HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1989-12-1 .. RESIDITlAL .'. ..... APPLICATI !PERMIT 225 North 5th Street ,SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 . '.Bui Zding. Division '. 726-3753 . t:;) ? '7 ':::::> 17/6~ . SPRINGFIELD ~ Job Location: J?11. r/tr/'l.P7 D4~/L{ Ed. Tcz Lot # / /oD ASD6BOOl"S Map fI SubdilJision: Ctmer: /!.iKfi ff() l/.ifW ;;:)&55 ffI-t. vtrl10l1 /?-J. Phone: 1tfrj, 7& 5"'7 Zip: q"Jtl16>' Address: City: QN,.", n Addition n Remodel n Hobile Homa Date' of Application Contractors General i Plumbing IHechanical I E:\,ectrical I Suolrr'vi'S:i.,ngElectr:lcian Describe rl'ol'k: /Vft5U-N..... .jhL uua.h/! Valu.e Addrpss '.Li~c. II BIdes Hoorrl Re~. Phnnp R;::c:r':.pt Ii / c;-'H 1 (.I' v Uq8 Sig1:ed: i/yul~ V I ~" I ~ )('1 ...... I Data: EXDires It is ths f>68ptmoibitity"o! ths permit holder to Bee that aLL inopectioTW are made at the proper timE:, tr.at ~ach ,~ddre88 is r(JacaMe from tho stl'eBt, and that ths permit card is located at the front of the pl'OpOl'ty. ABuiZding Divicio'r! approvsd plan shaU l'amain on tha Buildinp Sit:; at all timas. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION Rs:,OUEST;CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City designated job nlD;:ber, job acc:.rcss, typo of i1l:~pac~iclI ,..aqucstcd ar.d "'hen you lJil.l. be ready for inspection, Contractors or Q.mers ncma Gnd pllone /lumber. Requcntc racoived cefcJ'e 7:00 a-:1 .'ill b. made tho .am. day, r.qu..t. mad. aftor 7:00 am wiZZ bo mad. the next worki"J daY,#- C!::'j?11 YOUI' City Dooigr.ated Job NumbGr 10: tJ / Raaui~p.d In~nfiq~ir.~~ 0: SITE INSPECTION: To be 17k7de aftel' excavation, but proior to se: up of . ./orms. O "UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & . MECHANICAL: To ba mada beforB any ~I'k is oovc~ed. ,",' ,', D. FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be mui. . after trenches aI'a excavated and . . forms are 6rected, but prior to . pouring ccncrete. D, UNDSRGROUND PLUMBING.. SSWER. W.1TER, ,DRAINAGE: To b. mad. prior to fil- .Ur.g trencMo. D i' UNDERFWOR PLU/.IBING & ME~HANICAL: , To be mads prior to inotaZ,lation of . '. f!-OOl' insulation 01' decking. D POST AND BEAM: To be made pl'ior to instal1.ation of fLoor . ulation or "decki.... ;--:? ~ ~OfJGH PLlIMBIN . ELECTRICAL' & )MECll- ~ . ANICAL: No k is to be vel'ed ,until those ins . ve beer. I made and approved. .. . . D. .FIREPLACE: Priol' to p7.c.cir.g facing materials and before framing inspec- , ticr:. O FRAMING: Must be requsoted aftor approval of l'ough ptwr.bing, atectri- . ,cat.{ mechanical.. All. roOfing ,~,: bracing & chimneys, eta. must be J'.comptetod. No LXJl'k is to be con- ,:;t,,:,ceated until. this inspection has ~.~,b6~n made and approved. ~~ ~:.' :. -....-.- O INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after all. insulation a~4 " required vapor barriers are in pl.ace '.:: but befol'e any "lath, gypsum board or wU covering is applied, and before any inauZa.tion is concealed. ". O DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made after aU drywaU is in place, . but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel beam!], grou ting accordance r.n.th 2415. O WOODSTOVE: Aftel' installation is ccmpl6ted. tocation, bond 01' verticals in U.B.C. Section o CURB & APPROACH APRON: After forms are crected but prior to pouring aonarete. I DE,'.f()[,ITION OR :.:OVED BUILDnH;S :=J Sani~ary 86'.Jcr capped ::.t p~opcrty lir:o =:=J Septi~ tank p~~cd and fitlad with ~~a~al I Final - (then aheve ite.'ns arc ccmptetsd --.J arid when denotitior. is complete 01' stru,J- ture moved a1~ premi3en cleaned up. I Mobile Hcmes :=J Blocking and Sat-up :=J Plu;llbin..] connoctions .- st:Wor and wa:-or --"l Electrical Con71actio11 - BLocking, sot-up .--J alld ptwnbing com:ectiona m'...at bo approved bofore requeGtillg etac~rical inspection :=J AccecGor';j Bui ld-:.ng :J FilL:ll - Aftal' p;:)rcr.eo, ok-:.rting, dock:J, etc. aro comple~cd. o AU project conditions, Dueh ao the il'wtallation of D~J.cot trees. t:o.