HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1985-5-16 . .. RESIDENTIAL" APP['~C:"TION/PERMIT 225 10rth 5th S;reet Sp}M~~qfieZdJ Oregcn 97477 BuiLd~ng Di~i3ion 726-3753 SPRINGFlELD , . 78 '2.- Mo I-l r v I E., 'V-j A.oeeQorc -"a;>; J '7 t?~ "34 /2- ,"":.bd,:r:.,c", 'e\ V E.lt 1\.1\,.1..'-,. .:ob c..oc.:ti:m: To;: [,ot # J 2, '7/'/7") ~vQ, '\::)1\\1';1 oJ Lo-r/ICf \ lJ c..., 'njZ;::~~ e~:" ~~ e- 4o~ ~~/J~~ ~"""'er: Add....U3: Ci.~: ~'I~'.- II. .~~. . I . /1 n~-:' t-:.cn bB"-'l "'~\ Q'1..40f Pr.one: Zi?: Describe il'ork: Wew ~SII'e..N~ -S/IoJGf....-E- fAMl L-~( - ,f)N l2:- y...1S, TIN G. " 'FoU,u~AT1 Ol\.l n n r.~ode~ .'!obi.!~ .::ama ~24-fs ~a:B of Applica:icn ~',,"::rCC::O:'8 Va ~ue 'i cr, I b ( Aaar€S3 Cenera. l?e..;::e:l">J;O\ol f':l;:>~, I~G, ~..., e AQ)')l Plumbi"" Al..t=j2-\ PUJI.-iP:JI'\-lr-z iCJ VA/oJ 1pu~ ~lectrid PALM'i2...l2- ~t....FI~ -r ~\ C 9 4-Q"! I~~ l:2.D .\!ech...."id L:~l"\rol2.. r t: I J\\.A./ (31;15' 'W \ '2!" .A.\\f ?:> ~ \ "lc...... CO"8t~~C~~ t~~er . I S"' -I Icr r; L/ (p gq / .,cce,", ; ~ 1 Siar:ed: Date: Y'? rt~~s- [.i3C.H E~il"CS p}:O"~ '2-/. W~/P& '2tJ-/ B~ C. ~e, If 30/ 8~'" ~3D/.81i 71..3.JJ..13/;' &/;1o)8~ L86 - '14-~ I ~IJ' SilJ??:. '9'18 -1ad4Q. >4'2-8101 f: is :he res?omribili:y af ths permit hotdu to see that at! i1Wpectiona are ..::ad~ at -:he ;;rop~r tim~~ t.~.a:t ~::h -=ddrfl88 is rec.'::ci>:. I /rom eho street, r.::r.:l thar: ehe pcrm,e c::..""Ci is kca:ed at the frcnt of the property. ~eui1di~~ ~~i=io~ ap~roL'ed ;~ s~~LZ r~in on tr~ EuiZding Sit~ at ~LL times. ?'?OCE!){.J.~~ PDR [,'IS?~~IQl1 R!'CU!ST:CALL 726-3769 {recorder} state your Ci.ty desigr..:1ted job n:.o;;ber" job adC.rCS8, typo af i.r.3:'d'c~icn r~crJ.e8tcd a~..:l :.;hen yet( ;.ri.i.l :;0 :,er.::c.'y for ir.spccC'icm, Contractors 0'1' Ct..'n6:"S r.c;me cr.d pkm,e r.;.:mbcl'. Requests rgcei:;sd (;Qfcre' 7:00 .=.-: :..'iZL 06 li.ac."e the Scr.:e dc.y, requeSt3 r.:c.do alei:1" 7:(JO am lJill be made the ru:=t :XlrJcin.; day. .f5"O;3 .I/o ;)~"...r:....".A_ ."..-;::'''.....o;-:r.rq O SI':'S I::S?~'::':';.V: TO' be r.r.d.a e:cav.::ti~n, ';14: prier ::: .']8:- form.s. af:.tl' up of o U:I'!F~SL:"3 ?!.:-'.',f3D'C. ZL2:::RI~,1!. i .~!'EC2~,'ilr:,.;,i,: To be r.-.ad.t be:'c:'.J any wor< is ';!j".)cred. ~ F'CC7'::H; ~ .