HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-7-9 00 RESI6NTlA'Loo APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 SPRINGFlEI.C "... ",.l.. Job Location: I ;}.(a 3 -rrU~ ~"1 () '2>"7-,s- L-\ \ o ~ (d'() aJJnj n -' J30Uvtvu / d (03 U o.....Lr, -&0 tSpJuJ1~ rL ASDessorS' .\lap /I SUbdi;.r:.sion: CUne:r: Add."'eS3: City, n n n n Nt:t<.' #;S0 TGZ Lot 1# Phone: Zip: q.'ILf 7'1 Describe rl'orlc Addi ticn '-f)11J~ Je7XL ~/-UI Remodel .'.~obi. Z2 FI0r:13 ,'/- 9-?~ Data of AppZicaticn Com:rac:ors t3un. ~A ) GeneraL Plumbing El.ectricaZ Nechar.ic~ Z Const~~ction t~nde:r Value Aid....es3 ~-up ~. I L/ro I~' I c!7o I .d.ui . (akL-iL I 69~ I :b&!.:JO - .~cce":"pt .if ~ c;:tfI' On 35.Q6 /5.00 I {p 0 /0.00 I tjO ,W --- Pr.on~ l: -La the responoibi1.ity of tits permit ;"tiLder to S6e tha= al~ iMpactions are r.:ade at ~he ;1'Op21' t:im,;, tr,at ~h .::.ddres8 is l'''....,.;'...;..:~ from tr.a street, and that the permit card is l..xa.ted at the front of tr..s property. .tSui!.di:",.g i){.vi::io~ app:-at:ed Flan a}u:.lZ remain on th2 Bu::.tdir4 Sit.:: at aLl times. P.70CEDm~E FOR I.vSPEC1'IOU REQUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City designated job nzq;o;ber" J'ob adircss" type of i~p6c-;icn requested ar-.a wh.en you win be ready lor inspec:tion" Contrac:tcrs 01' Owners ncme end phone 1".ur.'.Dcr. Requests rec:eivad before 7: 00 .:::;; :..'iZZ bIZ rr:c.de the sarrIe dc.lj" requests mcde afta' 7:00 /Z1I 1JiLl. be made the nat :.;orkin.; daif. _ i r;Y " y';"" City. DeGigr.ated Job liwrJJer r" ' g> dO %'16 B!:..s!'H: ""~.rl_ r.,..!":-,,,,,,,,::!,:,,,~ O SITE ItISPEC:ION: To be nruie after e=cav.::tion" ,;ut prior to set up of forms. O U!lDE:FlSLAB prUMBnIG. ELECT.'?IC,1L & NECHA:IICAL: To bll fT'.ads befor6 any work is ~ovcred. o FOOT!.'lC $ FOl}NDATICtl: To be rrruie after trenches are ucavated and forms are erectotd" but prier to pouring ccncret.;. UNDSRG.90UHD ?!.l.'MEINC. SEWF:R, W.1TE'.Q, DRAIl'IACE: To be ma.::.e prior to fil- l.ir.g ~encr.es. D o VNDERFLOCP. Pr.W.fSIYG ~ :.fE;r:HANIC:..L: To be mafie prior t:o ina't:aLl.ation of floor insulation 01' decking. POST AND 3EAt1: To be made priOl" to instal.l.:1ticn of noor insulation or dsckiTlfi . o o ROUGri "?LW!E D1G. Er.EC':'RICA!. & ME'CH- ANICA~: .'0'0 :.;ark is to DC cOt.-ered ur.til. these inooectior.s h.....