HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-5-10 .. RESI'NTlAL.. COMBINATION APPLICATION/PEP.MIT ~ 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 , - SPRINGFIELD- - Rcce-:':J~ if ~ qO/O ., ~.ll.~ Job Location: I~ [0 ~ ,-./1Jf'f g D- _1!=-.i1J______. \f)~ Asaesaor3 Map ,; J1-0:;-~ ~ I.H Ta::: Lot # Q (,1 ()fJ r '-t70 SubdiJr;aion: U f2An em fYl.jJ{J ~ uiL49b (((J.i) l no, \{Q l\ f'\\(\}\ Addr...: 11J{C;~o'~,^, i1:-1fY,one: ltb pf.!rit)E.. City: -...:::n,1( {j (Q(Q Zip: q Y) t./ I} I") IV 'J:1b ~b~~~ (. ~ ~ ~~~"::> - .' ~VaZU6 Q.mer: , n n n n .'lQt,' Additicn Re:modet .'.!obi le ,f{oma Dat6 oj' Applicaticn [.:ontl'ocrors ConoraL.. ,1. \0 n1f\ Q "-- , PLumbing Electrical .~!e~har.ic.=l Construction Lender Add.:"(J83 Js.OO IS,OO .00 10.00 ,40 .dD Li3C. .Ii Siqr.ed.&~ , ,^^ h A A.. ,,(),.>-'" I - J--l-.U..' (- ---r-'= E=:.il'CS . J Pr.cn~' '---'.. Date: i ~~ y,,;{ y-, . It is the respO'llaibi1.ity of the permit holder to see that aLl. inspections are ~.adG at :r.s propel' tir.u;~ that ~c:ch..::ddr9SD is rea3.a:.b!.s from ths st'1'eet, and that th6 pcrmi t CtD"d is t.acated at the front of the property. ItBui'!..di'n.fJ tr;ui=ior: approL'ea plan shaU remain on tho; Building Sit;; at aU timss. paOcSDURE FOR INSPECTION REpUEST: CaU, . I (recorder) state your City designated job number~ job addrcss~ typs of in:;pecticn roaqu~sted ar.d w}::en you lJiLl. be ready for ir.spcct"~cn~ Contractcl'S :;1' Q.mQ'Z's nana c:nd p}ume number. Requests received belol'e 7:00.::; :..'izz. bB mads the same dt:y, requests made afta' 7:(J0 an wiZL bs rmde the n=t :.;orkin.; day. )<; QOLl~q ~~,!"J1~':"'i i:o"'''!:''''r.r::o''l~ : D' SIT! INSPEC':IOU: To be nr:uie afte't' e:rca1lat'icn, but pricr t;c se-: up of forms. '0 UNDERSLAB P[,UM3IIVG. ELECTRICAL of !.fECHA.'JICAL: To os made befors any work ia ~ovcred. .0 FOOTING ~ FOUNDATION: To be made ,after tl'encitcs are ucavated and fcrms are erected, but prior to pouring cC1tC'ret.. U.VDtRG.~OU.'.'D P:'W.fSING. SE:WE.T:f. W.1TE,T:f, DRAINAGE: To be TrKti.e prier to fa- z.t.r.g tl'enches. o o UflDERFWOR !'LW~nIG g MECHANICAL: To be tnaaQ prior to instaLlation of . f1,oor insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be rr.a.tk pl"iaro to install.::ticn of j1.oor inst.:la'tion or d8cking . ROpCR Pr,W1BD1C, E~EC'J'R.!CAL ~ MECH- ANICAL: No '..lOrk. is to DC COL'erea. w::tiZ these inspections have beqr. mcuis and approve.:!. ' FI_f?EPl.ACE: Prioro to p1.cair.g facing mc.terials and before framing inspec- tior.. PRANIHG: Muat bs rBGUe:Jted after approval of pough p~Wr.bing, aLect7>";- cal & :r.echan:ical. ALZ l'Oojir.g bracing ~ Chimneys, et". nr..st be camoletcd. .'10 work is to bs CC?'l.- cecied until thin insoecticn haB been made and approved. o o o o !(]I,U" City DeBigr.ated Job Numbu- 10: o INSULATIQN/V.4PD.r? BARRIER INS?EC':'ION: To be rrru!.e after aU insuk::ti.?n cr".d rcquiroed vapor ba:rri.ers are in place but eefere any lath, gypf1W1l board or wU covering is appLied, and before any in3uZation is concealed. , DEMOT.ZTIO!l OR .V.OF~J 3UIL::::iCS ; o DRYWALL I!lSPECTION: Tc be made after all drywalL is in placs, but prior to any taping. MASONRY: Steel. 1.ocation, bond beams, grouting or verticaLs in accordance lJith U. B. C. Section 2415. :J Sani ~ seuc~ c:=ppei ~t p:.oP&!'t":i Ur.e :=J Septi:: tank p.<mped (T."'~ fiL:ed :.nth ;ra:;;;t"!.- ::J FinaL - .f.'hen a.hcve it~.'~8 are c~'$Zeted ar~ when demc!itior. ia co~~e~e or struc- ture moved ar~ premisis c!eanei up. 'MobHe Homes =:J Blocking and Sat-~? =:J Plumbing connect~ns .- 8we!" av1 water ---, El~ctriccl Ccnnection - Blockir4, set-up ~ and plumbing .;!onr.ect~ns m-..3t =e a?p1'oved beforc requesting ele.:tricaL ir:spec~ion =:J ACCe8G01",i Buii.di~ ::J FinaL - t.ft:;r_,?~re:r.e8, etc. (Ole acmp.:.e:€.:1. s1d.rt--:n.q, ds::1aJ, o D WOODSTO'IF:: After installation is C'Ctr.pleted. o ALL project condi~ion8, ouch a8 the installation of street trees, c~~!