HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-2-5 ....~....,.:-!..~..........."..I=.~._." ...~.:...#.. " ......-,.:_., .... "..._._.. . ......::.......~.....".."..--_......~~ -I..' ._............. .. RES'.T1AL" APPLICATION/PERI1IT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd. Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 , , ....J........ -, . Job Location: .t~ /-to~rv"E:\V Tar Lot N ABDeSGOrZ P.ap fj Subdivision: R,vER ~ILL~ LOT - T~ BR'EEt::>EIJ I~RoS -:2., ("'Cs> f......:t0 P" . E.UtlE.~E OR Q.mcr: Address: City: f)(] n n n '-vAy II>J.C- Phone: (--P,(o~431 Zip: ~1-401 Ne<u '51 ~ ~LE FAJ,{8I'tb)/>,ork: rc:..E:S'DE,..Jc:.t::. Addi ticn Remodel .'fob-=. l2 Homo \ /27kB Date of AppZicaticn :.:ontl'ac::ors Value G:>1, fo9G:.,. ~ Acitires3 General Pi12I=I=DE:~---Br?n... l...te.. Plumbir." ALEf2.i OL,J/^'''".Ir.:: Eleotrioal \ Her? ['-'~ I t::-LEC. I'.};.' <"- Neohar.icol LA.r7:(l..) IA~ ~,J(.IJ Conetruction Lender ~';;::~EPb..i. 1:",.".0"<'" . IDt?t> OU .- Rccdr>t fI Siqr.ed: Date: d~~ ,1? ~.' '{f} -s:-x'i> . Li:Jc. ~ E~ir;J.s F-i:one ~~. 40~"'.J1= '2"7 11/30 EUt'C.f;:pJj!; 0 ~ . "2c> _ ~~"" ~-~C> E.UG:'/::/JE":"' ?o-cor~~_ .<:;"-~I ,\,'t'rf"\d ~'C' -'\IR"'I.? -4 -~o 98R8t18 ,....:::::.. ~~G::, r.:!- .40.,..1-1.. 6/.::erJe:., Ore: 9740L;" I . the propel' tim€, that cc.ch ;:dd:ress is rca::ciJZ.t Yau:t' Ci ty DeeigrLlted Job Numba' Ie: 00 INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER I!lSPECTION: To be made after all insulc.tion wd required vapor bar.riers are. in place but before any lath, gypsum board or wall covering is applied, and before any inauZation is conoealed. ~c;,q4~1 ~45":sO~, G,,'p.(~ f"=!.2B. It is the responsibility of ths permit holder to see that an inepections are made at J100m the street, and that the permit card is l...xated at the front of the praper"C':J. ~Eui!di.'!".g Di..vi:;icr. approved plan shell l'er.:ain on thE Bu:.ldin? Sit$ at all times. PROCEDURE FOP. INSPECTION REQUE'ST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City desigr..:2ted job nt.a:':oer, :"~~es:;~li a.>:.:i w.':~n !tvu will be l.eady for ir.spcction, Contractcrs 01' OI.me:>s r.c:.me end pr.or.e nu::wcr. ~'izz. be made the same dc.y, requesrs made efta' 7: DO a:7f r.r;z.z. b~ made the n.=::t :JOrkir..g Cah.. !?t'('mi~f'~ T,...<:!1,....t.,~r-t'.Q .\/1 SITEI:.'S?::C':'IO!.': To be rrr:lde after ~ excavation" but prior to set up of forms. ~ UllDERSLAE PLUMBING. ELE~RIC,1L & ~ NECH-J..;:IC;'L: To be made Deiorc any work is .::ovcred. Xl IX] R1 FOOTING!' FOUNDATION: To be made after trencnes are excavated and forme are erected, but prior to pou:rir~ ccncret~. U!!DSRC.WU:.rD P:'U:.!2ING. SEWER. W.1TER, D.'qAIIIAG~: To be TiXl.:ie prior to fil.