HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1985-10-29 ~ Rcce~pt ,< A (/,J5'5L/'{) .. RESI~T1AL" . APPLICA~N/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 Job Location: 7/2.4 MotV, VIE; W ABaeBsora Map # II 0::' ~ 4- 1'2.. Taz Lot # Subdivision: R \uEle"J..\Iu...s:-.. ~ 0 ~ i\/ VI "> I O~) CUneI': f),b, 7/...JC, 4-0 Address: ~ ~ ~ City: E:- '{:::..()", G,E'tJ-E l...IlIIW,J 'j)I Phone: 02; b - q 43{ Zip: '1 1 C/o:> '" \ . /fO-OIL <;:',klG::,l.-~ I+ov,,~ "l<<J'''- 1 -r-", ~^ Descnbe [(ark: ~ I/' = '" c T71c~D r........ \ILl JCE':"O rOc>-.l'-~, u = r r G 1".30 ~'7 ,,, = lG~)P",8o:> e '0 ~ )i~ 'i?..O.~ Date of Application 10 -17 -BS Contractors I e~I5l::ttJJ ~i2<:Js. ~l{'.. PLumbing ALErz..i ftV,l-ji"JI")~ Electncal "'fI+ot2.NlOrJ r.IEcr. Mechar.icol Me GillA C,H J.1EA" /-,\c"", Con8t~ction Lender EL~, n Addition n Remodel n Uobile Homa General Address ~ c,c., e. 4ol!! EIlI~, ''2.7 /II ?>a/ae;- In VAN P.,11~1~ !7.l1?, zo-'lab c'hn/pJft 3<1,-70)"\ ,-;~O)., 12.. 3"'):!l' AvE. ~/4. '7".0- '2.ot..(I ;;, hf80 1':-.?..,c,-II~'2..p., V-n,'OJl'!'."Zp)...... &/c", 4/84-~ r.,hd8C, q88~ 817A Value G ~ 89 fIJ. ee> Signed: Date: (!t / t1 ~:M /9'.5 ~ Lise. H EroircB Phone Mi'GQ)Q'3 I It i.s the responsibility of the permit hDlder to see that aU inspections are made at the proper timE:., t1:at each .:;ddress is raadahZo fl"Om ths street, and that the permit card is located at the front of the prqperty. ~Buitding rr;vi::ior: approved plan shatz remain on tM Building Sits at aU times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION REpUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City designated job number, job adaess, type of inspec;icn requested ar.d when you will be ready for inspection, Contractors or OI.mer's name and phone number. Requests received befcro 7: 00 a":"l :..'i l l be made the same day, requests made aft~ 7: 00 cml wi l l b:z made the next :.Jerking day. ..1ff1m1ir1f'1, T"r.l~"'~'1tir.'J!'J jX I SITE INSPECTION: To be made aft.,. excavation, but prior to set up of fOrn/s, EHt$I'H~..'" R<<- I ./ I UNDERSMB PLUI-fBING, ELECTRICAL & /' MECHANICAL: To be made before any work is covered. ~ ~ [lj, FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be rrade after trenches are excavated and forms are erected, but prior to pouring concretG' UNDERGROUND PLUMBING. SEWER. W,1TER, DRAINAGE: To be rrruiB prior to fi l- lir.g trencMs. G{] UNDERPLOOR PLUftf8ING & MECHANICAL: To be mads prior to instaZZation of floor insuZation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made p-rior to instal.lation of flow insu.lation or decking, ROUGH PLUMBING, ET.ECTRICAL & /.fECH- ANICAL: No work is to be (01)ered ,until these inspections have beer. made and approved. FIRE:PLACE: Prior to placing faoing materials and before framing inspec- tion. 0J ~ I~ FRAMING: Must be requeDted after approval of rough plwr.bing~ electri- caZ & mechanical. AlL roofing bracing & ohimncys, et.::. Trr..lst be i completed. No wrk is to be oon- ,'" cealBd until.. thio inspection has ~ b6~ made and approved. Your City Deoigr.ated Job Number Io: I "I INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: ,... To be rn2de after aU insulation w..d '. required vapor barriers are in place . . but before any lath, gypswn board or wZZ covering is appUed~ and before any inouZation is concealed. I X I DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made after aU drywa ZZ is in place, but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel location, bona beam3, grouting or verticals in accordance ~th U.B.C. Section 2415, l .YI WOODSTOVE: After installation is ') ccmpletcd. rY1 CURB & APPROACH APRON: After' forms ~ are ere.::ted bu t prior to pouring . coru:rete. r7l SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For aU con- ~ crete paving within street right- .of-wc.y, to be made after all exca- vating complete & form wrk & sub- base material in plaae. O PENCE: When complate -- Provide gates or movabZe sections tJtrtough P,U,E, ' o SS01r-1J ,j DE/.JOLITION OR .