that SC 4.7-200 and SC 4.7-203 relate to public parks, public land and open space, specific. findings demonstrating that said code sections are not applicable are presented below. " SDC 4.7-200 Public and Private Parks While the Project will impact existing public parkland, no new parks or open space areas are proposed. Therefore, this standard .does not apply. :: .1 SDC 4.7-203 Public land and Optm Space . , None of fhe uses described in subsections (A) through (C) apply to the construction activities proposed,. in Phase II. Therefore, this criterion doe~ not apply.. These findings together with the Plan Set and documentation submitted herewith demonstrate that this staridard is satisfied. . D: Parking areas and ingress-egress points have been designed to: facilitate vehicular traffic, bicycle and pedestrian safety to avoid congestion: provide connectivity within the developmen~ area and to adjacent residential areas, transit stops, neighborhood activity ~enters, and commercial, industrial and public areas: minimize driveways on;;arterial and collector streets as specified in this Code or other applicable regulations and comply with the ODOT access management standarCls for State highways: Phase II ,involves the construction of a trailhead parking area in Glenwood, ,!-S illustrated on Sheet L2.4 Site Plan (Exhibit C). The parking area is designed to serve the proposed Millrace Ruins Path and the extensive riverfront path network. The proRosed parking area is designed in accordance. with applicable Springfield development standards. This standard is met. 1 E. Physical features, including, but not limited to: steep slopes with unstable soil or geologic conditions: areas with susceptibility of flooding: significant clusters of trees and shrubs: waterco'urses shown on the WQlW Map and their associated.riparian areas; other. riparian areas and wetlands specified in Section 4.3-117: rock outcroppings; open spaces: and areas of historic and/or archaeological significance, as may be specified in Section 3.3-900 or ORS 97.740-760, 358.905-955 and 390.235~240, shall be protected as specified in this Code or in State or Federal law. The Phase II project site does not include any areas ,of steep slopes, unstable soil, or rock . outcroppings. The project area has been surveyed for significant archaeological QteS;;a~~on~ved: CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22,2009 OCT 2 3 2009 75 Original Submittal 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION were found within the Project boundary. The project area does contain one site of potential historic significance, the Eugene Millrace and Dam (Millrace), which is eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. Eleven Millrace features have been identified within the project area, including, but not limited to; a diversion dam, weir-intake bay, channel remnants, log- crib, intake gate, and pump house. Many ofthe remnant Millrace features have been impacted by prior 1-5 bridge construction activities. Elements of the diversion dam and intake have remained, for the most part in their original positions and retain a substantial degree of integrity. A study of possible project impacts to the Millrace was prepared as part of the EA for the Project by Heritage Research Associates (HRA) and submitted to the Oregon State His,toric Preservation Office (SHPO).'. The SHPO concurred with the HRA study finding that the proposed project would have no adverse effects on the Millrace. Said findings are incorporated by reference herein. A copy of both the HRA study and SHPO's response is available on request. To the extent that flood zones, vegetation, watercourses, riparian areas, wetlands and open spaces are impacted, the applicable findings contained under SDC S.17-125 C. above are incorporated herein by reference as proof that the referenced physicai features will be protected to the greatest extent practicable as specified in the Springfield Development Code or State or Federal law. In addition, the Project is subject to both Willamette Greenway Permit and Discretionary Use approval, findings for which are included elsewhere in this submittal. The Willamette Greenway CNG) Overlay District is established to protect and preserve natural scenic, historic and recreational qualities of lands along the Willamette River and is subject to Type III Review by the Planning Commission. The findings from the Willamette Greenway Permit and Discretionary Use applications area incorporated by reference herein as further proof that this criterion is met. These findings together with the applicant's written statement, Plan Set (Exhibit C) and documentation submitted herewith demonstrate that this criterion is met. Date Received: OCl ? 3 2009 Orig\na\ Submitt<>' IB Heritage Research Associates. 