HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Curb Cut 2004-1-23 .. .f CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2004-00082 ISSUED: 01/2312004 APPLIED: 01/21/2004 EXPIRES: 07/23/2004 VALUE: Status Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line SITE ADDRESS: 4350 Mt Vernon Rd ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: 1802052108400 Springfield TYPE OF WORK: Curbcut TYPE OF USE: use initials Commercial PROJECT DESCRIPTION: SIDEWALK PERMIT FORA PATHWAY CUTDOWN WITH ADA RAMPS. Owner: WILLAMALANE PARK & REC DlST Address: 200 S MILL ST SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 , CONTRACTOR INFORMATION' Contractor Type General Contractor BROWN CONTRACTING INC License 114260 Expiration Date 05/30/2005 Phone 541-338-9345 BUILDING INFORMATION' # of Units: Primary Occupancy Group: . Secondary Occupancy Group: Primary Construction Type Secondary Construction Type: # of Bedrooms: # of Stories: Height of Structure Type of Heat: Water Type: Range Type: Energy Path: Lot Size: Sq Ft 1st Floor: Sq Ft 2nd Floor: Sq Ft Basement: Sq Ft Garage/Carport Sq Ft Other: Impervious Surface Area: , I DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION' SETB&CKS REQUIRED PARKING Frontyard Selb~~c. Overlay nist: Total: Side I se~b ~o/$ A ~. # Street Trees Rqd: Handicapped: Side 2 Se ~" (C'-9;16 Paved Drive Rqd: Compact: .4.;'.41. "'-9/.>-.q, 01) \0 Rearya,u~ll)~ <!'b 05'~-4. % of Lot Coverage: I)I,eS ~ u\\\\\~ Solar Setba~/)~!'b Ul1;b}(!'..o.. I' \9-'JoI te~O,/!p';OI\ \ \e(l , I'lA r/\ -~"J' _,,0 \~'" -~ 1'>6 .J:, , P!,;/;,I$-if. 1-;;$ ;!' If:' ~l PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS~...;\O~";~\ed O~S0 t\)\0~;~ g'3~\Q; \ Vo ~46 (C'J> 'ITP 0 \fd!l e; af ~~ \)g~ ~6 tl) Street Improvements: . VOA:1~1' <- ~" I" \\O'Jol 'fU -Sl1~IK R<P~,tO . as 0\ ~ ,,~ol\a '''!'o I.r "'-9.... \0 ~\\Ol\ "l'\\.QO . CO~I 0\6\0... \\01' Storm Sewer Available: I'a 11;0 '. ~o\\\iC gc;,Q.ownsP8!lt~aI8~" \~ ~O\\\IC~ Special Instruction: ~ 'I' \'\ Op...~ ~OIJ ~0.'i el\\et. ~~ I' U\\\iti ?I'A'" uort/'}"\\I\9, \~e ~~e Ot6~~I\_?-?-~''l Notes: c0.\ at \Op . \e \.'" 1'\\\<;1\'0 ,..,...,..,ltft' I Valuation Descriotion I Description Type of Construction $ Per Sq Ft or multiplier Square Footage or Bid Amount Value Date Calculated Total Value of Project Paee 1 of2 . . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2004-00082 ISSUED: 01123/2004 APPLIED: 01121/2004 EXPIRES: 07/23/2004 VALUE: Status Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line L.Ff'f'S P3id I Fee Deserilltion Sidewalk Permit Amount Paid Date Paid Receipt Number $75.00 1/23/04 1200400000000000095 Total Amount Paid $75.00 I Plan Reviews I To Request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at 726-3769. All inspection requested before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day. I ReolJirf'1lnsredions I 1 Sidewalk - Curbside, After forms are erected but prior to placement of concrete. By signature, I state