HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2002-7-29 Penniu are no erablc and expire if work is not StaIled within 180 days of issuance or if work is suspended for 180 days. 2. CONrn.ACl'ORlNST AI.LA TION OJIII. Y EloctricalConlnlCtor 5/01"r'tfNl ELEe Address .,. ,f ') fa. ~ t2.u.. . v CiIL~c.e~ _p~6cfJ' flfu u SupelVisor license Number .1...9o~~ Expil1ltionOatc 10. -(- 0 ~ _ .e. - ~'/ n l.(, bl'l ConStl COIlIr. Number .-~ I I -{. -:- . ExpiratiouDalc ./O.-f,~1- blo:3 Signature of SIIpervising Electridau ~~. OW1\ersN~[\O \I~ Addross33lCS Ufu t.titlls City~._J'boae~(oC\\-~ OWNE~ATION The inslllllatioa is being made on propeny 1 own which is Dol intended for sale. lease or rent. Own8l1 SIJ:llature: [OO:/j3IHSl1::J : 39Nl1H::J rL'Lsgg $ l:Q::J3/j lW~ lODe:; gO 9nl1:3111G ~810100-10:#SNl1/jl 'CJ VU.. F. C,lERMIT APPUCATIO:-l ,- Cily Job NDmber~O~.~ orE FEE SCHEDULE BELOW A. New Re>ldearJaloSlnele or Mulli-Family per d"'1IiD& IIail. S.m.. lDcllldcd: 1000 sq.ft. or less Each additioaaJ 500 sq. nor poltiou Ihcreof Eacb MilllUfd Home or Modular Dwelling Service or feeder Items Cost Sum .,L $106.00 .ll:1o~ ~ $ 19.00 f:fJ .00 $ 50.00 B. Services Or Feeders lnnallatioll, A1lerations or Relocation: 200 amps or Ie.,. 201 amps to 400 amps 401 awps to 600 amps 601 amps to 1000 aDlp$ Ova 1000 amps/volu Reconnect Only 5 63.00 $ 75.00 5125.00 $163.00 S375.OO _ S 50.00 C. Temporary Services or Feed.en Installation, A1teratiOD or RelocarJoD 200 amps orlc.. 201 amps to 400 amps Over 40110 600 amp. Over 600 amps or 1000 volu see liB" above . -.l S50.oo 15:)p:) S69.OO 5100.00 D. Bruch Circuits New Alteration or Extension Per Panel One Circuit 143.00 Ea<:h Additioml Circuit or with Service or Feeder Pennil $ 3.00 E. Miscellaneous (Service/rccdcr 1101 iDdllded) -Each installation Pump or irri~atioll SigDIOulliuc Lighting LimiLcd EnergylR.... Limited lOncrgy/Comm $50.00 S50.OO $2'.00 145.00 Millimum Electric PumillnspecliOD Fee b 145.00 + SurchargCli 4, SUB'fOTAL OF ABOVE 7~. Stale SIIrcbarge 8% AdminlSlnlive Fee A\3PD A Q\ \\ .0Ao.. ~ .c.. 5 TOTAL