2007. An Archeological Assessment o(the Eugene Millroce Diversion Dam and Intake (or the '-5 Willamette River 8ridge Projea. CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22, 2009 76 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II , WILLAMFITE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT ryYG), DISCRETION~RY USE (DUj, SITE PLAN. REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION 6.4 Floodplain Development Standards (S~C3.3-420) The enclosed findings apply to Phase II work associated with the Project and described herein. Phase I work was detailed in a prior approved Floodplain Overlay District Development application (SHR 2009-0000 I). . A. General Standards: I. Anchoring.' Ail new construction * ~, * subject to less than 18 inches of flood water during a 100 year flood shall be anchored to prevent floatation, collapse or lateral movement of the structure and shall be installed using methods and practices that minimize flood damage * * * . Phase II construction activities will involve the construction of the superstructure and decks. . associated with two new replacement bridges. All required bridge supports and anchors, including all proposed bents, were detailed; reviewed and approved as part of the applicant's Phase I application submittals (refer to City of Springfield Floodplain Overlay District Development permit SHR 2009-00001). No additional bridge supports ar;e needed or proposed as part of Phase II construction activities. In addition to the bridge construction activities proposed above, Phase II proposes the deconstruction and. removal of the existing temporary detour bridge and removal of the temporary work bridge (TWB). Because these structures will be removed from the f1oodplainlfloodway, the anchoring provisions do not apply. The applicant n?tes that removal of. these structures will improve hydraulic conditions through the elimination of piers within the channel. . Specifically, Phase II activities will increase the hydraulic opening, improve fish passage, and reduce in-stream work and associated environlT1ental impacts during th~ proposed construction as well as during future bridge maintenance. In addition to the activities described above, the applicant proposes multi-use path, interpretive signage, stormwater facilities, natural area restoration and associated landscaping and utility improvements as part of Phase II construction activities. The applicant notes that all permanent and multi-use path construction and any ancillary construction activities will be constructed using methods appropriate within a flood zone. However, the specific anchoring standards described above do not apply. These findings together with the Plan Set and supporting documentation submitted herewith demonstrate that this standard is satisfied. . 2:a. All new construction and substantial improvements shall be constructed with approved materials and utility equipment resistant to flood damage. Concrete and structural steel will be the primary coiistruction materials for the proposed bridge footings, anchorages and superstructure. Concrete ~nd structural steel are common bridge building materials and are appropriate for use within 'flood zones due to their inherent durability and resistance to long term water exposure and flood damage. I These .findings together with ~he Plan Set. (Exh~bit q and supporting documentati~NI~~8 h 'd' hereWith demonstrate that thiS standard IS satisfied. .. e. i/e . OCT 23 2009 CMGS. FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22, 2009 Oriain::ll ~llhmlHd --rr---- . 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION 2.b. All nliw construction and substantial improvements shall be constructed with approved methods and practices that minimize flood damage. The applicant's Hydraulic and Scour Analysis Report (Exhibit I) outlines proposed construction methods and practices that will be employed to reduce and minimize flood damage during Phase II activities. As discussed therein, temporary work-bridge and replacement-bridge design and engineering addresses the specific site conditions that exist within the construction zone. The construction methods and practices employed during Phase II construction are common to interstate bridge construction of this type and are designed to minimize flood damage to the greatest extent possible given federal, state and local requirements. The findings and analysis presented'in.the applicant's Hydraulic Report is incorporated herein by reference as further proof that this standard is met. \ These findings together with the Plan Set and supporting documentation submitted herewith demonstrate that this standard is satisfied. 2.c. Electrical, heating, ventilation, plumbing and air conditioning equipment and other service facilities shall be designed aild/or otherwise elevated or located to prevent water from entering or accumulating within the components during conditions of flooding. The proposed Phase II construction activities do not include heating, ventilation, plumbing or air- conditioning equipment or other service facilities. The applicant proposes to install underground electrical facilities as necessary for multi-use path lighting. Said facilities will be constructed and installed in accordance with the Springfield Engineering and Design Standards Manual (EDSM) and ODOT requirements. This standard is satisfied. 