HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1992-5-26 ..... RESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION lnspl:clioll:j: 1~6.31G0 Office: 726.37:;9 LOT: ____. L/ <9?f-1/6z.-.:J ~( zIP_q71f~/'~, I?.8rNfaI'.Cn re/J-I71.No OTHER ~~ ~-,,,"-< () g - - - CONST. CONTRACTOR N 6!..lJ"-l . SPRINGFIELD ~ BLOCK: __. OWNER.. ..R OY/1.(..__W~uJ&:.~___ ADDRESS (2.-P--JSQL _._J!L$$ CITY: ~.U.MtJ!~ DESCRIBE W.)RK: _._1-< ~L.1j Ct::3' NEW.__ REMODEL ~DDITION STATF. OR- .WC;:!\;- - DEMOLISH CONTFIACTO,rs NAME ADDRGiS ~~~fr GENERAL . RLC-Il/U..f)))~tJtJ/Ilt.r.L8~--e-.J!~iJ PLUMBING: MECHANICAl.: ___ ELECTRICAl.: ____ OUAD MILA II or- OLOCC,. OCCY CHUUI' N OF STOFlIE:';: WATER HEArER: _ _ - OFFICE USE.- LAND USE: 11 OF UNITS: +___ CON::TR. TYI'I,: HEAT SOUIlCE: RANGE: __ _ ~OB NUMBEIl__C]ZQ2Sq 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Owuon 97477 (f?dC{1)L Cjf&fMd AJ?Jr) TAX LOT en_S.dl -t ~C}2-o~c SUBDIVISION: PHONE: EX~IlES PHONE CJ"'@ILq2.J:z t1-()9?~ FLOOD PLAIN: ZONING CODE: . OF BDIlMS: SECONDARY HEAT: ____ . SQUARE FOOTAGE: ___ _ To ruqllCSI on inspection, you must call 72G.3769. Tills Is a 24 hour recording. All inspccllons requested before 7;00 a.m. will be made the :,i11110 WOl'Idllg clay. inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day. o TenlllUlill'Y Elcctlic CI Site Inspection - To be rfl:1dc after ,~:.:,;avation. 1,'Llt pliol to scttill{j lonns. o Undclslab Plumhing/Electricall Mechanical - Pdor to cover. ~ CI Foolin~1 - Aftel trenches are excavall~d. M,,~oIHY - Ste,~1 locatioll, bond beaHl~, uroulillU. CI Foulld:llion - Aflur forrns are erecle:11 but pliol 10 eonclelc pI3c'~lIlcnl. o Under{Jround Plumbing - Prior to fillin~J trencll. o Undclfl(Jor Plumbing/Mechanicul - Pliol to insulation or clecking. o Post and Beam - Prior 10 floor in::>ulalion or (lecl-.ing. o Floor Insulation - Prior to dcckinu. o $nnitalY Sewer - Prior to fillin~J trench. o Storm Sewer - Plior to filling trencll. o Water Lino trench. Plil~,r to Iii ling o Rou{Jh Plumbinu - Prior 10 cover. REQUIRED INSPECTIONS I=.J Rough Mecll<lnical - Prior to cover. I::::J Rough Electrical - Prior to Gover. o Electrical Service - Must be approved to obtain permanent cluctrleal power. I::::J Fi.-cplace - Prior to facing materials and framing Insp. o Framing - Prior to cover. o Wall/Ceilil1{J Insulation - Prior to cover. o Drywall - Prior to taping. D Wood Stove - After Installation. o Insert - Arter fireplace approval ami Installation of unit. o Curbcut & ^pproach - Arter forms are t:r(~cle(l but prior 10 placement (,If concrele. [::::J Sidewalk & Driveway - After excavation is complete, forms ami sub.base Inatcrlal in place. o Fence - Wh(:11 comj..>reled. o Street Trees - v\''11en all required Irens are planted. o Final Plumbing - Wilen all plumbing woil< is COlllpllJle. o Final Electrical - Wlwn all electrical wOII, is co.llplule. o Final Mechanical - When all mechanical work is cOlllplett~. r-\7l Final Building - When alt Lf\t required Inspections have bt~ell approved and buildinU is completed. o Other MOBILE HOME INSPECTIONS o Blocking and Set-Up - WIlUll all blocking Is eOl.l1plete. o Plumbing Connections - When home has been connected 10 water and