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Permit Correction Notice 2009-10-21
-- ..::. _'tr..&.:~.,~. . .' ';'''', ~-;. -~. ,-,t~., "~ ", , ..j:' .:. ~'.i., y;' of..' ~1, .1" . i~,:~ ."" ..', " '.-<"'I-....t~. .q':l~>>''f;;.~('If~'41~p).1.4W..j~Jh'\f.lI.('o~ .~1j.....r.... :..f..'"l"\.........IlI. ''"if>",,,,! ~i.r1:,.~:tt!'(~~~; ~.; ....!..'-.}:.. .f'Ji~...'\..........I'." "~;"T""....,.";~ ", .-t~k ~_'~'-_<l'~.'.,..r d~{., ~.;<t,;,~ tt..~~:"'~y.'f." ',;l,." City of Springfield/Development services Building Safety 225 Fifth Street ," . '. TO: A iA~f:.f E.. /.,eeT rz.;c.c Date: )0 ,2/ /;:00'1 Job# e 9 - f)O~J;?( Address:_ U 9: h() A .< r Inspection Type: Fr /lJAL FJi':/.Jf::<y /1 ) ~ r.. ~/O .'2.5 A-L-L [2,&/)/?JlJcr-t.. /Ju...N.?lS .sf/trU HAvt /tFa.. jPl7olcC-/'-2<7V IV I~ C ',IIOs.1S /I O' /2. iHt DOw/:;T/j4.I7-f,r,,,,,i1}i1-oo""-- Ov~T SfJfH..(, P,t LrLlC,l"H.-U-.() 't:/I./ .4 Wo',Z.hNll}v' L-L-I-~ /04".,</1,/-'7.-, ';"l-,,,"" ,.'~.' ,; ,,~~~,~;\'i' t.; Corrections and reinspection request shall be made within '?L) 'cal!!ndar days. Callforreinspectiori[]fesDNo Inspector Gu'(Dt'loAJ .Date: /cJ';;I'o~ ..:,~~~~~~~~~~~~~C~II for inspection 726"3769":'~~~~~~~~~~Questi,ons 726-3759~~~~~~~~~ '..it ".',,' "'-""""l','" i "