HomeMy WebLinkAboutLegal Miscellaneous 1964-5-1 ..,., -'- ,,-...).~-_... . . . . SET !l.":QK HAIVER AGREEt.~NT KNUW ALL HEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That for and in consideration . . or the City of Springfield, a municipal corporation in Lane County, State of O=egon, granting to the undersigned a waiver of the ordinances o~ the City 0," Springfield requiring a set back from the center of Main Street of 60 feet, so that the undersigned may construct and maintain an advertising si.,)'. 'lpon the following described real property, to-Int: 1444 Haln Street. BegInning at a poInt on the north line of Haln Street In SprIngfIeld, Oregon whIch point Is 2160.02 feet east of the IntersectlDn of the north line of Main Street which 15 the west line of Paul BrattaIn DonatIon Land Claim No. 63, Township 17 South, Range 3 West, WI I I amet te Meridian, thence east along MaIn Street 97.9 feet; thence nor~ parallel to 14th Street 202 feet, more or less, to the South line of an alley between 'A' and Main Streets, If extended easterly, thence West along said alley 97.9 feet, thence south parallel wlbh 14th Street 202 feet, more or less, to the place of begInnIng, In Lane County, Oregon. known as number J41'L.j of '711 c~ sf Street in the City of Springfield, Lane County, State of Oregon, but within the prohibited set back area as established by the ordinances of the City of Springfield, but not closer than ~a. feet to the center line of Main Street, the undersigned applicant and permitee does hereby promise and agree that in the event the City of Springfield deems it necessary for any reason, and at the City's request the undersigned will, at his own expense, remove the above mentioned advertising sign promptly. (Sign to not extend over sidewalk). This agreement shall be binding upon the undersigned who are the owners and/or lessees of the above described real property, and/or of said sign, and upon their successors and assigns, and anyone having an interest in said sign and/or in the above described real property. This agreement shall be recorded in the deed records of Lane County, Oregon, at the cost of the permitee for the purpose of making the provisions hereof a matter of record, and notice to all subsequent " , , .J~--.I''--_. . . . . owners of the above entitled real property, and of said sign and the provisions of this agreement shall be binding upon such successors or assigns. y _~r?, owner-lessee owner-lessee owner-lessee owner-lessee STATE OF OREGON, ) ) ss. County of Lane, ) On this 1st day of ~ May , . 196~, personally came before me, a notary public in and for said county, the within named Robert T. Coe to me personally known to be the identical individual described in and who executed the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed. the same freely and voluntarily for the uses and purposes .... ~ ~ . -:.,.. :.. therein nam.ild. .' \. , . WITNESS my hand and seal this day and year last above written. - ., ,. (" I; C . ~~~./ ~/ ) Notary Public for Oregon My Commission expires: 8-10-67 -2- '. . REFER TO, m.uuMayar ....m.Recorder ........Engineer uuuuPalice Chief uu.mFire Chief ..__u__Attorney muu.Street Supt. XuuBuilding Supt. ........Librarian Walt: . OF THE CITY MANAGER City af Springfield FOR, uho__.lnformation lL..n.Actian nu,mReply ...u___Comment u....__Return . . July 10, 1962 Oatennnu.mm.m...ummumuuuuun.uumum This will serve as authorization to issue a sign permit to Mr. James F. Bailey to erect a sign 18" behind the sidewalk at 1444 Main Street. Mr. Bailey will be required revised to fit his situation. I of Main will be 33 feet. to sign the form agreement appropriately think the sign set back from the curbline 7-/"-"~ ~~ 4---. /.7 / ~ .~. _"...t'. /-.~ . ,-r./. ~ Frank R-:-Smiley City Manager r<, "'." -. ~ '-TJ. . . . . ill BACK WAIVER AGREEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PP2SENTS, That for and in consideration or the City of Springfield, a municipal corporation in Lane County, State of Oregon, granting to the undersigned a waiver of the ordinances of the City of Springfield requiring a set back from the center cif Main Street of 60 feet, so, that the undersigned may construct and maintain an advertising sign upon .the ,following described real property, to-wit: 1444 Haln Street. Beginning at a poInt on the north line of Haln Street In.Sprlngfleld, Oregoll. '. which poInt Is 2160.02 feet east of the Intersection of the north line of Haln',t..'.. Street whIch Is the west line of Paul Brat~lnDLC #63, T. 17, S, R.3, West of the Wlllamette Herldlan, thence East along MaIn Street 97.9 feet, thence Horth parallel to 14th Street 202 feet, more or less, to the South line of an alley between 'A' and Haln Streets, If extended easterly, thence West along said alley 97.9 feet, thence south parallel with 14th Street 202 feet, more or less, to the place of beginning, In Lane County, Oregon. -:, known as number 1444 . Street Haln of in the City of Springfield, Lane County, State of O.egon, but within /. the prohibited set back area as established by the ordinances of the City of Springfield, but not closer than 33 feet to the center line of Main Street, the undersigned applicant and permitee does hereby promise and agree th~t in the event the City of Springfield deems it,necessary for any reason, and at the City's request the undersigned will, at his own expense, remove tne above mentioned advertising sign promptly. This agreement shall be binding upon the undersigned who are the owners and/or lessees of the above described real property, and/or of said sign, and upon their successors and assigns, and anyone having an interest in said sign and/or in the above described real property. This agreement shall be recorded in the deed records of Lene County, Oregon, at the cost of the permitee for the purpose of making the provi.sions hereof a matter of reco:i:d, and noti.ce to aU subsequent .. . ,...........