HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-6-17 .. RESI~T1Al" APPLIC;;'!f!NiPERNIT 225 North ~th Street Sp1'ingfieZd. Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 SPRINGFIELD ~~ .lob Location.: ,f~3 A/fctl:-fMud/CLn /703 ;;l 1 c.f;:), Tax Lot 6 (J 3 t,4 ":? ASGeSDOrS Map II Subdivision.: ~er/'1,A1A 0-1/) ~tU/o/D AddJ'e~//~bi !1It~/c Phone: , CitlJ: n m n n N~., Addition Rer.lodeZ .'~o'!J{' La Ho;'~:) ~ -I; -Y (p pata of AppLicaticn :.:onrra'::;Ol'S Genera! L)UltjIJA PZwnbing ~ ~!ectrica! ~ ) ~ rJ.uj ~ f.!e::har.ic.:l Cons:~~ction L~ndar 116 -//~7 zip: ~~HL --h Va!ue'~</~y. Ytt:!) Add.....es3 . / Rcce;ct " /.<f1J0 "-%9' / ~ dOle Si(Jr.cd: Data: (!.e-- (;-/1- Y-//J Lisc.p i'zjircs r.-:01::: It io th(f responaibility of the permit holder to see that aZZ in:;pections are r.:ade at the proper tim:;~ that each :zd.dress is rc"''':'':'':.:- from the street, and that the permit caI'd is 1.ocated at the front of tr.c property. .Eu.i.~di:-'4- Diui::io:-:. approved plan shell rer.:ain or: tJu: Bu::,Zdinp sir;,; at an times. .~'?O=:~!;l:'.=!5 FCJf? T:':S?=C7'I[)!1 ?=!n'ESJ'.:CALL 726-3769 (rcaorderJ state your City .iesigr.a.ted .iob nw::ber, ~atr~~s=ca a~d u~en you ~i~~ De ready jor ir.spcction, Cont~actc~s or ~~ero nc~e er.d ~r~nc n~cr. :..'i.Zz. be made the same dc.y, requests mGde c.fta 7:00 am L,,"'~Zl O.:i: made the n:;.rt :.JOrkir..g dr::.::. .:JPtrji "'e>,'" T"'~"'f',.~!:r:"'!~ D CJ 5::".:'= I:1S::~-:':'::J:!: To be rxde after excavation, but prior tc se: up of forms. U:ID5.r?SL:.g P['U.'..'3INC. ELEC"i'P.IC,iL & ....'ECH.~:/IC;,:..: 70 be made before any work is ~ovared. Xl FCOT.C""C ! FOU:.'D,1TICN: To be m::u:e afte;~ trencnes are excavated and forma are erected, but prior to pou~r~ ccncret~. >< I )/y."'D":'rlr;.90U:.'D P;"UgEINC, SErfE.'C!, r\',1TER, , RAIllAGE) To be made prior to fi 7.- hr.gtrenchet:. =:J UflDERFLOOR PLU.'-$I.'IG to MECHANICAL: To bo made prior to ins~a7.Zation of f!oo~ insuLation or decking. POST AND BEAN: To be rr.cde prior to instal~ticn of f100r insulation or decki"". ROUGH PLCP..'BT.'.'G. ELECT.r!ICA~ .': MECH- ANICAL: No ~ork is to DC covered ur.til these inspections have beer. made and approve.:!. FI.f:?EPLACE: Prior to p'Lc.cir.g facing materials and before framing inspec- tior.. \7l FRA.'~rrlC: Must be l"equeoted'after ~ approvaL of rough pLwr.bing, electroi- cal & mechanicaL. At! roOfing , bracing ~ chimneys, etc. rrT'.4st be . compLeted. .'10 wl"k is to be con- ~ ceaLed until thiD inspection has ~"b~en made and approved. :J KJ ::J Your City Desigr~ted Job Numb€r I~: [K] :D!Si.'LA':'ION/I'APO.; ?.<1RRI~R I.'