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Permit Electrical 1999-10-6
, bi 'tied has Ihe following iect as sU ml d sa The following pros not require spec\tic 'an u zoning, and doe 2:5 rtm S~proval C L " srlINGFISUl, OM !H~in~- n&l IRSPBCTIOI'I UOUR$T: 7f6.J7~? ~-tr>-~ otrxCE: 7Z6-Jn"r1e.....-:::, Cf ~]." Wl(~,b#ure ~ . ,. "l;lllrLETli PEE SCllBO\1~ atLOII 1.~LOC:Ii~ or I;llI . ,LU, tJ..dn ,3 A. 7tL>' ~)(..I - {)'fl'),.VV D&SCK,l1"1' I ,_ j- 50fd ' a9/2B/lSSS 14:22 54~2734 Sep-2B-99 02:03P .., ~;il~~~~,;s;.'~f;'C.. J ~'-~L ~-;.:.." r:::, torsics .~. Aon-cr~for.blo 'and ..pl,. If wo~k i. nol st.rted vi thin 180 dlY' of i..u.neo or if work i. .uspond.~ for 180 dll/', 2. COHTIlACToa DlSTA1.l.4'nOll OHLT Electrical CoM.o.lor E<: CO;U:pt:)iJ~ Addrm ill. fux iOZS'p . Ci ty ~l?_r IDDD PlIone ~d.:)4-~1/ L/o 40 s Sup4rvlsor Llcens. "u~bor IAph.tlon o.tc Conatr Contr. Il"",be, 2:L; - t../5r' , !.photion DateMO ' 9 Sip t ~ ~f'u .. at SJ. I uidUl ,~ (T'/rvA / OvIlU~ M.....u.1; t9("-S:~~ II. Addr... )..2.> ~rr('" c,/J ,(( "r Phon. 7ui- J 75"1 ell)' OVlClll DlSTAWTIOR TII. Inltdl4ltion Is be;n. "'a~e on p~opert, 1 ovn vhlch is not IDtended for .ole. lease o~ ront, OVft.r8 si,netvr., gz-Ti;----~----------~7171-i---------- IlIeItrr " 't(~r; 2. ~ ';, I alClI!lI8D . I . dIN''''; EC HYUNDAI PAGE a4 P,02 Cit)' Job Number &l.ICTIUCAL rllallIT lJ't'I.ICA'l:lON "CJ/lf-7.- N@v llesld4lntial-Si"slo or * Multi-Pamily per dvell.nc unil. Service Inel~ded: 110'" CO.I ' 1000 .~bt}noi'A.1css $ 8~.00 . iaclt ada'i""'b~$:boo I~. f I mSI!Jl!f\~,l!'tSHAU. EXPIflI= II=TI-lE WORK tnonof'" . ~"n_oo' Bach ".~.urldCii1liiIo~I\IUt:M I rllS PERMIT I;:) NU I ::~~1~~~~~OR ISABAI'SD~Iij&FOR ANY 180 DAYPEHIUU. - I. Services or PQcders Installation, Altetations or Itelocatlon: 200 .~ps or less $ ~O.OO 201 .=ps 10 400 ..,ps ----- $ 60.00 401 a~p. to 600 amps ----- SlOO.OO 601 ..ps to' 1000 ..ps--L-- $130.00 I~~ Ove'.JlnOOlamp$;'y(o~,ts '.... __q S300.00 R. ~ n~t Onl"{.... t;J~UIl,~ LnS':-J1.0~~(j '- ~unow rules ai:topted by",,, Oregon Ut:IIlY- c. T~\ipii\;.iy)ISchl'cesTors,."d.rsJe set forth I".[.';~~ottt.al} fJ 1A~:S~! ~.t~~~J;~!J~I~ ~5f.~t,cll!. ISB9r.,fs0!~m1.\:.~~tain copies 01 $'1f46~00' by 201 Ca1iiPi9 ioe.OOHwp~Jv~...... L111": l$lES'''../,OO~ - OvnJrllOllrior 609Calllps);1TitliITi. (\$Jt~~,.Q!lm - Oyer 600 (!Mpa,.,or11OOO_.,YO:lts"S,41l! "I" .boye ..... .............. vVV vv4.~c.....~', Branth CirclIlt. .' "ow, Altar.tion Or ~At.n.ion 'er P~nol $ 35.00 0... Circuit ladl Adclitional Cl~clllt or vitll Servico o~ '..o.r 'o~nit $ 1.00 - I. Mia"ellaneous (Sorvice/toodor not ine1~d.~) _&&,," 1nstollation Pusp or irriEation SI~ft/OutliDo !.ishting LiMited Energy/Res ~intt.d EftoriY/eo"'n - " suarOTAL OP ABOVE "X-St.t. Sureh.r,. 3% A4~in1.tr.'ive Fce TOTAL S 40.00 $ 40.00 $ 10.00 $ 36.00 J!O '1. (!~ 7,0; () '4'."'" -