HomeMy WebLinkAboutEasement APPLICANT 8/27/2009 82137 ~%I. 387,.r! 70 EASEMEN\' FOR RIGHT-oF.WAY . THIS.I......:..w..)J.B W..ll~..... Tbl.t me UDdeniptd. ....~~~......6!.~d..f:.~~..._~..!(.qI.{.t.t!.l..i.,.._............ .....f.4!~.~I:..,....&:.~.~~...(__,,:.,.!!:!.rA..._..M........_............ lot the COnIldcmion of dw IU~! of One Loollat ('1.00) and ocher sood md vt.Iuablc corWdcratinn, n:ceipt 01 which i. betdq 1ICbow1cdaed. ro.Gr.:l... ..id, j..HtI..<r:,...... bupined, srantc'd, and conwyal .nd by cbnc preMGtI do barpln.. J1MC and CDIIftJ UntO the Mountain Stl~n PoM'! Campan,. I DNwaft' Corporarion, wirh-lictNe and rJahr to UaDIICt bulinea ID Ibe Sa.tt of Orl".JOQ. iu "..."J:." .nd III;P. hCft'in. .het rrferml to .. the Comp.oy, fo~, the rfsht. pri"Ucp .nd euemenr lor rip.of..., to ~tf(r, mlinllin, opcr'I~. ~ir and mnoft an el<<uiC power line, cckphonc. Of .rlal cable line, or eldx:r of them, CORIwin&t_of the follow1nA: ..............4."'!;."'f..~{;s..._.8.."""'...'!" ~.(~.!.._....R/~.!'................_.........._......_........J..................................... u..u.u..~.i.-E..c;.IR..I.i.,u....a..~.'.!.'....._.J..L;.."......B.k.....B.6I.c.lz.fA.If"............I:...................................... with lhe necssuy wires .nd fiftwn therefor. iockadio& 0ftI';hana: cbl:ttof; IOJftbcr with the rishe l~nd privtleJe of rm.n\l. ing .11 foli-se. ueu. 1m- ,limbs ~ ClIbcr ~nanl barrieR rh,t ma, Inter~ wilb ,the consrNCtion.~j mIointm.~. ope-ration. ~plir Ind fe'rnovaI of said elKUlc power 11I'Ie, mephont or aerial cable hne, 01 cuhlel' of thm\, \l~n. ow, 100 .CI'OSI ltult (t'ruin tn.I prDpeftJ' situaced in I~ County of..I.cA..'ft...!t.......... Sutc of Oreaon. and mote' puticull:I, describN III r(l\\t'oW1> _ Ii ...::~~::.i..~~....~.:~!.:.~..::~~=~~".~.'.?o~:.:.~.:.~~~...:~.~......j~,.;!:.~:...? Ii .......... II ,oJ .<<o.;~;~ VOl...' P.~::.~f;=::-:~,.;..~:~.=~~................... . Ii If is undenrood and agtft'd that cht ascnu. reprarnlallYd, and ftnp1OJ~ of the CompanY.I!oSCther wich. ~Il nt'\"ft. sary COllis and t'quipmrnr shall, III .11 lirra. haft Ihe right Ind priTill'F of sccns to aid rishr of ...., .nd rhe pmpcnr lhcrtafl for It\(' putlX* of. construction, operatioa, maintenance, repeir and IUDO\'II; provided .l~llrl that uid Company shall be- held fnpNl5ibll' for IlRJ m.lDISC which ic may unmctlll.dlJ do to the ptopct'fY Ibove ctJkribtd aM for which it may be held It'gally responsible. I WITNESS.....O.&~ oeal.... "'is ..../..!......day 01 .....,s.."d."""'..~........ 19..'>!".... : ~~~..J~:::: :..:....:::::~::::..::...:..::::J::::.:::.:.:.::::~: I, 1~.1 --~- ST^:': :~~~:~.~......._.... } SL BE IT REMEMBERED, Thac on tbi. .......L3..............._~:..d.y of ..~e&:....k...... I' A. D. 19.~L...... bdore IDe, the' \lndcniped, a Notal'}' Public, in .nd for lhe .id Couaq IDd State. pe1IDftI1Iy appeared tbc within N1mcd .g:',?::...gll..!.<<:.~.............. ./......I:U:."'-ti....Jt...(?k."-~..........................m....:'..........m...................... who g:.-:.,(,. Iatowa. to. me 10 bc tht' idefttial indi.,idUA1.~ ..hri oC'CUtt'd the within in. I .', .',:'" ,.,. I! . 1UUZDmt.~ '.," .', "l'U." CE' U'It' rhal LA:7n:caucd the lime frce1r and volununl)'. nr.-.~ >_:;.:0)0:. ~, I have hereunto let my ht.~ and Noruill $nJ ~hc da1"4."t'~-Yriloea. ,U-; ,;. .;?// I. .'. ...m-;:t.~..7Y...<,..)..J..... ".. _~'.\. NOtI.rY Public for Oreson. /_ . I ': :"': M. 0............ Ezpi"'... I ,y. ...... ., ..,. , . I' ~ STATE OF OREGON. 9ount~. of 'i...r'!I A...q> I hereby certif.y thl\\ the ~;jthin was receiyed R.nd duly TPCorded bl' me in said County RecordR Book of Det>ds Vol. ~A7 PA.R"~ 70 on the~dll.Y or,~... ... 