HomeMy WebLinkAboutOccupancy Correspondence 1981-4-23 r ','!'1I,J"f,t""r". - -:', ... , CITY OF SFRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97477 PUBLIC WORKS April 23, 1981 346 MAIN STREET 726.3753 Mr. Mike 0'Conne1 O'Connel and Associates 1234 Pearl Street Eugene, Oregon 97401 * RE: Occupancy Inspection at 1632 Main Street, Springfield, Oregon Dear Mr. O'Connel: At your request the Building Division of the City of Springfield conducted an occupancy inspection of the building located at 1632 Main Street, Springfield, Oregon, The proposed use of the building as an arcade type business will categorize its useage as a B-2 occupancy. The following items shall be installed, repaired or replaced in order to conform to all applicable codes for that occupancy. OREGON STRUCTURAL SPECIALTY COOE AND FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY (S.S.C.) 1) All portions of the building shall be provided with natural ventilation by means of exterior openings with an area not less than one-twentieth of the total floor area; or shall be provided with a mechanically operated venti- lating system capable of providing a minimum of 5 (five) cubic feet per min- ute of outside air with a total circulation of not less than 15 cubic feet per minute per occupant and such system shall be kept continuously in oper- ation during such time as the building is occupied, S.S.C. 705 2) The total occupant load necessitates providing separate sanitary facilities. Such toilet facilities shall be provided within the same building. S.S.C., Table 5-E 3) All water closet rooms shall be provided with an exterior window at least.3 square feet in area, fully openable; or a vertical duct not less than 100 square inches in area for .each toilet facility. S.S.C. 705 OREGON ELECTRICAL SAFETY CODE (E.S.C.) 1) The electrical serv.ice equipment is to be removed from the restroom area.' It is recommended that the service equipment be installed on an exterior location using raintight equipment. E.S.C. 320-72 (c) 2) To' prevent the entrance of moisture, service entrance conductors shall be con- nected to the service-drop conductors either (1) below the level of the service head, or (2) below the level of the termination of the service entrance cable sheath. E.S.C. 230-54 (f) . .. . Mr. Mike O'Connel Occupancy Inspection 1632 Main Street April 23, 1981 Page 2. 3) All light outlet boxes to be properly secured to support the weight of the lighting fixtures. E.S.C. 370-13 4) The non-thermo-protected flouresent fixtures are to be mounted on supporting brackets with not less than l~ inches of clearance between the"ceiling and the transformer area of the fixture. E.S.C. 410-76 (b) 5) At least one wall switch controlled lighting outlet shall be installed in the bath- rooms and at outdoor entrances. E.S.C. 210-26 6) The air conditioner shall be serviced with cable providing a ground conductor and effectively bonded to assure electrical continuity. E.S.C. 250-75 7) No grounded conductor shall be attached to any terminal so as to reverse designated polarity (gas heater). E.S.C. 200-11 OREGON STATE PLUMBING SPECIALTY CODE CP.S.C.) 1) The water closet bowls for public use shall be elongated bowls equipped with open front seats. P.S.C. 901 2) Lavatories in public rest rooms shall: a) Be equipped with outlet devices which limit the flow of hot water to a maximum of 0.5 gpm. P.S.C. 201 and S.S.C. 5308(b) b) Be equipped with devices which limit the outlet temperature to maximum of 110oF. P.S.C. 201 and S.S.C. 5308(b) c) Be equipped with,self closing valves that limit delivery to a maximum of 0.25 gallons of hot water. P.S.C. 