HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1988-3-31 Rccc:rJt .~ )J:l ~ / .. RESlDiNTlAl" APPLICA~/PER/IIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building. Division 726-3753 ~~, t);" f/UA>d Address: (Ij;fI 6:3 Ie; II/&--; (/ Job LoC::Jtior:: , )~dfJ f11-f. AsoesGorz N:Jp /I Subdi vi siorl: City: LL~, n Addition n Remodel n ,'!obilc Roml3 1-'( --Y f Date of Applic:atian (..'or,tl'ac;or:> Genera l Pllm'.bir.:J Elcctric:al Mecitar.ic:.::! I CortBt",eti07'l Lend" / fJAtJ J'/.VL/ ~ht Jt-I. Tax Lot II PJ;one: 1u /((93 u0E \ \ I \ t14y. ~~;, I Siar.cd: Date: cv .r-j. '3 (-V It Zip: Describe II'ork: .)JeaJ~~ Value Aaares.3 Lise." i:='t.l'::1G Phone It U tits rcspCJ1'llri.bility of the permit holder to ties that al.! inapections are r.tade at the proper time, tr.at cech ;;Jidrsss is rea.daD~~ f1"Ont the stJ"est, and that the pC1"l'l"1it card is Located at the front of the property. -Bui?di:1{! Di.uicior. appJ"ot:ed plan shcZl. remain or, th6 Building Sit:: at aU times. PROCITJURE PO.'? n:SPECTIOll REC'L'::ST:CALL 726-3769 (recorderJ state your City dcsigr..:Jtea job nur.:ber. .job a:::.cJ"CBS, type of ir..::poc::iC'tl requested a~~ w~en you wi~~ be ready jar ir..::pcction, Contractors or Owne~s ncme er.d phone ~~cr. Requests recei~ed cefere 7:00 ~, :..'izz. be made the same dcy, requests mt:tie c.ft;;:r 7:00 ern LJil.l b.::! made the ncrt :.>orkir.q ciay. after up of U:.'DERSLAl! PLUg3I.':G. ELE::7RIC/iL & gEe!:'.:'::;C;'!..: To be IT'.aac bcjore work is .:ovcred. any :=J FOOTING ~ FOUND,1TIC:l: To be m::zdc after trencnes are excavated ar~ forms are erected, but prior "to pourir.g ccncret,;:. ~ UND!RG.I?OU.'!D P!.W!3Jl:C. SE;..r:;R, ~'.1':'ER, DRAIl.':'C::: '1'0 be ma.:ie prior to fi~- .2.ir.g trenc;uu:. :=J U!lDERFLCO.~ PJ.W~I.'.'G t. J..'ECHA.':IC:'!.: To be made prior to in.3talLation of }1oor incul.ation or decking. POST MID BEA,'.!: To bc made prior to in3ta~L~;icn of floor ins~ia:ior. or deckin.; . :=J :=J RO!..1CH PLrP..'E!.'.':J. ET.F:C":'?!C/"!.. f, 1.'F:C.f.i- ANICA0: Vo work is to DC co~erca .until tncse inspectio~s r~ue bec~ madc ar~ approuc~. FIREPLACE: Prior to placi~? facinr- matcr~a~s and before fr~in9 inspac- tior:. --, FRA.'!J,'.'r:: M'J.:;t be l'ecue3tcd aftcr ~ approv~~ af rough pL~~bing. ~lcctri- ca.l & mccn.:mi::al.. AL! roojir..q bracing t chimneys, at.:. ~J.st be : complcted, No w='l'k io to be c:on- ....ceaLed until this inspection has a been matic and approucd, :=J Your City Desigr.atcd <[ob //umbao 10: D n,'SULATIOlllt'IIp(l.9 BARRIER I,'lS?ECTION: To be rr.ade after aU insuL:.:ti.?n w.d required vapor carriers are in place Cut cefore any lath, gypSU::T beard or z.uU coverina is CPDlied, and before any ir.suZatiOn is ~anceal.ed. ~D~7 g I DEl:2i.ITIO;'! OR :.;~VE::; EUILDJ::GS ~ Sani:ary se-.Jer :::apped .::tt ~opcrt"~ l.ir.B ~ Septi::: tank p:c::p;;d rr.-.d fi!I:!~ with gra~a: I Finc.l. - ll'hen c.b~ve i:c.;:s arc cc."rrDlatcd ~ a~d when dc~oLi:ior. is c~lete or stru:- ~u~c ~oved ar~ pr~3C$ :::leaned up. ":~~i1.c iicr.:eG D DRyr.'ALL Il.'SPECTIOr:: Tc be made aiter aLL cirYL.'alZ is in place, but prior to any tapir4. =:J Blocking ar~ Set-~p =:J PLu~bir~ c:onncctions sewer'and ~a:Br --, Elcctric~l Ccr.r.actio'l - Blocking, sat-up ~ and plumbing conr.ection$ m-~at te appr~~e; beforc reque$t~ng alcc:rical inspectio~ =:J Ac.:es:;o~' Building --, Fin.::.l - I.ftcr p=,rcr.cs, ~ etc. are c~pletcd. skirting, decks, o "~SONRY: Steel. location, bond be~~, aroutina or vertic~l$ in accoraance Lr;th V.B.C. Section 2415. WOODSTOl'E: After installation is ccmpZetcd. D All project conditions, suc~ as the installation of s:reet trees, co~leti~n of the requircd landBcapir:g, etc., must be satisfied before tr.e BUILD1/.':; FINAL can be rzcp.uzst:::d. =:J FIllA!. PLUtfBIl:G ~ FIliAL HE,HA,'IIC,lL 0. ~ ~ FINAL ELEC:SICAL o FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be l'cqueotcd cfter the Fi~l Plumbi"J ELectricaL, and Mechar.ical Inspectiona have been made and approu~d. :J D D CURB I: AT'PRQ/iCH APRO....: Aftc::, forms a:re erected but prior to pau.ring con::rcte, -A:'r. NA.','H=:.rS A....:; CLtAN()UTS 1!VST BE ACCr:S$IE!E, ADJl.'S7.'