HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2009-11-3 ,;:; +~ . - Status - Issued:~' , ' 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR;' '. 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-37691nspectionLine : .;,'.' . ";' ., CITY OF ~PRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit I .. ~ PERMIT NO: COM2Q09-01610 ISSUED: 11/03/2009 APPLIED: 11/0312009 EXPIRES: 0510312010 VALUE: $3,729.00 SITE Al}DRES~: :' ! 3255 GATEWAY ST APT 96 ASSESSOR'S ~11}~EE:::'O.: ,~?0~222002200 ..... ".< Springfield TYPE OF WORK: Apartment ~uilding TYPE OF USE: Residential PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Stair'replacement units 96 & 97 Repair Owner: Address: G VILLAGE LLC ;,,-:ti 16771 NE 80THST STE208 : REDMOND W A '98052 ' ~ ;'~" ......- I'CONTRACTO~INFON";rION I ,..' . , if; ,.;., ': R 'f! In':' <-tClO~t~~-'.....1} laW fa j, "I Contractor .. (I",,> :'?$::'''o\''el)fe~i, ilsClhe ql!!!l'Qifgtion Date L&L ORNAMENTAL '~ri;;~. 'rot{ m~?t-OO~{j ~@e rU/,,~r~gOlJt!!IJrfJ(J10 _ __ '\, ;_4' C I BUlLJ)INGiTF~~~O:'iWJi~~:~~~~;;~g~ ,-' . , - - ' --etlte . rego . the t ~i1~. . # of Units: :;,d:;~, # of Stories: t,s 1-80 I) Utili lilep .: Primary Occupancy Group: R2 'Height of Structure O-J.'3<_2'a NOt/fj - 1st Floor'! Secondary Occ,!pancy (!roup: Type of Heat: 44). ~ 2nd Flo~r: Primary Construction Type" . VB Water Type: Sq Ft Basement: Secondary Construction Type: " ';' Range Type: Sq Ft Garage/€arport # of Bedrooms: Energy Path: SqFt Ot~er: Sprinkled Building: n/a Occupant Load: , , '. Ji 'ii' ,~ !. , ~~ontractor Type General .I - " ,:; . .~! Tfi ,. Frontyard Setback: Side 1 Setback: \; "J;"" i,' .' ., Side 2 Setback: - ,i' -' Rearyard Setback: Solar Setbacks: Street Improvements: .~; , Storm Sewer Available: Special Instruction:! t, Notes: ~ ' .."..J.....\, , ,'. ..' 1 , " .,.' r ..~_ 2~ ,,'!, " ::.C ..~~,.t~4 ~." '~l , ;; .:~~, Description : Type of Construction ., .' \' . ,.~..tl..~, .: i.~. l' Phone 503"364-8441 I') I ,DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION I NO~y Dist: THISlet Trees Rqd: . , 4Ur ~~~~ ". 1C:y~ R!N~:~l{!~ ;%~~~II'~I( I PUBLlC'I~'PRijVE1l\JEN'i'SfNED '01~ 'VUr Sidewalk Type: DownspoutslDrains: REQUIRED PARKING . Total:' Handicapped: .Compact: I Valuation Des,crintion I $ Per Sq Ft or multiplier Square Footage or Bid Amount Value Date Calculated Paee I of 2 " :' CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combip.ation Permit , ..._"'- Status Issued v , ' PERMIT NO: COM2009-01610 ISSUED: 1'110312009 APPLIED: 1'1/03/2009 EXPIRES: 05/03/2010 VALUE: $ 3,729.00 . ..~, , F,'::. r:~:. , 225 Fifth Street, Springfield,OR,:.1';'S""':" 541-726-3753 Phone,),"',;;': ','," 541-726-3676 Fax ," 541-726-3769 InspeCtion,Line , . ,(;:'>.:" '" Estimate Estimate "; .'.' $1.00 3,729,00 $3,729,00 $3,729,00 11103/2009 Total Value of Project Fees Paid I Fee Description:: :~ " '\" , ";. '\ ,,' + 12 % State Surcharge;): + 5% Technology Fee ',' . Building Permit ' Amount Paid Date Paid Receipt Number $9.30 $3,88 $77.50 11/3/09 11/3/09 11/3/09 2200900000000001253 2200900000000001253 2200900000000001253 Total Amount Paid U $90,68 ,~;',: ~ lr~(.~j:. } ~ i \ .,t~, \.' \' I Plan Reviews I To Request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at 726-3769. All inspections requested before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will, be made the following " work day. " , .,;!.J' ....C1l\, ,-- :l;r; '~;;,: '..-' ", Reouired Insnections I .. 