- l.i.r-fl trer.cMs. RJ utlDERF'LOCR PLU:.3].',1G & NECHANICAL: To be maae prior to in3taLlation of floor insulation 01' decking. POST AND BEAN: To be made prior to instalZ,.::;::;icn of floor inst.:latior. 01' deckin;;. ROUCh' ?l.U!.'ED/G. ELECTRTCA!. !: MECH- AllICAL: No ~ork is to be covered .untiL these inspectior.s have beer. made ur.d approve:i. FIREPLACE: Prior to p'Lacir.g fecing mctcriais and before framing inspec- tior.. FRA!!I!lC: Must be requested after approv~Z of rough pZUff~ingl electri- cal & mechanical. AU roofing bracing t chimneys" et~. nr~st be ;. complctcd. tlo IJOrk is to be cen- .,;. cealed until this inspection has 'bG~n maac and approved. RJ iJ ]] r\7l DRYWALL INSPECTION: Tc be made ~ aftcr all drywall is in place" but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel location, bond beam:J, grouting or verticc:ls in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. o WOODSTOVE: ccmpLeted. After installation is [Xl o CURB & APPROACH AP.~N: Afte:o forms arc crc:::ted but prior to pouring can:::l'ete. SIDEWALK 11 DRIlTWI.Y: For a1.1. con- crete paving within street right- of-wc.y" . to be mad~ after all exca- vating complete & fo~ work & zub- base material in pla::c. JOG accrcss, type of ir.~pec~icn P.eques:s recei~ed bejero 7:00 ~ ~()(O 7/ DE....:JLITIO;,1 OR gOt'!:; 3!JILDI;:CS =:J ~ani -:ary 3€'.Jer :::apped :::~ ~opcrt"d 1.ir.a ~ Septi:: tank p~~cd ar4 f~lle~ with ;ra~eZ I Fina l - r{hen abcve it e::rs are ccmo le tcd .~ ar.d when d~litior. is compLeto 01' stru~- ture moved and pr~3es cLeaned up. Nobile Hemes O ["ENt:E: '-'her. ca:npl~te -- Provide ~ate6 or movable Bocticns through P.U.E. o ~ Blocking and Sat-up ~ Plumbing connections -- 6~cr and wa:o~ ---,ElcctriceZ Ccnr.ection - Blockina. Bct-up ---1 and plwnbing com:cctions rr,...et to CIpPl":J7,;c:i before request~ng elec:rical inspec:io~ :=J Acceseor',,' Bui 1.Cing ---, Fin.::zl - I.ftcr p:Jrci:os, Bk~rt~ng" decks" ~ etc. arc co.mple:~d. o All project conditions, sucr. as the instaL,ation of s-:reot trees, c~~lati:Jn of tne required 1.andsccpir.g" etc.. must be satisfied beforc the BUILDINC FINAL can bo requested. Xl FINAL PW/.!!JI/1G XJ FIliAL ME~HA.'IICAL .xl FINAL ELEC':RICl.L =:J @ FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be rcque3ted a.f:er the FinaL PZumbiP13 ELectrical, ant!. Mechar.ical Inspecti.orw haua been made and approlJ~d. "ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOllTS MuST BE ACCES~IBLE" ADJUST!fE."JT TO BE MA.DE AT CO C~ST TO CI'!'Y 'P3~e! of Z "..:..."'ioo.'