~=i~n of =he l'equiroed Landsccpir.g. eta., must be satisfied before tr.e 3UIUJD-2 Fl:JAL .:an ;e raques::1d. o FINAL PLUMBING o fIt/AL ME~HA.'lICAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL o o .....IN.4L BUILDI!IC: The Fin.al Buil.ding In.spection must bo requeate.: af"':er ~r.s Final ?!:u::!Jin; EZectl'icaZ, and .'!echar.ical Inspwecticna havo been r.'.a.ae a'flli approved. D CURB & APP,f?OACH AP.~N: After' forms :It'e erected but pl"';or to pouring .::o1L-"1'6te. SIDE'..IALK g DRn'E".lAY: For all con- crete paving within 8tre~t right- of-wc.y, to bc made after aU exca- vatina ccm-olete & fom !X'rk :i ::;ub- ba.::e M::terial in p La::e. ~ALL NM1HCLES AND CLEAtlOUTS nUST BE AC~ESSI3('E, ADJUST.'fEtlT :0 BE MADE 'l:T NO COS;' TO :1':'1 I =:'-e of.2 D D ~: Wher. compl;;te -- Provid.e gates or movabLe secticns thl'cugh P.U.E. D ~'Gq , oacudanau G:4It WT TYPE i ,Jab /lumber: ; Zone: iLot Sq. Ftg. ::': of lot Covel'Clg;; ! ,1 of Stories . Total Height : ,'opc"ra;;hy lITEM I iNain I I Gerace icaroort !Acees8oru I I SQ.FTG TOTAL VALUE Is.D.c. (va"UCJ 1.5 ::: Building Permit State SUX'charge Total Cha......ges , ITEM F1:rtu:ro8S 1110. 1 I I I II Residentia~ (1 bath) I Sanitary Se1.Jer j Water I.~ Plwnbing Perrr:i t State Surd".i1.l"g8 Total Chaf'aes IITEU I Res. So. fta. I NElJ/E::ctend Cireui ts Temporary Service '--1I\sI:J-- NO. I I I I I III Ele~trical Permit State Sur::harqe Total CharC8S lITEM I Furnace PTU' S I E=haus t Hood I Vent Fcm I Woodstove I HO. i I Permit IssuarlCCZ Me::hanic:zl Perori t State Surchc.rae ....."'f}tnl CharrMf ENCROACHMENT -- SeC".J.M. tu Deoosi t Storage Uaintenan.:!8 I Permit I Tctal Chal"oCS I Curbcu' I Si.de= ~k lpe~e Electrical Label Nobile Home I I I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:- Intericr' Corner Panhand~e Cui-ds-sac x Value FEE I ~ CHARGE I I I I I I I I I I I I/S.GO I I .(d.) 1 "~(oOI- CHARGE I I FEE FEE i I I 1 In GO I 1 [(0 I 1/f) Lt(J!. I CIIARCE I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I- I ,- I .1 I I J~<)cO I I I I 1- f~0() I- Refe'f'er.ce !/wncel's: L-COC #: -.- I Lot Faces - I I P.L. INorth lEast ISo. th IWest Type/Cor:st: , Bedrooms: Enerau Sources Heat I Access. I Water .'IlwtrH" I Range I Fil'ep lace I Wood.:;tove Ti.J'oe Setbacks I HOUGe Cal'aqe I i I .,- Faes Buildihg Value & Permit This pGl'm'"~t iG granted on the express condition that the said construction' 8haZZ~ in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield3 including the Zoning Ordinance, regulating the construction and use of bui7..dings.. and may be suspended 01' revoked at any t"';me upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. . I I I- IPlan Cheak Fee: IDate Paid: IReadpt #: IS,;g,:ed: Plumbing Permit No person Dha12 construat.. install.. aUe'!' or change any new 01' eJ;isting plumbing or drainage system in'~hoZe 01' in part.. unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid pZwnber's ticenseJ except that a person may do plur..bing work to property which is 0ZJned~ 'leased 01' operated by the appZi- 'cant. . Electrical Permit Where State La1J requires tr.at the electrical worok be done by an Electrical C071troctor~ the electzoical portion of this permit shall roOt be valid until the label has been signed by the Electrical Contzoactor. . Mechanical Permit /l /7 di~ ,. tk PLan Exannner . .;r -/O.}) L ua.e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA.~INED the completed application for permit~ and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and corrcct~ and I further certify that any ar.d all work perfornted shall be do:1e in acaor- dance with the Ordinances of the City of SpM.ngficld~ and thz l.a:Js of the State of Oreg:m pzr~ining to the work described herein~ end that NO OCCU- PANCY r.nll be rrnde of any structure lJithout paI'1Tlissio:1 of the Building Di- vision. I further cel'tify that only contractors and e:npl.:Jyees who are in co~pliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project ~~~~.. Signsi ?t 5-/0-8~ Date