~:OVED BUILDIilGS =:J Sanitary S6".Jer capped at p:.opE;rt":i line ~ Septi.:: tank. p;..J~:ped and fiZle~ with gra~ol :J Final.. - rVhen above ite.-ds are ccmpleted ! ; ar~ when demolition is complete or stru~- ture moved and premises aleaned up. Mobile Homes I' =:=J Blocking and Set-"p =:J Plumbing connections -- scwer and water ---, Electrical Connection - stocking, set-up ~ and plumbing connections nr..lst ~e approvod before requesting electrical inBpect~on =:J Acaessory Building :J Final - Aftar porcr.es, skirting, deck.a, etc. are complet~d. o All project conditions, such as the installation of street trees, co~Zotion of the required Zandscapir".g, etc., must be satisfied befo:roe tho BUILDING FINAL can bo r~quoBtad. [AI FIliAL PW/.f8I11G G!J FINAL MECHANICAL [Xl FINAL ELECTRICAL o ~ FINAL BUILDING: The Final BuiZding Inspection must be requeoted cfter the Final PZwnbing Electrical, and Mechar.icaZ InspectionD have been made and approuad. ItALL MANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!fENT TO BE Mli.DE AT NO COST TO CITY I Page 1 of 2 I ..... t'cge ~ I JOB NO, K5) q<t1 SOLAR A~ESS REQ,- y~ Oa L:"COG~ IZona: Q.../ ~ Oaauoanc" G.J?- ';fJ~ M-/ Type/Const: ., Beo-ooms: '3 Lot Sq, FOg, ?(J~ t:: LOT TYPE f Lot Faces - ~7")( N. E. I I Eneray SO'""ces T,," S fIt C ......... Interior I Setbacks I I Heat........."1If-'" P.A . o 0 -'Ve'l'ag.....c ~ I P. L. I House Caraqe Access. I I Water HP.tltl?l' # of Stories Z X Corner INorth B . I I Range Total Height :2 ?~~ Panhandle lEast I ~ ~y I I JI Firep1.aca /.'/'~' South I '2~, ' I I wood"to"e Topog~hy . CUt-de-sac ~ .-c IWest I -::/IIr!' I I -- Faes I 3':t'~ ~ 57'/.~ /~- r~-I I I I ;VC"T\5': "N'e>.- Sew~ &;;'HCC7/e>;y ;:t::;F. ~fSgp ~ '!h-IPlc-2ZF:r.5 /fip'5 {:1cBY ~Q"e;p~ I... ./ '5Pc:. ~~e O;f'#e.~' 7R/7 ,F='C?'e.;s tc:J~? 82l' ?;(/i:V/t:1U'~'" P#/.t> /114'" -n-.~.z>. ~ ~-I !p1.anCheCk ee: lo9..;;S-() I ,$.X I Date Paid: 10 - /7-fj' ~ I ~ ~ I, IReadpt #: !5 <b ~ /f-'7 (4 I 'a2,... /6 I Signed: flj\/ CHARGE I ' , , /e>. - Plumbing Permit ZS.pO ,Its: ~~ It:). - I lo.~1 7(!>. -I 2..BP1 7z.&pl, I I I I I "/~ 7S: I~ I lITEM I/obin I Gl:raae I Camort I Accessoru SQ, FTG /7/~ ,.Q.g I I Is,D,C, TOTA" VAWE (vat.uc) 1.5 :r: Building Permit State Surcharge Total Cha,.ges I n:EM _ :'0, I FEE ~ _..,u#7~~ I Residential (1 bath) ~ I Sani tal'Y Sewer' .(J; ~ I I Water 4~ I ~p~1 Plumbing Pe1"T1':i t State Surcr.azoge Total Charaes IITEN IN~I I Res. Sa, fta, ''2.1~ Naw/Extend Cil"cui ts I I Tempol"ary Service I II I i FEE Ele~tl"ical Permit State Surcharqe Total Charc;es 1110, FEE 1/ { 21~.- I I '5- 1'.(13"- I I ITEM FuJoonace ETU' S E:rhaus t Hood Vent Fan WOodsto:;e ....'-~ "'.:;.... ....................2 Me:::hanical Pel"17T'i t State Surcharae ToT.,., l ChaP""Ul -- ENCROACHMENT -- SeC!'mtu Daoosit I Storage I Maintenan.:!e I Parmit I Total Cha1"OOS I Curbcut I Sid_lk I Fen::e /9' / /I~ . Electrical Label Mobile Home I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:'" x Value . CHARGE 2~. 1&>.