and agree, tbat I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work descrihed herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Community Services Division, Building Safcty. I further certify that only contractors and employees who arc in compliance with ORS 701.005 will be used on this projcct. I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that each address is readable from the street, that the permit card is located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all times during construction. , Date / ) J3 JlJcJ ( Q....--;=,-.J r--? n. [$1ner ~~ntraet~rs Sign-ature c:0 ~ Paee 2 of2 225'Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number COM2004-00082 Payments: Type of Payment Check Description Sidewalk Permit Paid By BROWN CONTRACTING INC .r ih;~j ~*. Receipt #: 1200400000000000095 Received By swb Check Number Batch Number Authorization Number 15712 City of Springfield Ofiicial Receipt. Development Services Department Public Works Department ~ Date: 01123/2004 8:24:56AM Amount Paid Item Total: 75.00 $75.00 How Received In Person Payment Total: Amount Paid $75.00 $75.00 . . . 12/15/03 . . . .. " MON 13:53 FAX 54~3689 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 1~t:lz..O'SU o84/fl) . 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELO, OREGON 97477 ENGINEERING DIVISION OFFICE :TELEPHONE (503) nlh1153 APPLICATION DATE: rz. -'2.., ~ 0 ~ . ~~ PERMIT NUMBER: C. OM DATE ISSUED: )...00 l/ -cJOO,?Z' sITe INFORMATION: 4~Su MI'. i/iZR , LOCATION OF WORK: '-B..l S+. S"pr:I(':f:' Inl APPLICANT t<r /lwl"". CcI'ltr6-Ch",-'I I.r'\L ADDRESS: 'i'ild IfIrk....,j" <: f-. -J ~ us"u'<'. . i ,; STATE: . ~fl A/Ol./ rR I~ D.. 'q7i1?-~ CITY: ...G::-~ L- SVBDIVtS10N: . OWN~~ 1,.,);\I"'''^..I,."....~.r,\. ~~ a.<<:~t;.........: ADDRESS: CITY: PHONE "5s ,,- 'I ':. 'tc;;'" 012 9 )9'0'2 . TAA MAPS. I~ 02...0~"Z. I f71./()7:... TAX LOT: ~i/(IT) ZIP PHONE: STATE: ZIP: REQUESTED PERMITS: ~. SIDewALK; ..................... .................... ........... ............. ........$ 75.00.......:.. .' $ =f S:-aO AMOUNT OF SIDEWA~K IN EXCESS 0' eOLF. : '@$O.07 SF, . $ o SIDewALK REPAIR:........... ..,....:............:.. ................. ..... ......,......$10.00 $' o CURB CUTlDRIVEWAY: NUMBI!R OF DRIVEWAYS: X...............$75.00 ........... $ o MULTIPLE! PERMIT DISCOUNT EA: .... (MAX 2) .......................... ..... $30.00 ........... . = $ (_ .1_ (MULTI PERMIT DISCOUNT GOOD FOR ONE 61TE AND ONE SITE INSPECTION ONLY APPUES TO 2nd AND 3rd PERMITS ONLY. NOT StDEWA~K REPAIR) . -* '7 scrO TOTAL DU.E WITHPERMrT $' T o PRQOF OF INSURANCE: $500,000 MINIMUM IF WORK IS DONE BY PROPERTY OWNER CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: CONTRACTOR: . P.."''''.J^' . Lo<\-\.n.c..t'.~~ :I:.Ac.... ) ADDReSS: '1'b(J ('(\.,.'K."t\e.\" e..,\- _ <"'~'N\,L- ~R- CONTRACTOR REGISTRATION NO: PROJECT SUPERVISOR: . "'J.Ie '1>'" <>+c..