HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-9-17 .. RESIDEIIAL" APPLICATI ER/IIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, 01'egon Building Division 726-3753 . ~~~ -- 97477 L'"b LoC'!:Jtion.: /Q.(p~ m~ /f(O,;? 35 ~I ~&_~ T= Lot 6 0 f? 0 () AoaesGOl'C Nap II Subdivision: .A.mC1'" : /J f'AA1 tL- Id~j1.I.itA1C/ 5/otfb ~<;;'/d'Yt ed Phone: 4ddress: ::ity: I I I X1 " lJ"'_l Additien Reno':",! .'!o'!Ji le ,~'o.~a q-/1-f?b Data of AppLication .:;r.:-!''::':::-O~'':; ;cncr::.Z IV I Q. (.R/I ~ I I I( -'lu"I':bir.q '::'lc.:'tricaZ '.:c::r-=r.ic,:l :'ons:1"'..letiOTl Lcnder ?cf1- J/)5:1 Zip: Valua Ac.=........cn:? 't"VrlM.o iJ .s-n(~f)a "'ec,ot . Li.. (p I'j 0 9'CJ tu \~1-,\\:0 \ \ ~ ~\J /r dJ-V/C Siar:ed: (C Cf -1-1-??, Date: ~i;;c. ." i:.=::.ircs :',....0':,: 5-')-'1'7 A lit, ~._ It' ~ ~~f .. ,~ : is tn,' l'es~oncibilitu of the permit hoLder to see that all in~oectior~ are ~ad~ at the Froper timz, that ~::.eh =Cares3 is re~-~~:; ~om ~hc street. and th;t the pc~t card is Located at the front' of tr~ properPd. :!..d.;.di~:f Divi=io~ approved Flan sr-=.'iZ l~er.:.::ir. o~ ;;i;;; cui.Ldinp si;;.:; c:: .:zU .tim~s. ','=:.-:;;Y':p~ POT? I,'/$?~~IOt1 R!~:"E"ST:CALL 726-3769 (rc~order) s::cte pour City desigr-::t:€d .70~ ~~~=s::~a a~~ ~~en ~ou wi~~ DC ready f~~ ir.sp=ction, Contractors or vw~e~s r~~e kr.~ ;r~r.~ ~:.z. be made "t;u: same dc;y. requests mc;de cf::<::, 7:()O c:n 1..r:'ZZ b.:; r.-.ade t,:';e n== :.;orkir..;; 6::. .C"-!-!....,..~ T"_~"''''''~~:r:.....~ ] E:':~ I::~?~;-: ~:J:.': To be made afur ezca~.:;;t~or.. ~ut prior to se:: up of forms. ] U:.'DE"RSL.t.E P!...U.'..'3!,':C. ELE':':'PIC.iL t ,'.:2Cf:'.~;::i;:;.,:,: ~o be made be;'oro1 any wor~ is .::ov=red. ] FDar.r,':c 5 FOU:m,1TIO:,1: To be made af::e;~ t;rer:cr.es are e:r:cavated ar.d ferm~J are erected, but prior to pour-i.r.g ccncret:.;;. ] U:.'DZRG.~O:..'::!J ?:.u.._~It:c, DR:'I:II.G~: To be made 1.ir.g trenches. ] U!!DERFLOCR !'LU.'$r..'G t ,'..'rr.Y4::TCAL: To bc mace Drier to in=t;aZ.Lat~on of j100r insul~tion or decking. SEr'E,~. r".1TE'.'i'. pr~or ~o fiZ- ] POST AND BEA!..': To be madc prior instalL~:icn of fZoor ins~Latior. deekiru;. ] PO'_'C!! ?LCF.~;!r.'s. ELEC":'?!CA!. t. ItECH- At/leAL: ;,'0 wer): is 'to DC co,..'ered until thesp. inspectior.s haVp. beer. mea'c a7Ui approvc=. ] FIPEPLACE: Prior to mc.terials and before tior.. pZc:cir.1J fra:nino facing inspec- ] Fp.A!~I!lr;: l1u:;t be reque:>ted aft;er approv~l of rough pZUffhing. electri_ cal & mccr.ani=aZ. An roOfing bracing e chimney~, ct.=. ~~st be .compZeted. No ~rk in to be C07l- , cealed until thi:: inspection has , . been made and approved. Jaur City Deoigr.ated Job Nwnocr I::;: o ~t:S(.'L..',.':IO,v/t'APO.~ PAHF?I~.:;' I:.~S?::C':'IC:;': To be made after alL insul:;:ti,:m CT.".a reauired vapor carriers are in place Cut celore any lath. gypsu:n bo~d 01' waZL coverina is CDoZied, and before any in.7uZaz:iOn is c~nceaZ.ed. .. DRYli/;,LL n.1SPECT!(),\': To be made after aZZ a..rywai./.. ~s in place, buz: prior z:o any z:aping. nW:-;Der, ri.~~cr. job a~css, :~;e 0: ir.=pe=~icr. Requcs~s recei~o1~ ~e~c~c 7'r,~ -- Ffo~ 003 ~~::2:"r':'~c:.' c..~ .~:j~'~; E:.:r:'D::::;5 ~ Sani::ar;J Be'..JeI' =C:P?ec. =t p~op~'r:;i' Zi?';e ~ Septi~ tank V~~~ci ~.d fill2d ~~th ;r~~~~ I Pin.ai. - l\r,:cn ~c~e i~e;;ls ar! cc.":OZetc~ ~ a~a ~r.en :;:e~cL~t~Or. ~s c~~/..e::e or S~~~:- "tU:'e ~cvei ar~ pr~ses .=Ze:;:nci up. o o NASO~~Y: Steel location, bond bC~3, grouting or vcrtic~ls in accordance with U.B.C. Section 241t-. WQODSTotTE: After instaZlation is ccmp'letcd. No~il.c iicr.:e:; jg Blocking and Sec-u:p ~ PZumbing connections 6~e~ ar.d ~cter \:?TEleccriccl Connection - Blockir~, Bet-u~ ~ and plumbing ccr.r.ections lr.~st =~ G?pr~~~i before requesting eZcc~ri.=aZ ir.s?ec:io~ ~ Ac~escor:,' Buildin.g \/1 Fin:zZ - After F:J1'cr.es, ~ctc. are cample::cd. sk~rt~ng, de~ks, o to or o CURB I: APPROACH A?pm.l: Aftc,:, forms aJ:'C crected but prior to pouring .::oncrete. SIDEWALK" D8Il'Er..'/'y: For all con-' crere paving wi 'thin street right_ of-t.:x:y, to be madc after aZl e..rqa- vating complete & form work & cub- base materiaZ in p~e. o AZl Fr~icct conditiona. 3uch as the installation of street trees, c~~ZoziDn of the required Zandsccpir.g, etc., must be satisfied before tJ:e BUILDI,','C FI!.'AL can be rzquested. J FIliAL PW!!BlJIG ] FINAL lfE':HA:IICAL ] FINAL ELEctRIC!.L ] o FIliAL BUILDINC: The' Final BuiZding Inspection must be J"equeated cf:er thc Pinal PZur:bir.g ELectrical, CZJ'1d Mechar.ical Inspecti?n:J have been made and approved. o o !'EI.'CE: r.lhen co:npZcte -- Provide gates or movable sections through P.U.F:. -ALL UA....HCLrS AND CLEANOU1'S !fUST BE ACCES~rB!.E, ADJL'S':?Z:/T TO ,SE 1-:'1DE t.'!" r.o C':sr TO CI":'r I P=~e ! of 2 . o :O?tC: NO. CbfoD 0b~oc::a~~"RG:' s s LCT TYPE J06 :.at Sq. Ft;;. .:)f lot C:nJerag:: of Stories .~otal Height .'opography ~7'E:.J I S~.FTC fain aacp. 'a~crt icccssor:J , TOTAL VALUE' I VCL.UC) 1.5 :: ;.D.C. Buildir:g Permit State Suraharpe Totel Cha.~ge3 x Interio1' Corner Panhandle CUl-de-sac (I'alue I I I I I I I r J J I j . FEE :::-:a-es esiCzr.tial (1 bath) :'-:~::=r:'.J Ser....cyo :::c'!' Pl:,c:b:.r:;: PeT':7';'~ t Sta::2 S:.crcr.arpe T:;t:: Z. cr'::'!'CC$ :$. ~::. ft~. ~/E=~er~ Cir~~its ~~rCTy S::rvice Elc~t'!'ical Pe~it 5t::.te Sur:;;..a:rae Total Cr,.::.......ces .:-~ ' I ;:c. ' J .. ''!'r..