HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2002-4-23 /. ,"",'~ C;-225 F,IFFH " .STREET 1(.,~, !t..:SI.". i.,:~.:;;j,.,. , 'J" "if.,. 'U;.C,"-C'_'_'CAT10N~'" . l,;-:.,:J"SPRINGREED' OREGbN9j,47g:~' ".', F..b0 l\t.~~.'" "'\ 1'-:-;-'" '., ~ J:.:' ';1l'~'" , ,~: " :<', l~);ft>.', GNSF,Edfq* REf:) t!E',ST':,r726: ;3'.'6~"':';1 " . ~~~ ,\'0 "~Ob N!.~rti~er' 0 Q'~ hcd~ /. -' pI :~ '. 'i ~"\ OF.FICE"~n6~3159f'\J" jSc'; ..:\ ~~~~li~. ~ u.- :.' ;" '>V~,,' -', \~~," ~~11 "I r .;'..J("'l/.'j i'ij ~.~. i,'" . "r#-'~t~'l' 3' .' 'TE:SCHEDuLE'BELO\V" "".,:," ~'~' Y,; 1W :J '~~ot~~l~';;4l..'I' ;;;~:;::l+E.~;:;L",";,:" . . '. '~,~ LEGAL DESC~TION .d~ <0 Senoice Included: ,>;,:"1 /7. O.;l. ..3'1-. II. tJ ~(" _,.....1''''\-.) , Items Cost s~'m 1 %~'~ ,,/,G' ,06" "ll,!::, I.';.....; t j~"',\ ~DqRJPo TION J~.ilfl)4' N:~f{Owr~7i~OO.Q.,~qft. or less -1-$106.00.illi(b",dO ~ ~"! ~fV'r\ -.\.. -r-^~n d'''Cqfio e~El\g!J ap'/iilio!Wk,500 r~.;., ~'! ~;~J '. \) .' 't'"' 00 "lA 9S n Csq,l:.or"!p6.tJjo;) reqli1r. ~:;"'! 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