HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2009-10-28 ..:}~. ~3:-~~~~:t~.~~ 'C~'I?/pg .." . Commercial Electrical Authorization To Begin Work 69600-BEL-09-00210 Approval Code: 028186 10/28/2009 1:48 pm E-mailedTo:tena@orelectricservice.com {\ 10 New cons~ructio~~~::' ,_ ,:':/ii.:~fi~: ' .,<(,:4..:-','.,~'1Rl Addltion/~lterationlreplacement 11~~E~'!1,1,*~l::ATE~QRYlQ~W6N$TRifCffQf,j~&;'~~~fi''l! ] 1&]1 or 2 famil~ cfw'e~ji.~i{"~', D. Multi~family, 0 C9mmercial 0 Accessory '.IIIt~~JOBiSfiE:1NF,.OFlM""'fION:i.NDIiYQC~'j'iO~IC!i'J~~l'ilr4'! I Job Address: 612 I City/StateJZlP: sPRirIIGFIELD:OR 9741'7'" I Suitefbldg.lapt.no,: '. -,. ,"'-: .1 Project Name: Don'M'~I~n-;&'46t,~:I15::::~:~:~:~'~,~,;~~~~.'))~l::\;:; "..:; ''-;' o Hazardous locations o A service or feeder rated at 600 amps or more . 0 Buildings more than three stor o Marinas and boat yards o Floating buildings o Commercial-use agricultural buildings o Installation of a 150 I0/A or larger seperately derived sys o "A", "E", or "1-2" or "1-3" o Recreational Vehicle Parks o Supply voltage for more than 600 supply volts nominal Please check all that apply: o A service or feeder beginning at 400 Amps where the available fault current exceeds 10,000 Amps' at 150 Volts or less to ground exceeds 14,000 Amps for all other o Fire pumps' o Emergency ~ystems o Addition of a new motor load of 100HP or more o Six or more residential units in 6ne structure o Health care facilities ", . ". ':.' ,.:: -., -::'-" l-.t. ~.~. Cross Streetldirectio~s k; jbb '~iie:., .,,',:t if. .. " "". j~": ." , .-'1,;. .:. ,.....~ Tax map/parcel no,:~, 1703353108800 I Qty. Total $55.00 $55.00 I 2 $6.00 $12.00 1 Description Wire gas furnace with AC: receptacle & condensate pump I Branch circuits without service or feeder I Bra~ch circuits each additional circuit without servIce " .~ .,'l I Name: Jeff Brooks .~ Phone: 541-343-1681Jt~~_ \ I Subtotal I State surcharge (12% of permit total) I Technology fee (5% of permit total) I TOTAL PERMIT FEE $67.00 I $8.041 $3,35 I $78.39 I . Fax: 541-343.1683 I;. Email: cce lie, no,: 181997 '.' Elee lie, no.: C408 I Business Name: OREGON ELECTRIC SERVIC'{lLC Q \Olo~101 c.~ - l610B Contact: Address: PO BOX 2237 . City/State/ZIP: EUGENE:'OR 97402 >....,....... I Phone,5413431681 NU1IGE: '" F.x, 5413431683 : t'lI::> t'tKIVIII :iHALL I:XPIKt: If fl1t WUf\1t'- ',;::'1 !3f..::n: li:\iDCF: Till:: rrm.lIT ~ fI,")T ,MM~~I("~n nd'~Ii'ilet'womll:n IDR Supervi.ing Ele....iei.n'. lie. n'8B'.DAyj~Riob. I Supervising Electrician's N~m'e:. HERMAN OLLAR Emall: ATTENTION: Oregon taw requires you to follow rules adopted by the Oregon Utility Notification Center. Those rules are set forth In OAR 952-001-0010 through OAR 952-001- 0090. You may obtain copies of the rules by calling the center. (Note: the telephone number lor the Oregon Utility Notification . . ~ Center Is 1-800-332-2344). ~~ ~~ ~\J~Q'cf\ Vj \Q~~<V,' ..' ;: : Inspections Phone: 541-726-3769 ~ / . . . This Authorization To Begin Work must be posted at the job site until replaced byaPermit Metro lie. no.: Number of Inspections included in paid services:'- Residenti.al Service: 4; ... .