-I~ INSPECTIONS: '. . PHONE: G't'iO,- EXPIRATION DATE: PHONE: ~_n4., AN INSPECTION REQUEST SHOULD BE MADE PRIOR TO POURING CONCRETE AFTeR TIlE PROPOSl;D WORK HAS BEEN 'ORMEO ANO.MADE READY TO POUR. CURB CUT AND SIDEWALK INSPECTIONS CALL ne-~719 (RECORDERl STATE YOUR DESIGINATeD CITY JOB NUMBER/PERMIT NUMBER JOB ADDRESS rfPE OF INSPECTION REQUl;STeO AND WHeN YOU W1~~ BE REACY FOR tNSPECTION. CONTRACTOR'S OR OWNER'S N AME AND PHONE NUMBER. REOUESTS RESEIVED BEFORE 7:00 A.M. W1~L BE MADE THE SAME DAY REQUESTS AFTER 7:00 A.M. WILL BE MADE THE NEXT WORKtNG DAY. INSPECTIONS ARE TO BE CALLED IN AFTER EXCAVATIONS ARE MADE ANI) FORM WORK IS IN PLACE BUT PRiOR TO POURING CONCRETE. YOU ARE ReQUIRED TO CALL !g~EL~~tLU~\T~T~~i,POORD~~toTd~~3~3~~~.1 L' S 48 HOURS BEFORE DIGGING SIGNATURE; AMOUNT RECEIVED: 'RECElPT NO: . DATE PAID; RECEIVED BY; . By aignature,l fl1ale Pl'ld = Uun', have CBrefultv examIned the complelecl appDcatlon end do herebY certifll that elllnfonnatlOl1 hereIn . ls true and corraCI, .~d I certify tNrlsnv and aU work Derlormed ahlD be dtlt1ftlr. III"'.r.nMA"Nlo ~th tk;'-i'\rrflnltr\"ollll ", ~~ '-.J.... -" ".'-l_~ .... J\ I \.: '..:-. ,J ...J \. .....-.' ) \. ,V". I , . - " . ...'.... ~, \ ...." \ .. .1"'- -.....-.--.--...."1 t . ~l. r ... '1 i: ,0:; r:,.'\"'\' !\.I\<... \::::. :rt>v..",s,+c.'t\e '15'1- OlD$'" --wWP-<-&' ~ , I b.---. q /,,( /W / /7 .' 0 5;(; \1-<1_ -~~ 14 -r-~-.-~' ,c.-~- --......... ,:. . .. ._f L. '. "'............-.. ...... r' , \ . . " .. I. " 12/15/03 MON 13:34 FAX 341 ,,~.... ' '. . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD . ~004 PlAN REVIEW COMMENTS I PECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: . RESTORATION WORK SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH EXISTING CITY CODES ANI) IN COMPUANCE WITH CURRENT STANDARD 8PECIRCATlONS. EXC!PT AS NOTI!D Ilfl.OW. . .' . . C1 0 018 Mlnunnm4' I"" ,".. atanypai'nt.IIIWk'tv-.wr(. . 001 1lo.1dIlI wi'" tI m_ ..011.' D ~O Oon:r'lD mlnmm 4' "pU, 3.0000sL' D 002 CO_....lY 18' "",..doJ>lh. J c.11' 1'tolIclIIO bo'T- CUL' . D 003 Roqu... DO ., .... with...... roll". . J 022 .,.'" 6110\.1 Ccu\1y ponnt. 8 004 A.C. tg match 1h~ graattror ub~ dap1f1 or 4-, J 023 NIl ,brml'vn:I1J11d uU;l'a1i'Qa In &iduwalk or handkl.p rornpa.' 005 All..... sulod Itlf ftnollnapec\lln, D .024 . Dloniond.... A.CJCooctOlD vo'" 110...10 CIl.d... OOS Tempor.,., pdah may,t. unci .t thl .Dd af 1M dlY. 0 Q28 . Frech 011 dOni I Gnldod. o 007 lIIg.....& and ~ PNII..1on to comply w~. MlITCO 0 025 Cal:nP1y _ _.nl wlth DOoebt1l1n Aal. [] OOB CUt canarlll' cntr an mD1II Un" or cold, lolnll. , 0 027. eu.:.nt..tab&, 71h... aurlng tlrml. '4600ps!. . J 009 61ll'~11I'n<l drNowoVS min. 3,000pol. 0 028 """,,"II 01"" roqul"jDInt ",'m.-l . 010 C\Irbll1llmln3,600polIN.poll:hVl""'...._:r. 0 on. oriv.wOV.~_I"v",,18'. ; 011 Moot mIn. roqulrcm.nto .n curb cuto. Spl'cf. coda. D 03C Submh _ ""11'01 pion prior .\. ....v.lIan. 01 Z ,,",to'" pl_ ...... Bpllf. """" 209.3.06 C1 031 NotlIy rr.tt!Il OMslon borOl1l ....vlllon. o 013 Bp"'.lIPBo"IJ..l.'NOA.