-~, - .'''' . .::-.. .... . , . . . . o~~ers of the above entitled real property, and of said .sign and the' provisions of t.his agr~ement shall be bindi.ng upon such successors t. j or. aszigns. " ~~,Jil#'a,~ o't~'1~e~-lessee . ov....nel'.~les!iee / ovr..lcr,'.les5~e STATE OF OREGON, ) ) ss. County of Lane" ) On this 10th day of July , 196~, personally came before me, a notary public in and for said county, the within named James F. Ba" ey to me personally known to he the ident:ical individual described in and who executed the wi. thin instrument, and acknowlecged to me that he executed the same freely and voluntarily for the uses and purposes ther.ein named. ~ITtffiSS my hand and seal this day and year last above <rrittcn. , - ~~ fr?~~- Nat..2r.y i'ubli.c lor O'=ezou ~ o . By CQm.~.lission ezpires: 8-10-63 -2- ;. , . REFER TO: .....mMayar .__...._Recorder ........Engineer ........Palice Chief ........Fire Chief . hu....Attorney .......,Street Supt. X.......Building Supt. '''du.librarian elCE OF THE CITY MANAGER City of Springfield . . Date,., ............!'.u.l?iu.~_~...??!, ...~.?_??.....m.... FOR, u:K._..Information' ..n....Action ........Reply _______.Comment ........Return The City Council has authorized the relocation of the sign for Bailey's Restaurant (Main East of 14th) to a point not less than 2 feet from the curb. Unless Bailey has previously signed one of the set back waiver forms, he will be required to do so before the sign is moved'. c-__2>.;".J~ =- Frank R. Smiley City Manager ,0 J;? 6:> r 9' ~f' :., . . . 'Ii . . SET ~AC!{ ~lAIVER AGREEMEff[ KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That for and in consideration or the City of Springfield, a municipal corporation in Lane County, State of Oregon, granting to the undersigned a waiver of the ordinances of the City of Springfield requiring a set back from the center of Main Street of 60 feet, so that the undersigned may construct and maintain an advertising siL" upon the following described real property, to-wit: 1444 Main Street Beginming at a point on the North line of Main Street in Springfield, Oregon which point is 2160.02 feet East of the intersection ,of the North line of Main Street which is the West line of Paul Brattain Donation Land Claim No. 63, T. 17 S.R 3.W.W.M. thence East along Main Street 97.9 feet, thence North Parallel to 14th Street 202 feet, more orless, to the South line of an alllilY between 'A' and Main Street,if extended Easterly, thence West along said alley 97.9 feet, thence South parallel with 14th Street 202 feet, more or less, to the place of beginning. in Lane County, Oregon. known as number 1444 Street Main of in the City of Springfield, Lane County, State of Oregon, but within the prohibited set back area as established by the ordinances of the than fwo feet City of Springfield, but not closer than a point not less lfllllN\~IOij\~~e from the curb line of Main Street, ct"""""""""li;'~~'",,......u<}< the undersigned applicant and permitee does hereby promise and agree that in the event the City of Springfield deems it necessary for any reason, and at the City's request the undersigned will, at his own expense, remove the above mentioned advertising sign promptly. This agreement shall be binding upon the undersigned who are the owners and/or lessees of the above described real property, and/or of said sign, and upon their successors and assigns, and anyone having an interest in said sign and/or in the above described real property. This agreement shall be recorded in the deed records of Lane County, Oregon, at the cost of the permitee for the purpose of making the provisions hereof a matter of record, and notice to all subsequent .:.;1. ,; ...-\ ... . . . . owners of the above entitled real property, and of said sign and the provisions of this agreement shall be binding upon such successors or assigns. ,OOffuz ~ 16 a)~~ j/ owner-iessee t?" owner-lessee owner-lessee . owner-lessee STATE OF OREGON, ) ) ss. County of Lane, ) On this 29th day of August . 196~, personally came before me, a notary public in and for said county, the within named James F. Bai ley to me personally known to be the identical individual described in and who executed the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he ( , .' executed the same freely and voluntarily for the uses and purposes therein nWned. - \ -.' ~... , , .,"WITNESS my hand and seal this day and year last above written. ~/(.~ Notary Public for Oregon My Commission expires: 8-10-67 -2-