HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 2007-1-17 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone "'~"1lLD . '. ."".,...."...... '. Wit" . , . '" ';--' --I .... J" ,.) ~'. "..~_.." T" ',.' Cwf Springfield Official Receipt ~opment Services Department Public Works Department Job/Journal Number COM2007-00075 COM2007-00075 COM2007-00075 Payments: Type of Payment Check H~lr ~ cReceinl J RECEIPT #: 1200700000000000038 Date: 01/17/2007 Description Banner Special Permit + 10% Administrative Fee + 5% Technology Fee Item Total: Check Number Authorization Paid By Received By Batch Number Number How Received DAISYS MEXICAN BAKERY Ikw 6170 In Person Payment Total: Page I of I 11 :43: 13AM Amount Due 45.00 4.50 2.25 $51.75 Amount Paid $51.75 $51.75 ~" ~' 1/17/2007 . . , CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Clly Hall Sprlngftald, Oregon Development Services OFFICIAL RECEIPT 22085 Date I -I to -. <' 'I ,~:J.."J1)rf Rec'd From I)A-is<,<' <;. ~ 1LutL-i 'J I Address 1~:,lJ m~ ~~ ~ece;ved Fo<: b ~...f'V'(\.,t..J\.< ,~ L,., f C ~r D"; - L/ il eLL Li1. 1"1J,l! a~, ,.....r dJ;'S I. 7~ ' c.. (g- q .:L 0 - -- b.~j(~ ) Amount Received './I. 5 (. 7S" E- AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE .' , r WARNING CITATION 225 FIFT/1 STREET SPRINGFIELD. OR q7477 (541) 726.3753 FAX (541) 726-86B9 W\V~t: c,' .~(trin[Jfi~~/.J ,-I; II . DATE ISSUED: January 3.2007 CASE#: 2006-920 NAME: Business Manager 1436 Main Street Springfield, OR 97477 Allan B, Posey 1446 Main Street. Suite A Springfield. OR 97477 / LOCATION OF VIOLATION: 1436 Main Street, Spfld, OR SPECIFIC VIOLATION/REQUIRED CORRECTION: Section 8.218(3) Banner and Portable Sign Permits, A banner and/or portable sign are being used at this location without obtaining the required permit. Because the sign(s) is already in use, a permit must be obtained from the DeveiopmentServices Department and .the sign(s)~removed aUhe expiration.date of the permit. Failure to obtain a permit will result in the issuance of a civil infraction citation, Simply removing the signs does not resolve the violation, a permit for must be obtained because the sign is already in use, Officer hours to obtain a permit are between 8:00 a,m, - noon and 1 :00 - 3:00 p,m, ',t"'" ;.'t, . :'-.:A~,'~"., ........-,; ~t . --'., ~ .,":.:;'__~-,.:.~-.'", :;;~,'!'''-''':''f''-' .'l'~ - _ ';~:t'\-:"71:'\\zN=' irt,t "(::'~~$~'.:i~~~1;J;1.j~~:~~~;:~;V;~,~~.:;':J. ----..~- f....... ~ - - 1 .... , ~'..lLJ. ;"':":'l"---::~-'~~ . ...-_ ~~~~,.~I Jl~ ~:e.'\~~~ . . 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'. ~,,,"I l. &-'-1 .lJIO"..u.IJt.w.! ..::.;11'........ -~r~.IIJ1.'flII MIi L .-.....I\a.u ._.....~._. MI....._ . RY AN BAKE DAIS~~ S';':~I~E, '~0":5.7~4~_, 164A'."~' OR 97301.., :,~" :'.'"i,;,:!r,\'.>r:,..),n J "--",' \,,-.: S ,~"'. (1'~ 1'_" ~f :.S6y.;,hC{~'D. 0--'S./" .':~> '-.,. 