!SP'EC'J'IO,'i: To be r,ade after aLL insuZ=tion a~4 reauired VaDor carriers are in place but cefore any' lath, gypsum board or. 1XllZ. coverinais aDvtied. and before any in3ulati;n i3 'concealed. job ac=rC8S, ttPC of ir.~~e~:icn Reques~s recei~ed ce;cro' 7:00 ~ XtoO 3ft :JE::~r.I'J'IO;'! CR .'..',Jr::; E~'ILD_-::~S ~ Sani:ar~ s~~er ~ap?ed =t p~opcr~' li~a =:=J Septi::: tank p:..."?::d a:-:d r:.l~::d t.r"':th ;;1':1.....11: :J Final - rlhen a.b.:ve itc.":':s are cc.~le;c.i a~d chen d~Zitior. is c~,,:,:?Lete or st~~~- tu.~e movec and ?r~3eS cleaned U? !..'aoile Heman :=J Blocking and Set-~p :=J Plumbing connections s~er ar~ wa:al" ---, Electrical Connection - Bloakir~, sat-u: ~ and plumbing connections nj~st tc C?prov~i before request:.ng electrical inspec=io~ ~ Accesnol";j Building :J Pin.:zl - After porer.es, etc. are c~plc:~d. skirting, dc~ks, rn DRyr-lALL I;"lSP'ECTTO!l: To be made after a tl dryw Z Z is in place, but prior to any taping. MASONRY: Steel location, bomI beams, aroutina or verticals in accor~ce with V.B.C. Section 2415. D AU pro.ieet conditions, Guch as the 1.',l'tStal.lation of s:reet trees. co.~la;ion of tits required l.a.ndseapir.g~ etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDIl"C FINAL ean ~e r.zquestsd. ~ FIliAL PLWBIfIG ~ FIliAL MEf:HAIIICAL ~ FINAL ELE:CTHICAL :J @ FIlIAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must bo requeated c.lter the Pinal Plur.:bing Electrical, and Mechar.ical InspectionD hauo been made and approlJad. o [K] WOODSTO~lE: After installation is ccmp7.eted. /tALL f.1ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS HOST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST.'fE,'lT'TO BE f.:.1DE loT r:o (,~ST TO CI'!'Y I P:Jge ! of 2 D CURB & APPROACH AP.f!fJN: After' forms a:re <3re::ted but prior to pouring co~rete. SIDEWALK & DRIl'Efv/:'Y: POI' aZl con- crete paving within street right- of-wc.y~ to be made after all exca- vating complete & fo~ work & ~ub- base material in place. o D :'ENCE: Wher. co.'T1pl~te -- Provide gates or movable sections through P.U.E. D JOB NO. !~() Jf$ KL [,at Sq. Ft:;. ,~~ : or !ot Coverag: ? ~ ,iI of Stones --Z :ota! Height Lt:).~' Topography ~.2~ SOLAR AC'iWS REQ.- Occu:;;-ancu GT'OlJ.:l:~--=i' '0 I Lot Faces _ I I P.L. North lEast ISou th IWent 'I';"''Pe/Cor..st: I1PRrN . Setbacks , Houne Caraoe 7(.~' ru.~ ~ I 12'8' I L-cod~ I ~.... Bearo",".: #PD act~ -" l~;l'nu SO:4.T'ces Tu~(' i J I Heat l!F"e~7: J I I Water Yr::atf'ro ! I I Haf1{:e I I I Fil'coZaca I I 1.1 WOOd:;toL'e II Zor.c: LOT TYPE: ..x. Interior Corner P~nhandZ.e Cut-de-sac :'!'E:.! ~ sr;. FTC Val.ue ,'.bin I I I I I 1~5:7'> ZZ.87S/. ~ I I #..4. ,. I I~. S'~I i$..wl /~S9I. x ~ace Car-oCl't .-I.cCCSSOl'U '~ TOTAL VALUE: 3.D.C. lVC/.UC) 1.5 = Buil.ding Permit State Surcharge Total. Cha.:oges _..;:..'" ,',roo F~E I Z 7.