HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Easement 1984-2-28 . 8407809 . > , f'::M~'lfl:il~_ ,f:",' 1, ~ ,,', (,,:'. ~ , ,~.t~:..~,,":,-:....,:.,: ~I. .;, /' SEWER EASEMENT . FOR GOOD AND VALUBLE CONSIDERATION, the receipt and adequacy of which Is hereby acknowledged, Grant L. Queen and Pauline J. Queen, husband and wife (Grantors), convey to Joseph D. Bando, his heirs, successors and assigns (Grantee) a perpetual easement to use a strip of land across the northern five (5) feet of the following described real property, to-wit: "Beginning at a point 90 feet East of the East line of Twelfth' /)treet in the City of Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, and 120 feet North of the North line of Main Street, running thence North and parallel with the East line of Twelfth Street, 80 feet, more or less, to the South line or the alley 'eSt~blished by Registered Title rnstrpment No. 38246, extended on the same angle Eastward; ~hence West on the . ,south line of said alley if extended Easterly 90 feet to the ." East line of Twelfth Street; thence South' along the East line of said Twelfth Street 79 feet, more or less, to a point due .West of the beginning point; thence East to the place of beginning." 7212AOOl 02/28/84 REC **0004** The terms of this easement are as follows: 1. Grantee, his agents, contractors and invitees shall use the easement for a right of way for the construction, operation and maintenance of sewer lines, and pertinent equipment to the foregoing and for ingress and egress over, upon and across . the above-described lands of the Grantors. 2. This easement is pertinent to the. following described real property owned by Grantee: '?3eginning at a point on the North line of Main Street in l?pringfield, Lane County, Oregon, 1050.0 feet East of a point, ~4.57 feet South 40040' East from a point 105.2 feet North . of the Southwest corner of the Paul Brattain Donation Land I 1.-, Olaim No. 63, in Township 17 South, R!lhge 3 West of the · WHlamette Meridian; thence along the tlorth line of Main Street, South 890 20' 30" East 135.54 ,feet; thence North 203.39 feet parallel with the East line of 12th Street to the South line of the alley between nA" and Main Streets, if extended Easterly from the West line of North 12th Street; thence Westerly along said South line, 135.54 feet to a point 201.83 feet North of the point of beginning; thence South 201.83 feet to the point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon." 3. This easement shall be perpetual. However, Grantors reserve the right to use the easement right of way for all purposes except as herein granted or as might Page 1 - Sewer Easement/no "t~'F~"'-" -)I' "~ " ~ '-. ~.- I . " i'. ./. , ~l_ I , \: I'" ",,:" : 'ri .'. ../ i J ,: /J'Si . ~. '.' .' ,', :' . , r:i : t~;j I,: . '~~ ~( \'(,: tii. 8.80 ;: ','" _~\,A \ ~',' r' 1~'L .,. , '. :' ~ , to" ~~;; ~ (t( .~r. e',"ltII . .,,'1 ~ 1/' :l f r t{; ti\ , " ~ I,' ,~ , Il\i ~~ t': . ";:' l"i,. .t.;,,~' . H~' .'. l' , ~;: 1)'1, t40:~ Ij:~ ,.\, t ~-. I. ., '~~f~ ,-t.\ ~:\ ;~, it't , ~~ 'l . 'I )~, . ';, ~' , . '. - . 'S407S~9 . . " " ,. ". ) . interfere with prantee's use, occupation or enjoyment thereof, or as might 'cause a hazardous condition thereon. , , . 4. This easement is granted subject to all prior easements or encumbrances of record. . IN WITNf,SS WHEREOF the parties have caused this instrument to be executed on this;2 21 ~7clay of February, 1984. GRANTORS : ~:i!{l~.~':'" . ~_; .,. ,,,it'"';',, .'.' "', , k{., ,.dJ Grant L. Queen ~ / -<!,-~.,~" c: . '. '~" . .... - ~ ',.. , " '. , ., , .. . 1~.. :.~.: ":i:~. (:;. t'.. ,0'.', il'\'~" ..'--. 1t, - ,"." " STATiL OF OREGON , ". '0 ",:,."Y'.i,...,.,. " .. t, ,~,u""'i:t1'-' " :.J::*-~f.,~ ~; .. . ..~ ,,"", '. :~41~:; . ,...... 0 t ":"\~i'f;,; :' :0'" ~~1fcj~~ appeared the. above named Grant L. Queen ~d Pauline J., Queen, on -(~~~ a:# o!jX.and ~~ast above Written and acknowledged thi'! foregomg to be their voluntary . ~~ct.and"d~84..T.. · J>", P U a ~.- .' 0 'i ' ... . _1 . --'. >,' (; ,"" 0:. .s- "."!, ,)o:~J '.' J,' :. " .....;, '. '- .... o1:'t"~V~ ~ ,....-.,;';J', 41".........'0,..-."''': . :~.'~",,' ~;"Cf':,."'.~""~ ~ '. .---:,:. "'t" "1" .,.... .,'.,.'_ I o.~-" oj ~.,;.,:. ""lJtltUI,'~H_~,., . . . ~'~: '_.v:~.';,!_.~,:.~~.j:-,J(' . , ',.~, . -'F'~ " J.., , ,,' '_::.. ;.:'~'''//:~:.'-'~i: ;j~>;". '. . '!,~ ,1!1('~l1''': ~~!;1fit~~r~;~'",~\, r;:i:iz.t;.(] _:t~~/-t/J Pauline J. Qu~;A; ~ C..... . I ,. , . ) 55. Y. .~:'. . C:(,~- . '-~"."6'.. Notary Putmc-ior Ore on ' My Commission Expires: .//- /~.f'7 "H ':"j .-' /" '. State of Oregon. County of lane--.s_ , ' ':-, \ I the County Clerk, in and for the said c~unty, do hereby certify tbat the within instrument was received for record at .~. ~ ~ !?B FEB 84 101 07 '. Reel I.aoo cly21BL60R Lane County Clerk ~W ;~ '.i' .... By: Df!puty Page 2 - Sewer Easement/no r. ~O-S) . ,