HomeMy WebLinkAboutOccupancy Correspondence 1991-10-9 . SPR.FIELD A-Jo ~ .~,..- -- ... .'" DEVELOPMENT SERVICES PUBLIC WORKS METROPOUTAN WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD. OR 9i" n (503) i26-3i53 October 9, 1991 Don Wright 3924 Carissa Ct. San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Subject: Occupancy Inspection ai 1651 Main S'cee' SPCingfield'~' Froposed Use: Mini Storage below existing apartments Dear Mr. Wright: A~ your request, the Springfield Building Safety Division conducted en inspection of the building(s) at the above address, The purpose of the inspection was to determine the sui~ability of the building(s) for ~he proposed use as indicated, Based on the proposed occupancy, the existing conditions which are mentioned below do not meet the minimum BUilding Safety Code requirements, Corrective measures must be taken prior to occupancy to install, repair, replace or modify the fOllowing items in order for the building to conform to applicable safety codes: Structural 1, Storage of flammable liqUids and other hazardous materials shall be prohibited unless specifically approved by the City Fire Marshal. We recommend that a stipulation be placed in tenant lease agreements prohibiting storage of such materials, 2. Motor vehicles are unauthorized within mini storage structures, 3, The portion of the bUilding used for commercial purposes shall be separated from the adjoining residential portions of the bUilding by an approved lhr. fire-resistive assembly. Where the required separation is horizontal (above and below) the structure' supporting the upper level shall be similarly protected, 4, Exterior walls which are less than twenty feet from, and facing, neighboring properties shall be protected by lhr. fire-resistive . .~ , ~ 'Don Wright ~ctober 9, 1991 Page 2 . . construction. Openings in these walls are not permitted less than Sft, from the property line, and openings less than 10ft, from the property line must have approved 3/4hr, fire-resistive door or window assemblies, 5, Provide at least one fire extinguisher rated at 2A-10BC in a location which is. accessible to and within 75 feet of all tenant spaces, As an alternative, extinguishers haVing the above rating may be provided within each tenant space, Mount extinguishers between 3-5 feet above the floor in readily visible locations, Coordinate placement of extinguishers with the City Fire Marshal, Plumbing .6, All unused plumbing drains .shall be properly plugged or capped, Building permits must be obtained for the above items which involve repairs or modifications to the structural, electrical, plumbing or mechanical systems of the building and for any additions or revisions you wish to make to the building. The above items are requirements for the existing structure only, Other items such as parking, paving, site improvements, sidewalks, etc" have not been addressed as part of this inspection, and may be required, Please contact the Planning Division of this office regarding any necessary improvements to the site. If we can be of assistance in Clarifying the requirements, or the options available to bring the property into compliance, please call us at 726-3759, Sincerely, p ~ '-/ Tom Marx Building Inspector ~ CC: Dave Puent, Building Official Mike Hudman, Fire Marshal John Johnson, 2484 N. 35th St, Spfd. OR. 97477 '.';~ --- . . L ':':';"<'F.U:~0a1~:gii!i;NG"tP!~SEMi3l1JjEs;"~0CfD~F~A~ED.j"i,eJf,,~(~~;,~;,;.,~j i~;t l~ ,/:,~;I~;~~~~r:~:~;~~~r\":~; rl ~ ,....Ill.lr.LI:J.-'~~:J..:*.....:..I.~.r:ttt;;.;. \'~IC ,It)" t,_a': 1...1.'. ..'If.~'M[}fJI;!Ji.., . ~""'P~~r,.~"\~~.~'i;~4. ~, "'I " Fire . Sound GA SKETCH AND DESIGN DATA _ I, Rating Rating File I '\J1J1 \ STC No. ASSEMBLY DESCRIPTION 45 to 49 1 HR 40 to 44 i 35 to 39 i I. I II. I I 64 FC 5250 FC 5300 FC 5310 FC 5406 Wood Joists, Gypsum Wallboard "2" type X gypsum wallboard or veneer base applied at right an- gles to resilient furring channels with 1" Type S drywall screws 12" o,c, Wallboard end joints located midway between continu- ous channels and attached to additional pieces of channel 54" long with screws 12" o.c. Resilient furring channels 24" o,c, at- tached with 6d coated nails, 2" long, 0.113" shank, '7'.." heads to 2 x 10 wood joists 16" o,c. supporting 1" nominal wood sub and finish floor, or 1.'32" plywood finished floor with long edges T & G and lS'32" interior plywood with exterior glue subfloor per- pendicular to joists with joints staggered. Wood Joists, Gypsum Wallboard "2" type X gypsum wallboard or veneer base applied at right an- gles to resilient furring channels with 1" Type S drywall screws 12" o.c. Wallboard end joints located midway between continu- ous channels and attached to additional pieces of channels 54" long with screws 12" o.c, Resilient furring channels 24" o,c. at- tached with two 4d coated nails, 1"2" long, 0,080" shank, and 7'32" heads to 2 x 10 wood joists 16" o,c. supporting 1" nominal T & G wood sub and finish floor, or 5'." plywood finished floor with long edges T & G and 15/32" interior plywood with exterior glue subfloor perpendicular to joists with joints staggered. Wood Joists, Gypsum Wallboard s'." type X gypsum wallboard or veneer base applied at right an- gles to rigid furring channels 24" o.c, with 1" Type S drywall screws 12" o.c. Wallboard end joints located midway between continuous channels and attached to additional pieces of chan- ne154" long with screws 12" o.c. Rigid furring channels attached with two 1',." Type S drywall screws to each 4 x 10 or two 2 x 10 wood joists spaced 48" o,c. supporting 1"." tongue and groove plywood floor. Wood Joists, Gypsum Wallboard Base layer 5'." type X gypsum wallboard applied at right angles to 2 x 10 wood joists 24" o,c. with 1"." Type Sdrywall screws 24" o,c, Face layer s'." type X gypsum wallboard or veneer base ap- plied at right angles to joists through base layer with 17'." Type S drywall screws 12" o.c. at joints and intermediate joists. Face layer joints offset 24" Irom base layer joints, 1"2" Type G drywall screw!! placed 2" back on either side of face layer end joints, 12" o.C. "2" plywood with exterior glue applied at right angles to top of joists with 8d nails, Ceiling provides one hour fire resistance protection for wood fremlng. E ~ t ~ t M F='=" - m ....... Approx. Ceiling Weight: 2 psi Fire Test: UL R2717-29, 1-24-64 Design L502 ULC Design M501 Sound Test: RAL TL 64-155,2-7-64 IIC & Test: 39(67 C & P) '" ~ ~ Approx. Ceiling Weight: 2 psi Fire Test: UL R3501-29, 3-23-64 Design L515 Sound Test: NGC 4010, 3-21-66 (Rev. 12-23-70) IIC & Test: 38 (63 C & P) NGC 5016, 3-17-66 . = ~ .n.m,wr Approx. Ceiling Weight: 2"2 psf Fire Test: UL R1319-47, 5-8-63 Design L508 Sound Test: Estimated t ~ ~ -= Approx. Ceiling Weight: 5 psf Fire Test: FM FC 172, 2-25-72 Sound Test: Estimated ~ valj '. " WP 3605 30 to 34 (t WP 3620 . ':',~...,-.' '.-:~l;':..I" {o..~'.."~~" 1.L .,,''1U~_-t}::'''';'b~:,..\,;:\1..::'';~</'~:'~~ . .' ., :: ~... ,.',.' ',.'" "':,,*,~' ". '~l,..... ' l.~..."'t. ,~rt"'., 1)~' :,,', J.,; '\'''''>',,-/'.),. "';~". . -'~', i'-';i;""';;i"~"}"j""l~~~ I".......l;.:'~-:"{t" I, Gypsum Wallboard, Wood Studs One layer 5'." type X plain or predecorated gypsum wallboard, water resistant backer board or veneer base applied parallel with or at right angles to each side of 2 x 4 wood studs 16" O.c, with 6d coated nails, F/e" long. 0.0915" shank, 1/4" heads, 7" D.C. Joints of square edge, bevel edge or predecorated wallboard may be left exposed. Stagger joints each side. (LOAD-BEARING) Gypsum Veneer Base, Veneer Plaster, Wood Studs One layer '12" type X gypsum veneer base applied at right angles to each side 01 2 x 4 wood studs 16" o.c. with Sd etched nails, 13/4" long, 0.099" shank, 1/4" heads, 8" c.c. Minimum 1116" gypsum-veneer plaster over each face. Stagger vertical joints 16" o.c, and horizontal joints each side 12" o,c, Sound tested without veneer plaster. (LOAD-BEARING) ~:,~I M......... Thickness: 47/a" Approx. Weight: 7 psI Fire Test: UL R1319-4, 6, 6-17-S2 Design U305 R2717-39,l-20-66 R3S01-S2, 3-1S-66 ULC Design W301 Sound Test: OR 64-8, 2-4-64 t ~ tt ~. Thickness: 47/8" Approx, Weight: 7 psI Fire Test: UC, 1-12-66 Sound Test: G & H fBI-3SFT, 5-26-64 '*, 31 . ~'.oo OCCUPANCY INSPECTION APPLICATION ADDRESS OF INSPECTION: &9.111,(h AJ rT: O\1NER:~^-.lIAJIlIIi1n- OIlNER'S ADDRESS: ~...; CAtu. ~ Jt.......C;t: PHONE NUMBER:i4{Wj'b7~3 )/4"J CM..t J IJ ~cA:.SJ'fbj APPLICANT: Sk;_ APPLICANT'S ADDRESS: ~'/r1 ,4, 3S--tJ. .;Sr.) SP/l.INc;F//:!L/)j ~R 7J7- ... Jti" 97'177 FOR ACCESS TO PROPERTY - TELEPHONE NUMBER: 7 ~7 7 ~ =============================-----========_____~a==a========~____~============== PROPOSED USE: /Jj/P/ rn~_' A $35.00 INSPECTION FEE IS REQUIRED AT THE TIME OF APPLICATION FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ::::-::::~---(\)~! 4) CfT----- . RECEIPT NUMBER: ~ \ ctJ C------- DATE OF INSPECTION: DATE OF REPORT: DATE OF CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: COMMENTS: