HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpecial Inspection Correspondence 1987-9-24 (2) . . I lPRINGFIELD """'.""....,,, ~ r. :' !< ~ g ~ n. ~ ~ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD JAi!oi'r..':.-V8j.j~J1Ita~~'~)f'tuM<~'~~'1iJif~'~~ I tJ....~__I!i:~..,....:. .1J.ul~I6L.'.L'-'ad.u,~~"Ltlb!I._~~~a.G Office of Community and Economic Development CERTIF lED LETTER September 24. 1987 Mr. David Tanton 88329 Little Deerhorn Road Springfield, OR 97478 Subject: Courtesy Inspection #870697 performed at 1448 Main Street, #12. Springfield. Oregon 97477 On September 19, 1987. this office performed a inspection revealed the Code: at the request of your tenant. Barbara Kubacki, Courtesy Inspection at the above address. This following violations of the Springfield Housing I. Electrical Violations A. Existing ungrounded three prong (grounded type) receptacles must be grounded or replaced with two prong (ungrounded) receptacles. B. The polarity on several receptacles in the apartment is reversed. Reverse polarity occurs when the neutral conductor is connected in error to the energized pole of the receptacle. Many electrical appliances require regular polarity at the receptacles which serve them. When an appliance which requires regular polarity at its supply is connected to a receptacle with reverse pol arity the appl i ance may be damaged creati ng a potential electrical hazard. C. The ceiling light fixture in the south bedroom does not have a switch. A ceiling fixture with a pull chain with an insulated link or a wall switch controlling the existing ceiling fixture must be installed. D. All habitable rooms must contain at least two supplied electrical convenience outlets or one such convenience outlet and one supplied light fixture. The south bedroom must have an additional convenience outlet installed in order to meet this requi rement. II. Inadequate Comfort Heating A. The fan on the natural-gas fired room heater in the living room is inoperable and must be repaired. B. The north bedroom is not provided with a heating source. A heat source capable of maintaining a temperature of 68 degrees F. measured at a point three feet above the floor must be provided. ~'~~'l'~~~w1Jl~'~!iB'i!:IiI!~'\t~'rlIW"'~~/Io'!1l~.H.t: 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 503/726-3753 I I I An electrical permit is required for the above repairs and must be obtained at this office no later than October 7, 1987. The above repairs must be completed no later than October 23, 1987. The City wishes to thank you in advance for your anticipated courtesy and cooperation in this matter. If you have questions re9arding the noted violations or required repairs, please contact me at 726-3753. Si ncerely, ~0' Bill Schaub Housing Programs Specialist Copy to: David J. Puent, Building Official .. Barbara Kubacki, Tenant #1488 ~ _PRINGFIELD .,,,._,~,,,,,'...'", CITY OF SPRINGFIELD !!!.l.~".,iti ~1lt1~Ji"a.~'t.I.''''''4lJII1ltI 'Ilr.'~llilltt.... . "'-"lI"-i' . 'u I 'J~'~~IIIJ.i.'''''~ . .......lIIllll~iHo..J.i' ... Office of Community and Economic Development CERTIFIED LETTER September 24, 1987 Mr. David Tanton 88329 Little Deerhorn Road Sprin9field, OR 97478 Subject: Courtesy Inspection #870697 performed at 1448 Main Street, #12, Springfield, Oregon 97477 On September 19, 1987, at the request of your tenant, Barbara Kubacki, this office performed a Courtesy Inspection at the above address. This inspection revealed the followin9 violations of the Springfield Housing Code: * I. Electrical Violations A. Existing ungrounded three prong (grounded type) receptacles must be grounded or replaced with two prong (ungrounded) receptacles. B. The polarity on several receptacles in the apartment is reversed. Reverse polarity occurs when the neutral conductor is connected in error to the energized pole of the receptacle. Many electrical appliances require regular polarity at the receptacles which serve them. When an appliance which requires regular polarity at its supply is connected to a receptacle with reverse polarity the appliance may be damaged creating a potential electrical hazard. C. The ceiling light fixture in the south bedroom does not have a switch. A ceiling fixture with a pull chain with an insulated link or a wall switch controlling the existing ceiling fixture must be installed. D. All habitable rooms must contain at least two supplied electrical convenience outlets or one such convenience outlet and one supplied light fixture. The south bedroom must have an additional convenience outlet installed in order to meet this requirement. II. Inadequate Comfort Heating A. The fan on the natural-gas fired room heater in the living room is inoperable and must be repaired. B. The north bedroom is not provided with a heating source. A heat source capable of maintaining a temperature of 68 degrees F. measured at a point three feet above the floor must be provided. ~'>U!~'fmffiP.OO~}'ela:1l:'ftaMrnii'~Il!Mfr9l;R.""'-'l~~''''"''''~''''U!~ 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 503/726-3753 , 1 ~ ~ An electrical permit is required for the above repairs and must be obtained at this office no later than October 7, 1987. The above repairs must be completed no later than October 23, 1987. The City wishes to thank you in advance for your anticipated courtesy and cooperation in this matter. If you have questions regarding the noted violations or required repairs, please contact me at 726-3753. Si ncerely, ~r, Bill Schaub Housing Programs Specialist Copy to: David J. Puent, Building Official . Barbara Kubacki, Tenant #1488 ~'e SENDER: C0";1Pleteitemsl.2.3and4. .. ~ Put your'address in the "RETURN TO" space 3 reverse side. Failure to do this will prevent this cram ~ being returned to you. The return r8Csipt fM will provide ... ~ou the name of the person delivered to and the date of ..... delivery. FOr additional fees the following services are ~ available. Consult postmaster for fees and check box(es) -< for servicels) requested. - CD '" w e ! 1. [J.--Show to whom. date and address o.f delivery. 2. 0 Restricted Deliverv. 1 vp ~ 3. Article Addressed to; {VW. lJA-v.d T~-\.o,.., d-nS- ':i)";.n~..d.W' 1)y- f:.",,~, Ol- Cf',/<'S"" 4. Type of Service; Article Number q 8egistered l3"'Certified o Express Mail o Insured o COD 'P~,)0 q&,~ ~b<; Always obtain signature of addressee 'bt agent and DATE OELlVERED. 5. Signature - Addressee o i X m 6. Signature - Agent .. n :Jl m .. c: Z :Jl m n m :;; .. x 1\ ,-e,{~ i~"\ 7. Date of Delivery 8. Addressee's Address (ONLY Ifrequeltetl RETURN TO UNnEDSDUESPO~SER~CE OFRCIAL BUSINESS SENDER INSTRUcnONS PrInt your name. address. and ZIP Code In the space below. . Com~lete Items 1. 2, 3. and 4 on the reverse. . Attach to front of artlcla If space """"Ita. othalWl.. aflIx to back of artlela. . Endorse artlde uRetum Receipt Requested" adlacent to number. " ."ITV OF SPRINGFIELD OffIce of Communi'" R. F"M^W,:- 0- '. PlanninlNam,tof Sender..,..r: (Ui !.-v'<<w;mn:U1 y a utvelOpment Department ~l"'\~' 1;': ,. (~~~ ond Str1jllf!gfie~rO(:~~97477.D. No.) (City, Stata, and ZIP Coda) :~.r. PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE, S300 . . , I I""".....-"'-.....k-...~ ~7ob9' 7 COURTESY INSPECTION APPLICATION (RENTER REQUEST) CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING DIVISION DATE -"'/11/5") ADDRESS OF INSPECTION /44<;;- I"'"'Y>/".,,,pj/-#/;J OWNER /Jr..IIP --rcv;~/1.. PHONE NO. '/~J."r,:"JcI(X"5-CLjln-~(o'-(~ ADDRESS ~1J;;;(f? LYI-~ jJ~~./J,~f (<;'(/.1) q"4~ . RENTER_l1n I'la J"Y'. __ .f</Ji. .h0.J' KJ' PHONE NO. SIGNATURE OF OCCUPANT (RENTER) -;tJ ~~ _ ~/ /. ~:<:.. ' . - /~. - .. FOR ACCESS TO PROPERTY -- TELEPHONE NUM~ER IJnra7fJ n1/J4fJ01"~..:;tj- :'7ij;;-.y./JE/lI TYPE OF DWELLING: SINGLE FAMILY 0 DUPLEX 0 MULTIPLE ~ BRIEF DISCRIPTION OF MAJOR PROBLEMS~...._ '9~\ ''t ".l'\:"\ '!_/ ;j!?^-<-I[ <. . I' """":'fI- (l)ll+--..li\L",... 1,""'- pL1tJ ~r,v\^.J.i",.l"'~ \ "'.- irJdAIC!M'~./Y'/7\Q.j)tf:5 .:thrlrh ~_ 'h{)/~ ~~AoIl1(l nf'()lJ-;1dJ IA)//.l{J. ~H1. ) J.<=J n. ; I {J .L~ ~j> (" ft/~_/~)t).1n~r~ (j)~(:;, ~'t><"-- 1'n,<;tJk: J.~~, '),1 _ ~_<h,n.)clu C3 ~ ..p <:, fA JeJ'f2 ~-h- I . (<"'fA 0 n rY7 'J) rfl3 .'i/V 7{"'''. ' ; ~ 'ill, J\ {' 3 ( J..3dJ ~r? I . (' -f^ t"l1!e2;Y 'clA'\.AJ ~..{'.c:;' U) .. .-('~d,"l;-tA..J/))I'9n()~ ~o f1;f!:' "/hoke.., irA."2"--"" fu.,.*~;ld 1Lf1...L.hr - n. u";!*'. a /J . '4,>;-~~.un_~o_, . f ~ 'fp"Jb .hrJ~ I-1J,o~ /I,(J77 )xUexr.~ J>LcJL . *fJY FOR OFFICE USE ONLY / , -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date of Inspection Courtesy Letter Sent /9 ,S~P ?J 7. f.J !J'AJ n 17~ 1/./ tP{? ~ ~'"1' _ 5'1We7lJ 5 ~ Notice and Order Issued To Owner Date Fo~ comPlianc~~{~1 i I (leI'!;! Compliance Obtained - Date fJJLf I"t-i ~ ~'Pcl~~ Idf.'6"ln 1~"'1f~ ~ rd- ~1fk." fJ')qG I I I I SPRINGFIELD CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Office of Community & Economic Development CE~;~D1-/L~iER. ,~. Jb~l- ..