'toth'. LL+<1'O' . , .. . '-c" 7 5.-LLac ".-"">0-.:. Pay f',. . , '..,' /. '/.."...'<'",.:>0-. Order~ ~-.\ , 'IJnr;,,'. ,..., It>,." ,,, "j.,~ C,'.. "1;.- ". '../,. /.,,;: :"~',,~;"r:,-? _/.-:;i/ ._:;>" ~~}> " .. r- . '. / .' "'p.",.",;",~,:o/ L". ,',.,' ~" fA 'er,,~a ..~ >, -.'. .0,7' ".'"," ",,_,. <' "'Banko . m'~5:"f':'sY A~):'0fH" "', ';'~~., ,,_ ., ',,' . )'~:323070;~; "."..~.~;';:?;v/~:~:,:<i~:;.~~tS.;"',~<YO~07 r 8 q JOO L, j L.I~.. A." ',.,",.....,.. '/ ""',....'I'~~l;' ... B"'I" t:I " ,,, , .' ."~ .-: ,,":,,;{ "0103 U" , ___ ' ,/,(,_.. : .v' )'<70'1I~."1:3;2~if':7''' _'..____---' For 11"00[;,. _ ',." _ __ ,_ \'~,~ .,....~ . ~ .;r.".." ___ __ ~,. L!~~$5 I Date ~. ~ "l..Mlnn; .'J' tltiL "/( '::. - . . '. . 24-703B/32~: 75' ! ~ : , -' A -_ l!J 0:-..-- . ,.......' - . 7' '. _~_:. :j,'. . )~' .: :'. ~. .: . "". . ''-0 ~ . ,: ... ., . S'!":,'i!..'(:I';)::,' f. (~R (;'/,57..' !!;,~ i; 721~":.:/.:',.:- F. .1-; .': ,'S~i 1.. ;"".~y: :.:(;,';., WARNING CITATION I.....'.. .,'.'"..'.: DATE ISSUED: January 3,2007 CASE#: 2006-920 NAME: Business Manager 1436 Main Street Springfield, OR 97477 Allan B, Posey 1446 Main Street, Suite A Springfield, OR 97477 LOCATION OF VIOLATION: 1436 Main Street, Spfld, OR SPECIFIC VIOLATION/REQUIRED CORRECTION: Section 8,218(3) Banner and Portable Sign Permits, A banner and/or portable sign are being used at this location without obtaining the ' required permit. Because the sign(s) is already in use, a permit must be obtained from the 'Development Serv;ces Depanment and the sign(s) removed at the expiration date of the permit. Failure to obtain a permit will result in the issuance of a civil infraction citation, Simply removing the signs does not resolve the violation, a permit for must be obtained because the sign is already in use, Officer hours to obtain a permit are between 8:00 a,m. - noon and 1 :00 - 3:00 p,m, Thank you for your attention to this matter, If you wish to discuss the violation, or the required 0.... correction, Code Enforcement staff can be reached by calling 726-3680 or 72'6-3659 between A o..,vy\. 7:00-9:00 a,m, Voice mail is available'at all times, Permit information can be obtained by calling /.-0.. VW-Y1"\lI.A'D David Bowlsby a~ . Q\.l<.u. i . V POTENTIAL SCHEDULED FORFEITURE: $500.00 first offense/$1,OOO,OO second offense. "'--">7 i ~ > Each day a violation continues constitutes a separate offense. "V'-'- """i t-e ~." ,. . f'" ~ . ;./(1 ~:"'^ <to< IF COMPLIANCE IS NO,T ACHIEVEDWITHIN TWO (2) CITY BUSINESS DAYS OFTHE DATE ;>0< S OF THIS WARNING, A CIVIL INFRACTION CITAITON WILL BE ISSUED, ' \ 225 FIFTH STREET . SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 . e: e) City Job Number ".. ."=1. c:t1l) ..~ Job Location '. ,__I~ Assessors Ma~ Ql r:(!lj ~ ~) ". ."::I~ ~ r' 14 ~ ~ ~. ..._I~ ~~ ~~ ~ Ell ~~ g:l ~4 -- 4 ~ U II I, '. "~J .-4 ~ f'\ I~ ~j ~~) ".. r,....