...........:.......t:.~._.~ '.":-:.'... '. - '."'\'_'_. .... ......_._.. . _...~_..............."...._....;"...........~ ....i... ._............, .. RESID~T1AL.. APPLICATION/PER/fIT . 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 . Rcce~pt '* . SPRINGFIELD ~~ Job Location: 7~(P /~Of'Lrv'Je\v Ta:r Lot , ASGesGor& P.ap II Subdivision: R,JI=R ~\LL" CUneJ": BREEDEIJ \~~oS E~irt:!s ?Y.~;:; . 4(')~.JJ; '2."7 \I /30 ElIr.:,::-tJl oe. . "20- ~.,.",,~-3'O E.uG:"E:~r:;;:- ?O -col-':.. ~-':!>I "T"'r'T",\d r-;,['" ""'I1~4? ..ct -~o 9SR8t'78 l-:;o,!?..,";" I~_ ~~G:. d- 40'FH.._C;I~e."'e... ore Cl74t;.f} It ill tlul resFonsibi1.ity of the peJ"'m"it holde7"' to see that all. i7Wpections are r.:ade at -:he proper timc~ tr.at each ::ddrS33 is rsadah:, f1'Om ths strBet, and that the pCJ"l'l'l"it card is located at the fT'071t of the property. .gui!.di~ Di.vi&icr. eIpprwed Flan shall rer.:ain on the Bu.~Zdin? 5i:~ at aLL times. PROCSDU.r!E FOR INSPECTIOn RSQUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorda) state your City desigr..:rte.d jot; nur.:ber.,jop adi.rcss. type of ir..::pac-;icn r.:1.;;.~s~ca (J.';d u:am !ftJU waz be l.eady for inspcction. Conr;ractcrs or C\.me:os ncme and phone n:c:WC1'. Requcs:s l'ecai:;ed cetcra 7:00 C':7 :-'iZz. De made t;u: same dcy~ requests made afta' 7:00 a:n LJil.Z. b.z m:Ide the nc.xt :JOrking day. Address: "2., (.,,(p E.. --40 f H . E.U~E~E OR' City: 5(LNM' n Additicn n Remodel . n Hob.:.l:! Homa SI ~ GLS I /27.438 Date of Application :,:ontrac'tors '-vAy' . LOT -l~ 1t-lC- Pr.one: C::Bco ~4 ~ I zip: "1740'> FAJASiC,1')/"ork: re.E:SIDE}/c:.E: Va~ue Co1~q~ ~ Adciress Genera~ t=';~I':I=C:>E.J p,r7'n~ Ir'lC.. P~umDir0f7 ALEraT .oL"/.o\F".'~I~ ~~eatrical If.lOt? In~ I '-~fe,<,- f{eahar.ica~ LA.a'.a.J lAc.. ~llf;'Ll Co.etl'ucti"" Lt:11der ~l1i:~E.PE::tl " Reaui~p.d I~s~p~ticn~ \ .\/1 SITE I,VS?E':':'IO.'!: To be made after 6J excaua~i,:m. but prior to set up of forme, I" -. ? I ~ U!ID~~~I:.:-./LUf.!EI~G_ E~E~R~C,lL & ~ /SCH."............: To De maae Delore any ~rK is ~overed. '::;l., ~ \71 FOOTING ~ FDW!D,1TIOll: To be m:zde ~ after trencneB are excavated and forma are ereoted. but prior to pound \ ccncret.. ':) L-1 \7l U.\'D~G:qoU:!D P'!.U.'.:3IHG. SM.~. W.1TE.T? ..6...J DRAIl/AG~: To be ma:Le prior to fi"L- hr.g ~ren.ciulB. ~ ~ll~E,~.Z:OLOC.:? PLV.'