19~,..t~o'clockG.. M. _\....J' ii\,~~l..O...._~ Dull... ...... .1Iid CautJ. Or..- I By ~ ~ f\<, u< k.;:,:;; -t Ii I: . PRE.SUBMITTAl RECIO AUG 27 2009 STAT!: Or".';'G~N. } 88. BOOK !:liti 1'Ali407 County or__-"",,!I.L.......- 'I 1m IT /l""""IlItR.iD. That aD thle_..J4-_._.day or Jul"'_.I' A. D. 19.4J_,berore ..e. the UndereiSDed. a Notary Publ1c. liin and ror the eaid Oounty and State, peraonally appea~ed the within na..ed ..I. f::' wU1~..JlwL.G~jdiL.._IJJ4.IU--- -. '. ,..,...;f,M.;-o..ViL. known to ..e to be the identioal individuaL~. ~hO .",..:: ~]J,#ed the within inatrument. and acknowledged to ..e thlltc. H\&y /" ~.::"""/lXe~.d the aa... rreely and voluntarilY. ' ~ ...:... 0" A ~ .:--. <,. IiI WITNESS Wllll:Rll:Oll'. I have hereunto aet lIlY hand and 1 ; .! ~ ..!!~t4rhl Seal the day and year laat ~ve written. ' .",. C'. -^_.."" 0 , _,\ UCtl '(; - .....-....~ I' "'" " ( 0 sr, PUblic tOf_ ~r~\on. "'~C'f~" My Com ion Expir88: ~ II'. ''1+. ._ Ii .... ...J " lb >I "'l i :~ f~![ o ~t rt~ {{ : !:~ ~,~ ~~j1! ;; ,.~ i~ i i"1S!. ""}u< -E:? g ~ !~ci"J"'S-: ill':O~2.'" !~g~...i ..~a. -, , r~~; . . ~ i.a.* ~~~~ -.....1:" .; ao: ~ A..::;"C i;.!l~ ~-., ~ .w ns.._ ::... :J::I atllltollto . ;;0: . " iN i~. 2 r-, ... ... US - ~ ._-_..~--_._----------_. .... ---. .. ..-'.--' ... ..... ,_.... _ ..,.______. _,. n. --------------------------------------.-~-------------------------------- , I For and In coneideration or the .um or One Dollar ($11;00). ,. receipt where or ie herebY acknowledged. a right-or-way ie hereby ,. graated to Kountain States Power Company, a Delaware corporation. 1ts successors and assigns forever. with the right to erect and maintain 1 ._ ~. p.ol~ _llne_ .0.:1. t.he no:..tl~ .$i~"O"":'._...L.J~....r.aa.l:..;e;.--~c....::l- I, ~'; :.;P..l'-l~IF _.rive.._r.unn1nr ARst a.:::W.....-Yaat....L..CJ:.C".. +'o..J.c:.;~.__. ...;)oa:LL_.subdivi.i:iian.. -.-- . -----.---.--. with the necessary wires and fixtures thereon, and to keep same free from follage acrOBS that'property belonging to _---"QJs '-,..;J:lllll aru1.Jl~.lJ~O..!!l'lOIl and .ituated in the County or__.. Lane. State of. ~re~on. ....-. and described a8 folloW's: - itO 1't....l.'OI1..r..~a,::_..in..t.er.1.i~:.:t.;>- co~t:: !~~.~, ~'?~~B~~;. k,!9....~1_J;.~ ~m~.~I....~~J).~.~.1 J}_ !l..Q.i.!1~ .jQQI_ _t.Qr.~__,-_Q;.:. ~~.c = .' ' sou~!.lea~t COI'n~l' 01 th~...rto~.J._.)a8,.~.i..E.Y'b.;.lvisiO!\__J,..n..;J._l:W.L~; ,~':le '. _ __~~~_t a d1:Jt.8n(H~ 01' 2640 fstlt. 'r:tuLH08D'" ~!1!lL:)u~.~~y ~iLt_9g. 1s a .p_ert__~~.;__~!:.-~<<!otlon .}6 E-lb.:-:LJ ..il}&.Mal.1. tdl.i:.L,.n. 1: ..__::~'-'-:---PRE~UBMlrrAl REe' I . IAUG 2 7 2009 ~~ 1:" " ~ N' ""-'jj 9 ~ \ , ~ ~H) PAH4UH It is undsrstood that the employees ot ths Mountain Statss Power Company, 'ita Bucca.eora and aDolpe, l!Ihall at any'!tlme when nsosssary, havs accsss to .aid r1Bht-ot-way and the squ1pmsnt therson, tor ths purpoee of repa1r., etc., provided always that 801d Moun~aln Statls Power OompaDy, 1t. .Uaoe8~Orl!l and Geliana. sholl be held responsible tor an? damas, whlch may be unnecessarily done to.the property above d..orib.d. WITNESS d2tv</. hand' ~,._.__, lev(! ~,:;; 'Z:;' ~M/~ and esalS"' "l thlL...1.'~ _ day ot ,~ r:t:!L_-(seall .... n.~..u~. __ "_(SSal) STATE OF OREGON. ' t 1 n ' ee, County of ~_.-\ 11 BE IT REMEMBERED, That on thie..~.(.. day of---,-.-' -, .. A D 19 "f-l before me the W14erBlgned I a Notary Pu'61ic ,': in and r~~ the sali'County and'State, per80~lY app8ars~the within named 53...1..L..-- e,,~ ~"_' ,~ II N.._.. ~- ,g----.