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Permit Electrical 2002-8-28
. LEGAL DESCRIPTION 17033{,,3Z O..szOO '. . .\ted haS tne 10llowinQ . , ct as subml. ........nd.. use JOB DESCRlPTI. ION The 101l0wlnQ prole 0\ re-qUlre SpeC11"UtT "'I.IL or less A--1:>o J 0 0. l2{O~g.~does n . Each additional SOO . . t. . appro\l<:u .' (' v_ . '::RI. n vI portiDn . Pennils are ~on-transferable and eXpireZom~ -; 'l!l, , 61.. :,~. - ifwoIkisnQt;~edwithin 18~ . ~ .-..1...\ Each Manllfd.Homeor ofissuancel/ji.. work is suspended fOf"eo'SIQrl",ure - 'Fr DweI1ing" 180 days. AUtnu Service or Feeder . ~ 2. CONfR!'i~OR[ALLATlONONLY '.' B. ServicesorFeeden . .. r~ . . Installation, AI . Eleclrical' ,. ~P>'" "U?.......'H'; INC Relocation: Address J1j 99 SOUTH City_EU '. ., .hime 7 . ....~~ Su ~!.>r,:'~ pe , -""'- ".~- , ~"'1"'~",~ I1CDlS Cost.S' , ~"'; ,~' .~ $106.00 ,. .~ I"'~."" t.~~~. $1900 \'hj~ . :1,:.~..:: {~S,~'~~ ;:l. ".:.f.~ t!~ ~ ... $ 50.00 /.c' !!>. ~~';'l,.. ~~.R 'i.i~'i.. '-/ ,/0.;.'" 5'fP 'c.,: .' "bD~