--t~ ~ ~ , -l~ '~ ~~ ~ fI'11 ---- 1:....1; <::1:)) i-4 -~ -~ re~ . !I ~l . . SPRINGFIELD 1:'" .;.p;. -~_. . . "r';;'" ,.~.~.., 'oC'-":r ~~'~~':~~"';-J-'1"'t'-.:\..."; -:!:I-'~: " . _,"'~ "" r.ITy.'OF..cnnn.cGE'{E,T:D ""'REGnll:T't.~ell-_:'!~'{d.',i.','.~ " . \.:.. ,"!..:>r:.f\.:rL~\t' 'L, ,\:::.} \:I1~ ,?""'~' ii,:t-; ,." '" ~ " .'.; '. .' .,,;. .. ~) ",,_., - ,;!.+.,~,~..~.... . y,,;"'\t'., ~"r.:" .';".~J"l; ~'r "r,fr',. "',ro, PH:(541)726-3753 . FA.X: (541)726-3689 Tax Lot i ," J I" ,11"1' '1"1,'1",';::1 " 'II" , ,. I''''P I.t' II" 1'<''11>,-,' :', "1\ ," . ",:-i',;'" ".,,' ":j'I' 1'; 11''1 '.' :,., -'j~ .- I Jl.; "'1"'" '.io"',q It'I';,''' .\'..' ,,:,,' r!: I:H"!' 1\' '!H)':f:\: \;'ill,"~.IlI'I'd'I;'''i1:'I'' 1)\ t: ~,': 'ji::':J!!.[(t'.,,',,,,.;, !t",,! :,' !,~ ,:'1 IIl'j!!"l',i,:l .' Wllerd',. 1\ ~.;.;l1,.1 :lln~~ t' .j.,.",.lj.; 1.", -"I', 1t.1I: .,11'1' t'! 11 ' , ',';" ',' '.. :' '.f "',I t'.-, '>:, , . '1\.1 : . ""',, . 'o~n~r'~f;r~~~rty . ""r\ ~'l;::~:'l,/"'" rnnX; ;;~ ..': ' .' ,",,; Address ---1..i3k (k inS -l- PhoDP City Sp;" ~ tr ,,".\ ~ :i';';,l'I:.il!IJ,!i'i~1"i!i:tl!il'l.ll!j:I'!'!'i';liqi!!'('I'I;;j II'l"j'I'Wijll ill: j"'ll.,!'I,ii!ll,.,i 1";,/:,i,',I,'i.I,, ;i:Colltractornns a erd'jl L/:",,_Ijll'\, 1!11'1. l":'l,t -; 1 I ,1_,:'ll:'l!\,li;,l:q!:-llQ;I\;P).!I't; r,1!L~1i1!;~i !I'lll ~~ III III !Wld ~~, I !:,1,1 :l1t ;1 .~1.:!i State n'r' zit ;;/I!i:!i!HH 1:1:JI1;"jHi,tjt t:'IJt 1~11;ill ~ ' !~\ ';'1' 'I ."nU"jlll'd,ll! .:j/!qlj' l' 1! :11: ! 'jl., ':'1" li:l:~;J;\:;!llqll:,L':U~H! iLll rt,!:ll ! h!f;l! :;l;l~ ContractN Addres< Phorp City "tate 7.ip Construction Contractors License # . Expirp< ' Description Date ofInstallatior Date of RemovH1 ~it Fee: $161.75 including $100.00 Dep()~ - ~ --- By signature, I state and agree that I have carefully compreted this application and hereby certify that all information herein is true and correct.. I further agree and understand that the above described banner(s) and/or portable sign(s) is not larger than 60 square feet, and will be removed within 30 days from the date listed above, If the banner(s) and/or portable sign is not removed within the timeline specified, I will forfeit the $100.00 deposit. I also understand that this special permit can be issued only twice per calendar year per development area, I also agree to call the inspection line at 726-3769 by the end of the 30,h'day to request an inspection to verify the removal of the banner(s) and/or portable sign(s). This inspection will begin the process to return the $100,00 deposit if the banner(s) and/or portable sign( s) has been removed. Signaturp Datp . ~ , : . , " II' . . : 'for, Office Use .. .,:. '.,1', ".', . " ';,;' ..' " : I'" . ..' Date of Applicatior Job # Receipt # Issued B 11 . Amount Collected Shared Drive (T:}'Building FonnsIBanner]ortable Sign Permit CSD g.06,doc '