HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpecial Inspection Occupancy 1977-9-22 ...r.....~ .OCCUPANCY INSPEr;nON APPL~CAT. EXISTING BUILDINGS CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING DEPARTMENT n Date: 9-"2..2-.-77 Job Address: /l..f Lf S (VlA-/H )-"f1/Y 4/L.'- ..., Owner: J"")C!',:.J !W>.:::.. j!/ ~L ,"""A-;;V Applicant: J?' .A:P-?vc=- . ,S/73cci-T No. of Units: 1/ Address: _-;u?..!..!!) 77.?/,u~,:,. ,p;,;- o"f-:L~gc,. Address: ~bt"~ . / For Access .to Property - Telephone: /ZE MAI.N'.4'<:::?/-5' - 7"-/~.e-:7/p- VAc..>E ~'-'- 1?e-/H':-' 'PSNLiE?- ~. ~,- Remarks: Jl-A.ve: / ~-<=~/&;h b",,7i',cc..= IH?'=> L(V/~CJ.. Ut'Y/r"'; YbN~ ~2 )?C:-Nu:S~<' //v c:r~?1" 1.--3v/r<i-r:.l~o/ fjs-'/ qc:: .-A-$20 L.sl'eet:~;; ~t" is required at the time of application. Hor~ THIS APPLICATION FORM MUST BE SIGNED BY THE OWNER OF' THE PROPERTY TO BE INSPECTED. , * ~ /4;" . ~ /!:.f~~~j!~---j ~IGN~h OF Pk6PERTY OWNER FOR OFFICE USE ONLY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Date of Inspection: Date of CofC: Date of Report: Receipt No.: - - ~ - .--_. J~i. ']41.# , ~. t VA Viii lit" c. 77f € M.# IY /f-4 ~ /:;- 6r- L..:;f? ~t:>ra=<. IIII'''~ (i5J9/-"7~ 7#c IrG'rS :B~ ON" /~olo'~y /IT 4-~~~7 8.'/:::,- PH #/5 Iff.4 ~ TO \l!t'~t? ~. /II S ~//C>lYcE :;;::- 15 7 LfC-CY7/C> IF ~L.> tV~ Tp ~#rA'r tY/M lC>P~o/' . {.~?"'? // C2 . 125. !f~ VVtI'if7'$ o/'e>~ 7~ 2:'/?c~ !(~'1s tv 19/.5 ~~/c.. ~ c-.C>7"'- I-FTcff 1//:57"::-cr/~ey Zb"'Y~ - . . MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT - DECEMBER, 1976 It was moved by Mr. Hu1ett,.with a second from Mr. Adams, t~ accept the monthly financial report for December, 1976. The motion' passed unanimously. CLAIMS AND IMPROVEMENT WARRANTS It was moved by Mr. Hul ett, wi th a second from. Mr. Adams, to accept and pay claims #B215 through #8399, and Improvement Warrants #2924 through #2931, except for claim #8377. The motion passed unanimously. It was. moved by Mr. Hulett, with a second from Mr. Adams, to pay claim #8377. The motion passed by a vote of 5 to 0, with Mr. Davis abstaining. It was pointed out by Mr. Davis, that this claim was written to his business before he was appointed to the Council, and therefore he would abstain.from voting on t~e matter. ~. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 1. Resolution No. 77-14. A Resolution of Intent -to ,Rezone Prooerty Located at 2013 and 1983 Laura Street From RA District to M-R District (Wi11amette Timber Systems). It was moved by r~r. Bates, with a second- from Mr. Adams, that the resolution be adopted. The motion passed unanimously. 2. Resolution No. 77-15. A Resolution of Intent to Rezone Prooerty Located on the North and South Sides of West "L"'Street, West of Rainbow Drive Next to Centennial School, From RA District to R-2 District (Arthur Smith):. It was moved by Mr. Bates, with a second from Mr. Adams, that the resolution be adopted. The motion oassed unanimous1v. ~ ... . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREG. Public Works . BUILDING DEPARTMENT PW-ll .' ~ d.:t/ '111~ Inspector's Memo ~. ~ (\ ~- (PV7- 3).~1 ~/. ~ JOB ADDRESS AVll"'>'\... "111~~ J 34;). (, 7~(,. DATE 9-,;(6-77 TO: 14-<fS c..n'7~ AdJ., // ~ . ~H?r-' .NOTE:(~i?,~~. ;\J<3~, ?J,,~ _ 4x4- A~.-.-... 4.)' 4- ..n.rr.z.;/, ()~~ I)~ -u~. ~O. ..J1..I1M~ ~. -??Ar' ..k~"~~A':- ~~ '1~' -~'i4:....~. .1iWA7~"'*'--~'~~-U 3~..- /h_6MI-~'~? ~~~ /.d~. 'J;0 ~~ ~..rc-J'.....:.... ~~ ~L~.;4r-~~.-.... ~ ~.~/I...,~../~. nJ z,;-t~~~.;- ~ _~~. k-0/~ t9-t.d'4.m-::1~. ~J.q'(o.c.E{{. ---7' .. / P~M., A,..,t.d.A:_:.... ~A7 ~. ~ . Phone 747-4221 INSPECTOR lJ. ~ ~ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, s OREGOa /7) C L U fO- 'lAC)" Public WOrk~./J?~~ . BUILDING DEPARTMENT PW- 11 Inspector's Memo JOB ADDRESS JJ S'~ 1'1 45' /S, a..t-.1 ~ DATE 9-J-G-7? TO: ,DII''''' M, d~,,f .,,, Y! <?p1V' ~~-t ~.,...Lt -'~r_~~ 6-()~. C)0C<<d)~ U / J (/ _ ~L""" c//...~~,/-..""....-v\ "'--"~<- .........../_L / AU~.oJ a...,-"'.J'~~ . (/ - , ---r' 1/ vi fi.- ~ ,~.~ ._AMA.:.t,_~M.A-f uJ-'~.'--;~ ~~~C~ ,~~l-r- .-YJJ a.~..lAiI ~ . ~ L~_",A(J (/ NOTE: ~ ~ W'-'~ Phone 747 -4 221 INSPECTOR tit/?, M~ ~ ""( . :/ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGO. Public Works "'"' , ,. l I) ~ '. ". . .: - (I t ./ , C"" If ' W-t-MIl-1...~' ,,5?-:'::> 1/ J#'"-~~.Ii ;;Inspector's Memo v . BUILDING DEPARTMENT PW-ll JOB ADDRESS I ~ i.j.~ J)/O'r n :J..7 DATE '7--tL6~7 '7 TO: NOTE: t<J~..'_~' _~/ h~At,j4~ ('~-P .:572 7/1 /T'-b-...yl~.b (j , , . , ~ ~b, ~ Phone 747-4221 INSPECTOR la//?1~ P" "I:.~~:Y: ~ ; r. ,. ,<<'c. .,~,;. ~~.':'i.~,.r- ",:..... 'd'_ 4 /j~..f.l ,.. _ >,' -~,-' .!><,:,<,~'.. 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