~I,'lG & MECHANICAL: ~ To be maae prior to in3ta'~tion of f1.oor insulation or decking. .. \/l ~ST AND BEt.N: To be 11'.adc prior to ~ instalZ..::<:icn of floor inst.:l.atior. or JI ~~~i&,..mc. FLECT/?!Hr.I,Jet ~ AllICAL: No work is to DC covered .ur.til these inspec:ior.s have beer.- ~ made ar.d. approve:!. FIREPLt.~E: Prior to placir.g faeing ma~eriais and before framing ~n6pec- ~;::"~~I.'G: Must be requeated after ~ approv~l of rough pZ~~ing. electri- cal & mechanical. AU 1'00finl} bracing ~ chi1Tf1U:Ys# etc. m:.lst be ;.ccmplctcd. No work is to be con- .. cealed until thio i.nspeotion haD .b&~n made and app~ved. '~l\ '-: XJ FIliAL PW!.fBIIlG J,tJ :KJ FIliAL HE:CHAIIICAL eft] Xl FINAL ~U:C':,q]CAL :J rOW" City Deciqr.ated J(j9 Numbu Ie: ~ - Il{ r\ /1 IflSULATION/VIlPOF? BAHRIER I.'lSP::CTIOt.': LAJ To be made after all. insuL.::ti:m cr".d . . rcqu~red vapor ca::r)"ier3 are. in place but cefore any t.ath~ gypsum beard Dr UJ:U covering is applied. and before any inaul.ation is conceaLed. 1\ f\7l DRYWALL IflSP::CTTON: Tc be made L4J after aU drywall is in pt.ace~ but prior to any tapinl}. . O MASONRY: Stee l location ~ bond beams. grouting or verticaZs in accordance IJith U. B. C. Section 2415. D WOODSTOVE: After installation is ccmpZeud. &)0 Ci/ CURB If APPROACH AP.rrJN: Afte:> forms are ere~ted but prior to- pouring concrete. w . rvl SIDEWALK If DRn'fJ./t.Y: For an con- ~ crete paving within street right- of-lJC.y~. to be made after aU exca- vating conplote "form work & zub- base materia l in place. O !'EllCE: When complote -- ProviCe gates or movabLe sections through P.U,E. o /D96 OJ.J r' I () I \ I i I I )--9 Siqr.ed: Date: dJb.~ ,~~. ~ -5:-x'ir . Lise. ~ . Pr.onc ~c,q"'l~1 ~45" :To 5"', G,p'(~ 1<0;:.0'\ ~()(O 7/ DENJLITIO!.' OR ;'..'OV!:; B~'ILDI.7~S =:J ~ani:ary se.Jor capped ::~ ~op~rt-:i lir.a =:J Septia tank P-.7,d cmd f1.n.d ..nth orr:'" I Pinal - mten ab.:'Ve ittr.'ls are cc:rralett:d . ~ ar.d ~hen d~ti-:ior. is compLete 01' Bt:u~- ture moved and pr~ses cLBane.:i up. MobiLe Hames :==J Blocking and Sct-~p :==J PLumbing connections -- s=wor and ua:er ---, Electrical Ccnr.eotion - BLockirl3~ Bot-up ---.J and pLumbing connections 11r..:st ~e approl,,'ed before requesting eLec:ricaZ inspec:ion =:J Ac~es:;or'i BuiZC~ng --, Firu"L - t.ft~r ;:':1rcJ:ea~ skirtin.g. deck3. ~ etc. are cQmpLet~d. D All projeot conditions~ auc.': as the .f.nstallation of street trees. c~lati"" of tite required Zandscc:pir.g~ etc., must be satisfied before tr.e BllILDIIo'C FINAL can be 1'aqwest.:1d. It) @ ,. FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requeDted c.r:el' tho Fin.:zl PlumbinJ ELectricaL. and Nechar.ical Inspecti.o7UJ kava been made and approved. " , .ALL MANHCLES AND CLEANoutS MusT BE ACCESSIBLE~ ADJUST!!2:/T TO BE 1-:'1DE J.T r.o C:JST TO Cr!'1 I P:2r:- ! of Z , II JOB NO. g~DO 7( SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- Z.,.,c, L."D~ ac""canc> C1'O'.6-=?