HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1984-4-23 . .. RESIDENTIAL" APPLICA'l'ION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Spr-;r~fieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 .'" . ( Jab !.oc:::i:m: /~J(), /?1~ J7-tH,~S:-4J .tSD88DOl"3 .~ /I Sr.Jxli:r:.~ic": SPRINCFlELD - 5-6. Tc::: Lot II J2-06 ~..: VDMn u fYlLL1l r :'" ~'1'Vu. iL> &. n n n n '116"., PI-.one: '1!::LJ,::KlP9 ( Zip: Cf,lf-11 DSBci-;be "'ork: Add~:icn stL e.;lp ~; Raro.:!d .'!ob": Ze .~~3 Lj" dyLz! Datil of .tpplicaticn Con:l"!:C:Ol"S Cenerat Plumbirtg !'loaetJ"'ic.:l ."'.::har.ic=. 1 (;(1/1.f (J.nat-o,U.5 Carurt!"'.Jctian c.f:'f1dero Value Add..-es3 .;, & &,;;)77,1'" ~ IJ/d/...tJ:&;: .~c.:e::1: ,: OJ) rY ~ .~ S4m.d: Date: , (lA~ i..f-..!FS I Lise..'f E=oi.rC3 Phone // dO-.JQ...qC <#S -R7 ilP fA -;w-e<J. I: ill tJu. "'.ponDtbil.i.ty of the pflrmi: nctd.u- to 8.6 that aH 'i1i.Dp~etu.ms' are r.-4ds. at.:M propu tim&, t.".at ~h .:ddr6SI1 is re.....:...,.:..:J from tM .tr~.c, end that the pCl'lft"ic card i.tJ 1..xated ~t the '[rent 'ot"eha prq1el'ty. "!!ui!dir.g jilJi~io'!';, C?~r(n:ed Flan sr.aZl rena-::n on t~ BuiUiing' $it~ 'at aLL times. . P!?OC~!JtlP.~ FOn r!lS!'!C'!r~ll R!',"UZST:CALL 726-3769frcc:ord'erJ stats'you:r,City .3e$igr-.ated job 1tUtT:ber~ job ad:i:!oC8S~ type of i~pBc~icn rzquencd a:".4 :.f.~ltn .you :.rill. DB ready tor ir.spcction~ Con~aO'tC1"'8 or Owners ncme c;nd phone rru:~bcr. Requi:s't8.l"'flCeir.:ad bejcrg 7:00 c:: :.'iZZ b. II1Q.de t" B'C2Jl'l8 dc-:/I requests mea. efta' 7:00 am lJiUbe nruie t.tuJ nat :,)Orkin; da-:i. '. r:I"",I':"~~ r..~.."r.'~':r.-I'l~ O si;'!: [,spiel;.v: To be rraae e::~av.:t:;"n~ .;ut ;JM.cr :c se: f""".. o af:ar up of cr.rDr-.::tsr.A!J '?~l'.'-'SI.'IG, ELEC':'.f;?IC.:!. ~ "~CH)."JI::,),[.: ';'0 De mtzae befol"tl c;ny wric ::s .:ouc!'ed. o F"CO'!'!.W; 4 ~OU:1D,~TIC.'I: To be rrru!e alter ::rencltQ3 arg a=cc:vat2d er,d terms ere erec:~d. but pri.:;r :c poW"ir.g cenare:.. !r.!!)~C.~(r..'D ?:'r..'M3I:IG. SE:t::R. ::I.l~!'.:, D.f?,t~-:I,:.r;2: To be r.n:oe ?T"":'or ;0 ,ti.i... Ur.g :rer.e;...aB. O UllCE.f:!Y:CC.f? P~:N.~r::G ~ ,'fEC'!!A!lIC.!.: '1'0 ~e rr.cui.4 yl"Wl" ;;a in3~.:Ha:t~o" oj" rLoor ir.sui:c:::ticn or dsci<i7'.g. O P':J$1' AND 3~:',''': To be r.:at1c pr"'":..ol' eo . iN''taL':'::~n olJ'"!oor inst;Za:iCrl; or tUcki.... ~~..,,'t;r. ~!:~~~r..'G~~!";?