HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1981-4-20 . I'", ....,,: CITY Of SPRINGFIELD COMBINAJlON APPLICATION/PERMIT ....1 .IAJ.!.'" ''''Il fYl;'~~ ~i l., I ENERGY SOURCE 'j;<.o\ 'Sq, fig, Ma'n, K ~ 0 Job Add.." S-~~~~ ~ ~lt~1 ~I I::::t:~ _ ~::;:::~:~::.. legal Des,,*~on "1-/1 - O'?,.. . i _ 'l.:. Rcnqe. /J _Ne....._Add_Ahctr_Rep. -~~&l?~~#J j'~~!~,__, ,~T~7)~~O ~ ~~ol)Y6I~::_o.ma_Chang./U.. DI/ O~ ^ n 7'1/ , 0".... Bvild;ng p"millntJ O.",'b. Wa,k (i"" Bvild S;ngl. Addres. ~/eol) 1J"iJ"hhfvJ... ~ Phone ~-("1Y' L.. Famil... R...idenc.. With A.tt('lch"d Garaae\ ~ .-- II--/.. W . ._ '/~T ,~ z: ~J., .~. 1'.~/~ c:-:.. R.U. an",v<l'on L.nd..IJ.. S . r Af' .(, ~~- C . tJ, I. '-~',-I: '1(, ~ '~Wvr.~ I~ I Add".. PO' Bri /Is~ ~ Phon. :,'fY-'Y).'f.?,/'IA,.JJ-rM 1''1. I'YY~,-, f!1.u~ I DESIGN TEAM (nome) t7 (address) (lies. no,) (expirel) (phone no.) I Pril'nary I $rructuraJ I I~rectricol " I~"PECTI!)N LINE 726.3769 INFORMATION LINE 726-3753 I~ - \J OJ ---. ~ I (f{) rrU.A ) FOunDA-fIOh H('')L)~-p . f.:'()e. H()Urfl;) Mechaniccl CONTRACTORS (nome) (address) (lies. no.) (ellpires) (phone no.) PlumbinQ (:t) II y'h,//t... 1/ 1/ General Electrical Mechonical _-.!../ Each single fillture Relocaled buildjng (new till:. odditianal) S.F. Residen~e (l both) PLUMBING I ---r'.FEElOiARGElNO:" I I I 1:<.+ I J ElECTRICAL MECHANICAL Re.lldence of l1...o/D 51:1: ft. New circuits, alterotions or ell:tensions ./5.09 15,~ ').~ :<5.ce furnaceJ burner to Il,TU's Applionco vent separate Stotionary evap. cooler Vent fon with sin~le duct Vent system aport from heating or A.C. M.chonical ell:haust hood and d~ct ;EE-----rc.;i:RGE I NO, ' FEE I CHARGE I NO. I Duoln (1 both) eoch SERVICES /2.'5 ,,-""p "" 2000.""" Temporary Construction Additional bath Amps. Water service Sewer ""JDO' I().~ Wood stove/heater Storm Sewer I<atDCA1'EP 6"U.oIN", 15.0!] 15.f),!!. FEEDERS Heat PumD Air handler to 10,000 CFM Air handler over 10,000 CFM Amps. TOTAL CHARGES I I I $15.0;; ISSUANCE OF PERMIT I t TOTAL CHARGES $> 4D.~ TOTAL CHARGES -e- WHERE STATE lAW REQUIRES that the Electrical work be done by the Elertricol Contractor, the .Iectrical portion of this permit shall not be valid until 0 label has been signed by an Electrical Contractor and attached to the electrical panel. I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for permit. and do hereby certify that 011 information hereon is true and correct, arid I further ct!rtify that any and all work performed shall be done in occordanCfl with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the lows of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herin, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be mode of any structure without the permission of the Building Division. I further certify that my regislTation with the Builder's Boord is in full force and effect os required by ORS 701.055, that if uompt the basis for uemption is noted heron, and that only subt"Ontractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. Basis for Builder's Boord ell:emption' NAME (please print) J:LL ,3 G.SMqf, SIGNATURE -.f.M~ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY JJ. L.:F-' OA,,4-LO-P,,/ Zone -f.! Fire .Zone U~A Flood plain ;..10 Typ./Can.._~1 "-\ Bedrooms C:,lorie" ('),."t:: Units ("lccy load Occy Group nu~ ~IO ~"'- Sq. Ftg. Main Sq. Ftg. Access Sq. Ftg. Other Value x Value ll: Value TO~j, VAt!l1'~~~~...