3.a. All new and replacement water.supply systems * * *. No new o.r replacement water supply systems are proposed within the floodplain as part of Phase II construction activities. Therefore, this standard does not apply. . 3.b. New and replacement sanitary sewage systems * * * . No new or replacement sanitary sewage systems are proposed within the floodplain as part of Phase II construction activities. Therefore, this standard does not apply. . 3.c. On-site waste disposal systems * * * . No new or replacement on-site waste systems are proposed within the ~oodplain as part of Phase II construction activities. Therefore, tnis standard does not apply. 4. Subdivision Proposals (including 4.a. through 4.f.) No subdivision or lot creation activities are proposed within the floodplain as part of Phase II construction. Therefore, these standards do not apply. Date Received: OCT 2 3 2Dn9 Orioinai SllbmiHR' u--~8 CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22, 2009 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II " WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (WG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION " 5, Review of Building Permits. Where base flood elevation data is not available ~i' " *** As discussed under SDC 3.3-420.A.1 above and as shown on Figure 2 of the applicant's Hydraulic and Scour Analysis Report (Exhibit I) and the corres'ponding Floodway Data',table (Table 7), the established Flood Insurance Study (FIS) base flood elevation is 432.11. '1 Because an established base flood elevation exists, the building permit evaluation methodology outlined in this standard does not apply. B. Specific Standards I. Residential Construction (including .I.a. through I.b) No residential construction activities are proposed '!vithin the floodplain as part of Phase II construction. Therefore, these standards do not apply. . 2. Nonresidential Construction 2.a. New construction and substantial improvement of any commercial, industrial or other nonresidential structure shall have either the lowest floor, including basement, elevated to a level,.at least I foot above ,the base flood elevation; or together with utility and s~nitary facilities shall: . ~~ t. . i. Be flood-proofed to I foot above the base flood level, so that the structure is watertight with walls substantially impermeable to the 1 ' passage of water. . ' None of the structures proposed as part of Phase II construction activities meet the 'Floodplain Overlay District definition of structure contained in SDC 6.1-110. Because none of the infrastructure proposed is habitable, walled or roofe(j, this standard does not apply. ii. Have structural components capable of resisting hydrostatic and hydrodynamic loads and effects of buoyancy. " The Applicant's Hydraulic and Scour.Analysis Report (Exhibit I) describes the structural components that will be constructed and installed to', resist anticipated hydrostatic and hydrodynamic loads as well as any effects of buoyancy (discussion regarding hydraulic design occurs on Pages 7 and 8 ofthe report). Specifically, the applicant proposed extensive anchoring as detailed and approved in Springfield Floodplain Permit SHR 2009-0000 I of both the temporary work bridge and the proposed bridge support structure. In addition, the design and shape of bridge itself, as well as those components of the structure built within the f1oodway, will further reduce structural susceptibility to flood damage. For example, the proposed concrete deck arch bridges will each have two piers in the main channel of the river. One pier is located at the center of the span, and one pier is located just inside ordinarY high water on the south bank of the river. The configuration of these piers and the arch ribs they support has been developed with consideration given to hydraulic efficiency. The hydrllulic opening will be improved relative to the existing bridge by reducing the pier area in the stream cross section under t~f.l~~~OOW\:ld: , , OCT , ~ ?nr.o . CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22, 2009 79 Original Submittal 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II WILLAMETTE.GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT 0NG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU). SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP)'APPLlCATION surface elevation. This reduced area will result in a reduction of friction losses through the bridge opening, thus tending to lower the water surface elevations. These findings together with the Plan Set (Exhibit C) and supporting documentation submitted herewith demonstrate that this standard is satisfied. iii. Be certified by an engineer or architect that the design and methods of construction are in accordance with accepted standards of practice for meeting provisions of this Subsection based on their development and/or review of the structural design, specifications and plans. The certifications shall be provided to the Building Official as specified in Section J-41 SB.6.b. As required by this standard and the review standards established in SDC 3.3-4ISB.6.b, the applicant has submitted a statement from the project engineer certifying that the design and methods of construction proposed in Phase II conform to accepted standards and practice for meeting the provisions of this subsection. The engineer's certification is included herein as Exhibit H. These findings together with the Plan Set (Exhibit C) and supporting documentation submitted herewith demonstrate that this standard is satisfied. 