- h knowll to me to be the identioa1 1ndividual\;. ,.who :x:c~ t~~ within instrument and acknowledged to me tha~~- executed the same treely and voluntarilY. , IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I havs hereunto est my hand and Notarial Seal the day and year last ,above writt~~ . ____-z.-- //. -~~ _ rn'- '- -"//~~iO for Oregon. lIy Comm18sion Expires: "/I7/t' I. ~ =: .. = .. ~ , [ .~. ;. '- <:: $, . ~. .' N .... r~ ,... '" c- c, .. t ,.. , &; ;I ~ j; , !-' . l " . ,; ~ ~ . " n ~ ~ ~ ~ ;0 . ;-J ~ = , ~ ~ " '(1;> ,- .. .,;-;:-... .'_' \O....1i-!~"'.. ! '~\\I"ur2 ".:."'~ :' -4~:~ '(oo::.d ;'" '-~" IiI' - : - -...:.: - :-;;;;'.. \ ... ~'. 1: " ',;: \ '-.;;';'" .('~l.....'" .", ....'m.,,~8. '," ,.........., N ./ .,_. :.-!~ - ..:., .\' . n ~.:. ;;~~ ;;~ ;'~5.._~i ? "':.0' ~ c 3 a,x :~1.~l - :a ~...", "'c 't'< ii'l:ll~; a~a.~II! .:. ~ =1" : 3 e.~,. ~"' hon ~.. :l:l _II ''If;; ;:!~ ~ J'I:Io;:;"'" " " !~~i ~-;;. , -" ;!;: ~ 2.~~: "'.:r~ .. .,,~ ':,.0 ,..'I ',j 1':" 'C"~'""PRE~WBrvmAl REC'O" .AUG 2 7 2009 o ....,.,..,...::,-;''''''"-=-=~...,.,..,=~,,,..,, = mseWU2"'-t A AFTER RECORDING, RETURN TO: MAIL ALL TAX STATEMENTS TO: NO CHANGE DECLARATION OF EASEMENT RECITALS: 1. Geoffrey Cossen and Elizabeth A. Cossen (DECLARANTS) are the owners of property (The Property) described as: Land Partition Plat 2009-P , Lane County Oregon Partition Records; 2, The Property is encumbered by a private buried wastewater sewer service pipe 'I . serving the lot which adjoins The Property on the north side and which lot is described in document No, 99068103, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, and in on the attached Exhibit A (the Benefited Property), 3, DECLARANTS desire to create a private easement across The Property, for continued use of and maintenance access to the sewer service pipe ,by owners of the Benefited Property, . . DECLARA nON: DECLARANTS hereby create and grant to Joel H, Daniken and Jill 1. Oaniken, husband and wife, owners of the Benefited Property (Grantees) a 5 foot wide non- exclusive sewer easement as described in attached Exhibit B, for location, use, and maintenance of a single private buried wastewaters sewer service pipe, isubject to the following conditions: ' A, Grantees must provide DECLARANTS or their successors in title to the property a one-week notice prior to entering the property to maintain or repair the sewer service pipe, except in event of an emergency, B, Grantees are responsible for complete repair to the concrete driveway on the property which covers a portion of the sewer service pipe, and restoration of the driveway to its previous condition, C, Grantees are responsible for complete repair to any other private sewer service pipes which'may be located in the easement area, D, Grantees are responsible for.repairing or replacing any other items damaged during their repair or maintenance of the sewer service pipe, including but not limited to buildings, trees, shrubs, vehicles, utilities, and other items, E, This easement automatically terminates if public sewer service is made available to the property described in attached Exhibit B. F, This easement is not personal, but runs with the Benefited Property, The true consideration for this conveyance is other value, PRE~SUBMITTAL REC'O ., AUG'2 72009 t, _~._h ~_ ,._...-0.-_.. Dated this day of ,2009. Geoffrey Cossen, Elizabeth A. Cossen State of Oregon) County of Lane) On this day of . 