\ :.ec.?- L:J Io.YI':.J.i.: .'10 "JO~'" ~ot..e!'ec: ~:r.cs~ ~r~~ec:icr.s ~~V9 ~eer. maCa ;r~ =??r~ued. O FrpF:?!.~C~: P'!"ior ~ ik:.::-:.r4 !,c.:::~ Mt:taM.a.i.(}- ar,d :,(:j'ore lrc:r.ring inspec~ t ior.. o o .t"P.A.~I"I't.. Mu:s: be r~'f""~3::2d al'~~r C?i'rcIJ';'!. of rough ;i1.w:-.:,ir.g. J!.ecer-i._ cczL & r.:ec;..ani.::1L. AL~ r'Oof';7l:} braC"ir.g 4 chimneys. st.:. r.r..t.8t b. como1.~:cd. ;':0 "J:lr< ';8 :0 oe C',,"- . Ctlt:..z.Jd unt';Z ::1:i~ insrec:icn r.aa . bc~ ma.:i~ and c.ppl'OlJed. . rour City- De::sigr.ated Job.. Numbsr Its: O INSVLATIOY/VAPO.9. BARRITt? INSP!'CTION: To be r.-rzde a.fter all. ir..sul.::ti.:m a::'".a . ~red vaPor b:i::"i-iQrs arB in place Cut' /:;e{01'8 any lath~' gypeur.r beard or r.ntz covering is c::pplied~. and before any ir.3"..4.latwn. is ccmcealed. , , ' DR~"/AL[' INSP::CTIO~l: To be r.ruis after all C:r:l'..JalL is in pzace~ but prior to any taping. O ,"lASONRY: Ste6t Location'" ~ beama~ grouting or vertiecls in accordance wi:h U. B;C; Section 241$. O :;OODSTOVE:. After instalZftian is cc:rrpL~t&d. ,., o o CURE & APPROACH AP.~fl: Afte:o forma are 2rrroi;e:1 but prior to pouring .:on.:rete. SIDSWALX d ~R.h'F:WAY: For all. con- crete paving tJithin street righ:- of-!.,x::y,- to be made aft~r all uca.. vatir.g cc:mplete & f'o~ work .$ zuiJ- bass material in place. fLfo:J75'" {)2!,.'OLITIO.l1 OR :,,":iV!; 3UILDIiil.;S .=J S~i:az..J Se:.J8r ca??ea ~t ~OPW't:'i li'!':s- ~ S.p~~ ~ ~.J::?d a:".d ~{"lld uith ;i-i-~a~ :J Finc.L - rI1um c.b..,.'"'f)e i'te:::s are c:;::rol.eted ar.d when iernclitWr. is complete or s~.;.. tUre rnauea cnC f'r~3e8 cl~d up. Nobi. 16 Hc:r:es :J aZocking and S2t-;.lP :J PLumbi~ connec:*,ns - sc.Jer and lJa.:~r I Electric::.! Ccn7:ection - Blockin;~ sst..u;: --.J and plumbing ccnl':/iCt'io718 ttr...st ce a:;pr:Jr.:~t!. before Nques-:i,..g sLec:1"i::aL ir..spec~io:-: :J Ac:!esso:-"i Sui z..:~ng :J Fi.,..::.L - Aft;;r F:;rcr..es. etc. are c~~8~.d. ski-rti,..g. decy..s. o o ~: When compl.te -- ProvU!a gates or movabl.e sBcticns through P.U.E. o A1.L Froject cor.di;ions. ~uc~ as ths ~ns~al!aticn of s:1'est :1'8~S, .;~~!a:~~ of' the req-oJ.ired Zand.;;Cc.pir4, etc., must be satisliod o~lore tr.s 3UIr.:I::G :1:/),[. :'an be rzC(Usst.zd. =:J Fr.?A:, PW:.$I::G =:J FI:I~C :!E~.'!A:IICAC :;a/ :1:IA{. r:.z::.'