='CU:!DAT:':::I: To ce ::nC01 cf:~r :rencr.2S =re ~c~~a:ed ar~ f~~3 <::'8 arec:ed, ';1.1: pr-;cr :0 pourir.g ccn""e''',l3c/..r ~I( ~, u.,/f)2"'ir;.~,;rJ.'!' ?~(.'.'.r:! !::C. S:;,.r:R. :;,r.~7'.:.? DRAI.'!AC2: :0 De r.n:is p~"r :0 J.t.,. l.i.r..g :rer.cr.ez. ~r U:Y'~RY::;C,~ ?!.!J....'SE/C { ,..~::':.~.J..Vlr::.:,: :., ';9 r.:"'"-C8 ;;ricr :0 ::n3\:cl.i..J:::on oj ji.oar in6u~:ion 0:" dec<ing. rQI ?')ST .4,,'lD 3Et.!~: To::s rr.ccc ;'~Ol' =0 ~ ir.3:c:li..::~cn ot nOOl' ir.3LOZa::icr. 01' d.eckir.;. ~ ~ ~ .~CW;_~' ?!.~';'~!!I_'.'C. ~~E~_f?IC)'!. I, -'.r;:.-:.,,-!- A:'II':~:': ,~'o ::~1'i-= ~.3 ;,:;, j;: co::e1'ec. ur.;~i ;~C3~ ~r~;e~;i.cr.3 h=~~ ;e~r. :r.a.:ie =r.d =?pr"'~e::. r:.=!::?!.:"':E: Pr.:.or:o ;i.c.cir.g ....::::C"";na mc:.er"~a~s ar.d bci"re frzrir.:1 inspec- :ior.. PRA.'~!.'lt;: .'~...I3:.:-e rtJt;Ue~r~d cf:er appro~~l. ~f r~gh pl~~ir~, e!ac:~- eaL ~ ,,,:,:ecr.c.ni.:::.:.. ,tZ~ ~oj~r~ br~cir4 ~ ch~~~ys, e:.:. .~...I3: b8 ,c~r.rr:le:cd. ,..'!o.'~r~ i.a ~o.bq ~on.- . cllc.:"Jd :.Lr.;:." :1':':.3 ':.r.JDcc;-:.cn ".a3 . btten :r:ade end ,;,?p~L'ed. lour City. Desigr.a:cd Job Numb6.1' !O: r\/'J' nISljLAT!ON/VAPO.f? 2.4RRI2.=t INSF?C':'IOrI: ~ To 013 111adll after all ir.s-..ll.::ti.:;)n a:".a reauired VaDor ba:rr-:.ers a:re in place but before any lat1:~ gypsum CCaTe or Io.t7ZZ coveri.ng is cpplied. :zr.a cefore a:n~ insulation {,S concealed. r\/T DRYWALL I:'/S, P::CT!C.'1: Tc be made ~ a.fter aU Cr:/l,,;Ql.l is in pu:ce. but prior -':0 any :aping. o o MASO;'!RY: Stear bsar.::;. grou. tin.g accordance wi th 2415. ilOODS'!'O"IE: After installation ~s cc,~l.e:€d. DE.'-tOLITIO:V OR ;~:Ov::; 3UILDI;:GS J Zocation. cond or vertiCC'Ls in V.E.C. Section =:l Semi tary Se"JBr' ~tZp?ed =t p~~p-=r:-.i l.ir:a ~ S6pti~ tank F~~~d and f~~Zad ~~th ;r~~e: ::J PinGl - [{hen c:Xve i:e.~s a!'e Cc.~~Il:i:d ar~ when ~e~Z~:ior. is c~t~:a 01' st~~~. tu:'e r::aved ar.c pl'......;Jas ::le.::n.ad :.Lp. NODi loa Ec,~as :::J Elockir.g ar.d Sa:-:.J.? :::J Plu~ir~ cor.necticr.s s~ar c.r~ WC.:llI' :::J SZcct~:c~~ Ccnr.ec:~o~ - Elocki~, S8t.~? and pl.til1l0'Lrtg C$1tr.llctums r:-..st ~~ c:;:"pr:Jl,;,c. be;orc l'equest~ng ~!ec;~cal inS?8c:io~ ~ Acces:;;c;,,;,' 3uil..:i~r.g ::J fin=L - Aft~r ;~l'cr.as, et.:. are c:;::rpL_:c:d. 3K::.r:':.11f, dec;:.3~ D CUPS & A.I'PRCACH _4?