=ce ETU' 5 :haust Hoo.: -nt Fan odstove Pe'rr:':"~t Issuanc<! Mecr.anic::l Perrrnt State Surchcrac Totel Ch'1rn~~ -- j;,','CROACHNE'!.'T ::-~rit:J D~rJo:;it }raae ':n:p.nar.~p ':'::it Tota l t7nc.rac.~ 'bcut lC'..ulk :cr. 'ctrica l Label lile H::me :-AL ANOV....T DUE':. [" ,'.'D. I Cf-:AF.CE I I I I I I 15",00 i ~Ol I (s" ~t) I I;,,,,. i I I I I IlS.dD I I ,too I I (S.f.,;D' c.:"c, -, - i ":-: 'j I -~ -. 0' J I I , . I, I / j I REQ.- l-COC"l' ---. ...---... 'I J I II II II II II T;I~(' 'l'.:..pe/Cor..st .. iJe::.roor.:s: Enarl7:J Soure....s ."zeaL; Wcte?' .'!...atr.... Hatlpr: FircDLace ","'c;oc.::toz.:e I Lot Faces . I I P.L. INorth lEast ISoz.:th IWeet Sctnacks I House I Caraac Il'.ccess. I Fees Building Value & Permit I This permit it; g1'G.nted on the exprcn8 condition that the s.a.id. conatruetion i shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopteJ by the City of I Springfield, incZuding the Zoning Crdinance, regulating the ccnstrJ~ticn and use of buildings, and m~y be suspended or revoked at cr.y time upon ViC-, latiar. of any provi:;ior.s of said Ordir.ances. I Plan Check Cate Paid: IReceipt H; I Signed; Fee: Plumbing Permit No percon shall construct, instalZ, arter or change cny neW c1" c=~st~r:g pZu~bir~ or drainage syste~ in whoLe or in par:, unLess s~ch FerDon is tr.c Legal possessor of a valid plu~oer's license, except tr~t a Fe~scn ~a~ de pZu~bing work to property which is o~~edJ Zaased or operated by the c~?~i- cant. Electrical Perm it ~nere State Law requires tr~t the electrical wor~ D2 do~e b1 e~ E~c=:~i==: Con~rac:cr, the eZec:ricaZ po~:ior. of :nis pe~i: sr~Zl r.o: b2 ~=~~ ~1::~~ tne ~bel has Deen ~ignec by tne Electrical ~on:r=c:o'!'. -- - -- - Mechanical Permit 1'tan i.-:rcmt.ner l-'at::: I HA VE CAREFULLY EXA.~JI!IED thE completed application for perr.:i:, end do hereby certify that aZl i~jo~~tion hereon is true ar~ correc:. and I f:.J.rther cer:ify that any ar.d aZZ IJOrk perfor.ned shall be do:,1P. ;.~ n(!::!or- dance :.lith the Ordinance:; of the City of Sprir:gficld, and th= Lc..;s of tr.c State of Oregon p=rt~ining to the IJOrk described herein, er4 ti~: NO CCC~- Pl.llCY will be made of any structura witho~t p~rmission of the EuiZd~ng Di- vision. I further certif:; tr~t only contractors ~d ~ployees who are i~ c~pLiance with CRS 701.05t ~ilZ be used on this proj~ct ~.OOj : ~&' /J/. &~~ 5 ~ .20 i ~7 V<< . 9-/1-gb wte r 7-. -- v .' 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