!I:lo.L o .~!,'1A{' 3tJILiHNC: The Final Building Ins?ec-:wn ."m.lSt bs requeate.i =t:ar the .:'in2l P!ur.:bi"J Eleccri~al~ and .'1echc:::~c::.l Ir.spec:i:ma ;uwa been mc.da and c.pp1"ov~d. :J o .A':Z ,'-!/...'IP.':!.FS I..ND CLEANOlJT$ .'f1JS'! BE .4C=SSSr3l.S. ADJj}sr.'~.,:'!', :0 SS :.~1CE :!Z' .":0 C:sr '1'') CI:Y '?=;2! of 2 I JOB NO, 8L/O~75" SOLAAcESS l=~.!: l;;at Sq. F:;. . ." t,.... ...._..___ ,......J -... ........ ....:;1'. j, of St-'r-:.tilS I. . ! ' , '- .o..e _.r..!jr.", :r......!"'...::!.'-:"ir:{ I :~::,'I ~ 5',':--:G .~k:::" ~::~a I.:.:r.-cr~ 1,'k~C3S":"".1 I I ~!,..g VA!:!:!" IS.D.C. 1.5 = 1:..'a";.(CJ El.t.iZdir.g Per:m.t St.::.ta SU1'::it:J:rpe Total cr.a.....ge3 1!T'2.\f ':i...-t':.:rftS f Re3idZ7Zcial (1 beth) I Sar.i~J Se-..lIZ'r I :"e:tll'!.'" I;'V)'I I I I I I Pl:unlr:.ng Pe't'f':':'i t Stats Surc"~e T~ta!. ChC~es ,( :':!.'.J ,"V. I I Tempcrary Suvice I t ..bA'~~C~1 .%les. Sa. "~a. flJlJ/E--tend Circ".l.i ts St=.t" Surc;..tD"ce Total cr.c::r~es 11;2.\1 Ip.~...::c,f ?!'f}'S 'E:ha:.t.st: 'Hoo.1. /",0, ; I I I I I I I I Vent F::n iI~dsto.,;e Perr.n:c I:;su.=nca ."fflc;'.a"ic~l Pll~: Sta~e Su.r!!hc:-7t: "',.,~~l C'Joa-yo~~;' -- :.'lCP.CAC.1:.!2.::: -- 'SeC"~t"J !).,=-o3it I Storz:e 1,~nte7"...=r":/l I Pc."""; 0 I I Tc!:r.:l c;..L:r>':cs I C1a'';CO..l: ISide..;al.< I :e1"'::e I !'to?c':r-:.c:: ~ , ~ .Vol;;i.:ll j{:;ms 1...=:'4l \ I ~Y!'AL :'-'!O~:"'! CU:::' .:'c~",,=cr.=-.J -;:-':'.J:J: r.c,: :!?~ Ir.:ericl" Corne:'" P::nr..t:.ouil,a CUL-de-sac x ~'aLu~ FEE C:::.A.,RSS :;.::';'_:'GC; -L()J)() ,LID f(), <./0 . ..~:o C,r!.iR~! I I ! I I I )/040 , .~. P=q~ 2 . L-COC"l> REQ,- T~'::e/C,;r.s~: 3olc:~or.:a : I ~.....ar~.J SC'"J.r~€s ='ea: T:J:-B I Lot .:'-::'CR3 - I .;ol-:='1CY.S I ? D. 1'::0'':'3.:1 :;::r=::e I!JOr'~11: Igcs;"; /So-..O" IWest F?€'" Access. i I I 1 I I I I .~ ilc<;el' P~~':II!" .~aru;~ :~rerJ~cce ;';oo~ :01."e Building Value & Permit Thi.s pel'm"~t i::; grc:n:ed on the ez;;r1J88 condition ~ha.t the s~id. c01lstrwc:ior: s;'4ll. i1l 'lll '!'es,?ccts. oonjcrm ~o the OrdiMr.ce =doFted by ehe C~:"' oj" Springfie1..i. :.nc!ud";ng ;;'06 .:on";ng era";nar.ce. rtlgul.o-:;~~,...g ;;:8 ccr.s't'!"'.lc:;-;:cn c:r.d use of ~uitdinqs. ar.d m::y be au::;peruied or revckac at cr.y ti.:~:e u;,cr. vie. la~ion of any pr:Juisio7:s of' sait:! Ordir.ances. \ I , ' I I. I I I ,. I Plan Check Fee: I Cao. Pa;.::: IRec.':pt #, IS;g"ed: Plumbing Permit No person chall constro.lct. i..ns:.:Z!. a!ter or change any r..4JW or e-.