--ve beer. mads and appl'::JIve.::. FI.r?EP[.ACE: Prior to placir.g faC"';ng ma.terials and b6fore framing inspec- tior:. FP.A"~I!IG: ,'.fu.3t be -requestC!d after approval. of I":lUgh pl.wr.hing" eLectri- cal. & mecr.ani::aL. All I'Oofir.g bracing d chimneys" etc. nr..lst be ,compLeted. ,Vo work is to be ccn- , ceal.ed until this instleation has . been made and appl'(n.:edo D o O INSVLAT!ON/'1APOFI BARRIER I.'lSPECTICN: To be rrade after a l.l insu kti.::ln C!".a '. raquired vapOl' barrisrs a:re in p l.ace . but before any lat.h" gyp8Wtl beard or tx[ZZ covering is appl.ied~ and before any insulation is conceal.ed. o DRY'.JALL I,'ISP!CT!ON: Tc be made after eLl dr-:fuaLl is in place~ but pz-;or to any taping. ~SONRY: SteeL Location" bo~ beama~ grouting or vertiac:Zs in accordance ~;~h V.B.C. Section 241$. WOODSTO'IE: After installation i8 ocmpi.s't:edo Siqr.ed: Date: ~~~4/ ?-9-Jci, DEt-fOLITIO!! OR gOV:;':; 3UILD[;.'CS =:J Sanit.ary se"..Jer ::apped :;t ~opert:i l.ir:e ~ Septi: tank p~~d a~4 filZ~d ~th gra~eZ I Fin.aZ - fi'nen ~e i~e.':':s ar~ cc::r;;Zet6i ~ ar.a. when de~~~t~r: ~s aomp~ete or st~~- ture ~oved ar~ pr~~es ::l.eanei ~p, . Noai le Hc:r:es ~ ::::: :n::::::s Gader and ~c=er . Electrical. Ccnr.eation - 8lockir~" set-u? and pl.wnhing ccnr:ections nr...;.st ~B G??l':l1.:ed before requB8t~ng. e!ea~ricaL ins?ec:io~ =:J Ac.::'esGo1"'i 3uiz.c:i~ sk':'rting" deck3, All ~roject condi=~r~J s~ch as che {ns=alZacion oj street :rees, ~~,:,:?Za;~n of the required i.andscc:pir.g" etc." must :,e sacisji.ad :,cjore ::he aUILDI.'o'G Fr:!~L a~n be 1'2qu3S~3d. o o o CURB & APP_QCACH AP.~N: Afte:> forms a:re erected but prior to pouring coru;retlZ. SIDEWALK & DRn'TI,'AY: For an acn- crete paving :.rithin strect right- of-rx.;:" to be rr.a.de after at!. exca- vating conpZeta &: to"1":':! 7.JOrk & zub- base .7IC.tsY"':'aL in pZa::e. o PI1'IA[, PLUUBgoC o FINAL NECHA:1ICAL o FINAL El..EC':':UC/.r. [J o FINAL BUILDING: The FinaL Building rr.spection m'.u1t be req-J.eGted c,.ftel' the Pinal. ?!;g::~ir..; Elec:ricai." and .'1ec:r.adcc.l Ir:specticYlD ;"..ava beer. made ani cpproved. '. o o .r:rsNCE: Kher. compl.;te -- Provide ga't:es 01' movable sections thrcugh P.U.E. j Lisc. ~L. E.:oirC8 ~ - I>'~ '" ..fVf E'in.:::z.Z - Aft::r ;:Jrcr.es" ~ etc. are ccmpleted. D "ALL MAllHCLES AND CLE.1.!ICUTS .'IUST 2E ACC!SSTBLE. .4.DJUST.'~:i,!, TO 32 :.!ADZ' !!T ::0 C::S? ::0 CIT'! I ?c.;~ 1 o~' 0} o I JOB NO. ?d-O%SI&OLAR .ESS Oc~::u::;anc:J Gl'C'.Cj: =I:L,79h -..13 I I I j &1 C)() I ! Zone: Lot Sq. Ft;. ~ ~f lot C,j7)erag~ # of Stones Total Height Topography IITE:1 I.'fain 1~C'c,,!- I i C.::r:;'C!"~ IAc~es3o!'!J I SQ. FTC TOTAL VALUE Is.D.c. lVCL.UC) 1.5::: But Wing Pe-~ t State Suraha:rge Total cr.a:>ge3 I ITr.\! NO., I FL-:ures Residential (1 bath) I Sanitarf Sewer I w'cter } !tUJh j .!actJrrx p L Plou:r?r;r.g Per:t:"; t State Surcr.arge Total cr.a!'aeB lITE.\f I NO'1 I I I Temporary SerJice, I I /t!rJh; Jo iI~1 Res. Sa. fta. Nw/Ertend Circu.i ts EZe=t~~cal Permit St:=.te Suraharae Total O..a!'ces I ITE.V I Furn:zce ~U'S E=haust Hood Vent Fan I I iloodstO;;8 .