~ I CHARGE I /~~ I I I I :i::~es Residential. (1 bath) 3c::r:i :'::1":.1 Se:.J€l' :"C'te:!' Pb..~bir.g Perr::i t /.<;: 6e> .&~I /5:~', Stata S-..rcr..ap{;e T=:ta! Ci-..::::-ocs ~..":.:.: ~cs. :::. ftc. I ::J, i . -- I I2~A"ras;I I ' I .....-:."'-::.....:. ;~/E=tend Cil'~~its 2~..Se> I I 2"2.S~1 I ~I I 23 Y'cl . I Cii';''1CE j I ~.CIO I IS.4P I I I /$.-' _721 /~.'7Z I. I I I :~~raT~ S~rvi~c Electrical Permit St::.te Su:r::r.arae Total Cr.a:r>ces "7':"., ::0, , I II III I I :"urr.acc ETU' S ::haus t: Hood .lent Fan ;:)ocsto:Je PeY'1':!it I3su:zn.ce Me::hanic:::l Psrrrr:.t State SurCha1V1C Total C10nrnen -- -- EiiCRQACHJ.!ENT -- cC".n'ib DZ003it ;orape ~i"tenar.::,<;' ::rmit I I I I !ectrica! Labe! () f (p ~ff I ,"" I I I .4-~J-,6= I /PY.~~ I .;$' ;/2:).71 I. Total Cha'Y'ocs ;qbC"..c:: ~de'..J.:J.tk ~nzr. ~?G> ,bile Home li.tI/.I ~.RK F.G .J5!t...., :iTA!; AA'OWlT DlJE:" I Access.. I I I I -., -- FaGs " .. . ,\ , \ . Building Valu'e . &- Permit This permit is granted on the express condition that the s~id. construction shalZ~ in all respects, confonm to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, inc?uding the Zoning C'rdinance, regulating the ccnGtl'U.nicn and UD8 of buildings, and may be sU!:;pended 01' revoked at ar.y t:.me upon vic- lation of any provisions or l!aid (Jpdinan~.es., , , ., Inan Check Fee: /~ ~~. ~:1 Date Paid: IRec:<pt 6: I Sig"ed: J Plu'mbing Permit No percon ahall ConS~ict~ inatalZ~ aZter or change any ~~w cr c=istina plumbing or drainage syste:n in :.Jhole 01' in part~ ur.lcss sucn person ia~ the_~ legal possessor of a valid plumber's license~ except tr~t a pc~son may do plur.:bing work to property which is oz.."ned~ leased or operated by the appli- cant. . Electrical Perm it Where State Law reauires tr~t the electrical worK be done au an Elc~trical Contl'actor~ tne electrical portion of this permit shall r.ot~be vaZid ur.:il the Zabel has been DignBc by the Electrical ~ontractol'. Mechanical Permit ~:';Uf~~ 1,-16-86 " e I I I I I I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAI"fINED the completBd application for permit~ and do hereby certify that all ir.fo:"C'.ation hepeon is true and c01"rect, and I furthe1" certify that any ar.d all lJOrk perlorn/ed shall be do:;.. i.n accor- dance :Jith the Ordinances of the City of Springficld~ and thz lc..:s of the .. State of Dreg:m pertaining to the ""'rk cescribed herein, C:p'ui that NO OCC!J- PANCY wilt be 77r2de of any structure JJitho:J.t pamis3ior. of the Euilding rr~- vision. I further certify that or.ly cont1'Qctors ar.d c71ployees w}:o are in compliance with ORS 701.05~ will be used on this projsct ~~.--" I!<' 5f9nzd ~L,J~A~dL It, -/?