201 and S.S.C. 5308(b) 3) If the water heater is to remain in its present location, adequate structural sup- port shall be provided and an insulation wrap of not less than R-16 installed on the heater. P.S.C. 10.4 and S.S.C. 5308 4) The water heater shall be provided with an approved, listed, 'adequately sized pres- sure relief valve. P.S.C. 1007 Please direct all inquiries to the Springfield Building Division at 726-3753. Sincerely, ~,Q~~ Dave Puent Building Inspector DP/ls 1001.2 .. OCCUPANCY INSPECTION APPLICATION -y tOL.5 7 , , --------!' "'i' EXISTING BUILDINGS ~ CITY'OF SPRINGFIELD . BUILDING DEPARHIENT * ;/fJ/~I' ( i31 /'7~( , ,', . U' . ,--Ic:;:.?-r ~t4-I"" , JOB AOORESS: /t:3 1- ;j!-fClIIV l Ale.d- ('>:-i~I<:...I'<t'O NUMBER OF UNITS: OWNER:-':-;:;C f'r J::: 8 r/eJclf:./t ADDRESS: /t,'l-) AtJ!</'...-" DATE: / .' APPLICANT: ~ ADDRESS: ~ u 'if<'. ,." ~ f (J-r<Z..c.l' ,"-, J7'r-1 1 FOR ACCESS TO PROPERTY - TELEPHONE: /{,? </ .4-4 r'Vu: c,(( ~-I~" A.~/~ 1 - .AS- J.< ('0. vl<-. A $20.00 INSPECTION FEE IS REQUIRED AT THE TUIE OF APPLICATION, ., . '.,",' ".\ " OF THE PROEPTY TO BE INSPECTED . ((2 , . . . . , ' , . . . . '-" ,.., ..,.' RE OF PRbPERT~l)~ , THIS APPLICATION FORM MUST BE SIGNED BY THE OWN ~" FOR OFFICE USE ONLY . - - - - - - - - - - --- - - -- -- - --- - -- - -- - - -- -- -- - - - -- - -- - - - - -- ---- ~ - - - - -- - - - - - - --- - -- - - - - --.- - ~ -- ,Date of Inspection:' ,Date of Report: .-' Date of Cert. of Compliance: 'Receipt Number: r:::<fr/?..- CZ >! ",:L. - &,vJ ~-y-f 1'''' 'I - +13~5J1 ... ........ 4~~\8b4 .... . ~ '. '. . ;.:' . , . RE~IARKS: , i .... ;', ~;~ .' -' :,": o Ie 0 'If; 'tf- ( ~ ~g rj'~1 ;~j I ').. ~';) 'r J-VJ-V ( I~ ~ v- ( e(V--f') ~<~ - d-{-(:V"" (ff!' e ..d ,~ ., '," / 917"<> r . , () e (/ ~4'l~ (, '. "''''''". '.' ....; ,".:. . '," .' ,', . . . 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Esr 2.30-J-2I() ~l (fprl/Jrl" dtol"J (pt//o,,r t/l Jpbp//.Jlu cAp .perv/cl'" 1J/:>;1d, Esr :J..30-,1)4fr) - I. ~/ I //Jf..! lJu'tjpt jMYPS to /'e O"lrd1u .rec.J-'>'t'rI fL> tPt./!?I!Jr't tit e "Je/ohi" / /. ,/ /If? !'/y tu'Y'f'S_ ES'(' 370 -/3 (1) A/IlY1-thn'm/J-oiotectpd f!/uoY'f",f'('('nt f/xture.<:: ~ AI" mt1unCed an .r;~IfY'"yf;9:JJ j,r~rtf,..t:('_H<J/Htill"'~J'Jllt Ip,\',<; f'k/H IY~" !:udulf'P'" rlt", ee///1'1 J rim! tJ,,; (rtluJ>fhrmn' /l"'~Cl cf'tAe f/xrur'p. Ese 4/0 -76 fb) (,) !?pmn(/f' nLl;/~j,a;}] /awf'ht'Jldc>r.@. ' !;.,Yr. 210-.2/'(;:}) r'J T'YJrtrJl/ JjAt and /,/1'111,'.., J:j.p rtntyl(),-,tns w/tl. 1JU2//.wn'kJ, />tJntrol Ese 2/0 -2j,(ci) (7) fnrT~;) I"'/J~";h)/tlt J....'Y'-"u'YJd c017du{"!LJ;1- f" <1/1' C'tmdl't/tJ',Un'. Ail tin::::: 7;%~;~~ ~~J' n,WJ I:. 6" (,0,,/-,/. F.'" 2,;o-",~ ~) f' D 'I I:J Y rnp D!'"U'jp At Jg.v 6eabr. Ese 200-1/ / I, COVER (1:.('(lj?lJnl''j liiy- F'HA' IHSPECTO~ _~ I, )lIIk.fYJ Ij,'. ACCOMPANIED BY J)rl/t.P Np>?T /Jtt//r/,i7J.Jnyectu, l\ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON Pub lic Works . . BUILDING DEPARTMENT PW-ll L__.J '-.. Inspector's Memo }:O: /6 .3:l d/fl,.j ,\, T; DATE fL - / if - '? I OattV'.c.~ - (fi//l/>, 9 U r: (", ~<1'tI/,-rJ'.s- de.'" w~^ a.r...-r:r rv./J,:; c. i/ S d '"/? IJ~ fC-d r/OJ.rEf? kl1 w L--S + S"G c. ..s' 3., g ;rOB ADDRESS !'larE: ?;I"C b ~~ c- '"C c:3 P' r~;- :/ '#Y1,.. c1 rJ /-A?. / /" 0 ,P' - ;:::;'0 '" t4,4-.x <J. .s-~ If H V-- g .t<lL.r r/:<:-tr"s/;,.Ie' C/ t6'-L-i"'~.f - W~~ Ihh'/~~ ;)/,Lout-J> ,{]L rlP'C'.U> .:Z:v0' &..?-rLP A<~Cl./- 81:,;:>(. c1t< rkdl/fP~ R ~/{, fNSC/t."pr?o,v - - P~5Stl/C..il ~(d/ 0J.!I-'~ {:pg ?7 c1p/'flp5_ ,SLlC'. /t1t7 7 e rf- !?cr!f//PL w/ U // M-r.e0-,,'L / J#vr- dp/ - Phone 747-4221 ~ INSPECTOR rf::y rflur~M0^ ..-