2009, personally appeared before me the above named Geoffrey Cossen and Elizabeth A, Cossen who acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their voluntary act and deed, . '; Notary Public for Oregon My Commission Expires: PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O AUG 2 7 2009 "--7'"-- "---'--. Exhibit A Legal Description of The Benefited Property That property described in document No, 99068103, Lane County 9regon Deed Records, being more particularly described thereon as follows: Beginning at a point 675 feet North and 440 feet South 890 30' West from the Northeast comer of the James Ebbert Donation Land Claim No, 74:'in Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian; , Thence North 85 feet; thence South 890 30' West 95 feet; thence S9uth 85 feet; thence North 890 30' East 95 feet to the place of beginning, in Lane County , Oregon, :, Exhibit B Legal Description of Easement A 5,00 foot wide strip ofland, the centerline of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the north right-of-way line of G Street which lies 7,50 feet N 89030' E from the southwest comer of Parcel 1 of Land Partitioh Plat 2009 P _' as platted and recorded in Lane County Oregon Partition R~cords; Thence North 00 00' 47" West parallel with and 7.50 feet from the ~ast right-of- way line of 26th Street 84.8 feet more or less to an existing sewer deanout; thence North 28000' East 51.0 feet more or less to the north boundary line of said Partition and there ending. The sidelines of the 5.00 foot strip shall be truncated or extended ~ necessary to reach the beginning and ending boundary lines, . PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O AUG 2 7 2009 '1'...-_'_' ..1 __ -:' ~(J...~eli'l\:ew-t B AFTER RECORDING, RETURN TO: MAIL ALL TAX STATEMENTS TO: No CHANGE DECLARATION OF EASEMENT RECITALS: 1, Geoffrey Cossen and Elizabeth A. Cossen (DECLARANTS) are the owners of property described as follows: Parcels 1 and 2, Land Partition Plat 2009-P . Lane',County Oregon Partition Records. 2, The existing wastewater sewer service pipe for Parcel 2 crosses a portion of Parcel 1. 3. DECLARANTS desire to create a private easement across Parcell for continued use of and maintenance access to the sewer service pipe by owners' of Parcel 2, DECLARATION: DECLARANTS hereby create a 5 foot wide non-exclusive sewer easement for the benefit of owners of said Parcel 2 as described in attached Exhibit A, for location, use, and maintenance of a single private buried wastewater sewer service pipe, subject to the following conditions: A. Owners of Parcel 2 must provide DECLARANTS or their successors in title to Parcell a one-week notice prior to entering the property to IDaintain or repair the sewer service pipe, except in event of an emergency.: B. Owners of Parcel 2 are responsible for complete repair to any other private sewer service pipes which may be located in the easement area: C, Owners of Parcel 2 are responsible for repairing or replacing any other items damaged during their repair or maintenance of the sewer servic~ pipe, including but not limited to buildings, trees, shrubs, vehicles, utilities, and other items. D, This easemep.t automatically terminates if alternate public sewer service is made available to Parcel 2, E, This easement is not personal, but runs with the Benefited Property, The true consideration for this conveyance is other value, PRE.SUBMIITAl Dr:C'D AUG 2 7 2009 .- "-.