HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-2-21 ~ !j (e (()070 .. RESlDiWTlAL" APPLICATJII;PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 Bui Zding Division 726-3753 ~@ Job Locatio,,: qOS- )/A-ULY~5'T. _4(.,:1..tZ.I.v<.,;Z::/5-~A ,CU1, <;7</";'" A8GeSGOPG ~fap # / rr () :'j ::J 7 ::J ( T= Lot # (/) cf-(Y),() Describe fl'ork: C./l"p-tl/4L :&:.xISTINt:, C74-M4L -roO /tuo B~,e&:JOM'$ -O#~ I3ATH- ,lJL-t:... INftOL ~/S77M" ;::,.e:r~4...;~ u.J4t-LS. Subdivision: CUneI": Il). 8 ~ rL..'/,~.eb tlo.~ NA-N~YSr. Address: CitlJ: _ ('PPIJr; 1=-/~ Ll:> n n w n N~,l Addi ticr! Remodel !.fobi Za HomrJ bl-02 <(-5'/:; Date of Applicaticn (;ont:l'actors Genepa! LAc.~.<:;.!> A/ Plwnbill(! A-jR P . <; , E!ectpica!L't'N/J '( ') :1 ~,O=~"r..t2": PLc./A4 /.3MU... 'S:..t..U. .(..'T'.</u Nechar.ica! . .J/!7HL. Constl'Uction Lender I?P CfIt.L ~a:ec.rr;c;".-u> rY8.r &/7?<j ~ '~'7'7 /;~dJf-6i- l ' siqr.c~1:: d! ~~/~:~ Datc: :}:;:g. :2.'1 Pi/at, I Lisc.# Expil"CS Phone HSZ7'i ~/-O'i-876Be;-ot/aL ..,.,8 </-7ZJ,/t.. 7u" 71JfS- Zip: Value 9S"oc> +- fi:L/JLi. J/Vi..l-~T'N"""-...A. Q7#o'l. 11'-/ ,4"...,<..<(.,. .it'LL ./Z.". f7~2. /ho,,""$ ?q4'~ L/7rI.E Ha Cd..RlJ. eALL r.Rak Your City Del1igr.atcd Job Numb(;;r I:;: ~ INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: LJ To be made after all insulatum ar.d . required vapor ba::rriers are in place but before any lath~ gypsum boa:t'd 01' ooU aovering is appl.ied~ and before any inauZation is conceal-ed. I y I DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made /\ after all drywall is in pZace~ but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel location~ bond beam3~ grQuting or verticals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. O WOODSTOVE: After instalZation is ccmpletcd. D CURB & APPROACH APRON: Afte::, forms are tJrected but prior to pouring concrete. SIDEWALK &. DRIT/WAY: For aZZ con- crete paving witflin street l'ight- of-llJC.Y~ to be made after aU exca- vating complete &. fo~ work & zub- baze material in place. Addres3 It is the responcibility of the permit hoLdeI' to see that all incpections are ~ade at the proper tim~~ that ccch =dares8 is readab:e froom tho street~ and that the permit card is located at the front of the property. .tBui!.ding ~viciol': approt.'ed plan sr,cU remain on th2 Building Sits at azz. times. PROCEDU~E FOR p~c:_~r;C']'J()-'1 REOUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City designa.ted job nur.:ber~ job czCiress~ type of ir.3pactic1: requested a~.d when you :.Jizz. be ready for inspcction~ Contractors 01' OtJne::"s name end phone number. Requests received befeI's 7: 00 .::-:: :.,'iZl be made the same day~ requests made after 7:00 a:n wizz. be made the next :.JOrking day. qp.fl'n:~""A T"'!':r_"/~f;i,,,:.q iD o o SITe INSP::C':'ION: To be made after excavation~ but prior to set up of forms. UNDERSLJ.B PLUM3ING, ELECTRICtiL & NECHAtlICAL: To be made before any work is covered. FOOTING !1 FOUND,1TIOtl: To be rn::zde after tI'enches are excavated and forms al'e erected~ but prior to pourir.g concrete.:. D UNDSRGROU:..1D PLUMBING, SEWER. W.1TER, pRAINAGE: To be mad'@ prior to fil- Ur.g trencnez. Ill] UNDERFLOO,11 PLW.'BING & MECHANICAL: To be made pI'ior to in3talZati~n of 11001' insulation 01' decking. POST AND BEAN: To be made prior to installation of floor ins~Zation 01' deck,,,". ROUGH PLW.'BI!.1G. ELECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No :.JO!"k is to be cOL'ered until these in3pectior.s have beer. made and apPJ'.;Jved. FIREPLACE: Priol' to pZacir.g feeing materials and before framing inspec- tior.. FRA!~ING: Must be requested afteI' approval of rough plurr.bing~ electri- cal & mechaniaal. AU roOfing bracing & chimru;ys~ eta. nt'.ist be completed. 1.'0 W.?I'k is to be con- . cealed until thiD inspection has 'bsen made and approved. ~ [K] D ~ o D PENCE: When co.'11pl.;.te -- PI'ovide gates or movable sections through P.U.E. D 80-Oft1 ( DE/.IOLITIO!1 OR ;'.;OVE'j BUILDI;.'GS ...... =:J Sanitary Se'..Jer =apped ::.t p~operty ~ Septic tank p:c.,,?cd and fiZZcd with gra;;oz. Zino --, Final - rlhen above ito.":Is are cc::'Oletcc ~ ar.d when d~olitior. is complete 01' 8tru~- ture moved and pr~3es clsaned up. I Nobile Heme:; =:J Blocking and Set-~p :==J Plumbing connections -- s~er ar~ wateI' ---, ElcctI'ical Conr.ection - Blocki1~~ set-u~ ~ and plumbing conr.ections r.r~st te apPI'ovad before I'equest~r.g electrical inspection .