- I ~~-I - /. t".e>1 ~~.ypl, ~~~ I "...sz> I ~~-I I '2.- /"'.SDI . 7'f1 /9. 2~I, I I I I I ' /~~B 16. 8t!> Building Value & Permit This permit i8 granted on the express condition that the sa"id constl'Uction shall, in aZl respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted b'y the City of Springfield, inc?uding the Zoning Ordinance, roeguZating the constl'Uaticn and use of buildings, and may be suspended or revoked at cny time upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. No person shall construct, install, alter or change any new or existing .plumbing or drainage system in whole or in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plwnber's license, except tr.at a pe~80n roo.y do plumbing work to property which is owned, leased or operated by the appli- cant, Electrical Permit Where State TAu requires tr.at the eLectricaL work be done by an Eleatrical Contractor, the eLectricaL portion of this permit shall not be valid until the label. has been signed by the ElecmcaL Contractor. Mechanical Permit ~r~ E:z:arm,ner - r J~- 'Z S-ss 'tid;e I HAVE CAREFUL&Y EXAMINED the campleted appliaation for permit, and do hereby certify that all. ir:fomlation hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any ar.d all work perfomted shall b6 done in ac!!or- dance tJJith the Ordinances of the city of Springfield, and th~ LQ:.Js of tho State of Oregon partaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY L>iLL be ro.de of any Structur2 withou.t permission of the Bu.ilding Di- vision. I further certify that o:tly contractors ar.d e:npz"yees who are in compliance r.rith ORS 701.055 r.rilZ be used on this project wyJ\?Juw Signed ..... 1/)---!'i~5r Date , .. RESI.NTIAL.. APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpPingfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 7-'2.4 Asne8so's Mop # It (') '?::, <:s 4- I L Subdivi8ion: R Il)CIe...I4Iu...>'-, ~ 0 ~ t\1 01':> I o^.J Job Location: f\/\OIJI VIF W Tc;x Lot # /A.me" f'). 6 ' 7/...1C, Addre88: 3 ~ CO E:.- 4-0 'j)I- City: 1=., I A.. G,FrJE ~1l"'7.l n Addition n Remodel n Uobile Boma Ph07le: bS b - q 43( zip: "1 1 40<:) ............I,;\.IUI~I Rccei,t o' h 10.5'541) ~J " /fO-tJlL "!:> ,IJ &l..-i2, ~Ou'>" "I""""" -.. ^^ Describe (,c,k: ~ ,r = U E T7\clft:D 1-"",. \ It..)' j<:&"D l'Oc>oJ'-=-, f ' G 1",30 ~f7 ," G()J'OV.s,... e. <0 ~ 'lit- 'i'/..BO.~ Date of Application 10-'17 - BS Contractors t e~e DE)J C:l~ ,^,lC, Plumbing ALEJ2..\ Pl.V^.j~Ik.k,,. Elect,ical IJ+OIz'fJIO,0 r:1.ECl. Mecltar.icol N<:GLliAC,H J.lEa:T",J("'." Construction Lender General Eroil'as ?J (,C, C. 4'J~ Fl1/~, ''27 (I i '30/80;- I n VAN F.',114k1 ~lf;', 20-'21,')0 i.hn I pC '3<1S--70J"\ ~P)" E.. '3,"')!2! AIJ12. f.~u, 'J_.O-ZtX,(> i-;,h,,/8C, rJ'.,c,-1I~2Fi, "P.n.Vll'T''L.p;" EiU& 4/64:;:', e"hd8G q88~8f7r Value o ~ 89~.~ > (It 1/1 ~;:)Jf ,/)(5 --- Address Siqr.ed: Date: Lise. # Phone hRG~q.3J It is tha roesponoj.bitity of ths permit holder to see that all i1UJpections are made at the proper time~ that each ::dd:ress is readabte from ths street~ and that the permit card is located at the f1'011t of the proper'ty. /tBui!ding [r;vi::ior: approved plan shall remain on the Building Sit:> at all times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION RE:.QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rccorder) state your City designated job nur.:ber~ job adC.rCBB~ type of in3pec~icn raqucstcd ar.d when you ;.ril.l. be roeady for ir.spcction~ Contractoros or Owners name end phor:.e number. Requests