~ ._--"._~. .. .. Dated this day of Geoffrey Cossen, State of Oregon) County of Lane) ,2009, Elizabeth A. Cossen On this day of , 2009, personally appeared before me the above named Geoffrey Cossen and Elizabeth A. Cossen who acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their voluntary act and deed, Notary Public for Oregon . My Commission Expires: PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O AUG 2 7 2009 Exhibit A Legal Description of Easement A 5.00 foot wide strip of land, the centerline of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the north right-of-way iine ofG Street whi~h lies 7,50 feet N 89030' E from the southwest corner of Parcel 1 of Land Partition Plat 2009 P --' as platted and recorded in Lane County Oregon Partition Records; Thence North 00 00' 47" West parallel with and 7.50 feet from the east right-of- way line of 26th Street 45.45 feet more or less to the south boundary of Parcel 2 of said Land Partition and there ending. The sidelines of the 5,00 foot strip shall be truncated or extended as necessary to reach the beginning and ending boundary lines, , PRE~SUBMlTTAl REC'O 'AUG 2 7 2009 -----. ~-. -~. - -.. I::"O-Se.~ G .~.__._- ~ AFTER RECORDING, RETURN TO: MAIL ALL TAX STATEMENTS TO: No CHANGE DECLARATION OF EASEMENT RECITALS: I, Geoffrey Cossen and Elizabeth A. Cossen (DECLARANTS) are the owners of property described as follows: Land Partition Plat #2009 P . Lane County Oregon Partition Records,. 2, DECLARANTS must create aprivate utility easement across Parcell (the encumbered property) to serve the Parcel 2 (the Benefited Property), as shown on . said Land Partition Plat. DECLARATION: DECLARANTS hereby create a 3 foot wide non-exclusive underground utility easement across Parcell to serve Parcel 2, as described in attached Exhibit A, for location, use, and maintenance of underground utilities, subject to the following conditions: A, Owner(s) of Parcel 2 must provide owner(s) of Parcel I with one-week notice. prior to entering the easement area to maintain or repair the underground utilities, except in event of an emergency or if owner(s) ofParc~11 cannot be contacted. B, Owner(s) of Parcel 2 are responsible for complete repair and restoration of Parcel I to its condition that existed prior to entry or maintenari,ce activities, C, Owner(s) of Parcel 2 are responsible for repairing or replacing any items damaged during their repair or maintenance of the underground utilities, including but not limited to buildings, trees, shrubs, vehicles, utilities, and other items, , D. No trees, buildings, or other structures may be placed or constrUcted within the easement area. E, This easement is not personal, but runs with the Benefited Prop~rty. The true consideration for this conveyance is other value. Dated this day of .2009. RRE.SUBMITIAL REC'O , AUG 2 7 2009 . ...--... -.. -- ,---'._,... Geoffrey Cossen~ Elizabeth A, Cossen State of Oregon) County of Lane) On this day of , 2009, personally appeared before me the above named Geoffrey Cossen and Elizabeth A. Cossen who acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their voluntary act and deed. ' Notary Public for Oregon My Commission Expires: PRE7SUBMITTAl REC'O . AUG 2 7 2009 ~,.._--. -- . . Exhibit A Legal Description of Underground Utility Easement A 5.00 foot wide strip ofIand, the centerline of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the east boundary of Land Partition Plat 2009- P _ as platted and recorded in Lane County OregonPartition Records which bears North 0" 13'51" West 115.29 feet from the Initial Pomt of said partition; " Run thence South 450 30' West 50.13 feet more or less to the east boundary line of Parcel 2 of said p<u;;';;'oil. and there ending. The sidelines of the 3.00 foot strip sball be truncated or extended i!s necessary to reach the beginning and ending boundary lines. " PRE.5UBMIlTAL RECID I: AUG 2 7 2009 ,. . _._---- ._-"-_. ,