-f(b Date 1'", ....,-' .. RESI~TIAl" APPLICATION /PERlfIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 ...rob Loc:ltion: ,~~3 Alfctl:i-/'LUJ/CLn /703 ;;l 1 c.f d. Tax LotH (J 3 t,/) ":? ASDeS80J"& Map Ii SUbdivision: ~.r:!hA1Aod ~tU/o/D AddJ"~(/~~b~' !1It~/c Phone: , , City: n m II ~ 'i."'.' Addi ticn RCr.lode Z ,'fo::,:: 7..2 ,::o.':,:a ~-I; -yip Data of Application ...ont"r~.::o:'s GencrcZ ~AJ(]OA PL~:'::r.q ~ ~ZcctricaZ ~ ) ~ tJM/ ~ ,'.!ec;....TI';ic::Z CO"s:~~ctian ~~nder 116 -//~7 Zip: ~~HL --h VaZue ,~</~y. Ytt:!) Aaa..o"'CS3 "Rcce;ct ~ f</q0 "-%9' / ~ dOle Siar,.ed: Date: (Iv u -/1- ,((1/1 L-:'ac. .'" l:.=:>t.rc:; :-,.;or:.= !: is tnG responsibiLity of tho pe~t hoLder to sce that aZZ i~pections are ~ad~ from tho street., and that the permit card is l..xated at the f1"Ont of the property. .Eui?,ii)"'-G [)i;n:=io:-: approt:ed plan s,..::.l.2. rer.:ain or: tn.: Eu-:.U::i~g $-:':.: c:: :=ZZ tim:::s. _=-':C~2=:.PE F'].'? I.'t:''?=:::'IO!l ?!'t:':'E'ST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state pour City desigr.ated .1ob nur.:ber3 ~~u~cs:ca a~~ ~~en ~ou ~i~~ DC ready jor inspection, Contractcrs ~r C~~e~s nc~e end ~r~r.c n~cr. :~;z be eade the s~e dcy, requests mGde cft~r 7:00 ~ ~~ll b= made tne n~t ~rkir~ ~~. 7.P""J'~"'."': T1"'.J":"''''''-4~r:t''.q ] ~:-:2 I:;S?:::~::J:,': To ba ~de after e:cav~t~~n, ~ut prior to set up of forr.ls. ] U."IDESSLJ"E P!.['.'.!3I:;C. EL::::':'P.IC,~!. & g;CH.~:,'j;:;':': ~o bil rr.aae befor~ any uor~ is ~ov~rad. Vl F'~07.mG ! FOU:m,1TIO/l: To be nru!e ~ afte~ trencnes are excavated and form;; are erectotd, but pl'iol' to pou~r~ ccncret~. ~ <{'!)':"T?r;_f:!~U:.~D ?LU.'-f!JINC. SEriF:.~. fl'.1TER, ~ ,R:'I:l:'~=>, To De ma.ie prior to fil- "1.r.g E:rencr.ec. ] U!JDERFLOO.~ PLU.'$ING & gECHM.'ICAL: To 00 rr~e prior to 1.n~~a"~t1.0n of 11001' insulation or decking. POST AND BEA!.!: To be rr.adc prior to instaLl~ticn of 11001' ins~la:ior. or decking. ] ~ ROUCH ?HP!BI.'.'C. ELEf:'J'PTCA.!:. .1 ].fECH- A;'iICAL: ;;0 work is to DC cOl.:ered untiL these inspectior.s have beer. made and approv"e.:!. FIR.EPLACE: Prior to plc.cir.g facing materials and before framing inspec- tion. 71 FP.A.'!I!IG: Must be requeatcd after ~ approv~l of rough plur..bing, otZect.,.i- caZ & mechanical.. AU roofing bracing ~ chimneys, etc. m'..lst be . compZetcd. :10 w::)J"k is to be CDn- .,; cac.Zed until. thic inspection has ~. . bse:" made and approved. ] Your City Desigr.tJ.tcd Job Number Is: [Xl :::Si.'Lr!':'ID:"/l~JjPC.~ ?..lRRIER I:}SP~C'!'IC:,': To be rr.a.::i.e aftar all insui..::::ti,:m (C".d rcau~rea vapor carriers are in place Cut cejere any. lath, gypsum ooard 01" . wZZ cove:-ing is appZied, and before any ir.3uZatwn is conceaLed. rC-":"':':07 ! i i I at the proper tim~~ that c~ch -An~ess is job a~css, :~pc of ~r.