!2.':r ':0 BE 1.~,1DE 1.7' ,,'1) C':'ST TO C1':'Y I P:J~c of: D SIDEWALK & DRIl'EU,~Y: For all con- crete paving within street right- oJ~l.JCY. to be made after al.Z erCQ- vatina complete & fo~ ~rk & sub- base ~terial in pla:zc. D PENCE: M'hen cO:7lpL~te -- Provide patee or movable 8cctions through P.U.E. D JOB NO. (f1J.;> 1( SOLAR AC.cESS REQ.- lcY1c: Occuoancu C4 LCT TYPE Interun' Comer Panhandla CWl-de-sac Lot Sq. Ft.;. S .of /.ot C"",erag" .f of Stones Total Haight Topo","",hy !':'E,\! I S~. F7"G X Value Main CcTacl' I Carnel""t 1 ACCCSSOT'tI I I TOT,1L VALU~ Is.D.c. IVCI..U':J 1.5 :z: . Building Permit State Surch.:rrpe Tota I C'ha......gea iI'n:,'..' 1 ::J. I FE;: C;:';"F.~Z I Fi--.:uras I Residential (1 bc.th) Iscmit:Iru Seue"!' I Wc.tC!" Pl.:.cnlr;719 Perr.;i t State Surcr..D.1"ge Tcta~ cr.::raes It'1'':-'' I Res. Se. 'ftc, I N;::.J/E--tend Cir:ui ts I i :iJ~~;; Z~JL I ::.. I ....:".-....:.. Ele::rncc.l Penm.t ~7.50 (/r~ -~\ 1 cr, '381. St::te Sur::haroe Tota! Chin-cett , 17'=-'.' t:~. I F-'. C!1;LH:~ I i f'1aon.:2:ce !!'!'U'S ! E::haua t Hoo= , Vent: Fan , ;;~ods to:JC Peme'I3SU.anC':: Me::iu:nic:;l Pc~t State Surc:;..cr.'1C '1',.,~~Z cr_""",,,.... -- E:ICROACHA'!:.:':r Sc~~ritu D~~03it Storaoe ;~:zi"ter.ar~.... Pc~t Total. C"narnc!: !:\U'.;cu: I 1 I ,2-V I. I I I I 5'C1.5'& I S~lk .C',.n,:l! Electrical Label ."4obi Ze Name 1'1</02 B :'OTAL ~l:,"."!' D!J~:. L-COC~ --I , I ! I u,t Fact!S - I I P.L. INorth lEast ISouth IWast T:..peICor.st: ., I Access. II i I II II Ir'atp!" .4~!1~r"" ka11f:c FireDlacl? Wcoa.:;to~e Be:irotT:s: Ener.'7:J SU.lrcp.S Hca: 7l/~' Sctbackp I House Caraac I I I F<!es Building Value & Permit This perrrr;t to granted on the erpress condition that the said. constJ"'llction shall, in all respectD, conform to the Ordinar.ce ~doptej by the City of Springfield, incLuding :he Zoning c:rd~nance, -re!JULating tile censtl"'04.:ticn and use of buildings, and m~y be suspended or revokec at cr.y time upon vie- lation of any.pr~visions of said Ordir~nces. I ! . IPZan Check Fep.: I Vata Paid: IRaadpt N: !S,:g,:ad: Plumbing Permit No percon shall construct, ins:alZ. aLter Or change any r~w cr e--isting plumbing or drainage systen in whole or in par:, ur.less sucn person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's License, except tr.at a pe~so" may do pl~bing ~ork to property which is owned, leased or operated by the appli- cant. " I .J .1 , I i :! Electrical Permi t Where State LaJ.J reauires tr.at the electrical. work be done a!l an Ele::mcal Conrrac:c~, the e'ec~~;CcL por:ion of :his pe~it snali. r~t~oe valiC until the Zabel has bl:en si!17led by the ELectrical ::ontra.:'tor. I I I 1 1 I I 1 1 I. Mechanical Permit ]'4.an t..xam1.ner ",ate I HAVE CAREFULLY ~XA.V.INED tha completed application for pe1"mit, and do hcreby certify that aLl, i~fo:-r.'.ation hereon is trUi? ar.d correct, an:J 1 further ccr:ify that any ar.d all. IJOrk perfoMlcd sr..:::.ll bfl d.o:-zc in accor- dance ~th the Ordin~nccs of the City of SprinJfield, and th= Lu.s of tho . State of Oreg~n p~rtaining to the uor~ cesc~ibcd herein, cr~ :r~t NO OCCV- PJ.NCY will be made of any ntructurz uitho~t parmisaiol1 of thc 3uiZdin~ Di- vision. I further ccrtif~ that o:-zly contra=tors ar~ ~1~Y8cs who are in ~pliance uith CRS 701.0St wilL be uscd Or! this project dP~ - 3-3r-J>V ~g"zd Cuta