HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2002-7-23 b,<,~~~r UF 1<1 'F1J::LJ) .~0 flP . ~"'~ . ~.~0 ",'" Ol 225 FIFTH STREET . 0<1-00, ,0 ~ .LECTRICAL PERMIT APPIJCA nO:-l SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 974!f':", <> tX1 INSPECTION REQUEST: ~9 / I.... City Job Nawbu/)2. -(JiJ.$ 7~ -tJ / OFFIce: 726.3759 ,~o .,<> >..," o 1'1>' >,. -<< ,~ f;:o-S'. ~q;."G' 3. 1. LOC"-TlON OF 1Ns:r 1ATIO, , . ~7.~. * ~,'V 5G00~S~nONO~ 1. BDES lUP ON . $~ PermilO are nOll- erablc and expire if work i. not sWled within 180 days of issuance or if work is suspended for 180 days. u~..o~,'u~ Titll li;O~ f.U 5~li26JtHH~ 2. CONrnACl'OlUNSTAI.LATION ONLY, Electrical Contmctor <;;:(01';<'41../( ELM Address ?f7 '7c...."e4:. Q..<.u. ./ City.:2u-r'T'lLb _Pbo.ac 6Etf ~6'7;G Supervisor License Number .J- '100 ~ Expiralioll Dale I 0 ~ / - 0 ~ Constr Contr. Nwnber :La - / <ft;L e... Expiration Dale I 0 ~ / - O? Si~f S~pervisiDg ElectriC,iall -~ Owners Name!&.A'cC M~r AddrO$s 3:1 7~ 4Af'.Y fhLL City_ EuAIW~ fbOD.~-9tJe OWNER INSTALLATION The installalioD is being made on pTopeny I own which is Dol intended for sale, lease or rent. Ownen SJgnamre: no: mIHSIjJ : 38NljHJ ~6.~~8~ $ G:aJ3~ lWIj lOOl ~O 9nlj: 3H!G ~B~O~OO-~O:#SNIj~l A. New 1U>ldeDdaJ-SlDele or MaW.Family per d"e!IiIlc unit. Senice lDcludcd: 1000 sq.ft. or less Each additional 500 sq. nor portiou Ihcrcof Each Mallufd Home or Modular Dwelliog Service or f ceder B. Services Or Feeders . JnstaUatiol1, A1t....lioa. or Relocation: 200 amps or Irs. 20 I amps to 400 amps 401 amps to 600 amps 60 I amps 10 1000 amp. Ova 1000 amp5lvolts Roconneel Ollly ~uu~ Items CoSI Sum ..1- 5106.00 JI1,p ,CO ~ 5 19.00 ~~ 5 50.00 563.00 5 75.00 5125.00 $163.00 5375.00 S 50.00 C. Temporary ServiCCi or Feed.en InstallatioD, A1lerarioa or Reloc.tlon ...J.. 550.00 .:sf) , et:J 569.00 5100.00 200 amps or leu 201 amps to 400 amps Over 40110 600 amps Over 600 amps or 1000 volts t.ee liB" above D. BranclJ Cir<wts New AltentioD OT EXlension Per Paael One Citeuil 543.00 E""h Additioml Circuit or with SCTVicc or Feeder Pennil 53.00 E. Miscellaneow (Servicf/fecdcr nol iDcluded) -Each installation Pump or itri~atioD Si8uIOutlinc Lighting Liwited EuergylR... Limited l:ncrgyIComm' 550.00 S50.OO $25.00 $4$.00 Minimum Electric Permit In.pection Fcc is 545.00 + SW'clJa.gcs 4. SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 7% Slste Surcbarge 8% Administralive Fee TOTAL .8Y8~ J- l~.~ ~