=J AcaessoP'i Buil.c!ing ---, Final - AftOJI' p:JI'cr.es~ skil'tin{J~ d6cka~ ---l etc. are completed. D All pl'oject conditions~ such as the installation of street trees, co.7oplotion of tne required landscapir.g~ etc. ~ must be satisfied before the BUILDIl,'G FINAL can be r~quest.:1d. :Xl FIliAL PW1.fBI/IG ~ FIlIAL UEoHAIlICAL ! ]g FIliAL ELECTRICAL I I :=J o FINAL BUILDING: The Pinal Building Inspection must be I'equested after tho Pinal Plumbina ElectI'ical~ and Mechar:ical Inspections hava been made and appl'ov,;d. 'ALL MANHOLES AND CI.EANOUTS truST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST/!E:IlT TO BE 1.~1DE AT 110 C~ST TO CITY I PaFc 1 of 2 , I I JOB NO.y';rn O/F)50LAR A.55 REQ.- h'..4'. Zone: J? I - OcauvanCl/ Grou:J: ;1;'--::1 ILot Sq. . Ftg. LOT TYPE I Lot Faces - I: :Jf lot CJtJerag;; Interior: P.L. 'Ill of StoPies Corner jNorth TotaZ Height Panhandle ~?ast I ISouth ITopography CUL-de-sac West I iA; I ;~C I I I I I I I I I IITEN IMain I SQ. FTG I GcTaae Carnert Accessol'l.( ~~ 'bJ TOTA!' VALUE Is. D.C. 1.5 x (vc/..ucJ Building Permit State Surcha:rge Total Cha:oges lITEM [ Fixtures !ResidentiaZ U bath) Sani ropy Sewer Water I Plwnbing Perrd t State Surcr.arge TetaZ C1u:.raes lITEM I Res. So. fto. IN~/Extend Circuits I Tempol'ary Service x -- Fees I I I I I I I B'S'a;.-1 I I I tlJ. I, I 71./. S" t:; I 2. ~I!$ I 77.'18 " Value CHARGE I ~-I I I I I ;rl? ..- I /.<.:>1 ~/.<cl' I I '2:Z St:; I I I "2'2.so I .9cl Z3 .SlO' , I NO'1 FEE I I~MiWO''' I I I I Ele~triaal Permit State Su.r[:harqe Total ChaPces lITEM F'urn:wB ETU' S I E:::haust Hood I Vent Fcm 11/0. I I I I II I 1 WOOdStO:J8 Permit Issuanca Mechanic::l Pernrit State Surcharae Toto l Chn1"(um -- ENCROACHMENT -- I SeC".J.ri tl/ D2003i t I Storage I Uaintena1Wc I Permit Total Chal'acs iGurbcu' !Side=Zk ! F'cn~e I Electl'ical Label 'Mobile Home TOTAL AJ.!OUNT DUE: A FEE CHARGE GHARGE I I I I I I I I,'). ~ I .~ /s.~ I I I I I I 1~'I7- 6 ~ My L-COG~ , Bedroon:s:.l/pD 2- En2rau Sources TUDe I Heat I Wate1' Rnatnl' I Range I I FiI'eplace I I Wooda tove II T;,,'pe/Cor.st: Setbacks House I CaI'age I I I I Access. I I I Building Value & Permit This perrrr:t iG gronted on the e:tpI'ess condition that the sdid comJtruction shall, in aZl respects, conform to the Ordinar~e adopted by the City of SpI'ingfield, incZuding the Zoning Crdinance, regulating the construction and use of buildings, and m~y be suspended or revoked at cr.y time upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordir~ces. Plan Check Fee: 4g., 1C<5 Date Pai.d: -7- {)1 - y A. Receipt #: ?-? (,,/,p().o..3 ISi.gned: Lt: Pe r m i t Plumbing No pereon shall construct, install, alter or change any ne~ 01' e:isting plumbing 01' drainage system in ~hole 01' in part, unless such peI'son is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except tr~t a pe~son may do plu~bing ~ork to property which is owned, leased 01' operated by the appli- cant. Electrical Permit Where State Law requires tr.at the electrical work be done by an Ele~trical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall not be valid until the label has been signed by the Electt>ical {;ontl'actor. Mechanical Permit . _Le>~~ ?l~~ P"Lal'l EXcnl'1..ne1' -:z -:;>c:: "'8w; uar;e I I. I I I I I I I I ' I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA.~INED the completed application for permit, an.d do hereby certify that all info':"r.'.ation hereon is true and corrcct, and I f'~l'ther cel'tify that any ar.d all WOI'k perfomJed shall. be do:1e in ac~ol"- dance :uith the Ordin:.mces of the City of Springficld, and thz La..;s of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, end that NO OCCU- PANCY will be made of any structure without parmis3ion of the Building Di- vision. I furthe1' certify tha.t only contl"acto1'S arid e:rrpklyees who are in compliance with ORS 701.05~ will be used on this project ~~ Sign2d 0 3-5-oh Date