received before 7:00 l:.': :..'iZl be made the same dcy~ requests made aftao 7:00 am wiZZ bz nruie the next :.x>rking day. Reauired Tns'Df?cticnn jx I SITE INSPECTION: To be made after excavation~ but prior to set: up of f01'm8,Eh<VHeof'El:1 Fi<<- r.7l UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & ltJ MECHANICAL: To be made before any tJOl"k is aouel"ed. ~ FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms al"e e1'ected~ but prior to pouring ccncret~. [l] UNDSRGROUND Pr.UMBING. SEWER. W,4TER~ DRAINAGE: To be rrr:::ie prior to fil.- lir.g tren.ches. GS] UNDERFLOOR PWl,fBIIlG & MECHANICAL: To be made proior to inataZZation of f'Loor insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made pr>ior to instaUation of floor imn:.Zation. or decki... ' ROUGH PUfHBI!JC_ ELECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No work is to be covered .ur.til thcse inspections have beer. made and approved. FIREPLACE: Prior to pZacir.g facing materials and before framing inspee- tior:.. rTl FRANING: Must be requested after ~ approval of pough pZwr.bing~ aZectPi- cat & mechanical. AU roOfing bracing a chirrrncys~ eta. must be . completed. No work is to be con- .~ cealed until thio inspection has 'b6~n ~ and approved. ~ [1J ,[1] Your City Desigr..atcd Job Numba Ia: I '" I INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTIOII: .I" To be made after all insuki.ti:m ~.d '. required vapor barriers are in place - . but before any lath~ gypswn boCU'd 01" wZZ covering is appZied~ and before any i71lJuZation is concealed. I X I DRYWALL INSPECTION: Tc be made afte1" all drytJall is in pZace~ but pPi01" to tZ1ty taping. . O MASONRY: Steel Zocation~ boiui beam3~ grouting or verticals in accor-dtutce lJith U. B. C. Section 2415. ! .Y I WOODSTOVE: After installation is "" completed. rY1 CURB & APPROACH AP.WN: After" forms ~ are created but prior to pouring oorwrete. . r71 SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For all. con- ~ crete paving within street right- of-r.x:.y~ to be made after all e:r:ca- vating complete & form W01"~ & sub- base m:zterial in pZa.::!e. O !'ENCE: When complote -- Provide gates 01' movable sections through P,U.E, ' o gS01f' 7 I DEI.JOLITION OR gOVE!} BUILDINGS =:=J Sani t:aI'Y 8ll'.J01" capped at p:.ope1't':i lir.e .=J Septic tank rr~ed and filZe~ Llith gra~eZ --, Final - IYhen abave ite.';s are cc:npletcd ---3 and when demolition is complete or stru.~- ture moved and premises cleaned up. Mobile Hcmes :J Blocking and Sat-up :J Plumbing connections sewer and uater ---, Electrical Connection - Blocking~ set-up --.J and plumbing connections nr..:st be approud before I'6questing elec~Pical inspec~~~ ~ Acces30l"b' Building --, Final - Aft;:ro porcr.es~ skirti.ng~ decks~ .-J etc. are completed. o All prooject conditionsl Buch as the installation of street trees, c~~lotion of the l"Oquil'ed Zandscc:pir.g~ etc. ~ must be satisfied bcfore tr.e BUILDING FINAL can be r3quest3d. i[l] FIliAL PLUMBIIIG ! :G!J FINAL MECHANICAL 100 FINAL ELECTRICAL :0 @ FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requeoted after the Final Plumbina ElectricalJ and Mechar.ical InspectionD haua been made and approovzd. /tALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS IWST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST/lENT TO BE NADE I1T NO COST TO CITY I p.::zge 1 of 2 '~. . , ( -\ ,-"" - I JOB NO, ~:1) t1X-1 SOLAR A_55 REQ,- V'(!:S Oa . Iz"".: Q,/ ~ OccuDancu G1'OU~P."';J'! M-/ Type/Cor.st: ~-W Bedrooc:s: Lot Sq. Ft;;. ?tJ/R t: WT TYPE r Lot Faces - ~r)( N. E. II Enerau SO'.rces : of lot C.weragc: "7 ~~ Interior> I Setbaeks I Heat""::;~ \T I P. L. House Garage Access. I Water Yf!at/u'- # of Stories Z A- Comer Nortn Jil. .. I I Range Total Height :2 ?4:'~ Panhandle lEast ~:ilCf I It FireDlace ~'/' _ _ Sou th '2 C>, ' I I Wood" to"e Topography !' ~ CUl-de-sac IWest I W' I I L~COG~ '3 T":)8 P.A. 1TEf.! I;;;~ ,~.g -- FaBa I %:7D "" SX':~ . /0.. - rz.!J;t:>.