-'istir.g plumOing or drainage systam in ~holB or in part~ ur.l~ss such porso1l is tr~ " l4gal possessor of a valid. plumber's liCe7l$B~ e=cept tr.at a p":"S07t tr.Q.":J do pl:c:o.bing work to proper-e-:I which is OtJ7tSd~ lsased 01' operoated by thll appi..i- cant. / ,. I , . .1 Electrical Perm it Where Stc::e (A1JJ) requires tr4t the electrical wrk be dene by an E1.a::rncal Contractor. the electrical portion of thiJ permit: shall. roOt bs valid until thB label has b€en aigruJd by ehs EtecrncaZ ::'ontractor. " I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I. I Meche nicalPermit '. ~ P la7l Gzcmt.ner l.Ia:~a I HAVE CAREFUU,r EXA.l.!INED t.'w complr1ted applicatioJlt for pllmri.:. arrd de hereby certify that all i~fo~atio" hereon is true and correa:. and I f'.aother ClU'=i.j"'y t;..at any c.r.d. all ,.;ark. Ferio~ed shall be dJ:m1l in ac=::r- dance :.lith the Ordi.n.:nces of ths City of Springfidd. and ~hz l.c:.:s oj" ei:a St.:J.te oj" Oreg::m ?~r-::.::ini"g to tns wori( deSc::"'f~bcd herein~ auf :;'.a: so acc:}- FJ...;.'lCY :JiZZ be :ra.:e of a:ny atruct'..Ll'a fJithcr.l.t paY'!1ti.s.Jw:1 :Jf thR 3u.i.Zding 0-;- t....isum. I fuzo.o;hitl' certf.l:J tr.at Q:'Ily ::071trc.=:ors ar.d ~l..;yeea r..:r.o all in ~L~nce ~eh CBS 701.05; wilL 08 u.sed on this projzct I I. ",-'!}"if t~~~ ~ ~r-J-3 ~'6y_ ! ;..-) '..-.-' 1215 -ADDRESS- MAIN . BUILDING DIVISION JOBi.0275 -LEGAL- LOT BLOCK ACTIVE ST -VALUE- o -INFO- -OWI~ER- JOHNNY MILLER 747-8691 1141 MAIN STREET SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 -ENERGY- HEATi- 2-G H20- RANGE- 840418 / -STATS- BLDG ZONE RL STORIES FIRE ZONE BEDRM FLOODPLAIN UI~ITS SQ FEET NEW RESIDEIHIAL 1111 84041B DESCR:INSTALL GAS FURNACE 1703354108200 -DESIGN TEAM- PRIM- ST/E- EL/E- Pl1/E- -COlHRACTORS- GENL- PU1B- ELECT-ANDERSON 11ECH-GERIBAY SEQ-REQUIRED PERMITS------FEE---SURCHARGE-DATE-RECEIPT---PERMITi------VALUE--- 001-006-MECHANICAL 10.00 0.40 840417 62753 o SEQ-MINIMUM INSPECTIONS + REQUIREMENTS--------------------EXP DATE---ACT DATE- 001-030-ROUGH GAS 002-03B-FINAL GAS SEQ--INSPECTIONS-------COMMENTS--------------------------DATE----RESULT--INSP--- 001-031-ROUGH MECHANICAL 840423 ??'?