-:rplOt.i.O'l of tM required Zandscapir-fj, etc., must be aatisfiad beforo t}:a BUILDING FINAL can be l'squ6stad. o FIliAL PLUMBING o FINAL MECHANICAL ~NAL ELECTRICAL o FINAL BUILDING: The Final. Buitding Inspection ,mISt be requested artel' tile Final. Plumbing Elaotrical, and Mechanical Inspectio'10 1zava be6n mado and approvod. o SIDEWALK A DRIVEWAY: Fol' all. C071- cret6 paving within street ~ight- pf-way, to be made after aU exca- vating ccmptete & form wrk & cub- , baGe material. in place. o O FENCE: When compl.;te -- Provide gates 01' movable soctions through P.U.E. . ,',' o AALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS HUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSrm:NT TO Dr: MADE AT /.'0 rOST TO C[TY I Pa[7o 1 of 2 I JOB NO. I Zone: SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- OccuvanCII C4 LOT TYPE Lot Sq. Ftg. S at lot Cauerage ,~ of Stories TotaL Height Topography Tntepiol' Cornel" Panhandle Cul-de-sac I lITEM Il>b:in I GcPaae SQ. FTG x Value I 1 1 1 1 ] I J' I I I, Carport ACC6SB01'U TOTAr, VAWE Is.D.c. (uct.UCJ 1.5 x Bui Lding Parmi t State Sw'cha:rge Tota l Chn.:>ges lITEM I Fixtures I ResidentiaL (J bath) I Sani taT1{ Sewer' NO'1 I I I I Ff..'E C/lARGE Watel" plwnbing pe:rn:i t State SUl'cr.arge Total Chal'aes I I1'EM I Res. So. rta. I NJIJ/Extend Circui ts I NO. I I I :<<-.s-d I /-{: o&> I :5/-;~ / . .g 3' -;7. "3 FEE CHARGE 2", "/,,?6l"r( :- Temporary sen:ice f k/H'/cE"~"d '~1r- Ele:Jtr'ical Permit State Su:rcharae Total Charc,ea lITEM I Furnace ETU' S I Exhaus t Hood I Vent Fan I WOodstove NO. I FSE CIIARGE Permit Iasuanc2 Mechanical Pel'rm. t State Surc:harac Total CharGeo -- ENCROACHMENT -- I Securitll DsPOsit Storago Maintenance I Permit I Total Char>Qcs I Curbcut 1 Sid_Lk Fence Electrical Label I Mobile Home I I I 31. -3Y' l'rO'l'AL AMOUNT OUF.: ~ """:1'" .. Type/Canst: . L-COG~ Bedrooms: I Lot Faces - Setbacks P.L. House . Carags' f{orth East ISouth IWeBt I lplerq!' SourceS I Heat I Water Hp.ntp.p I Range I FireD lace I WOod3tove I TilDe - Access. F2es Building Value' & Permit This permit io granted on the e:r:pl'B08 condition that ths sdid construction shall, in all respects, conform to the Ol'dinance adopted''by the City of Springfield, including the Zoning Ordinance.. regulating the construction and unB of buildings, and m~y be Buopended 01' revoked at cny time upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Or>dinances. I Plan Check Fee: Date Paid: I Rec&ipt #: I Signed: Plumbing Permit No person shall. construct.. install.. alter or change any new 01' existing plumbing 01' drainage 8YBte~ in whole 01' in part, unless Buch person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license.. except that a person may do plumbing work to property which is owned~ leased or operated by the appli- cant. , Electrical Permi t Where State Law requires tr.at the electrical work be done by an Eleatrical. Cont1'Qctor~ the electrical portion of this permit shall not be valid until the label. has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. .', Mechanical Permit I r I ! I VA VE CAREFULf,Y EXAMINED the compLeted appLication for permit. and do I hereby certify that all info~mation hereon is true and corrcct~ and I further certify that any ar.d all L)Ork perfo1":J1od sha'Ll be don.e in accor- I dance lJith the Ordinances of the City of Springficld~ and the:: Lcr.J8 of tho * State of Oregon pertaining to the lJOrk described herein~ and that NO OCCU- PANCY will. be rmde of any struCtU1'2 without permission of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that fr.1l.y controctors and e:npl.?yees rJho are in ca~pliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project /?~~~;z=> ~_____ 'E'~;m.ner L ~ / /' I uL2-/-~: " ,,' /f? u<'1::::/7/iw/5/er /;;2-/-81 Signzd Date