~_ Reconnect Only: 1 ..t;::. 1" All Other Services: 2. Upon review and approval by your local Jurisdiction, your ,permIt will be e.malled or faxed within one busIness day, with Instructlona on how. t~~ch.~ule your Inspection. . , NOTE: This Authorlzatlon,To Begin Work expires within 180 days If II perinlt Is not obtaIned. ~: . 'il ~ ~~.. .' l The local building dep~rtment' may d~ermlne that an Authorization To Begin Work Is null and void If It does not meet applicable land use laws and local ordinances. '. 1t. i' ;; .'~) '~'.'-:~''':~' , ~l , " ,. " , , ,."'" CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit . :i'~ ,,-' . Status .:, Peqding j" , :.... .' :h'_ ..l,.t:...'....;\::',_I..(:..:., .....,. ".:::"_ ',.': 225 Fifth Street;:Sj,,;ingfleld,'OR,{,'L 541-726-3753 Phone' .'.' '..'" :\.<;;. 541-726-3676 Fax' 541-726-37691nspection Line. PERMIT NO: COM2009-01368 ISSUED: APPLIED: EXPIRES: VALUE: 09/16/2009 04/28/2010 $ 9,975.00 ,.' :i . ,:.:~;:., ,>;. .!;.~N'~'~i..'.r SITE ADDRESS;:;)':;;.'ii12MAll',i'sf ,'. Springfield TYPE OF WORK: Heating System . ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: 1703353108800 . . . :\.:,.;~(;.;.\/i '.' ',,' TYPE OF USE: New Commercial PROJECT DES'CRiPtioN,'C;1nstalI 'gas fnrnace, piping and .c. Electrical to wire gas furnace with air conditioning, . 'receptacle, and condensate pump. Owner: Address: MOLON~Y DONA~~l & MARY J 922 B ST. .. ;':'::'::,., SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 ;r' ~ r . . .i: 1:0.', ;fl, ,." '1( .,,:~... 1'" 'Cii~C,.,.-,:-.t,.>... 1 Contractor Type' .r Contractor Electrical OREGON ELECTRIC SERVICE Mechanical ASSOCIATED HEATING & AIR CONDITIO ! I CONTRACTOR INFORMATION' License 181997 106275 Expiration Date 05/0912010 08/31/2010 Phone 541-343-1681 541-683-2590 'j I '.}i '" I .: : ~~ ); I, BUILDING INFORMATION ~ Ji'. ','.1 ~ # of Units: , :. , . Primary O~cuPll,ncy ,Gr~up: Secondary Occupancy Group:" ' Primary Const;ucii~nType '.:~ ::~::.c Secondary Construction Type: " ! # of Bedrooms: .' Lot Size: Sq Ft 1st Floor: Sq Ft 2nd Floor: Sq Ft Basement: Sq Ft Garage/Carport . Sq Ft Other: Occupant Load: , r;SJw[:. "" ,10 - i THIS i'ERMITSHAll ~FORMATION , ; AUTHORIZED UNDER T~f . Frontyard Setb~c.\'iOMMENCED OR IS ABANDONl!{)flQRn(st(" S~de 1 Setback::~L ANY i 80 DAY PERIOD. # Street T:ees Rqd: SIde 2 Sethack: ", ., Paved DrIve Rqd: Rearyard Sethack: % .of Lot Coverage: Solar Setbacks: ,...,....0.. ',. # of Storifs: Height of Structure Type of Heat: Water Type: Range Type: Energy Path: , ~pri~~Ied Building: "' ."', -,";\:f:",;,..;.h~.