HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1989-12-18 .. RESIDE_IAL" APPUCATION!PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 SPRINGFIELD ~ .Job Location: Ii/II./- ~5~ \ Xl D 3 ~(s1 ~ ~ Tax wt II 0 3 L\1l() ASneSDOl'C Map H St4bdiuiBi01t: ~A--~/ fl;Jdtlw~ d'fiPc; ,~IYl(}tb'n;f- r:/jbEIJ~ GUrlel': AddI'CS:;J .' City: Phone: (,%1' 93J1, Zip: t) IL j(r;;pLfrCf. ~XI$T/Nb If}-N~I.- W' 6f;L tJ, r7-VV ~()O Ii P {t-Nf1- lz{lM~q il n II n Npl.} .1ddi tien Ramo.:!el ,~lobi Le lloma Adrlress Lise. It BId rs Date of Application 'Contractors General Describe flol'k: Value Board R~~. I I i' .; J \0 ,:~\J) I ~:::; 9ff , I , .' ~ r~ , " 'Siqr.ed: Date: \f\urU:, I u; ; \ 'i$. ~~1 Exp:!.res I I ':/l/:..,7, rd,:f'x I . 11 \ ' I. each ~e88 is readab:e I ; Plumbing i Hechani.cal . - I I EJ,~ct. ri"'.'lll.-~ fJ!?Il~I+ft1tl.1~:-;,.~-D W. "(y"6r. 50+1 D. /)II! :;),0- "tl../C- /0 -/--q () ISIlPerv.:;,,~.ngt,lect".ICl"" ,It A ~ I It i.s tho l'caponDibility of the per:nit hodel' to see that all inapcction!J are m~de at the' f}'opel' timE~ that from the str>cet, and that the pcmrLt aQrd is t.:JCated at the fJ'Ont of the pl'OpCI'tiy. ' .tBui!dirl[] Divi::ior: appJ>oved plan D~ZZ l'cmain on t!za Bu-!.ldil!({ si.te at all timesoi pnOCEDm?E FOR INSPECTION RE.aUEST:CAlL 726-3769 (rccol,del') state your city designated job nun:bel', job address, type :o[ in!JpeC;icll raqucatcd ar:d w~en you ~ill be ready fop inspection, Contractors 01' OUne~s ~e and phone numbel'. Requests received 'befcrc 7:00 ~ i ~'i~,l be made the 8ame dcy, pequentn made aftep 7:00 am LJill be made the next >XJlkin;Fday. 'dO/ a./1 : 1 . 1 Youp City Deaiqr.atcd Job Number _0:,,', ..,."" C) -/ y~ 3. '" ' .~. fJnml1:,..prl r'1.,~~p~t.1:r.Y',q O SITE INSP!:.'C'!'[ON: To be ~de after excavation, but pr>ior to set up of forms. O UNDERSLAB PLUf.mINC. ELECTRICM. & MEeHANICAD: To be made befol'e r.1.ny WOl"k iD (!oVCI"cd. D FOOTING .~ FOUND,1TIGN: To be "",de after trenches are excavated and forms are erected, but prior to pouring ccncret~. UNDSRGROW.,'D PLUMBING. SEWER. W.1TE.~ DRAINAGE: To be roode prior to fiZ- Ur.g trenchec. o o unOERFWOR PLUMBING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to inatallation of 11001' inaulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made priol' to instaLlation of floop in8~lation or decking. ROf/(;1{ PLU.'fBTNG. Ef.ECTR!CAL & MECll- ANICAL: No lJOl'k is to be cO/.-'(!l'ed - ur.til theBe inspections have beer. made and approve.:!. FIREPLACE: Prior to plc.cir.(J facing mateI'ials and before framing inspec- tion. F'RA!!INr.: Must be requeDted after. approval of rough plumbing, electri- cal & mechanical. AU roOfing bracing d chimneys, et~. nr~st be . eomplatad. No IJ..?rk is to be CDn- . coaled until thiD inspection has 'been made and approved. o o o o D INSUJ.ATIONIVAl'OH IM.RRIf:R INSPHCTION: To be made afteI' all illsul~ti:m a.""'.d rcquired vapor bal'l'iel'S are in place but beforo any lath, gypswn boaPd 01" lXIU covel.ing i3 applied, and befo'l'e any inaulat'iorl ia concealed. , , . DE,'.JDLITION OR ;~:OVED BUILDIiIGS 7'-;] Sani t(ll'Y se'Jer ~apped a.t p'l'OpC:l'ty lir.e ~ 1- =:J Septic tank ~~~cd and fillc~ with gra~el ] Final - ~~en above items are ccmpleted and when demolition is complete O~ stru~- tU'l'e moved and pl'c:mises cleaned up. Mobi le Hemes ::J Blocking and Sat-up ::J Plumbing connections Bcwer and Water ::J Electrical Connection - Blocking, Bet-U? and plumbing connections nr~st ce appl'o~ed befo~c requesting electrical inspec;io~ :=J Acces:iorb' Building I Pinal - /lfter p:Jl'ches, skirting, decks, ~ etc, are campletc:d, o All pl'ojeet cOI!dition3, :;uch as the 'tn3tallation of utI'eat trees, co::rplction of the required landDccpir..g, ctr:., must be satisfied beforc the BUILDINe PINAL can be l':Jquestad. o FIliAL PWMBlIIG o FINAL MECHANICAl, D FfNAL ELECTRICAl, ,0 o DRYf{ALL INSPECTION: To be made after all dl'YlJall is in place, but prior to any tapimJ. o FIN.1L BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requested after the Final Plumbing EleetI'i:::al, and MedUlr:ieal In!Jpections' have been made and app~oved. o MASONRY: Steel location, bo1u1 beam3, gI'Outillg 01' verticals in acco'l'dance with U.B.C. Section 2415. WOOVSTOVE: Aftel' inBtallation is completed. ~Ar,~ MANHOLES AND CLF.ANOUTS !lUST m~' ACCESSTBLF:, ADJUSrUENT TO BE r.t.