~."'... D. __ c...cirm...nUn.._to..2~mln.a"d.. o 014 Mlon.nloal_a "",...01. . O 016 No "_.-~ D _~ 0 033 MUllcamplywllh1lutprovi.Ion..10RS 7111.'41", __._.1 '_. 751.571.' o 015. Lo...oJ aJllI to _ conlnll donalty I\IL [J ~ . e' _ ho~c)'V... o 0'7 Cull to be pOIym"lz;d 0_ ...h,d 10. flnal.,.peo1ion, D o 015 MOoInum 2' _bod ""'" lI'mlnul. Comments: YOU ARE REQUIRED To CA~L . THE LANE UTILITIES COORDINATING COUNCIL'S ., ONE CALL NUMBER" 1-800-332-2344 48 HOURS BEfoRE DII3~13 INSPECTIONS: o CURB CUT AND SIDewAll{ INSPI!C'TlONS CAll 726-3769 {RECORDER! STATE YOUR DESIGINATED CITY JOB NUMBERiPERMIT NUMBER. JOB ADDRESS. TYPE OF INSPEC'TlON REQUESTED, AND WHEN YOU WILL BE READY FOR INSPEC'TlON; CONmACTOR' S OR OWNER'S NAME AND PHONE NUMIilI!R. REQUESTS RECEIVED BEFORE 7:00 A.M. Will BE 'MADE Tlie SAMe DAY. REQUESTS AFTER 7:00 A.III. WIL~ BE MADE THE NEXT WORKING OAY.INSPecTIQNS ARE TO BE CALLED IN AFTER EXCAVATlONli ARE MADE AND FORM WORK IS IN PlACE Bl1T PRIOR TO POURING CONCRET~ D SANITARY SEWER. STORM SIlWER. ENCROACHMENT PERMIT AND OTliER INSPECTIONS CALL CITY MAINTENANCE AT 726-3781. SIGNATURE: AMOUNT RECEIVED: RECEIPT NO: DATE PAlp: RECEIVED BY: !lY "9I1I1tUrc. I ~... and agroa thai'l hava ~alully examined tha J:Qmpleted 'PPr.f.~tlon II1d do hera~ O'Ortify that al1lnformatlon . h~.relii Ie tN. ~n corre~t. lod 1 fuither cotti that anv 8/ld. an work , .', ;..." 'ad ell 1 be done ill 8OCO BIlCS With the -Oldlnaneea of the ell\' Qt Sprtng d ""pllcabl8 City 5W1dal'd oaciflcatrona and Draw'"1/B an tIla OWB 01 tho Stlrle 0 O....gon partalnnv to the WQr~ dos.crtbed horn n. (IUrther cantty that only contrBCtllr8 and employees who are in compllonca With ORS 7Dl.055 wlllll6 ueod on thlll proJect.' . ..... . Th. City may In.s~ecl: th~Work .ite d.eoribed in tf"~e ermlt 81 any ~me duril'lg a ona vaar pericd following the ..aelpt by tho City of notlca ~ complauon of 9 dascrtb8lj wcrl< and '0 . at thWiCIl\' . Bolo d.scre88l0n.JnY addltion.1 rostoredon wen. I' 9Qulred to rlltulT1t . e/tll 1q a stan Ki acc~le to tha CItY. a PQI1Jl ca will bB notlfled In wnung of cny won. r\lllulred end w II have ltJlrty dn1l13 'thfrom 111. dm t1Je mti.. to comDlala Iha wor~. ork not oompl.tad at lI1a enil 01 tha thirty day. wlll bB per1'ormBd bV the City an a COGtC wlJl be ,UIed to lt1. parmlll..... . I rUJtlIor agree \0 ansurr tlIBt an J:!Illulr.~ inspections are reQUasted .t;t,e pro"", tIm.. that pro/eot ~dre.s i. readable from tho S1J801, on" the .pprcwed set ~~:a1e III remam on the '~ at ell tm~durng corulitruct~n.. . SIgnature 7/ . ~--- ~ -'- --. . _' . . . Dato / - Z 0- 6,/ .. . . , VALlDATION:'- o TRAFAC REYICWEO BY: o ENGINEERING. REVIeweD BY: DATE: OATE: It MAINT"NAN""" nl1TI=. . " ~ .........-.-...--. . D PERMIT ISSUED BY:__ ....... FOR'SJDEWALKAND CURB i:rJr PBlMITS PlACE A COPY (COMPLETED/IN PE1lN1IT'DRAWER. D1t J . INSPEC110N: INSPECTION' WORK IN PROGRESS AT TIME OF COMPl.ETION: ELEVENTH MONtH: DATE: DArE: DAH: DATE: DATE: . . . . . .