HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Correspondence 2003-5-19 ~~N~!!m~!! :;'~-:?~ ~4-( /613 13990 SW Galbreath Drive, Sherwood, Oregon 97140.9161 Tel (503) 625.1625 Fax (503) 625~ 1945 May 19,2003 Mr. Dave Gadomski, Electrical Inspector CiIy of Springtield 225 5'h Street Springfield, Or, 97477 * Sir, It has come to my attention that you have questions and or concerns regarding the electrical wiring methods and materials used on the new chiller at the QWEST Springtield project. As the general contractor' for this project we want to work with your office to resolve any legitimate issues you have. To that end, we asked our mechanical contractor to notify his supplier and request documentation relative to this matter. I have enclosed their response for your reVlew. , , If after reviewing the enclosed information you still, have issues, please forward a letter to my office stating concerns and sighting appropriate authoriIy for your request-and we will forward these on to the equipment supplier. 'We sincerely appreciate your concerns and will work with you to'resolve these matters in a timely fashion, If the enclosed information resolves your concerns please let us know so that we can move on. Best regards, - """ " ( ~,~"'\\ '-'- Greg N. mbeck '. Project M ger " Colamette Construction Co. (503) 625-1625 - C, Ted Reeder. Builder's Electric (1LJ1 ~ e y\!\.c,(Y\ AGC'<Ei: Building,lasting relationshiRs through remarkable service and integrity, CCB #32233 M..y-_J,~_:O_~ ~~.:.~~~ H.....qUist In,f.'.wliORRGON , . 541_54 - 9852 . IlAlWiHOllI S'j' ,.,.. P_02 Iil002 TO: Rob Marshall - Tranc, Ponland Bob la-ch - Tl'IIIle,Pueblo ~ FkOM: DATE: May 15, 2003 SUBJECT: VL RF.QlJIREMENTS CONCERNING GlUtENnEI.D CONDUIT Weare often questioned by contractors and elcclrical illapoctors 800w lIle llIlitability of using "Greenfield" COl1duit on all outdoor air c0n4itioning 1IIlit. 0IIr chillers are Listed utilization equipment and the National Electric Code (NBC) is rarely applied 10 sucb equipment. They are outdoor appliances built per UL Standard 465 and UL 1995, The NEC contains exceptions that allow UL lis1ecl dcvice& that don't comply with all NEC provisions, NBC code 90..7 Atatcs "II tf the Urn, (If"'" CIHh III., /tI~".. i1rmIIl<<IlIuerrJIII wIIhf6 or me Ct1IISlrllakl1/ of ""''''''e1/t trU4 lUll lie ;1/~ ", tlte tUn. of 11/1llIIIhztUM of tlte Of"""'e,." ccepllo"eeI ~iII". Dr U""'8fI.lftlte OflllpmMl IuI8 beat U#erI by" f'UIIi/IetI eI<<triclll tntI1I, WIoMtltyllull Q /Wt18#lW III It"",,. tlIeftlcilitia u.cribed IIHIW tIIId '''1ft I'tIflliNs 'lIital1illty f(lr u...fhtltm ilIlMXtlrd.ot" >vItIt tItIs CDth.... If OW" cbiller were considered a buildin& NF..c WlI4IId require all power wires to be run in liquid-tight conduit. U L requires us ID pass a rain test and use wiring that is rated fur Wilt locations when We use non-liquid-tipt conduit. Our chillers are cenified pc:r UL 465 and UL 1995. We do use wiring that isl'llted for wet applications. The conduit is only fur wire protection against nicks, culs, StOashing. etc. and doc:t not need 10 he woatherproof. We can still meet the intent oClbe Code by housing the wire in Greenfield COnduit and using non-liquid-tipt filling... I hope IlUs clears up the concerns we dillCusscd. If you have lUly questiOJlll, please contact me, Bob Lerch - Product Suppon Engineer The 'rrane Company, Pueblo 888-244-5537 Fax: 719-585-3996 It.{ \ '3 (v\ C'-ll\ - L -f III AI o I I II n III S. III s: o