HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2002-1-10 ~\V. \'fI.e'~ ~se . """.~:~~,<,\I;<,~. "~'" :~;:'~f~~\rt~&~N.97~i7 t. ,." ~,;~eci'e':~W\> _~AjC~ P:RMIT ~PL'.C~TI~N. I ': .' I ~ INSP~91ON REQ~;: 726~~~~il;~O~~' . ' '. 1 ~:pi)':'i()b ~eF" fYl,:; ODO'7!.ti:.Ol'..:,' ';",:.1 .pJ;F1.cE:.?26-3z59,... ,:'\~\<'...~_ ;:,'1' ..' _~'. /::", _:: .,. ',: .' ,.r,.: " - \.;: ':'c. [" ." ': ,; \. 1.0<'",0"" ~O!\..'<' ',e. ,.~.CO. L.CIC FEE SCHEDULE BEL. O.W , .; ,,;. ~, .". ~ , ", I. " - ''I'' &-' " "Y. . ~ . . ,"'.:.,"~: 1. L()CATIONOF'INSTAL nON .:,: ", ,:;...;.,;;':....:: : "'.' . .":. ". '.', ~.:,. ~." tQ.,'~;~ _ " ~~..""'"\A~'Ne":'R~sidenth;j~Sirigl.-or .' -" Q o<,l,eo' Multi-Family per dwelling unit. LEGAL DE~CIpl'1;IOl'j,._ ~Il\~ ri7'\ Service Included: \\(JL.:~\\ ID O'&?Ml Items Cost ..' Sum -.!blo? 0 "~' . .,," 1000 sq.ft. or less . r.:v \~ Eacb additional 500 I, l::\ " n r-A () sq. ft or portion Permits are non- ransferable and expire ......... ''''''\'' thereof if work is not'started within 180 days Each Manufd Home or of issuance 6r if work is suspended for Modular Dwelling 180 days. !- :~t Service or Feeder - ,. I ~;-.'}:~ ~.' l:-"~: ': '. \.;.... . / 2. CON~c;rORI~STALLATlONONLY B. Sen'icesorFeedcrs .', ,,'~":. ',k',:.. ~,' c,?, ,:::;r':', t./l -+- 1:/ Installation, Alter~ti.?ns.o.r;. ~:.,\,,~ I :.l:,.j~' ...,," Electrical' ~~p.~ctor't:'] n ( 0> n <" (.. e.. Relocation:,'. :~:: ". , . '~l . 1.~ ~.:t ,\I~'~'~ .~:.~, ; ~ -~_:'.' . ,..i,>f:.', .,..... ,',c': Address" Tl.:5 /f4 ~ Sn~r>,v- &J~'~:-.. _ 200 amps or les~', ;,,;,..;:." .'^~' ": :'f','n" \$.6ioo'~ ,\.,;,'.:.:,.....I..~....',~.,.._.".. -r :, " J' I~:r; :., I Q,6"J:.u,~;j/ ,..., 20 I amps 10 40.0amps\: ".' . " $:75.00 , ': City AU. 'rl'l!.1iO/l'" ,.'f',honeJO..Q./'J ';{ 713";:r. . ..(;., 40t amps to (iOri.amp~....~::'!:,.. '. ~'S125.00 ",,".. :,:. .")~\\ \.~:',. /',.~""t~:--.~., ,. ':'.">60t ampsloIOOOrohps'.......' 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Ne,~;j;JJ<:rntion or E~tension Per'Pa~e("',;' ,>. <" f.~:'~;;'~:~, ._,~}~,;,~-,_,,-<:,' -: c,~.~.~~, :. ~-:.',_: -~:;. i<~:~, ~.~'{~:\ <:) _, / ;X>_~"~;I/,',~\ J' _"~ .,''.':'~:' '-,.,' . ;', .,...:, ~;~,.~.;:..",~.~d"~ress.~~~;~~..;\. ~"'4.:A O~~fi~i!; ':' ",':"':""".S.4~.~OP .'" : ,;~t,~"~;I~;iM~f;~;:;~'~~~i~f\ ,~"\C\S E~~i'~~ili4o~:"~!fc~i! or witb Seivic~~'j.'. ';\: ::." ~l,',' '.~.- ~. .'-- ''-",. ')""~l.'~~""'--"-'t...t",~'f;l;:-.',; F-''':':.::R''' P "t- ..','" '. .....~' 'S..3.00......' 1," '.. .~,i',.:.-l:-,.. ",,/, ,tf'e,' " '~'..' .,~,,(~' ',V;,:;"'-V"",.-'t,:<< Of, c;t;;Uer. emu. "'~4"i' .'i". ',. :~:'~:"."'~."OWNER'iNS'TALLAriON':'~:{~'~ ~;~.l~,'...,.".'_,_~:~\.. -':.~:, ,. "'t..",'.' ~",:. ., " 10, ,- \"',:,:j',\;.,.t";..", '.. ",-,... _,'. -" .,.... "'". "'-,:.. -: .. -::.l'=:~l~. .'. '. . .... ,.. . . .' . ~~:-?..;,~:~>~ ~~iIT?~;~_~t~'~l"~O~.~.~~:I!~d._~,:~.~>:~'~ E. 1\lis$~~lIi~~~~~(~'e~~~(~i~~r not include~)J~;;:~~:~,' '. ,,/;:';. ':'property)'(>wn.wl,tii::bjs nbtintended'. ..'Eachmstallliuon." " " -, . ... .'!...:,..~:-.~tfi ~ "1"- -.l..,;:....:":.:..',~ .::,.,~..r,l.1':..1.;'.;;',~';i~'..~...:. - "i', ~ n.: ---'i~"f~j" .~'- .' '..'~.$ '., ' 1 ' .-;:S<O.'OO " . 'l~-''\~''";'~{~",':;' or,sa~e,~ _~'o~'I:e1J.t;"~.,;'.':\":.:<:t;';;.,,):-. 't " plmp",qrlrp~~on;.fl,t,.,.; !;: . -" ,;itf~1~~~~~~f~~~'~;1I~}' ~,~~:,~ =lll:!' ..... ~:~.~.";..,;j.';.~;,-....;~',~:' ':';;~-};:I"'~~'ij.~~~~!i,~t'!~;:":~~"": -: '~.;P~',~::~!::.:-\ ''-,:':. l\linim~~"~lec;:!ri_~.~.erinit ~nspection Fee is S45.0l) + S~rchargcs ". ','.hf- '). .,....l...~.'..r.:;:":f;.>~,-.;.::~_;,..\):_~'~,. ;'. .',.".....~..t".:;~}...'.".i'i'.... ".'~' __,'....,_..".,r.. ..-.~ .. . . :.:.::::,,<~:\,,~:,C~:"'>':'<~t\S.S~i.~(tQ.F~?~\J~{~~i 4. sUBibilr6h~oVi' \OA ~ , '.'" 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