~:,.,'J' n/a u REQUIRED PARKING Total: Handicapped: Compact: u ATTENTION: Oregon taw requires you to fnl'pll' rules adoDted bv Iha CreDon UIII~ I PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTJ'4Dlificatlon Center. Those rules are set forth .. ".OAR 952.()O1.()O10 through OAR 952~01. 0090. 'WlWmdj< 5blaln copies of the rules by call1rw tt!!t~nt!lrnLl'1ol!l: the telephone numbe'Pfb't"th'lfl:l~~b'R\1tility Notification . Center is 1-a00-332-2344). ~ i~ ! l. . 't'; Street Improve'Pent~: . Storm Sewe~ Availahle:'.. .. . \ } Speciallnstrnction: I ;,'. "1'~\ ,:;~~,"fg ,', ..... ;: , " , . Notes: c.l .'~~.....,j, I "~ ".11~,'~" f:, ,: ~~q.\~~':: . I , a ~ .;. '!.... ~, -:"': .' . Page I of 3 ,.~- ~ .." . 'j ~;..; . ....~ '," CITY OF SPRlr~t..nl',LD BuildiIlg/Combination Permit Status Pending" 225 Fifth Street, SpringfieId, OR,':';P" ':.' '. ;:~~~;~~;~~~ ~:i~\'A:~~/.~K;~'!~Wi~(t(,'..,: i" 541-726-3769 I~sp~~ti~~.ii~~ "I, .,. ; PERMIT NO: COM2009-01368 ISSUED: APPLIED: EXPIRES: VALUE: 09/16/2009 04/2812010 $ 9,975.00 '~'"" " ':jt."":'; >~. '. ::.:>1 Valuation Descriotion , '. .... $ Per Sq Ft ,';.,::or multiplier "'. $1.00 Square Footage or Bid Amount 9,975.00 Value Date Calculated Description ,TVpe of Constni.ciio,! ' , Bid Amount :i::::i,;tN~~:~iidM~~~il;} . Total Value of Project $9,975.00 $9,975.00 .09/16/2009 , , ~,. '".' .; " ;\. , " JI~e. paidJ 'I' ,. Fee Description + 12% State Surcharge + 50/0 Technolo~ .Fee ~~:' ..... .:~i6 ':~ :, Add, Alter, Extend ~irc :;.;.; ,"" 'f Add, Alter, Extend Circ Ea Add Amount Paid Date Paid, Receipt Number' " $8.04 $3.35 $55.00 ' . , $12.00 10/28/09 10/28/09 10/28/09 10/28109 1200900000000001204 1200900000000001204 1200900000000001204 1200900000000001204 . ' ~ ., lof'; t.' I' .' TotaJ'Kmount Paid $78.39 I Plan Reviews I o '10/08/2009 " ~ ....\".;:- . '; ~'-" . 10/12/2009 APP JF No energy inspections required. SUB Review .. , To Request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at 726-3769. All inspections requested before 7:00 a.m. willbe ~r~y,t~~ same..w~rking day, inspecti~ns requested after 7:90 a.m. will be made the following work day. .. ,i ". . . , . .1:\, in"ti. , . R,eollir,ed ~J,.n,~ct,jp~~ I Rough Gas: After line is installed and required testing and capped if not attached to an appliance. Rough Mechanical: Prior to Cover ; 1 Final Mechanical: When all mechanical work is complete. ;: . :ff.1....., l~ ;,;.,: !lough Electric: Prior to Cover Final Electric: When all electrical work is complete. I.) " r , ~' -:,~~.,. ., ., .. ;'. . ',' ). rl ,:';,:: J.=~~ ~~;,.' -, l. ., I.,"'; i " '. l,r, . ; j:', i... .' ); .r '" ~ oJ , .' ,i1! .j Page 2 of 3 ',,' 'r " CITY OF ~nul~ul<lJ<"LJJ . ''I'" Building/Combination Permit ,Status "<, Pe#.lIi~g '1'," " . .",~~t":;I,~. :~..-::\:, '.",,' :':,i~ 'I" 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR'" ,", 541-726-3753 Phone . ' . ,.:".'