1 , ' Frariting:lnspection: Prior to cover and after all rough in inspections have been approved" Final Building: After all required inspections have been requested and approved and the building is complete, By signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and corr~ct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shali be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Community Services Division, Building Safety, I further certify'that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with O'RS 701.005 will be used on this project I further agree t9 en~ur?,that aU required inspectious are reqnested at the proper time, that each address is readable from the street, that the permit card is located at the front of the property, and'the approved set of plans.will remain on the site at all timesdnringd:::M~ II h~i or ContraCto'rs Signature'" ';0" .. ~' . :: , ' ' i Date " , " , : 1f ; , ;;. 11 .".. ~' , . 1 . " .~ ,. . "'it~,;~~, ~ , " U Pa2e 2 of2 \ \, <r'. 225 Fifth Street ;', ' \ " ' " ., Springfield, Oregon,n~7T:,.!, :,'.:\ 541-726-3759Phomi ' J' . "''''Y.':;' RECEIPT,#: Job/Journal Number :.:.::, ,;,J~es~~iption,,;'~:i:;b;<.~:fj ::;:. COM2009-0 161 O,;r;:', '!;BiIilding Permit( C0M2009-0 161 0 , :.,:: . :+ ~% Technology Fee COM2009-0 1610;. ..\', , "',:.+ 12% State Surcharge . '. ~:;", " , :.;;,,, ~:}:>"- , ;:'~:i,:J::~k~: :{~;., ' Payments: Type of Payment Cash Change ,", . .. Paid By GATEWAY VILLAGE: , " "GATEWAYVILLAGE" " , . ~r:~~f :,~~X.J?:.::~.. .{J:,.~,:.~:,?: :h.:> " ,.,' , Job/J.ournal Number:,:, Description COM2009-0 16 i 0 . ),/, ..'Building Pennit ' " " ..'.~..r:'-..~l.. ." ..-;". ' - ,: ",~ ., COM2009-0 16 Ill'" , '+ 5% Tec!ll1ology Fee COM2009-01610 + 12% State Surcharge Payments: Type of Paym'ent Cash Change Paid By ;. " "GATEWAY VILLAGE ,GATEWAY VILLAGE j! ~ ~ ;, .b~.:~" ,. . ~,~ \. '.l. I .. '~: ',~ '. , ' , " ,\ I, i:. ,'~ ".i2~ii"',,"...' ~f ,~,,~::'-"'" '. -,,-" ,; IIIL...'..~ '.' ~, ~'... -'- --- '- '- . .."'. -. , .2200900000000001253 Received By djb djb ,: Received By djb djb " Check Number Batch Number t:heck Number Batch Number City of Springfield Official Receipt Developme~t SerVices Department Public Works Department Date: 1110312009 Item Total: Authorization Number How.'Received In Person In Person Payment Tota,l: Item Total: Authorization Number " How:Received In Person In Person Payment Total: 2:19:33PM Amount Due 77.50 3,88 9.30 $90.6H / Amount Paid $100,00 ($9,32) $90,6H Amount Due 77.50 3,88 9.30 $90.68 Amount Paid $100,00 ($9.32) $90.6H 11/3/2009 Od 24 0. C'218p , 'L&L Omamerlal L J ~ . ~ ~ r Ii '. :l a In l!' " 1 ' ~ ! II ~ r ~ ''i . oil i r: U' <-,-, J D :J ... ~ .. ~ I ~ J , :l," , v- :;3 I , I I , , I , I cw;;.""'~ecr! Calewu'{ V1l1uu~ Allis, ~]ONl I Stoir #96-97 "...,." 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(~id" View "I.i-\.WIJo4,;i..~' 'j, , ........ Oi're 1""""""-- West) UtL ORNAMENTAL . eomm"CiGl eM 1'(00I1J'C1"!I;'lOt Standard' oM (u""'" Mete "obl'i.eo1:ieJn '. . r~ '. 50~,.:l64,8441 Solem 503.J64.6442 Fe. 50',580.7709 Coil , ' , I" Od 24 09 CQ19p 2nd F'L. , L&L Omamertal [<i.tirv,j Wcod r""t ')WG, Ho-.I""....";'. Got"wuv Villaqe Apt" ~. oc;QtlPllWh Stoir #96-97 )lWl.tlr:r.'; J~I:> SF1.c{';'O!16!09 J........ NUNl ~..-, f&L "l u:iis~ing Pod' I ~ 1 c::::bi , i I [, .1 I I I , . " I l! . /_ ,0 " II' V l~ I' 1- II I ~-ll".NlI'RAt:TO!t: !t-rQnt View) _...'OM',~ ,.._...: ~'~'Iof ,}.~.. -; ,ill" 1-' , 503-334-8442 ~ I ~~ , I I I I I , ! I '1 i I , I I I ~ I I I I I ~ ,I_- I I I _-.-___:=::::a . , w , - :,I(isUf1~ Londinq ":' '. ~ ,...'., .. , . . ... '> - .,,;,M.. 'i _., 4 '..' '. , ",' ~' - .." .... '. t I '-1 I . -t.' . .' p,4 <WEST l&lORNAMENTAL com"*'C1a1 orY.' R_n~nii;I:.- Sb:andor"t ~nL1 ~ Mttal Fabr1cOtIC>"l =>O',3~4,641 Sal~m 503.361.84,42 Fox :,Qj,:x!O,7709 Cell ..-.. 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