HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-3-26 .. RESIDITIAL" . APPLICAT ,/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpI'ingfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 .-::.-r ...;~ . ,. Job Location: } db 'J f')CL~ ASaeS801'C Map # SubditJt.sion.: !I I~ (..617 ;)... ~, /0 Taz Lot # Ctmel': ~ZX \\. 3ec.\'<) I'SON ~R.. Address: k::oo UJ .?- '5' ---n-, Q) , Pr..one: flo r~"!,', City: '~-V..A~"""'1l Zip: . D.NM' n Additicn n Remodel n Hobile Home Describe ft'ork: -=:::s I')~~)) Date of Application '3, ;:)k,- ~k. :;':ont"I'act"ol'S General PLumbing c'rr)l'fZAl n (""ib,!"\': ," ., ELect,.;,c. L - l'> w Y") 't t' 14echar.ica t. Constl"Sol~tiO?'l Lender "S,~hW19( fY)(/l}\ 1 ~ Value Addres3 -<; 7 ") ";,.,\:Ah A 1 ~~ If &J 0<<-- * Siar.ed: Date: B ~-db-'6l, Li3C.ti Phone Ezvires 4 (;...A ")9,,() (') " ~ .' It ill thfJ ,..spontJ'i.bil.1.ty of the permit holder to BBB that aU i7Wpections arB made i:r.-t ~he proper tim~~ that QGCh ~e88 is rea.da:bz.e [room tn. 8treBt# and that thll permi. t ca2"d is z.ocatsd at the front of the property. .Buit.di!1fJ p';vi:;ior: approved plan shc.z.l remain on the Buildi"? 5it$ at aU times. pr!OCEDlJP.E POR INSPECTION RE'OUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City designated job 1ZlD4ber~ job adbcss~ type of ir..:;pec:icn roquested ar.d w::en you wil.Z be ready for inspaation~ Contractors or Owners tu::me and phone number. Requests received betere 7:00 c::1 :..'iZ1.. bB made the same dc.y# requests mc:.de afta' 7:00 am will be made the nc:z::t ':JOrkir..g day. q~l1/;'r~r_T~~:~~~ir.r~ O SITE n;SPEC'1'ION: To be TTJ2de after excavation, but prior to set: up of forms. O ' UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & KECHA:iICAL: To be maae before any . work is ~ovcred. '0 FOOTnlG ~ FOUND,1TION: To be made after ~rencheB are excavated and forms are el'ected~ but prior to pouring ccncret,;:. UNDERGFIOU!!D PLUMBING,. SEWEH. W.1TER~ DRAINAGE: To be TTrlde prior to fiL- .l.ir.g trenches. it UIlDERFLOOB PLUMBING & MECHANICAL: L--J'To be mace prior to inataLLation of ftoor insulation or decking. ~, POST AND BEAM: To be made pl'ior to :--.J instaLlation of floor inat.:l.ation or decki.... D o ROUGH Pr.lP.!BI!JG. ET,ECTRTCAr. I: MECH- ANICAL: No work is to be covered ,until these inspectior:s have beer. made ar.a. c::pproved. FI.'1:?iPLACE:'- 'Pr>ior to placir.g facing materia,s and before framing inspec- tior.. :I FRAHIt.'C: Must be requeated after ~ approval of rough pl~hing~ electri- cal. & mechanical. Az.Z. roofing bracnng & chimncys~ etc. nr...lst be ;' completed. No wrk is to be con- .... ",.cealed until this inspection has ;' be~ made and approved. o Your Cit;y Decigr.ated Job Number Is: O INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTIOIl~. To be made after aU insul..:4ti:m cr".a '. required vapor barriers are in place . but before any lath# gypSWTJ board or wZZ covering is appZied~ and before" \ any insulation is conceaz.ed. o DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made after an drywl.l is in place~ but prior to any taping. O ~SONRY: Steel location, bond beams # grou ting or vertica ls in accordance uith V.B.C. Section 2415. D WDODSTOVE: After installation is ccmpLeted. o O SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For all con- crete paving ~ithin street ~ght- of-r.x:.y~ to be made after an e:cca- ..... .... ~a.ting. ccxrrPlete.& f01':!!"lJOrk & sub- base -material. in pZaae..... , ' CURB & APPROACH AP.?ON: After> fOJlms are created but prior to pouring con.::rete. o YENCE: When co;rrpl~te -- Provide gates 01' movab1..e. sections through P.U.E. '7:bOdD ) DEMOLITION OR ;~:OVE; BUILDI;.'GS =:J SanitCIrY. seJer aapped ~t ~op,;:rt'~. lir:e :::J Septia tank p-oC?ed and fiZZed. uith grcrJeZ i i I Pinal - fI'1len abcve items are compz.eted f -.