HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 8/27/2009 - .r AFTER Rl!":lIROING RETURN TO FIDELllY i~ATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF OREGON 800 WILLAMETTEST. #500 EUGENE, elR 97401 . Until a change is requested all tax statements shall be sent to the following address: 445 EAST 50TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OR 97405 /Division of Chief Depuly Clerk' Lane Counly Deeds and Reco~ds l~~1.~~W~l " When Recorded Mail To: MJP nvSURING DEPARTMENT SIERRA PACIFIC MJ= crt1PANY, 50 IFDN FOlNl' CIRCLE, STE 200 FOLSOM, C.4 95630. 916-932-1700 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ""I. 00961821200700810920180187: . . :12/07/2007 02: 36: 42 PM RPR-DTR Cril=1 Sln=5 CRSHIER 06 $90.00 $10.00 $11.00 $111.00 INC. < ISpac.e Above Tbis Line For Recording Dalal Loan No:' ParcelID No: 0000514952 0319291 BENEFICIARY "MER$". DEED OF TRUST MIN: 1000703-000.0514952-8 DEFINITIONS Words used in muhiple sections of this document are defined below and olher words are defined in Sections 3. II. 13, 18. 20 and 21. Cenain rules regarding the usage of words used in tbis documenl ar,e also provided in SeClion 16. '.' . . . (A) "Security Instrument" means this document, which is dated NOVEMBER 26, 2007 togelher with all Riders 10 this document. (B) "Borrower" is '-'GEOFFREYCOSSEN and.-ELIZABETHA.. -COSSEN_ Borrower is the trustor under this Security Insrrument. (C) "Lender" is. SIERRA PACIFIC MORTGAGE COMPANY, INC. Lender is a CORPORATION organized and existing under the laws of CALIFORNIA Lender's address is 50 IRON FOINT CIRCLE, STE 200, FoLSCM, CA 95630 (0) IlTrustee" is FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE . OREOON-.Single Famlly--Fanoie Mae/Freddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT with MERS' UHAW.MEHS.OR.CVL.UT.I. WPF (OW, DOCSIDEEUSICVLIOR_MEHS.CVL) Form 3038 1101 (page J uf 14 page!') 55 fL) .1c PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O AUG ~ 7 2009 "~,~ ...,. . ."~. ,,_.~,.., .~... ."....', '-,.,....,,,. AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO . -~, - NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE ~OMPANY OF OREGON' 800 WILLAM::: I I EST., #500 Ii EUGENE, OR 97401 /Division of Chief Deputy Clerk RECORDING fII31UES1l'Il BY, Lane Count.y Deeds and Records Fidelity National TdIe Company 01 Oregon Ii UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I III III 1m IHII 10961&.."".u,u t..e.c....:...09..<.j 1015 RPR-IlEED . II . 1210712007 02:36:42 PM Cnl=l St.n=5 CASHIER 06 , $5.00 S2O.00 Sll,OO S10.00 . Ii GRANTOR'S NAME: Joshua Baker and Rachael Baker lOO7-o~1091 '\ $46,00 FIDEI GRANTEE"S NAME: Geoffrey CesSen and Elizabeth A. Cossen SEND TAX STATEMENTS. TO: Geoffrey CosSE:n and BlzBbtdh A. Cossen 2660 G_ Springfield. OR 974n AFtER RECORDING fIETtIRN To: Geoffrey Cossen and EBzabeU1 A. Cassen 2660 G street Springflekl. OR 974n Esauw Ko: 46D7l100927-FTEUG03 STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED Ii SPAce ABOVE nas UNE FOR -'-"-~ "" USE Ii I Joshua Baker and Rachael-Baker. as tenants by the entirety, Grantor. conveys and warrants to : Geoffrey COssen and EIi2DbeIh A. CosseR, as tenants bytbe entirety. Grantee. the '"," ',j -~~...j:...;... real property. tree.oo dear of encIl...~."..__ except as specit\caI1y set _ below. siIuated in uio CO...y of Lane, SI... of Oregon: I CDmmendnl/8f B point 540 Ieet NDJIh .... 440 lee! South 89 . 30' West Of1he Northeast comer orlbe JamasA. Ebbert OLe. No. 74 in SOcUon 38,'", ",.,..,17Sou1h. Range 3 _Of,,", WiflameUo MefldJan. In Lano County. Oregon: 1hence SooIh 89" 30' West 95 Ieet: lhenl:ii NIIIfh 135 feel: tl1enCe North 89 . 38' East 95 feel: .... _ South 135 feet to the I'Iace of aOginning, eDbelng.,,"'atisknowas"Home Ac-.;:es" lloss H,; Small.'s subdivision s~r.;,t~t.~f Springfield. Lane (....,._J. Oregon. Ji '. C., .>>"-...,...... condilions. restrictions. t.-..<.;.."....,':.... "'<b'''-'-"'''';''~ of record. BEFORE ,:"ooll<"u_oIo OR ACCEPTING nus INSTRUMENT. 1HE PERSON 'IRAJ...a,~_ FEE TlTLE SHOUlD INQUIRE ABOUT THE PERSON'S R1GHnl,fF AtI'f. UNDER ORS t97.3S2. 11lIS II INSlRUMENT DOES' NOT AUDW USE OF tHE.. ,,;,......1.:;.;,. _ ,'DESCRlBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLAlION OF APPUCABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULA1\ONS. ___...... SIGNING OR ACCEPTING lHJS INSlRUMENT, TIE / = ,,:.. I. ACQUIRING fEE mLE 10 THE., .',... ,r:o;.....- SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRtAlE CITY OR COUN1Y PLANNING DEPA., ,'," TO VERIFY APPROIIal USES. TO DElERMINE ANY UMns ON LAwsuns AGAINST FARMING OR FORESTPRACltCES I>S DEfINB) IN ORS 30.930. AND TO INQUIRE ABOt1T THE IlIGIflSOF NEIGHBORING PR...... 0::...... OWNERS, IF ANY. UNDER ORS .197.352. :' THE TRUE AND ACTUAL ..."",..:.:....":';"'l1ON FORTHIS C . ORS 93.030) ~ ft." DATED: Nowrnbef*.21J07 l:p ANCE IS $135,165.00. (See " "V~ Rachaei Baker ,M~..I ____ Slale ol_~_ r-~.U.~a.. COUNTY"""'" I~~ . . insIrument was ~ before roo on NO~ 2007, by Joshua BakeralRl Ra 01 Baker. I 0l0Jl.Lcb<t. ~ l':. &advee . . r jJ/\ _ I ~-st.n:.,r8.88IJn ~~~ co expIreS: "/- ,~ <~'<!{It.. CY".thi8 F.HU9.hes 'I f!~i-.conuniSSion # 00397549 ._ ~~ . Expires Man:I116, 2009 . ,~t '~TII:IJFU.--'____7OtI PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O I, .' ii AUG 2 7 2009 SS 12-) ;:((c; I