HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1995-10-11 , - RESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION Inspections; 726-3769 . ASSESSORS MAP' :~'....tJ BLOCI\" , ~~,{"M J1 ~. CITY: NEW . ADDITION DEMOLISH OTHER . ,JOB NUMBER 9") /,?2' ~ 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 ,T~XL.O'r..c?/~7" I . SUBD\VISION: ^lr!JOkY Ddn- . PHONE: ~m9? ZIP: 'S:/!!lJ!J I I- I ,~'~ CONTRACTOR'S NAME r _ GENERAL: c:::... - ., R LO/.p , ~ I PWMBING: - "'MECHANICA.L: ~J\/~ ~"7 ELECTRICAl' , , CONST. AODRESS "'"_ IJ C.ONTRACIOR , ~~~.\ f~~ 7~~1q I I i ! I - OFFICE USj _ LAND US". I I I SECONDARY HEAT; I I SOUARE FOOTAGE: ,_ I I . . . I To reque"t an Inape~tlono you muat c!,1I 728-3769, Thla la a 24 hour re~ordlng. AJllnapectlona requealed before 7:00 a,lII, wll be made the same working Clay, Inspectlona requesled aller 7:00 a.m. -;111 be made the following work day, REQUIRED INSPECTIONS .. I rvJ Rough Mechanics! ..t. Prior 10 ~ cover. QUAD AREA' , OF BLOGF" OCC'( GROUP: . OF STORIEC" WI\TER HEATER' o Temporary Elllelrlc O Slle Inapactlon - To be mado aller ""cavatlon, but prior 10 .ettlng lorms. O Under.lab Plumblng/Eleclrlcall Mechenlcal - Prior to cover,' ,0 Footing - Aller Irenches ara . excavated. , O Masonry - Steel location, bond beams, groullng. '0 Foundallon - Aller lorms are arected but prlQr to concrete placement, O Underground Plumbing - Prior . to ""lnlt trench. . ' O Undar/loor, PlumbIng/MechanIcal - Prl'or to InaulatlQn or decking, '. O Poal and 8..m - Prior to lIoor Insulation or decking. O Floor Insulallon - Prior to decking. O Sanite,ry Sewer - Prior to filling Irench. O Slorm Sawer - Prior to filling trench. O Water line - Prior 10 filling, , lrench. t:J Roug" Plumb'ng - Prior 10 cover. , , OF UNITS' CONSTR. TYPF' f HEAT SOURCE: RANI" c. o Ro~gh 2JeC:lr:'lcaJ ~ ~rlor to .' Cover. o Eloctrlcal Sorvlce - Must be apprQved to obtain permanenl eleclrlcal,power. '1 . O Fireplace - ,Prior to taclng . maierlal. and lramln J Inap. O Ftilml"g - Prior to c o>ter. . . ' ' I 0, I W~IICelllnlllnsulallon - Prior to cov~t '1 o Dry!"all - Prior to taping, o Wood Sto~ ..:. After nalal/aUon. o Insen - Aller flrepl. :a apprOVal .nd"n~lal/allon or Uit. , o Curbcul & Approach ~ Aller fcrms are creeled bu/ prlor to placement or concreto. o Sld4!,.,./k .. Drlvewey - After . excavallcn Is comple 0. lonma and sub-base motoria In plac... o Fence -: When comr leled. D Slreel 1l'... - When all reqUIred tree. at" planted. . EXPIRES ~ . 74" T" ,77 I I FLOOO PLAIN' ZONING CODE: , OF BDRMS' , ' o FI...I Plumbing - When all plumbing W9rk Is complet.... D Final Eleclflcal - Wt,en all electrlcar work Is complete. rl7I Final Mechanical - When all l4-J mechanical work I. complele, o Final 8ulldlng - When all required Inspections have be.n approved end building Is completed, o Other MOBILE HOME INSPEcrION~ o Blocklnll end Set.Up - When a I blocking's complet.. o Plumb'ng Connectlona - When homc haa been connocted to water and sewer. tJ Eleotrlcel ConnacUon - Wl1en blOcking, sat'uP. and plumbing . Inspection, have been approved and the home Is connected to the servlee panel. o FInal - Alter all required Inspection, are approved and poroho.. skirting, decks, ana venting have been Installed. , " ';" I .. t.", . ~t ~pe. ' , _ THE PROPOSED WORK IN THE, l " Lot fllCes Setbeck. I P.1.. l , , "-HISTORICM,L DISTRICT, OR ON Lot .q. fig. Interior HSI! GAR ACC IN THE HISTORICAL REGISTER? Lot coverage Corner II yes, this application must be slgl ed 'TOpography Panhandle Is IInd approved by the Hlatori :al Iw Coordinator prior to permltlssuan, e. Total heIght Cul-de-sac APPROVeD- ' I --- LL_ . I BUILDING PERMIT ITEM so. Fr; x $/50. FT. _ VAWE Main Garage Carport Tolal Value Building Permit Fee Slate Surcharg. Total Fee (A) " SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) (6) PLUMBING PERMIT ITEM Fixture. Realdentlal Bath(s) N' Sanitary S~wer FT. Water FT, Storm Sewar FT. Mobile Home Plumbing Permit Stale Surcharge TOlal Charge (C) MECHANICAL PERMIT Furnaco Exhaust Hood Vent Fan N' WoOd Stova/lnsert/Flreplace Unit Dryer Vent FEE Mechanical Permit ~$ /~ae:> - de:> Issuance ~ /a. State Surcharce . :~4- 10(.. ...ermn (0) ..26_2..c> . MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Mobile Home Stale I""uance State Surcharge Sidewalk It Curbcut II DemollUon Slate Surcharge Tolal Mlacellaneoua Parmlt. (E) TOTAL AMOUNT DUI! (excluding %!'trlcal) CA. B, C. D, and I! Combined) BUILDING VALUE, PLAN CHECK AND BUILDING PERMIT This permit Is granted on the expresa condlUon that the Sjd construction shall, In all respecta, conform to the Ordlna Ce adopted by the City 0' Sprlnglield, Including e Deve/opment Code, regUlating the construction and us of buildings, and may be Suspended or revoked at any ti ne u'pon violation of any provisions of said ordinances, ' Plan Check Fee' Qate Paid: Receipt Number Received By:, Plans Reviewed Oy Data Systema Developmont Charge la duo on all undBVelol ad _ properties within the City II ",Its which are being Improv td, ADDITIONAL COMMENTS ,I By algnature, I elate and agme, that I have carefully eXamln ,d I the complel8d application and do hereby certlly that a" I Information hereon Is true and correct, and I further cClrtllY that any and all work perlormed ehall be done In accordan~, with Ihe Ordlnanc~a of the City 01 Sprlngfleld, and the UaI 'a 01 the State 01 Oregon pertaining to tho work descrlb'd herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made 01 a IV struclum without par mission of lhe Building Safety Olvlalc l\, I I,urther certify that only contractora and employees w~o are In compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on tls proJecl. I .....u.., ""'au LV ~11.1.lttl UI~l UII 'VQu~rea InspeCtions; '. requested at the proper limo, thateac~ addross Is readab ty 'rom the atreel, thallhe permit card Is located at I rt of the property, and the approved et plan III on the sUo a durin Slgnalu ~ VAUOATION; RECEIPT NUMBER /"'9 <'"5 :;> DATE PAID $-r'/<9S AMOUNT RECEIVED '2 ~ ?,d!:> , I I RECEIVED BY 4"....-- ~. <' ( --# - /- -.