-J ar.d when demolition is compz.ete or st:"u~- : ture.moved and prer.rises cleaned up. ! I I ! I Mobile Hemes :1' BZocking and Sat-up :'!J Plumbing connections -- sauer and water ~ Electrical Connection - Blocking# set-up ~ and plumbing connections nr...st ce approved before requesting elec~rical inspec~~ :J Ac~esS01"'.i Bui1.ding Q Final. - Aft~r p:Jl'cr.es# ski.rting# decks, ~ etc. are camplet~d. o (-.. o FIliAL PLU!,qjIlIG All pro.fect conditions~ such as the i,nstal.Z.ation of s~reet trees~ co,':"Ipletion of the required landsccpir.g~ etc. # must be 8atisfi~d before the BUILDING FINAL q'~n be requestzd. .-.. \. . ". .... =:J :::J :::J :::J FINAL ~.{E~HA,'IICAL o FINAr. BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must 'be requeoted after the FinaL PlwnbirIJ Electricaz.# and Mechar..ical Inspectiorw hava been made and approved. FINAL ELECTRIC!.L " "ALL MANHOLC:S AND CLEANOUTS HUST BE"ACCESSIBLE~ ADJUS!'.'!E:1T-. TO BE f.MDE'l.T NO CaST TO CT!'Y ~ \.. " \', I P~ge ! of 2 I ... "'- ~ . I JOB NO. I 1 Zar:c: I Lot Sq. Ft;;. Z "I lot C.:;rverag;: ., of Stories I SOLAR ~ESS Occuoancu G1"O" LeT TYPE Interier Corner Total Height ; Topoqraphy Panhandle Cul-de-saa I'J'D! SQ.FTG X Value 11.lain I Cc:race I Car:::r.rt IAC'ce~s~r>u I I TOTAL VALUE LS.D.C. IVC,I.UC) 1.5 ::: B:J.ilding Permit State Surcr.J:t'ffc Total. Cht:z.rgca lITEM , ". ! :1..=t-..a'cs I ! Residential (1 bath) I Scr:-:. t:z1"':! Se'...ler I Wete" i ~,. u"','l.. P I Pl:.L'7lbin~ Perr::i t I~'O. FEE CiiARGE: /'5,00 Ie e>D - .6t) I ',~.~I- State Surcr.a.rge Tata! cr.c:rces ,"''1':'" ......-... r Res. Sa. ftc. IN~/E:::tend Circuits I IT~oraru Service I ;;0. I C.:';;'.='G=.. 'Z"...Q......+ . I I I I ~"'LLp I /5.D6 I IS.~ I I .~I I /,5".60 I- Ele~trical Permit St::te SurcharGe. Total Cr.arces 11TZ.',~ I Purr.ace ETV' 5 , I E=haust Hood I Vent Pan I ' , w:Jodsto:Je ;:c., FEE C,flf.';:CE PeI'TT':it Issuanc2 Me::r.anical pe'l'mit State Surcharoc T..,~!':1. Charaer; -.- EllCROACHJ.fE,VT jSC~dritu DZ~03it I IStol'atlc I P.aintenar...::r: I Permi t Total. Chal"oCS i CUrbC"..lt f Side'..J.1lk : 1,T;"cn=c i E!ec:ricaZ l-abdB09'"3/ 'Mobile Home. <., I .f) --~.. AI"': n f - .~c::::> ;)..<-;'-,00 I'~'L ."0"..... Df/ro... .......... 1'1.4. ...... .._. I QS6.j'O REQ.- I Bedroor.:s: L-COC';:' / I I I I II I I T;.:peICor.st: L.ot Faces - Enern:J SO:lrces Hea: T;J~~ P.L. JIIorth lEast ISouth IWeat Setbacks I House i Caraoe I I I I Water Yr.ntr>!' Ranpc FircDZace Woocio; :o/.:e I Access. F2es Building Value & Permit This pernr~t is granted on the express condition that the said. construction shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, inc!uding the Zoning CTdinance, reguLating the ccnstl"..lcticn and use of buildings, and m~y be suspended or revoked at cr.y t~me upon vio- lation of any provi3ior,8 of said Ordir~nces. - - I Plan Check Fee: I Date Paid: IRecoipt #: ISig"ed: , Plumbing Permit No person shall construct3 instalZ3 aLter or.change any r~w or e:isting plumbing or drainage SY8t~ in ~hole or in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except tr~t a pe~son may do pl~hing work to proper~d which is Ok~ed3 leased or operated by the appli- cant. Electrica I--Perm it Where State LalJ requires tr.a.t the electrical lJOrk be done by an Ele~trical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall r.ot be vaLid until t~e Label has been signed by the Electrical ~ontractor. , I I I I I I I I I- I I I Mechanical Permit ~.~~~ ":5"::?~ -Re va"tc I HAVE CAREFULLY EXANINED tM completed application for permit3 end do hereby certify that all i~fo~~tion hereon is true and correct, and I fu.rthcr certify that any ar.1i all lJOrk perfoP.71cd shall be do~e i~ ac~or- dance ~th the Ordinances of the City of Sprinaficld~ and the Ur~s of the .. State of Orcg~n pertaining to the work described here~n3 C~~ that NO OCC~- PANCY will be made of any structura withou.t parmis3io~ of the SuiZding Di- vision. I furthcr certif~ that o~Zy contra~torB wui e~l~yecs who are in c~pliance with ORS 701.05~ will be used on this project I I I I I i.~ ~b /#7Ad~ Date - '-' '. ............- I 4 4 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT CITY OF SPRINGFIELD LORNE PLEGER, PLANS EXAMINER \< LL~ ~ -, vo._ tt ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " . (\ ~ ~ ~ ~ \J' ~ ~ ~ ~ -, ,'" ~ ~ j;.' ~ t ~'J\ " , l .. 1 """ 'Z ... 7' ....... ...... -:0. ~. ..... ... ?- \t - N \ - ~ ....