~DE AT NO COST TO CITY I Pa(:e of 2 o o CURB & APPROACfI AP.r?ON: After fOl'lnS are erected but pr'iaI" to pouI'ing .:!onCI'e te. SIDE'(o/ADK ,I; lJHIt'Ef//,Y: For all con- crete pavinlJ witllill' street right- af-wcy, to be made after aU exca- vating ccxnpLete & fOl':'O/ lJOrk & :;ub- baae material in place. o D !'ENCE: "'hm: (~o,'T/pl;;tc n Provide gates 01' movable scctions through P.II.E. '" ~W~ I I JOB NO. Zone: wt Sq. Ft(;. ~ ~f lot Cove~ag~ ,q of Stories Total Height Topography lITEM I Main I Gerace I CarpO}' t I AccessorII I S~.FTG I I I I I TOTAL VALUE: /S.D.C. fVC"UCJ 1.5 x Building Permit State Surocharge Total. Chapgea lITeM /10. I Pixtures IResidentiaL (1 bath) I Sani tary Sewer I ,later Plumbing Permi t Stats Surc"'.a.rge SOLAR ACCESS Occupancw Gr~ WT TYPE: Total ChaY'a(la .I IT"'1-' 1/10., FE:E: I Res. Sa. fta~ I I New/Extend Circuits I I Temporary Service I I i SeRV, (}jfb I / I Electrical Permit State SUl'charae Total Chart;es IITSM I FurlUIce 1 &:haus t I Vent Fan PTU'S /lood W:;odsto:JO Parmi t Issuance Mechanical Permit State Surcha1'l1C To1;a l r.harnRn -- E:/lCROACHME:NT -- Ise~~rit~ Dapo3it { Storage I ' Maintenancp.. lJ Permit I Total ChaMD8 I eurbcut I SidewaLk I Pence I Electrical Label 1 Mobile Home I I. .1 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE::' NO. Interior Corner Panhandle Cl4l-de-sac X Value FE:E: CHAIIGE: C'HARG;: I i" II' I ,I I /5,00 III, 1 1.5,00 'I I .7~ ,I, I, /5.75 ", FEE CHARGE: IHQ.- L-COC" --1 I TIme I I I I I I 'tiipe/Cm::lt: . I I E'12}'(1l{ 8o;ll'ces I I !leat Aacc:m. I I II II I: Beal'ooms .' I Lot FaceR - I I P. D. North 'lEast" ISOldh If;ent SetlxuJka lIour;e r:m'Q(!c /vatel' Hi?a tP.!' Range Fil'eplaca Wood:; tave Fees Building Value & Permit Thir; permit ia granted on tlw exprens condition that the said conatl'Uction alzaLl, in aU l'cnpacta, eonfol'm to the Ot-dinulwe :ldoptl'Jd bII tl1(1 City of 8iWinf1ficld,,':III~!udilla the ~ollilla CrdilU1JlCC, realdel-illa the cClIntrucLicl1 and une of lmi..l,lillg:1. wul m:~!I be Gucpclldcd or revoked at Cl:Y ti.me upon vio- lation of ally pr:Jvi:;iorw of Delid Ol'di,UlnC(UJ. I PLan Check Fee: I Date Paid: Rec;;ipt H: ISig"ed: Plumbing Permit No percoll ahall com.:truct, instaU, aUar 01' change G.ny neW C1' e:;:inting plumbing 01' drainage syute,71 in :uhole 01' in part, ur.leDs such perGon. ia tho legal possessor of a valid plwnber'8 licen.se~ except that a perDon may do plumbing lJ01"k to property which is ou.'ned, Zeased or operated by the appli- cant. ' . Electrical Permit rthercJ St.:tte Law re'1u.il'C8 tl:at: t;hc cZcct)'l:cal wor>k be dcne by atl ElecLl'ical Contractor~ the electricaZ portion of this permit shall root be valid until the label has b;;en signad by the Electl'icaZ Contractor'. I '/ I 'I I. Mechanical Permit I 'I, , I I I I I " J Plall Exam/.ne1' I.'t:JLf1 I H,1 VE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application .for permi t, and do hercby certify that all ir.for'mation hereml is true and correct, and I further certify that any ar~ all ~rk perfor.ned shall be do~e in accor- dance :.Jith the Ol'dinancRs of t11(J City of Springfield, and th:: La...;s of tho .4 State of Oreg..?n pzrtaining to thc"/.oX)rk described herei.n, end that NO OCCU- PANCY will be nn.de of any structu!,a without parmissio!'l of tile Buildi,l(1 Di- vision. I further certify that o~Zy contractors and ~~p~yees w~o are in compliance with CRS 701.05{; will be used on this projsct 'I: ,r 1 'I {. 1 ~ ] Sian.1d Date