HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Substandard Building 2006-10-6 .~ ... . . . . 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726-3689 www.ci.springfield.or.us DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT October 6, 2006 The substandard structure located at 555 Nighthawk, Springfield, Oregon has complied with requirements from letter dated February 3, 2006 from Dave Gadomski, Electrical Inspector. Lot is clean and structure has been boarded up. ~XwD Building Safety Management Analyst ... .- " " ~ ..~ ~ - .- r.:-:"i . . ~' '- . ,. . i# .' ,- ~ -. ~. . .; ~, . ~. '.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . .... .'" -~ . . ~ ~ ............ - t.' .,; : ! -- .....:. .a. . _ ... -\;~.. l~, = - ~ -. ..... .. .~~. .... -....:.. '.. ~- ....-~. '. ... , ~ .'Lo.. .OlP .."':. '\,.. \. . '~,." .,. ;i ~ ~ -.. .. .: ::t . '= ~ ., ~ ~:- , .- J.' .. ~. _..1. '" \,....., ,- " - " ,!:;~~ ~.~ ,"'. ". ~'~V- Olio. . ,. ~~.~ ... ~_. 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City of Springfield Complaint & Inspection Summary . 2/22/2006 2:06:07PM 225 Fifth Street 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax Address of Complaint: Case #: COD200S-00S49 555 NIGHTHAWK LN Description: garbage on the property along the side of house and in front of garage. There had been people living in a camp trailer but that has been removed but the "urine" smell is still there Disposition Report Received 02/09/2006 12/15/05 incident date- guilty by default. $250,00 fine Disposition Report Received 02/15/2006 incident date 1/17/06. guiltyl by default - $250.00 fine Disposition Report Received 02/09/2006 incident date 12/15/05 . guilty by default. $250,00 Print Out 02/22/2006 Additional Inspection 02/22/2006 no changes Additional Citation Issued 02/22/2006 Print Out 02/22/2006 Additional Notes: s:\tidemarklformslJobPrintOutCode I.r 50f5 .:-;- r Wit: ' . City of Springfield Complaint & Inspection Summary . 2/22/2006 2:06:08PM 225 Fifth Street 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax Address of Complaint: Case #: COD200S-OOS49 555 NIGHTHAWK LN Description: garbage on the property along the side of house and in front of garage. There had been people living in a camp trailer but that has been removed but the "urine" smell is still there Additional Inspection 12/15/2005 garbage, used and inops, Living in RV, One of the trailers appears to be the one previously at 698 Nighthawk Additional Citation Issued 12/15/2005 Print Out 12/15/2005 Disposition Report Received 12/01/2005 guilty by default. $193,00 . insident date 11/10/05 Additional Complaint Received 12/28/2005 complainant said that things have been removed from the garage and the doors have been ripped down, Said someone is still living in the motorhome. I said we would try to get a copy of the police report or an update to their activity last week and find out what's going on, He will call back later this week, Additional Inspection 01/17/2006 garbage, used, inops, living inRV Additional Citation Issued 01/17/2006 Print Out 01/17/2006 Additional Complaint Received 01/18/2006 NOK JDM neighbors complaining regarding ongoing problems. checked with SUB - no power. garbage, used and inops - living in R V Additional Inspection 01/24/2006 Additional Citation Issued 01/24/2006 PrintOut 01/24/2006 s:ltidemark\formsVobPrintOutCode I ,r 40f5 ....~ ,~ 225 Fifth Street 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax Address of Complaint: . . City of Springfield Complaint & Inspection Summary 2/22/2006 2:06:08PM Case #: COD200S-00S49 Description: garbage on the property along the side of house and in front of garage. There had been people living in a camp trailer but that has been removed but the "urine" smell is still there Additional Inspection 10/11/2005 NOK JDM stopped by and spoke with some person who said he didn't live there but would give card to Joel Posten; , still R V garbage used and inops R V ; gar, used, inop Citation Issued Disposition Report Received First Inspection Additional Inspection Additional Citation Issued Disposition Report Received Additional Inspection Additional Citation Issued Additional Inspection Additional Citation Issued Disposition Report Received Print Out s:\tidemark\formslJ obPrintOutCode I ,r 10/25/2005 10/26/2005 11/02/2005 11/10/2005 555 NIGHTHAWK LN 10/11/2005 NOK JDM 1011 2/2005 10/26/2005 I I/O 1/2005 11/02/2005 11/10/2005 12/13/2005 12/15/2005 30f5 disposition 41 14 - $150,00 . guilty by default disposition 4 I 15 . $150,00 . guilty by default A lot of garbage, used materials three inoperable vehicles and living in an RV, JM spoke with Victoria Poston at the property, Issue citation to Ms. Poston. guilty by default - dispositon received - $193.00 garbage, used, inop and RV violations remain garbage, used, inops, living in RV all remain violations at this location guilty by default. $ I 93,00 fine - incident date 1 1/2/05 ii:~ 225 Fifth Street 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax Address of Complaint: . . City of Springfield Complaint & Inspection Summary 555 NIGHTHAWK LN 2/22/2006 2:06:08PM Case #: COD200S-00S49 Description: garbage on the property along the side of house and in front of garage. There had been people living in a camp trailer but that has been removed but the "urine" smell is still there Additional Complaint 08/29/2005 NOK JDM motor home now parked in Received front of the garbage at the side of the garage - people living in the motor home, says cleaned up yard but piled garbage under a tarp in front of the motor home, complainant called to say the garbage was still there and folks were still using the RV, I told him our next step was a citation. Additional Complaint Received Additional Inspection Citation Issued Additional Complaint Received Additional Inspection Additional Complaint Received Additional Inspection Citation Issued s:\tidemarklfonnslJobPrintOutCode 1 ,r 09/06/2005 09/19/2005 09/27/2005 09/06/2005 09/06/2005 09/13/2005 09/27/2005 NOK 09/27/2005 20f5 JDM photo taken of garbage and RV complainant says they he's concerned they are dumping the holding tank directly onto the property, says no change with the garbage or use of the RV, inops & used remain - WARN complainant called back to say no change, Explained had issued 2 citations there . arraignment time set for tomorrow, Remailed citation to Nighthawk address as regular mail cite was returned from Waite street address, Notify Tana at Police of ongoing problems and criminal concerns. garbage, living in RV, used materials and stored, vehicles all remain violations at this location garbage, used, inops and living in RV ~~ . City of Springfield Complaint & Inspection Summary . 2/22/2006 2:06:07PM 225 Fifth Street 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax Address of Complaint: Case #: COD200S-00S49 555 NIGHTHAWK LN Description: garbage on the property along the side of house and in front of garage. There had been people Iivinl!; in a camp trailer but that has been removed but the "urine" smell is still there Case Status: Pending Complaint Received By: JDM Via: Phone Date Comolaint Received: August 16, 2005 Primary Category: Dead Organic Matter & Debris Date Complaint Closed: Related Complaints: A. Not Listed B. Not Listed C. Not Listed D. Not Listed Location of Violation: Referred to: City Code Valid Complaint? Yes Complaint ant: ANON Name OWN POSTON JOEL R & Address 555 NIGHTHAWK LN City. State, Zio Phone SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 Jnsoection Historv Action Date 1 Action Date Result Insoector Notes Complaint Received 08/16/2005 JDM First Inspection 08/17/2005 UHR235 - check plate. stuff around it appears to be stored, Used doors, wood stove, mise items around the residence and debris/used tarped in front of the truck Additional Complaint 08/22/2005 NOK JDM complainant called back Received and said no change to garbage and now a R V there ado thinks people living in it. Said this has also happened in the past. use ofRV for living in, Gave him information on upcoming deadlines, Second Inspection 08/25/2005 garbage remains. warn s:\tidemarklformsVobPrintOutCode I ,r lof5 /--- , ~_._. u:~ .ej....J~'1;J:I"'ltj;l'~~.1fl.J:I~t1.J.'... Ii - DEVELOPMENT SERVICES . ~ ADMIN:3TRAT!ON 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 . . 7001 1940 0002 2036 8700 Joel and Victoria Poston 555 Nighthawk Lane Springfield, Oregon 97477 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726.3753 FAX (541) 726.3689 www.ci.springfield.or.us February 3, 2006 CERTIFIED LETTER Joel and Victoria Poston 555 Nighthawk Lane Springfield, Oregon 97477 Re: Notice and Order to Comply With The Springfield 'Building Safety Code Administrative Code Relative To The Unsafe And Substandard Buildings at 555 Nighthawk Lane, Springfield, Oregon Dear Mr. and Ms, Poston: As a result of a recent inspection, the City of Springfield Community Services Division, Building Safety, has determined that the structures located at the above referenced location, also known as Lane County Assessors Map #17032742, Tax Lot 03600, for reasons below, substandard and unsafe buildings as described in the Springfield Building Safety Code Administrative Code, Lane County Assessment and Taxation records reveal that you are the owner of this property. Section 203 of the Springfield Building Safety Code Administrative Code classifies structures which are structurally inadequate or dangerous to human life as unsafe, Section 100 I of the Springfield Housing Code specifies conditions constituting substandard buildings. The following conditions include but are not limited to conditions existing at the structures identified above, classifying them as substandard and unsafe buildings, 1. The property is not currently served with water service, The Housing Code requires that each residence shall be provided with hot and cold running water. 2, The property is not currently served with electrical service, The Housing Code requires that each residence shall be provided with heating facilities capable of maintaining a room temperature of 68 degrees F, at a point 3 feet above the floor in all habitable rooms. The Code further states that where there is electrical power available within 300 feet of the premises of the building, such building shall be connected to such electrical power. 