- "3' ,?'/"'7-/ Lot Sq. Feg. "7&IO.t::: LeT TYPE: I Lot Faces - : :Jf l..;t C:nJcraflc In/"":) Intcricr .~ of Stories :'otaZ Height Topogr=pny .2- 2"'~" I~ !'!'D! ~ S~. r,:,{; '.tain 1/707 l'Iu I I I Cc:rac,"' Carrcr: 4cccss:;)T':J TOTA!. t'ALUE S.D.C. 11)C,,~';J 1.5 " Building Pcr~it State SuI'ch:rrre Total Chl1.':oge3 Iii:). ResiCzr:tial '3 bat;:) I:;' 1/ ;~:';r7 Z??A'/NXJ :TE....' .:-i:::~es Sc:r.i t=.....~ Ser..1c!" . . . .,.1 .. -,' ~{t~., ~Z~b~np Pe~~ ~'" ... . ~ .' , '., \ I Sta:e SU1'cr.crpe )., ,,,,,, . - \ ( . Tete'!. cr'::!,,(TC~ . .'.~ '. I I I I I I I 16"7"G10:;;;. 0/":> I I '7'7c!'. '15" 'd ).,' : , 32'~"- I /6.7"0 I--- ,)..~ \ 13Q,/./?<P I . X- Corner Panhandle CUI-de-saa x ~'aZ.uc Fr~ C;.::'.:":.7:: C7.1!>"o "2 tP . --I> I:'). <=re> ::;16 ~ - /42.~t!> ~./,3 ," 1/2$:6'3 j:,,,,,. I -_. II I I :2~"", ,~I /1 'II I I I I '? I?--'" I I I I I I .~c,~. E~. Ftc. /~ 7 :,'JfJ/E:tend CirC".l.its ;c::::g)rt::r~ Service ~Ze~t!"ieal Pe~it St::te Srn'::~ae Tota! CiUU'cet; :?;;g ~.7. 5"0 ::;?:? _ >'0 /5:""" 75 ceo "".75 7g75" JlE',~J~ ,;;~ ,,:;r..r,:,,:; .:>urtucc ETU' S :.=haus t Hoo.i i'ent F::n ;.':>oasto:Jc Pe~:'-; Issu:znc-, Me~;..::r:.ic.:: L Pcr.~-; State Surchcrac Tntc.! Ch'7"f:1"~ -- E,','CR::/iCH,'.::::,''l. -- .CC"...lrit:J D::r::>sit toraDl! .:intr.r~r~..' '. ~rr:"'.... Tet~l C"naraC$ 'Ur.7CU: /-'23' /36' 'iae-.J:lZk '('n.:'f'! 'lcctric.11 Label 'obile Name ..: . ,...,.~, ~:;, '" -...- #t",....A."J;- ~;.J_. 6."". 'I. .6"<> "7'.- /r. ?O '78 -:Z~. 7'~ I' - I I I I /3. er~ 3CJ.~O I I I I 1-:>&(;. S-~ 'I';':Dc/Cor.st: ~.. I ACCr.3S. I L-COC~ wc~r I J en2rr.:J SOur,,::~..t T:J~~ i fica: k"~..:::.r_ ,~r~.JJI'7?P I Watr.?' .'!r::z:,.... 4!-"-~t::..7".. ! Hall.pr. ~~ I 1'21 FirCDiac,~ j I 1 Woou:: ::01.:01 I I I I Ee:ir~or:s: _=? p, L. flort;, Sctoocy:: Hou.s,~ CarafJe M'j[,~ i~' Ea.<;t ISout.h IWest 1"3/' I~' F::r.s Building Value & Pe r m it This ~1'11r':'t iG granted on the expre3s condition that the said conDtructiOI1 shalll in aZl respects. conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, incLuding the Zoning C'rd-:.nancc. regulatil1g the ccnstr"..l.:":icl1 and use of buildings. and m2Y be sUDpended or revoked at any t-:.me upon vic- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. ,; IPlan Cheek Fee: ~ ( :3 I ;;;)n 1..