-d .;.J,/ 29>1'> ~v -Sy'st2ms 1>ev;loPmllnt "'::11 a ~ (!) Chafae (1.5%1 ...::> /.- Lah, I Ff'JI. 0. 2.E 2- LDp;~S 0, ~ I Total Comb. P..m;t 1f.402,'~!I. BUilDING PERMIT I/.D~ Plan Ck. CommJ Ind Charges and 65%1 Bide Per Fee Surcharges O. ttl. Plan Ck. Res :5. :?9- 30%/ Bldg Per Fee PLUMBING PERMiT Chofge.s and Fence Surcharges 100 ,I.~ Demo ElECTRICAL PERMIT 40,~ Chofges and Sidewalk Surcharges 1_102 Ale PaviM MECHANICAL PERMIT -er Chorges and Curb Cut Surcharges -------- I TOTAL COMBINATION APPLICATION;. (CAP) 'I. Applicant to furnish A. Job Address B. Legal Description 1. example-tax lot 100, Lane County Map Reference 17 03 43 2. example.Lot 1. Block 3, 2nd Addition to Springfield Estates C. Nome, etc. of owner and construction lender D.. Energy Sources 1. example-heat/electrical ceiling/or forced oir gos 2. example-wafer heater/electrical/or solar E. Square footage or valuation, etc. 1_ example.1250 sq. foot house. 500 sq. foat garage 2. example-if new project, check new-if addition, check odd. etc. F. Building permit information: 1. example-construct single family house with an ottoched garage 2. example-remodel existing garog6 into family room 3. example.convert single family residence into restaurant (change of use) G. Value of work as defined in Section 303 {oj of the Structural Specialty Code H. DESIGN TEAM AND CONTRACTORS To avoid design or construction delays, Building Division Staff must be able to contact appropriate persons regarding design information or job site corrections, etc. II. Abbreviated Plumbing. Mechanical & Electrical Sched~les A. Excepf where blank spaces occur in the description portion of the Mechanical and Electrical Schedules, the applicant need fill-in only the No. Boxes adjacent to the appropriate item{s} to be installed B, Full Plumbing, Mechanical, and Electrical Schedules are available at the Building Division 1. To conserve space on the permit fo'rm the schedules have been abbreviated 2. If the item(s) to be installed are not covered on the abbrevi. ated schedules you should consult tlie full schedules C. BUILDING DIVISION STAFF WILL FILL OUT ALL FEES AND CHARGES ON THE SCHEDULES . PERMIT VALIDATION , " " , / III. Applicant to sign and dote Whenever possible. the initial application will be used as a worksheet only. Where possible, Building Division Stoff will prepare a typewritten copy and return it to the applicant at the time the actual permit is issued for his signaturE.. IV. Fees and Charges Plan check fees ore due and payable at the time of the application. and no plans will be processed until these fees are paid. All other fees and charges are due and payable when the permit is issued. V. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Permit Cler~ PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPANCY: I:21f2fLJ A, a jJ f) d../i ,- ~ AI /'h.. .. ~ - , 6~Y.p) A.M18 , ..J'_tll'.ILOJ -.eu1J /lW-Gd, ..I/YLI ./41Jw4 /t:~ . oU:;t d ,. J//~d -{ZJ-rh.J.M,tJ ~ Jffi !1. rf)A ./J O. ...I AII:.i:n ' Additional Project Information: PLANS REVIEWED BY: \ nome ,-", IA^ c;\I\ P I vjQl"'lll\.. signature Jf!YtA ~~ .lA.~ date S.28-8 , .' , CITY Of SPRlNQfOElD _ INfORMAIION LINE ,.