- Permit Main Garaae I Caroort I ACCeS801'U TOTAL VAWE IS.D,C, eva"'UCJ 1.5 % Building Pernri t State Surcharge Total Cha.~ges IITEf.! ~'O' FEE I.i>' f1 ~ ;....~,/H I Residential (J bath! j I . I Sanitary Sewel" <.1"~1 "'~/ ~/nDH8<. ~ dJ Water Plumbing Permi t State Su:rocr.apge Total Charaes lITEM I Res, SA, fto, "/~ IN;;w/Extend Cil'cuits Tempol'ary Service lil~ I I I III I I FEE EZe~tricaZ Permit State Surcharae Tota Z Cha:rf:BS I1TEf.! I Puntace ETU' S I E:chaust Hood I Vent Fan I WOodstoOJB 1110, I FEE I J I I tl 121'3'. - I I I ~7'lP/_ I_I ~....~.".:" ...,..,.-............ Mechanical Perwit Stata Surcharae r"tnl ChaY'nnn I -- ENCROACHf.lENT -- j Sec-.lM.tu D:zoo3it I Storage I Maintl?1Ul1U:e I Pernri ~ I ICUrbcuo I Sidewa lk IFa~e Total Charooas /9' I /Y~ . x Value Building Value & This permit iD granted on the express condition that the sdid constl"Uction shall, in aZl respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, inc~uding the Zoning Ordinance, regu'Lating the ccnstructicn I and use of buildings, and may be suspended 01' revoked at cr.y time upon vic~ Zation of any provisions of said Ordinances. I /V07\5': II /~."" S'eW~ <:::"e>"y/YC?:,7/<:>'" ~ "S.B~Sp / MIPI"-;?S-"7d; I/.f~ p't=6?I ;;;~;;:XX7E.P~, I // -S.oc. '::::M'~-e OT//c 'S'?M/7' j"ee,5 ,88'7.821' J7iEV/PV,5L7' P#/t:> /fr!yE ... '/ffO:>. ~ ~-I IPZanCheck ee: IOq.,~() I $.X I ICate Paid: 10- /7-Js s;- I ;>. 761, IRecdpt #: (:5 (p:; '1-7(/7 I 'Z:l . I Signed: (ljl/ I Plumbing Permit . CHARGE 1 /6). -I ZS.eoOl ./!!5: ...., I~. .... I I 10.-'"1 1-7(!>_ -I I .2 .8P1 j 7Z.&oP!, I CHARGE I I 2~"1 I I I It>.-' I I I ~~-I I -I,Y~I I 76. ypl ' I ~." I 'I-SZ> , ~~-I I I 1-7.-1 I I I HZ.S&> I . 7'1- I /9. 2$1 I . I I I I CHARCE /'/.. ~8 /6.80 I I I I If/~ 7S,/t:> Electrical Label Nobi le Home I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:' No person shall construct, install, alter 01' change any nelJ cro e=isting -plumbing 01' drainage system in whole 01' in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except tr~t a person may do pZw::bing lJ01'k to property which is owned, leased 01' operated by the appli- cant. Electrical Permit Where State La:LJ requires t}o~t the eZectricaZ IJOrk be done by an ELectrical Contractor, the eLectrical portion of this permit shall r~t be valid until the label has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. , , Mechanical Permit ~~ /'~ E=ner' ~ I~-~S-SS 'Da.s I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED ths conrpleted application for pennit, and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any ar.d aU work performed shall be do':1e in acool"'- dance ,nth the Ordinances of ths City of Springfield, and th& =s of tho . State of Oregon pertaining to the work described he1'ein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY IJiZZ be rrr:zde of any structura without permission of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that O':1ly contractor8 arMi enployees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project W yJ<~))lli.eO Signed .... I () ---17 --:5r Dats "