=~a~;icr. Requ~s;s re~ai~ad c~:cra. 7:~D ~ XfoO 3ff :::::.':;):";7:0:1 C.~ .~:.?~.::; 3~'I:':J::::S ~ Sani tar::! SCO..1er :::appea ::t p:oper:-i li~a I =:J Septi::: tank p:...-:pcd (r."'.d f:.ZZc:d. uith ;-r::::,:a: I ---, Finel - ({hen 6cve i:0.:7:S are c~l.e~c.: ~ a~a when d~oZ:.:ior. is c~Ze:e or 8t~~~- tu-~e ~oved ar~ ?r~3eS cZ~=n6j up. !.'obile Heme:; =:J Bl.ocking and Sat-~p =:J Pl.umbing connect:.ons s~er ar~ ~a:er ---, Elcctricc.l. Ccnr.ection - BZookir~. so:-u= ~ and plumbing conr.cctions ~~st ~c C??r~~ci before request~ng eZoc:rical. ins?e~;io~ ~ Ac.zes:::o1"".,. Building I Pinal - !.fter FQrcr.es, ~ etC. are comple:ed. sk~rting, dc:ks. rn DRYWALL nJSP~::J'IO!I: To be made after aLl. CI'ywa",- 1.S in place, but prior to any taping. MASONRY: Steel location, bond beam3, aroutina or verticc.l.s in accoraance uith V.B.C. Section 241:. D AU pl'o,iect conditional "Lie.": as ths i.nataUat~o" of street trees, c~loti.'m of the required Zandscapi,..g, etc. ~ must be satisfied before the BUILDIl,'C FINAL can be r:!c;ucst~d. !J FIliAL PLWBIIIG I ~ FIliAL ME~HA.~ICAL ~ FINAL Eu:r::,~ICAL ] @ FINAL BUILDINC: The Final. Building Inspection must be roqueated c..fter the Pin::zl Plur.:birg El.ectrical., and Mechar.icaZ Inspectionn tuwo been made and approtNd. D [KJ WOODSTm'E: Aftel' installation is ccmpl.et~d. .ALL MANHCLES AND CLEANCUTS IfUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUsr.r:::1T TO BE 1,~1DE t.T NO C~ST TO Cr.Y I P'Fe 1 of 2 D CURB & APP.r?CACH AP.~N: After' foms are created but prior to pouring con.=rete. SIDEWALK & DRI1'EWr".Y: For aZl con- crete paving within street right- of-wcy~ to be made after all. exca- vatinp cunpl.ete & fOr::! wrk & &ub- base mc:teria l in ? Za::e. o o f'EN~: When CO:rrpl.~t8 -- Provide gates or movabZe sections through P.U.E, D JO B NO, %~(J .pr~ KL ;,at Sq. Ftg. :z..c;"~ : ~f Zat CJlJerag< '2 ~h ;; of Stories --.Z :otaZ Height ::?t:>. ~ ' ~opogra;;hy ~~2~ 2or.I;': :'!'E,'.! I S::.F'1'G '.fain aacp. ;:'al""::'crt .lcccssor:1 4PP/7/0/Y t:'IB TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. IVC:t.UC) 1.5= Building Permit State Surcharge Tota! Cha.:"ges ....:0'.. ,':'{.:;:-.J'CS ?esiCer.:ia! (1 bath) .~::r:i ta1".1 Sewer ",'ct,.;!' PZu.'7:=:'~? Pc!":::i t Sta:a S:.aocr.a1'pe T~tc! C"r..::.:-ocs =C3. ~=. ft::. :;:-..:/E=tenc. CiT'::'.J.i:5 '~craT~ SCJ-Jice Elc:trical Pc~it State SW'::r.arae Total Cr.a:t'ces .:~:: :a'1"'.acc ETU r.c: =nauGt Hoo;; 'cn t Fan ':JocstO";H) Pc'l"'dt I:;suanc~ Ma::'ft.anic.:zl pe'!'T1rit State SurchcT'ac Tota Z. Cr.arrum -- Ei.'CROACHl.!E!.'T -- :'C"'.J.rit:J D$P03tt :orape :in:c,...ar.::~ ~~it Total C'nc:..rncs .:......;C"..lt SOLAR ACC_ REQ,- Occur;;anc:J Grou::: ~- ~ LCT TYPE I Lot Faces - I I P.L. /fIorth lEast ISou th IWeat ..x. Interior C01"11e1' Panhandle CuZ-de-sac x Value I I I I ~~~ ZZ.8/S(1 111./1. I. I IIS~. .s-61 6.JNI /hy'syI. , :.'0. I FEE I 7.~ I I I I I I i I Cr:,ECE J /~ do!> I I I I I /<;". 6t> I .6t> I /~~I z /".',.n I :z .J.Md~ i I I I I I ~I I ':Z3: YOI. [ I 2'"<, SO, I I 22.S~1 1:;::;..1 :..;:...~-;~.: I I I ~.Ob I 1.#).4P I I I IG-I .7<' I 1/&.721. I I / I I I ~dO':'-,.:.tZk I 'n~r. :cctrical Label /) f! (P YI1 I ?O :/Jile Home ',:, -. I li.u.r ~cc.K FEG I FR~ 4-1!J6J'r 1/t7Y.~"31 '~AZ; ANOU.'rr D"r:' .$ "32:). n I' & L-COG~ I ~. Beiro""s:.#z;tz;> ~.:;;-I r Enert7u SOUT'~"S TiJ~(, I I Heat IFl:..eG7: I I Water Yrat/".,. I I Ha""c I I I Fircviacc : r I Wooacto.e 'I';''PeICor.st .. 1X4fJ?lf"N . Setbaclu; I H014se , Caraae l;Zl.~'1 U.S-'[ 12'8' I I f..ccess. I I I .! Pees. Building Value & Permit This permit io gl'aTltcd on the express condition that the 8;2id. construction shalZ, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield. including the Zoning CTdinance, l'eguk:.ting the ccn~tl"'..I~ticn and U8e of bu.ildings, and may be suspended or revoked at cr:y time upon uic- latior. of any provisions of said Ol'dinone.es. IPZan Check Fee: /eJ .~. c:> 3 I Date Paid: IRecdpt 6: I Sig"ed: Plumbing Permit No per~on ~r~ZZ consrruct, instal!, atter or change ~ny neu cr c::.s:ina plumbir~ or drainage syste~ in ~hole or in par:, unless sucn person is~ the. leaal possessor of a valid vLumber's license. exceDt tr~t a Dc~son ~a~ do pl~bing work to property which is ow~ed, leased or operated. by the appli- cant. Electrical Permit ({.here State Law reouires tr~t rne electrical wor~ be do~e ~~ en. ELc~~rie~Z Contractor. the eiec=r:.cal ;or=ior. of this pc~it sr~ZZ not =03 ~~~Ui ur.::.Z tha U2beZ r~s Deen ~:.gned =y th~ Electrical ~ontr=ctor. Mechanical Permit ~~~ 6 -/6:4?6 vatc I I. I I I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA."1INED the completed application for pC1"r.lit, end do hereby certify that all ir;fo~.ation hereon is true and correct, c:nd I further certify that any ar.d aZ7. work perfo1":Tled shall be do::... ~:: accor- dance :.lith the Ordin::znces of the City of Springfield, and th= Lc-..:s of the State of Oreg~m pCl't.::zining to the !JOl'k described herein, end t;~: NO OCC'.)- Pt.NCY will be made of any structure without p2rmis3io~ of the 3uilding lr~- vision. I fU1'thcI' cC1'tifI1. t~t o~ly contracto1'S a;:d c.~pl.:;yecs who are in ~pliance with ORS 701.0~~ will bc used on this P1'ojsct I ;, ': '-.'_1""" t'.-" I .. /. _0 / ~l/ j-- / }:,_/i~~-{1 .J r"".A.,I..._.., (0-:' -. I ? - R (- D.:ltc ,- S~gn~d / ~' I (J