- Cate Pa~d: 1- Z--7-g't{ , IReciivt ,: I Oq !:J- ;;L ISig"ea: CC- Permit Plumbing No percon shalL construct. instal!. a~ter or change any ne~ cr e=istin? plumbi~1 or drainage systen in whole or in part. unLess su.~h ;cr~on is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license. except trAt a pa~son ma~ do plu~b~~g worK to properPt which is owned. Leased or operated by the.appli- <:an t . Ii I I' i_~ ': 'r;' 'j': :'.,; ,I,' ;1 J' ',t' 'J .' " Electrica I Permit trnere State L~ reauires tr~t tne electrical wor~ be done cJ an Sl2~trical Con~rac~cr, ~he eZ€c:ricaZ ~or=ion of thi3 ve~i~ sr~~l no:'bc ~~liC un:il 'tne "iabeZ r..2S Deen zignec by 'tne ELectricaz" :;Oll:;r.::.~r:or. y . I I I I I I I ~L I, I I I I I I Mechanical Permit /7 /) ",' /' /;~~""';""1? UyP'Ezen"ner ~ .;tV "Z'- ~-8..s:< L/Gte: I HAVE CARSFULLY EXAgINED the completed appli.cation for parnit, end de hereby certify that all i~fo~a~ion hereon -:.S tr~c a~~ ccrrcc:. end 1 f~rther certify that any arA all work perfo~cd s;~ll be do~c in ac~or- dance ~th the Ordin~nccs of the City of Springfield. ani th= ~~3 of tr.a State of Oreg.:m p::rtaining to the work described here:"l. end tr..2t f,'O CCC!.J- I P/;.flCY will De made of any struct~r.e without p.:1rrnis3ion of the Building Di.- j~ vision. I further certif:.i that o~ly contra~tol'S a;:d c:npZ"yecs who are in II;> ~p!~anoe u~th ORS 701.05. ui!l be used an this project I I I I I I ~t?.1 ,/ I 4()E;;/AAld ~/ I , I /e.7 / et3 JOB NO, g~OO 7( SOLAR ACCESS REQ- ''''''c: LJ;:)r=s Occuoa"c" GrO'J. ~ i'/i7-/ Lot Sq. Ft;;. 7'&I0.E:: LeT TYPE Lot Faces - - I : ~f tvt C~crag~ J'~~ lr.tericr # of Stories J'otal Height 'l'opogr=?hy :::L Cornel' 2- 2"j'~" Li/% Panhand Ze Cut-dc-sac rtl'f".1 sr;.,r'':'G I I I I I I 6J;'G?~, '10 I '7?c9. 'IS" , /32'$. -- I 16. % I 13~7".~~ I, I t::7. 6"0 I I' I I i I , x Value ,'.fain /707 '16' Gc:rac<~ Carvel':: .4cccssc>r:1 T07'A!:. t'ALUE S.D.C. IVCL.:.t.;) 1.5= Building Permi t State Surcn.'D"'pe Total Cha:oge3 :TD~ t.'(). FEE (.';-:.;.,.:::;:: :i.=:-uJ'es -g 1/ I :.'at.~ II ~-'r;""'~A'/t'/A1.& .... I ~,,~....' ,. ~ 1'-- PZur.:bir.p Pe~; t .~esiC.;:r.tial ~ bat/:) Scr.i.t.::..,,":.J SelL'C'f' I -:ZO. *',/> I /5:--<<> I._~b. -.< /72.1?~ '"' ./. 3 1/'2&:(;3 ~-' State S:.a'cr.t:1'pe Tete! Cr'::'!oGc!: - '-~ " I:,.... i .__ II I I 2~..........-1 /1 I I -:::J 7. -5:"0 -;?::l.S"O /5: -- .=?r.n. ~=. ftc. /~ 7 ~GW/E=ter~ Cir~~its T~arcr~ Service EleC'triccl Pe~it 75 0<> 5". 75 7&.75' St:::te Slll'~;;.:a'ce Total CilaJ'ces . 7'~'" F~:: C":;-':.J;;.'!:.. .='urn.:lCC ETU'S =.