~ Subject: Courtesy Inspection #870697 performed at 1448 Main Street, #12, Sprin9field, Oregon 97477 On September 19, 1987, at the request of your tenant, Barbara Kubacki, this office performed a Courtesy Inspection at the above address. This inspection revealed the following violations of the Springfield Housing Code: ' I. Electrical Violations A. Existing ungrounded three prong (grounded type) receptacles must be grounded or replaced with two prong (ungrounded) receptacles. B. The polarity on several receptacles in the apartment is reversed. Reverse polarity occurs when the neutral conductor is connected in error to the energized pole of the receptacle. Many electrical appliances require regular polarity at the receptacles which serve them. When an appliance which requires regular polarity at its supply is connected to a receptacle with reverse polarity the appliance may be damaged creating a potential electrical hazard; C. The ceiling light fixture in the south bedroom does not have a switch. A ceiling fixture with a pull chain with an insulated link or a wall switch controlling the existing ceiling fixture must be installed. D. All habitable rooms must contain at least two supplied electrical convenience outlets or one such convenience outlet and one supplied light fixture. The south bedroom must have an additional convenience outlet installed in order to meet this requirement. II. Inadequate Comfort Heating A. The fan on the natural-gas fired room heater in the living room is inoperable and must be repaired. B. The north bedroom is not provided with a-heating source. A heat source capable of maintaining a temperature of 68 degrees F. measured at a point three feet above the floor must be provided. 225 North 5th Street. . Springfield. Oregon 97477 · 503/726-3753 '. I I . d An electrO 1 pis required for the above repairs obtained a~s ~ ice no later than October,9/, 1987. 1JDV~ The above repairs must be completed no later than ~~v:,r/~ , and must be 1987. The City wishes to thank you in advance for your anticipated courtesy and cooperation in this matter. If you have questions regarding the noted violations or required repairs, please contact me at 726-3753. Si ncerely, ~ Bi 11 Schaub Housing Programs Specialist Copy to: David J. Puent, Building Official . Barbara Kubacki, Tenant #1488 \ l ';)7 011 ;n ....,\V\., ~ "'\~ IS' J,,M~ · \~ \"1II""P' .\10 ~ \ J" . I I CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Office of Community & Economic Development CERTIFIED LETTER _.,.~, 1___ ~ .- Subject: Courtesy Inspection #870697 performed at 1448 Main Street, #12, Springfield, Oregon 97477 On September 19, 1987, at the request of your tenant, 8arbara Kubacki, this office performed a Courtesy Inspection at the above address. This inspection revealed the following violations of the Springfield Housing Code: . I. Electrical Violations A. Existing ungrounded three prong (grounded type) receptacles must be grounded or replaced with two prong (ungrounded) receptacles. B. The polarity on several receptacles in the apartment is. reversed. Reverse polarity occurs when the neutral conductor is connected in error to the energized pole of the receptacle. Many electrical appliances require regular polarity at the receptacles which serve them. When an appliance which requires regular polarity at its supply is connected to a receptacle with reverse pol ari ty the appl i ance may be damaged creati ng a potential electrical hazard. C. The ceiling light fixture in the south bedroom does not have a switch. A ceiling fixture with a pull chain with an insulated 1 ink or a wall switch contro11 i ng the exi sti ng cei 1 i ng fixture must be installed. D. All habitable rooms must contain at least two supplied electrical convenience outlets or one such convenience outlet and one supplied light fixture. The south bedroom must have an additional convenience outlet installed in order to meet this requirement. II. Inadequate Comfort Heating A. The fan on the natural-gas fired room heater in the living room is inoperable and must be repaired. B. The north bedroom is not provided with a-heating source. A heat source capable of maintaining a temperature of 68 degrees F. measured at a point three feet above the floor must be provided. 225 Nort~ 5th Street. . Springfield, Oregon 97477 · 503/726-37::>J I I An electrical permit .is required for the above repairs and must be obtained at this office no later than October ,1987. The above repairs must be completed no later than October -. , 1987. The City wishes to thank you in advance for your anticipated courtesy and cooperation in this matter. If you have questions regarding the noted violations or required repairs, please contact me at 726-3753. Si ncerely, ~r', 8 ill Schaub Housing Programs Specialist Copy to: David J. Puent, Building Official . Barbara Kubacki, Tenant #1488 ,-,