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Code Enforcement Complaint 1977-9-21
Standard Complain l FOI1n . . Date -_.._-_._-.~- ~'"' /<-1r~-- Ij,'/ Tire }12) // ///(~." //);. .'1 Location of COl!1plaint. . / / .." '.. / //;, ..'/1,/ {,., / t ,/?/.r';(' /,1/ "';,', ,.' ."'. ' I?"" r .. .' ., /;" ,. , 'f" . I' I. T f C 1. t /'/"/.'( ,/./) ".':"7 ~".;_ . ype 0 omp aIn i. ,.. / ..<::.:.. '-.~ . ( CNmer of Property -7 r- (.J.) ../r F~Y. , ., //;;; \'/) /;::::0 . . (/1 / " " l<o'/i;;i /l.j) /'/ II" P ~,.- . I Complaintant's Name ,:'.() I',! (/<?/ //I'i j. 0,' Fe _ . fu~ Complaintant's Address -,----.. ." Phone --'-- .~ . ... .?F ~ -------_~J~~_J:C~/Piz:'__~------------___________ \..,,/(/) tC/L.-:J'CI/C t'/:::'L'brl-l.c\ V'\ {e/C),I-. C t t d (I )/1'/ V ( '. /1'" .f )'t L' ~;.1 . },..,., ("l' ,A} I 1/1"" Person on ac e . L/ /. i'-, ;)/ 1.\ ". {',-( - c<- ~<"f~ ,,'f. .~. .', { "J: / u. . ,. . (/ (... / . Action Taken cjt-:.> l7/)C /'cl it.. (L(r/,-: ;)-)'11 . fe( !l c. L_ il.,l' il .1 ./1 f 1/ j f(.t:-J--:J--IJ- C.) .Y . ,/ 'J"-', , ;;;i) (. /l / \ leI {l! . ( i ~'-- / L'i'- ,.' . ~~:::~--G-:' . ~~_ 0 b flJ (CIG\JJA~\? By I "7 7 I '--'=-- --I.-'~. . Date 0' --61 /- Time <3'3 () 0)'1-...... j {)..iuJ S(I)il~ i/(,~ {e:, -jec-L/C -to'" . . k?c/1L OJ/' i~'17-JtC &.f..,rlL./ {e/.U,I-/lvL--C ~:,/,,~~/I! ~ ~:1,f-;'liA; /. '.~<::<'::_:;.~'>.~"~,:,,,:<~.~:):,..:::; ".,'.~~7/1j;..;;: "--""., ~,:.,.", ',' . '/ VJ /J --' / ((J7~'t. - Referred to '--. ') , I PVI-9J 1, ~'~... . . ,", . t.\:~~ ~J::';~':' . :..' 'i." ..... ...,,' ,....- '. " ,';.'. -....; , ., v. "."" :.-, " .:: '" ~;. ",< . ., .::~~~~:;:~;~?<.(::.:::\~::.>:::!~::;:,::..,:i:::(.~:;>..,;........:.....,..:.:: "; ..i.~':. . ...,.....;.-; ", '. . ;.::. ~:'~:~:'.:- ~:..~...~~.~.~~~,):;;(~:~~if?~..' .' _._'~~- . " .....l!:'.i"'''.;~ ~;~~~:~:.~:. . "~'.:,'<~~.;~~.'