=haus t Hood fI€'A-7 -71.,>=;0 j ~ '3.-.... 6.#- 'I. S'c '7'.- I Vent Fan ;"Joas to:.JC Pe~t I3su::nc~ Ne=r.::;r;:ic:::. Z Per~ t 1'7'- ?(:; '78 '2~. y~ State Surchcl"ac T()~c l Cr~"1'!'t;l'(>:1 E,','CRDACH:.::::.'T -- 'C'C"".lr;t:J D:::;o3it :torc.po '::int:r.r"::r~.~ 'C'l'm"'..t Total. Charf1cs UT.?CU: I ~'2 3 ' 1'36' 1'3. ~~ 3.o.'JIO 'idlt'..la1.k '('n::r. 'Zectl'ica 1. Label. 'obiZe H::JITle w.'rii. j.x.;;.,,':.~' ;;i.;t.: ~ I /1)&6. 5"G I P.L. North lEast ISout.n IWest L-COG~ . I T~p.ICor.8t' . - E.,:,.oo",", ~,-Lt~ I WC~r I I En2rn:. So:~r~(?:; T:J~c j 1 I i-lea: ~;,~..._r,. ~.,...... #JJI'-;7P I ~cc('!:J~. I I lI'ater .'!;.;~-('::" :e.ie-d .. -, : bl ;~~::lQCe'~ -I I i I Wooa" to"" I II I I I Scthcck.~ Hous{; I Caraf](! 0'6" i~' I I I I -:J/' I~' Fu:s " " Building Value & Pe r m it This p~~;t iD granted on the exprecs condition that the said con3eruceion shaU, in all. respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted iiy dIe City of Springfield, inc!uding the Zoning Crdinancc, regu1.ating the ccn3tr~~:icn and une of bui1.dings, and m~y be cUGpended or revoked at any time upon vic- !ation of any proviaior:s of said ardinanccD. ," ., Fee, Q(:3,;;J,(J 1- Z--7-?rr JO~!:'- ;,l- ee. Permit I Pl.an Check Date Paid: I R~c~i~t #: S'l.g~ca: Plumbing No percon Ghall conDtruct, instalZ, a!ter 01' change cny ne~ cr e=istir.g plur..nir..g 01' drainage S~Jste:n in whole or in part, ur.Zess such ;:crGon is tr.e legal p03seaSOr of a va~id plumber's license, except trAt a pc~son ~a~ do plu~bing work to proper~~ which is o~ed, leased or opcra~eci by the aFpli- cant. " . Electrica I Perm it dnere St~te ~ reauires tr~t the el.ectrical wor~ be done b~ a~ Ele~;rical Contr.:::ctcr, the electricaL ~ortion of ~hi3 De~:~ sr~Zl ~Ot be ~~t~ un:iZ the "iabeZ ;...as bcer. t;ignea' by the EZccr:ricaz" ~om;r.:::cto!", Mechanical Permit //Z~=,~2 ~~J? P..c~xc:m7.r;,cr ( " Z-7'-8.R Lla,,;; I HAtT CAREFULLY EXANINE:D the c~letcd application for pe~i:;, and do hereby certify that aU i~fo~.a:;ion hel'eon is true ar.d ccrr;;c:, cn:I I further certify that any ar~ al.l work perfo~ed s;~l1. be do~e in ac~or- dance :.nth the Ordin:znceD of the City of SpringfieZd, and tit= Lc:..:~ of t;;c - State of Oreg:m p::rtaining to the work described hcrei1t1 er.d tr,at r,'o acc:.:. P/.llCY will be n:zde of any structU.l'2 without pcrmis3io~ of the Bu.ildir:g Di- vision. I further certif:i tr.at o:7.ly contractors a;-:d e:'npl.~!ICCS wr.o are ir. c~pliance with CRS 701.05t wilZ be used on this proj::ct ~R-' ./ / &J E;/~d1 ~./ I , 1/z7 lEe> (,