~:J COMBINAflON APPllCAflONJPERMIT . /;, ':"" 726-3753 JabAdd".. ~/!J~~__.t!" 4 2 I:::'''~~.' '~"" ~::;::::::... kilO I ~... I ~J ~I Y..~I H~I I Wa'.. H.a'., , Sq, FIg. Olh.. Legal oe',,#~o" ./1. . 0"';' . 1 _ "'l.:.. RanCle /.. _N......_Add_AIt.r_Rep. ~XO I ~~ '" I ~,#'J 'S". g ~ ';q;':' "f Wa,k, / .j-o...n .,.-.,o<o_D.ma_Chaog./U.. -Owo.. r/Ji'~~~.k.;a" "II 'lCh~':':- 1,2'rOOO{t,OC;J,O,)-"",h.. I 1;$'1/ 0/' " II 7 O. Building Permit Infb: . De'tribe Work (i.e.. Build Sing I. Add"". jCOU lllvl'Y.\.. n:,,{' Phoo. 'ff..-l,Vl. Fn~~';~,"~~ Wi.h ~'!;.~ 0a,ao.I " I L.fW ' Il:w~ or_ ."C:--/I: '-''-''AA-o.~/l f:;.. Ru. Iloon,"<I;oo '.od.. IJ, s-. 1:1"(' . c! ~.f.:>-fJ.,$,~ C , i), ~-:.. ,/. ,~. ~_l".-!{:~ Y'<'1"" i~ I ,0:7' / I" ,"} I" -.--/;! ,7' , ' . . .' -d":-I-:!/ Add".. i',:;' DIY>? /.'$1, 'e,'/j-(')fh,..f Phao. 77'1n~).r? ""1~.1a,,.,f l''''i. /I'YJ#I'-<II_ ,A~~ I DES!GN TEAM (nomel - - - -c.1- (address) (lies. no.) (expir.,) FOunPiq nDrl r-:'nC ~'I (')!7~'() H(iU""-.,.(-' , I I I I I I I I I I I I t I TOTAL CHARGES I WHERE STATE lAW REQUIRES Ihal Ih. Electrical work b. daM by tho Elortrical Contractor, tho electrical por,ion of ,his permit shall not 1M valid u"til a label has b_n signed by an EI8Ctrical Contrador and attached to the eledricol panel. " I HAVE CAREFUllY EXAMINED Ihe campleted application for permit, and do hereby certify tho. all information hereon is truo and corroct, and I fur.her certify that any and all work performed shall be done in occardgnce with the Ordinances of tho City of Springfield and the laws of th. Stat. of Orogo," pertaining to the work deICribed herin. gnd that NO OCCUPANCY will b. mad. of ony struelur. without the permission of the Building Oivision. I (urthe. I certify t"at my rttgiSlTation with the Builder's Bcgrd is in full force and effecI os roquired by ORS 701.055. that If uompt the bgsis for olCemprlon II nolee I hefon. and that only subcontractors and employees who are in c:omplianco with ORS 701.055 will be uHd on Ihis project. I !ill ~ ,:!l 7~ "'" '!jl :.'f! ';,;j r,.. .:::; ,:.-;1-1 ......, ~ . :;.~ ~ ::~ ,',~I :;.ti .'~ ~~ .~ ~ . ;; ~j ,,'Ii ..~ ".' .,~, -, .)~ :'1 ;...., . :'~' .'.j j ..~~ .1; .~ .:~ ,~ ,.':,r::. .-:':'1 -{~ '''?,) --< ...., .:....;., ',,f\ ill ../ , , I .1<" ,~~ '"..,~ . , ~ -." :.=3 :;" .:j ':.i' '~."i ,:;:;, t, .,. ~.; "'t::.. ": ., .:!,: ~~::t I~, ~~\ INSPECTION LINE 72~769 Primary Slruetural !Jeclrical Mechanical CONTRACTORS General Plumbinq Electrical Mechanical NO. I Eacn linqle fixture Relocated building (new tb. additional) S.f, R.uiden~. (I balh) 10 -, () .I Ill' J (phone no.) t'J7J rrUA ) (name) (addren) (ohana no,) flic,. no.) (oxpiresl ;.11) J1 "" 1/-0_ 1/ 1/ 1/ I -~"F'E: -CH'A'R'GEi"NO:' I I I;/,+ 1/ I I I PLUMBINC ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL FEE NO, FEE!CH':ii~1 ., CHARCE Re\idence of ~"",c, ,q: ft. furnaco/burner to :t.TU's Applionce yent separot. .' New circuits, alterations or extensions I /5.09 J:i,~ '}.~:J.5.";;' Stationary eyap. cooler SERVICES 12.:; CI ;,',1 "" c"g. 20Ual'.-\f Temporary Construction Vent fan with single duct Venl system apart from heating or ....C. I Mechanical ex"aust hood and duct I Wood stoye/hoatar I Heat Pump " Air handler to 10.000 CFM I Air hondlef oyer 10,000 CFM I /, ...dditional both DUDlu (1 bOlh) eoch Star,m Sewer "R!:?!