2.b. Nonresidential structures that are elevated, not flood-proofed, shall meet the same standards for space below the lowest floor as specified in Subsection B.I.b., above. None of the structures proposed as part of Phase II construction activities meet the Floodplain Overlay District definition of structure contained in .SDC 6.1-110. Because none of the infrastructure proposed is habitable, walled or roofed, this standard does not apply. 2.c. Applicant's flood-proofing nonresidential buildings * * * . No nonresidential buildings are proposed within the floodplain as part of Phase II construction. Therefore, this standard does not apply. J. Manufactured Homes (including J.a. through J.c.). No manufactured homes are proposed within the floodplain as part of Phase II construction. Therefore, these standards do not apply. 4. Foundations. Foundations for all new construction, substantial improvements and manufactured homes subject to 18 inches or .Iess of flood water during a I OO-year flood shall be as specified in the Springfield Building Safety Codes. Foundations for all new construction, substantial improvements and manufactured homes not.in a Mobile Home Park or Subdivision subject to 18 inches or more of flood water during a I OO-year flood or located within a desi~nated f100dway shall be certified by an engineer to mo<<r1tfN~w~~bwf: requirements: OCT 2 3 2009 CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22. 2009 Original Submittal 80 'J\~', 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRiDGE PROJECT - PHASE II~. WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT rtVG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION 4.a. Concrete footings sized for I 000 p'sf soil pressure unless data to I substantiate the use of higher values are submitted; . .. I The Applicant submitted preliminary foundation analysis as part of their Phase I submittal. Subsequently, the applicant completed final foundation anaiysis which demonstrates that the vertical bearing capacitiesfor .both the spread footings and drilled shafts are allowable with application of commonly used safety factors. The final lateral load ,~resistance for the spread footings is based upon limit strength with no safety factor applied. For the drilled shaft, the load/deformation relationship also. does not include a safety factor. A complete account of the bridge foundation assumptions used in developing the bridge information can be found in the applicant's Final Foundation Analysis Technical Memorandum (available upon request). City of Springfield review arid approval of the Applicant's construction permit submittals demonstrate that all previously approved bridge foundations meet the specifications of the Springfield Building Safety Codes. The Applicant's engineer's certification of No Net Rise is provided as Exhibit H. .No additional foundations are proposed as part.of Phase II construction activities. All proposed concrete footings are sized for 1000 psf soil pressure. These findings together with the Plan Set (Exhibit C) and supporting docurneritation submitted herewith demonstrate that this standard is satisfied. 4.b. Footings shall extend not less than 18 inches below the undisturbed natural grade or engineered fill and in no case less than the frost line depth; and All footings, foun9ations and anchorages proposed apd approved as part of Phase II extend . beyond Is inches below the undisturbed natural grade and in to solid bedrock. Specifically, rock anchors for the temporary work bridge are drilled into bedrock up to 30,000 pounds; replacement bridge support structures consist of six to eight foot wide shafts/columns drilled into bedrock. These findings together with the Plan Set (Exhibit C) and supporting documETntation submitted herewith demonstrate that this standard is satisfied. ' A . - , 4.c. Reinforced concrete, reinforced masonry,or other suit~bly designed supporting systems to resist all vertical and lateral loads which may reasonably occur independently or ~ombined. The applicant has utilized reinforced concrete and steel for all footings, piers' and anchorage points. The materials selected are designed to achieve the vertical and lateral suPpo.rt needed to withstand the vertical and lateral loads from anticipated flood events. These findings together with the Plan Set (Exhibit C) and supporting documentation submitted herewith ,demonstrate that this standard is satisfied. . 5. Streets 5.a. Adequate provisions shall be made' for accessibility during a I OO-year flood, to ensure ingress and egress for ordinary and emergency vehicles and servic~s during potential future flooding., . . Date Hecelvea: , OCT 2 3 2009 CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I Ocotober;22,2009 81 Original Submitiai . 