~ Permi t Issuc:nca Mechanic:::l Permit \ State Surafu:::r.:1€: Tnt,-:.l C"'nzr"~!J -- EllCRCACaNE:1T -- Ise~~~;tu DaVo3it I Storcqo I Mainter.an.::e I Pa..'""f:t";t I Total C't'.a!'!1CS I C"D';CU-; I SideLJatk I :en::e I ~Zect't'ic::: Z , ! .\fobiZa Hame !...C::lH I TOTAL ANOU.'!T VUE:: ~ WTT:!?E Ir.tericr Corner ?cmhand Le Cui-de-sac x Value FEE CHARCE I I I 1 I /5001 /SO() I .1#01 I /5. &rj . I CHARGE FEE ,'iC. I I IO.()() -/(5.061 , c.j() I If). L/ol. I I I I I FE3 CHARes I I. I I I I J I I I I c:?{) 'i'~:'O ?::.ga 2 REQ.- , I j I I I I I I j L-COG~ T:,'pe/Cor.st: 3edrooms .' I Lot Faces - I I P.[. INorth lEast Sou tn IWest I Access. I I Enerau SO:a'~es I I Hear; I I :./at<?'I' _Uf'.r1:tf'.!' I I Ranqe I j FiI'epi.c.ce I I Waod.;;;ot:e II T:J:,e Se-::ba~ks I House ! Caraoe I I Fees I I I I I I .1 , . I I ,. Building Value & Permit This permit is granted on the e~reS8 condition that the said construc~ion shall, in aZl ~espect3, conform to the Qrdinar.ce ::.dopted ~y ~he City oj Sp~;r~fieZd, i~~Zuding the Zonir~ Crd:nance, I'egul~tir.g ;he ccnst~~~:icn ar~ use of buiidir~s, and m=y be suspended or revoked ar; cr.y time u;or. vic- Zarion of c:r.y ?r~vi.;ior.s of said. Ordir.ances. jp!.an Check Fee: Date Paid.: IReadpt ,,; ISig>:ed: Plumbing Permit No person shall construct.. ins:aLL, aZte:- Or ciumge an;; ro.61J or e::isting pl.wr.bing or drainaqe syste:n in :vhole or in part, w:less such person is the legal possessor of a valid plwnher's license, except tr.a~ a pe:-son. ,"I'la:J do plur.:bing work to propert':j whiC!h is Qt..'r.ed, Zaased or opel'c:ted by the appli- """t. .' Electrica I Perm it Where State L<D.J l'eq".J.ires tr.at the eLectrical work be done by an Electrical Contractor, the eLec-:r'i~al :;ortion of thia =,effl:it shaLl. roOt be valid W'ttil. the Zabel has been signed by the Electricc:.z' ~ontr:::::C'tor. Mechanical Permit Pl.an. ::z.....-mn.ez. uar::2 I HAVE' CAiJSFUUS ~XA.'1I:;ED tl12 con:'?leted appl::cation for ?ermit, and do hsreby certify ehat aU i~Jo~.ation hereon is true and COJ"ZOCC:::, end I f'.a"tJ:er cezotily that any ar.d aLL work. pel'joffl:ed ahal! be do:-:e in accor- dance :Jith the Ordin:::nces of the City of Springl:.d.d, and ;;h& Lc..;s of <:i:a State of Creq.;;n p2rt.::ininq to the 1JOrk described herein, cr.a th.at ::0 OCC!J- P~!IICY :.r;ZZ be r.rJ..ie of any S'i;:"UC-:ura !.1ithou.; p<3rm-issio~ of the 3uilding r:r;- vi3ion. I frq'thel' certif:; ehat OZ1Zy C'ontrc.:otors a:;-:d e::-;rpl.::yef>8 who are in aampZiance with ORS 701.055 wilZ be used on this projsct ~~ --Sign3d 7/~ /F'";;- Dh.:::a r