~N: Afta:o foms ::1'6 c:rec-:ed but ew';or to pC"mr'.g ,zono:r6te. ~ SIVE:r-lA,LX & DRT/F;fv"t.?: Far aZ~ ccn- ~ areca paving ~~h~n street ~ght- of-r..:cy~ to bc made at=~r ::.l! ;z:;.::;:,- vatina cCJ1TOta-:a & for:':'l :..:ark & :;;u.;- base ;'.cteM:al in ?~e. D ~=NCE: When. co~~Z6te -- ?ro~ide gacas or ,~olJabla' aec-:i.ons thrcugh P.O.;;. D AL~ proj2c: cor.di:ions. J~C~ c.s :r~ {ns:a~Zc~io" of ~:reec :r~es, :~~!o:iQ~ ~f :h& required l.c.nd3ccpir.g~ etc., :nust: be sa-:-:.sf~cd b;:.,-":;1'6 tr.a 3UILDI::Q :I,~';'L ~.:::n ::8 rS'l.J3S:.Jd. ~ yn/A' P!Jj,~~3[:"G 2(1. FD';.!. .'.!S~.:!.:':IIC:'L ~ ,="[.'IAL ~!.~C:R!r:A; ::::J ~ "'/'8 'Tr.~' '~'ld' l'"' '. ..... IP' C' ~_,A~ ur:VIYG: .ne ~':.nc~ ~:.L~ :~1~-:s?ect~~n .~s-: 09 reques:sa =!:~1' cr.. :~r~ ~~~J~r~ Electrical, end .'tacr.a:-:.-:.ccL .r.sp€...........n.'" ;u:,vc been ,~::.da c::r.d =:=?rclJe:;;. o "Al~': MAmWLSS AIID CLE/u'lOUTS .'IUST SF; .4C:ES$I3!.E, )'[)Jt'S;:~:"T :0 HE .~:'1GE ..!! !.'O -::5': :~ ~r:'! '?=~a! oJ' ~ i JOB NO.?f5"'tJ;;j ,-/0 SOLA_CCESS 1 :7:11: R L CC:J.::~7'.c"J 1iI'?"J.:;: R ~ 1[,0. Sq. Ft.;. 0 ~~ t;' WT ~'!?;: . ",: '" t~: ':JVer-:.;. -.b Ir."Ce!"ior> ::, of St:Jr:.es -z... Corne:- I:o:ar Haian: PaMal".dle ; . 1'C?og~i:y ~ l.,..OP..e. c-.J.l-de-sac I SQ..;"!'C r:=.'1. I.,,,,," 1~-=cB i I :ar::::r: i. I .",c~eS3:)!"'J Less Ja)(l~rk.au. x ~S~ 10 "'. J3"'w. 5(,2. ~~.,t[, z.t~l.'!, Is.D.c. 1.5 ::: ( t.:c:,,~o;J Euil.d~r',g ?el':':':"';: State Surch.zoge To"taL ~r.a:oge3 I I~::."f J Ft.:::=-.a'es la63idantiaL (1 ba:hJ I St:r.i t:rf"J Sew~:' I ilc.~e.'" l.wl. bIml 11i0. i . -- I II 125'" I I-I /lJe.1 I Plumbing Pemt State Surc;-~e Tct.:zl cr,c:rces I T'N'\/ ~. ... J ."?en.' S". ff:.'1" 'N~/~~Bnd'~i~J.it;s I Temocrc:ru SeroJiC6 1.'0. I Electrical Pe~~ St:c.te Surcr.ar-::e Total O.a:!'C6S I I'l~~f 1,';-;. I I I I 121 I I FusL tiAs P,JJAM ,J I ?!.Lrr":::CIl ?TU'S E.:ha:.:st Hood. t 7011: :::11 I ' I iI:;Oc.s to~e ,,.. Pe~;= I:;:;u.::;r.c:z Hsd".anic::l Perm-:. t I I 'T''''~r.! C"rcr'?P.!J , -- ::X.,CAC~'X;:.'!~ -- J.. . l~e~J.!"~~u ~2=C3~t I Stor-::ca I ,'~-::rt:er..cr..:o'! StatD Surc~c Pc:rr.:i~ 'teta! .':"ttC.2"~C3 i C".d,;c.-.l: I Side:x: l.~ I i ?~n::e i ez.ccrica, lc::e. &- ()<lc; () fk [.Vabil... H::me I ! A-lJlL pLNJ ~ Pcc I :-OW; ANOU.'lT DU~: '3Cf\ .lo'2... 35"<h) 1,,"0 I ~~40I. I I I I I :J.,~ I I /f!i; ~ I 1+ I z.