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT \'NG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION All proposed Phase II construction activities are intended to facilitate or implement replacement of existing transportation infrastructure. As currently constructed, the existing infrastructure provides ingress and egress to the construction area for applicable non-motored and motored ordinary and emergency vehicles, In that the Applicant does not propose any new residential, commercial or industrial development, no new streets are proposed or required. These findings together with the Plan Set (Exhibit C) and supporting documentation submitted herewith demonstrate that this standard is satisfied. S.b. No street or surface of any new street shall be at an elevation of less than I foot below the base flood height. . No temporary Or permanent streets or street surfaces are proposed as part of Phase II construction activities. Therefore, this criterion does not apply. C. Floodways.' Located within areas of special flood hazard established in Section 3.3-41 OA. and B. are areas designated as f1oodways. Since the f100dway is an extremely hazardous area due to the velocity of flood waters which carry debris, potential projectiles, and erosion potential, the following provisions apply: I. Encroachments, including fill, new construction, substantial improvement, and other development is prohibited unless certification from an engineer or architect is provided demonstrating that encroachments shall not result in any increase in flood levels during the occurrence of the base flood discharge. With the exception construction activities for the proposed Millrace Ruins Path, Phase II activities do not involve the construction of any new, substantial encroachments into the floodway; all coffer dams and footings associated with the temporary work bridge and new replacement bridge were permitted in Phase I. The applicant notes that the top of the temporary work bridge (TWB) is at elevation 437.4 feet. The bottom of the TWB is at elevation 433.4 feet. The TWB was built in stages and i~ anchored on the leadiflg edge of the piles by drilling rock anchors into the bedrock to 30,000 pounds to prevent up-lift. As outlined above, the City of Springfield required a "No-Rise" analysis for the TWB as part of the applicant's prior approved Floodplain Overlay District Development application. The analysis for the TWB showed a slight increase in water surface elevation during a I OO-year flood event while the TWB is in place (2009-2012). The City of Springfield reviewed the applicant's floodplain application and determined that th~ rise is acceptable for the duration of the project. Exhibit j, 1-5 Willamette River Bridge FEMA Cross Sections, illustrates the temporary effect on the 100-year base flood elevation. The Applicant's revised No-Rise Certification is included as Exhibit H. The analysis includes the proposed Millrace Ruins Path proposed within the Floodway. At the completion of Phase II, the proposed replacement bridges will improve hydraulic conditions through the elimination of piers within the channel. The proposed bridges will each have two piers in the main channel of the river. By comparison, the decommissioned bridge has five piers in the water, and the detour bridge has six - a total of II piers. The net reduction of piers in Date Received: CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22, 2009 OCT l. j LUU:! 82 1-5 WILL}METTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE II . WILLAMETTE GREENWAY OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT \'NG), DISCRETIONARY USE (DU), SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR), & FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT (FP) APPLICATION the water improves the hydraulic opening, improves fish passage, and reduces in-stream work and associated environmental impacts during the proposed construction as well as during future bridge maintenance. At the conclusion of Phase II construction activities, the backwater flood elevation. caused by the I OO-yearbase flood, will be reduced from 433.4 I feet for the existing 1-5 and detour , . bridges to 432.32 feet for the proposed bridge. This is a net reduction in IOO-year base flood water surface elevation of 1.11 feet. 2. If the requirements of subsection C.I above are satisfied, all new construction and substantial improvements shall comply with all applicable special flood hazard reduction provisions of Subsection B above. The Ap~licant's findings under Subsection B above are incorporated herein by reference as proof that this'standard is met. 3. Subdivision and partitioning of land for residential purposes is prohibited if land is located entirely within the f1oodway. " . No land :partition or subdivision is proposed as part of Phase II construction activities. Therefore. this stan~ard is met. Date Received: OCT 2 3 2009 Original Submitt'""\ CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I October 22, 2009 83