sewer. o Electrical Connectiolt - Wlll..:n blocking, set-up. and plumbinu inspections Ilave t)ccn approved and the home is connected 10 the service panel. o Final - Arter all requirecj inspcctions are appruvecJ and porclles, sl<illing, decl,s, ami venting have been installed. Lot faces LOI ::;q. fin. LOI coverage Topography Tutal height BUILDING PERMIT ITEM 50. FT. Main Garage Carport TOI,II Value Building Permit Fee Stale Surcharge Total Fcc Lot Type. Interior Corner Panhandle Cui-dc-sac X $/50. FT. (A) 3q3D.~ , 'lIS.SO 10.7 r? 7.-2-6.2E? .... ~elbacks _ PL H5E GAR ACC ----.-- .; THE 1'1101'0:;1:0 WORI< IN THE HI5TOllICAL DI:3TRICT, 011 ON THE HISTORICAL nEGISTr:n? ____ If yes. this application must be signed and approved by the Historicill Coordinillor pri(lr to permit i~;suance, N -~-- 5 W --~-- -E-____ APPROVED. VALUE BUILDING VALUE, PLAN CHECK AND BUILDING PERMIT This permit is granted on the express condition that the snid construction shall, in all respecls, conform 10 tile Ordinance adopted by the City of Sprinufield, including Ihe Development Code, regulating tho construction and use of buildings. and may be suspended or lovoked at any time upon violi"ltion of any provi:~ions of said ordin':lIlces. Plan Check Fcc: Date Paid: Receipt Number' Received By: Plans Reviewed By Date SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) Systems Development Cll<.HVO is due on all undeveloped properties within the Cily limits which arc beiliU improved. PLUMBING PERMIT ITEM Fixtures Residential Bath{s) S<Ji,i!ary Sewer Water StOI rn Sewer Mobile Home PlurnlJino Pcrmit SI':,lIO Surcharge T; d:lI Ch:1I !I(~ MECHANICAL PERMIT Furnacc Exhaust Hood Venl Fan (B) N' FT. FT. FT. (C) Dryer Vent Wood Stovellnsert/Flreplace Unit N' Mechanical Permit IS~;LJance Slale SUI'c1lnrge Tolal Permit (D) Mobile Horne MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Stalc Issuance Slate Surcharge Sldcw:Jlk ___ It Curbcllt __ fl Dcmolition State SU,lchi"lrge Total Miscellaneous Permits (E) TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (excluding electrical) (A, S, C, 0, and E Comblnod) ADDITIONAL COMMENTS FEE By slgnalure,l st"lle and aglr~(J. thatlllavc careflllly examined the completed applic<1!lon and do Ile1eby c(~rtify IIlal nil information hereon is true and correct, and I furl her certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the Cily or Sprinuficld, ami the LilWS of the State of Oregon perlainlng to the WOI\{ dG~;cribed herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be Illade of any structure without permission of the Building Safety Division. I further certify lhat only contractors and employees who me in cornpli;lI1ce wilh QRS 701,055 will be used on tllis project. I further agree to ensure 111:)1 all requiled irlspcl:lions me requested at the proper lime. that each nddres~; is readable from the street, that the pCllrllt card is localer.! :II the front of the properly. and lIw . ve ~ Ian::; will remain on the ~ tlllll'; dUllllg con!;lruction 5ignaIUl~_~ "",-_ ~ -.--- S'~ '2-6'.- '1 Z- Dale VALIDATION: L( FlECEIPT NUMBER c::c:>_L/- {S.__ DATE PAID '" ~/.dl-::.cr2-~ -.- AMOUNT RECEIVED Z2-.6-._'Z,j::{> '-- ~ .!:-OLJiEL RECEIVED BY