_.':'clYn::.~' SVIWI,'ll:\1 500 5.00 I ,~ I ,- I I I I I I 4:. /5.0~ I Wot., son ice I 11 Sewer I Amps. -IDOl IO,~' fEEOERS Ampl. ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TOT...l CH...RGES .:p 4DPg I TOTAL CHARGES -e- NAME (please print) Balis fOf Builder's Boord elCemption: SIGN...TURE Zone -R.!- fire 'Zone U/A Flood Plain 1-l0 BUILDING PERMIT Charges and Surcharges PLUMBING PERMIT Charge, and Surcharges elECTRICAL PERMIT Charge, and SurchargltS MECHANICAL PERMIT Charge I and Surcharge I J:LL..S tcl~ .1J.~' DATEl.t-'"lt> -1"/ . I ~. S~IITf-, fOR OFfiCE USE ONLY Typ./ Conll. Bedroom' \1/0..\ Yolue Volu. Value , TQIAl VAOUAT'ON 19.,%'::!=' _ '-{"iP """"P',,~ lV' ,,,-, ':'<1 2~ ~.~ "'Sy-sr2ms lleY~I;Pm"nt .:3} a ~ 0 Chorlle {l.5%\ I . 02.0 O,~ $ 4 OZ.:~.:1 Ilt_!c -'I (? ~~, Units nccy load nccy Group <.,. Ftg. Main c,. Ftg. Acceu Sq. FIg. Other x <tori"'" ",,-, t:: I f C>.:) Plan Ck. Comm/lnd ____~~ ___ 6S%/Bldll Per Ftte 0."11. ~5,O2- ! 00 '- 40.'~ I!.~ "'-.-:;'0 v,- Plan Ck, Res 30%/ BldQ Per Fee Lal-u I f~f' 2.. ('OP(~-5 I Total Comb. Permit Fence Demo Sidewolk Ale Payjn~ I Curb Cut ._-------, -s- TOTAL CITY OF SPRIN.IELD c- City Hall Springfield, Oregan Department ..f Public Works ( OFFICIAL RECEIPT No. B S 6 6 0 3 rer Date .5 'd.zj 19 8/ Rec'd From E~ ~ ,( Address '1/&(30 -LJrn/>1t!).;(Jd~~61 .' -c. Received Far: &- A~d .a /I.()O . 4ij;. . 0.44 ..,o()/W)/~ d5.o9 4~/.!' I. 00 f= h/'_ 4().o2 4 dfo !A2 ~ 6.Q2 -?>r7 ....3 , .3 G1 , ..;. 01.0 ,~,JY7 ...3/9. - C). 50 ( Po,~#( 1 ( ( ( (t. c c l~5 (~, ~ /7~J iLl. ; Amount Received " ( A,UTHOJUZIlO SIG...."TURIE ~ Coy '+he; """~tO"'TU'U'.U~l ~.'''TI:''. . 1:1,1<01..1:. 0" .,.0, ..."., €E: 1-,-., f -.. ...... - -. . - -- ( . City Hall Springfield, Oregan Department of Public Works OFFICIAL RECEIPT ( ( N~ B 56604( Date .~-275 19 X / ( Rec'd From r-'-eh'<:o ~k.t..).,t.,. ( Address q I(,,{,O /1:nMI1.. RJ- ~ ( -\' Received Far: ;(3 Ll.- , ( ~ 77J....,.,~./ ( ~/ ;'1'/1rJrr.. (' T0o.p. 1..6-.0_0 ( . 0 A/I~il.....ln __ ""')1) 0_ C ' ~ 1 /";;4J2.!J. mJe/J_~ taJ- "..so ';:' ( -, . ~ /-5..52 t ( ! , / ( (Ro,~ Irfit':;t I ./ C /" , <; --18~,f4_A__L. ( tp Amount Received _ V\, L#lJLGFL (~" '( , ' A,UTHORIZl!:D 5IGN....TURIE ."UTo...r"'''''.ULl "..'NT"".' IEUCIE"IE. 0.. .,.0, ...".. (.. "" I " ( , ' 'IIi. App'li~~nt io .ign' a'nd d~ie - - - , . . - - - , Whenever possible. the initial application will be used as a worksheet only. Where possible, Building Division Staff will prepare a typewritten copy and return it to the applicant at the time the actual permit is issued for his signaturE. IV. Fee. and Charges Plan check fee. are due and payable at the time of the application, and no plans will be processed until these fees are paid. All other fees and charges are due and payable when the permit is issued. V. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY --. Permit Clerk PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPANCY: 12ifi!JJ J, a} ~ '-/-LJrLLiJ'1 (,n 1.0...1- /n;><;J _hYU &I.L-!.~, ,...~J'AJf;ly\. 4~mJ- /r:cdu.L OlL;{ ~"l i1' kl..G.d /zJr~().AI/.!J E'- l./Y'- 6' .(yj ') ~a I h mA~, '/A/I'J:r, I ".. . v' Additional Project Information: PLANS REVIEWED BY, name---=rD V,A <'VI P 1 'I b~\" signature c==:J.JlI'.A _S;:J~ ~",.) '\ I date .s, 2.8- ,'U .