+ -/.,;... p8 1/.'1- I ~~~~~ , I I. I ,?IO I I .? f\ I I i'alue I +1/~1 I ~ I I 1~~~z.4 I I~ 1(q/~1 I I. J~"~ '/-f8 /Q4.f81. C,.:.ARCE I I 2SQDI I /otJ" /0 tIC 4$1Jf1 ,~ I +b&OI. C,:'ik?G2 25- 10 ", CHARGE 1;,00 +~O ~~ .~ t:O ?=qa 2 . L-COG~ REQ.- I ~: :':!ces I I P.:" I h'C:A.3:] 11Ior-::it lEast IsO'..c" I:;est :~':>e/Cor.3t: t>JE.' V N ".dr,,,",s: ~ I I ~r:.e'!'TJ SOAt'~q3 II II I :'1 ,,"eoiace l: I Wcoa.;;;o~e Ii I I I I I I I, II :"J'~e 5etca~,~s .,ecc 6*:'\ ',./c.t~!" :':~I'!<;.<?po G~ Ran;e ~~ ] I Carc.ae i I I "!'..:ceS3, i I I i -- Fees Building Value & Permit Thi3 pel'mit it; granted on the e--pl"ess -:::onditi::m that tM said. const:-~c:ion shall.~ in aLl. respects, conf~rm :0 the Jrdinar.ce =cop:ed ay tha :iet vf Spr>"~r.cf'':''etd. ~nc!:.cd-:.ng the 2onir.a Crc";r.a:r.ce. roecr.d.<;:i,:a :i:~ CC~3;:':('::";':~ ~.d ~;~ of buiZdir~s~ end m=y be~Ju':Fe~~2d or revoked ~t cr.~ t";~e ~;~~ vic- la;ic1'1 of .zr:y ?r:)vi~ior.s of sa-:.c Ordir'.GnCes. f~~/A ;?&w duui P? J,' IPlan Check Fee: ~/ '1(1. c>d f'a.:.../ I IOatc ?a,d: q-~"/-rr I I Rec,;pt d: . 1$- (vL/:5 '1. ') I IS,""ed: ~ I,,,_ I Plumbing Permit' lIo ~erso1'1 ehaH construct~ ins:al!~ a!ter or change any r.ew ::1' e=isti.~..g pZwniJing :n' drainage syste:n in :.;hole or in Par:t~ w:Zess such ;erscn is 'tr.e legal ~ossessor of a valid plumber's licensB~ e=cept tr~t a pB~son ma~ do plur.:bing :Jark to propert-~ which is ot...,...ed~ Laased or cpcra:ed oy the -.=ppZi- ~t. / Electrical Permit Where State Lc:J.J requires tr.at the el03ctl"";caL lJOrk be done by an ne~tricaL Contractol'~ the electr;cal portior. of thi3 pemit shall not ba vaZic! :u:ti! the ZabeL nas been signed by the Electrical ~ontractor. Mechanical Permit .,,1/~~ I HAVE CAREFULLY !XA.'II.'IED t.lte oOlr.platad ::.ppLication f'vr perm-i:~ c:n.d do hereby certify that aLL i~;o~;ion he~eon is trua ar~ ccr~cc;~ ar~ i f-,r-:J:er cezo:ii':i that any ani all .~:ork. ;erlo~ed shaH be do:"te i~ ac:!:)'!'- dance ~t:h: 'the Ol'dir.::.nces of eM City tJf' Springfid,d~ an.: ;i1~ Lc:";,3 of :r.3 Stato'! of Oree;;n !:lzrt.::inina to the uork. desCT"';bcc h8"6-:.n~ cr.c the: .'to '.XC!}- ?J.5C? wil.~ b~ m::x::e ot aty" 3l:ruc:ura wi=r.ou.t .?.Jrm::a.J~l": of the ?u-:.Zdir.g ,..;- vision_ I furthar ~ezotif~ tr~t o~Ly acntra~=:)rs a7-:l ~l.vyees ~~~ =.~s in ~p~iance ~;;h CRS ?Ol_0S~ witt be used cn :hi3 pr~j3at CAf~~ Gl~. :5- ((o-~<S '-'Sigr..2a . Da;a