}' 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line ", PERMIT NO: COM2009-01368 ISSUED: APPLIED: EXPIRES: VALUE: 09/16/2009 04/28/2010 $ 9,975.00 ..' . .- -: ;:.~~.- "~:J'~' .... :~; ~..~ j, ~:)~XV " . .:,./: ;.;: , By signature, lStateand agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all , informatio,! ber~on Is tr.ue and correct, and 1 further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with :,' the OrdinancesllCthe-c1tYo,fSpringfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCU~AN'CY:wiUbe'~a4~of any structure without permission of the Community Services Division, Building Safety. I further certify that only contracto'rs and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.005 will he used on this project. I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that each address is readable,from the street, that the permit card is loc~te" at the 'front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all times during cOJ;lstructio.D. "~:;-':'\f;":"I1A'?i'~;' ;'h. '-' . .. " " .~' " . . ! - \.- . ..' 1; :. Owner or Contractors Signature . . . , .~. ~. . . , Date . ~-' S -,1:; i :. 1'.:1. ,I.. .t:~1' f~ ...;;. '. I,,' (,- , , ,~L., ~ ..:~, :~ ~:.'~ JT~- ... '..." ,.l- " ~ " ,I ..., i. ~, .~ .!.>~,r .,,1~:A~'~~~;~~"~~ ", . II .'~ i.. 'f;,..,: (' '..4 , ., .\ " '. '. ~~ L i'i:' : t: . : .,.f!. , ',. ... . ',' (. '. --:"',j: " , : .......~ :i: .l,;'~; '. ! \ j' , }! ' r ,. . ., " LS~ '~~~ ," .J:' [ ;i . !' H I' , ~~ , '. , , Paee 3 of 3 " ;, , . ", ','. :, . ,', . . t"::,:~,<.::',, ~,',., , . , ',' " ~' ;,~t~. .<" ;.: i;" 2'25 Fifth Street, ' ',,', Springfield,Oregon,97477 541-726-3759 Phone U~,Z~:~,",.., "",_,,~i'"'~: () - - <_ "', - '--'0,..,.,- ..: City of Springfield Official Receipt Development Services Department Public Works Department ,:/{':~:':9U;CEi~T,i#~" 1200900000000001204 Date: 10/28/2009 2:12:24PM' ';y;" ;.;:.~. 7 Job/Journal Number>.,- ,:, Description -'il;". ., CO!\:l2009~01368 U;}:);j;AM,Alt~r)'.xtend Circ , ",' ".i'.' ,.. .... ..-.....>. ..,. ~. -, . ..... . . COM2009~01368i~'><\4d;'i\I!~r;~xt#.!'d Circ Ea Add C0M2009-01368 ,: :'~5% T~chnOiogy'r::~e COM2009-01368 . ..+ 12% State Surcharge ...., Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Nu"mber Number How Received Amount Due 55.00 12.00 3.35 8.04 $78.39 ~;::o~n~:~ment . :€;~id,W~\>:<g;;~IJ,[j}~h::' . ONLINE CHGS .::.ONLINE PERMIT CHGS . ;.~j~ i~~i~;-i.i.;L1'~~%~:;~.. . ,"..." "-" ':::-~. Amount Paid KR ONLINE OR Online ELECTRIC SERVICE , Payment Total: $78.39 $78.39 .', u .... .. . ~[~ ,~'"V!~;I", F), " '. :j:{: .~ ;, .':;- ,- ....:.1...,.;...: ..,,__"" . il ~,~ o "r" 1.:Ci ~~':'. :~~;GJ!\..I \. ..1 :.. ~';. 5~"t, . (. .,j;; ft. \. k~ . .1.\,.. ~. .;~r;''''';:'~-\'~ ...!'/ , . ;) /~ '~~ . :. \\ 'f":;>> " ,~;.. .: .' , " ~) i' - .... ,,,:'11~t if ;' ( cReceint] " Page 1 of 1 . 10128/2009