3, Each dwelling shall be provided with a water closet, lavatory, and a bathtub or shower. Although these fixtures are installed in the dwelling, the lack of water service produces inadequate and unsanitary sewage and plumbing facilities, Section 204 (b) of the Administrative Code provides procedures where the Building Official may require vacation of the premises when cited deficiencies represent an immediate hazard to life, limb, property or safety of the public or its occupants, Notice is hereby served that the property is being posted to be vacated by 9:00 a.m. February 6, 2005 due to the potential hazards to the occupants resulting from the above cited conditions, If you, or your tenants do not vacate the premise within the time frame specified, the City will seek compliance with the Building Safety Codes through legal recourse, which may include Municipal Court proceedings, Joel and Victoria Poston 555 Nighthawk February 3, 2006 Page 2, Once the property has been vacated, occupancy may not take place until the above mentioned unsafe and substandard conditions are corrected and approved by this office, Any person having any record, title or legal interest in the building may appeal from this Notice and Order to the Building Board of Appeals, provided that he appeal is made in writing and filed with the Building Official within thirty (30) days from the date of service of this Notice and Order. Failure to appeal will constitute a waiver of all right to an administrative hearing and determination of this matter. Your anticipated courtesy and cooperation is appreciated, If you have any questions, you may contact me at 726.3663, -~4 Dave Gadomski Electrical Inspector ce: Dave Puent, Community Services Manager Bill Grile, Development Services Director Springfield Police Department Code Enforcement Lisa Hopper, Building Safety Supervisor Joe Leahy, City Attorneys Office 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726.3753 FAX (541) 726-3689 www.ci.springfield.or.us February 3, 2006 CERTIFIED LEITER Joel and Victoria Poston 555 Nighthawk Lane Springfield, Oregon 97477 Re: Notice and Order to Comply With The Springfield Building Safety Code Administrative Code Relative To The Unsafe And Substandard Buildings at 555 Nighthawk Lane, Springfield, Oregon Dear Mr. and Ms, Poston: As a result of a recent inspection, the City of Springfield Community Services Division, Building Safety, has determined that the structures located at the above referenced location, also known as Lane County Assessors Map # 17032742, Tax Lot 03600, for reasons below, substandard and unsafe buildings as described in the Springfield Building Safety Code Administrative Code, Lane County Assessment and Taxation records reveal that you are the owner of this property. Section 203 of the Springfield Building Safety Code Administrative Code classifies structures which are structurally inadequate or dangerous to human life as unsafe, Section 1001 of the Springfield Housing Code specifies conditions constituting substandard buildings, The following conditions include but are not limited to conditions existing at the structures identified above, classifying them as substandard and unsafe buildings, I, The property is not currently served with water service, The Housing Code requires that each residence shall be provided with hot and cold running water. 2, The property is not currently served with electrical service, The Housing Code requires that each residence shall be provided with heating facilities capable of maintaining a room tc,uf'c,oture of68 degrees F, at a point 3 feet above the floor in all habitable rooms, The Code further states that where there is electrical power available within 300 feet of the premises of the building, such building shall be connected to such electrical power. 3, Each dwelling shall be provided with a water closet, lavatory, and a bathtub or shower, Although these fixtures are installed in the dwelling, the lack of water service produces inadequate and unsanitary sewage and plumbing facilities, Section 204 (b) of the Administrative Code provides procedures where the Building Official may require vacation of the premises when cited deficiencies represent an immediate hazard to life, limb, property or safety of the public or its occupants, Notice is hereby served that the property is being posted to be vacated by 9:00 a,m, February 6, 2006 due to the potential hazards to the occupants resulting from the above cited conditions, If you, or your tenants do not vacate the premise within the time frame specified, the City will seek compliance with the Building Safety Codes through legal recourse, which may include Municipal Court proceedings, . Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete" item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse ~o that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mailpiecB, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: .Joel and Victoria Poston 555 Nighthawk ---- Springfield, OR 97477 I RE: I I I, I 2. Article Number I I (Transfer from service I 1- PS Form 3811, March 2001 555 Nighthawk 1 1 =1 3. Service Type x6CI Certified Mail 0 Express Mail o Registered 0 Return Receipt fo~ Merchandise o Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. t 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) DYes -I 7001 1940 0002 2036 9004 '- Domestic Return Receipt 102595-o1.M.1424 UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE First-Class Mail Postage & Fees Paid USPS Permit No, G-10 . Sender: Please print your name, address, and ZIP+4 in this box. I I I I City of Springfield Attention Dave Gadomski 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 ~ . , . . Joel and Victoria Poston 555 Nighthawk February 3, 2006 Page 2, Once the ~. v~.../ has been vacated, occupancy may not take place until the above mentioned unsafe and substandard conditions are corrected and approved by this office, Any person having any record, title or legal interest in the building may appeal from this Notice and Order to the Building Board of Appeals, provided that he appeal is made in writing and filed with the Building Official within thirty (30) days from the date of service of this Notice and Order. Failure to appeal will constitute a waiver of all right to an administrative hearing and detennination of this matter. Your anticipated courtesy and cooperation is appreciated, If you have any questions, you may contact me at 726-3663, MinrelY, ') .' ,/- /' .;j, v '/.if Dave Gadomski Electrical Inspector cc: Dave Puent, Community Services Manager Bill Grile, Development Services Director Springfield Police Department Code Enforcement Lisa Hopper, Building Safety Supervisor Joe Leahy, City Attorneys Office . . . . . . . AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE STATE OF OREGON} } ss, County of Lane I I, Dave Gadomski, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows: I, [ state that I am the Electrical Inspector for the Community Services Division, City of Springfield, Oregon, 2, I state that in my capacity as Inspector, I posted at each portal of the residence commonly known as 555 Nighthawk Lane, Springfield, Oregon, also known as Lane County Reference Number 17032742, Tax Lot 03600, the original of the attached Hand Posted Letter addressed to Joel and Victoria Poston, 555 Nighthawk Lane, Springfield, Oregon 97477 on February 3, 2006, 12::.& - ffi STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane ;------ -_.. -"''''''"'.,,~----~> . OFFICIAL SEAL r ,~ANCY MACHADO , '-- / NOTARY PUBLIC, OREGON I " COMMISSION NO, 380103 . _ _ _ _~ ~~~~O~ ?~~S:~~l~~~ ~ On February 17'" , 2006, Dave Gadomski personally appeared before me, who acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be his voluntary act. '9:f i Lrv, Before me: G7 fl 11t/l,~("I'O No ry PU('iC fO) Oregon , ' MYcomb/ExPires:c;J..I~./ /6; ~~ . . AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE STATE OF OREGON} } ss, County of Lane } I, Steve Graham being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows: I, I state that I am the Plumbing Inspector for the Community Services Division, City of Springfield, Oregon, I state that in my capacity as Inspector, I photographed Dave Gadomski posting each portal of the residence commonly known as 555 Nighthawk Lane, Springfield, Oregon, also known as Lane County Reference Number 17032742, Tax Lot 03600, the original of the attached Hand Posted Letter addressed to Joel and Victoria Poston, 555 Nighthawk Lane, Springfield, Oregon 97477 on February 3, 2006, ~ STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane 'h~ -= -:: --:-- -= "= ~., '.- ':=O"'!:" -:- - -= "7 -= -= '= -.," . OFFICIAL SEAL r , , ' NANCY MACHADO I , \./ NOTARY PUBLIC, OREGON j , " COMMISSION NO, 380103 j f MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JUNE 18, 2008 ; "~--= ~ -: -= -= -= -= --:; -.~-----~ On February 17, 2006, Steve Graham personally appeared before me, who acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be his voluntary ac~ ~ ~_ Before me: ~~I f Itd tIxlclO No,arUb] for Oregon, , , My <l1ll1IUSSiOnEXPircYtJ.ILU I%; dtWp I . . AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE STATE OF OREGON} } ss, County of Lane } I, Kaye Wilson, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows: I. I state that I am the Building Secretary in the Conununity Services Division, Development Services Deparnnent, City of Springfield, Oregon, 2, I state that in my capacity as Building Secretary, I prepared and mailed the attached copy of the Certified Letter which is addressed Joel and Victoria Poston, 555 Nighthawk Lane, Springfield, Oregon 97477, by both regular and Certified mail delivering said letters at the V,S, Post Office with postage fully prepaid thereon, ~kJ~ STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane ,..~~-:::~-:::~-=>~~-:::-=- _ -:o::.---=--- ,::,;:::_')', :. OFFICIAL SEAL ~ NANCYMACHAOO ;, t \, ,/ NOTARY PUBLIC, OREGON I j ..' COMMISSION NO, 380103 I ~ ,~~:;-,~~..-Mf_ ~~?~_M~~~,~ ~X~R~~~~1~ ~~.q On February 17, 2006, Kaye Wilson personally appeared b/ore me, who acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be her voluntary act. / A ~, Before me: ~/ "i ( AOd () ublic t~r Oregon ssiol EXPire~ / I fJ ;)(Jl) t "