HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1995-10-11 j:' - .~. RESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION Inspec:tlons; 726-3769 Olllc:e: 726-3759 -. . ~(,?!' I 9?~9-J,/ JOB NUMBER 225 Fifth Street Sprlngflold, Oregon 97471 :ASS.ES.ii> MAP- LOr. _ BLOCI(' OWNEP.' ,~/CfJ/7 73 (l;(P' . ADDRlaSS:' /'~Lf~/f.f/ M/',,) .CITY: . sr/"/~ lfdd /. . STATE:~ DESCRIBE WORK: //Js7i //~ jIJR'1f/ .ekcb/~ ~/1?tJCe REMODEL)( . ADDITION DEMOLISH I . ,. . . I ~~ CONTRACTOR'S NAME ADDRESS . I CONTRACTOR' . G.ENERAL: ~r.li RCn.-f~' ~OS~,J V,~eW 7~lq PLUMBING' "'MECHANICAL:.l:::/ CI'"\lY'.V t ~.., . / EL.ECTRIC:AL' , . NEW OTHER I I r I I . . . I To r.que..t an Insp..c:tlon, you must c!lll 726-3769. ThIs Is a 24 hour recordlllll, All Inspections r..quest..d belor.. 7:00 a.m. wll b. mad. th.. aame working c1a)/, Inapectlon.. r.qu....'.d all..r 7:00 ~m'1111 be made th. following work clay. REQUIRED INSPECTIONS .' , rA7I Rough M.chanlc.,...l.1 Prior 10 ~ cover. o Ro~gh !.I.etr'leal ~ Prior to .' caver. QUAD AREA' , OF BL.DG~' OCC'( GROUP' . OF STORIES: WATER HEATER' o Temporary ElectrIc O Site Inapectlon - To b.. mado after excavation. but prior to ..ttlng 'arm.. O Underalab Plumblng{Electrlcal/ MechanIcal - Prior to cover; . 0 Footing - Alter tr.nches are . excavat.d. . O Masonry - Steel location,. bond beams. grouting, '0 Foundetlon - Afler lorms are .rected but prior tei concrelO placement. O Underground Plumbing - Prior . to filling- trench. . . O Underlloor. Plumblng/M.chanlcal - Prlor to Insulation or decking. i' o Post and S.am - Prtor to floor Insulation or c1ecklng. O Floor InsulaUon - Prior to d.cklng. o Sanil..ry S..wer - Prior to IIIlIng Irench. O Slorm Sewsr - Prior 10 filling tr.nc:h. O Walar Uno - Prior 10 filling. . lrench. o Rough Plumbing - Prior 10 cover. . - OFFICE use _ LAND US"" . OF UNITS: CONSTR. TYpe._. I HEAT SOURC'" RANI''''' o Elaclrical Service - Must b. app'roved to obtain permanent el.i:trlcaJ~wer. '1 . o FlrsplllGa - .Prlor lolracfng maierlal. and framing Inap. o Fr.;.ung - Prior I~ dover. . : . I. O. I Wall/Calllnglnsulallon - Prior to COV~t '1 o Dry!"sll - Prior to taping. o Wood Stovo ..:. Aller natallallon, o 'naert - Aller flrepl,::. apprOVal and"n~taflatlon 01 uit. . o Curbcul " Approach!.... Afler forms are sreeted bul prlor to plllG.ment 01 concreto. o Sidewalk" Drlvaway I Aller' excavation Is compr..t.;: lorma ancl sub-base material In plllGe. . I . . I o Fence -:- Wh..n com~etad. o $Ir.et Tre.. - When all required Ireea are plan led. . ZIP: 9'~?'7 I PHONEI 'i'1"~ ?4~' EXPIRES ~. ~'=- '. FLOOD PLAIN' ZONING CODE: . OF BDRMS: SECONDARY HEAT; SQUARE FOOTAGE: 1- , . o Final PlUmbing - When all plumbing w9rk Is compl..t.... D FInal ElectrIcal - When all ..laClrlcal work I. complela. IA?1 FInal Mechanical - When all ~ mechanical work Is compl..te. o Final BUJldl"g - Wh..n all required Inspections have been approvecl end buildIng Is complat"d. o Olhar MOBilE HOME iNSPECTION~ o Blocking and Set. Up - Whon a I blocking I. comple.e. o Plumbing Connacllons - Whan home has been connOCled to water and seWer. tJ EleotrlclIl Connection - When blOCking. .et.up. and plumbing . Inspection. have been approvod and the home Is connected to Ihe service penGl. o FInal - Aller all required Inllpectlon. .ro approved unci porcho.. eklrllr'lQ, decks, anCl venting h.ve been In:stall.d, , Lol fllCes ~I ~pe. Lot .q. /lg. LoI cove~age To pography Tolal height Interior Corner ~ Panhandle Cul-de-sac ;;\' ": . . , '. I _ THE PROPOSED WORK IN THE. . '-HISTORIc;AL DISTRICT. OR ON THE HISTORICAL REGISTER? If yes. thIs application must be sl1l1ed and approved by the Hlstor'f I Coordinator prior to permit Issuan APPROVEO:. . I I P.I. IN- Is Iw I lU Setback. , , , I HS! GAR ACC I I I I BUILDING PERMIT ITEM SQ FT: X $/SQ FT. _ VAWE Main Garage Carport Total Value Building Permit Fee Slale Surcharge Total Fee (A) , SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) (B) PLUMBING PERMIT ITEM Fixture. Residential Bath(s) N' Sanitary S!lwer FT. Waler FT. Slorm Sewer FT. Moblte Home Plumbing Permit Stale Surcharge Total Charge (C) MECHANICAL PERMIT Furnaco Exhauat Hood Vent Fan N' WoOd Slovellnurl/Flreplace Unit Dryer Vent FEE Mechanical Permit /?/;y'. /,47. ~ Issuance ~ /19. - Slata Surcharee .-~ 10t&l ,..ermll (I)) -2h..~ MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Mob/Ie Home State ISluance State Surcharge Sidewalk 1\ /l Curbc:ut Demolition State Surcharge Tolal Miscellaneous Permlll (E) - TOTAL AMOUNT DUI! (excluding ololOlrlcal) CA. B, C, D, and I!i Combined) ..::26. ?t19 BUILDING VALUE, PLAN CH.ECK AND BUILDING PERMIT Thl. permit Is granted on the expreso condition thallhe S~d c.onatrucllon ahllJl, In all respect_. conform to the Ordlna Co adopted by the City 01 Sprlnglleld. Including e Development Code. regulaUng the conatrucUon and us of buildings. and may be suspended or ravoked at any II ne lipon violation of any provisions 01 said ordinance.. . . Plan Check Fae: Qate PaId: Receipt Number' Received By" Plans Reviewed Oy Date Systems Developmonl Charge Is duo 01'1 all undevelop Id _ properlles within tho City 1I",lts which are bolng ImproY< d. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS .1 ,. . By algnalure, I stale and agre.. Ihatl h..... carefully eXamln ,d the completed appllcallon and do horeby certlly thai ,1/ Infotmatlon hereon Is true and correct. and I furlhor cerny thai any and all work performed ahell be done In accordan ... with the Ordlnanc~. 01 the Clly of Sprlnglleld, and the La\'a 01 the Stato of Oragon pertaining to tho work descrlb, ,d herein, lII'Id Ihal NO OCCUPANCY will be made 01 a 'y struclure wllhout perml..lon 01 the Building Safely Dlvlsl, II. I further cerllly that only contractors and employees w70 are 11'1 compliance with OAS 701.055 will be uoed on t1s pro1ec!. lOW''''"" .WIOU LV ~11"''''IV Ultll UII r9QU!,eO ,na;pectlona ar8 reqUesled at the proper lime. that each adelressls readat'a 'rom the atreel. that the permit card Is loceted al the It 01 the property. and the approved $G~lans wi 01'1 the slle at all times during -/_ r.::. Slgnat Date -.dJ VAUDATION; ReCEIPT NUMBER /~.:?-s--":;> DATE PAID bo?7/\ 9-:;;;- AMOUNT RECEIVED -::?~. 2~ RECEIVED BY ~c-,P;T~.... ';-